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Posted to by on 2002/05/31 12:16:21 UTC

User Exception

Hi !

 Question related to the latest mail about custom exceptions:
How did you make Axis to return your custom exception ? 
I used WSDL2Java, a nice class is generated for my exception,
which extends AxisFault. The service throws this kind of exception.
So when I execute my call from the client, the server throws this
exception, but the TCPmon shows that only the stacktrace is sent back.
As I saw the code of AxisServlet it really does this: if it catches an
AxisFault, it wraps the stacktrace into the SOAP fault, and sends it back.
Can I make my server to send back a proper SOAP fault, which contains
my own fields ? Once again:the exception class is properly generated, so
I can throw my custom exception, but the info it contains won't go
along the wire, it gets lost in Axis. Any tips ?
 I saw somebody could send such a SOAPFault. Br, Geza