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Posted to by Mark Lehmacher <> on 2004/11/02 16:27:48 UTC

contained components

Hello everyone,

I wanted to put together a component which reacts to a PropertySelection
javascript onChange event by checking a bunch of several other components
for changes. In order to flexibly allow for a changing number of components
to be checked for changes I thought I'd just wrap my new component
(ChangeWatcher) around those other components. In order to generate some
javascript stuff for the contained components in  ChangeWatcher (which
extends Abstract component) I tried to get access to the contained
components using getComponents() in my renderComponent(...) implementation.
However, getComponents() always returns an empty map which is not what I
have been expecting. So what did I do wrong?

Below is an excerpt of one page using the ChangeWatcher component.

<span jwcid="selectLanguage@PropertySelection" model="ognl:languageModel"
value="ognl:language" />

<span jwcid="@ChangeWatcher" watch="ognl:components.selectLanguage" >

	<input jwcid="@TextField" value="ognl:subject" size="60"/>	
	<textarea jwcid="@TextArea" value="ognl:externalReplyText" rows="6"
	<textarea jwcid="@TextArea" value="ognl:internalReplyText" rows="6"


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