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[21/47] incubator-systemml git commit: [SYSML-53] - Add SystemML Quick Start Guide

[SYSML-53] - Add SystemML Quick Start Guide


Branch: refs/heads/gh-pages
Commit: f4b41e0db8e35debcddf5913c5cfca5e4f4e5ed9
Parents: 66eb331
Author: Christian Kadner <>
Authored: Tue Sep 8 17:47:28 2015 -0700
Committer: Luciano Resende <>
Committed: Tue Sep 8 17:47:28 2015 -0700

----------------------------------------------------------------------             |   3 +- | 398 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 399 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
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index 4dbaf86..49f69d8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ and (3) automatic optimization.
 For more information about SystemML, please consult the following references:
 * [SystemML GitHub README](
-* Quick Start - **Coming Soon**
+* [Quick Start Guide](quick-start-guide.html)
 * [Algorithms Reference](algorithms-reference.html)
 * [DML (Declarative Machine Learning) Language Reference](dml-language-reference.html)
 * PYDML (Python-Like Declarative Machine Learning) Language Reference - **Coming Soon**
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8d5f15
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+layout: global
+title: SystemML Quick Start Guide
+author: Christian Kadner
+description: SystemML Quick Start Guide
+displayTitle: SystemML Quick Start Guide
+* This will become a table of contents (this text will be scraped).
+This tutorial provides a quick introduction to using SystemML by
+running existing SystemML algorithms in standalone mode. More information
+about running SystemML in distributed execution mode (Hadoop, Spark) will 
+be added soon.
+For more in depth information, please refer to the
+[Algorithms Reference](algorithms-reference.html) and the
+[SystemML Language Reference](dml-language-reference.html).
+# What is SystemML
+SystemML enables large-scale machine learning (ML) via a high-level declarative
+language with R-like syntax called [DML](dml-language-reference.html). 
+This language allows Data Scientists to 
+express their ML algorithms with full flexibility but without the need to fine-tune 
+distributed runtime execution plans and system configurations. 
+These ML programs are dynamically compiled and optimized based on data 
+and cluster characteristics using rule and cost-based optimization techniques. 
+The compiler automatically generates hybrid runtime execution plans ranging 
+from in-memory, single node execution to distributed computation for Hadoop M/R 
+or Spark Batch execution.
+SystemML features a suite of algorithms for Descriptive Statistics, Classification, 
+Clustering, Regression, and Matrix Factorization. Detailed descriptions of these 
+algorithms can be found in the [Algorithms Reference](algorithms-reference.html).
+# Distributed vs Standalone Execution Mode
+SystemML can operate in standalone mode, allowing data 
+scientists to quikly develop algorithms on a single machine.
+For large-scale production environments, SystemML algorithm execution can be
+distributed across a multi-node cluster using [Apache Hadoop]( 
+or [Apache Spark]( 
+We will make use of standalone mode throughout this tutorial.
+The examples described in `docs/SystemML_Algorithms_Reference.pdf` are written 
+primarily for the hadoop distributed environment. To run those examples in
+standalone mode, modify the commands by replacing "`hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f ...`" 
+with "`./ ...`" on Mac/UNIX or 
+with "`./runStandaloneSystemML.bat ...`" on Windows.
+# Contents of the SystemML Standalone Package
+To follow along with this guide, first build a standalone package of SystemML 
+{% comment %} TODO: Where to download a packaged release of SystemML, ...standalone jar 
+    $ wget -O - | tar -xz -C ~/systemml-tutorial
+or build it from source {% endcomment %} using [Apache Maven](
+and unpack it to your working directory, i.e. ```~/systemml-tutorial```.
+    $ git clone
+    $ mvn clean package
+    $ tar -xzf `find . -name 'system-ml*standalone.tar.gz'` -C ~/systemml-tutorial
+The extracted package should have these contents:
+    $ ls -lF ~/systemml-tutorial
+    total 56
+    drwxr-xr-x  23   algorithms/
+    drwxr-xr-x   5   docs/
+    drwxr-xr-x  35   lib/
+    -rw-r--r--   1
+    -rw-r--r--   1   readme.txt
+    -rwxr-xr-x   1   runStandaloneSystemML.bat*
+    -rwxr-xr-x   1*
+    -rw-r--r--   1   SystemML-config.xml
+Refer to `docs/SystemML_Algorithms_Reference.pdf` for more information 
+about each algorithm included in the `algorithms` folder.
+For the rest of the tutorial we switch our working directory to ```~/systemml-tutorial```.
+    $ cd  ~/systemml-tutorial
+# Choosing Test Data
+In this tutorial we will use the [Haberman's Survival Data Set](
+which can be downloaded in CSV format from the [Center for Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems](
+    $ wget -P data/
+The [Haberman Data Set](
+has 306 instances and 4 attributes (including the class attribute):
+ 1. Age of patient at time of operation (numerical)
+ 2. Patient's year of operation (year - 1900, numerical)
+ 3. Number of positive axillary nodes detected (numerical)
+ 4. Survival status (class attribute)
+   * `1` = the patient survived 5 years or longer
+   * `2` = the patient died within 5 year
+We will need to create a metadata file (MTD) which stores metadata information 
+about the content of the data file. The name of the MTD file associated with the
+data file `<filename>` must be `<filename>.mtd`. 
+    $ echo '{"rows": 306, "cols": 4, "format": "csv"}' > data/
+# Example 1 - Univariate Statistics
+Let's start with a simple example, computing certain [univariate statistics](systemml-algorithms-descriptive-statistics.html#univariate-statistics)
+for each feature column using the algorithm `Univar-Stats.dml` which requires 3
+* `X`:  location of the input data file to analyze
+* `TYPES`:  location of the file that contains the feature column types encoded by integer numbers: `1` = scale, `2` = nominal, `3` = ordinal
+* `STATS`:  location of the output matrix of computed statistics will be stored
+We need to create a file `types.csv` that describes the type of each column in 
+the data along with it's metadata file `types.csv.mtd`.
+    $ echo '1,1,1,2' > data/types.csv
+    $ echo '{"rows": 1, "cols": 4, "format": "csv"}' > data/types.csv.mtd
+To run the `Univar-Stats.dml` algorithm, issue the following command:
+    $ ./ algorithms/Univar-Stats.dml -nvargs X=data/ TYPES=data/types.csv STATS=data/univarOut.mtx
+The resulting matrix has one row per each univariate statistic and one column 
+per input feature. The output file `univarOut.mtx` describes that 
+matrix. The elements of the first column denote the number of the statistic, 
+the elements of the second column refer to the number of the feature column in 
+the input data, and the elements of the third column show the value of the
+univariate statistic.
+    1 1 30.0
+    1 2 58.0
+    2 1 83.0
+    2 2 69.0
+    2 3 52.0
+    3 1 53.0
+    3 2 11.0
+    3 3 52.0
+    4 1 52.45751633986928
+    4 2 62.85294117647059
+    4 3 4.026143790849673
+    5 1 116.71458266366658
+    5 2 10.558630665380907
+    5 3 51.691117539912135
+    6 1 10.803452349303281
+    6 2 3.2494046632238507
+    6 3 7.189653506248555
+    7 1 0.6175922641866753
+    7 2 0.18575610076612029
+    7 3 0.41100513466216837
+    8 1 0.20594669940735139
+    8 2 0.051698529971741194
+    8 3 1.7857418611299172
+    9 1 0.1450718616532357
+    9 2 0.07798443581479181
+    9 3 2.954633471088322
+    10 1 -0.6150152487211726
+    10 2 -1.1324380182967442
+    10 3 11.425776549251449
+    11 1 0.13934809593495995
+    11 2 0.13934809593495995
+    11 3 0.13934809593495995
+    12 1 0.277810485320835
+    12 2 0.277810485320835
+    12 3 0.277810485320835
+    13 1 52.0
+    13 2 63.0
+    13 3 1.0
+    14 1 52.16013071895425
+    14 2 62.80392156862745
+    14 3 1.2483660130718954
+    15 4 2.0
+    16 4 1.0
+    17 4 1.0
+The following table lists the number and name of each univariate statistic. The row
+numbers below correspond to the elements of the first column in the output 
+matrix above. The signs “+” show applicability to scale or/and to categorical 
+  | Row | Name of Statistic          | Scale | Categ. |
+  | :-: |:-------------------------- |:-----:| :-----:|
+  |  1  | Minimum                    |   +   |        |
+  |  2  | Maximum                    |   +   |        |
+  |  3  | Range                      |   +   |        |
+  |  4  | Mean                       |   +   |        |
+  |  5  | Variance                   |   +   |        |
+  |  6  | Standard deviation         |   +   |        |
+  |  7  | Standard error of mean     |   +   |        |
+  |  8  | Coefficient of variation   |   +   |        |
+  |  9  | Skewness                   |   +   |        |
+  | 10  | Kurtosis                   |   +   |        |
+  | 11  | Standard error of skewness |   +   |        |
+  | 12  | Standard error of kurtosis |   +   |        |
+  | 13  | Median                     |   +   |        |
+  | 14  | Inter quartile mean        |   +   |        |
+  | 15  | Number of categories       |       |    +   |
+  | 16  | Mode                       |       |    +   |
+  | 17  | Number of modes            |       |    +   |
+# Example 2 - Binary-class Support Vector Machines
+Let's take the same `` to explore the 
+[binary-class support vector machines](systemml-algorithms-classification.html#binary-class-support-vector-machines) algorithm `l2-svm.dml`. 
+This example also illustrates how to use of the sampling algorithm `sample.dml`
+and the data split algorithm `spliXY.dml`.
+## Sampling the Test Data
+First we need to use the `sample.dml` algorithm to separate the input into one
+training data set and one data set for model prediction. 
+ * `X`       : (input)  input data set: filename of input data set
+ * `sv`      : (input)  sampling vector: filename of 1-column vector w/ percentages. sum(sv) must be 1.
+ * `O`       : (output) folder name w/ samples generated
+ * `ofmt`    : (output) format of O: "csv", "binary" (default) 
+We will create the file `perc.csv` and `perc.csv.mtd` to define the sampling vector with a sampling rate of 
+50% to generate 2 data sets: 
+    $ printf "0.5\n0.5" > data/perc.csv
+    $ echo '{"rows": 2, "cols": 1, "format": "csv"}' > data/perc.csv.mtd
+Let's run the sampling algortihm to create the two data samples:
+    $ ./ algorithms/utils/sample.dml -nvargs X=data/ sv=data/perc.csv O=data/haberman.part ofmt="csv"
+## Splitting Labels from Features
+Next we use the `splitXY.dml` algortithm to separate the feature columns from 
+the label column(s).
+ * `X`       : (input)  filename of data matrix
+ * `y`       : (input)  colIndex: starting index is 1
+ * `OX`      : (output) filename of output matrix with all columns except y
+ * `OY`      : (output) filename of output matrix with y column
+ * `ofmt`    : (output) format of OX and OY output matrix: "csv", "binary" (default)
+We specify `y=4` as the 4th column contains the labels to be predicted and run
+the `splitXY.dml` algorithm on our training and test data sets.
+    $ ./ algorithms/utils/splitXY.dml -nvargs X=data/haberman.part/1 y=4 OX=data/ OY=data/haberman.train.labels.csv ofmt="csv"
+    $ ./ algorithms/utils/splitXY.dml -nvargs X=data/haberman.part/2 y=4 OX=data/  OY=data/haberman.test.labels.csv  ofmt="csv"
+## Training and Testing the Model
+Now we need to train our model using the `l2-svm.dml` algorithm.
+ * `X`         : (input)  filename of training data features
+ * `Y`         : (input)  filename of training data labels
+ * `model`     : (output) filename of model that contains the learnt weights
+ * `fmt`       : (output) format of model: "csv", "text" (sparse-matrix) 
+ * `Log`       : (output) log file for metrics and progress while training
+ * `confusion` : (output) filename of confusion matrix computed using a held-out test set (optional)
+The `l2-svm.dml` algorithm is used on our training data sample to train the model.
+    $ ./ algorithms/l2-svm.dml -nvargs X=data/ Y=data/haberman.train.labels.csv model=data/l2-svm-model.csv fmt="csv" Log=data/l2-svm-log.csv
+The `l2-svm-predict.dml` algorithm is used on our test data sample to predict the labels based on the trained model.
+    $ ./ algorithms/l2-svm-predict.dml -nvargs X=data/ Y=data/haberman.test.labels.csv model=data/l2-svm-model.csv fmt="csv" confusion=data/l2-svm-confusion.csv
+The console output should show the accuracy of the trained model in percent, i.e.:
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO api.DMLScript: BEGIN DML run 09/01/2015 01:32:51
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating localtmpdir with value /tmp/systemml
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating scratch with value scratch_space
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating optlevel with value 2
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating numreducers with value 10
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating jvmreuse with value false
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating defaultblocksize with value 1000
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating dml.yarn.appmaster with value false
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating dml.yarn.appmaster.mem with value 2048
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating dml.yarn.mapreduce.mem with value 2048
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating with value default
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating cp.parallel.matrixmult with value true
+    15/09/01 01:32:51 INFO conf.DMLConfig: Updating cp.parallel.textio with value true
+    Accuracy (%): 74.14965986394557
+    15/09/01 01:32:52 INFO api.DMLScript: SystemML Statistics:
+    Total execution time:		0.130 sec.
+    Number of executed MR Jobs:	0.
+The generated file `l2-svm-confusion.csv` should contain the following confusion matrix of this form:
+    |t1 t2|
+    |t3 t4|
+ * The model correctly predicted label 1 `t1` times
+ * The model incorrectly predicted label 1 as opposed to label 2 `t2` times
+ * The model incorrectly predicted label 2 as opposed to label 1 `t3` times
+ * The model correctly predicted label 2 `t4` times.
+If the confusion matrix looks like this ..
+    107.0,38.0
+    0.0,2.0
+... then the accuracy of the model is (t1+t4)/(t1+t2+t3+t4) = (107+2)/107+38+0+2) = 0.741496599
+Refer to the *SystemML Algorithms Reference* (`docs/SystemML_Algorithms_Reference.pdf`) for more details.
+# Troubleshooting
+If you encounter a `"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError"` you can edit the invocation 
+script (`` or `runStandaloneSystemML.bat`) to increase
+the memory available to the JVM, i.e: 
+    java -Xmx16g -Xms4g -Xmn1g -cp ${CLASSPATH} \
+         -f ${SCRIPT_FILE} -exec singlenode -config=SystemML-config.xml \
+         $@
+# Next Steps
+Check out the [SystemML Algorithm Reference](systemml-algorithms.html) and run
+some of the other pre-packaged algorithms.
+<style type="text/css">
+    ol { list-style-type: none; counter-reset: item; margin: 1em; }
+    ol > li { display: table; counter-increment: item; margin-bottom: 0.1em; }
+    ol > li:before { content: counters(item, ".") ". "; display: table-cell; padding-right: 0.6em; }
+    li ol > li { margin: 0; }
+    li ol > li:before { content: counters(item, ".") " "; }
+1. Descriptive Statistics
+    - [Univariate Statistics](systemml-algorithms-descriptive-statistics.html#univariate-statistics) (`Univar-Stats.dml`)
+    - [Bivariate Statistics](systemml-algorithms-descriptive-statistics.html#bivariate-statistics) (`bivar-stats.dml`)
+    - [Stratified Bivariate Statistics](systemml-algorithms-descriptive-statistics.html#stratified-bivariate-statistics) (`stratstats.dml`)
+2. Classification
+    - [Multinomial Logistic Regression](systemml-algorithms-classification.html#multinomial-logistic-regression) (`MultiLogReg.dml`)
+    - [Binary-Class Support Vector Machines](systemml-algorithms-classification.html#binary-class-support-vector-machines) (`l2-svm.dml`, `l2-svm-predict.dml`)
+    - [Multi-Class Support Vector Machines](systemml-algorithms-classification.html#multi-class-support-vector-machines) (`m-svm.dml`, `m-svm-predict.dml`)
+    - [Naive Bayes](systemml-algorithms-classification.html#naive-bayes) (`naive-bayes.dml`, `naive-bayes-predict.dml`)
+3. Clustering
+    - [K-Means Clustering](systemml-algorithms-clustering.html#k-means-clustering) (`Kmeans.dml`, `Kmeans-predict.dml`)
+4. Regression
+    - [Linear Regression](systemml-algorithms-regression.html#linear-regression) (`LinearRegDS.dml`, `LinearRegCG.dml`)
+    - [Generalized Linear Models](systemml-algorithms-regression.html#generalized-linear-models) (`GLM.dml`)
+    - [Regression Scoring and Prediction](systemml-algorithms-regression.html#regression-scoring-and-prediction) (`GLM-predict.dml`)
+5. Matrix Factorization
+    - [Principle Component Analysis](systemml-algorithms-matrix-factorization.html#principle-component-analysis) (`PCA.dml`)
+6. Interpolation
+    - [Cubic Spline Interpolation](systemml-algorithms-interpolations.html#cubic-spline)
+{% comment %} TODO: update the algorithms in the standalone package {% endcomment %} 
+{% comment %} TODO: update the algorithms reference doc to include all algorithms, currently missing decision-tree.dml {% endcomment %} 
+Follow the [Programming Guide](systemml-programming-guide.html) to implement
+your own SystemML algorithms.