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Posted to by GOMEZ Henri <> on 2002/01/29 23:41:43 UTC

Tomcat 4 as a plugin in Eclipse IDE project


"We are in the process of introducing Tomcat into the Eclipse builds ...
org.eclipse.tomcat plugin. The 20021010 nightly build is the first build
containing it, and at this point we still have some build errors to sort
through, so it does not work yet. Once things are working the support
will move to an integration build (hopefully next Tuesday).

The reason we are doing this, is because the 2.0 Eclipse help solution
is in part implemented as a web-based application (using jsp's,
servlets, etc). This enables us to offer Eclipse documentation
integrated into the tools, as well as "standalone" hosted by web servers
"powered by Eclipse Help" (we use the term InformationCenter (or
InfoCenter) for this configuration).

The Tomcat in this current form is suitable for tool builders who want
to integrate web technologies as part of their tool (ie. servlet/ jsp is
part of the tool implementation). Note, that our Tomcat runs
"in-process" with Eclipse, so it is really not suitable as a deployment
environment for testing servlets/ jsps/ etc under development inside
Eclipse (see next paragraph on this use case). For tool developers, we
are introducing a very thin API on top of Tomcat that allows some very
basic control functions. It will also allows products that want to
package their own servlet engine in their product to substitute their
own engine below the API (ie. they ship with alternate engine and do not
ship Tomcat, or sub different version of Tomcat than what Eclipse

Given that the Tomcat jars are in the builds (once we get the build
problems sorted out) it probably will not take long for people to figure
out how to use this support for general servlet/ jsp building. Really
all that is needed is a launcher that will launch Tomcat out-of-process
and deploy the app under test into it. We are at this point not planning
to do this as part of the committed Eclipse 2.0 work ... this is simply
a statement of dates-function-resources. However, anyone can take a
crack at this. And if there is a good implementation that becomes
available it could be considered for contribution to the base using the
open process. Off the top of my head I can think of 2 approaches ...
(1)  new launcher that simply reuses the Tomcat plugin jars, launches
the external process and deploys the web app into it,  (2) self-hosting
style launcher that starts another Eclipse (with Tomcat in it) and
deploys the web app into it (using our thin API)."

Henri Gomez                 ___[_]____
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