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Posted to by David Kavanagh <> on 2003/03/18 00:21:33 UTC


I'm using the SQLTransformer to insert somewhat large data sets into an 
Oracle database. I generate XML from a spreadsheet input. Each row gets 
its own <execute-query><query>blah, blah...</query></execute-query> block.
I am hitting the database over an SSH port-mapped link, so it is kind of 
slow. Sometimes my browser gets impatient and give up before receiving 
the entire XML output of the SQLTransformer. In this case, I usually see 
the log showing continued inserts into the database. Some times, I stop 
seeing SQLTransformer output, but still see my own transformer 
continuing to generate rows from the spreadsheet. So, it seems like the 
SQLTransformer gets wedged! I've seen this after getting through 300+ 
rows. This last time, it was at 388, then nothing after that.
Anyone else see anything like this? I data sets up to around 12,000 rows 
that I need to insert, so.....


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