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[46/51] [partial] nifi-minifi-cpp git commit: MINIFICPP-512 - upgrade to librdkafka 0.11.4
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/examples/rdkafka_zookeeper_example.c b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/examples/rdkafka_zookeeper_example.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f9a61e..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/examples/rdkafka_zookeeper_example.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,728 +0,0 @@
- * librdkafka - Apache Kafka C library
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2012, Magnus Edenhill
- * All rights reserved.
- * 
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 
- * 
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *    and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 
- * 
- */
- * Apache Kafka consumer & producer example programs
- * using the Kafka driver from librdkafka
- * (
- */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <syslog.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-/* Typical include path would be <librdkafka/rdkafka.h>, but this program
- * is builtin from within the librdkafka source tree and thus differs. */
-#include "rdkafka.h"  /* for Kafka driver */
-#include <zookeeper.h>
-#include <zookeeper.jute.h>
-#include <jansson.h>
-#define BROKER_PATH "/brokers/ids"
-static int run = 1;
-static rd_kafka_t *rk;
-static int exit_eof = 0;
-static int quiet = 0;
-static 	enum {
-} output = OUTPUT_HEXDUMP;
-static void stop (int sig) {
-	run = 0;
-	fclose(stdin); /* abort fgets() */
-static void hexdump (FILE *fp, const char *name, const void *ptr, size_t len) {
-	const char *p = (const char *)ptr;
-	int of = 0;
-	if (name)
-		fprintf(fp, "%s hexdump (%zd bytes):\n", name, len);
-	for (of = 0 ; of < len ; of += 16) {
-		char hexen[16*3+1];
-		char charen[16+1];
-		int hof = 0;
-		int cof = 0;
-		int i;
-		for (i = of ; i < of + 16 && i < len ; i++) {
-			hof += sprintf(hexen+hof, "%02x ", p[i] & 0xff);
-			cof += sprintf(charen+cof, "%c",
-				       isprint((int)p[i]) ? p[i] : '.');
-		}
-		fprintf(fp, "%08x: %-48s %-16s\n",
-			of, hexen, charen);
-	}
- * Kafka logger callback (optional)
- */
-static void logger (const rd_kafka_t *rk, int level,
-		    const char *fac, const char *buf) {
-	struct timeval tv;
-	gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
-	fprintf(stderr, "%u.%03u RDKAFKA-%i-%s: %s: %s\n",
-		(int)tv.tv_sec, (int)(tv.tv_usec / 1000),
-		level, fac, rd_kafka_name(rk), buf);
- * Message delivery report callback.
- * Called once for each message.
- * See rdkafka.h for more information.
- */
-static void msg_delivered (rd_kafka_t *rk,
-			   void *payload, size_t len,
-			   int error_code,
-			   void *opaque, void *msg_opaque) {
-	if (error_code)
-		fprintf(stderr, "%% Message delivery failed: %s\n",
-			rd_kafka_err2str(error_code));
-	else if (!quiet)
-		fprintf(stderr, "%% Message delivered (%zd bytes)\n", len);
-static void msg_consume (rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
-			 void *opaque) {
-	if (rkmessage->err) {
-		if (rkmessage->err == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PARTITION_EOF) {
-			fprintf(stderr,
-				"%% Consumer reached end of %s [%"PRId32"] "
-			       "message queue at offset %"PRId64"\n",
-			       rd_kafka_topic_name(rkmessage->rkt),
-			       rkmessage->partition, rkmessage->offset);
-			if (exit_eof)
-				run = 0;
-			return;
-		}
-		fprintf(stderr, "%% Consume error for topic \"%s\" [%"PRId32"] "
-		       "offset %"PRId64": %s\n",
-		       rd_kafka_topic_name(rkmessage->rkt),
-		       rkmessage->partition,
-		       rkmessage->offset,
-		       rd_kafka_message_errstr(rkmessage));
-		return;
-	}
-	if (!quiet)
-		fprintf(stdout, "%% Message (offset %"PRId64", %zd bytes):\n",
-			rkmessage->offset, rkmessage->len);
-	if (rkmessage->key_len) {
-		if (output == OUTPUT_HEXDUMP)
-			hexdump(stdout, "Message Key",
-				rkmessage->key, rkmessage->key_len);
-		else
-			printf("Key: %.*s\n",
-			       (int)rkmessage->key_len, (char *)rkmessage->key);
-	}
-	if (output == OUTPUT_HEXDUMP)
-		hexdump(stdout, "Message Payload",
-			rkmessage->payload, rkmessage->len);
-	else
-		printf("%.*s\n",
-		       (int)rkmessage->len, (char *)rkmessage->payload);
-static void metadata_print (const char *topic,
-                            const struct rd_kafka_metadata *metadata) {
-        int i, j, k;
-        printf("Metadata for %s (from broker %"PRId32": %s):\n",
-               topic ? : "all topics",
-               metadata->orig_broker_id,
-               metadata->orig_broker_name);
-        /* Iterate brokers */
-        printf(" %i brokers:\n", metadata->broker_cnt);
-        for (i = 0 ; i < metadata->broker_cnt ; i++)
-                printf("  broker %"PRId32" at %s:%i\n",
-                       metadata->brokers[i].id,
-                       metadata->brokers[i].host,
-                       metadata->brokers[i].port);
-        /* Iterate topics */
-        printf(" %i topics:\n", metadata->topic_cnt);
-        for (i = 0 ; i < metadata->topic_cnt ; i++) {
-                const struct rd_kafka_metadata_topic *t = &metadata->topics[i];
-                printf("  topic \"%s\" with %i partitions:",
-                       t->topic,
-                       t->partition_cnt);
-                if (t->err) {
-                        printf(" %s", rd_kafka_err2str(t->err));
-                        if (t->err == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE)
-                                printf(" (try again)");
-                }
-                printf("\n");
-                /* Iterate topic's partitions */
-                for (j = 0 ; j < t->partition_cnt ; j++) {
-                        const struct rd_kafka_metadata_partition *p;
-                        p = &t->partitions[j];
-                        printf("    partition %"PRId32", "
-                               "leader %"PRId32", replicas: ",
-                               p->id, p->leader);
-                        /* Iterate partition's replicas */
-                        for (k = 0 ; k < p->replica_cnt ; k++)
-                                printf("%s%"PRId32,
-                                       k > 0 ? ",":"", p->replicas[k]);
-                        /* Iterate partition's ISRs */
-                        printf(", isrs: ");
-                        for (k = 0 ; k < p->isr_cnt ; k++)
-                                printf("%s%"PRId32,
-                                       k > 0 ? ",":"", p->isrs[k]);
-                        if (p->err)
-                                printf(", %s\n", rd_kafka_err2str(p->err));
-                        else
-                                printf("\n");
-                }
-        }
-static void set_brokerlist_from_zookeeper(zhandle_t *zzh, char *brokers)
-	if (zzh)
-	{
-		struct String_vector brokerlist;
-		if (zoo_get_children(zzh, BROKER_PATH, 1, &brokerlist) != ZOK)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "No brokers found on path %s\n", BROKER_PATH);
-			return;
-		}
-		int i;
-		char *brokerptr = brokers;
-		for (i = 0; i < brokerlist.count; i++)
-		{
-			char path[255], cfg[1024];
-			sprintf(path, "/brokers/ids/%s",[i]);
-			int len = sizeof(cfg);
-			zoo_get(zzh, path, 0, cfg, &len, NULL);
-			if (len > 0)
-			{
-				cfg[len] = '\0';
-				json_error_t jerror;
-				json_t *jobj = json_loads(cfg, 0, &jerror);
-				if (jobj)
-				{
-					json_t *jhost = json_object_get(jobj, "host");
-					json_t *jport = json_object_get(jobj, "port");
-					if (jhost && jport)
-					{
-						const char *host = json_string_value(jhost);
-						const int   port = json_integer_value(jport);
-						sprintf(brokerptr, "%s:%d", host, port);
-						brokerptr += strlen(brokerptr);
-						if (i < brokerlist.count - 1)
-						{
-							*brokerptr++ = ',';
-						}
-					}
-					json_decref(jobj);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		deallocate_String_vector(&brokerlist);
-		printf("Found brokers %s\n", brokers);
-	}
-static void watcher(zhandle_t *zh, int type, int state, const char *path, void *watcherCtx)
-	char brokers[1024];
-	if (type == ZOO_CHILD_EVENT && strncmp(path, BROKER_PATH, sizeof(BROKER_PATH) - 1) == 0)
-	{
-		brokers[0] = '\0';
-		set_brokerlist_from_zookeeper(zh, brokers);
-		if (brokers[0] != '\0' && rk != NULL)
-		{
-			rd_kafka_brokers_add(rk, brokers);
-			rd_kafka_poll(rk, 10);
-		}
-	}
-static zhandle_t* initialize_zookeeper(const char * zookeeper, const int debug)
-	zhandle_t *zh;
-	if (debug)
-	{
-		zoo_set_debug_level(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG);
-	}
-	zh = zookeeper_init(zookeeper, watcher, 10000, 0, 0, 0);
-	if (zh == NULL)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "Zookeeper connection not established.");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	return zh;
-static void sig_usr1 (int sig) {
-	rd_kafka_dump(stdout, rk);
-int main (int argc, char **argv) {
-	rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt;
-	char *zookeeper = "localhost:2181";
-	zhandle_t *zh = NULL;
-	char brokers[1024];
-	char mode = 'C';
-	char *topic = NULL;
-	int partition = RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA;
-	int opt;
-	rd_kafka_conf_t *conf;
-	rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *topic_conf;
-	char errstr[512];
-	const char *debug = NULL;
-	int64_t start_offset = 0;
-	int do_conf_dump = 0;
-	memset(brokers, 0, sizeof(brokers));
-	quiet = !isatty(STDIN_FILENO);
-	/* Kafka configuration */
-	conf = rd_kafka_conf_new();
-	/* Topic configuration */
-	topic_conf = rd_kafka_topic_conf_new();
-	while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "PCLt:p:k:z:qd:o:eX:A")) != -1) {
-		switch (opt) {
-		case 'P':
-		case 'C':
-                case 'L':
-			mode = opt;
-			break;
-		case 't':
-			topic = optarg;
-			break;
-		case 'p':
-			partition = atoi(optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'k':
-			zookeeper = optarg;
-			break;
-		case 'z':
-			if (rd_kafka_conf_set(conf, "compression.codec",
-					      optarg,
-					      errstr, sizeof(errstr)) !=
-			    RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "%% %s\n", errstr);
-				exit(1);
-			}
-			break;
-		case 'o':
-			if (!strcmp(optarg, "end"))
-				start_offset = RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_END;
-			else if (!strcmp(optarg, "beginning"))
-				start_offset = RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_BEGINNING;
-			else if (!strcmp(optarg, "stored"))
-				start_offset = RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_STORED;
-			else
-				start_offset = strtoll(optarg, NULL, 10);
-			break;
-		case 'e':
-			exit_eof = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'd':
-			debug = optarg;
-			break;
-		case 'q':
-			quiet = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'A':
-			output = OUTPUT_RAW;
-			break;
-		case 'X':
-		{
-			char *name, *val;
-			rd_kafka_conf_res_t res;
-			if (!strcmp(optarg, "list") ||
-			    !strcmp(optarg, "help")) {
-				rd_kafka_conf_properties_show(stdout);
-				exit(0);
-			}
-			if (!strcmp(optarg, "dump")) {
-				do_conf_dump = 1;
-				continue;
-			}
-			name = optarg;
-			if (!(val = strchr(name, '='))) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "%% Expected "
-					"-X property=value, not %s\n", name);
-				exit(1);
-			}
-			*val = '\0';
-			val++;
-			/* Try "topic." prefixed properties on topic
-			 * conf first, and then fall through to global if
-			 * it didnt match a topic configuration property. */
-			if (!strncmp(name, "topic.", strlen("topic.")))
-				res = rd_kafka_topic_conf_set(topic_conf,
-							      name+
-							      strlen("topic."),
-							      val,
-							      errstr,
-							      sizeof(errstr));
-			if (res == RD_KAFKA_CONF_UNKNOWN)
-				res = rd_kafka_conf_set(conf, name, val,
-							errstr, sizeof(errstr));
-			if (res != RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "%% %s\n", errstr);
-				exit(1);
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-		default:
-			goto usage;
-		}
-	}
-	if (do_conf_dump) {
-		const char **arr;
-		size_t cnt;
-		int pass;
-		for (pass = 0 ; pass < 2 ; pass++) {
-			int i;
-			if (pass == 0) {
-				arr = rd_kafka_conf_dump(conf, &cnt);
-				printf("# Global config\n");
-			} else {
-				printf("# Topic config\n");
-				arr = rd_kafka_topic_conf_dump(topic_conf,
-							       &cnt);
-			}
-			for (i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i += 2)
-				printf("%s = %s\n",
-				       arr[i], arr[i+1]);
-			printf("\n");
-			rd_kafka_conf_dump_free(arr, cnt);
-		}
-		exit(0);
-	}
-	if (optind != argc || (mode != 'L' && !topic)) {
-	usage:
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"Usage: %s -C|-P|-L -t <topic> "
-			"[-p <partition>] [-b <host1:port1,host2:port2,..>]\n"
-			"\n"
-			"librdkafka version %s (0x%08x)\n"
-			"\n"
-			" Options:\n"
-			"  -C | -P         Consumer or Producer mode\n"
-                        "  -L              Metadata list mode\n"
-			"  -t <topic>      Topic to fetch / produce\n"
-			"  -p <num>        Partition (random partitioner)\n"
-			"  -k <zookeepers> Zookeeper address (localhost:2181)\n"
-			"  -z <codec>      Enable compression:\n"
-			"                  none|gzip|snappy\n"
-			"  -o <offset>     Start offset (consumer)\n"
-			"  -e              Exit consumer when last message\n"
-			"                  in partition has been received.\n"
-			"  -d [facs..]     Enable debugging contexts:\n"
-			"  -q              Be quiet\n"
-			"  -A              Raw payload output (consumer)\n"
-			"                  %s\n"
-			"  -X <prop=name> Set arbitrary librdkafka "
-			"configuration property\n"
-			"               Properties prefixed with \"topic.\" "
-			"will be set on topic object.\n"
-			"               Use '-X list' to see the full list\n"
-			"               of supported properties.\n"
-			"\n"
-			" In Consumer mode:\n"
-			"  writes fetched messages to stdout\n"
-			" In Producer mode:\n"
-			"  reads messages from stdin and sends to broker\n"
-                        " In List mode:\n"
-                        "  queries broker for metadata information, "
-                        "topic is optional.\n"
-			"\n"
-			"\n"
-			"\n",
-			argv[0],
-			rd_kafka_version_str(), rd_kafka_version(),
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	signal(SIGINT, stop);
-	signal(SIGUSR1, sig_usr1);
-	if (debug &&
-	    rd_kafka_conf_set(conf, "debug", debug, errstr, sizeof(errstr)) !=
-		fprintf(stderr, "%% Debug configuration failed: %s: %s\n",
-			errstr, debug);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-        /* Set logger */
-        rd_kafka_conf_set_log_cb(conf, logger);
-	/** Initialize zookeeper */
-	zh = initialize_zookeeper(zookeeper, debug != NULL);
-	/* Add brokers */
-	set_brokerlist_from_zookeeper(zh, brokers);
-        if (rd_kafka_conf_set(conf, "",
-                              brokers, errstr, sizeof(errstr) !=
-                              RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK)) {
-                fprintf(stderr, "%% Failed to set brokers: %s\n", errstr);
-                exit(1);
-        }
-	if (debug) {
-		printf("Broker list from zookeeper cluster %s: %s\n", zookeeper, brokers);
-	}
-	if (mode == 'P') {
-		/*
-		 * Producer
-		 */
-		char buf[2048];
-		int sendcnt = 0;
-		/* Set up a message delivery report callback.
-		 * It will be called once for each message, either on successful
-		 * delivery to broker, or upon failure to deliver to broker. */
-		rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_cb(conf, msg_delivered);
-		/* Create Kafka handle */
-		if (!(rk = rd_kafka_new(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf,
-					errstr, sizeof(errstr)))) {
-			fprintf(stderr,
-				"%% Failed to create new producer: %s\n",
-				errstr);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		/* Create topic */
-		rkt = rd_kafka_topic_new(rk, topic, topic_conf);
-		if (!quiet)
-			fprintf(stderr,
-				"%% Type stuff and hit enter to send\n");
-		while (run && fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) {
-			size_t len = strlen(buf);
-			if (buf[len-1] == '\n')
-				buf[--len] = '\0';
-			/* Send/Produce message. */
-			if (rd_kafka_produce(rkt, partition,
-					     RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_COPY,
-					     /* Payload and length */
-					     buf, len,
-					     /* Optional key and its length */
-					     NULL, 0,
-					     /* Message opaque, provided in
-					      * delivery report callback as
-					      * msg_opaque. */
-					     NULL) == -1) {
-				fprintf(stderr,
-					"%% Failed to produce to topic %s "
-					"partition %i: %s\n",
-					rd_kafka_topic_name(rkt), partition,
-					rd_kafka_err2str(
-						rd_kafka_errno2err(errno)));
-				/* Poll to handle delivery reports */
-				rd_kafka_poll(rk, 0);
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (!quiet)
-				fprintf(stderr, "%% Sent %zd bytes to topic "
-					"%s partition %i\n",
-				len, rd_kafka_topic_name(rkt), partition);
-			sendcnt++;
-			/* Poll to handle delivery reports */
-			rd_kafka_poll(rk, 0);
-		}
-		/* Poll to handle delivery reports */
-		rd_kafka_poll(rk, 0);
-		/* Wait for messages to be delivered */
-		while (run && rd_kafka_outq_len(rk) > 0)
-			rd_kafka_poll(rk, 100);
-		/* Destroy the handle */
-		rd_kafka_destroy(rk);
-	} else if (mode == 'C') {
-		/*
-		 * Consumer
-		 */
-		/* Create Kafka handle */
-		if (!(rk = rd_kafka_new(RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER, conf,
-					errstr, sizeof(errstr)))) {
-			fprintf(stderr,
-				"%% Failed to create new consumer: %s\n",
-				errstr);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		/* Create topic */
-		rkt = rd_kafka_topic_new(rk, topic, topic_conf);
-		/* Start consuming */
-		if (rd_kafka_consume_start(rkt, partition, start_offset) == -1){
-			fprintf(stderr, "%% Failed to start consuming: %s\n",
-				rd_kafka_err2str(rd_kafka_errno2err(errno)));
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		while (run) {
-			rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage;
-			/* Consume single message.
-			 * See rdkafka_performance.c for high speed
-			 * consuming of messages. */
-			rkmessage = rd_kafka_consume(rkt, partition, 1000);
-			if (!rkmessage) /* timeout */
-				continue;
-			msg_consume(rkmessage, NULL);
-			/* Return message to rdkafka */
-			rd_kafka_message_destroy(rkmessage);
-		}
-		/* Stop consuming */
-		rd_kafka_consume_stop(rkt, partition);
-		rd_kafka_topic_destroy(rkt);
-		rd_kafka_destroy(rk);
-	} else if (mode == 'L') {
-		rd_kafka_resp_err_t err = RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR;
-		/* Create Kafka handle */
-		if (!(rk = rd_kafka_new(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf,
-					errstr, sizeof(errstr)))) {
-			fprintf(stderr,
-				"%% Failed to create new producer: %s\n",
-				errstr);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		/* Create topic */
-		if (topic)
-			rkt = rd_kafka_topic_new(rk, topic, topic_conf);
-		else
-			rkt = NULL;
-		while (run) {
-				const struct rd_kafka_metadata *metadata;
-				/* Fetch metadata */
-				err = rd_kafka_metadata(rk, rkt ? 0 : 1, rkt,
-										&metadata, 5000);
-				if (err != RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR) {
-						fprintf(stderr,
-								"%% Failed to acquire metadata: %s\n",
-								rd_kafka_err2str(err));
-						run = 0;
-						break;
-				}
-				metadata_print(topic, metadata);
-				rd_kafka_metadata_destroy(metadata);
-				run = 0;
-		}
-		/* Destroy the handle */
-		rd_kafka_destroy(rk);
-		/* Exit right away, dont wait for background cleanup, we haven't
-		 * done anything important anyway. */
-		exit(err ? 2 : 0);
-	}
-	/* Let background threads clean up and terminate cleanly. */
-	rd_kafka_wait_destroyed(2000);
-	/** Free the zookeeper data. */
-	zookeeper_close(zh);
-	return 0;
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/ b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1136580..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Generate linker script to only expose symbols of the public API
-import sys
-import re
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    funcs = list()
-    last_line = ''
-    for line in sys.stdin:
-        m = re.match(r'^(\S+.*\s+\**)?(rd_kafka_\S+)\s*\(', line)
-        if m:
-            sym =
-            # Ignore static (unused) functions
-            m2 = re.match(r'(RD_UNUSED|__attribute__\(\(unused\)\))', last_line)
-            if not m2:
-                funcs.append(sym)
-            last_line = ''
-        else:
-            last_line = line
-    print('# Automatically generated by - DO NOT EDIT')
-    print('{\n global:')
-    if len(funcs) == 0:
-        print('    *;')
-    else:
-        for f in sorted(funcs):
-            print('    %s;' % f)
-        print('local:\n    *;')
-    print('};')
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mainpage.doxy b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mainpage.doxy
deleted file mode 100644
index 97f2456..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mainpage.doxy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * @mainpage librdkafka documentation
- *
- * librdkafka is the Apache Kafka C/C++ client library.
- *
- * @section intro Introduction
- *
- * For an introduction and manual to librdkafka see
- *
- * @section conf Configuration
- *
- * librdkafka is highly configurable to meet any deployment demands.
- * It is usually safe to leave most configuration properties to their default
- * values.
- *
- * See for the full list of supported configuration properties.
- *
- * @remark Application developers are recommended to provide a non-hardcoded
- *         interface to librdkafka's string based name-value configuration
- *         property interface, allowing users to configure any librdkafka
- *         property directly without alterations to the application.
- *         This allows for seamless upgrades where linking to a new version
- *         of librdkafka automatically provides new configuration
- *         based features.
- *
- * @section c_api C API
- *
- * The C API is documented in rdkafka.h
- *
- * @section cpp_api C++ API
- *
- * The C++ API is documented in rdkafkacpp.h
- */
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/Makefile.base b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/Makefile.base
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f2b775..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/Makefile.base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-# Base Makefile providing various standard targets
-# Part of mklove suite but may be used independently.
-MKL_RED?=	\033[031m
-MKL_GREEN?=	\033[032m
-MKL_YELLOW?=	\033[033m
-MKL_BLUE?=	\033[034m
-MKL_CLR_RESET?=	\033[0m
-DEPS=		$(OBJS:%.o=%.d)
-# TOPDIR is "TOPDIR/mklove/../" i.e., TOPDIR.
-# We do it with two dir calls instead of /.. to support mklove being symlinked.
-MKLOVE_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
-TOPDIR = $(MKLOVE_DIR:mklove/=.)
-# Convert LIBNAME ("libxyz") to "xyz"
-# Silence lousy default ARFLAGS (rv)
--include $(TOPDIR)/Makefile.config
-_UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
-ifeq ($(_UNAME_S),Darwin)
-INSTALL?=		install
-prefix?=	/usr/local
-exec_prefix?=	$(prefix)
-bindir?=	$(exec_prefix)/bin
-sbindir?=	$(exec_prefix)/sbin
-libexecdir?=	$(exec_prefix)/libexec/  # append PKGNAME on install
-datarootdir?=	$(prefix)/share
-datadir?=	$(datarootdir)		 # append PKGNAME on install
-sysconfdir?=	$(prefix)/etc
-runstatedir?=	$(localestatedir)/run
-includedir?=	$(prefix)/include
-docdir?=	$(datarootdir)/doc/$(PKGNAME)
-infodir?=	$(datarootdir)/info
-libdir?=	$(prefix)/lib
-localedir?=	$(datarootdir)/locale
-pkgconfigdir?=	$(libdir)/pkgconfig
-mandir?=	$(datarootdir)/man
-man1dir?=	$(mandir)/man1
-man2dir?=	$(mandir)/man2
-man3dir?=	$(mandir)/man3
-man4dir?=	$(mandir)/man4
-man5dir?=	$(mandir)/man5
-man6dir?=	$(mandir)/man6
-man7dir?=	$(mandir)/man7
-man8dir?=	$(mandir)/man8
-# Checks that mklove is set up and ready for building
-	@if [ ! -f "$(TOPDIR)/Makefile.config" ]; then \
-		printf "$(MKL_RED)$(TOPDIR)/Makefile.config missing: please run ./configure$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n" ; \
-		exit 1 ; \
-	fi
-%.o: %.c
-	$(CC) -MD -MP $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
-%.o: %.cpp
-	$(CXX) -MD -MP $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
-lib: $(LIBFILENAME) $(LIBNAME).a $(LIBFILENAMELINK) lib-gen-pkg-config
-$(LIBNAME).lds: #overridable
-	@printf "$(MKL_YELLOW)Creating shared library $@$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n"
-	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIB_LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $@ $(LIBS)
-$(LIBNAME).a:	$(OBJS)
-	@printf "$(MKL_YELLOW)Creating static library $@$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n"
-	$(AR) rcs$(ARFLAGS) $@ $(OBJS)
-	@printf "$(MKL_YELLOW)Creating $@ symlink$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n"
-	rm -f "$@" && ln -s "$^" "$@"
-# pkg-config .pc file definition
-ifeq ($(GEN_PKG_CONFIG),y)
-Name: $(LIBNAME)
-Description: $(MKL_APP_DESC_ONELINE)
-Version: $(MKL_APP_VERSION)
-Cflags: -I$${includedir}
-Libs: -L$${libdir} -l$(LIBNAME0)
-Libs.private: $(patsubst -L%,,$(LIBS))
-$(LIBNAME0).pc: $(TOPDIR)/Makefile.config
-	@printf "$(MKL_YELLOW)Generating pkg-config file $@$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n"
-	@echo "$$_PKG_CONFIG_DEF" > $@
-lib-gen-pkg-config: $(LIBNAME0).pc
-	rm -f $(LIBNAME0).pc
-$(BIN): $(OBJS)
-	@printf "$(MKL_YELLOW)Creating program $@$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n"
-	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $@ $(LIBS)
-	@printf "$(MKL_YELLOW)Checking $(LIBNAME) integrity$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n"
-	@RET=true ; \
-	for f in $(CHECK_FILES) ; do \
-		printf "%-30s " $$f ; \
-		if [ -f "$$f" ]; then \
-			printf "$(MKL_GREEN)OK$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n" ; \
-		else \
-			printf "$(MKL_RED)MISSING$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n" ; \
-			RET=false ; \
-		fi ; \
-	done ; \
-	$$RET
-	@printf "$(MKL_YELLOW)Install $(LIBNAME) to $$DESTDIR$(prefix)$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n"
-	$(INSTALL) -d $$DESTDIR$(includedir)/$(PKGNAME) ; \
-	$(INSTALL) -d $$DESTDIR$(libdir) ; \
-	$(INSTALL) $(HDRS) $$DESTDIR$(includedir)/$(PKGNAME) ; \
-	$(INSTALL) $(LIBNAME).a $$DESTDIR$(libdir) ; \
-	$(INSTALL) $(LIBFILENAME) $$DESTDIR$(libdir) ; \
-	[ -f "$(LIBNAME0).pc" ] && ( \
-		$(INSTALL) -d $$DESTDIR$(pkgconfigdir) ; \
-		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(LIBNAME0).pc $$DESTDIR$(pkgconfigdir) \
-	) ; \
-	(cd $$DESTDIR$(libdir) && ln -sf $(LIBFILENAME) $(LIBFILENAMELINK))
-	@printf "$(MKL_YELLOW)Uninstall $(LIBNAME) from $$DESTDIR$(prefix)$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n"
-	for hdr in $(HDRS) ; do \
-		rm -f $$DESTDIR$(includedir)/$(PKGNAME)/$$hdr ; done
-	rm -f $$DESTDIR$(libdir)/$(LIBNAME).a
-	rm -f $$DESTDIR$(libdir)/$(LIBFILENAME)
-	rm -f $$DESTDIR$(libdir)/$(LIBFILENAMELINK)
-	rmdir $$DESTDIR$(includedir)/$(PKGNAME) || true
-	@printf "$(MKL_YELLOW)Install $(BIN) to $$DESTDIR$(prefix)$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n"
-	$(INSTALL) -d $$DESTDIR$(bindir) && \
-	$(INSTALL) $(BIN) $$DESTDIR$(bindir) 
-	@printf "$(MKL_YELLOW)Uninstall $(BIN) from $$DESTDIR$(prefix)$(MKL_CLR_RESET)\n"
-	rm -f $$DESTDIR$(bindir)/$(BIN)
-	rm -f $(OBJS) $(DEPS)
-lib-clean: generic-clean lib-clean-pkg-config
-		$(LIBNAME).lds
-bin-clean: generic-clean
-	rm -f $(BIN)
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/configure.atomics b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/configure.atomics
deleted file mode 100644
index 31639a7..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/configure.atomics
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# Checks for atomic ops:
-#  compiler builtin (__sync_..) and portable libatomic's (__atomic_..)
-# Will also provide abstraction by defining the prefix to use.
-# Sets:
-#  HAVE_ATOMICS_32_ATOMIC   __atomic interface
-#  HAVE_ATOMICS_32_SYNC     __sync interface
-#  HAVE_ATOMICS_64_ATOMIC   __atomic interface
-#  HAVE_ATOMICS_64_SYNC     __sync interface
-#  LIBS
-#   where op* is 'add,sub,fetch'
-#   e.g:  ATOMIC_OP32(add, fetch, &i, 10)
-#         becomes __atomic_add_fetch(&i, 10, ..) or
-#                 __sync_add_and_fetch(&i, 10)
-function checks {
-    # We prefer the newer __atomic stuff, but 64-bit atomics might
-    # require linking with -latomic, so we need to perform these tests
-    # in the proper order:
-    #   __atomic 32
-    #   __atomic 32 -latomic
-    #   __sync 32
-    #
-    #   __atomic 64
-    #   __atomic 64 -latomic
-    #   __sync 64
-    local _libs=
-    local _a32="__atomic_ ## OP1 ## _ ## OP2(PTR, VAL, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)"
-    local _a64="__atomic_ ## OP1 ## _ ## OP2(PTR, VAL, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)"
-    # 32-bit:
-    # Try fully builtin __atomic
-    if ! mkl_compile_check __atomic_32 HAVE_ATOMICS_32 cont CC "" \
-        "
-#include <inttypes.h>
-int32_t foo (int32_t i) {
-  return __atomic_add_fetch(&i, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
-        then
-        # Try __atomic with -latomic
-        if mkl_compile_check --ldflags="-latomic" __atomic_32_lib HAVE_ATOMICS_32 \
-            cont CC "" \
-            "
-#include <inttypes.h>
-int32_t foo (int32_t i) {
-  return __atomic_add_fetch(&i, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
-        then
-            _libs="-latomic"
-            mkl_allvar_set "__atomic_32_lib" "HAVE_ATOMICS_32_ATOMIC" "y"
-        else
-            # Try __sync interface
-            if mkl_compile_check __sync_32 HAVE_ATOMICS_32 disable CC "" \
-                "
-#include <inttypes.h>
-int32_t foo (int32_t i) {
-  return __sync_add_and_fetch(&i, 1);
-                then
-                _a32="__sync_ ## OP1 ## _and_ ## OP2(PTR, VAL)"
-                mkl_allvar_set "__sync_32" "HAVE_ATOMICS_32_SYNC" "y"
-            else
-                _a32=""
-            fi
-        fi
-    else
-        mkl_allvar_set "__atomic_32" "HAVE_ATOMICS_32_ATOMIC" "y"
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -z $_a32 ]]; then
-        mkl_define_set "atomic_32" "ATOMIC_OP32(OP1,OP2,PTR,VAL)" "code:$_a32"
-    fi
-    # 64-bit:
-    # Try fully builtin __atomic
-    if ! mkl_compile_check __atomic_64 HAVE_ATOMICS_64 cont CC "" \
-        "
-#include <inttypes.h>
-int64_t foo (int64_t i) {
-  return __atomic_add_fetch(&i, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
-        then
-        # Try __atomic with -latomic
-        if mkl_compile_check --ldflags="-latomic" __atomic_64_lib HAVE_ATOMICS_64 \
-            cont CC "" \
-            "
-#include <inttypes.h>
-int64_t foo (int64_t i) {
-  return __atomic_add_fetch(&i, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
-        then
-            _libs="-latomic"
-            mkl_allvar_set "__atomic_64_lib" "HAVE_ATOMICS_64_ATOMIC" "y"
-        else
-            # Try __sync interface
-            if mkl_compile_check __sync_64 HAVE_ATOMICS_64 disable CC "" \
-                "
-#include <inttypes.h>
-int64_t foo (int64_t i) {
-  return __sync_add_and_fetch(&i, 1);
-                then
-                _a64="__sync_ ## OP1 ## _and_ ## OP2 (PTR, VAL)"
-                mkl_allvar_set "__sync_64" "HAVE_ATOMICS_64_SYNC" "y"
-            else
-                _a64=""
-            fi
-        fi
-    else
-        mkl_allvar_set "__atomic_64" "HAVE_ATOMICS_64_ATOMIC" "y"
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -z $_a64 ]]; then
-        mkl_define_set "atomic_64" "ATOMIC_OP64(OP1,OP2,PTR,VAL)" "code:$_a64"
-        # Define generic ATOMIC() macro identical to 64-bit atomics"
-        mkl_define_set "atomic_64" "ATOMIC_OP(OP1,OP2,PTR,VAL)" "code:$_a64"
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -z $_libs ]]; then
-        mkl_mkvar_append LDFLAGS LDFLAGS "-Wl,--as-needed"
-        mkl_mkvar_append LIBS LIBS "$_libs"
-    fi
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/configure.base b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/configure.base
deleted file mode 100644
index df9c779..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/configure.base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1772 +0,0 @@
-# mklove base configure module, implements the mklove configure framework
-if [[ -z "$MKL_REPO_URL" ]]; then
-    MKL_REPO_URL=""
-# Default mklove directory to PWD/mklove
-[[ -z "$MKLOVE_DIR" ]] && MKLOVE_DIR=mklove
-# Variable types:
-#   env      - Standard environment variables.
-#   var      - mklove runtime variable, cached or not.
-#   mkvar    - Makefile variables, also sets runvar
-#   define   - config.h variables/defines
-# Low level variable assignment
-# Arguments:
-#  variable name
-#  variable value
-function mkl_var0_set {
-    export "$1"="$2"
-# Sets a runtime variable (only used during configure)
-# If cache=1 these variables are cached to config.cache.
-# Arguments:
-#  variable name
-#  variable value
-#  [ "cache" ]
-function mkl_var_set {
-    mkl_var0_set "$1" "$2"
-    if [[ $3 == "cache" ]]; then
-        if ! mkl_in_list "$MKL_CACHEVARS" "$1" ; then
-        fi
-    fi
-# Unsets a mkl variable
-# Arguments:
-#  variable name
-function mkl_var_unset {
-    unset $1
-# Appends to a mkl variable (space delimited)
-# Arguments:
-#  variable name
-#  variable value
-function mkl_var_append {
-    if [[ -z ${!1} ]]; then
-        mkl_var_set "$1" "$2"
-    else
-        mkl_var0_set "$1" "${!1} $2"
-    fi
-# Prepends to a mkl variable (space delimited)
-# Arguments:
-#  variable name
-#  variable value
-function mkl_var_prepend {
-    if [[ -z ${!1} ]]; then
-        mkl_var_set "$1" "$2"
-    else
-        mkl_var0_set "$1" "$2 ${!1}"
-    fi
-# Shift the first word off a variable.
-# Arguments:
-#  variable name
-function mkl_var_shift {
-    local n="${!1}"
-    mkl_var0_set "$1" "${n#* }"
-    return 0
-# Returns the contents of mkl variable
-# Arguments:
-#  variable name
-function mkl_var_get {
-    echo "${!1}"
-# Set environment variable (runtime)
-# These variables are not cached nor written to any of the output files,
-# its just simply a helper wrapper for standard envs.
-# Arguments:
-#  varname
-#  varvalue
-function mkl_env_set {
-    mkl_var0_set "$1" "$2"
-# Append to environment variable
-# Arguments:
-#  varname
-#  varvalue
-#  [ separator (" ") ]
-function mkl_env_append {
-    local sep=" "
-    if [[ -z ${!1} ]]; then
-        mkl_env_set "$1" "$2"
-    else
-        [ ! -z ${3} ] && sep="$3"
-        mkl_var0_set "$1" "${!1}${sep}$2"
-    fi
-# Prepend to environment variable
-# Arguments:
-#  varname
-#  varvalue
-#  [ separator (" ") ]
-function mkl_env_prepend {
-    local sep=" "
-    if [[ -z ${!1} ]]; then
-        mkl_env_set "$1" "$2"
-    else
-        [ ! -z ${3} ] && sep="$3"
-        mkl_var0_set "$1" "$2${sep}${!1}"
-    fi
-# Set a make variable (Makefile.config)
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  variable name
-#  value
-function mkl_mkvar_set {
-    if [[ ! -z $2 ]]; then
-        mkl_env_set "$2" "$3"
-        mkl_in_list "$MKL_MKVARS" "$2"|| mkl_env_append MKL_MKVARS $2
-    fi
-# Prepends to a make variable (Makefile.config)
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  variable name
-#  value
-function mkl_mkvar_prepend {
-    if [[ ! -z $2 ]]; then
-        mkl_env_prepend "$2" "$3"
-        mkl_in_list "$MKL_MKVARS" "$2"|| mkl_env_append MKL_MKVARS $2
-    fi
-# Appends to a make variable (Makefile.config)
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  variable name
-#  value
-function mkl_mkvar_append {
-    if [[ ! -z $2 ]]; then
-        mkl_env_append "$2" "$3"
-        mkl_in_list "$MKL_MKVARS" "$2"|| mkl_env_append MKL_MKVARS $2
-    fi
-# Prepends to a make variable (Makefile.config)
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  variable name
-#  value
-function mkl_mkvar_prepend {
-    if [[ ! -z $2 ]]; then
-        mkl_env_prepend "$2" "$3"
-        mkl_in_list "$MKL_MKVARS" "$2"|| mkl_env_append MKL_MKVARS $2
-    fi
-# Return mkvar variable value
-# Arguments:
-#  variable name
-function mkl_mkvar_get {
-    [[ -z ${!1} ]] && return 1
-    echo ${!1}
-    return 0
-# Defines a config header define (config.h)
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  define name
-#  define value (optional, default: 1)
-#   if value starts with code: then no "" are added
-function mkl_define_set {
-    if [[ -z $2 ]]; then
-        return 0
-    fi
-    local stmt=""
-    local defid=
-    if [[ $2 = *\(* ]]; then
-        # macro
-        defid="def_${2%%(*}"
-    else
-        # define
-        defid="def_$2"
-    fi
-    [[ -z $1 ]] || stmt="// $1\n"
-    local val="$3"
-    if [[ -z "$val" ]]; then
-        val="$(mkl_def $2 1)"
-    fi
-    # Define as code, string or integer?
-    if [[ $val == code:* ]]; then
-        # Code block, copy verbatim without quotes, strip code: prefix
-        val=${val#code:}
-    elif [[ ! ( "$val" =~ ^[0-9]+([lL]?[lL][dDuU]?)?$ || \
-        "$val" =~ ^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+([lL]?[lL][dDuU]?)?$ ) ]]; then
-        # String: quote
-        val="\"$val\""
-    fi
-    # else: unquoted integer/hex
-    stmt="${stmt}#define $2 $val"
-    mkl_env_set "$defid" "$stmt"
-    mkl_env_append MKL_DEFINES "$defid"
-# Sets "all" configuration variables, that is:
-# for name set: Makefile variable, config.h define
-# Will convert value "y"|"n" to 1|0 for config.h
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  variable name
-#  value
-function mkl_allvar_set {
-    mkl_mkvar_set "$1" "$2" "$3"
-    local val=$3
-    if [[ $3 = "y" ]]; then
-        val=1
-    elif [[ $3 = "n" ]]; then
-        val=0
-    fi
-    mkl_define_set "$1" "$2" "$val"
-# Check failure functionality
-# Summarize all fatal failures and then exits.
-function mkl_fail_summary {
-    echo "
-    local pkg_cmd=""
-    local install_pkgs=""
-    mkl_err "###########################################################"
-    mkl_err "###                  Configure failed                   ###"
-    mkl_err "###########################################################"
-    mkl_err "### Accumulated failures:                               ###"
-    mkl_err "###########################################################"
-    local n
-    for n in $MKL_FAILS ; do
-        local conf=$(mkl_var_get MKL_FAIL__${n}__conf)
-        mkl_err  " $conf ($(mkl_var_get MKL_FAIL__${n}__define)) $(mkl_meta_get $conf name)"
-        if mkl_meta_exists $conf desc; then
-            mkl_err0 "      desc: $MKL_YELLOW$(mkl_meta_get $conf desc)$MKL_CLR_RESET"
-        fi
-        mkl_err0 "    module: $(mkl_var_get MKL_FAIL__${n}__module)"
-        mkl_err0 "    action: $(mkl_var_get MKL_FAIL__${n}__action)"
-        mkl_err0 "    reason:
-$(mkl_var_get MKL_FAIL__${n}__reason)
-        # Dig up some metadata to assist the user
-        case $MKL_DISTRO in
-            Debian|Ubuntu|*)
-                local debs=$(mkl_meta_get $conf "deb")
-                pkg_cmd="sudo apt-get install"
-                if [[ ${#debs} > 0 ]]; then
-                    install_pkgs="$install_pkgs $debs"
-                fi
-                ;;
-        esac
-    done
-    if [[ ! -z $install_pkgs ]]; then
-        mkl_err "###########################################################"
-        mkl_err "### Installing the following packages might help:       ###"
-        mkl_err "###########################################################"
-        mkl_err0 "$pkg_cmd $install_pkgs"
-        mkl_err0 ""
-    fi
-    exit 1
-# Checks if there were failures.
-# Returns 0 if there were no failures, else calls failure summary and exits.
-function mkl_check_fails {
-    if [[ ${#MKL_FAILS} = 0 ]]; then
-        return 0
-    fi
-    mkl_fail_summary
-# A check has failed but we want to carry on (and we should!).
-# We fail it all later.
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  define name
-#  action
-#  reason
-function mkl_fail {
-    local n="$(mkl_env_esc "$1")"
-    mkl_var_set "MKL_FAIL__${n}__conf" "$1"
-    mkl_var_set "MKL_FAIL__${n}__module" $MKL_MODULE
-    mkl_var_set "MKL_FAIL__${n}__define" $2
-    mkl_var_set "MKL_FAIL__${n}__action" "$3"
-    if [[ -z $(mkl_var_get "MKL_FAIL__${n}__reason") ]]; then
-        mkl_var_set "MKL_FAIL__${n}__reason" "$4"
-    else
-        mkl_var_append "MKL_FAIL__${n}__reason" "
-And also:
-    fi
-    mkl_in_list "$MKL_FAILS" "$n" || mkl_var_append MKL_FAILS "$n"
-# A check failed, handle it
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  define name
-#  action (fail|disable|ignore|cont)
-#  reason
-function mkl_check_failed {
-    # Override action based on require directives, unless the action is
-    # set to cont (for fallthrough to sub-sequent tests).
-    local action="$3"
-    if [[ $3 != "cont" ]]; then
-        action=$(mkl_meta_get "MOD__$MKL_MODULE" "override_action" $3)
-    fi
-    # --fail-fatal option
-    [[ $MKL_FAILFATAL ]] && action="fail"
-    mkl_check_done "$1" "$2" "$action" "failed"
-    mkl_dbg "Check $1 ($2, action $action (originally $3)) failed: $4"
-    case $action in
-        fail)
-            # Check failed fatally, fail everything eventually
-            mkl_fail "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4$extra"
-            return 1
-            ;;
-        disable)
-            # Check failed, disable
-            [[ ! -z $2 ]] && mkl_mkvar_set "$1" "$2" "n"
-            return 1
-            ;;
-        ignore)
-            # Check failed but we ignore the results and set it anyway.
-            [[ ! -z $2 ]] && mkl_define_set "$1" "$2" "1"
-            [[ ! -z $2 ]] && mkl_mkvar_set "$1" "$2" "y"
-            return 1
-            ;;
-        cont)
-            # Check failed but we ignore the results and do nothing.
-            return 0
-            ;;
-    esac
-# Output generators
-# Generate late variables.
-# Late variables are those referenced in command line option defaults
-# but then never set by --option.
-function mkl_generate_late_vars {
-    local n
-    for n in $MKL_LATE_VARS ; do
-        local func=${n%:*}
-        local safeopt=${func#opt_}
-        local val=${n#*:}
-        if mkl_in_list "$MKL_OPTS_SET" "$safeopt" ; then
-            # Skip options set explicitly with --option
-            continue
-        fi
-        # Expand variable references "\$foo" by calling eval
-        # and pass it opt_... function.
-        $func "$(eval echo $val)"
-    done
-# Generate output files.
-# Must be called following a succesful configure run.
-function mkl_generate {
-    local mf=
-    for mf in $MKL_GENERATORS ; do
-        MKL_MODULE=${mf%:*}
-        local func=${mf#*:}
-        $func || exit 1
-    done
-    mkl_write_mk "# Automatically generated by $0 $*"
-    mkl_write_mk "# Config variables"
-    mkl_write_mk "#"
-    mkl_write_mk "# Generated by:"
-    mkl_write_mk "# $MKL_CONFIGURE_ARGS"
-    mkl_write_mk ""
-    # This variable is used by Makefile.base to avoid multiple inclusions.
-    mkl_write_mk "MKL_MAKEFILE_CONFIG=y"
-    # Export colors to Makefile.config
-    mkl_write_mk "MKL_RED=\t${MKL_RED}"
-    mkl_write_mk "MKL_GREEN=\t${MKL_GREEN}"
-    mkl_write_mk "MKL_YELLOW=\t${MKL_YELLOW}"
-    mkl_write_mk "MKL_BLUE=\t${MKL_BLUE}"
-    mkl_write_mk "MKL_CLR_RESET=\t${MKL_CLR_RESET}"
-    local n=
-    for n in $MKL_MKVARS ; do
-	# Some special variables should be prefixable by the caller, so
-	# define them in the makefile as appends.
-	local op="="
-	case $n in
-		op="+="
-		;;
-	esac
-        mkl_write_mk "$n$op\t${!n}"
-    done
-    mkl_write_mk "# End of config variables"
-    MKL_OUTMK_FINAL=Makefile.config
-    echo "Generated $MKL_OUTMK_FINAL"
-    # Generate config.h
-    mkl_write_h "// Automatically generated by $0 $*"
-    mkl_write_h "#pragma once"
-    for n in $MKL_DEFINES ; do
-        mkl_write_h "${!n}"
-    done
-    MKL_OUTH_FINAL=config.h
-    echo "Generated $MKL_OUTH_FINAL"
-# Remove file noisily, if it exists
-function mkl_rm {
-    if [[ -f $fname ]]; then
-        echo "Removing $fname"
-        rm -f "$fname"
-    fi
-# Remove files generated by configure
-function mkl_clean {
-    for fname in Makefile.config config.h config.cache config.log ; do
-        mkl_rm "$fname"
-    done
-    local mf=
-    for mf in $MKL_CLEANERS ; do
-        MKL_MODULE=${mf%:*}
-        local func=${mf#*:}
-        $func || exit 1
-    done
-# Print summary of succesful configure run
-function mkl_summary {
-    echo "
-Configuration summary:"
-    local n=
-    for n in $MKL_MKVARS ; do
-        # Skip the boring booleans
-        if [[ $n == WITH_* || $n == WITHOUT_* || $n == HAVE_* || $n == def_* ]]; then
-            continue
-        fi
-        printf "  %-24s %s\n" "$n" "${!n}"
-    done
-# Write to mk file
-# Argument:
-#  string ..
-function mkl_write_mk {
-    echo -e "$*" >> $MKL_OUTMK
-# Write to header file
-# Argument:
-#  string ..
-function mkl_write_h {
-    echo -e "$*" >> $MKL_OUTH
-# Logging and debugging
-# Debug print
-# Only visible on terminal if MKL_DEBUG is set.
-# Always written to config.log
-# Argument:
-#  string ..
-function mkl_dbg {
-    if [[ ! -z $MKL_DEBUG ]]; then
-        echo -e "${MKL_BLUE}DBG:$$: $*${MKL_CLR_RESET}" 1>&2
-    fi
-    echo "DBG: $*" >> $MKL_OUTDBG
-# Error print (with color)
-# Always printed to terminal and config.log
-# Argument:
-#  string ..
-function mkl_err {
-    echo -e "${MKL_RED}$*${MKL_CLR_RESET}" 1>&2
-    echo "$*" >> $MKL_OUTDBG
-# Same as mkl_err but without coloring
-# Argument:
-#  string ..
-function mkl_err0 {
-    echo -e "$*" 1>&2
-    echo "$*" >> $MKL_OUTDBG
-# Standard print
-# Always printed to terminal and config.log
-# Argument:
-#  string ..
-function mkl_info {
-    echo -e "$*" 1>&2
-    echo -e "$*" >> $MKL_OUTDBG
-# Misc helpers
-# Returns the absolute path (but not necesarily canonical) of the first argument
-function mkl_abspath {
-    echo $1 | sed -e "s|^\([^/]\)|$PWD/\1|"
-# Returns true (0) if function $1 exists, else false (1)
-function mkl_func_exists {
-    declare -f "$1" > /dev/null
-    return $?
-# Rename function.
-# Returns 0 on success or 1 if old function (origname) was not defined.
-# Arguments:
-#   origname
-#   newname
-function mkl_func_rename {
-    if ! mkl_func_exists $1 ; then
-        return 1
-    fi
-    local orig=$(declare -f $1)
-    local new="$2${orig#$1}"
-    eval "$new"
-    unset -f "$1"
-    return 0
-# Push module function for later call by mklove.
-# The function is renamed to an internal name.
-# Arguments:
-#  list variable name
-#  module name
-#  function name
-function mkl_func_push {
-    local newfunc="__mkl__f_${2}_$(( MKL_IDNEXT++ ))"
-    if mkl_func_rename "$3" "$newfunc" ; then
-        mkl_var_append "$1" "$2:$newfunc"
-    fi
-# Returns value, or the default string if value is empty.
-# Arguments:
-#  value
-#  default
-function mkl_def {
-    if [[ ! -z $1 ]]; then
-        echo $1
-    else
-        echo $2
-    fi
-# Render a string (e.g., evaluate its $varrefs)
-# Arguments:
-#  string
-function mkl_render {
-    if [[ $* == *\$* ]]; then
-        eval "echo $*"
-    else
-        echo "$*"
-    fi
-# Escape a string so that it becomes suitable for being an env variable.
-# This is a destructive operation and the original string cannot be restored.
-function mkl_env_esc {
-    echo $* | LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g'
-# Convert arguments to upper case
-function mkl_upper {
-    echo "$*" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
-# Convert arguments to lower case
-function mkl_lower {
-    echo "$*" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
-# Checks if element is in list
-# Arguments:
-#   list
-#   element
-function mkl_in_list {
-    local n
-    for n in $1 ; do
-        [[ $n == $2 ]] && return 0
-    done
-    return 1
-# Cache functionality
-# Write cache file
-function mkl_cache_write {
-    [[ ! -z "$MKL_NOCACHE" ]] && return 0
-    echo "# mklove configure cache file generated at $(date)" > config.cache
-    for n in $MKL_CACHEVARS ; do
-        echo "$n=${!n}" >> config.cache
-    done
-    echo "Generated config.cache"
-# Read cache file
-function mkl_cache_read {
-    [[ ! -z "$MKL_NOCACHE" ]] && return 0
-    [ -f config.cache ] || return 1
-    echo "using cache file config.cache"
-    local ORIG_IFS=$IFS
-    IFS="$IFS="
-    while read -r n v ; do
-        [[ -z $n || $n = \#* || -z $v ]] && continue
-        mkl_var_set $n $v cache
-    done < config.cache
-# Config name meta data
-# Set metadata for config name
-# This metadata is used by mkl in various situations
-# Arguments:
-#   config name
-#   metadata key
-#   metadata value (appended)
-function mkl_meta_set {
-    local metaname="mkl__$1__$2"
-    eval "$metaname=\"\$$metaname $3\""
-# Returns metadata for config name
-# Arguments:
-#   config name
-#   metadata key
-#   default (optional)
-function mkl_meta_get {
-    local metaname="mkl__$1__$2"
-    if [[ ! -z ${!metaname} ]]; then
-        echo ${!metaname}
-    else
-        echo "$3"
-    fi
-# Checks if metadata exists
-# Arguments:
-#   config name
-#   metadata key
-function mkl_meta_exists {
-    local metaname="mkl__$1__$2"
-    if [[ ! -z ${!metaname} ]]; then
-        return 0
-    else
-        return 1
-    fi
-# Check framework
-# Print that a check is beginning to run
-# Returns 0 if a cached result was used (do not continue with your tests),
-# else 1.
-# If the check should not be cachable then specify argument 3 as "no-cache",
-# this is useful when a check not only checks but actually sets config
-# variables itself (which is not recommended, but desired sometimes).
-# Arguments:
-#  [ --verb "verb.." ]  (replace "checking for")
-#  config name
-#  define name
-#  action  (fail,cont,disable or no-cache)
-#  [ display name ]
-function mkl_check_begin {
-    local verb="checking for"
-    if [[ $1 == "--verb" ]]; then
-        verb="$2"
-        shift
-        shift
-    fi
-    local name=$(mkl_meta_get $1 name "$4")
-    [[ -z $name ]] && name="x:$1"
-    echo -n "$verb $name..."
-    if [[ $3 != "no-cache" ]]; then
-        local status=$(mkl_var_get "MKL_STATUS_$1")
-        # Check cache (from previous run or this one).
-        # Only used cached value if the cached check succeeded:
-        # it is more likely that a failed check has been fixed than the other
-        # way around.
-        if [[ ! -z $status && ( $status = "ok" ) ]]; then
-            mkl_check_done "$1" "$2" "$3" $status "cached"
-            return 0
-        fi
-    fi
-    return 1
-# Print that a check is done
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  define name
-#  action
-#  status (ok|failed)
-#  extra-info (optional)
-function mkl_check_done {
-    # Clean up configname to be a safe varname
-    local cname=${1//-/_}
-    mkl_var_set "MKL_STATUS_$cname" "$4" cache
-    local extra=""
-    if [[ $4 = "failed" ]]; then
-        local clr=$MKL_YELLOW
-        extra=" ($3)"
-        case "$3" in
-            fail)
-                clr=$MKL_RED
-                ;;
-            cont)
-                extra=""
-                ;;
-        esac
-        echo -e " $clr$4$MKL_CLR_RESET${extra}"
-    else
-        [[ ! -z $2 ]] && mkl_define_set "$cname" "$2" "1"
-        [[ ! -z $2 ]] && mkl_mkvar_set  "$cname" "$2" "y"
-        [ ! -z "$5" ] && extra=" ($5)"
-        echo -e " $MKL_GREEN$4${MKL_CLR_RESET}$extra"
-    fi
-# Perform configure check by compiling source snippet
-# Arguments:
-#  [--ldflags="..." ]  (appended after "compiler arguments" below)
-#  config name
-#  define name
-#  action (fail|disable)
-#  compiler (CC|CXX)
-#  compiler arguments (optional "", example: "-lzookeeper")
-#  source snippet
-function mkl_compile_check {
-    local ldf=
-    if [[ $1 == --ldflags=* ]]; then
-	ldf=${1#*=}
-	shift
-    fi
-    mkl_check_begin "$1" "$2" "$3" "$1 (by compile)" && return $?
-    local cflags=
-    if [[ $4 = "CXX" ]]; then
-        local ext=cpp
-        cflags="$(mkl_mkvar_get CXXFLAGS)"
-    else
-        local ext=c
-        cflags="$(mkl_mkvar_get CFLAGS)"
-    fi
-    local srcfile=$(mktemp _mkltmpXXXXXX)
-    mv "$srcfile" "${srcfile}.$ext"
-    srcfile="$srcfile.$ext"
-    echo "$6" > $srcfile
-    echo "
-int main () { return 0; }
-" >> $srcfile
-    local cmd="${!4} $cflags $(mkl_mkvar_get CPPFLAGS) -Wall -Werror $srcfile -o ${srcfile}.o $ldf $(mkl_mkvar_get LDFLAGS) $5";
-    mkl_dbg "Compile check $1 ($2): $cmd"
-    local output
-    output=$($cmd 2>&1)
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-        mkl_dbg "compile check for $1 ($2) failed: $cmd: $output"
-        mkl_check_failed "$1" "$2" "$3" "compile check failed:
-CC: $4
-flags: $5
-source: $6"
-        local ret=1
-    else
-        mkl_check_done "$1" "$2" "$3" "ok"
-        local ret=0
-    fi
-    # OSX XCode toolchain creates dSYM directories when -g is set,
-    # delete them specifically.
-    rm -rf "$srcfile" "${srcfile}.o" "$srcfile*dSYM"
-    return $ret
-# Try to link with a library.
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  define name
-#  action (fail|disable)
-#  linker flags (e.g. "-lpthreads")
-function mkl_link_check {
-    mkl_check_begin "$1" "$2" "$3" "$1 (by linking)" && return $?
-    local srcfile=$(mktemp _mktmpXXXXXX)
-    echo "int main () { return 0; }" > $srcfile
-    local cmd="${CC} $(mkl_mkvar_get LDFLAGS) -c $srcfile -o ${srcfile}.o $4";
-    mkl_dbg "Link check $1 ($2): $cmd"
-    local output
-    output=$($cmd 2>&1)
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-        mkl_dbg "link check for $1 ($2) failed: $output"
-        mkl_check_failed "$1" "$2" "$3" "compile check failed:
-        local ret=1
-    else
-        mkl_check_done "$1" "$2" "$3" "ok" "$4"
-        local ret=0
-    fi
-    rm -f $srcfile*
-    return $ret
-# Tries to figure out if we can use a static library or not.
-# Arguments:
-#  library name   (e.g. -lrdkafka)
-#  compiler flags (optional "", e.g: "-lyajl")
-# Returns/outputs:
-#  New list of compiler flags
-function mkl_lib_check_static {
-    local libname=$1
-    local libs=$2
-    local arfile_var=STATIC_LIB_${libname#-l}
-    mkl_dbg "Check $libname for static library (libs $libs, arfile variable $arfile_var=${!arfile_var})"
-    # If STATIC_LIB_<libname_without_-l> specifies an existing .a file we
-    # use that instead.
-    if [[ -f ${!arfile_var} ]]; then
-	libs=$(echo $libs | sed -e "s|$libname|${!arfile_var}|g")
-    elif [[ $HAS_LDFLAGS_STATIC == y ]]; then
-        libs=$(echo $libs | sed -e "s|$libname|${LDFLAGS_STATIC} $libname ${LDFLAGS_DYNAMIC}|g")
-    else
-        mkl_dbg "$libname: Neither $arfile_var specified or static linker flags supported: static linking probably won't work"
-    fi
-    echo $libs
-# Checks that the specified lib is available through a number of methods.
-# compiler flags are automatically appended to "LIBS" mkvar on success.
-# If STATIC_LIB_<libname_without_-l> is set to the path of an <libname>.a file
-# it will be used instead of -l<libname>.
-# Arguments:
-#  [--static=<lib>]  (allows static linking (--enable-static) for the
-#                     library provided, e.g.: --static=-lrdkafka "librdkafka"..)
-#  [--libname=<lib>] (library name if different from config name, such as
-#                     when the libname includes a dash)
-#  config name (library name (for pkg-config))
-#  define name
-#  action (fail|disable|cont)
-#  compiler (CC|CXX)
-#  compiler flags (optional "", e.g: "-lyajl")
-#  source snippet
-function mkl_lib_check {
-    local is_static=0
-    local staticopt=
-    if [[ $1 == --static* ]]; then
-        staticopt=$1
-        shift
-    fi
-    local libnameopt=
-    local libname=$1
-    if [[ $1 == --libname* ]]; then
-        libnameopt=$1
-        libname="${libnameopt#*=}"
-        shift
-    fi
-    # pkg-config result (0=ok)
-    local pkg_conf_failed=1
-    if [[ $WITH_PKGCONFIG == "y" ]]; then
-        # Let pkg-config populate CFLAGS,
-        mkl_pkg_config_check $staticopt $libnameopt "$1" "" cont
-        pkg_conf_failed=$?
-    fi
-    local libs=""
-    if [[ $pkg_conf_failed ]]; then
-        libs="$5"
-        if [[ $WITH_STATIC_LINKING == y && ! -z $staticopt ]]; then
-            libs=$(mkl_lib_check_static "${staticopt#*=}" "$libs")
-            is_static=1
-        fi
-    fi
-    if ! mkl_compile_check "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$libs" "$6"; then
-        return 1
-    fi
-    if [[ $pkg_conf_failed == 1 ]]; then
-        if [[ $is_static == 1 ]]; then
-            mkl_mkvar_prepend "$1" LIBS "$libs"
-        else
-            mkl_mkvar_append "$1" LIBS "$libs"
-        fi
-    fi
-    return 0
-# Check for library with pkg-config
-# Automatically sets CFLAGS and LIBS from pkg-config information.
-# Arguments:
-#  [--static=<lib>]  (allows static linking (--enable-static) for the
-#                     library provided, e.g.: --static=-lrdkafka "librdkafka"..)
-#  [--libname=<lib>] (library name if different from config name, such as
-#                     when the libname includes a dash)
-#  config name
-#  define name
-#  action (fail|disable|ignore)
-function mkl_pkg_config_check {
-    local staticopt=
-    if [[ $1 == --static* ]]; then
-        staticopt=$1
-        shift
-    fi
-    local libname=$1
-    if [[ $1 == --libname* ]]; then
-        libname="${libnameopt#*=}"
-        shift
-    fi
-    local cname="${1}_PKGCONFIG"
-    mkl_check_begin "$cname" "$2" "no-cache" "$1 (by pkg-config)" && return $?
-    local cflags=
-    local cmd="${PKG_CONFIG} --short-errors --cflags $libname"
-    mkl_dbg "pkg-config check $libname ($2): $cmd"
-    cflags=$($cmd 2>&1)
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-        mkl_dbg "'$cmd' failed: $cflags"
-        mkl_check_failed "$cname" "$2" "$3" "'$cmd' failed:
-        return 1
-    fi
-    local libs=
-    libs=$(${PKG_CONFIG} --short-errors --libs $libname 2>&1)
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-        mkl_dbg "${PKG_CONFIG} --libs $libname failed: $libs"
-        mkl_check_failed "$cname" "$2" "$3" "pkg-config --libs failed"
-        return 1
-    fi
-    mkl_mkvar_append $1 "CFLAGS" "$cflags"
-    if [[ $WITH_STATIC_LINKING == y && ! -z $staticopt ]]; then
-        libs=$(mkl_lib_check_static "${staticopt#*=}" "$libs")
-        mkl_mkvar_prepend "$1" LIBS "$libs"
-    else
-        mkl_mkvar_append "$1" LIBS "$libs"
-    fi
-    mkl_check_done "$1" "$2" "$3" "ok"
-    return 0
-# Check that a command runs and exits succesfully.
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  define name (optional, can be empty)
-#  action
-#  command
-function mkl_command_check {
-    mkl_check_begin "$1" "$2" "$3" "$1 (by command)" && return $?
-    local out=
-    out=$($4 2>&1)
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-        mkl_dbg "$1: $2: $4 failed: $out"
-        mkl_check_failed "$1" "$2" "$3" "command '$4' failed:
-        return 1
-    fi
-    mkl_check_done "$1" "$2" "$3" "ok"
-    return 0
-# Check that a program is executable, but will not execute it.
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  define name (optional, can be empty)
-#  action
-#  program name  (e.g, objdump)
-function mkl_prog_check {
-    mkl_check_begin --verb "checking executable" "$1" "$2" "$3" "$1" && return $?
-    local out=
-    out=$(command -v "$4" 2>&1)
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-        mkl_dbg "$1: $2: $4 is not executable: $out"
-        mkl_check_failed "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4 is not executable"
-        return 1
-    fi
-    mkl_check_done "$1" "$2" "$3" "ok"
-    return 0
-# Checks that the check for the given config name passed.
-# This does not behave like the other checks, if the given config name passed
-# its test then nothing is printed. Else the configure will fail.
-# Arguments:
-#  checked config name
-function mkl_config_check {
-    local status=$(mkl_var_get "MKL_STATUS_$1")
-    [[ $status = "ok" ]] && return 0
-    mkl_fail $1 "" "fail" "$MKL_MODULE requires $1"
-    return 1
-# Checks that all provided config names are set.
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  define name
-#  action
-#  check_config_name1
-#  check_config_name2..
-function mkl_config_check_all {
-    local cname=
-    local res="ok"
-    echo start this now for $1
-    for cname in ${@:4}; do
-        local st=$(mkl_var_get "MKL_STATUS_$cname")
-        [[ $status = "ok" ]] && continue
-        mkl_fail $1 $2 $3 "depends on $cname"
-        res="failed"
-    done
-    echo "try res $res"
-    mkl_check_done "$1" "$2" "$3" $res
-# Check environment variable
-# Arguments:
-#  config name
-#  define name
-#  action
-#  environment variable
-function mkl_env_check {
-    mkl_check_begin "$1" "$2" "$3" "$1 (by env $4)" && return $?
-    if [[ -z ${!4} ]]; then
-        mkl_check_failed "$1" "$2" "$3" "environment variable $4 not set"
-        return 1
-    fi
-    mkl_check_done "$1" "$2" "$3" "ok" "${!4}"
-    return 0
-# Run all checks
-function mkl_checks_run {
-    # Set up common variables
-    mkl_allvar_set "" MKL_APP_NAME $(mkl_meta_get description name)
-    mkl_allvar_set "" MKL_APP_DESC_ONELINE "$(mkl_meta_get description oneline)"
-    # Call checks functions in dependency order
-    local mf
-    for mf in $MKL_CHECKS ; do
-        MKL_MODULE=${mf%:*}
-        local func=${mf#*:}
-        if mkl_func_exists $func ; then
-            $func
-        else
-            mkl_err "Check function $func from $MKL_MODULE disappeared ($mf)"
-        fi
-        unset MKL_MODULE
-    done
-# Check for color support in terminal.
-# If the terminal supports colors, the function will alter
-function mkl_check_terminal_color_support {
-    local use_color=false
-    local has_tput=false
-    if [[ -z ${TERM} ]]; then
-        # tput and dircolors require $TERM
-        mkl_dbg "\$TERM is not set! Cannot check for color support in terminal."
-        return 1
-    elif hash tput 2>/dev/null; then
-        has_tput=true
-        [[ $(tput colors 2>/dev/null) -ge 8 ]] && use_color=true
-        mkl_dbg "tput reports color support: ${use_color}"
-    elif hash dircolors 2>/dev/null; then
-        # Enable color support only on colorful terminals.
-        # dircolors --print-database uses its own built-in database
-        # instead of using /etc/DIR_COLORS. Try to use the external file
-        # first to take advantage of user additions.
-        local safe_term=${TERM//[^[:alnum:]]/?}
-        local match_lhs=""
-        [[ -f ~/.dir_colors   ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(<~/.dir_colors)"
-        [[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(</etc/DIR_COLORS)"
-        [[ -z ${match_lhs}    ]] && match_lhs=$(dircolors --print-database)
-        [[ $'\n'${match_lhs} == *$'\n'"TERM "${safe_term}* ]] && use_color=true
-        mkl_dbg "dircolors reports color support: ${use_color}"
-    fi
-    if ${use_color}; then
-        if ${has_tput}; then
-            # In theory, user could have set different escape sequences
-            # Because tput is available we can use it to query the right values ...
-            mkl_dbg "Using color escape sequences from tput"
-            MKL_RED=$(tput setaf 1)
-            MKL_GREEN=$(tput setaf 2)
-            MKL_YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3)
-            MKL_BLUE=$(tput setaf 4)
-            MKL_CLR_RESET=$(tput sgr0)
-        else
-            mkl_dbg "Using hard-code ANSI color escape sequences"
-            MKL_RED="\033[031m"
-            MKL_GREEN="\033[032m"
-            MKL_YELLOW="\033[033m"
-            MKL_BLUE="\033[034m"
-            MKL_CLR_RESET="\033[0m"
-        fi
-    else
-        mkl_dbg "Did not detect color support in \"$TERM\" terminal!"
-    fi
-    return 0
-# Module functionality
-# Downloads module from repository.
-# Arguments:
-#  module name
-# Returns:
-#  module file name
-function mkl_module_download {
-    local modname="$1"
-    local url="$MKL_REPO_URL/modules/configure.$modname"
-    local tmpfile=""
-    fname="${MKLOVE_DIR}/modules/configure.$modname"
-    if [[ $url != http*://* ]]; then
-        # Local path, just copy file.
-        if [[ ! -f $url ]]; then
-            mkl_err "Module $modname not found at $url"
-            return 1
-        fi
-        if ! cp "$url" "$fname" ; then
-            mkl_err "Failed to copy $url to $fname"
-            return 1
-        fi
-        echo "$fname"
-        return 0
-    fi
-    # Download
-    mkl_info "${MKL_BLUE}downloading missing module $modname from $url${MKL_CLR_RESET}"
-    tmpfile=$(mktemp _mkltmpXXXXXX)
-    local out=
-    out=$(wget -nv -O "$tmpfile" "$url" 2>&1)
-    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
-        rm -f "$tmpfile"
-        mkl_err "Failed to download $modname:"
-        mkl_err0 $out
-        return 1
-    fi
-    # Move downloaded file into place replacing the old file.
-    mv "$tmpfile" "$fname" || return 1
-    # "Return" filename
-    echo "$fname"
-    return 0
-# Load module by name or filename
-# Arguments:
-#   "require"|"try"
-#   filename
-# [ module arguments ]
-function mkl_module_load {
-    local try=$1
-    shift
-    local fname=$1
-    shift
-    local modname=${fname#*configure.}
-    local bypath=1
-    # Check if already loaded
-    if mkl_in_list "$MKL_MODULES" "$modname"; then
-        return 0
-    fi
-    if [[ $fname = $modname ]]; then
-        # Module specified by name, find the file.
-        bypath=0
-        for fname in configure.$modname \
-            ${MKLOVE_DIR}/modules/configure.$modname ; do
-            [[ -s $fname ]] && break
-        done
-    fi
-    # Calling module
-    local cmod=$MKL_MODULE
-    [[ -z $cmod ]] && cmod="base"
-    if [[ ! -s $fname ]]; then
-        # Attempt to download module, if permitted
-        if [[ $MKL_NO_DOWNLOAD != 0 || $bypath == 1 ]]; then
-            mkl_err "Module $modname not found at $fname (required by $cmod) and downloads disabled"
-            if [[ $try = "require" ]]; then
-                mkl_fail "$modname" "none" "fail" \
-                    "Module $modname not found (required by $cmod) and downloads disabled"
-            fi
-            return 1
-        fi
-        fname=$(mkl_module_download "$modname")
-        if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
-            mkl_err "Module $modname not found (required by $cmod)"
-            if [[ $try = "require" ]]; then
-                mkl_fail "$modname" "none" "fail" \
-                    "Module $modname not found (required by $cmod)"
-                return 1
-            fi
-        fi
-        # Now downloaded, try loading the module again.
-        mkl_module_load $try "$fname" "$@"
-        return $?
-    fi
-    # Set current module
-    local save_MKL_MODULE=$MKL_MODULE
-    MKL_MODULE=$modname
-    mkl_dbg "Loading module $modname (required by $cmod) from $fname"
-    # Source module file (positional arguments are available to module)
-    source $fname
-    # Restore current module (might be recursive)
-    # Add module to list of modules
-    mkl_var_append MKL_MODULES $modname
-    # Rename module's special functions so we can call them separetely later.
-    mkl_func_rename "options" "${modname}_options"
-    mkl_func_push MKL_CHECKS "$modname" "checks"
-    mkl_func_push MKL_GENERATORS "$modname" "generate"
-    mkl_func_push MKL_CLEANERS "$modname" "clean"
-# Require and load module
-# Must only be called from module file outside any function.
-# Arguments:
-#  [ --try ]    Dont fail if module doesn't exist
-#  module1
-#  [ "must" "pass" ]
-#  [ module arguments ... ]
-function mkl_require {
-    local try="require"
-    if [[ $1 = "--try" ]]; then
-        local try="try"
-        shift
-    fi
-    local mod=$1
-    shift
-    local override_action=
-    # Check for cyclic dependencies
-    if mkl_in_list "$MKL_LOAD_STACK" "$mod"; then
-        mkl_err "Cyclic dependency detected while loading $mod module:"
-        local cmod=
-        local lmod=$mod
-        for cmod in $MKL_LOAD_STACK ; do
-            mkl_err "  $lmod required by $cmod"
-            lmod=$cmod
-        done
-        mkl_fail base "" fail "Cyclic dependency detected while loading module $mod"
-        return 1
-    fi
-    mkl_var_prepend MKL_LOAD_STACK "$mod"
-    if [[ "$1 $2" == "must pass" ]]; then
-        shift
-        shift
-        override_action="fail"
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -z $override_action ]]; then
-        mkl_meta_set "MOD__$mod" "override_action" "$override_action"
-    fi
-    mkl_module_load $try $mod "$@"
-    local ret=$?
-    mkl_var_shift MKL_LOAD_STACK
-    return $ret
-# Usage options
-MKL_USAGE="Usage: ./configure [OPTIONS...]
- mklove configure script - mklove, not autoconf
- Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Magnus Edenhill -
-function mkl_usage {
-    echo "$MKL_USAGE"
-    local name=$(mkl_meta_get description name)
-    if [[ ! -z ${name} ]]; then
-	echo " $name - $(mkl_meta_get description oneline)
- $(mkl_meta_get description copyright)
-    fi
-    local og
-    for og in $MKL_USAGE_GROUPS ; do
-        og="MKL_USAGE_GROUP__$og"
-        echo "${!og}"
-    done
-    echo "Honoured environment variables:
-  STATIC_LIB_<libname>=.../libname.a
-# Add usage option informative text
-# Arguments:
-#  text
-function mkl_usage_info {
-# Add option to usage output
-# Arguments:
-#  option group ("Standard", "Cross-Compilation", etc..)
-#  variable name
-#  option ("--foo=feh")
-#  help
-#  default (optional)
-#  assignvalue (optional, default:"y")
-#  function block (optional)
-function mkl_option {
-    local optgroup=$1
-    local varname=$2
-    # Fixed width between option name and help in usage output
-    local pad="                                   "
-    if [[ ${#3} -lt ${#pad} ]]; then
-        pad=${pad:0:$(expr ${#pad} - ${#3})}
-    else
-        pad=""
-    fi
-    # Add to usage output
-    local optgroup_safe=$(mkl_env_esc $optgroup)
-    if ! mkl_in_list "$MKL_USAGE_GROUPS" "$optgroup_safe" ; then
-        mkl_env_append MKL_USAGE_GROUPS "$optgroup_safe"
-        mkl_env_set "MKL_USAGE_GROUP__$optgroup_safe" "$optgroup options:
-    fi
-    local defstr=""
-    [[ ! -z $5 ]] && defstr=" [$5]"
-    mkl_env_append "MKL_USAGE_GROUP__$optgroup_safe" "  $3 $pad $4$defstr
-    local optname="${3#--}"
-    local safeopt=
-    local optval=""
-    if [[ $3 == *=* ]]; then
-        optname="${optname%=*}"
-        optval="${3#*=}"
-    fi
-    safeopt=$(mkl_env_esc $optname)
-    mkl_meta_set "MKL_OPT_ARGS" "$safeopt" "$optval"
-    #
-    # Optional variable scoping by prefix: "env:", "mk:", "def:"
-    #
-    local setallvar="mkl_allvar_set ''"
-    local setmkvar="mkl_mkvar_set ''"
-    if [[ $varname = env:* ]]; then
-        # Set environment variable (during configure runtime only)
-        varname=${varname#*:}
-        setallvar=mkl_env_set
-        setmkvar=mkl_env_set
-    elif [[ $varname = mk:* ]]; then
-        # Set Makefile.config variable
-        varname=${varname#*:}
-        setallvar="mkl_mkvar_append ''"
-        setmkvar="mkl_mkvar_append ''"
-    elif [[ $varname = def:* ]]; then
-        # Set config.h define
-        varname=${varname#*:}
-        setallvar="mkl_define_set ''"
-        setmkvar="mkl_define_set ''"
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -z $7 ]]; then
-        # Function block specified.
-        eval "function opt_$safeopt { $7 }"
-    else
-    # Add default implementation of function simply setting the value.
-    # Application may override this by redefining the function after calling
-    # mkl_option.
-        if [[ $optval = "PATH" ]]; then
-        # PATH argument: make it an absolute path.
-        # Only set the make variable (not config.h)
-            eval "function opt_$safeopt { $setmkvar $varname \"\$(mkl_abspath \$(mkl_render \$1))\"; }"
-        else
-        # Standard argument: simply set the value
-            if [[ -z "$6" ]]; then
-                eval "function opt_$safeopt { $setallvar $varname \"\$1\"; }"
-            else
-                eval "function opt_$safeopt { $setallvar $varname \"$6\"; }"
-            fi
-        fi
-    fi
-    # If default value is provided and does not start with "$" (variable ref)
-    # then set it right away.
-    # $ variable refs are set after all checks have run during the
-    # generating step.
-    if [[ ${#5} != 0 ]] ; then
-        if [[ $5 = *\$* ]]; then
-            mkl_var_append "MKL_LATE_VARS" "opt_$safeopt:$5"
-        else
-            opt_$safeopt $5
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -z $varname ]]; then
-        # Add variable to list
-        MKL_CONFVARS="$MKL_CONFVARS $varname"
-    fi
-# Adds a toggle (--enable-X, --disable-X) option.
-# Arguments:
-#  option group   ("Standard", ..)
-#  variable name  (WITH_FOO)
-#  option         (--enable-foo)
-#  help           ("foo.." ("Enable" and "Disable" will be prepended))
-#  default        (y or n)
-function mkl_toggle_option {
-    # Add option argument
-    mkl_option "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5"
-    # Add corresponding "--disable-foo" option for "--enable-foo".
-    local disname="${3/--enable/--disable}"
-    local dishelp="${4/Enable/Disable}"
-    mkl_option "$1" "$2" "$disname" "$dishelp" "" "n"
-# Adds a toggle (--enable-X, --disable-X) option with builtin checker.
-# This is the library version.
-# Arguments:
-#  option group   ("Standard", ..)
-#  config name    (foo, must be same as pkg-config name)
-#  variable name  (WITH_FOO)
-#  action         (fail or disable)
-#  option         (--enable-foo)
-#  help           (defaults to "Enable <config name>")
-#  linker flags   (-lfoo)
-#  default        (y or n)
-function mkl_toggle_option_lib {
-    local help="$6"
-    [[ -z "$help" ]] && help="Enable $2"
-    # Add option argument
-    mkl_option "$1" "$3" "$5" "$help" "$8"
-    # Add corresponding "--disable-foo" option for "--enable-foo".
-    local disname="${5/--enable/--disable}"
-    local dishelp="${help/Enable/Disable}"
-    mkl_option "$1" "$3" "$disname" "$dishelp" "" "n"
-    # Create checks
-    eval "function _tmp_func { mkl_lib_check \"$2\" \"$3\" \"$4\" CC \"$7\"; }"
-    mkl_func_push MKL_CHECKS "$MKL_MODULE" _tmp_func
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/configure.builtin b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/configure.builtin
deleted file mode 100644
index 546cbb2..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/configure.builtin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# mklove builtin checks and options
-# Sets:
-#  prefix, etc..
-mkl_option "Standard" prefix "--prefix=PATH" \
-    "Install arch-independent files in PATH" "/usr/local"
-mkl_option "Standard" exec_prefix "--exec-prefix=PATH" \
-    "Install arch-dependent files in PATH" "\$prefix"
-mkl_option "Standard" bindir "--bindir=PATH" "User executables" "\$exec_prefix/bin"
-mkl_option "Standard" sbindir "--sbindir=PATH" "System admin executables" \
-    "\$exec_prefix/sbin"
-mkl_option "Standard" libexecdir "--libexecdir=PATH" "Program executables" \
-    "\$exec_prefix/libexec"
-mkl_option "Standard" datadir "--datadir=PATH" "Read-only arch-independent data" \
-    "\$prefix/share"
-mkl_option "Standard" sysconfdir "--sysconfdir=PATH" "Configuration data" \
-    "\$prefix/etc"
-mkl_option "Standard" sharedstatedir "--sharedstatedir=PATH" \
-    "Modifiable arch-independent data" "\$prefix/com"
-mkl_option "Standard" localstatedir "--localstatedir=PATH" \
-    "Modifiable local state data" "\$prefix/var"
-mkl_option "Standard" libdir "--libdir=PATH" "Libraries" "\$exec_prefix/lib"
-mkl_option "Standard" includedir "--includedir=PATH" "C/C++ header files" \
-    "\$prefix/include"
-mkl_option "Standard" infodir "--infodir=PATH" "Info documentation" "\$prefix/info"
-mkl_option "Standard" mandir "--mandir=PATH" "Manual pages" "\$prefix/man"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" "" "--list-modules" "List loaded mklove modules"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" "" "--list-checks" "List checks"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" env:MKL_FAILFATAL "--fail-fatal" "All failures are fatal"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" env:MKL_NOCACHE "--no-cache" "Dont use or generate config.cache"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" env:MKL_DEBUG "--debug" "Enable configure debugging"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" env:MKL_CLEAN "--clean" "Remove generated configure files"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" "" "--reconfigure" "Rerun configure with same arguments as last run"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" env:MKL_NO_DOWNLOAD "--no-download" "Disable downloads of required mklove modules"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" env:MKL_UPDATE_MODS "--update-modules" "Update modules from global repository"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" env:MKL_REPO_URL "--repo-url=URL_OR_PATH" "Override mklove modules repo URL" "$MKL_REPO_URL"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" "" "--help" "Show configure usage"
-mkl_toggle_option "Compatibility" "mk:MKL_MAINT_MODE" "--enable-maintainer-mode" "Maintainer mode (no-op)"
-mkl_option "Configure tool" "mk:PROGRAM_PREFIX" "--program-prefix=PFX" "Program prefix"
-mkl_option "Compatibility" "mk:DISABL_DEP_TRACK" "--disable-dependency-tracking" "Disable dependency tracking (no-op)"
-mkl_option "Compatibility" "mk:DISABL_SILENT_RULES" "--disable-silent-rules" "Verbose build output (no-op)"
-function checks {
-    if [[ ! -z $libdir ]]; then
-	mkl_mkvar_append "libdir" LDFLAGS "-L${libdir}"
-    fi
-    if [[ ! -z $includedir ]]; then
-	mkl_mkvar_append "includedir" CPPFLAGS "-I${includedir}"
-    fi
diff --git a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/ b/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/
deleted file mode 100644
index 79ce7fb..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/librdkafka-0.11.1/mklove/modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# Compiler detection
-# Sets:
-mkl_require host
-function checks {
-    # C compiler
-    mkl_meta_set "ccenv" "name" "C compiler from CC env"
-    if ! mkl_command_check "ccenv" "WITH_CC" cont "$CC --version"; then
-        if mkl_command_check "gcc" "WITH_GCC" cont "gcc --version"; then
-            CC=gcc
-        elif mkl_command_check "clang" "WITH_CLANG" cont "clang --version"; then
-            CC=clang
-        elif mkl_command_check "cc" "WITH_CC" fail "cc --version"; then
-            CC=cc
-        fi
-    fi
-    export CC="${CC}"
-    mkl_mkvar_set CC CC "$CC"
-    if [[ $MKL_CC_WANT_CXX == 1 ]]; then
-    # C++ compiler
-        mkl_meta_set "cxxenv" "name" "C++ compiler from CXX env"
-        if ! mkl_command_check "cxxenv" "WITH_CXX" cont "$CXX --version" ; then
-            mkl_meta_set "gxx" "name" "C++ compiler (g++)"
-            mkl_meta_set "clangxx" "name" "C++ compiler (clang++)"
-            mkl_meta_set "cxx" "name" "C++ compiler (c++)"
-            if mkl_command_check "gxx" "WITH_GXX" cont "g++ --version"; then
-                CXX=g++
-            elif mkl_command_check "clangxx" "WITH_CLANGXX" cont "clang++ --version"; then
-                CXX=clang++
-            elif mkl_command_check "cxx" "WITH_CXX" fail "c++ --version"; then
-                CXX=c++
-            fi
-        fi
-        export CXX="${CXX}"
-        mkl_mkvar_set "CXX" CXX $CXX
-    fi
-    # Handle machine bits, if specified.
-    if [[ ! -z "$MBITS" ]]; then
-	mkl_meta_set mbits_m name "mbits compiler flag (-m$MBITS)"
-	if mkl_compile_check mbits_m "" fail CC "-m$MBITS"; then
-	    mkl_mkvar_append CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS "-m$MBITS"
-	    mkl_mkvar_append LDFLAGS LDFLAGS "-m$MBITS"
-	fi
-	if [[ -z "$ARFLAGS" && $MBITS == 64 && $MKL_DISTRO == "SunOS" ]]; then
-	    # Turn on 64-bit archives on SunOS
-	    mkl_mkvar_append ARFLAGS ARFLAGS "S"
-	fi
-    fi
-    # Provide prefix and checks for various other build tools.
-    local t=
-    for t in LD:ld NM:nm OBJDUMP:objdump STRIP:strip ; do
-        local tenv=${t%:*}
-        t=${t#*:}
-	local tval="${!tenv}"
-        [[ -z $tval ]] && tval="$t"
-        if mkl_prog_check "$t" "" disable "$tval" ; then
-            if [[ $tval != ${!tenv} ]]; then
-		export "$tenv"="$tval"
-	    fi
-            mkl_mkvar_set $tenv $tenv "$tval"
-        fi
-    done
-    # Compiler and linker flags
-    [[ ! -z $CFLAGS ]]   && mkl_mkvar_set "CFLAGS" "CFLAGS" "$CFLAGS"
-    [[ ! -z $CPPFLAGS ]] && mkl_mkvar_set "CPPFLAGS" "CPPFLAGS" "$CPPFLAGS"
-    [[ ! -z $CXXFLAGS ]] && mkl_mkvar_set "CXXFLAGS" "CXXFLAGS" "$CXXFLAGS"
-    [[ ! -z $LDFLAGS ]]  && mkl_mkvar_set "LDFLAGS" "LDFLAGS" "$LDFLAGS"
-    [[ ! -z $ARFLAGS ]]  && mkl_mkvar_set "ARFLAGS" "ARFLAGS" "$ARFLAGS"
-    if [[ $MKL_NO_DEBUG_SYMBOLS != "y" ]]; then
-        # Add debug symbol flag (-g)
-        # OSX 10.9 requires -gstrict-dwarf for some reason.
-        mkl_meta_set cc_g_dwarf name "debug symbols compiler flag (-g...)"
-        if [[ $MKL_DISTRO == "osx" ]]; then
-            if mkl_compile_check cc_g_dwarf "" cont CC "-gstrict-dwarf"; then
-                mkl_mkvar_append CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS "-gstrict-dwarf"
-            else
-                mkl_mkvar_append CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS "-g"
-            fi
-        else
-            mkl_mkvar_append CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS "-g"
-        fi
-    fi
-    # pkg-config
-    if [ -z "$PKG_CONFIG" ]; then
-        PKG_CONFIG=pkg-config
-    fi
-    if mkl_command_check "pkgconfig" "WITH_PKGCONFIG" cont "$PKG_CONFIG --version"; then
-        export PKG_CONFIG
-    fi
-    mkl_mkvar_set "pkgconfig" PKG_CONFIG $PKG_CONFIG
-    [[ ! -z "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" ]] && mkl_env_append PKG_CONFIG_PATH "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
-    # install
-    if [ -z "$INSTALL" ]; then
-	if [[ $MKL_DISTRO == "SunOS" ]]; then
-	    mkl_meta_set ginstall name "GNU install"
-	    if mkl_command_check ginstall "" ignore "ginstall --version"; then
-		INSTALL=ginstall
-	    else
-		INSTALL=install
-	    fi
-        else
-            INSTALL=install
-	fi
-    fi
-    if mkl_command_check "install" "WITH_INSTALL" cont "$INSTALL --version"; then
-        export INSTALL
-    fi
-    mkl_mkvar_set "install" INSTALL $INSTALL
-    # Enable profiling if desired
-    if [[ $WITH_PROFILING == y ]]; then
-        mkl_allvar_set "" "WITH_PROFILING" "y"
-        mkl_mkvar_append CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS "-pg"
-        mkl_mkvar_append LDFLAGS LDFLAGS   "-pg"
-    fi
-    # Optimization
-    if [[ $WITHOUT_OPTIMIZATION == n ]]; then
-        mkl_mkvar_append CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS "-O2"
-    else
-        mkl_mkvar_append CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS "-O0"
-    fi
-    # Static linking
-    if [[ $WITH_STATIC_LINKING == y ]]; then
-        # LDFLAGS_STATIC is the LDFLAGS needed to enable static linking
-        # of sub-sequent libraries, while
-        # LDFLAGS_DYNAMIC is the LDFLAGS needed to enable dynamic linking.
-        if [[ $MKL_DISTRO != "osx" ]]; then
-            mkl_mkvar_set staticlinking LDFLAGS_STATIC  "-Wl,-Bstatic"
-            mkl_mkvar_set staticlinking LDFLAGS_DYNAMIC "-Wl,-Bdynamic"
-            mkl_mkvar_set staticlinking HAS_LDFLAGS_STATIC y
-        else
-            # OSX linker can't enable/disable static linking so we'll
-            # need to find the .a through STATIC_LIB_libname env var
-            mkl_mkvar_set staticlinking HAS_LDFLAGS_STATIC n
-        fi
-    fi
-mkl_option "Compiler" "env:CC" "--cc=CC" "Build using C compiler CC" "\$CC"
-mkl_option "Compiler" "env:CXX" "--cxx=CXX" "Build using C++ compiler CXX" "\$CXX"
-mkl_option "Compiler" "ARCH" "--arch=ARCH" "Build for architecture" "$(uname -m)"
-mkl_option "Compiler" "CPU" "--cpu=CPU" "Build and optimize for specific CPU" "generic"
-mkl_option "Compiler" "MBITS" "--mbits=BITS" "Machine bits (32 or 64)" ""
-    mkl_option "Compiler" "mk:$n" "--$n=$n" "Add $n flags"
-mkl_option "Compiler" "env:PKG_CONFIG_PATH" "--pkg-config-path" "Extra paths for pkg-config"
-mkl_option "Compiler" "WITH_PROFILING" "--enable-profiling" "Enable profiling"
-mkl_option "Compiler" "WITH_STATIC_LINKING" "--enable-static" "Enable static linking"
-mkl_option "Compiler" "WITHOUT_OPTIMIZATION" "--disable-optimization" "Disable optimization flag to compiler" "n"
-mkl_option "Compiler" "env:MKL_NO_DEBUG_SYMBOLS" "--disable-debug-symbols" "Disable debugging symbols" "n"
-mkl_option "Compiler" "env:MKL_WANT_WERROR" "--enable-werror" "Enable compiler warnings as errors" "n"