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Posted to by Skip Montanaro <> on 2018/08/17 12:07:22 UTC

How long should it take to shut down a small cluster?

For dev purposes, I run a small Kafka/Zookeeper setup, two brokers,
one Zookeeper, all running on the same host. I wrote a small stop
script which executes on the two brokers, waits
up to 20 seconds, checking every second to see if the brokers have
both exited, then runs

The Zookeeper instance and one of the brokers never seems to exit.
Before running the stop script, I stopped all my clients. I've
confirmed with lsof that the only established IPv4 connections either
has is with the other. I'm running from a kafka_2.11-1.0.0 download on
a Red Hat 6 server.

I don't routinely kill this setup, but when I do, it never seems to
exit cleanly. I always wind up having to forcibly kill the remaining
two processes. Am I doing something wrong? How long should shutdown
typically take?


Skip Montanaro