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Posted to by David Bau <> on 2003/11/14 22:32:04 UTC

XMLBeans V1 binding style arch writeup

When we first came into the incubator, I said "I'll write up some of the
XMLBeans v1 architecture," but it turned out to be a lot of stuff to write
up. Well, I've finally got part of it written up - an explanation of the
XmlBeans v1 binding style.

This doc basically lays out and explains how and why XMLBeans v1 can make
the unique assertion of binding 100% of schema, while still providing a very
efficient and useful binding.  I'll get this checked in somewhere.




The XML Schema/Java binding technology used by Apache XMLBeans
is a carefully designed "simplified binding style" that has
several desirable properties.

  1. The binding style is capable of supporting all of XML
schema (e.g., all types of content models, substitution,
inheritance, and 100% of schema validation).

  2. The binding style is capable of supporting a model that
can round-trip all of XML, as well as permitting consistent
access to the same XML infoset data using other APIs (XPath,
DOM, etc).

  3. The binding style is simple and so permits very fast

  4. The binding style is robust to versioning of XML schemas
as well as binding to invalid content.

  5. The binding style produces Java signatures that are easy
to understand and convenient to use.

This note describes the underlying principles and the specifics
of the simplified XML schema binding style.


The simplified binding style is built on two architectural

 1. Principle of Type Correspondence.  There is a one-to-one
correspondence betweeen Java classes and schema types, and the
inheritance trees in Java and schema correspond to each other.

 2. Principle of Node Correspondence.  There is a one-to-one
correspondence betwen Java instance objects and nodes for
elements, attributes, and documents in the XML infoset, and the
containment relationships in Java reflect the child and sibling
relationships in the XML infoset.

These two principles provide a bedrock of invariants that
guarantee that some basic programming mechanisms work.  For

 1. Type correspondence guarantees that Java "instanceof" can
be used to detect schema types even in the presence of
substitution and inheritance, and that Java type substitution
can be used wherever schema type substitution can be found.

 2. Node correspondence guarantees that XML information is
preserved in the Java instance data, and that object identity
can be maintained while accessing or manipulating the bound XML
infoset using a variety of different idioms, such as DOM or
XPath or XQuery.

The two basic principles also have the advantage that they
provide an easy and intuitive model for programmers to apply
and understand.  Yet preserving both principles while providing
a useful binding model presents a couple challenges.


The principle of type correspondence provides a Java class for
every schema type.  In particular, all the built-in Schema
types must have corresponding Java classes.

At first blush, one might assume, for example, that the Java
class formally corresponding to the schema type xs:string
should be java.lang.String.  However, since java.lang.String is
a final class, that choice would not allow xs:token (or any
other schema type which inherits from xs:string) to have a Java
class that has the proper inheritance relationship, since no
Java class can extend java.lang.String.

XML Schema type     | Corresponding Java type?
xs:string           | java.lang.String?  Maybe, but...
xs:token            | java.lang.String?
                    | No, because it is not distinct from
                    | the type bound to xs:string, so
                    | instanceof cannot distinguish them.
xs:token            | a custom XmlToken class?
                    | No, because it is not an instanceof
                    | java.lang.String, so the inheritance
                    | trees do not line up.

On the other hand, any Java programmer would be right to demand
the convenience of a java.lang.String for each xs:string, as
well as a java "int" for an xs:int and so on, even though the
"instanceof" operator has no hope of working correctly.
Faithful type correspondence, while very important for complex
types, seems to be different from what you want in practice for
simple types.  And yet, since schema allows complex types to
inherit from simple types (these are called complex types with
simple content), if we do not establish type correspondence for
simple types, we will not be able to establish full type
correspondence for complex types.

The solution provided by the simpified style is to provide not
one, but two Java classes for each simple type.  There is a
"formal" Java class which establishes full type correspondence,
and there is a "convenience" Java type that does not need to
play in the type correspondence world.  The "convenience" Java
type does not need to uniquely map to or from a schema type or
have any particular inheritance relationship with other Java
types, and it will be provided where convenience is important.
But the "formal" type will always be available and will
represent the "true" data model.

A table of all the built-in schema types together with their
"formal" and "convenience" Java types is listed below.

Schema type           | Formal class          | Convenience
xs:string             | XmlString             | String
xs:boolean            | XmlBoolean            | boolean
xs:decimal            | XmlDecimal            | BigDecimal
xs:float              | XmlFloat              | float
xs:double             | XmlDouble             | double
xs:duration           | XmlDuration           | GDuration*
xs:dateTime           | XmlDateTime           | Calendar
xs:time               | XmlTime               | Calendar
xs:date               | XmlDate               | Calendar
xs:gYearMonth         | XmlGYearMonth         | Calendar
xs:gYear              | XmlGYear              | Calendar
xs:gMonthDay          | XmlGMonthDAy          | Calendar
xs:gDay               | XmlGDay               | Calendar
xs:gMonth             | XmlGMonth             | Calendar
xs:hexBinary          | XmlHexBinary          | byte[]
xs:base64Binary       | XmlBase64Binary       | byte[]
xs:anyURI             | XmlAnyURI             | String
xs:QName              | XmlQName              | QName
xs:NOTATION           | XmlNOTATION           | String
=============[builtin derived types below]=================
xs:normalizedString   | XmlNormalizedString   | String
xs:token              | XmlToken              | String
xs:language           | XmlLanguage           | String
xs:NMTOKEN            | XmlNMTOKEN            | String
xs:NMTOKENS           | XmlNMTOKENS           | List
xs:Name               | XmlName               | String
xs:NCName             | XmlNCName             | String
xs:ID                 | XmlID                 | String
xs:IDREF              | XmlIDREF              | String
xs:IDREFS             | XmlIDREFS             | List
xs:ENTITY             | XmlENTITY             | String
xs:ENTITIES           | XmlENTITIES           | List
xs:integer            | XmlInteger            | BigInteger
xs:nonPositiveInteger | XmlNonPositiveInteger | BigInteger
xs:negativeInteger    | XmlNegativeInteger    | BigInteger
xs:long               | XmlLong               | long
xs:int                | XmlInt                | int
xs:short              | XmlShort              | short
xs:byte               | XmlByte               | byte
xs:nonNegativeInteger | XmlNonNegativeInteger | BigInteger
xs:unsignedLong       | XmlUnsignedLong       | BigInteger
xs:unsignedInt        | XmlUnsignedInt        | long
xs:unsignedShort      | XmlUnsignedShort      | int
xs:unsignedByte       | XmlUnsignedByte       | short
xs:positiveInteger    | XmlPositiveInteger    | BigInteger
=============[universal base types below]==================
xs:anyType            | XmlObject             | XmlObject**
xs:anySimpleType      | XmlAnySimpleType      | String
* all convenience types are built-in to the JDK except
  for GDuration.  The JDK does not have a built-in class
  that corresponds to XML Schema's Gregorian duration type.
** sometimes - for the non-simple types - the "convenience"
  type is just the same as the "formal" type.

The formal classes have the same inheritance relationships
that the corresponding schema types do, for example, the
XmlInt Java class has the following base types:

Java inheritance            | XML Schema inheritance
XmlInt extends              | xs:int restricts
XmlLong extends             | xs:long restricts
XmlInteger extends          | xs:integer restricts
XmlDecimal extends          | xs:decimal restricts
XmlAnySimpleType extends    | xs:anySimpleType restricts
XmlObject                   | xs:anyType

The fact that the inheritance in Java follows the inheritance
in schema has some utility.  For example, if XmlDecimal has a
method called "getBigDecimalValue()", then you can also call
"getBigDecimalValue()" on any XmlInteger, XmlLong, or XmlInt.
Even if somebody has substituted a restricted subclass in the
XML instance such as an xs:int for an xs:decimal, the
programmer can be assured that it is always possible to extract
a BigDecimal value in the same way.

Another consequence of the type correspondence is that every
Java class that corresponds to a schema type inherits from the
class that represents xs:anyType.  Here we have called this
universal base class "XmlObject".

Of course, the principle of type correspondence extends beyond
the builtin types above to all user-defined types.  Note some
user-defined types in XML Schema are anonymous.  In the
simplified binding model nested anonymous schema types also
have a corresponding nested Java class.


The principle of node correspondence says that there is a one-
to-one correspondence between Java instance objects and XML
Infoset document, element, and attribute nodes.

For example, consider the following XML instance document:

  <sell note="all assets" auth="43JK">2003-03-12</sell>

No matter the details of the XML Schema, the node
correspondence rule guarantees that this instance corresponds
to an object instance containment hierarchy that appears just
like the XML structure, as follows:

                  * document
                  * account-history
   *    *    *    *    *             *
 open  buy sell  buy sell--* note  close
                           * auth

The fact that the Java object containment tree corresponds
exactly and directly to the layout of the XML infoset tree
means that it is possible for a programmer to work with an XML
instance document after just seeing an example of the XML,
rather than requiring detailed knowledge of the schema.  It
also means that the binding is very robust to schema
development and evolution, as long as compatibility is
maintained for the XML instance data itself.  (The W3C TAG
finding on versioning points out very correctly that language
evolution and versioning means maintaining compatibility
between specific agents and a corpus of instance messages
rather than non-concrete metadata such as schema models

One way to understand the node correspondence principle is to
understand what it is not.  For example, the JAXB 1.0 model
group binding style does not adhere to the node correspondence
principle.  To see this, consider the following two schemas,
both of which accept the document above.

The first example schema is the one you would write if you knew
every "buy" is followed by a "sell".  Using regular-expression-
like notation, the content model described is:

(open (buy sell)* close)

Here is the schema:

<xs:element name="account-history" type="history"/>
<xs:complexType name="transaction">
    <xs:extension base="xs:date">
      <xs:attribute name="note" type="xs:token"/>
      <xs:attribute name="auth" type="xs:token"/>
<xs:complexType name="history">
    <xs:element name="open" type="transaction"/>
    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xs:element name="buy" type="transaction"/>
      <xs:element name="sell" type="transaction"/>
    <xs:element name="close" type="transaction"/>

If we were to impose the model group on the instance above, the
document would be organized as follows:

     <sell note="all assets" auth="43JK">2003-03-12</sell>)

The JAXB 1.0 "model group" binding style (which does not
conform to the node correspondence principle) provides Java
objects for the group constructs that appear when imposing the
content model:

   *         *           *           *
 open    buyAndSell  buyAndSell     close
          |     |     |     |
         buy   sell  buy   sell

When using this model, the programmer must be aware that, to
get to a "buy" transaction, they must first navigate through a
"buyAndSell" object, even though "buyAndSell" does not
correspond to any node in the XML infoset instance data.  This
is a little bit awkward to program with.

The "buyAndSell" object is problematic for several reasons
besides clumsiness.  For example, since it does not correspond
to a DOM node, if DOM were used to manipulate the tree,
"buyAndSell" objects would have to somehow appear and disappear
at the "right" times.  Also, the "buyAndSell" object is not
robust to schema evolution, because it can change or go away if
the schema is evolved in a backward-compatible way.

For example, suppose that after working with the schema above
we realize that the schema was too restrictive for the actual
business process at hand: every buy does not need to be
followed by a sell, and not all account histories end with a

The following is a rewrite of the "history" schema type to
address both issues.  In regular-expression-like notation, the
content model here is (open (buy | sell)* close?)

<xs:complexType name="history">
    <xs:element name="open" type="transaction"/>
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xs:element name="buy" type="transaction"/>
      <xs:element name="sell" type="transaction"/>
    <xs:element name="close" type="transaction"

The simplified binding style still produces the same Java
object containment tree regardless of the schema.  However, the
JAXB 1.0 model group binding style provides quite a different
tree for the same data:

   *      *         *         *         *       *
 open buyOrSell buyOrSell buyOrSell buyOrSell close
          |         |         |         |
         buy      sell       buy      sell

for the same instance, but the logic and structure of how to
navigate the same data is quite different.  By relaxing the
schema slightly and not changing the instance data at all, the
topology of the tree has changed.

By tying containment to the shape of instance data rather than
the shape of the schema description, the principle of node
correspondence guarantees that even in the face of schema
evolution, the binding results in object trees which are the
same shape for the same data.


There is a tension between Java and XML data models with
respect to element order.  In Java, named fields or methods do
not have an inherent order in the instance data.  However, in
XML, named elements do have a specific order that is a
significant aspect of the instance data.

Although a schema can certainly constrai
elements are allowed to appear within a document, the specific
order in which elements actually appear is a property of the
XML instance document, not of the schema which describes the
instance.  Therefore, for many XML applications, it can be
important to access and manipulate the element order.

One solution to this problem is to bind every set of children
to an ordered collection or array in Java, fully preserving
ordering information in the Java object.

class AccountHistory
    // An ordered list of all transactions including
    // "open", "buy", "sell", and "close"
    Collection getElementChildren();

This binding model (known as the "generic content" binding
model in JAXB 1.0) certainly maintains complete node
correspondence, including ordering information. On the other
hand, it is obviously inconvenient to use.  The binding
provides little extra value over an unbound API such as the w3c
DOM's Node.getChildNodes() method.

Why is the above approach obviously missing something?  Because
in many situations in Java applications, it is the tag name,
not the order, which is significant!  In the example schema
above, we can expect that a typical Java application developer
would want to access the "<open>" transaction and the
"<close>" transaction by name, without traversing through a
list.  In other words, programmers want to call getOpen() and

Sometimes it is possible to tell that element order is not
significant for an application just by looking at the schema.
Within model groups that constrain element order completely,
applications cannot possibly extract any additional information
from an instance by examining element order. For example:

<xs:complexType name="simple-sequence">
    <xs:element name="first-name"/>
    <xs:element name="middle-name" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="last-name"/>

The example constrains any <first-name> element to precede any
<middle-name> element and in turn any <last-name> element. So
valid instance data contains no interesting information
about order at all.  Because there are no degrees of freedom in
element ordering, applications can be expected not to care that
<first-name> comes before <last-name> in a particular instance
document.  Those elements must *always* come in that order.

[As an aside, it is interesting and important to recognize that
the more a schema does to constrain element order, the less
information a particular instance's element order provides for
an application, and the less interesting it is for an
application to be aware of the order.  More ordering
information in a schema can mean less ordering significance in
the application.  However, less ordering information does not
necessarily mean more ordering significance in the application,
as the following example shows.]

Other times, the schema does not constrain the order but the
order is still not important to the application; in these
situations the schema typically provides enough information to
produce a "perfectly fine" order without forcing the Java
developer to think about order all the time, as long as the
application truly is insensitive to order. For example:

<xs:complexType name="simple-config-set">
  <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="file-config"/>
    <xs:element name="program-config"/>
    <xs:element name="user-config"/>

In the example above, XML element order is unconstrained, so
the instance data does contain ordering information that can
vary from instance to instance.  But a typical application
(e.g., one that is going to manipulate a specific user's
configuration) may not care about the order at all, and the
challenge for a binding model is to free the Java developer
from having to worry about order when it does not matter.

However, the fact that the order is not signifiant to the
particular application is not inherent to this kind of schema.
Certainly you could write another application against messages
conforming to the same "simple-config-set" schema where the
order was very important.  For example, you could suppose that
the order of configuration elements defined of precedence order
for applying configuration to, say, the action of a user
opening a file with a program.  In that case, the fact that a
certain <user-config> might override a certain <file-config> by
preceding it in the order could be essential to the

So tension between order-significance and order-insiginficance
is not purely a tension between different kinds of schemas: it
is a tension between different programs that can be written
against the same schema.

And as we saw in the buy-and-sell example in the previous
section, the tension is also between different schemas that can
be used to describe the same corpus of messages.

The solution to this solution is not to somehow figure out how
to select either order significance or order insignificance,
but to provide both ordered and by-name access all the time, so
the programmer can choose between the two techniques when
writing the program.  In other words:

 1. The primary data model is of an ordered list of elements.
 2. The bound API provides convenient mainpulation of elements
by name.

In concept, the bound interfaces always has methods that
both forms of access to the same data model.  It is left up to
the implementation to ensure that the data is maintained in an
efficient and consistent way.

class AccountHistory
    // select "*" for all element children in order,
    // or select "buy|sell" for all buy and sell children
    // in their interleaved order
    XmlObject[] selectPath(String childSpecifier);

    // strongly-typed bound getters are provided for
    // all declared element names.
    Transaction getOpen();
    Transaction[] getBuyArray();
    Transaction[] getSellArray();
    Transaction getClose();

Providing convenient setters while not interfering with element
order is an interesting topic.  The elegant solution provided
by the simple binding model is discussed in the "Order and
Setters" section below.


Before going on to discuss the specific applications of these
techniques to substitution, wildcards, and other
idiosynchrasies of XML Schema, we should recap what we have
covered so far.

When applying the two basic principles to the simple binding
style, it is also important to make sure that the bound APIs
are as convenient as possible while still being formally

As we have seen, achieving convenience has two consequences:

1. When preserving type correspondence, it is also important to
be able to provide "convenience" types for certain simple
types, so, for example, schema strings can be easily seen as
Java Strings.  So in addition to the "formal" Java class
corresponding to each schema type, simple types also have a
"convenience" Java type.

2. When preserving node correspondence, it is important to
provide "convenience" access to named element children when
element order does not matter as well as "formal" preservation
of XML element order.  So in addition to a "formal" accessor
API that provides children as an ordered list of objects, there
are also "convenience" methods that allow elements to be
manipulated by name.

So both metadata and instance data can be seen in two ways:

              | Formally          | Conveniently
Schema type   | "formal class"    | "convenience type"
Child nodes   | "child list"      | "named property"


Both XML Schema and Java permit type substitution.  That is,
they both permit the actual type of an instance to be more
specific than the declared type of the slot holding the

In XML Schema, the xsi:type attribute is used to substitute a
more specific type on an instance of an element. For example,
the following two documents are valid according to the schema
below.  The second document substitutes a "product-on-sale"
instance for the default declared "product" type.

  <description>Red Balloon</description>

<item xsi:type="product-on-sale" xmlns:xsi="...">
  <description>Blue Balloon</description>

For type substitution to be permitted, the "product-on-sale"
type needs to be explicitly derived from the "product" type, as
in the schema below.  XML Schema requires derived types to
share enough common structure with a base type that that a
substituted type can be "treated as" its base type.

<xs:element name="item" type="product"/>
<xs:complexType name="product">
    <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:complexType name="product-on-sale">
    <xs:extension base="product"/>
        <xs:element name="price" type="xs:decimal"/>

In Java, type substitution is similar.  It appears wherever a
variable is declared with a given class but holds an instance
of a more specific derived class.  Again, every derived class
must be able to be "treated as" its base classes.

Product product = itemDoc.getItem();
System.out.println("Desc: " + product.getDescription());
if (product instanceof ProductOnSale)
    System.out.println("Price: " +
    System.out.println("Product is not on sale.");

In the code above, Java type substitution is at work: a
variable of type Product can hold any instance whose type is a
subclass of Product, such as ProductOnSale.

Java programmers exploit type substitution mainly through two

 1. Polymorphism.  A method on a base class such as
"getDescription()" is guranteed to also be provided by dervied
classes.  So, when working with base class methods on an
instance that might have a substituted class, the programmer
does not need to explicitly treat the derived class instances
differently: the derived classes can be assumed to provide the
same services as the base class.

 2. Instanceof and casting.  When it is necessary to explicitly
detect and handle a more derived substituted class (or rule out
an instance of a specific derived class as in the "else" clause
above), the "instanceof" operator can detect a subclass, and a
class cast operator can provide access to methods that are
provided by that derived class.

In the Java toolbox for type substitution, polymorphism is the
artful surgeon's scalpel and "instanceof" is a prosaic kitchen
knife.  There is a third technique in Java for working with
type substitution, used less often, that is powerful but crude;
it could be compared to a hacksaw:

 3. Reflection and Object.getClass().  The final and least
elegant technique for dealing with Java type substitution is to
explicitly reflect on the class metadata for an instance

For type substitution to work as Java programmers expect, these
techniques must work.  In particular:

 1. Polymorhpism.  Any methods provided on a base class of
course must be present on the derived class. Moreover, the base
methods should provide the same service and have the same
behavior on derived classes, so that programmers using
polymorphism do not need to use "instanceof" when calling
methods on the base class.

 2. Instanceof and casting.  The "instanceof" operator must be
able to be used not only to detect the presence of a needed
subtype, but also to rule out the presence of an unwanted
subtype.  In other words, both "instanceof" and "!instanceof"
must work.

 3. Reflection.  Schema type metadata differs from Java class
metadata, so getClass() cannot be expected to return all the
relevant reflective information for a schema type.  However,
there should be a runtime method that does return the schema
type metadata.  In the simple binding style, this is the
XmlObject.schemaType() method.


Even though the simplified binding style binds to Java classes
that are interfaces, so does not specify a precise
implementation strategy for the bound classes, the correct
behavior of "instanceof" under type substitution does require
that implementations supply distinct implementation classes for
distinct types such as "Product" and "ProductOnSale".

Why can't an implementation "save" on code size and simply
implement "Product" and "ProductOnSale" using a single class
that can play both roles?  What would go wrong?

class SharedImplClass implements Product, ProductOnSale {...}

If all Product or ProductOnSale instances were implemented by
the same SharedImplClass, then the test "(obj instanceof
ProductOnSale)" would always return true!  The following line
of code would not work, because it would appear that all
products were ProductOnSale:

if (product instanceof ProductOnSale)
    System.out.println("Product is on sale.");
    System.out.println("Product is not on sale.");

So the correct behavior of "instanceof" requires that there
actually be a concrete Java class for each type that can be
instantiated and tested via "instanceof".

Thus, ensuring the correct bheavior of "instanceof" leads to
the requirement that not only must there be one (abstract or
interface) Java class for each schema type, but there also be
at least one concrete Java class for each nonabstract schema
type as well.

It is important to be keep with this line of reasoning in mind
in the next section, when we analyze how element substitution
should work.


Type correspondence works very well for type substitution, so
it is tempting to apply the same technique for element
substitution, assigning a Java class for each declared element
and aligning element inheritance with class inheritance.

However, the element-class strategy does not work: if Schema
element declarations are translated into Java classes, the
number of classes that are required at runtime is the product
of all schema types and substitutable element declarations.  In
other words, using Java classes for schema elements would
result in a huge (nonlinear) number of classes.

Here is an example. Continuing our example from the previous
section which defines a type "product-on-sale" that derives
from "product", consider a substitution group of elements that
can substitute for the <item> element, whose type is product:

<xs:element name="item" type="product"/>
<xs:element substitutionGroup="item"
            name="hot-item" type="product"/>
<xs:element substitutionGroup="item"
            name="cool-item" type="product"/>

Any bound Java class that contains a reference to the "<item>"
element declaration will have a getItem() method that is
declared to return an object of type Product.

Here is how we would use Java classes to simulate element
substitution, if we were to do so.  First, each declared
element such as "item" would corespond to a Java class "Item"
that inherited from its declared type, in this case "product".

interface Item extends Product {}

We might even declare getItem() to return Items rather than
merely Products.

Then since <hot-item> and <cool-item> can also substitute for
<item> (and can be returned from getItem()), they would have to
extend Item:

interface HotItem extends Item {}
interface CoolItem extends Item {}

So far so good.  We then must think about the classes of actual
instance objects rather than just the declared classes of
method signatures.  When holding an instance of an <item>
element, instanceof must correctly report that we have an Item
and not a HotItem.

if (obj instanceof Item && !(obj instanceof HotItem))
   System.out.println("It is an item but not a hot-item.");

So, just as we saw in the last section, for the correct
instanceof behavior, any implementation must be able to supply
at least one concrete instance class for each declared element:

class ItemImpl implements Item {...}
class HotItemImpl extends ItemImpl implements HotItem {...}
class CoolItemImpl extends ItemImpl implements CoolItem {...}

So far, so good.  But next we run into a problem.  This scheme
explodes when we superimpose it with the same requirement for
distinct instance classes that appears for types.  This is
because, in addition to substituting <hot-item> for <item>, XML
schema also permits subsitution of xsi:type="product-on-sale"
for the declared type "product". In order for "instanceof" to
be meaningful, we would now need six concrete classes:

                     | Product only    | ProductOnSale
instanceof Item only | ItemProduct     | ItemProductOnSale
instanceof HotItem   | HotItemProduct  | HotItemProductOnSale
instanceof CoolItem  | CoolItemProduct | CoolItemProductOnSale

All six classes are needed, because "instanceof" code in
different combinations such as the following must be able to
return six possible answers when testing for Item or Product

if ((obj instanceof HotItem) &&
   !(obj instanceof ProductOnSale))
   System.out.println("We have a waiting list for this item");

As you can see, the number of classes needed is at least the
product of (size of substitution group) x (number of types that
can be substituted).  The first number is large whenever
substitution groups are used extensivly, and second number can
be very large, especially if the declared type of the base
element is the default "anyType".

It is acceptable for a binding solution to produce a linear
number of generated classes (i.e., for a schema with twice as
many components, generate twice as many classes).  However, it
is unacceptable for a binding solution to be required to
generate a quadratic number of classes.

It is possible to defer the type explosion from compiletime to
runtime in Java through through use of dynamic proxies.
However that technique would also impose a layer of required
inefficiency on the design.


The discussion so far has explained why it is not feasible to
arrange Java class inheritance in a way that permits
"instanceof" to be used to detect substitution of elements.
What is the correct approach?

The simple binding style solution is straightfoward: since
substituted element names cannot be treated as Java type
metadata, they must be treated as Java instance data.

1. In keeping with the intent of substitution groups as a way
of "substituting" elements, getters corresponding to elements
that are the head of a substitution group should return all
elements in the substitution group.  For example, getItemArray
() will return an array that represents all the <item>, <hot-
item>, and <cool-itme> elements.

2. In light of the discussion in the last section, the
instances that are returned should all implement Java classes
that correspond to the schema types of the instance data. To
avoid a class explosion, they are not required to implement
additional classes that correspond to the elements. The schema
spec guarantees that when an element is substituted, the type
is also guaranteed to be substitutable.

3. Then, to make the element substitution detectable and
accessible to the programmer, the element names used in the xml
data are made available by a method on the associated instance
in Java.

For example:

Product item = container.getItem();
if (item.nodeQName().equals(ItemDocument.QNAME_ITEM))
    System.out.println("An ordinary item");
else if (item.nodeQName().equals(ItemDocument.QNAME_HOT_ITEM))
    System.out.println("A hot item");
else if (item.nodeQName().equals(ItemDocument.QNAME_COOL_ITEM))
    System.out.println("A cool item");

For this to be convenient, constants (such as QNAME_ITEM)
should be generated for the relevant QNames.

4. Similarly, setter methods must be available that are keyed
off of specific element names, to permit construction of
instances that use substitution groups.

For example:

container.add(ItemDocument.QNAME_HOT_ITEM, hotProduct);
container.add(ItemDocument.QNAME_ITEM, ordinaryProduct);
// the second line above is perfectly equivalent to:
// container.addItem(ordinaryProduct);

Although XMLBeans v1 fully supports substitution groups, does
not provide methods as easy as the ones illustrated above.  For
example, it does not provide "add" methods such as the ones
above or the "nodeQName" methods - you must use XmlCursor to
access that functionality.  But XMLBeans v2 will probably add
these kinds of methods.

The idea of using element names as instance data to
parameterize write-access to data is also relevant when
discussing wildcards, and we will discuss wildcard binding
after a short discussion of binding with inheritance by


In Java, the only kind of inheritance is inheritance by
extension, and it always works by adding or overriding methods
on a class.

However, in schema, there are two forms of complex type

 1. Inheritance by extension, where additional data is added at
the end of a type's content model.

 2. Inheritance by restriction, where a new content model is
defined that is guaranteed to be a subset of the base content

Here is an example of three types that are related to each
other via inheritance by restriction:

<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
    xmlns:tns="http://rest/" targetNamespace="http://rest/"

  <xs:complexType name="base">
      <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace"
              minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"/>

  <xs:complexType name="derived1">
      <xs:restriction base="tns:base">
          <xs:element name="first"/>
          <xs:element name="middle" minOccurs="0"/>
          <xs:element name="last"/>

  <xs:complexType name="derived2">
      <xs:restriction base="tns:derived1">
          <xs:element name="first"/>
          <xs:element name="last"/>


In words, the example above defines a type "derived2" that
derives from "derived1", which in turn derives from "base".

Type      | Definition
base      | Permits ANY zero to 3 elements in the target NS
derived1  | Requires <first> (<middle> optional) <last>
derived2  | Requires <first> <last>, with no <middle> allowed

As you can see, derivation by restriction is a form of
derivation by subsetting.  The set of instances permitted
"derived1" is a subset of the set of instances permitted by
"base", and the set of instances permitted by "derived2" is a
subset of the set of instances permitted by "derived1".

How should the two dervied types be bound in Java?  Clearly for
type correspondence to work, they must both be bound to classes
that inherit from the correspondeing classes for the base
types.  But in particular, there are two natural questions:

 1. How should the <middle> element be bound, since it seems to
disappear from derived2?

 2. How should the wildcard (the <any>) in "base" be bound,
since it seems to disappear from derived1?

Let us take a look at the <middle> element question first.

It is a common misconception that inheritance by restriction
allows derived types to "remove" elements from a base type's
content model.  That is not a correct description of derivation
by restriction.  A derived restriction can only impose further
restrictions on degrees of freedom that were already present in
the base type.  So, for example, the reason the <middle> tag is
allowed to be "removed" when derived2 restricts derived1 is
that it is already optional in derived1.  In contrast, an
element such as the <first> tag cannot be "removed" because it
is required in the base type derived1.  Notice that <middle> is
allowed to be "added" when derived1 restricts <base>, because
it is specializing a wildcard which already permits <middle>.

What should the bound type Derived2 look like?  The answer is,
the signature should look exactly like Derived1, but
implementations happen to always return "null" on the getMiddle
() call whenever the data is valid.

An ordinary Java programmer working with a variable of type
"Derived1" would want to write polymorphic code like the

Derived1 derived = computeDerivedData();
String first = derived.getFirst();
String middle = derived.getMiddle();
String last = derived.getLast();

In particular, polymorphism should guarantee that the
"getMiddle()" method should work correctly and return the right
value regardless of whether the instance were actually a
"Dervied1" as declared, or a substituted subclass such as
"Derived2".  The only special thing about the "missing" element
is that it is always missing for valid instances of "derived2",
so the method can always be expected to return null.

The second question when examining inheritance by restriction
is, how should wildcards such as the <xs:any> found in the
"base" type be bound?

The answer provided by the simple binding model is "wildcards
are not bound to any generated method at all" - because open
element and attribute content is always accessible by generic
accessors.  An additional method is unnecessary and not
provided by the simple binding style.

The omission is not an oversight, but a result of careful
design.  The detailed reasons for this conscious omission are
described in the next section.


A wildcard in schema, which is just schema jargon for an
<xs:any> declaration, permits the substitution of any element
within a given set of namespaces at a particular location in a
content model.  Because they permit a variety of different
elements to be substituted at the same location, wildcards
present may of the same binding problems, and permit some of
the same solutions, as element substitution.

For example, as observed previously, use of Java classes and
"instanceof" to mark and detect the use of particular elements
in XML instances is problematic when considered in light of
element and type substitution used together.  JAXB 1.0 dictated
the use of these element-classes for wildcards, but that is why
JAXB 1.0 is unable to support type substitution.  In my
judgement, because of this problem it is likely that JAXB 2.0
will have to move away from the use of element-classes and
provide access to names as instance data instead.

The simple binding style fully supports dynamic access to open
data, including data permitted by wildcards.  It allows data to
be accessed by name rather than by a specific method generated
for a specific declared element, and it also allows access to
discover the name by which specific data was tagged.

However, the simple binding style does not bind wildcards to
specially generated methods that become present when a wildcard
is declared.  Instead, access to open content is always
provided by the base class itself (XmlObject).  The
XmlObject.selectPath method always provides access to both
valid and invalid data as well as the open content data
permitted by wildcards.

For example, with the simple binding style, the following three
calls return an element named "first"; and element in the
namespace "imaginary", and all elements inside a structure.

XmlObject[] openContent1 = xobj.selectPath("first");
XmlObject[] openContent2 = xobj.selectPath(
            "declare namespace i='imaginary' i:*");
XmlObject[] openContent3 = xobj.selectPath("*");

Selecting "*" returns all elements, including both elements
that may have been permitted by an <xs:any> declaration as well
as any other elements that may be permitted through
<xs:element> declarations.  In particular, elements that might
happen to be accessible by a generated property accessor such
as getFirst() are accessible in two ways: both via the
generated method and via the selectPath method.

This design may be suprising because of what it does not do.
It might be natural to expect, for example, for a binding to
provide a generated method such as "getElementsMatchingAny()"
when presented with the following schema type:

<xs:complexType name="name-plus">
    <xs:element name="first" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="last" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:any namespace="##other"/>

class NamePlus
   String getFirst();
   String getLast();
   XmlObject[] getElementsMatchingAny();

That design might permit, for example, the following instance
to be bound in a way that allowed the "<ex:aka>" element to be
easily selected:

  <ex:aka xmlns:ex="imaginary">Red Baron</ex>

XmlObject[] extensionElements = obj.getElementsMatchingAny();
for (int i = 0; i < extensionElement.length; i++)
  if (extensionElements[i].nodeName().equals(EX_AKA))
     System.out.println("AKA: " + extensionElements[i];

Why doesn't the simple binding style provide this kind of
generated wildcard access method?

The problem with this approach is that it breaks badly in the
presence of type substitution, because the position and
presence of wildcards can be changed under both restriction and
extension.  For example, let us rewrite the type above as an
extension of the "derived2" example type from the restriction

<xs:complexType name="derived3">
    <xs:extension base="derived2">
        <xs:any namespace="##other"/>

The type "derived3" has exactly the same structure as "name-
plus" except that it derives from "derived2", which in turn
derives from "derived1", and then "base".

But then, the type "base" also has a wildcard, so under this
design it would have a "getElementsMatchingAny()" method.

Under this design, it would be quite reasonable, when working
with a variable of type Base, to write code like this:

Base obj = computeBaseData();
XmlObject[] extensionElements = obj.getElementsMatchingAny();
for (int i = 0; i < extensionElement.length; i++)
  if (extensionElements[i].nodeName().equals(FIRST_NAME))
     System.out.println("Name: " + extensionElements[i];
  if (extensionElements[i].nodeName().equals(EX_AKA))
     System.out.println("AKA: " + extensionElements[i];

But if "getElementsMatchingAny()" returns only elements that
match a wildcard, then when working with an instance of type
Derived3, the set of elements would be different than when
working with an instance of Base.  In particular, the search
for FIRST_NAME would fail, since the <first> element is not
permitted by the wildcard in Derived3.  The <first> element is
permitted explicitly by an <xs:element> declaration, and only
the <ex:aka> element matches the wildcard.

In other words, the programmer should be able to expect that
the code above would be correct, but instead the code breaks
under the "getElementsMatchingAny" design.  A basic principle
of object orientation, which is that methods present in the
base class should work in the same way in the derived class, is
broken by "getElementsMatchingAny".

In short, a "getElementsMatchingAny" method might appear on the
surface to be more convenient than a "selectPath" method, but
in reality, it is quite a bit more inconvenient, because it
would not be reliable in the presence of type substitution.


We are now discuss a few more of the details of the simple
binding style solution for properties.  First, let us recap
what we have discussed so far:

 1. The principles of type and node correspondence lead us to a
simple binding style that provides both "formal" types and
accessors that provide full access to schema and XML infoset,
and "convenience" types and accessors that provide ease-of-use
in typical Java applications.

 2. We have discussed "formal" types as well as "formal"
accessors.  In particular, the structure of wildcards and
element substitution suggests that "formal" Java classes must
correspond to schema types, not schema elements, and "formal"
accessors must be driven by the XML infoset (e.g., selectPath)
rather than schema content model matching.

 3. The requirements of real-world order-insensitive Java
applications, and observations about robustness in the face of
evolution of schemas suggests that "convenience" accessors
should be based on names, and "convenience" types should be
allowed to differ from the "formal" types. Conveneince is is
what properties are all about.

What is a property?

In the simple binding style, a property can be understood to
represent just three things (although we will add a few details
later) - a name, a type, and a cardinality.

                 | in schema            | in Java
1. A name        | elt/attr QName       | getter/setter name
2. A type        | elt/attr schema type | getter return type
3. A cardinality | minOccurs, maxOccurs | array vs singleton

Every complex schema type defines a set of such "schema
properties", one for each element or attribute name.

For example, in the following schema type:

<xs:complexType name="name-record">
    <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="alias" type="xs:string"
                minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:integer" use="optional/>

This type has three properties:

Elt/attr QName | Schema type   | Summarized cardinality
name  (elt)    | xs:string     | 1..1         (singleton)
alias (elt)    | xs:string     | 0..unbounded (multiple)
id    (attr)   | xs:integer    | 0..1         (optional)

The corresponding Java class would have three getters:

class NameRecord
    String getName();
    String[] getAliasArray();
    BigInteger getId(); // may be null
    // ... setters and other methods omitted

An element name and an attribute name are always considered
different, but two element declarations with the same name in
the same content model are considered to contribute to the same

It is important to understand that the concept of a property is
a correspondence between an element or attribute _name_ and a
type and cardinality, not a correspondence between a specific
declaration and a type and cardinality. The thing that makes
this simplification possible is the XML Schema "Element
Declarations Consistent" rule, which requires that any two
elements with the same name in a single content model must have
excatly the same declared type.


Since an element property is a "rolled up" summary of the uses
of the element within a content model, the cardinality of the
whole element property must summarize the cardinality of all of
the element declarations with the same name.

For example, the following three different schema types all
bind in the same way:

<xs:complexType name="names-1">
    <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>

<xs:complexType name="names-2">
  <xs:sequence minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="2">
    <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>

<xs:complexType name="names-3">
    <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"
                minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="2"/>

In all three cases, the summarized minOccurs and maxOccurs for
elements called "name" are both 2:

Elt/attr QName | Schema type   | Summarized cardinality
name  (elt)    | xs:string     | 2..2         (multiple)

The obvious advantage of this approach is that is is robust to
schema evolution: a schema author should feel free to rewrite a
type as any of the three equivalent forms above without
changing the behavior of applications.

Notice that the simple binding style does NOT bind the two
separate element declarations called "name" to two different
Java properties as in the following code:

class Names1
   // this is NOT what the simplified style does!
   String getName1();
   String getName2(); // nope

The binding that DOES result always provides exactly one
property for each element name:

class Names*
   // This IS what the simplified binding style does
   String[] getNameArray();

Here is the detailed rule that the simplified binding style
uses to compute the summarized cardinality of an element called

The summarized cardinality of element "name" within a particle
is a (minOccurs, maxOccurs) pair computed as follows, depending
on the kind of particle:

   a. If the particle is an <xs:element> or an <xs:any>, then
it is the (minOccurs, maxOccurs) of the declaration if "name"
matches the declaration; otherwise it is (0, 0).

   b. If the particle is an <xs:all> or an <xs:sequence>, then
it is the component-wise sum of the summarized cardinality of
the element "name" in all the children of the group.
Furthermore, if the group has a minOccurs or maxOccurs, then
the result multiplies these, i.e.,
     (group-minOccurs * sum-of-child-minOccurs,
      group-maxOccurs * sum-of-child-maxOccurs)

   c. If the particle is an <xs:choice>, then it is the
component-wise (min, max) of the summarized cardinality of the
element "name" in all the children of the group. Furthermore,
if the group has a minOccurs or maxOccurs, then the result
multiplies these, i.e.,
     (group-minOccurs * min-of-child-minOccurs,
      group-maxOccurs * max-of-child-maxOccurs)

A contrived example that illustrates all three rules:

<xs:complexType name="cardinality-ex">
      <xs:element name="a"/>
      <xs:element name="c"/>
      <xs:element name="b"/>
      <xs:element name="c"/>
    <xs:sequence maxOccurs="2">
      <xs:element name="b"/>
      <xs:element name="c" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="4"/>

The summarized cardinality for the three properties in this
example are:

Elt QName | Summarized cardinality
a         | 0..1  (1..1 on first choice, 0..0 on second)
b         | 1..2  (1..1 on first choice, 2..2 on second)
c         | 2..8  (2..2 on first choice, 6..8 on second)

When binding to Java, the important thing about the cardinality
of a property is that it always falls into one of the following
three categories:

Cardinality    | minOccurs, maxOccurs
singleton      | if minOccurs == 1 and maxOccurs == 1
optional       | if minOccurs == 0 and maxOccurs <= 1
multiple       | if maxOccurs > 1

(Attributes are always singleton or optional.)


The order-insensitive binding provided by the simple name-based
property scheme described above is excellent and completely
unambiguous for getters.

However, it leaves open the question, "how is order to be
handled when setting data"?

The simplified binding style solves this problem with a design
that has the following properties:

 1. It is NOT always guaranteed that a content model
constructed by calling setter or adder methods will be valid.

 2. However, IS always guaranteed that if the adders and
setters are called in a valid left-to-right content order, the
calling order will become the document order.

 3. And it IS always guaranteed that if the content model fully
constrains the position of an element with a given name with
respect to other element names, a valid set of "setter" calls
will always construct a valid instance order.

In other words, when the schema guarantees fully locks down
element order, then element order cannot provide significant
information to the application, and the simplified binding
style does not force the developer to call "setters" in any
particular order.

However, when the element order might possibly provide
significant information to the application, "setters" should be
called in the order in which the application programmer wishes
to seee the data appear.

Here is the ordering behavior used by the simplified binding
style, which accompishes the two goals above:

 1. No element reordering is done when replacing or removing

 2. Insertion of an "ith element named n" is naive and is done
adjacent to the current "ith element named n".

 3. If executing a method that adds a "new last element named
n", then the new element is inserted at the "first good"
location that is identified based on the name n.

The trick is in the algorithm for identifying a the "first
good" location for a new element in step #3.

Here is how it works:

(1) At compiletime, a set of element names is computed for each
element property that is that "set of all element names that
can only follow the all elements named <n> in a valid
instance".  For a property named "n", call this set "after(n)"

(2) When appending a new "n", it is placed immediately before
the first element whose name is in after(n) that comes after
the last existing element <n>.


This section is technical, but it describes how the set "after
(n)" can be computed at compiletime for the simple binding


Where p is the content model for the complex type:

after(n) = mayfollow(n, p) - mayprecede(n, p)

Denote by "containedby(p)", the set of element names permitted
anywhere within a given particle, i.e., the set of QNames
permitted by any nested element or wildcard declaration under a
particle.  Then

mayfollow(n, p):

For a given particle p, mayfollow(n, p) is the following set:

 - if p has maxOccurs > 0, it is
        containedby(p) if containedby(p) contains n
        {} otherwise.

 - if p is an element or wildcard, it is {}

 - if p is a choice it is the union of mayfollow(n, c) for
every child of the choice group

 - if p is a sequence, then let "c" be the first child that
contains "n".
        {} if there is no such "c"
        The union of mayfollow(n, c) and containedby(d) for
        every d that comes after c.

mayprecede(n, p):

For a given particle p, mayprecede(n, p) is computed in exactly
the same as mayfollow(n, p), except for the last two rules:

 - if p has maxOccurs > 0, it is
        containedby(p) if containedby(p) contains n
        {} otherwise.

 - if p is an element or wildcard, it is {}

 - if p is a choice it is the union of mayprecede(n, c) for
every child of the choice group

 - if p is a sequence, then let "c" be the last child that
contains "n".
        {} if there is no such "c"
        The union of mayprecede(n, c) and containedby(d) for
        every d that comes before c.

For example, consider the following content model

(a b c) | (b c d) | (c (d | e)* )

after(a) = {b, c}
after(b) = {c, d}
after(c) = {d, e}
after(d) = {}
after(e) = {}

So when the schema completely constrains order, it is possible
to call setters in an arbitrary order and infer the order from
the schema instead:

setC() -> <c/>
setB() -> <b/><c/>
setA() -> <a/><b/><c/>

On the other hand, where the schema has loops or does not
constrain order, it is possible to control the order by calling
setters or adders in the desired left-to-right order:

addD() -> <d/>
addE() -> <d/><e/>
addD() -> <d/><e/><d/>
addE() -> <d/><e/><d/><e/>
setC() -> <c/><d/><e/><d/><e/>

With this design, it is always possible to construct a valid
instance by calling setters in the proper order, even though it
does not guarantee that all instances that can be constructed
are valid.


There are some details in Java and schema inheritance that
differ.  In particular:

 1. In schema it is possible to change the type of an element
name in a derived type's content model by using restriction.

 2. In schema it is possible to change the cardinality of an
element name in a derived type's by using extension.

Here is an example of each of the cases above:

<xs:complexType name="base">
    <xs:element name="n" type="xs:decimal"/>

Elt/attr QName | Schema type   | Summarized cardinality
n (elt)        | xs:decimal    | 1..1 (singleton)

<xs:complexType name="restricted">
    <xs:restriction base="base">
        <xs:element name="n" type="xs:int"/>

Elt/attr QName | Schema type   | Summarized cardinality
n (elt)        | xs:int        | 1..1 (singleton)

<xs:complexType name="extended">
    <xs:extension base="base">
      <xs:element name="n" type="xs:decimal"/>

Elt/attr QName | Schema type   | Summarized cardinality
n (elt)        | xs:decimal    | 2..2 (multiple)

In Java, once a getter method is defined to return a certain
type, it is illegal to define a method in a derived class with
the same name and a different return value.  For example:

interface Base extends XmlObject
    BigDecimal getN();

interface Restricted extends Base
    int getN(); // this is illegal

interface Extended extends Base
    BigDecimal[] getN(); // this is also illegal

Therefore, it is important to bind to Java methods in a way
that follows Java inheritance rules.

The rules used by the simple binding type are as follows:

 1. When determining the declared type of a Java property, the
schema type that is consulted is the "least derived" base type
that has a property with the corresponding name.

In the example above, since "base" is the first class in which
a property for the element name "n" appears, its type
"xs:decimal" is the one that is used to determine the declared
type of the Java method "getN()".

 2. When generating property names for "multiple" elements, the
word "Array" is always appended to the property name, to avoid
collision with a possible singleton property name in the base
type.  Property names ending with "Array" are reserved by the
name picking algorithm and avoided in other cases.

In the example above, the "Extended" class will get an extra
method "getNArray()" which is available in addition to the
inherited "getN()" method.  The inherited method still works,
as it must for polymorphism to work, and it simply returns the
first "N" value.

So the generated classes actually look like this: (Inhertied
methods are redeclared for clarity.  Also, methods other than
getters are omitted.)

interface Base extends XmlObject
    BigDecimal getN();

interface Restricted extends Base
    BigDecimal getN(); // even though we know it fits in an int

interface Extended extends Base
    BigDecimal getN(); // just provides access to the first <n>
    BigDecimal[] getNArray(); // provides access to all <n>

This last technique for avoiding collisions is the reason that
in the simple binding style, array properties are all bound to
methods that end in the word "Array".


XML Schema, unlike Java, has a concept of a "type union" of
simple types.  For example, a type can be defined whose
instances are allowed to be either an xs:int or an xs:date.

Since an instance may carry the data of either an int or a
date, one might expect that the proper "formal class" binding
for such a union type would be to a class that derives from
both XmlInt and XmlDate:

interface MyUnion extends XmlInt, XmlDate {} // nope!

This is not what is done in the simple binding style, because
the inheritance relationship goes the wrong way: it is NOT true
that every instance in a MyUnion slot is both an XmlInt and an
XmlDate. It IS true that every instance of an xs:int or an
xs:date can be copied into a MyUnion slot. So it would be
closer to the truth to say MyUnion is restricted by XmlInt and
XmlDate, not the other way around.

So the simple binding style defines the following, which
corresponds directly to the fact that the XML schema
specification defines the base type of a union to be the

interface MyUnion extends XmlAnySimpleType {}

Then it also requires that the implementation of MyUnion
provide the guarantee that every instance that actually
implements MyUnion must be able to be coerced to either XmlInt
or XmlDate.

Unfortunately, in the interest of reducing a type explosion in
the presence of nested unions, it is not feasible to allow the
"instanceof" operator to be used to detect union instances
which are XmlInt or XmlDates.  So an approach similar to what
is taken for element substitution is used.  The mechanisms for
differentiating between different member types in a formal
instance are by runtime methods.  Every union type exposes a
method called "instanceType()" which returns the non-union
member type for the particular instance of the union.  This
method can always be used to distinguish between union members
in an instance.

In addition, for simplicity of manipulating formal types, the
simple binding style requires that every instance of a simple
type can be coerced to an interface called "SimpleValue", which
provides all the typed simple type accessors, including
"getIntValue()", "getDateValue()", "getStringValue()", and so
on.  Accessors for types which are not type-correct throw an
exception when called.

To avoid a type explosion in the presence of nested unions,
"instanceof" cannot be used as the mechanism for distinguishing
union types for formal classes.  However, normally a user does
not need to work with the formal types for unions, and uses
convenience types instead.  Here, free of the type
correspondence rule, the simple binding style chooses
convenience bindings that do allow "instanceof" to be used.


For unions, there are two times at which a convenience type
must be computed.

 1. At compiletime, the simple binding style defines a rule to
determine which declared convenience type should be used for a
given union type.  For example:

  java.lang.Object getBirthdayOrAge();

 2. At runtime, the simple binding style defines a rule to
determine which convenience type should be instantiated for a
given instance of a union type. For example:

  Object obj = x.getBirthdayOrAge();
  if (obj instanceof Integer)
      System.out.println("Age is " + obj);
  else if (obj instanceof Calendar)
      System.out.println("Birthday is " + obj);

The rule for determining the convenience Java class for a union
type works as follows:

 1. First, the Java convenience classes for all the possible
instantiated member types of the union are collected together,
using the boxed types java.lang.Integer for "int" and so on.

 2. Then, if all the classes are the same, then that class is
used.  Otherwise, java.lang.Object is used.

For example, the types xs:gDay, xs:gYear, xs:date, xs:time etc.
all correspond to a convenience class "java.util.Calendar".  A
union whose members are these types will have a convenience
class of "Calendar", but if you throw in an xs:int as well, it
will be declared as "Object".

Once the convenience class is declared at compiletime as above,
then at runtime, it is always possible to instantiate the
proper convenience class corresponding to the given type of a


The simplified binding style maintains one special invariant
which is a natural fallout of applying both type correspondence
and node correspondence at once:

 Every document, element, and attribute node has a schema type.

Maintaining this invariant is important, because it gives us a
backbone on which to provide instances with proper Java classes
that can be tested via "instanceof", and it also allows schema-
specific services such as validation to be applied at every

One problem with this invariant is that the W3C XML Schema
specification does not define types in the following two

 1. The schema spec does not define the type of a whole
document, i.e., the document node itself has no schema type.

 2. The schema spec does not define the type of an invalid or
nonvalidated node (e.g., via wildcard process="skip").

Both issues are areas omitted by the spec, not contradicted.
So the simplified binding solution solves both issues by
defining special "schema types" that are only used within
simplified binding.

 1. Document types are special schema types that can be
attached to a document node.  Each document types is just a
complex type that contains a single reference to a single
global element definition.

 2. A special "no-type" schema type is used to attach to
elements or attributes or documents which have unknown names or
types, or which are skipped due to a specific "skip" rule in a

Armed with these two kinds of extra types, the simple binding
style always maintains a schema type for every document,
element, or attribute node.

Simplified binding style type inference is easy and efficient,
and works as follows:

 1. At every node except for the root (document) node, the type
of an element or attribute is determined by examining three
     a. the type of the containing node
     b. the element or attribute QName
     c. the xsi:type attribute on the element (elts only)

If the containing node does not have a complex type, then any
elements or attributes are in error, and the inferred type is
the "no-type".

Otherwise, the containing complex type must uniquely define a
known "declared type" for a set of recognized element or
attribute QNames.  This mapping from recognized names to
"declared types" can be computed for every complex type at
compiletime.  If at runtime the element or attribute's name is
not in this recognized set, the inferred type again is "no-

The xsi:type attribute on an element may override the declared
type if it is present and names a type that inherits from the
declared type.  If the xsi:type attribute is present but is not
valid, then the inferred type again is the "no-type".

Finally, the inferred type is either the xsi:type-specified
type, if present, or the "declared type" if not.

 2. A the root (document) node, the type is simply specified by
the user, or if desired, sniffed from the XML data source.

For example, when writing

 OrderDocument doc = OrderDocument.Factory.parse(myFile);

The user is specifying that the root node's type should be the
schema type corresponding to "OrderDocument".

When loading a normal well-formed document without specifying a
specific type, i.e., when saying XmlObject.Factory.parse, the
document type is inferred by sniffing the XML document for the
first element.  So, for example, if the first element is
<order>, then the document type will be the one corresponding
to that global element definition, and the Java object will be
able to be coerced to "OrderDocument":

 OrderDocument doc = (OrderDocument)

If no type is specified or sniffed, then the type of the root
is the "no-type".


The no-type plays a similar role that "null" does in Java, in
that it can always be found as a substitute for any other type.


Java             | Schema     | Role
java.lang.Object | xs:anyType | Universal base class
                 |            | Variables can be declared
                 |            | Always valid to use
null             | no-type    | Universally substitutable
                 |            | Cannot declare vars of type
                 |            | Never valid / NPE when using

Notice that if you find the no-type on a node, it does NOT mean
that that the contents of the node are invalid.  It is worse!
It means is that intended type of the node itself cannot be
determined, possibly because the node's name or xsi:type (or
that of a parent) was misspelled.

In contrast, it is quite easy to construct instances which are
not valid but for which all the types can be inferred.  For
example, a document that shuffles puts the some elements in the
wrong order can be invalid, but the intended types of each
element can still be inferred from their names.  It is only
when the names themselves cannot be recognized that the no-type
is used.

If strongly-typed convenience methods (i.e., generated getters)
are used to retrieve instances that have been tagged with the
no-type, the result is a Java "null".  When a schema type, and
therefore a corresponding Java class, cannot be inferred, there
is no other Java value that is guaranteed substitute for the
declared Java type of the getter method.

For example, consider the following instance:

  <item xsi:type="nonsense"/>

Item[] items = doc.getItemArray();

System.out.println(items[1]); // prints "null".

The reason for this is that when a schema type cannot be
inferred, there is no universal Java class that can be
instantiated which is guaranteed to be able to substitute for
the declared Java type ("Item" in this case).  However, "null"
is univerally substitutable, so it is an appropriate return


The simplified binding style follows essentially the JAXB
conventions for inferring names of generated types and methods,
but it follows the additional two rules:

 1. Global elements and attributes definitions get
corresponding Java classes which are complex "document" types
that contain only a single reference to the global element or
attribute, and are named as "NameDocument" or "NameAttribute".

 2. If a schema type is anonymous, then its definition must
have been nested within another schema type definition, or
directly within a global element or attribute definition.  So
the generated Java class is similarly nested within the
corresponding outer class, and the short class name is inferred
from the directly containing element or attribute (or "Member"
or "Base" or "Item" for anonymous types nested in union,
restriction, or list type definitions).

 3. If there are name conflicts due to either sibling names or
other reserved names, rather than complaining and failing by
default, a nonconflicting name is chosen by appending the first
available numeral, starting with "2".  This non-conflicting
name rule allows all schemas to be compiled without
configuration or programmer intervention.

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