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Posted to by Brian Barker <> on 2014/05/13 16:31:19 UTC

Re: Suggestion

At 00:13 13/05/2014 -0400, Doug McGarrett wrote:
>... the stuffy answers came back and said you have to use "styles," ...

Styles are an important and attractive feature of 
OpenOffice. Any recommendation of them is surely 
helpful; it's difficult to see how that can be described as "stuffy".

>... which is a giant ball of wax.

Er, perhaps not to those who appreciate them.

>In other words, even if you could see what was 
>happening, you could not change it "on the fly," ...

On the contrary, if you have created and applied 
styles appropriately, any change can be done 
easily and efficiently. That's their beauty. Of 
course, if you have resisted the use of the 
product's facilities, you will necessarily find them puzzling and difficult.

>... you had to go and figure out what kind of 
>style would make the text look like what you wanted and create that style.

Once you are familiar with styles, selecting an 
existing style or creating or modifying one suitably is child's play.

>And then your whole document would have that style.

Ho, ho! You don't make your case any stronger by 
making farcical claims. In text documents, there 
are character, paragraph, frame, list and page 
styles. They would be nonsensical if they 
couldn't and didn't apply to individual or ranges 
of characters, paragraphs, pages, and so on. They 
do, of course. (If you've applied no styles, 
every element of each type will have the same 
default style, so any modification you make to 
that style will *of course* apply to all such elements.)

>What a humongous mess!

It's odd that you should choose to use a product 
that you apparently dislike so much. But chacun à 
son goût. It's probably worth saying that any 
skill needs some time and effort to achieve, of 
course. Those who have learned about styles will 
tell you how flexible they are.

Brian Barker  

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