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[08/15] impala git commit: [DOCS] Add Impala docs from branch 2.x
diff --git a/docs/build/html/topics/impala_known_issues.html b/docs/build/html/topics/impala_known_issues.html
index 7f2a7e4..7e52fd1 100644
--- a/docs/build/html/topics/impala_known_issues.html
+++ b/docs/build/html/topics/impala_known_issues.html
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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   <h1 class="title topictitle1" id="ariaid-title1"><span class="ph">Known Issues and Workarounds in Impala</span></h1>
@@ -9,30 +9,32 @@
   <div class="body conbody">
     <p class="p">
-      The following sections describe known issues and workarounds in Impala, as of the current production release. This page summarizes the
-      most serious or frequently encountered issues in the current release, to help you make planning decisions about installing and
-      upgrading. Any workarounds are listed here. The bug links take you to the Impala issues site, where you can see the diagnosis and
-      whether a fix is in the pipeline.
+      The following sections describe known issues and workarounds in Impala, as of the current
+      production release. This page summarizes the most serious or frequently encountered issues
+      in the current release, to help you make planning decisions about installing and
+      upgrading. Any workarounds are listed here. The bug links take you to the Impala issues
+      site, where you can see the diagnosis and whether a fix is in the pipeline.
     <div class="note note note_note"><span class="note__title notetitle">Note:</span> 
-      The online issue tracking system for Impala contains comprehensive information and is updated in real time. To verify whether an issue
-      you are experiencing has already been reported, or which release an issue is fixed in, search on the
-      <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank"> JIRA tracker</a>.
+      The online issue tracking system for Impala contains comprehensive information and is
+      updated in real time. To verify whether an issue you are experiencing has already been
+      reported, or which release an issue is fixed in, search on the
+      <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">
+      JIRA tracker</a>.
     <p class="p toc inpage"></p>
     <p class="p">
-      For issues fixed in various Impala releases, see <a class="xref" href="impala_fixed_issues.html#fixed_issues">Fixed Issues in Apache Impala</a>.
+      For issues fixed in various Impala releases, see
+      <a class="xref" href="impala_fixed_issues.html#fixed_issues">Fixed Issues in Apache Impala</a>.
   <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"><div class="familylinks"><div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a class="link" href="../topics/impala_release_notes.html">Impala Release Notes</a></div></div></nav><article class="topic concept nested1" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title2" id="known_issues__known_issues_startup">
     <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title2">Impala Known Issues: Startup</h2>
@@ -40,42 +42,60 @@
     <div class="body conbody">
       <p class="p">
-        These issues can prevent one or more Impala-related daemons
-        from starting properly.
+        These issues can prevent one or more Impala-related daemons from starting properly.
     <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="IMPALA-4978__IMPALA-5253" id="known_issues_startup__IMPALA-4978">
       <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="IMPALA-4978__IMPALA-5253">Problem retrieving FQDN causes startup problem on kerberized clusters</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
           The method Impala uses to retrieve the host name while constructing the Kerberos
-          principal is the <code class="ph codeph">gethostname()</code> system call. This function might
-          not always return the fully qualified domain name, depending on the network
-          configuration. If the daemons cannot determine the FQDN, Impala does not start
-          on a kerberized cluster.
+          principal is the <code class="ph codeph">gethostname()</code> system call. This function might not
+          always return the fully qualified domain name, depending on the network configuration.
+          If the daemons cannot determine the FQDN, Impala does not start on a kerberized
+          cluster.
         <p class="p">
           This problem might occur immediately after an upgrade of a CDH cluster, due to changes
-          in Cloudera Manager that supplies the <code class="ph codeph">--hostname</code> flag automatically to
-          the Impala-related daemons. (See the issue <span class="q">"hostname parameter is not passed to Impala catalog role"</span>
-          at <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">the Cloudera Manager Known Issues page</a>.)
+          in Cloudera Manager that supplies the <code class="ph codeph">--hostname</code> flag automatically
+          to the Impala-related daemons. (See the issue <span class="q">"hostname parameter is not passed to
+          Impala catalog role"</span> at
+          <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">the
+          Cloudera Manager Known Issues page</a>.)
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bugs:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4978</a>,
+          <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5253</a>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bugs:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4978</a>, <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5253</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> The issue is expected to occur less frequently on systems
-          with fixes for <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4978</a>, <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5253</a>,
-          or both. Even on systems with fixes for both of these issues, the workaround might still
-          be required in some cases.
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> The issue is expected to occur less frequently on systems with
+          fixes for <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4978</a>,
+          <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5253</a>, or both. Even on systems with fixes for
+          both of these issues, the workaround might still be required in some cases.
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Test if a host is affected by checking whether the output of the
-          <span class="keyword cmdname">hostname</span> command includes the FQDN. On hosts where <span class="keyword cmdname">hostname</span>
-          only returns the short name, pass the command-line flag
-          <code class="ph codeph">--hostname=<var class="keyword varname">fully_qualified_domain_name</var></code>
-          in the startup options of all Impala-related daemons.
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Test if a host is affected by checking whether the output of the
+          <span class="keyword cmdname">hostname</span> command includes the FQDN. On hosts where
+          <span class="keyword cmdname">hostname</span> only returns the short name, pass the command-line flag
+          <code class="ph codeph">--hostname=<var class="keyword varname">fully_qualified_domain_name</var></code> in the
+          startup options of all Impala-related daemons.
@@ -92,36 +112,111 @@
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title5" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-4828">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title5">Altering Kudu table schema outside of Impala may result in crash on read</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title5" id="known_issues_crash__impala-6841">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title5">Unable to view large catalog objects in catalogd Web UI</h3>
+      <div class="body conbody">
+        <p class="p">
+          In <code class="ph codeph">catalogd</code> Web UI, you can list metadata objects and view their
+          details. These details are accessed via a link and printed to a string formatted using
+          thrift's <code class="ph codeph">DebugProtocol</code>. Printing large objects (&gt; 1 GB) in Web UI can
+          crash <code class="ph codeph">catalogd</code>.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-6841</a>
+        </p>
+      </div>
+    </article>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title6" id="known_issues_crash__impala-6389">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title6"><strong class="ph b">Crash when querying tables with "\0" as a row delimiter</strong></h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
+        <p class="p">
+          When querying a textfile-based Impala table that uses <code class="ph codeph">\0</code> as a new
+          line separator, Impala crashes.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          The following sequence causes <code class="ph codeph">impalad</code> to crash:
+        </p>
+<pre class="pre">create table tab_separated(id bigint, s string, n int, t timestamp, b boolean)
+  row format delimited
+  fields terminated by '\t' escaped by '\\' lines terminated by '\000'
+  stored as textfile;
+select * from tab_separated; -- Done. 0 results.
+insert into tab_separated (id, s) values (100, ''); -- Success.
+select * from tab_separated; -- 20 second delay before getting "Cancelled due to unreachable impalad(s): xxxx:22000"</pre>
         <p class="p">
-          Creating a table in Impala, changing the column schema outside of Impala,
-          and then reading again in Impala may result in a crash. Neither Impala nor
-          the Kudu client validates the schema immediately before reading, so Impala may attempt to
-          dereference pointers that aren't there. This happens if a string column is dropped
-          and then a new, non-string column is added with the old string column's name.
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong>
+          <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-6389</a>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4828</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Run the statement <code class="ph codeph">REFRESH <var class="keyword varname">table_name</var></code>
-          after any occasion when the table structure, such as the number, names, and data types
-          of columns, are modified outside of Impala using the Kudu API.
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Use an alternative delimiter, e.g. <code class="ph codeph">\001</code>.
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title6" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-1972">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title7" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-4828">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title6">Queries that take a long time to plan can cause webserver to block other queries</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title7">Altering Kudu table schema outside of Impala may result in crash on read</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          Trying to get the details of a query through the debug web page
-          while the query is planning will block new queries that had not
-          started when the web page was requested. The web UI becomes
-          unresponsive until the planning phase is finished.
+          Creating a table in Impala, changing the column schema outside of Impala, and then
+          reading again in Impala may result in a crash. Neither Impala nor the Kudu client
+          validates the schema immediately before reading, so Impala may attempt to dereference
+          pointers that aren't there. This happens if a string column is dropped and then a new,
+          non-string column is added with the old string column's name.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong>
+          <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4828</a>
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.9.0</span>.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Run the statement <code class="ph codeph">REFRESH
+          <var class="keyword varname">table_name</var></code> after any occasion when the table structure,
+          such as the number, names, and data types of columns, are modified outside of Impala
+          using the Kudu API.
+        </p>
+      </div>
+    </article>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title8" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-1972">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title8">Queries that take a long time to plan can cause webserver to block other queries</h3>
+      <div class="body conbody">
+        <p class="p">
+          Trying to get the details of a query through the debug web page while the query is
+          planning will block new queries that had not started when the web page was requested.
+          The web UI becomes unresponsive until the planning phase is finished.
         <p class="p">
@@ -132,33 +227,56 @@
           <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.9.0</span>.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title7" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-4595">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title7">Linking IR UDF module to main module crashes Impala</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title9" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-4595">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title9">Linking IR UDF module to main module crashes Impala</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          A UDF compiled as an LLVM module (<code class="ph codeph">.ll</code>) could cause a crash
-          when executed.
+          A UDF compiled as an LLVM module (<code class="ph codeph">.ll</code>) could cause a crash when
+          executed.
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4595</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.8</span> and higher.</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Compile the external UDFs to a <code class="ph codeph">.so</code> library instead of a
-          <code class="ph codeph">.ll</code> IR module.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4595</a>
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.8</span> and higher.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Compile the external UDFs to a <code class="ph codeph">.so</code> library instead
+          of a <code class="ph codeph">.ll</code> IR module.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title8" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-3069">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title10" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-3069">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title8">Setting BATCH_SIZE query option too large can cause a crash</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title10">Setting BATCH_SIZE query option too large can cause a crash</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          Using a value in the millions for the <code class="ph codeph">BATCH_SIZE</code> query option, together with wide rows or large string values in
-          columns, could cause a memory allocation of more than 2 GB resulting in a crash.
+          Using a value in the millions for the <code class="ph codeph">BATCH_SIZE</code> query option,
+          together with wide rows or large string values in columns, could cause a memory
+          allocation of more than 2 GB resulting in a crash.
         <p class="p">
@@ -169,20 +287,23 @@
           <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.7.0</span>.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.7.0</span>.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title9" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-3441">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title11" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-3441">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title9">Impala should not crash for invalid avro serialized data</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title11">Impala should not crash for invalid avro serialized data</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          Malformed Avro data, such as out-of-bounds integers or values in the wrong format, could cause a crash when queried.
+          Malformed Avro data, such as out-of-bounds integers or values in the wrong format,
+          could cause a crash when queried.
         <p class="p">
@@ -193,21 +314,25 @@
           <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.7.0</span> and <span class="keyword">Impala 2.6.2</span>.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.7.0</span> and
+          <span class="keyword">Impala 2.6.2</span>.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title10" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-2592">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title12" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-2592">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title10">Queries may hang on server-to-server exchange errors</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title12">Queries may hang on server-to-server exchange errors</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          The <code class="ph codeph">DataStreamSender::Channel::CloseInternal()</code> does not close the channel on an error. This causes the node on
-          the other side of the channel to wait indefinitely, causing a hang.
+          The <code class="ph codeph">DataStreamSender::Channel::CloseInternal()</code> does not close the
+          channel on an error. This causes the node on the other side of the channel to wait
+          indefinitely, causing a hang.
         <p class="p">
@@ -222,22 +347,25 @@
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title11" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-2365">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title13" id="known_issues_crash__IMPALA-2365">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title11">Impalad is crashing if udf jar is not available in hdfs location for first time</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title13">Impalad is crashing if udf jar is not available in hdfs location for first time</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          If the JAR file corresponding to a Java UDF is removed from HDFS after the Impala <code class="ph codeph">CREATE FUNCTION</code> statement is
-          issued, the <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span> daemon crashes.
+          If the JAR file corresponding to a Java UDF is removed from HDFS after the Impala
+          <code class="ph codeph">CREATE FUNCTION</code> statement is issued, the <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span>
+          daemon crashes.
         <p class="p">
           <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-2365</a>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5.0</span>.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5.0</span>.
+        </p>
@@ -257,37 +385,101 @@
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title13" id="known_issues_performance__IMPALA-3316">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title13">Slow queries for Parquet tables with convert_legacy_hive_parquet_utc_timestamps=true</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title15" id="known_issues_performance__impala-6671">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title15">Metadata operations block read-only operations on unrelated tables</h3>
+      <div class="body conbody">
+        <p class="p">
+          Metadata operations that change the state of a table, like <code class="ph codeph">COMPUTE
+          STATS</code> or <code class="ph codeph">ALTER RECOVER PARTITIONS</code>, may delay metadata
+          propagation of unrelated unloaded tables triggered by statements like
+          <code class="ph codeph">DESCRIBE</code> or <code class="ph codeph">SELECT</code> queries.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-6671</a>
+        </p>
+      </div>
+    </article>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title16" id="known_issues_performance__impala-5200">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title16">Profile timers not updated during long-running sort</h3>
+      <div class="body conbody">
+        <p class="p">
+          If you have a query plan with a long-running sort operation, e.g. minutes, the profile
+          timers are not updated to reflect the time spent in the sort until the sort starts
+          returning rows.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5200</a>
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Slow sorts can be identified by looking at "Peak Mem" in the
+          summary or "PeakMemoryUsage" in the profile. If a sort is consuming multiple GB of
+          memory per host, it will likely spend a significant amount of time sorting the data.
+        </p>
+      </div>
+    </article>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title17" id="known_issues_performance__IMPALA-3316">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title17">Slow queries for Parquet tables with convert_legacy_hive_parquet_utc_timestamps=true</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          The configuration setting <code class="ph codeph">convert_legacy_hive_parquet_utc_timestamps=true</code>
-          uses an underlying function that can be a bottleneck on high volume, highly concurrent
-          queries due to the use of a global lock while loading time zone information. This bottleneck
-          can cause slowness when querying Parquet tables, up to 30x for scan-heavy queries. The amount
-          of slowdown depends on factors such as the number of cores and number of threads involved in the query.
+          The configuration setting
+          <code class="ph codeph">convert_legacy_hive_parquet_utc_timestamps=true</code> uses an underlying
+          function that can be a bottleneck on high volume, highly concurrent queries due to the
+          use of a global lock while loading time zone information. This bottleneck can cause
+          slowness when querying Parquet tables, up to 30x for scan-heavy queries. The amount of
+          slowdown depends on factors such as the number of cores and number of threads involved
+          in the query.
         <div class="note note note_note"><span class="note__title notetitle">Note:</span> 
           <p class="p">
-            The slowdown only occurs when accessing <code class="ph codeph">TIMESTAMP</code> columns within Parquet files that
-            were generated by Hive, and therefore require the on-the-fly timezone conversion processing.
+            The slowdown only occurs when accessing <code class="ph codeph">TIMESTAMP</code> columns within
+            Parquet files that were generated by Hive, and therefore require the on-the-fly
+            timezone conversion processing.
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-3316</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> If the <code class="ph codeph">TIMESTAMP</code> values stored in the table represent dates only,
-          with no time portion, consider storing them as strings in <code class="ph codeph">yyyy-MM-dd</code> format.
-          Impala implicitly converts such string values to <code class="ph codeph">TIMESTAMP</code> in calls to date/time
-          functions.
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-3316</a>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> If the <code class="ph codeph">TIMESTAMP</code> values stored in the table
+          represent dates only, with no time portion, consider storing them as strings in
+          <code class="ph codeph">yyyy-MM-dd</code> format. Impala implicitly converts such string values to
+          <code class="ph codeph">TIMESTAMP</code> in calls to date/time functions.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title14" id="known_issues_performance__IMPALA-1480">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title18" id="known_issues_performance__IMPALA-1480">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title14">Slow DDL statements for tables with large number of partitions</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title18">Slow DDL statements for tables with large number of partitions</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
@@ -303,37 +495,69 @@
           <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Run the DDL statement in Hive if the slowness is an issue.
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5.0</span>.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5.0</span>.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title15" id="known_issues_performance__ki_file_handle_cache">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title15">Interaction of File Handle Cache with HDFS Appends and Short-Circuit Reads</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title19" id="known_issues_performance__ki_file_handle_cache">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title19">Interaction of File Handle Cache with HDFS Appends and Short-Circuit Reads</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
+        <p class="p">
+          If a data file used by Impala is being continuously appended or overwritten in place
+          by an HDFS mechanism, such as <span class="keyword cmdname">hdfs dfs -appendToFile</span>, interaction
+          with the file handle caching feature in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.10</span> and higher
+          could cause short-circuit reads to sometimes be disabled on some DataNodes. When a
+          mismatch is detected between the cached file handle and a data block that was
+          rewritten because of an append, short-circuit reads are turned off on the affected
+          host for a 10-minute period.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          The possibility of encountering such an issue is the reason why the file handle
+          caching feature is currently turned off by default. See
+          <a class="xref" href="impala_scalability.html">Scalability Considerations for Impala</a> for information about this feature and
+          how to enable it.
+        </p>
         <p class="p">
-          If a data file used by Impala is being continuously appended or overwritten in place by an
-          HDFS mechanism, such as <span class="keyword cmdname">hdfs dfs -appendToFile</span>, interaction with the
-          file handle caching feature in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.10</span> and higher could cause
-          short-circuit reads to sometimes be disabled on some DataNodes. When a mismatch is detected
-          between the cached file handle and a data block that was rewritten because of an append,
-          short-circuit reads are turned off on the affected host for a 10-minute period.
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong>
+          <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">HDFS-12528</a>
         <p class="p">
-          The possibility of encountering such an issue is the reason why the file handle caching
-          feature is currently turned off by default. See <a class="xref" href="impala_scalability.html">Scalability Considerations for Impala</a>
-          for information about this feature and how to enable it.
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">HDFS-12528</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Verify whether your ETL process is susceptible to this issue before enabling the file handle caching feature.
-          You can set the <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span> configuration option <code class="ph codeph">unused_file_handle_timeout_sec</code> to a time period
-          that is shorter than the HDFS setting <code class="ph codeph"></code>. (Keep in mind that
-          the HDFS setting is in milliseconds while the Impala setting is in seconds.)
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Verify whether your ETL process is susceptible to this issue before
+          enabling the file handle caching feature. You can set the <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span>
+          configuration option <code class="ph codeph">unused_file_handle_timeout_sec</code> to a time period
+          that is shorter than the HDFS setting
+          <code class="ph codeph"></code>. (Keep in mind
+          that the HDFS setting is in milliseconds while the Impala setting is in seconds.)
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in HDFS 2.10 and higher. Use the new HDFS parameter
+          <code class="ph codeph">dfs.domain.socket.disable.interval.seconds</code> to specify the amount of
+          time that short circuit reads are disabled on encountering an error. The default value
+          is 10 minutes (<code class="ph codeph">600</code> seconds). It is recommended that you set
+          <code class="ph codeph">dfs.domain.socket.disable.interval.seconds</code> to a small value, such as
+          <code class="ph codeph">1</code> second, when using the file handle cache. Setting <code class="ph codeph">
+          dfs.domain.socket.disable.interval.seconds</code> to <code class="ph codeph">0</code> is not
+          recommended as a non-zero interval protects the system if there is a persistent
+          problem with short circuit reads.
+        </p>
@@ -345,36 +569,54 @@
     <div class="body conbody">
       <p class="p">
-        These issues affect the convenience of interacting directly with Impala, typically through the Impala shell or Hue.
+        These issues affect the convenience of interacting directly with Impala, typically
+        through the Impala shell or Hue.
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title17" id="known_issues_usability__IMPALA-4570">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title17">Impala shell tarball is not usable on systems with setuptools versions where '0.7' is a substring of the full version string</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title21" id="known_issues_usability__IMPALA-4570">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title21">Impala shell tarball is not usable on systems with setuptools versions where '0.7' is a substring of the full version string</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
           For example, this issue could occur on a system using setuptools version 20.7.0.
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4570</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.8</span> and higher.</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Change to a setuptools version that does not have <code class="ph codeph">0.7</code> as
-          a substring.
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4570</a>
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.8</span> and higher.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Change to a setuptools version that does not have
+          <code class="ph codeph">0.7</code> as a substring.
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title18" id="known_issues_usability__IMPALA-3133">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title22" id="known_issues_usability__IMPALA-3133">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title18">Unexpected privileges in show output</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title22">Unexpected privileges in show output</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          Due to a timing condition in updating cached policy data from Sentry, the <code class="ph codeph">SHOW</code> statements for Sentry roles could
-          sometimes display out-of-date role settings. Because Impala rechecks authorization for each SQL statement, this discrepancy does
-          not represent a security issue for other statements.
+          Due to a timing condition in updating cached policy data from Sentry, the
+          <code class="ph codeph">SHOW</code> statements for Sentry roles could sometimes display out-of-date
+          role settings. Because Impala rechecks authorization for each SQL statement, this
+          discrepancy does not represent a security issue for other statements.
         <p class="p">
@@ -386,23 +628,23 @@
         <p class="p">
-          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixes have been issued for some but not all Impala releases. Check the JIRA for details of fix releases.
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.6.0</span> and
+          <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5.1</span>.
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.6.0</span> and <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5.1</span>.</p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title19" id="known_issues_usability__IMPALA-1776">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title23" id="known_issues_usability__IMPALA-1776">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title19">Less than 100% progress on completed simple SELECT queries</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title23">Less than 100% progress on completed simple SELECT queries</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          Simple <code class="ph codeph">SELECT</code> queries show less than 100% progress even though they are already completed.
+          Simple <code class="ph codeph">SELECT</code> queries show less than 100% progress even though they
+          are already completed.
         <p class="p">
@@ -413,9 +655,9 @@
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title20" id="known_issues_usability__concept_lmx_dk5_lx">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title24" id="known_issues_usability__concept_lmx_dk5_lx">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title20">Unexpected column overflow behavior with INT datatypes</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title24">Unexpected column overflow behavior with INT datatypes</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
@@ -429,8 +671,11 @@
         <p class="p">
-          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong>
-          <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-3123</a>
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-3123</a>
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.6.0</span>.
@@ -446,23 +691,24 @@
     <div class="body conbody">
       <p class="p">
-        These issues affect applications that use the JDBC or ODBC APIs, such as business intelligence tools or custom-written applications
-        in languages such as Java or C++.
+        These issues affect applications that use the JDBC or ODBC APIs, such as business
+        intelligence tools or custom-written applications in languages such as Java or C++.
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title22" id="known_issues_drivers__IMPALA-1792">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title26" id="known_issues_drivers__IMPALA-1792">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title22">ImpalaODBC: Can not get the value in the SQLGetData(m-x th column) after the SQLBindCol(m th column)</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title26">ImpalaODBC: Can not get the value in the SQLGetData(m-x th column) after the SQLBindCol(m th column)</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          If the ODBC <code class="ph codeph">SQLGetData</code> is called on a series of columns, the function calls must follow the same order as the
-          columns. For example, if data is fetched from column 2 then column 1, the <code class="ph codeph">SQLGetData</code> call for column 1 returns
+          If the ODBC <code class="ph codeph">SQLGetData</code> is called on a series of columns, the function
+          calls must follow the same order as the columns. For example, if data is fetched from
+          column 2 then column 1, the <code class="ph codeph">SQLGetData</code> call for column 1 returns
           <code class="ph codeph">NULL</code>.
@@ -487,48 +733,96 @@
     <div class="body conbody">
       <p class="p">
-        These issues relate to security features, such as Kerberos authentication, Sentry authorization, encryption, auditing, and
-        redaction.
+        These issues relate to security features, such as Kerberos authentication, Sentry
+        authorization, encryption, auditing, and redaction.
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title24" id="known_issues_security__IMPALA-5638">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title24">Malicious user can gain unauthorized access to Kudu table data via Impala</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title28" id="known_issues_security__impala-4712">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title28">Transient kerberos authentication error during table loading</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          A malicious user with <code class="ph codeph">ALTER</code> permissions on an Impala table can access any
-          other Kudu table data by altering the table properties to make it <span class="q">"external"</span>
-          and then changing the underlying table mapping to point to other Kudu tables.
-          This violates and works around the authorization requirement that creating a
-          Kudu external table via Impala requires an <code class="ph codeph">ALL</code> privilege at the server scope.
-          This privilege requirement for <code class="ph codeph">CREATE</code> commands is enforced to precisely avoid
-          this scenario where a malicious user can change the underlying Kudu table
-          mapping. The fix is to enforce the same privilege requirement for <code class="ph codeph">ALTER</code>
-          commands that would make existing non-external Kudu tables external.
+          A transient Kerberos error can cause a table to get into a bad state with an error:
+          <code class="ph codeph">Failed to load metadata for table</code>.
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5638</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> A temporary workaround is to revoke <code class="ph codeph">ALTER</code> permissions on Impala tables.</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Upgrade to an Impala version containing the fix for <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5638</a>.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4712</a>
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Resolve the Kerberos authentication problem and run
+          <code class="ph codeph">INVALIDATE METADATA</code> on the affected table.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title25" id="known_issues_security__renewable_kerberos_tickets">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title29" id="known_issues_security__IMPALA-5638">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title29">Malicious user can gain unauthorized access to Kudu table data via Impala</h3>
+      <div class="body conbody">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title25">Kerberos tickets must be renewable</h3>
+        <p class="p">
+          A malicious user with <code class="ph codeph">ALTER</code> permissions on an Impala table can access
+          any other Kudu table data by altering the table properties to make it <span class="q">"external"</span>
+          and then changing the underlying table mapping to point to other Kudu tables. This
+          violates and works around the authorization requirement that creating a Kudu external
+          table via Impala requires an <code class="ph codeph">ALL</code> privilege at the server scope. This
+          privilege requirement for <code class="ph codeph">CREATE</code> commands is enforced to precisely
+          avoid this scenario where a malicious user can change the underlying Kudu table
+          mapping. The fix is to enforce the same privilege requirement for
+          <code class="ph codeph">ALTER</code> commands that would make existing non-external Kudu tables
+          external.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5638</a>
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> A temporary workaround is to revoke <code class="ph codeph">ALTER</code>
+          permissions on Impala tables.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.10.0</span>.
+        </p>
+      </div>
+    </article>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title30" id="known_issues_security__renewable_kerberos_tickets">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title30">Kerberos tickets must be renewable</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          In a Kerberos environment, the <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span> daemon might not start if Kerberos tickets are not renewable.
+          In a Kerberos environment, the <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span> daemon might not start if
+          Kerberos tickets are not renewable.
         <p class="p">
-          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Configure your KDC to allow tickets to be renewed, and configure <span class="ph filepath">krb5.conf</span> to request
-          renewable tickets.
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Configure your KDC to allow tickets to be renewed, and configure
+          <span class="ph filepath">krb5.conf</span> to request renewable tickets.
@@ -539,7 +833,38 @@
+  <article class="topic concept nested1" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title31" id="known_issues__impala-6726">
+    <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title31">Catalog server's kerberos ticket gets deleted after 'ticket_lifetime' on SLES11</h2>
+    <div class="body conbody">
+      <p class="p">
+        On SLES11, after 'ticket_lifetime', the kerberos ticket gets deleted by the Java krb5
+        library.
+      </p>
+      <p class="p">
+        <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank"></a>
+      </p>
+      <p class="p">
+        <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+      </p>
+      <p class="p">
+        <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> On Impala 2.11.0, set <code class="ph codeph">--use_kudu_kinit=false</code> in
+        Impala startup flag.
+      </p>
+      <p class="p">
+        On Impala 2.12.0, set <code class="ph codeph">--use_kudu_kinit=false</code> and
+        <code class="ph codeph">--use_krpc=false</code> in Impala startup flags.
+      </p>
+    </div>
+  </article>
   <article class="topic concept nested1" aria-labelledby="known_issues_resources__ki_resources" id="known_issues__known_issues_resources">
@@ -548,74 +873,104 @@
     <div class="body conbody">
       <p class="p">
-        These issues involve memory or disk usage, including out-of-memory conditions, the spill-to-disk feature, and resource management
-        features.
+        These issues involve memory or disk usage, including out-of-memory conditions, the
+        spill-to-disk feature, and resource management features.
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title27" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-5605">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title27">Configuration to prevent crashes caused by thread resource limits</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title33" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-5605">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title33">Configuration to prevent crashes caused by thread resource limits</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          Impala could encounter a serious error due to resource usage under very high concurrency.
-          The error message is similar to:
+          Impala could encounter a serious error due to resource usage under very high
+          concurrency. The error message is similar to:
 <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>
 F0629 08:20:02.956413 29088] LLVM hit fatal error: Unable to allocate section memory!
 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl&lt;boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector&lt;boost::thread_resource_error&gt; &gt;'
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5605</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong>
-          To prevent such errors, configure each host running an <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span>
-          daemon with the following settings:
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5605</a>
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> To prevent such errors, configure each host running an
+          <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span> daemon with the following settings:
 <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>
 echo 2000000 &gt; /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max
 echo 2000000 &gt; /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max
 echo 8000000 &gt; /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count
         <p class="p">
-        Add the following lines in <span class="ph filepath">/etc/security/limits.conf</span>:
+          Add the following lines in <span class="ph filepath">/etc/security/limits.conf</span>:
 <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>
 impala soft nproc 262144
 impala hard nproc 262144
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title28" id="known_issues_resources__flatbuffers_mem_usage">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title28">Memory usage when compact_catalog_topic flag enabled</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title34" id="known_issues_resources__flatbuffers_mem_usage">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title34">Memory usage when compact_catalog_topic flag enabled</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          The efficiency improvement from <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4029</a>
-          can cause an increase in size of the updates to Impala catalog metadata
-          that are broadcast to the <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span> daemons
-          by the <span class="keyword cmdname">statestored</span> daemon.
-          The increase in catalog update topic size results in higher CPU and network
+          The efficiency improvement from <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4029</a> can
+          cause an increase in size of the updates to Impala catalog metadata that are broadcast
+          to the <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span> daemons by the <span class="keyword cmdname">statestored</span>
+          daemon. The increase in catalog update topic size results in higher CPU and network
           utilization. By default, the increase in topic size is about 5-7%. If the
-          <code class="ph codeph">compact_catalog_topic</code> flag is used, the
-          size increase is more substantial, with a topic size approximately twice as
-          large as in previous versions.
+          <code class="ph codeph">compact_catalog_topic</code> flag is used, the size increase is more
+          substantial, with a topic size approximately twice as large as in previous versions.
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5500</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> Medium</p>
         <p class="p">
-          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Consider leaving the <code class="ph codeph">compact_catalog_topic</code>
-          configuration setting at its default value of <code class="ph codeph">false</code> until
-          this issue is resolved.
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5500</a>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> A fix is in the pipeline. Check the status of
-        <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-5500</a> for the release where the fix is available.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> Medium
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Consider setting the <code class="ph codeph">compact_catalog_topic</code>
+          configuration setting to <code class="ph codeph">false</code> until this issue is resolved.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.10</span>.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title29" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-2294">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title29">Kerberos initialization errors due to high memory usage</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title35" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-2294">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title35">Kerberos initialization errors due to high memory usage</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <div class="p">
         On a kerberized cluster with high memory utilization, <span class="keyword cmdname">kinit</span> commands executed after
         every <code class="ph codeph">'kerberos_reinit_interval'</code> may cause out-of-memory errors, because executing
@@ -627,9 +982,23 @@ error was: Error(12): Cannot allocate memory
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-2294</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong></p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-2294</a>
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.11</span>.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong>
+        </p>
         <div class="p">
         The following command changes the <code class="ph codeph">vm.overcommit_memory</code>
         setting immediately on a running host. However, this setting is reset
@@ -648,51 +1017,72 @@ vm.overcommit_memory=1
       </div><p class="p">
         Then run <code class="ph codeph">sysctl -p</code>. No reboot is needed.
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title30" id="known_issues_resources__drop_table_purge_s3a">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title30">DROP TABLE PURGE on S3A table may not delete externally written files</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title36" id="known_issues_resources__drop_table_purge_s3a">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title36">DROP TABLE PURGE on S3A table may not delete externally written files</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
+        <p class="p">
+          A <code class="ph codeph">DROP TABLE PURGE</code> statement against an S3 table could leave the data
+          files behind, if the table directory and the data files were created with a
+          combination of <span class="keyword cmdname">hadoop fs</span> and <span class="keyword cmdname">aws s3</span> commands.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-3558</a>
+        </p>
         <p class="p">
-          A <code class="ph codeph">DROP TABLE PURGE</code> statement against an S3 table could leave the data files
-          behind, if the table directory and the data files were created with a combination of
-          <span class="keyword cmdname">hadoop fs</span> and <span class="keyword cmdname">aws s3</span> commands.
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-3558</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> The underlying issue with the S3A connector depends on the resolution of <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">HADOOP-13230</a>.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> The underlying issue with the S3A connector depends on the
+          resolution of
+          <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">HADOOP-13230</a>.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title31" id="known_issues_resources__catalogd_heap">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title37" id="known_issues_resources__catalogd_heap">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title31">Impala catalogd heap issues when upgrading to <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5</span></h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title37">Impala catalogd heap issues when upgrading to <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5</span></h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          The default heap size for Impala <span class="keyword cmdname">catalogd</span> has changed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5</span> and higher:
+          The default heap size for Impala <span class="keyword cmdname">catalogd</span> has changed in
+          <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5</span> and higher:
         <ul class="ul">
           <li class="li">
             <p class="p">
-              Previously, by default <span class="keyword cmdname">catalogd</span> was using the JVM's default heap size, which is the smaller of 1/4th of the
-              physical memory or 32 GB.
+              Previously, by default <span class="keyword cmdname">catalogd</span> was using the JVM's default
+              heap size, which is the smaller of 1/4th of the physical memory or 32 GB.
           <li class="li">
             <p class="p">
-              Starting with <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5.0</span>, the default <span class="keyword cmdname">catalogd</span> heap size is 4 GB.
+              Starting with <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5.0</span>, the default
+              <span class="keyword cmdname">catalogd</span> heap size is 4 GB.
         <p class="p">
-          For example, on a host with 128GB physical memory this will result in catalogd heap decreasing from 32GB to 4GB. This can result
-          in out-of-memory errors in catalogd and leading to query failures.
+          For example, on a host with 128GB physical memory this will result in catalogd heap
+          decreasing from 32GB to 4GB. This can result in out-of-memory errors in catalogd and
+          leading to query failures.
         <p class="p">
@@ -701,8 +1091,6 @@ vm.overcommit_memory=1
         <p class="p">
           <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Increase the <span class="keyword cmdname">catalogd</span> memory limit as follows.
         <div class="p">
@@ -750,15 +1138,16 @@ vm.overcommit_memory=1
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title32" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-3509">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title38" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-3509">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title32">Breakpad minidumps can be very large when the thread count is high</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title38">Breakpad minidumps can be very large when the thread count is high</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          The size of the breakpad minidump files grows linearly with the number of threads. By default, each thread adds 8 KB to the
-          minidump size. Minidump files could consume significant disk space when the daemons have a high number of threads.
+          The size of the breakpad minidump files grows linearly with the number of threads. By
+          default, each thread adds 8 KB to the minidump size. Minidump files could consume
+          significant disk space when the daemons have a high number of threads.
         <p class="p">
@@ -770,32 +1159,36 @@ vm.overcommit_memory=1
         <p class="p">
-          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Add <code class="ph codeph">--minidump_size_limit_hint_kb=<var class="keyword varname">size</var></code> to set a soft upper limit on the
-          size of each minidump file. If the minidump file would exceed that limit, Impala reduces the amount of information for each thread
-          from 8 KB to 2 KB. (Full thread information is captured for the first 20 threads, then 2 KB per thread after that.) The minidump
-          file can still grow larger than the <span class="q">"hinted"</span> size. For example, if you have 10,000 threads, the minidump file can be more
-          than 20 MB.
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Add
+          <code class="ph codeph">--minidump_size_limit_hint_kb=<var class="keyword varname">size</var></code> to set a soft
+          upper limit on the size of each minidump file. If the minidump file would exceed that
+          limit, Impala reduces the amount of information for each thread from 8 KB to 2 KB.
+          (Full thread information is captured for the first 20 threads, then 2 KB per thread
+          after that.) The minidump file can still grow larger than the <span class="q">"hinted"</span> size. For
+          example, if you have 10,000 threads, the minidump file can be more than 20 MB.
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title33" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-3662">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title39" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-3662">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title33">Parquet scanner memory increase after IMPALA-2736</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title39">Parquet scanner memory increase after IMPALA-2736</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          The initial release of <span class="keyword">Impala 2.6</span> sometimes has a higher peak memory usage than in previous releases while reading
-          Parquet files.
+          The initial release of <span class="keyword">Impala 2.6</span> sometimes has a higher peak
+          memory usage than in previous releases while reading Parquet files.
         <div class="p">
-          <span class="keyword">Impala 2.6</span> addresses the issue IMPALA-2736, which improves the efficiency of Parquet scans by up to 2x. The faster scans
-          may result in a higher peak memory consumption compared to earlier versions of Impala due to the new column-wise row
-          materialization strategy. You are likely to experience higher memory consumption in any of the following scenarios:
+          <span class="keyword">Impala 2.6</span> addresses the issue IMPALA-2736, which improves the
+          efficiency of Parquet scans by up to 2x. The faster scans may result in a higher peak
+          memory consumption compared to earlier versions of Impala due to the new column-wise
+          row materialization strategy. You are likely to experience higher memory consumption
+          in any of the following scenarios:
           <ul class="ul">
             <li class="li">
               <p class="p">
@@ -805,14 +1198,15 @@ vm.overcommit_memory=1
             <li class="li">
               <p class="p">
-                Very large rows due to big column values, for example, long strings or nested collections with many items.
+                Very large rows due to big column values, for example, long strings or nested
+                collections with many items.
             <li class="li">
               <p class="p">
-                Producer/consumer speed imbalances, leading to more rows being buffered between a scan (producer) and downstream (consumer)
-                plan nodes.
+                Producer/consumer speed imbalances, leading to more rows being buffered between
+                a scan (producer) and downstream (consumer) plan nodes.
@@ -826,11 +1220,17 @@ vm.overcommit_memory=1
           <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.8.0</span>.
+        </p>
         <div class="p">
-          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> The following query options might help to reduce memory consumption in the Parquet scanner:
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> The following query options might help to reduce memory consumption
+          in the Parquet scanner:
           <ul class="ul">
             <li class="li">
-              Reduce the number of scanner threads, for example: <code class="ph codeph">set num_scanner_threads=30</code>
+              Reduce the number of scanner threads, for example: <code class="ph codeph">set
+              num_scanner_threads=30</code>
             <li class="li">
@@ -847,17 +1247,17 @@ vm.overcommit_memory=1
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title34" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-691">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title40" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-691">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title34">Process mem limit does not account for the JVM's memory usage</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title40">Process mem limit does not account for the JVM's memory usage</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          Some memory allocated by the JVM used internally by Impala is not counted against the memory limit for the
-          <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span> daemon.
+          Some memory allocated by the JVM used internally by Impala is not counted against the
+          memory limit for the <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span> daemon.
         <p class="p">
@@ -865,19 +1265,20 @@ vm.overcommit_memory=1
         <p class="p">
-          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> To monitor overall memory usage, use the <span class="keyword cmdname">top</span> command, or add the memory figures in the
-          Impala web UI <span class="ph uicontrol">/memz</span> tab to JVM memory usage shown on the <span class="ph uicontrol">/metrics</span> tab.
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> To monitor overall memory usage, use the <span class="keyword cmdname">top</span>
+          command, or add the memory figures in the Impala web UI <span class="ph uicontrol">/memz</span>
+          tab to JVM memory usage shown on the <span class="ph uicontrol">/metrics</span> tab.
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title35" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-2375">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title41" id="known_issues_resources__IMPALA-2375">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title35">Fix issues with the legacy join and agg nodes using --enable_partitioned_hash_join=false and --enable_partitioned_aggregation=false</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title41">Fix issues with the legacy join and agg nodes using --enable_partitioned_hash_join=false and --enable_partitioned_aggregation=false</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
@@ -888,10 +1289,13 @@ vm.overcommit_memory=1
         <p class="p">
-          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Transition away from the <span class="q">"old-style"</span> join and aggregation mechanism if practical.
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Transition away from the <span class="q">"old-style"</span> join and aggregation
+          mechanism if practical.
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5.0</span>.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.5.0</span>.
+        </p>
@@ -906,99 +1310,157 @@ vm.overcommit_memory=1
     <div class="body conbody">
       <p class="p">
-        These issues can cause incorrect or unexpected results from queries. They typically only arise in very specific circumstances.
+        These issues can cause incorrect or unexpected results from queries. They typically only
+        arise in very specific circumstances.
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title37" id="known_issues_correctness__IMPALA-4539">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title37">Parquet scanner memory bug: I/O buffer is attached to output batch while scratch batch rows still reference it</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title43" id="known_issues_correctness__IMPALA-4539">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title43">Parquet scanner memory bug: I/O buffer is attached to output batch while scratch batch rows still reference it</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          Impala queries may return incorrect results when scanning plain-encoded string
-          columns in uncompressed Parquet files. I/O buffers holding the string data are
-          prematurely freed, leading to invalid memory reads and possibly
-          non-deterministic results. This does not affect Parquet files that use a
-          compression codec such as Snappy. Snappy is both strongly recommended generally
-          and the default choice for Impala-written Parquet files.
+          Impala queries may return incorrect results when scanning plain-encoded string columns
+          in uncompressed Parquet files. I/O buffers holding the string data are prematurely
+          freed, leading to invalid memory reads and possibly non-deterministic results. This
+          does not affect Parquet files that use a compression codec such as Snappy. Snappy is
+          both strongly recommended generally and the default choice for Impala-written Parquet
+          files.
         <p class="p">
           How to determine whether a query might be affected:
         <ul class="ul">
           <li class="li">
             The query must reference <code class="ph codeph">STRING</code> columns from a Parquet table.
           <li class="li">
             A selective filter on the Parquet table makes this issue more likely.
           <li class="li">
-            Identify any uncompressed Parquet files processed by the query.
-            Examine the <code class="ph codeph">HDFS_SCAN_NODE</code> portion of a query profile that scans the
-            suspected table. Use a query that performs a full table scan, and materializes the column
-            values. (For example, <code class="ph codeph">SELECT MIN(<var class="keyword varname">colname</var>) FROM <var class="keyword varname">tablename</var></code>.)
-            Look for <span class="q">"File Formats"</span>. A value containing <code class="ph codeph">PARQUET/NONE</code> means uncompressed Parquet.
+            Identify any uncompressed Parquet files processed by the query. Examine the
+            <code class="ph codeph">HDFS_SCAN_NODE</code> portion of a query profile that scans the suspected
+            table. Use a query that performs a full table scan, and materializes the column
+            values. (For example, <code class="ph codeph">SELECT MIN(<var class="keyword varname">colname</var>) FROM
+            <var class="keyword varname">tablename</var></code>.) Look for <span class="q">"File Formats"</span>. A value
+            containing <code class="ph codeph">PARQUET/NONE</code> means uncompressed Parquet.
           <li class="li">
-            Identify any plain-encoded string columns in the associated table. Pay special attention to tables
-            containing Parquet files generated through Hive, Spark, or other mechanisms outside of Impala,
-            because Impala uses Snappy compression by default for Parquet files. Use <code class="ph codeph">parquet-tools</code>
-            to dump the file metadata. Note that a column could have several encodings within the same file (the column
-            data is stored in several column chunks). Look for <code class="ph codeph">VLE:PLAIN</code> in the output of
-            <code class="ph codeph">parquet-tools</code>, which means the values are plain encoded.
+            Identify any plain-encoded string columns in the associated table. Pay special
+            attention to tables containing Parquet files generated through Hive, Spark, or other
+            mechanisms outside of Impala, because Impala uses Snappy compression by default for
+            Parquet files. Use <code class="ph codeph">parquet-tools</code> to dump the file metadata. Note
+            that a column could have several encodings within the same file (the column data is
+            stored in several column chunks). Look for <code class="ph codeph">VLE:PLAIN</code> in the output
+            of <code class="ph codeph">parquet-tools</code>, which means the values are plain encoded.
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4539</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Upgrade to a version of Impala containing the fix for <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4539</a>.</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Use Snappy or another compression codec for Parquet files.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4539</a>
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.8.0</span>.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Use Snappy or another compression codec for Parquet files.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title38" id="known_issues_correctness__IMPALA-4513">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title38">ABS(n) where n is the lowest bound for the int types returns negative values</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title44" id="known_issues_correctness__IMPALA-4513">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title44">ABS(n) where n is the lowest bound for the int types returns negative values</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
+        <p class="p">
+          If the <code class="ph codeph">abs()</code> function evaluates a number that is right at the lower
+          bound for an integer data type, the positive result cannot be represented in the same
+          type, and the result is returned as a negative number. For example,
+          <code class="ph codeph">abs(-128)</code> returns -128 because the argument is interpreted as a
+          <code class="ph codeph">TINYINT</code> and the return value is also a <code class="ph codeph">TINYINT</code>.
+        </p>
         <p class="p">
-          If the <code class="ph codeph">abs()</code> function evaluates a number that is right at the lower bound for
-          an integer data type, the positive result cannot be represented in the same type, and the
-          result is returned as a negative number. For example, <code class="ph codeph">abs(-128)</code> returns -128
-          because the argument is interpreted as a <code class="ph codeph">TINYINT</code> and the return value is also
-          a <code class="ph codeph">TINYINT</code>.
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4513</a>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4513</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Cast the integer value to a larger type. For example, rewrite
-          <code class="ph codeph">abs(<var class="keyword varname">tinyint_col</var>)</code> as <code class="ph codeph">abs(cast(<var class="keyword varname">tinyint_col</var> as smallint))</code>.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Cast the integer value to a larger type. For example, rewrite
+          <code class="ph codeph">abs(<var class="keyword varname">tinyint_col</var>)</code> as
+          <code class="ph codeph">abs(cast(<var class="keyword varname">tinyint_col</var> as smallint))</code>.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title39" id="known_issues_correctness__IMPALA-4266">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title39">Java udf expression returning string in group by can give incorrect results.</h3>
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title45" id="known_issues_correctness__IMPALA-4266">
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title45">Java udf expression returning string in group by can give incorrect results.</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          If the <code class="ph codeph">GROUP BY</code> clause included a call to a Java UDF that returned a string value,
-          the UDF could return an incorrect result.
+          If the <code class="ph codeph">GROUP BY</code> clause included a call to a Java UDF that returned a
+          string value, the UDF could return an incorrect result.
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4266</a></p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.8</span> and higher.</p>
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Rewrite the expression to concatenate the results of the Java UDF with an
-          empty string call. For example, rewrite <code class="ph codeph">my_hive_udf()</code> as
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Bug:</strong> <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">IMPALA-4266</a>
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.8</span> and higher.
+        </p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Workaround:</strong> Rewrite the expression to concatenate the results of the Java UDF
+          with an empty string call. For example, rewrite <code class="ph codeph">my_hive_udf()</code> as
           <code class="ph codeph">concat(my_hive_udf(), '')</code>.
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title40" id="known_issues_correctness__IMPALA-3084">
+    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title46" id="known_issues_correctness__IMPALA-3084">
-      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title40">Incorrect assignment of NULL checking predicate through an outer join of a nested collection.</h3>
+      <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title46">Incorrect assignment of NULL checking predicate through an outer join of a nested collection.</h3>
       <div class="body conbody">
         <p class="p">
-          A query could return wrong results (too many or too few <code class="ph codeph">NULL</code> values) if it referenced an outer-joined nested
-          collection and also contained a null-checking predicate (<code class="ph codeph">IS NULL</code>, <code class="ph codeph">IS NOT NULL</code>, or the
+          A query could return wrong results (too many or too few <code class="ph codeph">NULL</code> values)
+          if it referenced an outer-joined nested collection and also contained a null-checking
+          predicate (<code class="ph codeph">IS NULL</code>, <code class="ph codeph">IS NOT NULL</code>, or the
           <code class="ph codeph">&lt;=&gt;</code> operator) in the <code class="ph codeph">WHERE</code> clause.
@@ -1010,21 +1472,23 @@ vm.overcommit_memory=1
           <strong class="ph b">Severity:</strong> High
-        <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.7.0</span>.</p>
+        <p class="p">
+          <strong class="ph b">Resolution:</strong> Fixed in <span class="keyword">Impala 2.7.0</span>.
+        </p>
-    <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title41" id="known_issues_correctness__IMPALA-3094">
+    <article class="topic concept nested