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[GitHub] [airflow] nielstenboom edited a comment on pull request #7428: [AIRFLOW-4526] Poll k8s logs to avoid problem with kubernetes logs --follow

nielstenboom edited a comment on pull request #7428:

   > hi @smaley07,
   > You can use the code provided in this PR to make a custom pod launcher and operator. Then add the files to your plugin directory so that you can use the operator in your dags
   > for the pod operator:
   > ```
   > from airflow.contrib.operators.kubernetes_pod_operator import KubernetesPodOperator
   > from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
   > from airflow.contrib.kubernetes import kube_client, pod_generator
   > from utils.custom_pod_launcher import CustomPodLauncher
   > from airflow.utils.state import State
   > from airflow.version import version as airflow_version
   > class CustomPodOperator(KubernetesPodOperator):
   >     def execute(self, context):
   >         try:
   >             if self.in_cluster is not None:
   >                 client = kube_client.get_kube_client(in_cluster=self.in_cluster,
   >                                                      cluster_context=self.cluster_context,
   >                                                      config_file=self.config_file)
   >             else:
   >                 client = kube_client.get_kube_client(cluster_context=self.cluster_context,
   >                                                      config_file=self.config_file)
   >             # Add Airflow Version to the label
   >             # And a label to identify that pod is launched by KubernetesPodOperator
   >             self.labels.update(
   >                 {
   >                     'airflow_version': airflow_version.replace('+', '-'),
   >                     'kubernetes_pod_operator': 'True',
   >                 }
   >             )
   >             gen = pod_generator.PodGenerator()
   >             for port in self.ports:
   >                 gen.add_port(port)
   >             for mount in self.volume_mounts:
   >                 gen.add_mount(mount)
   >             for volume in self.volumes:
   >                 gen.add_volume(volume)
   >             pod = gen.make_pod(
   >                 namespace=self.namespace,
   >                 image=self.image,
   >       ,
   >                 cmds=self.cmds,
   >                 arguments=self.arguments,
   >                 labels=self.labels,
   >             )
   >             pod.service_account_name = self.service_account_name
   >             pod.secrets = self.secrets
   >             pod.envs = self.env_vars
   >             pod.image_pull_policy = self.image_pull_policy
   >             pod.image_pull_secrets = self.image_pull_secrets
   >             pod.annotations = self.annotations
   >             pod.resources = self.resources
   >             pod.affinity = self.affinity
   >             pod.node_selectors = self.node_selectors
   >             pod.hostnetwork = self.hostnetwork
   >             pod.tolerations = self.tolerations
   >             pod.configmaps = self.configmaps
   >             pod.security_context = self.security_context
   >             pod.pod_runtime_info_envs = self.pod_runtime_info_envs
   >             pod.dnspolicy = self.dnspolicy
   >             launcher = CustomPodLauncher(kube_client=client,
   >                                                 extract_xcom=self.do_xcom_push)
   >             try:
   >                 (final_state, result) = launcher.run_pod(
   >                     pod,
   >                     startup_timeout=self.startup_timeout_seconds,
   >                     get_logs=self.get_logs)
   >             finally:
   >                 if self.is_delete_operator_pod:
   >                     launcher.delete_pod(pod)
   >             if final_state != State.SUCCESS:
   >                 raise AirflowException(
   >                     'Pod returned a failure: {state}'.format(state=final_state)
   >                 )
   >             if self.do_xcom_push:
   >                 return result
   >         except AirflowException as ex:
   >             raise AirflowException('Pod Launching failed: {error}'.format(error=ex))
   > ```
   > and for the launcher:
   > ```
   > from airflow.contrib.kubernetes.pod_launcher import PodLauncher
   > from requests.exceptions import BaseHTTPError
   > from airflow import AirflowException
   > from typing import Generator, List
   > from kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod import V1Pod
   > import math
   > import time
   > from datetime import datetime as dt
   > class CustomPodLauncher(PodLauncher):
   >     def _request_pod_log_chunk(self, pod: V1Pod, since_seconds: int) -> str:
   >         return self._client.read_namespaced_pod_log(
   >   ,
   >             namespace=pod.namespace,
   >             container='base',
   >             follow=False,
   >             since_seconds=since_seconds,
   >             timestamps=True,
   >             _preload_content=False
   >         )
   >     def _read_pod_log_chunk(self, pod: V1Pod, last_line: bytes) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
   >         # The CoreV1Api doesn't support since_time even though the API does, so we must use
   >         # since_seconds. Add 15 seconds of buffer just in case of NTP woes
   >         if last_line:
   >             # Strip fractional part because strptime doesn't support nanosecond parsing
   >             timestamp = last_line.split(b" ", 1)[0]
   >             last_chunk_dt = dt.strptime(timestamp.split(b".", 1)[0].decode("utf-8"),
   >                                         "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
   >             since_time = last_chunk_dt
   >         else:
   >             since_time = dt.utcfromtimestamp(0)
   >         since_seconds = math.ceil((dt.utcnow() - since_time).total_seconds() + 15)
   >         resp = self._request_pod_log_chunk(pod, since_seconds)
   >         # If we've already read a chunk, skip until we find a matching line
   >         # Just in case since_seconds doesn't get everything we want, keep the previous lines in a buffer
   >         buffered_lines = []  # type: List[bytes]
   >         skipping_lines = True
   >         for line in resp:
   >             if skipping_lines:
   >                 if line == last_line:
   >                     self.log.debug("Found duplicate line. Stopping log skipping")
   >                     buffered_lines = []
   >                     skipping_lines = False
   >                 else:
   >                     buffered_lines.append(line)
   >             else:
   >                 yield line
   >         if buffered_lines:
   >             self.log.warning(
   >                 "End of previous log chunk not found in next chunk. May indicated log line loss"
   >             )
   >             for buffered_line in buffered_lines:
   >                 yield buffered_line
   >     def read_pod_logs(self, pod: V1Pod) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
   >         """
   >         Reads pod logs from the Kubernetes API until the pod stops.
   >         This explicitly does not use the `follow` parameter due to issues
   >         around log rotation
   >         ( Once that is
   >         fixed, using follow instead of polling for pod status should be fine,
   >         but deduping on timestamp will still be desired in case the underlying
   >         request fails
   >         :param pod:
   >         :return:
   >         """
   >         # The timestamps returned from the Kubernetes API are in nanoseconds, and appear
   >         # to never duplicate across lines so we can use the timestamp plus the line
   >         # content to deduplicate log lines across multiple runs
   >         last_line = b""
   >         # We use a variable here instead of looping on self.pod_is_running so
   >         # that we can get one more read in the loop before breaking out
   >         pod_is_running = True
   >         try:
   >             while pod_is_running:
   >                 pod_is_running = self.base_container_is_running(pod)
   >                 if not pod_is_running:
   >           "pod stopped, pulling logs one more time")
   >                 for line in self._read_pod_log_chunk(pod, last_line):
   >                     timestamp, log_line = line.split(b" ", 1)
   >                     yield log_line
   >                     last_line = line
   >                 time.sleep(POD_LOGS_POLL_INTERVAL_SECONDS)
   >         except BaseHTTPError as e:
   >             raise AirflowException(
   >                 'There was an error reading the kubernetes API: {}'.format(e)
   >             )
   > ```
   Wow thank you so much!! This fixed the bug that has been bugging us for weeks.
   I've had to make a few small adjustments for it to work with airflow 1.10.15, for those who also stumble upon this thread and are interested (I put both classes in one file): 
   # operator imports
   from airflow.contrib.operators.kubernetes_pod_operator import KubernetesPodOperator
   from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
   from airflow.kubernetes import kube_client, pod_generator
   from airflow.utils.state import State
   from airflow.version import version as airflow_version
   # launcher imports
   from airflow.kubernetes.pod_launcher import PodLauncher
   from requests.exceptions import BaseHTTPError
   from airflow import AirflowException
   from typing import Generator, List
   from kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod import V1Pod
   import math
   import time
   from datetime import datetime as dt
   class CustomPodOperator(KubernetesPodOperator):
       def execute(self, context):
               if self.in_cluster is not None:
                   client = kube_client.get_kube_client(in_cluster=self.in_cluster,
                   client = kube_client.get_kube_client(cluster_context=self.cluster_context,
               self.pod = self.create_pod_request_obj()
               self.namespace = self.pod.metadata.namespace
               self.client = client
               # Add combination of labels to uniquely identify a running pod
               labels = self.create_labels_for_pod(context)
               self.pod = self.create_pod_request_obj()
               self.namespace = self.pod.metadata.namespace
               label_selector = self._get_pod_identifying_label_string(labels)
               pod_list = client.list_namespaced_pod(self.namespace, label_selector=label_selector)
               if len(pod_list.items) > 1 and self.reattach_on_restart:
                   raise AirflowException(
                       'More than one pod running with labels: '
               launcher = CustomPodLauncher(kube_client=client, extract_xcom=self.do_xcom_push)
               if len(pod_list.items) == 1:
                   try_numbers_match = self._try_numbers_match(context, pod_list.items[0])
                   final_state, result = self.handle_pod_overlap(
                       labels, try_numbers_match, launcher, pod_list.items[0]
                   final_state, _, result = self.create_new_pod_for_operator(labels, launcher)
               if final_state != State.SUCCESS:
                   raise AirflowException(
                       'Pod returned a failure: {state}'.format(state=final_state))
               return result
           except AirflowException as ex:
               raise AirflowException('Pod Launching failed: {error}'.format(error=ex))
   Custom pod launcher
   class CustomPodLauncher(PodLauncher):
       def _request_pod_log_chunk(self, pod: V1Pod, since_seconds: int) -> str:
           return self._client.read_namespaced_pod_log(
       def _read_pod_log_chunk(self, pod: V1Pod, last_line: bytes) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
           # The CoreV1Api doesn't support since_time even though the API does, so we must use
           # since_seconds. Add 15 seconds of buffer just in case of NTP woes
           if last_line:
               # Strip fractional part because strptime doesn't support nanosecond parsing
               timestamp = last_line.split(b" ", 1)[0]
               last_chunk_dt = dt.strptime(timestamp.split(b".", 1)[0].decode("utf-8"),
               since_time = last_chunk_dt
               since_time = dt.utcfromtimestamp(0)
           since_seconds = math.ceil((dt.utcnow() - since_time).total_seconds() + 15)
           resp = self._request_pod_log_chunk(pod, since_seconds)
           # If we've already read a chunk, skip until we find a matching line
           # Just in case since_seconds doesn't get everything we want, keep the previous lines in a buffer
           buffered_lines = []  # type: List[bytes]
           skipping_lines = True
           for line in resp:
               if skipping_lines:
                   if line == last_line:
                       self.log.debug("Found duplicate line. Stopping log skipping")
                       buffered_lines = []
                       skipping_lines = False
                   yield line
           if buffered_lines:
                   "End of previous log chunk not found in next chunk. May indicated log line loss"
               for buffered_line in buffered_lines:
                   yield buffered_line
       def read_pod_logs(self, pod: V1Pod) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]:
           Reads pod logs from the Kubernetes API until the pod stops.
           This explicitly does not use the `follow` parameter due to issues
           around log rotation
           ( Once that is
           fixed, using follow instead of polling for pod status should be fine,
           but deduping on timestamp will still be desired in case the underlying
           request fails
           :param pod:
           # The timestamps returned from the Kubernetes API are in nanoseconds, and appear
           # to never duplicate across lines so we can use the timestamp plus the line
           # content to deduplicate log lines across multiple runs
           last_line = b""
           # We use a variable here instead of looping on self.pod_is_running so
           # that we can get one more read in the loop before breaking out
           pod_is_running = True
               while pod_is_running:
                   pod_is_running = self.base_container_is_running(pod)
                   if not pod_is_running:
             "pod stopped, pulling logs one more time")
                   for line in self._read_pod_log_chunk(pod, last_line):
                       timestamp, log_line = line.split(b" ", 1)
                       yield log_line
                       last_line = line
           except BaseHTTPError as e:
               raise AirflowException(
                   'There was an error reading the kubernetes API: {}'.format(e)

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