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[16/51] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-trafficcontrol-website git commit: Move to updated website, remove old doc versions
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-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-Traffic Monitor Administration
-Installing Traffic Monitor
-The following are requirements to ensure an accurate set up:
-* CentOS 6
-* 4 vCPUs
-* 8GB RAM
-* Successful install of Traffic Ops
-* Tomcat
-* Administrative access to the Traffic Ops
-* Physical address of the site
-* perl-JSON
-* perl-WWW-Curl
-1. Enter the Traffic Monitor server into Traffic Ops
-2. Make sure the FQDN of the Traffic Monitor is resolvable in DNS.
-3. Install Traffic Monitor and perl mods: ``sudo yum -y install traffic_monitor perl-JSON perl-WWW-Curl``
-4. Take the config from Traffic Ops - run : ``sudo /opt/traffic_monitor/bin/``
-	Sample output: ::
-		traffic_mon # /opt/traffic_monitor/bin/ admin:password prompt
-		DEBUG: traffic_ops selected:
-		DEBUG: traffic_ops login: admin:kl0tevax
-		DEBUG: Config write mode: prompt
-		DEBUG: Found profile from traffic_ops: RASCAL_CDN
-		DEBUG: Found CDN name from traffic_ops: kabletown_cdn
-		DEBUG: Found location for rascal-config.txt from traffic_ops: /opt/traffic_monitor/conf
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: allow.config.edit                        description: Allow the running configuration to be edited through the UI                                                              Using default value of: false
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: default.accessControlAllowOrigin         description: The value for the header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin for published jsons... should be narrowed down to TMs              Using default value of: *
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: default.connection.timeout               description: Default connection time for all queries (cache, peers, TM)                                                               Using default value of: 2000
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: hack.forceSystemExit                     description: Call System.exit on shutdown                                                                                             Using default value of: false
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: hack.peerOptimistic                      description: The assumption of a caches availability when unknown by peers                                                            Using default value of: true
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: hack.publishDsStates                     description: If true, the delivery service states will be included in the CrStates.json                                               Using default value of: true
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: health.ds.interval                       description: The polling frequency for calculating the deliveryService states                                                         Using default value of: 1000
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: health.ds.leniency                       description: The amount of time before the deliveryService disregards the last update from a non-responsive cache                     Using default value of: 30000
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: health.event-count                       description: The number of historical events that will be kept                                                                        Using default value of: 200
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: health.polling.interval                  description: The polling frequency for getting the states from caches                                                                 Using default value of: 5000
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: health.startupMinCycles                  description: The number of query cycles that must be completed before this Traffic Monitor will start reporting                       Using default value of: 2
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: health.timepad                           description: A delay between each separate cache query                                                                                Using default value of: 10
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: peers.polling.interval                   description: Polling frequency for getting states from peer monitors                                                                  Using default value of: 5000
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: peers.polling.url                        description: The url for current, unfiltered states from peer monitors                                                                Using default value of: http://${hostname}/publish/CrStates?raw
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: peers.threadPool                         description: The number of threads given to the pool for querying peers                                                               Using default value of: 1
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: tm.auth.url                              description: The url for the authentication form                                                                                      Using default value of: https://${tmHostname}/login
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: tm.crConfig.json.polling.url             description: Url for the cr-config (json)                                                                                             Using default value of: https://${tmHostname}/CRConfig-Snapshots/${cdnName}/CRConfig.json
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: tm.healthParams.polling.url              description: The url for the heath params (json)                                                                                      Using default value of: https://${tmHostname}/health/${cdnName}
-		WARN: Param not in traffic_ops: tm.polling.interval                      description: The polling frequency for getting updates from TM                                                                        Using default value of: 10000
-		DEBUG: allow.config.edit needed in config, but does not exist in config on disk.
-		DEBUG: cdnName value on disk () does not match value needed in config (kabletown_cdn).
-		DEBUG: default.accessControlAllowOrigin needed in config, but does not exist in config on disk.
-		DEBUG: default.connection.timeout needed in config, but does not exist in config on disk.
-		DEBUG: hack.forceSystemExit needed in config, but does not exist in config on disk.
-		DEBUG: hack.peerOptimistic needed in config, but does not exist in config on disk.
-		DEBUG: hack.publishDsStates needed in config, but does not exist in config on disk.
-		DEBUG: health.ds.interval needed in config, but does not exist in config on disk.
-		DEBUG: health.ds.leniency needed in config, but does not exist in config on disk.
-		DEBUG: health.startupMinCycles needed in config, but does not exist in config on disk.
-		DEBUG: health.timepad value on disk (20) does not match value needed in config (10).
-		DEBUG: peers.polling.interval needed in config, but does not exist in config on disk.
-		DEBUG: peers.threadPool needed in config, but does not exist in config on disk.
-		DEBUG: tm.auth.password value on disk () does not match value needed in config (kl0tevax).
-		DEBUG: tm.auth.username value on disk () does not match value needed in config (admin).
-		DEBUG: tm.hostname value on disk () does not match value needed in config (
-		DEBUG: Proposed traffic_monitor_config:
-		{
-		   "traffic_monitor_config":{
-		      "default.accessControlAllowOrigin":"*",
-		      "health.startupMinCycles":"2",
-		      "tm.auth.password":"kl0tevax",
-		      "tm.auth.url":"https://${tmHostname}/login",
-		      "tm.healthParams.polling.url":"https://${tmHostname}/health/${cdnName}",
-		      "allow.config.edit":"false",
-		      "tm.crConfig.json.polling.url":"https://${tmHostname}/CRConfig-Snapshots/${cdnName}/CRConfig.json",
-		      "tm.auth.username":"admin",
-		      "peers.polling.url":"http://${hostname}/publish/CrStates?raw",
-		      "health.timepad":"10",
-		      "hack.publishDsStates":"true",
-		      "default.connection.timeout":"2000",
-		      "health.ds.interval":"1000",
-		      "peers.polling.interval":"5000",
-		      "hack.forceSystemExit":"false",
-		      "health.ds.leniency":"30000",
-		      "cdnName":"kabletown_cdn",
-		      "peers.threadPool":"1",
-		      "tm.polling.interval":"10000",
-		      "health.polling.interval":"5000",
-		      "health.event-count":"200",
-		      "hack.peerOptimistic":"true",
-		      "tm.hostname":""
-		   }
-		}
-		----------------------------------------------
-		----OK to write this config to disk? (Y/n) [n]y
-		----------------------------------------------
-		----------------------------------------------
-		----OK to write this config to disk? (Y/n) [n]Y
-		----------------------------------------------
-		DEBUG: Writing /opt/traffic_monitor/conf/traffic_monitor_config.js
-		traffic_mon # 
-5. Start Tomcat: ``sudo service tomcat start`` ::
-    Using CATALINA_BASE: /opt/tomcat
-    Using CATALINA_HOME: /opt/tomcat
-    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/tomcat/temp
-    Using JRE_HOME: /usr
-    Using CLASSPATH:/opt/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar
-    Using CATALINA_PID:/var/run/tomcat/
-    Starting tomcat [ OK ]
-6. Verify Traffic Monitor is running by pointing your browser to port 80 on the Traffic Monitor host.
-Configuring Traffic Monitor
-Configuration Overview
-Traffic Monitor is configured using its JSON configuration file, ``traffic_monitor_config.js``. Specify the URL, username, password, and CDN name for the instance of Traffic Ops for which this Traffic Monitor is a member, and start the software.  Once started with the correct configuration, Traffic Monitor downloads its configuration from Traffic Ops and begins polling caches. Once a configurable number of polling cycles completes, health protocol state is available via RESTful JSON endpoints.
-Troubleshooting and log files
-Traffic Monitor log files are in ``/opt/traffic_monitor/var/log/``, and tomcat log files are in ``/opt/tomcat/logs/``.
diff --git a/docs/1.1.3/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_config.txt b/docs/1.1.3/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_config.txt
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-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-Configuring Traffic Ops
-Follow the steps below to configure the newly installed Traffic Ops Instance.
-Installing the SSL Cert
-By default, Traffic Ops runs as an SSL web server, and a certificate needs to be installed.  TBD.
-Content Delivery Networks
-.. _rl-param-prof:
-Parameters an profiles
-Many of the settings for the different servers in a Traffic Control CDN are controlled by parameters in the parameter view of Traffic Ops. Parameters are grouped in profiles and profiles are assigned to a server. For a typical cache there are hundreds of configuration settings to apply. The Traffic Ops parameter view contains the defined settings. To make life easier, Traffic Ops allows for duplication, comparison, import and export of Profiles. Traffic Ops also has a "Global profile" - the parameters in this profile are going to be applied to all servers in the Traffic Ops instance, or apply to Traffic Ops themselves. These parameters are:
-.. index::
-  Global Profile
-|           Name           |  Config file  |                                                                 Value                                                                 |
-| tm.url                   | global        | The URL where this Traffic Ops instance is being served from.                                                                         |
-| tm.toolname              | global        | The name of the Traffic Ops tool. Usually "Traffic Ops". Used in the About screen and in the comments headers of the files generated. |
-| tm.infourl               | global        | This is the "for more information go here" URL, which is visible in the About page.                                                   |
-| tm.logourl               | global        | This is the URL of the logo for Traffic Ops and can be relative if the logo is under traffic_ops/app/public.                          |
-| tm.instance_name         | global        | The name of the Traffic Ops instance. Can be used when multiple instances are active. Visible in the About page.                      |
-| tm.traffic_mon_fwd_proxy | global        | When collecting stats from Traffic Monitor, Traffic Ops uses this forward proxy to pull the stats through.                            |
-|                          |               | This can be any of the MID tier caches, or a forward cache specifically deployed for this purpose. Setting                            |
-|                          |               | this variable can significantly lighten the load on the Traffic Monitor system and it is recommended to                               |
-|                          |               | set this parameter on a production system.                                                                                            |
-| geolocation.polling.url  | CRConfig.json | The location to get the GeoLiteCity database from.                                                                                    |
-| geolocation6.polling.url | CRConfig.json | The location to get the IPv6 GeoLiteCity database from.                                                                               |
-These parameters should be set to reflect the local environment.
-After running the postinstall script, Traffic Ops has the following profiles pre-loaded:
-|   Name   |                                           Description                                           |
-| EDGE1    | The profile to be applied to the latest supported version of ATS, when running as an EDGE cache |
-| TR1      | The profile to be applied to the latest version of Traffic Router                               |
-| TM1      | The profile to be applied to the latest version of Traffic Monitor                              |
-| MID1     | The profile to be applied to the latest supported version of ATS, when running as an MID cache  |
-| RIAK_ALL | Riak profile for all CDNs to be applied to the Traffic Vault servers                            |
-..Note:: The Traffic Server profiles contain some information that is specific to the hardware being used (most notably the disk configuration), so some parameters will have to be changed to reflect your configuration. Future releases of Traffic Control will separate the hardware and software profiles so it is easier to "mix-and-match" different hardware configurations. 
-Below is a list of cache parameters that are likely to need changes from the default profiles shipped with Traffic Ops:
-|           Name           |    Config file    |                                                       Description                                                       |
-| allow_ip                 | astats.config     | This is a comma separated  list of IPv4 CIDR blocks that will have access to the astats statistics on the caches.       |
-|                          |                   | The Traffic Monitor IP addresses have to be included in this, if they are using IPv4 to monitor the caches.             |
-| allow_ip6                | astats.config     | This is a comma separated  list of IPv6 CIDR blocks that will have access to the astats statistics on the caches.       |
-|                          |                   | The Traffic Monitor IP addresses have to be included in this, if they are using IPv6 to monitor the caches.             |
-| Drive_Prefix             | storage.config    | JvD/Jeff to supply blurb                                                                                                |
-| Drive_Letters            | storage.config    | JvD/Jeff to supply blurb                                                                                                |
-| purge_allow_ip           | ip_allow.config   | The IP address that is allowed to "purge" content on the CDN through regex_revalidate                                   |
-| health.threshold.loadavg | | The Unix load average at which Traffic Router will stop sending traffic to this cache                                   |
-| health.threshold.\\      | | The amount of bandwidth that Traffic Router will try to keep available on the cache.                                    |
-| availableBandwidthInKbps |                   | For example: "">1500000" means stop sending new traffic to this cache when traffic is at 8.5Gbps on a 10Gbps interface. |
-Regions, Locations and Cache Groups
-All servers have to have a `location`, which is their physical location. Each location is part of a `region`, and each region is part of a `division`. For Example, ``Denver`` could be a location in the ``Mile High`` region and that region could be part of the ``West`` division. Enter your divisions first in  `Misc->Divisions`, then enter the regions in `Misc->Regions`, referencing the divisions entered, and finally, enter the physical locations in `Misc->Locations`, referencing the regions entered. 
-All servers also have to be part of a `cache group`. A cache group is a logical grouping of caches, that don't have to be in the same physical location (in fact, usually a cache group is spread across minimally 2 physical locations for redundancy purposes), but share geo coordinates for content routing purposes. JvD to add more.
-.. _Creating-CentOS-Kickstart:
-Creating the CentOS Kickstart File
-The kickstart file is a text file, containing a list of items, each identified by a keyword. You can create it by using the Kickstart Configurator application, or writing it from scratch. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation program also creates a sample kickstart file based on the options that you selected during installation. It is written to the file ``/root/anaconda-ks.cfg``. This file is editable using most text editors that can save files as ASCII text.
-To generate ISO, the CentOS Kickstart is necessary:
-1. Create a kickstart file.
-2. Create a boot media with the kickstart file or make the kickstart file available on the network.
-3. Make the installation tree available.
-4. Start the kickstart installation.
-Create a ks.src file in the root of the selection location. See the example below: 
- mkdir newdir
- cd newdir/
- cp -r ../centos65/* .
- vim ks.src
- vim isolinux/isolinux.cfg
- cd vim osversions.cfg
- vim osversions.cfg
-This is a standard kickstart formatted file that the generate ISO process uses to create the kickstart (ks.cfg) file for the install. The generate ISO process uses the ks.src, overwriting any information set in the Generate ISO tab in Traffic Ops, creating ks.cfg.
-.. Note:: Streamline your install folder for under 1GB, which assists in creating a CD.   
-.. seealso:: For in-depth instructions, please see `Kickstart Installation <>`_
diff --git a/docs/1.1.3/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_extensions.txt b/docs/1.1.3/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_extensions.txt
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-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _admin-to-ext-script:
-Managing Traffic Ops Extensions
\ No newline at end of file
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-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. index::
-  Traffic Ops - Installing 
-.. _rl-ps:
-Installing Traffic Ops
-System Requirements
-The user must have the following for a successful install:
-* CentOS 6
-* 4 vCPUs
-* 32GB RAM
-* 20 GB disk space
-* YUM repository with minimally the following dependecies avaliable
-  * apr 1.3.9-5 
-  * apr-util 1.3.9-3 
-  * apr-util-ldap 1.3.9-3   
-  * expat-devel 2.0.1-11 
-  * genisoimage 1.1.9-12  
-  * httpd 2.2.15
-  * httpd-tools 2.2.15  
-  * libpcap-devel 14:1.4
-  * mod_ssl  1:2.2.15-29
-  * mysql 5.1.71 
-  * autoconf 2.63-5.1.
-  * automake 1.11.1-4
-  * gcc 4.4.7-4
-  * gettext 0.17-16
-  * libcurl-devel 7.19.7-37
-  * libtool 2.2.6-15.5
-  * mysql-devel 5.1.73-3
-  * perl-CPAN 1.9402-136
-  * libcurl 7.19.7-37
-  * openssl 1.0.1e-30
-  * cloog-ppl 0.15.7-1.2
-  * cpp 4.4.7-4
-  * cvs 1.11.23-16
-  * libgomp 4.4.7-4
-  * libidn-devel 1.18-2
-  * m4 1.4.13-5
-  * mpfr 2.4.1-6
-  * perl-Digest-SHA 1:5.47-136
-  * ppl 0.10.2-11
-  * curl 7.19.7-37
-  * openssl-devel 1.0.1e-30
-* Access to `The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) <>`_
-.. Note:: The above versions are known to work on CentOS 6.5. Higher versions may work.
-.. Note:: Although Traffic Ops supports both MySQL and Postgres as a database, support for MySQL is more mature and better tested. It is best to use MySQL when first getting started, and the rest of this quide assumes MySQL as the database.
-Navigating the Install
-To begin the install:
-1. Install Traffipc Ops: ``sudo yum install traffic_ops``
-2. After installation of Traffic Ops rpm enter the following command: ``sudo /opt/traffic_ops/install/bin/postinstall``
-  Example output::
-      trafficops-vm # /opt/traffic_ops/install/bin/postinstall
-      This script will build and package the required Traffic Ops perl modules.
-      In order to complete this operation, Development tools such as the gcc
-      compiler must be installed on this machine.
-      Hit ENTER to continue:
-  The first thing the post install will do is install additional packages needed from the yum repo.
-  Ater that, it will automatically proceed to installing the required Perl packages from CPAN.
-  .. Note:: Especially when installing Traffic Ops for the first time on a system this can take a long time, since many dependencies for the Mojolicous application need to be downloaded. Expect 30 minutes. 
-  If there are any prompts in this phase, please just answer with the defaults (some CPAN installs can prompt for install questions). 
-  When this phase is complete, you will see:: 
-      ...
-      Successfully installed Test-Differences-0.63
-      Successfully installed DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.07042
-      Successfully installed Time-HiRes-1.9726 (upgraded from 1.9719)
-      Successfully installed Mojolicious-Plugin-Authentication-1.26
-      113 distributions installed
-      Complete! Modules were installed into /opt/traffic_ops/app/local
-      Linking perl libraries...
-      Installing perl scripts
-      This script will initialize the Traffic Ops database.
-      Please enter the following information in order to completely
-      configure the Traffic Ops mysql database.
-      Database type [mysql]:
-  The next phase of the install will ask you about the local environment for your CDN.
-  .. Note:: before proceeding to this step, the database has to have at least a root password, and needs to be started. When using mysql, please type ``service mysqld start`` as root in another terminal and follow the instructions on the screen to set the root passwd.
-  .. Note:: CentOS files note.
-  Example output::
-      Database type [mysql]:
-      Database name [traffic_ops_db]:
-      Database server hostname IP or FQDN [localhost]:
-      Database port number [3306]:
-      Traffic Ops database user [traffic_ops]:
-      Password for traffic_ops:
-      Re-Enter password for traffic_ops:
-      Error: passwords do not match, try again.
-      Password for traffic_ops:
-      Re-Enter password for traffic_ops:
-      Database server root (admin) user name [root]:
-      Database server root password:
-      Database Type: mysql
-      Database Name: traffic_ops_db
-      Hostname: localhost
-      Port: 3306
-      Database User: traffic_ops
-      Is the above information correct (y/n) [n]:  y
-      The database properties have been saved to /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/production/database.conf
-        The database configuration has been saved.  Now we need to set some custom
-        fields that are necessary for the CDN to function correctly.
-      Traffic Ops url [https://localhost]:
-      Human-readable CDN Name.  (No whitespace, please) [kabletown_cdn]:
-      DNS sub-domain for which your CDN is authoritative []:
-      Fully qualified name of your CentOS 6.5 ISO kickstart tar file, or 'na' to skip and add files later [/var/cache/centos65.tgz]:  na
-      Fully qualified location to store your ISO kickstart files [/var/www/files]:
-      Traffic Ops URL:
-      Traffic Ops Info URL:
-      Domainname:
-      CDN Name: kabletown_cdn
-      GeoLocation Polling URL:
-      CoverageZone Polling URL:
-      Is the above information correct (y/n) [n]:  y
-      Parameter information has been saved to /opt/traffic_ops/install/data/json/parameters.json
-      Adding an administration user to the Traffic Ops database.
-      Administration username for Traffic Ops:  admin
-      Password for the admin user admin:
-      Verify the password for admin:
-      Do you wish to create an ldap configuration for access to traffic ops [y/n] ? [n]:  n
-      creating database
-      Creating database...
-      Creating user...
-      Flushing privileges...
-      setting up database
-      Executing 'drop database traffic_ops_db'
-      Executing 'create database traffic_ops_db'
-      Creating database tables...
-      Migrating database...
-      goose: migrating db environment 'production', current version: 0, target: 20150316100000
-      OK    20141222103718_extension.sql
-      OK    20150108100000_add_job_deliveryservice.sql
-      OK    20150205100000_cg_location.sql
-      OK    20150209100000_cran_to_asn.sql
-      OK    20150210100000_ds_keyinfo.sql
-      OK    20150304100000_add_ip6_ds_routing.sql
-      OK    20150310100000_add_bg_fetch.sql
-      OK    20150316100000_move_hdr_rw.sql
-      Seeding database...
-      Database initialization succeeded.
-      seeding profile data...
-      name EDGE1 description Edge 1
-      name TR1 description Traffic Router 1
-      name TM1 description Traffic Monitor 1
-      name MID1 description Mid 1
-      seeding parameter data...
-  Explanation of the information that needs to be provided:
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    |                       Field                        |                                          Description                                          |
-    +====================================================+===============================================================================================+
-    | Database type                                      | mysql or postgres                                                                             |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Database name                                      | The name of the database Traffic Ops uses to store the configuration information              |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Database server hostname IP or FQDN                | The hostname of the database server                                                           |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Database port number                               | The database port number                                                                      |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Traffic Ops database user                          | The username Traffic Ops will use to read/write from the database                             |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | password for traffic ops                           | The passwdord for the above database user                                                     |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Database server root (admin) user name             | Priviledged database user that has permission to create the database and user for Traffic Ops |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Database server root (admin) user password         | The password for the above priviledged database user                                          |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Traffic Ops url                                    | The URL to connect to this instance of Traffic Ops, usually https://<traffic ops host FQDN>/  |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Human-readable CDN Name                            | The name of the first CDN traffic Ops will be managing                                        |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | DNS sub-domain for which your CDN is authoritative | The DNS domain that will be delegated to this Traffic Control CDN                             |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | name of your CentOS 6.5 ISO kickstart tar file     | See :ref:`Creating-CentOS-Kickstart`                                                          |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Administration username for Traffic Ops            | The Administration (highest privilege) Traffic Ops user to create;                            |
-    |                                                    | use this user to login for the first time and create other users                              |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-    | Password for the admin user                        | The passwd for the above user                                                                 |
-    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  The postinstall script will now seed the database with some inital configuration settings for the CDN and the servers in the CDN.
-  The next phase is the download of the geo location database and configuration of information needed for SSL certificates.
-  Example output::
-    Downloading MaxMind data.
-    --2015-04-14 02:14:32--
-    Resolving,, 2400:cb00:2048:1::8d65:73be, ...
-    Connecting to||:80... connected.
-    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
-    Length: 17633433 (17M) [application/octet-stream]
-    Saving to: “GeoLite2-City.mmdb.gz”
-    100%[==================================================================================================================================================================>] 17,633,433  7.03M/s   in 2.4s
-    2015-04-14 02:14:35 (7.03 MB/s) - “GeoLite2-City.mmdb.gz” saved [17633433/17633433]
-    Copying coverage zone file to public dir.
-    Installing SSL Certificates.
-      We're now running a script to generate a self signed X509 SSL certificate.
-      When prompted to enter a pass phrase, just enter 'pass' each time.  The
-      pass phrase will be stripped from the private key before installation.
-      When prompted to enter a 'challenge password', just hit the ENTER key.
-      The remaining enformation Country, State, Locality, etc... are required to
-      generate a properly formatted SSL certificate.
-    Hit Enter when you are ready to continue:
-    Postinstall SSL Certificate Creation.
-    Generating an RSA Private Server Key.
-    Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus
-    ..........................++++++
-    .....................++++++
-    e is 65537 (0x10001)
-    Enter pass phrase for server.key:
-    Verifying - Enter pass phrase for server.key:
-    The server key has been generated.
-    Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
-    Enter pass phrase for server.key:
-    You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
-    into your certificate request.
-    What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
-    There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
-    For some fields there will be a default value,
-    If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
-    -----
-    Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:US
-    State or Province Name (full name) []:CO
-    Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:Denver
-    Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:
-    Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
-    Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:
-    Email Address []:
-    Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
-    to be sent with your certificate request
-    A challenge password []:pass
-    An optional company name []:
-    The Certificate Signing Request has been generated.
-    Removing the pass phrase from the server key.
-    Enter pass phrase for server.key.orig:
-    writing RSA key
-    The pass phrase has been removed from the server key.
-    Generating a Self-signed certificate.
-    Signature ok
-    subject=/C=US/ST=CO/L=Denver/O=Default Company Ltd
-    Getting Private key
-    A server key and self signed certificate has been generated.
-    Installing the server key and server certificate.
-    The private key has been installed.
-    Installing the self signed certificate.
-    Saving the self signed csr.
-      The self signed certificate has now been installed.
-      You may obtain a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority using the
-      server.csr file saved in the current directory.  Once you have obtained
-      a signed certificate, copy it to /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt and
-      restart Traffic Ops.
-    SSL Certificates have been installed.
-    Starting Traffic Ops.
-    Starting Traffic Ops
-    Subroutine TrafficOps::has redefined at /opt/traffic_ops/app/local/lib/perl5/Mojo/ line 38.
-    Subroutine TrafficOps::has redefined at /opt/traffic_ops/app/local/lib/perl5/Mojo/ line 38.
-    Loading config from /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/cdn.conf
-    Reading log4perl config from /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/production/log4perl.conf
-    Starting hot deployment for Hypnotoad server 32192.
-    Waiting for Traffic Ops to start.
-    Shutdown Traffic Ops [y/n] [n]:  n
-    To start Traffic Ops:  service traffic_ops start
-    To stop Traffic Ops:   service traffic_ops stop
-    traffic_ops #
-Traffic Ops is now installed!
-3. Download the web dependencies (this will be added to the installer in the future): ::
-    traffic_ops # pwd
-    /opt/traffic_ops/install/bin
-    traffic_ops # ./download_web_deps
-    Finished curling | size is: 78746
-    Finished curling | size is: 541026
-    Finished curling | size is: 649913
-    Finished curling | size is: 7669
-    Finished curling | size is: 17321
-    Finished curling | size is: 41836
-    Finished curling | size is: 95931
-    Finished curling | size is: 240427
-    Finished curling | size is: 27499
-    Finished curling | size is: 180
-    Finished curling | size is: 180
-    Finished curling | size is: 131
-    Finished curling | size is: 114
-    Finished curling | size is: 127
-    Finished curling | size is: 113
-    Finished curling | size is: 117
-    Finished curling | size is: 95
-    Finished curling | size is: 235
-    Finished curling | size is: 4369
-    Finished curling | size is: 4369
-    Finished curling | size is: 4369
-    Finished curling | size is: 4369
-    Finished curling | size is: 4369
-    Finished curling | size is: 35951
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js does not exist, putting into place.
-    Making dir: ../../app/public/js/fancybox/
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//jquery.fancybox-buttons.js does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//fancybox_loading@2x.gif does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//fancybox_loading.gif does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//fancybox_buttons.png does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//jquery.fancybox-buttons.css does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//jquery.fancybox-thumbs.css does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//fancybox_sprite@2x.png does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//jquery.fancybox.css does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//jquery.fancybox-media.js does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//fancybox_overlay.png does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//fancybox_sprite.png does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/fancybox//jquery.fancybox.js does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Making dir: ../../app/public/js/flot/
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/flot//jquery.flot.min.js does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/flot//jquery.flot.selection.js does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/flot//jquery.flot.stack.js does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/flot//jquery.flot.time.js does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/flot//jquery.flot.tooltip.js does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/flot/jquery.flot.axislabels.js does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js//jMenu.jquery.min.js does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css//jmenu.css does not exist. Putting file from zip into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/jquery-ui.min.js does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/jquery-ui.css does not exist, putting into place.
-    Making dir: ../../app/public/css/images/
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-bg_flat_30_cccccc_40x100.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-bg_flat_50_5c5c5c_40x100.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-bg_glass_40_ffc73d_1x400.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-bg_highlight-hard_20_0972a5_1x100.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_33_003147_1x100.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_35_222222_1x100.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_44_444444_1x100.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_80_eeeeee_1x100.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-bg_loop_25_000000_21x21.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-icons_4b8e0b_256x240.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-icons_a83300_256x240.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-icons_cccccc_256x240.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/css/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png does not exist, putting into place.
-    Output file: ../../app/public/js/bootstrap.min.js does not exist, putting into place.
-    traffic_ops #
-Upgrading Traffic Ops
-To upgrade:
-1. Enter the following command:``service traffic_ops stop``
-2. Enter the following command:``yum upgrade traffic_ops``
-3. See :ref:`rl-ps` to run the post install.
-4. Enter the following command:``service traffic_ops start``