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[GitHub] [jena] afs commented on a change in pull request #951: JENA-2065: RDF-star

afs commented on a change in pull request #951:

File path: jena-tdb/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/tdb/solver/
@@ -18,298 +18,136 @@
 package org.apache.jena.tdb.solver;
-import static org.apache.jena.graph.Node_Triple.triple;
+import static org.apache.jena.tdb.solver.SolverLib.convFromBinding;
+import static org.apache.jena.tdb.solver.SolverLib.tripleHasNodeTriple;
 import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.function.Function;
 import java.util.function.Predicate;
 import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Iter;
-import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Pair;
+import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.InternalErrorException;
 import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.tuple.Tuple;
 import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.tuple.TupleFactory;
-import org.apache.jena.atlas.logging.FmtLog;
 import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
-import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory;
 import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple;
-import org.apache.jena.sparql.ARQConstants;
-import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var;
-import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.VarAlloc;
+import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Quad;
 import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.ExecutionContext;
+import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.Binding;
+import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingFactory;
 import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.iterator.RX;
-import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.Context;
-import org.apache.jena.tdb.TDBException;
+import org.apache.jena.tdb.lib.TupleLib;
- * See {@link RX} which is the same algorithm for Triple/Node space.
- */
 public class SolverRX {
-    // These argument get passed around a lot, making the argument lists long.
-    private static class Args {
-        final NodeTupleTable nodeTupleTable;
-        final boolean anyGraph;
-        final Predicate<Tuple<NodeId>> filter;
-        final ExecutionContext execCxt;
-        final VarAlloc varAlloc;
-        Args(NodeTupleTable nodeTupleTable, boolean anyGraph, Predicate<Tuple<NodeId>> filter, ExecutionContext execCxt) {
-            super();
-            this.nodeTupleTable = nodeTupleTable;
-            this.anyGraph = anyGraph;
-            this.filter = filter;
-            this.execCxt = execCxt;
-            this.varAlloc = varAlloc(execCxt);
+    // Only set 'false' in development
+    public // For integration testing only
+    static final boolean DATAPATH = true;
+    // Entry point from SolverLib.
+    /*package*/
+    static Iterator<BindingNodeId> matchQuadPattern(Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Node graphNode, Triple tPattern,
+                                                    NodeTupleTable nodeTupleTable, Tuple<Node> patternTuple,
+                                                    boolean anyGraph, Predicate<Tuple<NodeId>> filter, ExecutionContext execCxt) {
+        if ( DATAPATH ) {
+            if ( ! tripleHasNodeTriple(tPattern) || tPattern.isConcrete() ) {
+                // No RDF-star <<>> with variables.
+                return StageMatchTuple.access(nodeTupleTable, chain, patternTuple, filter, anyGraph, execCxt);
+            }
-    }
-    private static VarAlloc varAlloc(ExecutionContext execCxt) {
-        Context context = execCxt.getContext();
-        VarAlloc varAlloc = VarAlloc.get(context, ARQConstants.sysVarAllocRDFStar);
-        if ( varAlloc == null ) {
-            varAlloc = new VarAlloc(ARQConstants.allocVarTripleTerm);
-            context.set(ARQConstants.sysVarAllocRDFStar, varAlloc);
-        }
-        return varAlloc;
-    }
-    // Call point for SolverLib.execute
-    public static Iterator<BindingNodeId> solveRX(NodeTupleTable nodeTupleTable, Tuple<Node> pattern, boolean anyGraph,
-                                                  Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Predicate<Tuple<NodeId>> filter,
-                                                  ExecutionContext execCxt) {
-        if ( ! tripleHasNodeTriple(pattern) )
-            SolverLib.solve(nodeTupleTable, pattern, anyGraph, chain, filter, execCxt);
-        Args args = new Args(nodeTupleTable, anyGraph, filter, execCxt);
-        return rdfStarTriple(chain, pattern, args);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Match a single triple pattern that may involve RDF-star terms. This is the top
-     * level function for matching triples. The function {@link #matchTripleStar}
-     * matches a triple term and assigns the triple matched to a variable. It is used
-     * within {@link #rdfStarTriple} for nested triple term and a temporary allocated
-     * variable as well can for {@code FIND(<<...>> AS ?t)}.
-     *
-     * @implNote
-     * Without RDF-star, this would be a plain call of {@link #matchData} which
-     * is simply a call to {@link SolverLib#solve}.
-     */
-    private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> rdfStarTriple(Iterator<BindingNodeId> input, Tuple<Node> pattern, Args args) {
-        // Should all work without this trap for plain RDF.
-        if ( ! tripleHasNodeTriple(pattern) )
-            return matchData( input, pattern, args);
-        return rdfStarTripleSub(input, pattern, args);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Insert the stages necessary for a triple with triple pattern term inside it.
-     * If the triple pattern has a triple term, possibly with variables, introduce
-     * an iterator to solve for that, assign the matching triple term to a hidden
-     * variable, and put allocated variable in to main triple pattern. Do for subject
-     * and object positions, and also any nested triple pattern terms.
-     */
-    private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> rdfStarTripleSub(Iterator<BindingNodeId> input,
-                                                            Tuple<Node> pattern, Args args) {
-        Pair<Iterator<BindingNodeId>, Tuple<Node>> pair = preprocessForTripleTerms(input, pattern, args);
-        Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain2 = matchData(pair.getLeft(), pair.getRight(), args);
-        return chain2;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Match a triple pattern (which may have nested triple terms in it).
-     * Any matched triples are added as triple terms bound to the supplied variable.
-     */
-    private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> matchTripleStar(Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Var var, Tuple<Node> pattern, Args args) {
-        if ( tripleHasNodeTriple(pattern) ) {
-            Pair<Iterator<BindingNodeId>, Tuple<Node>> pair =
-                preprocessForTripleTerms(chain, pattern, args);
-            chain = pair.getLeft();
-            pattern = pair.getRight();
+        // RDF-star <<>> with variables.
+        // This path should work regardless.
+        boolean isTriple = (patternTuple.len() == 3);
+        NodeTable nodeTable = nodeTupleTable.getNodeTable();
+        Function<BindingNodeId, Iterator<BindingNodeId>> step =
+                bnid -> find(bnid, nodeTupleTable, graphNode, tPattern, anyGraph, filter, execCxt);
+        return Iter.flatMap(chain, step);
+    }
+    private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> find(BindingNodeId bnid, NodeTupleTable nodeTupleTable,
+                                                Node graphNode, Triple tPattern,
+                                                boolean anyGraph, Predicate<Tuple<NodeId>> filter,
+                                                ExecutionContext execCxt) {
+        Node tGraphNode = anyGraph ? Quad.unionGraph : graphNode ;
+        // graphNode is ANY for union graph and null for default graph.
+        // Var to ANY, Triple Term to ANY.
+        Node g = ( graphNode == null ) ? null : RX.nodeTopLevel(graphNode);
+        Node s = RX.nodeTopLevel(tPattern.getSubject());
+        Node p = RX.nodeTopLevel(tPattern.getPredicate());
+        Node o = RX.nodeTopLevel(tPattern.getObject());
+        NodeTable nodeTable = nodeTupleTable.getNodeTable();
+        Tuple<Node> patternTuple = ( g == null )
+                ? TupleFactory.create3(s,p,o)
+                : TupleFactory.create4(g,s,p,o);
+        Iterator<Quad> dsgIter = accessData(patternTuple, nodeTupleTable, anyGraph, filter, execCxt);
+        Binding input = bnid.isEmpty() ? BindingFactory.empty() : new BindingTDB(bnid, nodeTable);
+        Iterator<Binding> matched = Iter.iter(dsgIter).map(dQuad->RX.matchQuad(input, dQuad, tGraphNode, tPattern)).removeNulls();
+        return convFromBinding(matched, nodeTable);
+    }
+    static Iterator<Quad> accessData(Tuple<Node> patternTuple, NodeTupleTable nodeTupleTable,
+                                     boolean anyGraph, Predicate<Tuple<NodeId>> filter,
+                                     ExecutionContext execCxt) {
+        NodeTable nodeTable = nodeTupleTable.getNodeTable();
+        Function<Tuple<NodeId>, Quad> asQuad = asQuad(nodeTable, nodeTupleTable.getTupleLen(), anyGraph);
+        Tuple<NodeId> patternTupleId = TupleLib.tupleNodeIds(nodeTable, patternTuple);
+        if ( patternTupleId.contains(NodeId.NodeDoesNotExist) )
+            // Can not match.
+            return Iter.nullIterator();
+        // -- DRY/StageMatchTuple ??
+        Iterator<Tuple<NodeId>> iterMatches = nodeTupleTable.find(patternTupleId);
+        // Add filter
+        if ( filter != null )
+            iterMatches = Iter.filter(iterMatches, filter);
+        // Add anyGraph
+        if ( anyGraph ) {
+            // See StageMatchTuple for discussion.
+            iterMatches =, quadsToAnyTriples);
+            iterMatches = Iter.distinctAdjacent(iterMatches);
-        // Match to data and assign to var in each binding, based on the triple pattern grounded by the match.
-        Iterator<BindingNodeId> qIter = bindTripleTerm(chain, var, pattern, args);
+        // -- DRY/StageMatchTuple
+        //Iterator<Quad> qIter = TupleLib.convertToQuads(nodeTable, iterMatches) ;
+        Iterator<Quad> qIter =, asQuad);
         return qIter;
-    /**
-     * Process a triple for triple terms.
-     * <p>
-     * This creates additional matchers for triple terms in the pattern triple recursively.
-     */
-    private static Pair<Iterator<BindingNodeId>, Tuple<Node>>
-            preprocessForTripleTerms(Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Tuple<Node> patternTuple, Args args) {
-        int sIdx = subjectIdx(patternTuple);
-        int oIdx = objectIdx(patternTuple);
-        Node subject = patternTuple.get(sIdx);
-        Node object = patternTuple.get(oIdx);
-        Node subject1 = null;
-        Node object1 = null;
-        if ( subject.isNodeTriple() ) {
-            Triple tripleTerm = triple(subject);
-            Var var = args.varAlloc.allocVar();
-            patternTuple = createTuple(patternTuple, var, sIdx);
-            Tuple<Node> patternTuple2 = tuple(patternTuple, tripleTerm);
-            chain = matchTripleStar(chain, var, patternTuple2, args);
-            subject1 = var;
-        }
-        if ( object.isNodeTriple() ) {
-            Triple tripleTerm = triple(object);
-            Var var = args.varAlloc.allocVar();
-            patternTuple = createTuple(patternTuple, var, oIdx);
-            Tuple<Node> patternTuple2 = tuple(patternTuple, tripleTerm);
-            chain = matchTripleStar(chain, var, patternTuple2, args);
-            object1 = var;
-        }
-        if ( subject1 == null && object1 == null )
-            return Pair.create(chain, patternTuple);
-        return Pair.create(chain, patternTuple);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add a binding to each row with triple grounded by the current row.
-     * If the triple isn't concrete, then just return the row as-is.
-     */
-    private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> bindTripleTerm(Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Var var, Tuple<Node> pattern, Args args) {
-        NodeTable nodeTable = args.nodeTupleTable.getNodeTable();
-        chain = matchData(chain, pattern, args);
-        // Add (var, triple term), filter no matches.
-        chain = Iter.iter(chain).map(b->bindVarTripleTerm(var, pattern, b, nodeTable)).removeNulls();
-        return chain;
-    }
-    // We need to reconstruct the reason the pattern matched
-    // to find the NodeId for the Node_Triple.
-    // This involves creating a Node_Triple and looking it up.
-    // This isn't ideal but without triple ids in the database,
-    // there isn't much we can do.
-    private static BindingNodeId bindVarTripleTerm(Var var, Tuple<Node> pattern, BindingNodeId binding, NodeTable nodeTable) {
-        // Get triple out of tuple of length 3 or 4.
-        int idx = (pattern.len()==4) ? 1 : 0;
-        // Access to Nodes.
-        Node s = pattern.get(idx);
-        Node s1 = substitute(s, binding, nodeTable);
-        if ( s1 == null || ! s1.isConcrete() )
-            return null;
-        Node p = pattern.get(idx+1);
-        Node p1 = substitute(p, binding, nodeTable);
-        if ( p1 == null || ! p1.isConcrete() )
-            return null;
-        Node o = pattern.get(idx+2);
-        Node o1 = substitute(o, binding, nodeTable);
-        if ( o1 == null || ! o1.isConcrete() )
-            return null;
-        // Does it exist?
-        Node t = NodeFactory.createTripleNode(s1,p1,o1);
-        NodeId tid = nodeTable.getNodeIdForNode(t);
-        // Should not happen.
-        if ( NodeId.isDoesNotExist(tid) )
-            return null;
-        // Already bound (FIND)?
-        if ( binding.containsKey(var) ) {
-            NodeId tid2 = binding.get(var);
-            if ( tid.equals(tid2) )
-                return binding;
-            return null;
-        }
-        BindingNodeId b2 = new BindingNodeId(binding);
-        b2.put(var, tid);
-        return b2;
-    }
-    private static Node substitute(Node node, BindingNodeId binding, NodeTable nodeTable) {
-        if ( ! Var.isVar(node) )
-            return node;
-        Var var = Var.alloc(node);
-        try {
-            NodeId id = binding.get(var) ;
-            if ( id == null )
-                return null ;
-            if ( NodeId.isDoesNotExist(id) )
-                return null;
-            Node n = nodeTable.getNodeForNodeId(id) ;
-            if ( n == null )
-                // But there was to put it in the BindingNodeId.
-                throw new TDBException("No node in NodeTable for NodeId "+id);
-            return n ;
-        } catch (Exception ex)
-        {
-            FmtLog.error(SolverRX.class, ex, "SolverRX: substitute(%s) %s", node, binding) ;
-            return null ;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Match the NodeTupleTable with a tuple pattern.
-     * This is the accessor to the data.
-     * It assumes any triple terms have been dealt with.
-     */
-    private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> matchData(Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Tuple<Node> pattern, Args args) {
-        return SolverLib.solve(args.nodeTupleTable, pattern, args.anyGraph, chain, args.filter, args.execCxt);
-    }
-    private static Tuple<Node> createTuple(Tuple<Node> tuple, Var var, int idx) {
-        switch(idx) {
-            case 0: return TupleFactory.create3(var, tuple.get(1), tuple.get(2));
-            case 1: return TupleFactory.create4(tuple.get(0), var, tuple.get(2), tuple.get(3));
-            case 2: return TupleFactory.create3(tuple.get(0), tuple.get(1), var);
-            case 3: return TupleFactory.create4(tuple.get(0), tuple.get(1), tuple.get(2), var);
+    private static  Function<Tuple<NodeId>, Quad> asQuad(NodeTable nodeTable, int tupleLen, boolean anyGraph) {
+        switch (tupleLen) {
+            case 3:
+                return (Tuple<NodeId> t) -> {
+                    Node gx = Quad.defaultGraphIRI;
+                    Node sx = toNode(t.get(0), nodeTable);
+                    Node px = toNode(t.get(1), nodeTable);
+                    Node ox = toNode(t.get(2), nodeTable);
+                    return Quad.create(gx, sx, px, ox);
+                };
+            case 4:
+                return (Tuple<NodeId> t) -> {
+                    Node gx = (anyGraph)? Quad.unionGraph : toNode(t.get(0), nodeTable);
+                    Node sx = toNode(t.get(1), nodeTable);
+                    Node px = toNode(t.get(2), nodeTable);
+                    Node ox = toNode(t.get(3), nodeTable);
+                    return Quad.create(gx, sx, px, ox);
+                };
-                throw new TDBException("Index is not recognized: "+idx);
+                throw new InternalErrorException("Tuple of unknow length");

Review comment:
       It's "uck" that there is code copy on but unifying TDB1 into DBOE/TDB2 framework risks destablizing the code.
   Copying the code, so it is just import changes, is slightly nudging them together. But in nearby classes the code is appreciably different.

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