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Posted to by on 2005/07/24 23:09:03 UTC

Bug report for Log4j [2005/07/24]

| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker     CRI=Critical    MAJ=Major             |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor       NOR=Normal      ENH=Enhancement       |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
|  569|Ver|Cri|2001-02-09|fully qualified class name used as category name c|
|11512|New|Nor|2002-08-06|Chainsaw forces output of its internal messages to|
|13099|New|Nor|2002-09-27|DOMConfigurator ignores category factory setting  |
|14350|New|Enh|2002-11-07|Patch to substitute variables in the log4j.configu|
|14551|New|Nor|2002-11-14|missing or displaced dtd for XMLayout class       |
|15501|New|Nor|2002-12-18|FallbackErrorHandler throws NPW if no loggers are |
|15585|Ver|Maj|2002-12-20|log4j does not show Class Name, Method, or Line Nu|
|16280|New|Min|2003-01-21|Error Message always logged to log4j when calling |
|16922|New|Nor|2003-02-10|MDC with SMTPAppender doesn't work                |
|17227|New|Nor|2003-02-20|Links for sample XMLs are inaccurate              |
|17498|New|Nor|2003-02-27|Logging inconsistencies using DailyRollingFileAppe|
|17507|Ass|Min|2003-02-27|Priority does not override hashCode() method      |
|17511|Opn|Enh|2003-02-28|Patch for Chainsaw to utilise Receiver framework  |
|17531|New|Min|2003-02-28|PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch() don't res|
|17862|New|Enh|2003-03-11|Version.getVersion() method requested             |
|18122|New|Nor|2003-03-18|The DOMConfiguration javadoc link to log4j.dtd is |
|18246|New|Enh|2003-03-22|Patch: Add more MDC support to XMLLayout and Patte|
|19796|New|Enh|2003-05-09|Would be nice to have RelativeTimeDateFormat avail|
|19902|New|Nor|2003-05-13|PropertyConfigurator throws ExceptionInInitializer|
|20395|New|Enh|2003-06-01|PreparedStatementAppender Enhancement             |
|21501|Opn|Nor|2003-07-11|Add ignoresystemclasses="true" to build.xml       |
|21796|New|Nor|2003-07-22|SocketAppender doesn't fall back with FallbackErro|
|22894|Opn|Nor|2003-09-02|Single backslash not accepted in File param value |
|22934|New|Nor|2003-09-04|org.apache.log4j.jmx is not compatible with JMX 1.|
|23202|New|Enh|2003-09-16|l7dlog() methods do not support FQCN of wrapper cl|
|23329|New|Maj|2003-09-22|resourceBundle property within XML configuration f|
|24159|Opn|Nor|2003-10-27|Log4J can create deadlock conditions              |
|24606|New|Enh|2003-11-11|Possible enhancement: object keys in NDC.         |
|24969|New|Enh|2003-11-25|SMTPAppender should be able to do auth            |
|25106|New|Enh|2003-12-01|Support XInclude in XML configuration scripts     |
|25107|New|Enh|2003-12-01|OptionConverter.getSystemProperty() does not allow|
|25355|New|Enh|2003-12-09|allow to require "TLS/SSL only" for outgoing mails|
|25747|New|Enh|2003-12-24|more explanations when hitting "WARN No appenders |
|26084|New|Nor|2004-01-13|Log Event detail panel does not show special chara|
|26224|New|Enh|2004-01-17|Concurrency policy between AsyncAppender and Bound|
|26345|New|Nor|2004-01-22|Loader always uses ContextClassLoader for getting |
|26435|New|Enh|2004-01-26|Changing logger priority via JMX                  |
|27363|New|Enh|2004-03-02|JNI based SyslogAppender                          |
|27367|New|Enh|2004-03-02|NetSendAppender                                   |
|28006|New|Cri|2004-03-28|AsyncAppender: Dispatcher should run at normal pri|
|28562|New|Enh|2004-04-23|AlwaysTriggeringPolicy                            |
|28647|New|Enh|2004-04-28|Add "Flush on Level" capability to FileAppender   |
|28908|Ass|Nor|2004-05-11|Oracle.sql incorrect                              |
|29227|New|Enh|2004-05-26|Reduce first connection failure severity in Socket|
|29244|New|Nor|2004-05-27|Preserve XML content in log messages when using XM|
|29304|New|Nor|2004-05-30|Starting XMLSocketAppender from config file       |
|29305|New|Nor|2004-05-30|Chainsaw doesn't see locationinfo from XMLSocketRe|
|29574|New|Enh|2004-06-15|Contribution: Simple Generic MDC filter           |
|29719|New|Nor|2004-06-21|Log4JMini does not build                          |
|29735|New|Nor|2004-06-22|Receiver list display error  when receiver has no |
|30055|New|Nor|2004-07-12|Problem with registering Appenders with the same n|
|30106|New|Maj|2004-07-14|AsyncAppender can hang Log4j if appender itself lo|
|30294|New|Nor|2004-07-23|SMTPAppender will not run within sandbox          |
|30407|Opn|Maj|2004-07-30|Externally rolled file problem                    |
|30564|New|Nor|2004-08-10|log4j CVS compile error vs. VFS CVS.              |
|30588|New|Maj|2004-08-11|log4j cannot parse stacktraces from JRockit       |
|30623|New|Enh|2004-08-12|[log4j] Better Javadoc for DailyRollingFileAppende|
|30709|New|Nor|2004-08-17|Manual uses deprecated DOMConfigurator            |
|30804|New|Nor|2004-08-23|Broken links, absence of samples                  |
|30819|New|Nor|2004-08-24|Broken link to log4j.dtd                          |
|30853|New|Maj|2004-08-25|LogManager prints on System.out                   |
|30888|New|Maj|2004-08-27|Chainsaw mixes files in same panel                |
|30890|New|Min|2004-08-27|Newly opened log file should get focus            |
|30892|New|Min|2004-08-27|Log files cannot be closed                        |
|30950|New|Enh|2004-08-31|Add Logger l7dlog methods without Throwable args  |
|31003|New|Nor|2004-09-01|RollingFileAppender, if removed can cause null poi|
|31089|New|Nor|2004-09-07|Does not accept ISO8601 dates in focus field      |
|31155|New|Enh|2004-09-09|Refactor resource bundle access                   |
|31178|Opn|Cri|2004-09-11|Exception using Chainsaw for simple debugging     |
|31179|New|Enh|2004-09-11|Implement Chainsaw as Eclipse stand-alone applicat|
|31192|Opn|Nor|2004-09-13|log4j should support delayed appender activation  |
|31238|New|Nor|2004-09-15|Chainsaw's Simple Reciever does not work          |
|31458|New|Nor|2004-09-28|DailyRollingFileAppender fails with mult load-bala|
|31507|New|Nor|2004-10-01|Misspelling in HierarchyDynamicMBean              |
|31727|New|Maj|2004-10-15|Level WARN and INFO from a logfile will be recogni|
|32074|New|Blk|2004-11-05|Layout.setContentType() needed!                   |
|32079|New|Enh|2004-11-05|DailyRollingFileAppender with maximum old logfiles|
|32478|Ass|Nor|2004-12-01|JoranConfigurator reads config file twice         |
|32527|New|Nor|2004-12-04|log4j initialization in java1.3 no dom in class pa|
|32536|New|Maj|2004-12-06|Custom RepositorySelector with no defaultRepositor|
|32572|New|Enh|2004-12-07|Would like to use Filter's as TriggeringEventEvalu|
|32752|New|Maj|2004-12-17|MDC.put and MDC.get signatures changed between 1.2|
|32810|New|Enh|2004-12-22|Localization of logging messages                  |
|32906|New|Nor|2004-12-31|Logging to Console stops working when context rest|
|33016|New|Enh|2005-01-08|XML Schema for configuration files                |
|33278|New|Min|2005-01-27|NPE thrown durring daily log file rollover        |
|33493|New|Enh|2005-02-10|contribution to log4j: servlet diagnostic context |
|33502|New|Nor|2005-02-10|DOMConfigurator                                   |
|33624|Ass|Blk|2005-02-17|SocketHubAppender doesn't clean up socket         |
|33682|Inf|Nor|2005-02-22|Bug in Pattern conversion                         |
|33708|Opn|Maj|2005-02-23|XML Configuration of loggerFactory does not work  |
|33717|New|Nor|2005-02-23|Leaving out %throwable in ConversionPattern adds t|
|33855|New|Nor|2005-03-04|Log4j should supply concurrent (and deadlock-free)|
|34026|New|Min|2005-03-15|SyslogAppender.append() does not check layout.igno|
|34162|New|Nor|2005-03-24|Small build.xml fix                               |
|34163|New|Nor|2005-03-24|Please update the install-chainsaw.xml            |
|34214|New|Nor|2005-03-29|build.xml error message incorrect WRT JavaMail.   |
|34223|New|Enh|2005-03-29|Appender specific ObjectRenderer                  |
|34440|New|Nor|2005-04-13|sandbox:IMAppender - comma-seperated recipient lis|
|34491|Ver|Nor|2005-04-18|Missing include in build.jms target results in mis|
|34651|New|Enh|2005-04-27|allow for a header on top of every rolled file    |
|34736|Ass|Nor|2005-05-04|Website bug: Log4j download website creates wrong |
|34738|New|Nor|2005-05-04|Chainsaw does not remember what Columns are select|
|34747|New|Nor|2005-05-04|DBAppender with Microsoft's JDBC jars throws excep|
|34758|New|Nor|2005-05-05|Level should be made serializable                 |
|34759|New|Nor|2005-05-05|Change PatternConverter to be thread safe, change |
|34762|New|Nor|2005-05-05|Cleanup of source; remove unused variables, etc.  |
|34874|New|Nor|2005-05-11|XMLLayout and HTMLLayout do not detect use of inco|
|34875|New|Nor|2005-05-11|XMLLayout produces invalid XML when "special" char|
|34945|New|Nor|2005-05-17|ThrowableInformation has dubious Stack Trace extra|
|34974|Inf|Cri|2005-05-19|Exception when running a Pluglet                  |
|34979|Ass|Nor|2005-05-20|org.apache.log4j.rolling refactoring              |
|34981|New|Min|2005-05-20|suspicion of wrong argument passed to Windows API |
|34996|New|Nor|2005-05-21|Appender.requiresLayout should be restored        |
|35020|New|Nor|2005-05-23|Using Logger and Runtime.exec() causes Explorer to|
|35123|New|Nor|2005-05-30|Additivity not exported by PropertyPrinter        |
|35159|New|Nor|2005-06-01|Support serial compatibility of LoggingEvent betwe|
|35180|New|Min|2005-06-02|Multiple lines "XML files (*.xml)" in drop down li|
|35239|New|Nor|2005-06-06|NullPointerException when saving displayed events |
|35259|New|Nor|2005-06-07|SMTPAppender should be able to use JNDI mail sesss|
|35324|New|Nor|2005-06-11|Stacktrace may choke on null fields, as org.apache|
|35430|New|Nor|2005-06-20|Exception during Joran-Configuration              |
|35448|New|Nor|2005-06-21|No events displayed by from SocketAppender        |
|35450|New|Nor|2005-06-21|Move 1.2 branch changes in build.xml to the main c|
|35451|New|Nor|2005-06-21|MDC not available in chainsaw                     |
|35452|Ass|Nor|2005-06-21|1.3 alpha 7 not compatible with older versions of |
|35563|New|Enh|2005-06-30|Syslog appender parametrability                   |
|35743|New|Nor|2005-07-14|SyslogAppender throws a NullPointerException upon |
|35748|New|Nor|2005-07-15|Use of read/write lock acquisition not necessarily|
| Total  129 bugs                                                           |

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