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Posted to by Anthony Tagunov <> on 2002/01/06 18:35:19 UTC

[standard-EA3 comment]: setLocale vs setCharacter encoding

Hello developers!

Is this the correct forum to send comments on
Standard Taglib early access 3?

If yes, here's my comment:

1) some servlet containers do not set any character
   encoding after response.setLocale()
   (this is true at least for Tomcat of all versions
    and for Weblogic versions 6.0sp1 and 6.1,
    for Locale.JAPAN and new Locale("ru","RU"))

2) some servlet containers do set a charcter
   encoding after response.setLocale(), but
   for example for new Locale("ru","RU")
   they set ISO-8859-1, that is not
   desirable, as windows-1251 or koi8-r are
   in wide practical use, not ISO-8859-1.

So what could the solution be?

One option is to include the character
set name into the resource bundle, under
some special key, like
this will help when the locale is set
accordingly to the bundle in automatic mode.

Also, the <locale> tag may be given the
<locale charset="windows-1251"> attribute.

In any case the selected charset could be stored
to the
attribute of the appropriate scope
as it is done now.

Every time the locale is
retrived from
attribute and passed to response.setLocale() the value from
could also be passed to the response.setContentType.

Unfortunantly this would require setting the contentType
also somewhere.. Not swell, but looks quite necessary.

Best regards, Anton Tagunov


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