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[couchdb-ets-lru] 02/30: Some PropEr tests

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jaydoane pushed a commit to branch time-unit-parameterization
in repository

commit f64b4136dd4d7f551be29bbbbb2b8ddc6d892ede
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
AuthorDate: Tue Dec 18 02:56:03 2012 -0600

    Some PropEr tests
    These are only semi-thorough but I'm resanobly confident that the LRU
    works as advertised. I still need to go through and add tests for lease expirations though.
 .gitignore                         |   2 +
 Makefile                           |  35 +++++++
 rebar.config                       |  12 +++
 test/ets_lru_behavior_tests.erl    | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/ets_lru_constraints_tests.erl | 120 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 364 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index fc83a9a..9287ed2 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77f45fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+all: build
+	$(REBAR) clean
+	rm -rf logs
+	rm -rf .eunit
+	rm -f test/*.beam
+distclean: clean
+	git clean -fxd
+	@if test ! -d ./deps; then \
+		$(REBAR) get-deps; \
+	fi
+build: deps
+	$(REBAR) compile
+	$(REBAR) eunit skip_deps=true
+check: build eunit
+.PHONY: all clean distclean deps build eunit check
diff --git a/rebar.config b/rebar.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..660dc25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rebar.config
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+% Copyright 2012 Cloudant. All rights reserved.
+{deps, [
+    {proper, ".*", {git, "", "master"}}
+{eunit_opts, [
+    verbose,
+    {report, {
+        eunit_surefire, [{dir,"."}]
+    }}
diff --git a/test/ets_lru_behavior_tests.erl b/test/ets_lru_behavior_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd65ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ets_lru_behavior_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+    initial_state/0,
+    command/1,
+    precondition/2,
+    postcondition/3,
+    next_state/3,
+    random_key/1
+    kvs_insert/4,
+    kvs_lookup/2,
+    kvs_remove/2,
+    kvs_hit/2
+-record(st, {
+    ets_lru,
+    kvs_lru
+proper_test_() ->
+    PropErOpts = [
+        {to_file, user},
+        {max_size, 20},
+        {numtests, 1000}
+    ],
+    {timeout, 3600, ?_assertEqual([], proper:module(?MODULE, PropErOpts))}.
+prop_lru() ->
+    Fmt = "History: ~p~nState: ~p~nRes: ~p~nCmds:~n~p~n",
+    ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
+        begin
+            {H, S, R} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
+            cleanup(S),
+            ?WHENFAIL(
+                io:format(standard_error, Fmt, [H, S, R, Cmds]),
+                R =:= ok
+            )
+        end
+    ).
+initial_state() ->
+    #st{}.
+command(#st{ets_lru=undefined}=S) ->
+    MaxObjs = 1 + random:uniform(5),
+    Opts = [{max_objects, MaxObjs}],
+    {call, ets_lru, create, [proper_ets_lru_tab, Opts]};
+command(S) ->
+    Key = {call, ?MODULE, random_key, [S]},
+    frequency([
+        % Common operations
+        {50, {call, ets_lru, insert, [S#st.ets_lru, key(), val()]}},
+        {5, {call, ets_lru, lookup, [S#st.ets_lru, Key]}},
+        % Make removes less common so we hit limits
+        {3, {call, ets_lru, remove, [S#st.ets_lru, Key]}},
+        {1, {call, ets_lru, insert, [S#st.ets_lru, Key, val()]}},
+        {1, {call, ets_lru, lookup, [S#st.ets_lru, key()]}},
+        {1, {call, ets_lru, remove, [S#st.ets_lru, key()]}},
+        {1, {call, ets_lru, hit, [S#st.ets_lru, Key]}},
+        {1, {call, ets_lru, clear, [S#st.ets_lru]}}
+    ]).
+precondition(_, _) ->
+    true.
+postcondition(_S, {call, _, create, [_, _]}, {ok, _}) ->
+    true;
+postcondition(S, {call, _, insert, [_, _Key, _]}, ok) ->
+    check_constraints(S);
+postcondition(S, {call, _, lookup, [_, Key]}, Val) ->
+    case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, S#st.kvs_lru) of
+        {value, {Key, V}} when {ok, V} == Val ->
+            check_constraints(S);
+        false when Val == not_found ->
+            check_constraints(S);
+        E ->
+            io:format(standard_error, "Bad lookup: ~p ~p~n",
+                [E, Val]),
+            false
+    end;
+postcondition(S, {call, _, remove, [_, _Key]}, ok) ->
+    check_constraints(S);
+postcondition(S, {call, _, hit, [_, _Key]}, ok) ->
+    check_constraints(S);
+postcondition(S, {call, _, clear, [_]}, ok) ->
+    check_constraints(S);
+postcondition(_S, _C, _V) ->
+    io:format(standard_error, "BAD CALL: ~p ~p~n", [_C, _V]),
+    false.
+check_constraints(S) ->
+    ELRU = S#st.ets_lru,
+    Count = ets:info(element(2, ELRU), size),
+    MaxCount = element(5, ELRU),
+    case Count > MaxCount of
+        true ->
+            io:format(standard_error, "Max count exceeded: ~p ~p~n",
+                [Count, MaxCount]);
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end,
+    Count =< MaxCount.
+next_state(S, V, {call, _, create, [_, _]}) ->
+    S#st{
+        ets_lru={call, erlang, element, [2, V]},
+        kvs_lru=[]
+    };
+next_state(#st{kvs_lru=KVs}=S, _V, {call, _, insert, [_, Key, Val]}) ->
+    S#st{
+        kvs_lru={call, ?MODULE, kvs_insert, [KVs, Key, Val, S#st.ets_lru]}
+    };
+next_state(#st{kvs_lru=KVs}=S, _V, {call, _, lookup, [_, Key]}) ->
+    S#st{
+        kvs_lru={call, ?MODULE, kvs_lookup, [KVs, Key]}
+    };
+next_state(#st{kvs_lru=KVs}=S, _V, {call, _, remove, [_, Key]}) ->
+    S#st{
+        kvs_lru={call, ?MODULE, kvs_remove, [KVs, Key]}
+    };
+next_state(#st{kvs_lru=KVs}=S, _V, {call, _, hit, [_, Key]}) ->
+    S#st{
+        kvs_lru={call, ?MODULE, kvs_hit, [KVs, Key]}
+    };
+next_state(S, _V, {call, _, clear, [_]}) ->
+    S#st{
+        kvs_lru=[]
+    }.
+cleanup(#st{ets_lru=undefined}) ->
+    ok;
+cleanup(S) ->
+    ets_lru:destroy(S#st.ets_lru).
+random_key(#st{kvs_lru=KVs}) ->
+    Keys = [foo] ++ [K || {K, _V, _T} <- KVs],
+    NumKeys = erlang:length(Keys),
+    KeyPos = random:uniform(NumKeys),
+    lists:nth(KeyPos, Keys).
+% Simple inefficient LRU implementation
+kvs_insert(KVs, K, V, ELRU) ->
+    Max = element(5, ELRU),
+    NewKVs = [{K, V} | lists:keydelete(K, 1, KVs)],
+    lists:sublist(NewKVs, Max).
+kvs_lookup(KVs, K) ->
+    case lists:keysearch(K, 1, KVs) of
+        {value, {K, V}} ->
+            TmpKVs = lists:keydelete(K, 1, KVs),
+            [{K, V} | TmpKVs];
+        false ->
+            KVs
+    end.
+kvs_remove(KVs, K) ->
+    lists:keydelete(K, 1, KVs).
+kvs_hit(S, K) ->
+    kvs_lookup(S, K).
+key() -> any().
+val() -> any().
diff --git a/test/ets_lru_constraints_tests.erl b/test/ets_lru_constraints_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebd2f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ets_lru_constraints_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    initial_state/0,
+    command/1,
+    precondition/2,
+    postcondition/3,
+    next_state/3,
+    random_key/1
+-record(st, {lru, keys}).
+proper_test_() ->
+    PropErOpts = [
+        {to_file, user},
+        {max_size, 25},
+        {numtests, 1000}
+    ],
+    {timeout, 3600, ?_assertEqual([], proper:module(?MODULE, PropErOpts))}.
+prop_lru() ->
+    Fmt = "History: ~p~nState: ~p~nRes: ~p~nCmds:~n~p~n",
+    ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
+        begin
+            {H, S, R} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
+            cleanup(S),
+            ?WHENFAIL(
+                io:format(standard_error, Fmt, [H, S, R, Cmds]),
+                R =:= ok
+            )
+        end
+    ).
+initial_state() ->
+    #st{keys=[]}.
+command(#st{lru=undefined}=S) ->
+    MaxObjs = 1 + random:uniform(10),
+    MaxSize = 512 + random:uniform(128),
+    Opts = [{max_objects, MaxObjs}, {max_size, MaxSize}],
+    {call, ets_lru, create, [proper_ets_lru_tab, Opts]};
+command(S) ->
+    Key = {call, ?MODULE, random_key, [S#st.keys]},
+    frequency([
+        {50, {call, ets_lru, insert, [S#st.lru, key(), val()]}},
+        {1, {call, ets_lru, lookup, [S#st.lru, Key]}},
+        {1, {call, ets_lru, remove, [S#st.lru, Key]}},
+        {1, {call, ets_lru, hit, [S#st.lru, Key]}}
+    ]).
+precondition(_, _) ->
+    true.
+postcondition(_S, {call, _, create, [_, _]}, {ok, _}) ->
+    true;
+postcondition(S, _C, _V) ->
+    check_constraints(S).
+check_constraints(S) ->
+    Count = ets:info(element(2, S#st.lru), size),
+    MaxCount = element(5, S#st.lru),
+    case Count > MaxCount of
+        true ->
+            io:format(standard_error, "Max count exceeded: ~p ~p~n",
+                [Count, MaxCount]);
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end,
+    Size = ets:info(element(2, S#st.lru), memory),
+    MaxSize = element(6, S#st.lru),
+    case Size > MaxSize of
+        true ->
+            io:format(standard_error, "Max size exceeded: ~p ~p~n",
+                [Size, MaxSize]);
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end,
+    Count =< MaxCount andalso Size =< MaxSize.
+next_state(S, V, {call, _, create, [_, _]}) ->
+    S#st{
+        lru={call, erlang, element, [2, V]}
+    };
+next_state(S, _V, {call, _, insert, [_, Key, _Val]}) ->
+    S#st{keys=[Key | S#st.keys]};
+next_state(S, _V, _C) ->
+    S.
+cleanup(#st{lru=undefined}) ->
+    ok;
+cleanup(S) ->
+    ets_lru:destroy(S#st.lru).
+random_key(Keys0) ->
+    Keys = [foo] ++ Keys0,
+    NumKeys = erlang:length(Keys),
+    KeyPos = random:uniform(NumKeys),
+    lists:nth(KeyPos, Keys).
+key() -> any().
+val() -> any().