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Posted to by "Liao, Avian" <> on 2005/02/18 19:41:57 UTC

one more try for ---ERROR - jmeter.util.SSLManager: Couldn't load keystore java.lang.Exception: No key found

Hi, Jmeter Users, 

I have been asking this same question for 2 times already, and thanks for all the help, and this time I am trying explain every step I did, and hope the problem can be solved.
Jmeter version: 2.0.2
jdk: 1.4.1 

1. Go to our secure site 
2. Click on the lock icon at the right corner(I am using IE).
3. Go to "Certification Path" tab and select the leaf node certificate
i.e. the bottom most in the hierarchy
4. Click on Details tab and click on "Copy to File..."

then I have my first problem, in the Jmeter documentation it said, 

You may either use a Java Key Store (JKS) format key store, or a Public Key Certificate Standard #12 (PKCS12) file for your client certificates. There is a bug in the JSSE libraries that require you to have at least a six character password on your key (at least for the keytool utility that comes with your JDK). 
However, the format available for me are: (you can see it did not have any type available as Jmeter's user manual)

DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)
Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)--I choose this
Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard-PKCS# certificates (.P78)

** I do see the (PKCS12) format, but it is not active, so I just cannot export the certificate with this format
So, I choose the second one, since seem to me it is the closer one. 

5. "Export to file format" dialog box,I  name my file erfx.cer and save in c:\
6. Run the following keytool command to generate erfx.

 keytool -import -keystore erfx -alias erfx -file c:\erfx.cer
 Enter keystore password:  myerfx

7. rename the erfx to jssecacerts and put in
 (java.home)"c:\Program File\java\j2re1.4.2\lib\security\"

8. I go to and make 2 changes:
         (I change this to match the path of my setting)
	b.#The password to your keystore

Anyone know where did I do wrong?

Thanks,and happy long weekend.


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