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Posted to by David M Johnson <Da...@Sun.COM> on 2005/12/19 20:06:19 UTC

Building JDO backend stubs

I have committed a stubbed out version of a JDO backend for Roller to 
the sandbox. Here is the directory structure:

    sandbox/jdobackend/lib - JPOX JDO jars
    sandbox/jdobackend/src - stubbed out JDO backend Java source

As promised, here are instructions for building and running Roller's 
unit tests against that JDO backend.

1) Add JDO source directory to build process
Uncomment lines in custom/custom-src-beans.xmlf so that you have this:

      <!-- Uncomment this to compile experimental JDO backend -->
      <fileset dir="${basedir}/sandbox/jdobackend/lib" includes="*.jar" 

2) Add JDO jars to build process
Uncomment lines in custom/custom-jars.xmlf so that you have this:

      <!-- Uncomment this to compile experimental JDO backend -->
      <fileset dir="${basedir}/sandbox/jdobackend/lib" includes="*.jar" 

3) Tell Roller tests to use JDO backend
Uncomment the line in testdata/ so that you 
have this:

       # Uncomment this to use JDO backend

4) Build Roller, run business layer tests

./ rebuild
./  test-business

And, of couse, the tests should fail when they hit the JDO stubs...

Craig: let me know how I can help you get going (or if you run into any 

- Dave