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Posted to by on 2008/01/08 01:47:45 UTC

svn commit: r609821 - in /incubator/buildr/trunk: lib/core/package.rb spec/java_packaging_spec.rb spec/packaging_helper.rb spec/packaging_spec.rb

Author: assaf
Date: Mon Jan  7 16:47:44 2008
New Revision: 609821

Fixed BUILDR-15


Modified: incubator/buildr/trunk/lib/core/package.rb
--- incubator/buildr/trunk/lib/core/package.rb (original)
+++ incubator/buildr/trunk/lib/core/package.rb Mon Jan  7 16:47:44 2008
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 require 'core/compile'
 require 'java/artifact'
 module Buildr
   # Methods added to Project to support packaging and tasks for packaging,
   # installing and uploading packages.
@@ -110,9 +111,9 @@
     #   def package_as_sources_spec(spec) #:nodoc:
     #     { :type=>:zip, :classifier=>'sources' }.merge(spec)
     #   end
-    def package(type = nil, spec = nil)
-      spec = spec.nil? ? {} : spec.dup
-      type ||= compile.packaging || :zip
+    def package(*args)
+      spec = Hash === args.last ? args.pop.dup : {}
+      type = args.shift || compile.packaging || :zip
       rake_check_options spec, *ActsAsArtifact::ARTIFACT_ATTRIBUTES
       spec[:id] ||=
       spec[:group] ||=
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@
       if packager.arity == 1
         spec = send("package_as_#{type}_spec", spec) if respond_to?("package_as_#{type}_spec")
         file_name = path_to(:target, Artifact.hash_to_file_name(spec))
-        package = Rake::Task[file_name] rescue
+        package = packages.find { |pkg| == file_name } ||
         warn_deprecated "We changed the way package_as methods are implemented.  See the package method documentation for more details."
         file_name = path_to(:target, Artifact.hash_to_file_name(spec))
@@ -210,4 +211,9 @@
+class Buildr::Project
+  include Buildr::Package

Added: incubator/buildr/trunk/spec/java_packaging_spec.rb
--- incubator/buildr/trunk/spec/java_packaging_spec.rb (added)
+++ incubator/buildr/trunk/spec/java_packaging_spec.rb Mon Jan  7 16:47:44 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helpers')
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'packaging_helper')
+describe Project, '#manifest' do
+  it 'should include user name' do
+    ENV['USER'] = 'MysteriousJoe'
+    define('foo').manifest['Build-By'].should eql('MysteriousJoe')
+  end
+  it 'should include JDK version' do
+    Java.stub!(:version).and_return '1.6_6'
+    define('foo').manifest['Build-Jdk'].should eql('1.6_6')
+  end
+  it 'should include project comment' do
+    desc 'My Project'
+    define('foo').manifest['Implementation-Title'].should eql('My Project')
+  end
+  it 'should include project name if no comment' do
+    define('foo').manifest['Implementation-Title'].should eql('foo')
+  end
+  it 'should include project version' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'2.1').manifest['Implementation-Version'].should eql('2.1')
+  end
+  it 'should not include project version unless specified' do
+    define('foo').manifest['Implementation-Version'].should be_nil
+  end
+  it 'should inherit from parent project' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'2.1') { define 'bar' }
+    project('foo:bar').manifest['Implementation-Version'].should eql('2.1')
+  end
+shared_examples_for 'package with manifest' do
+  @long_line = 'No line may be longer than 72 bytes (not characters), in its UTF8-encoded form. If a value would make the initial line longer than this, it should be continued on extra lines (each starting with a single SPACE).'
+  def package_with_manifest(manifest = nil)
+    packaging = @packaging
+    @project = define('foo', :version=>'1.2') do
+      package packaging
+      package(packaging).with(:manifest=>manifest) unless manifest.nil?
+    end
+  end
+  def inspect_manifest
+    package = project('foo').package(@packaging)
+    package.invoke
+ do |zip|
+      sections ='META-INF/MANIFEST.MF').split("\n\n").map do |section|
+          section.split("\n").each { |line| line.length.should < 72 }.
+            inject([]) { |merged, line|
+              if line[0] == 32
+                merged.last << line[1..-1]
+              else
+                merged << line
+              end
+              merged
+            }.map { |line| line.split(/: /) }.
+            inject({}) { |map, (name, value)| map.merge(name=>value) }
+        end
+      yield sections
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should include default header when no options specified' do
+    ENV['USER'] = 'MysteriousJoe'
+    package_with_manifest # Nothing for default.
+    inspect_manifest do |sections|
+      sections.size.should be(1)
+      sections.first.should == {
+        'Manifest-Version'        => '1.0',
+        'Created-By'              => 'Buildr',
+        'Implementation-Title'    =>,
+        'Implementation-Version'  =>'1.2',
+        'Build-Jdk'               =>Java.version,
+        'Build-By'                =>'MysteriousJoe'
+      }
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should not exist when manifest=false' do
+    package_with_manifest false
+    @project.package(@packaging).invoke
+ do |zip|
+      zip.file.exist?('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF').should be_false
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should map manifest from hash' do
+    package_with_manifest 'Foo'=>1, :bar=>'Bar'
+    inspect_manifest do |sections|
+      sections.size.should be(1)
+      sections.first['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0')
+      sections.first['Created-By'].should eql('Buildr')
+      sections.first['Foo'].should eql('1')
+      sections.first['bar'].should eql('Bar')
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should end hash manifest with EOL' do
+    package_with_manifest 'Foo'=>1, :bar=>'Bar'
+    package = project('foo').package(@packaging)
+    package.invoke
+ { |zip|'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF')[-1].should == ?\n }
+  end
+  it 'should break hash manifest lines longer than 72 characters using continuations' do
+    package_with_manifest 'foo'=>@long_line
+    package = project('foo').package(@packaging)
+    inspect_manifest do |sections|
+      sections.first['foo'].should == @long_line
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should map manifest from array' do
+    package_with_manifest [ { :foo=>'first' }, { :bar=>'second' } ]
+    inspect_manifest do |sections|
+      sections.size.should be(2)
+      sections.first['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0')
+      sections.first['foo'].should eql('first')
+      sections.last['bar'].should eql('second')
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should end array manifest with EOL' do
+    package_with_manifest [ { :foo=>'first' }, { :bar=>'second' } ]
+    package = project('foo').package(@packaging)
+    package.invoke
+ { |zip|'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF')[-1].should == ?\n }
+  end
+  it 'should break array manifest lines longer than 72 characters using continuations' do
+    package_with_manifest ['foo'=>@long_line]
+    package = project('foo').package(@packaging)
+    inspect_manifest do |sections|
+      sections.first['foo'].should == @long_line
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should put Name: at beginning of section' do
+    package_with_manifest [ {}, { 'Name'=>'first', :Foo=>'first', :bar=>'second' } ]
+    package = project('foo').package(@packaging)
+    package.invoke
+ do |zip|
+      sections ='META-INF/MANIFEST.MF').split(/\n\n/)
+      sections[1].split("\n").first.should =~ /^Name: first/
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should create manifest from proc' do
+    package_with_manifest lambda { 'Meta: data' }
+    inspect_manifest do |sections|
+      sections.size.should be(1)
+      sections.first['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0')
+      sections.first['Meta'].should eql('data')
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should create manifest from file' do
+    write 'MANIFEST.MF', 'Meta: data'
+    package_with_manifest 'MANIFEST.MF'
+    inspect_manifest do |sections|
+      sections.size.should be(1)
+      sections.first['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0')
+      sections.first['Meta'].should eql('data')
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should create manifest from task' do
+    file 'MANIFEST.MF' do |task|
+      write task.to_s, 'Meta: data'
+    end
+    package_with_manifest 'MANIFEST.MF'
+    inspect_manifest do |sections|
+      sections.size.should be(1)
+      sections.first['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0')
+      sections.first['Meta'].should eql('data')
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should respond to with() and accept manifest' do
+    write 'DISCLAIMER'
+    mkpath 'target/classes'
+    packaging = @packaging
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(packaging).with :manifest=>{'Foo'=>'data'} }
+    inspect_manifest { |sections| sections.first['Foo'].should eql('data') }
+  end
+  it 'should include META-INF directory' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    package = define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(packaging) }.packages.first
+    package.invoke
+ do |zip|
+ include('META-INF/')
+    end
+  end
+describe Project, '#meta_inf' do
+  it 'should by an array' do
+    define('foo').meta_inf.should be_kind_of(Array)
+  end
+  it 'should include LICENSE file if found' do
+    write 'LICENSE'
+    define('foo').meta_inf.first.should point_to_path('LICENSE')
+  end
+  it 'should be empty unless LICENSE exists' do
+    define('foo').meta_inf.should be_empty
+  end
+  it 'should inherit from parent project' do
+    write 'LICENSE'
+    define('foo') { define 'bar' }
+    project('foo:bar').meta_inf.first.should point_to_path('LICENSE')
+  end
+  it 'should expect LICENSE file parent project' do
+    write 'bar/LICENSE'
+    define('foo') { define 'bar' }
+    project('foo:bar').meta_inf.should be_empty
+  end
+describe 'package with meta_inf', :shared=>true do
+  def package_with_meta_inf(meta_inf = nil)
+    packaging = @packaging
+    @project = Buildr.define('foo', :version=>'1.2') do
+      package packaging
+      package(packaging).with(:meta_inf=>meta_inf) if meta_inf
+    end
+  end
+  def inspect_meta_inf
+    package = project('foo').package(@packaging)
+    package.invoke
+    assumed = Array(@meta_inf)
+ do |zip|
+      entries = { |f| File.dirname(f) == 'META-INF' }.map { |f| File.basename(f) }
+      assumed.each { |f| entries.should include(f) }
+      yield entries - assumed if block_given?
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should default to LICENSE file' do
+    write 'LICENSE'
+    package_with_meta_inf
+    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(['LICENSE']) }
+  end
+  it 'should be empty if no LICENSE file' do
+    package_with_meta_inf
+    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should be_empty }
+  end
+  it 'should include file specified by :meta_inf option' do
+    write 'README'
+    package_with_meta_inf 'README'
+    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(['README']) }
+  end
+  it 'should include files specified by :meta_inf option' do
+    files = ['README', 'DISCLAIMER'].each { |file| write file }
+    package_with_meta_inf files
+    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(files) }
+  end
+  it 'should include file task specified by :meta_inf option' do
+    file('README') { |task| write task.to_s }
+    package_with_meta_inf file('README')
+    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(['README']) }
+  end
+  it 'should include file tasks specified by :meta_inf option' do
+    files = ['README', 'DISCLAIMER'].each { |file| file(file) { |task| write task.to_s } }
+    package_with_meta_inf { |f| file(f) }
+    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(files) }
+  end
+  it 'should complain if cannot find file' do
+    package_with_meta_inf 'README'
+    lambda { inspect_meta_inf }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /README/)
+  end
+  it 'should complain if cannot build task' do
+    file('README')  { fail 'Failed' }
+    package_with_meta_inf 'README'
+    lambda { inspect_meta_inf }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Failed/)
+  end
+  it 'should respond to with() and accept manifest and meta_inf' do
+    write 'DISCLAIMER'
+    mkpath 'target/classes'
+    packaging = @packaging
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(packaging).with :meta_inf=>'DISCLAIMER' }
+    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(['DISCLAIMER']) }
+  end
+describe Packaging, 'jar' do
+  it_should_behave_like 'packaging'
+  before { @packaging = :jar }
+  it_should_behave_like 'package with manifest'
+  it_should_behave_like 'package with meta_inf'
+  before { @meta_inf = ['MANIFEST.MF'] }
+  it 'should use files from compile directory if nothing included' do
+    write 'src/main/java/', 'class Test {}'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) }
+    project('foo').package(:jar).invoke
+'foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar|
+ include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'Test.class')
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should use files from resources directory if nothing included' do
+    write 'src/main/resources/test/'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) }
+    project('foo').package(:jar).invoke
+'foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar|
+ include('test/')
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should include class directories' do
+    write 'src/main/java/code/', 'package code ; class Test {}'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) }
+    project('foo').package(:jar).invoke
+'foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar|
+ include('code/')
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should include resource files starting with dot' do
+    write 'src/main/resources/test/.config'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) }
+    project('foo').package(:jar).invoke
+'foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar|
+ include('test/.config')
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should include empty resource directories' do
+    mkpath 'src/main/resources/empty'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) }
+    project('foo').package(:jar).invoke
+'foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar|
+ include('empty/')
+    end
+  end
+describe Packaging, 'war' do
+  it_should_behave_like 'packaging'
+  before { @packaging = :war }
+  it_should_behave_like 'package with manifest'
+  it_should_behave_like 'package with meta_inf'
+  before { @meta_inf = ['MANIFEST.MF'] }
+  def make_jars
+    artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s }
+    artifact('group:id:jar:2.0') { |t| write t.to_s }
+  end
+  def inspect_war
+    project('foo').package(:war).invoke
+'foo').package(:war).to_s) do |war|
+      yield
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should use files from webapp directory if nothing included' do
+    write 'src/main/webapp/test.html'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war) }
+    inspect_war { |files| files.should include('test.html') }
+  end
+  it 'should ignore webapp directory if missing' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war) }
+    inspect_war { |files| files.should eql(['META-INF/', 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF']) }
+  end
+  it 'should accept files from :classes option' do
+    write 'src/main/java/', 'class Test {}'
+    write 'classes/test'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war).with(:classes=>'classes') }
+    inspect_war { |files| files.should include('WEB-INF/classes/test') }
+  end
+  it 'should use files from compile directory if nothing included' do
+    write 'src/main/java/', 'class Test {}'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war) }
+    inspect_war { |files| files.should include('WEB-INF/classes/Test.class') }
+  end
+  it 'should ignore compile directory if no source files to compile' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war) }
+    inspect_war { |files| files.should_not include('target/classes') }
+  end
+  it 'should include only specified classes directories' do
+    write 'src/main/java'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war).with :classes=>_('additional') }
+    project('foo').package(:war).classes.should_not include(project('foo').file('target/classes'))
+    project('foo').package(:war).classes.should include(project('foo').file('additional'))
+  end
+  it 'should use files from resources directory if nothing included' do
+    write 'src/main/resources/test/'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war) }
+    inspect_war { |files| files.should include('WEB-INF/classes/test/') }
+  end
+  it 'should include empty resource directories' do
+    mkpath 'src/main/resources/empty'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war) }
+    inspect_war { |files| files.should include('WEB-INF/classes/empty/') }
+  end
+  it 'should accept file from :libs option' do
+    make_jars
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war).with(:libs=>'group:id:jar:1.0') }
+    inspect_war { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar') }
+  end
+  it 'should accept file from :libs option' do
+    make_jars
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war).with(:libs=>['group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0']) }
+    inspect_war { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-2.0.jar') }
+  end
+  it 'should use artifacts from compile classpath if no libs specified' do
+    make_jars
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0' ; package(:war) }
+    inspect_war { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-2.0.jar') }
+  end
+  it 'should include only specified libraries' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0'
+      package(:war).with :libs=>'additional:id:jar:1.0'
+    end
+    project('foo').package(:war).libs.should_not include(artifact('group:id:jar:1.0'))
+    project('foo').package(:war).libs.should include(artifact('additional:id:jar:1.0'))
+  end
+describe Packaging, 'aar' do
+  it_should_behave_like 'packaging'
+  before { @packaging = :aar }
+  it_should_behave_like 'package with manifest'
+  it_should_behave_like 'package with meta_inf'
+  before { @meta_inf = ['MANIFEST.MF', 'services.xml'] }
+  setup { write 'src/main/axis2/services.xml' }
+  def make_jars
+    artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s }
+    artifact('group:id:jar:2.0') { |t| write t.to_s }
+  end
+  def inspect_aar
+    project('foo').package(:aar).invoke
+'foo').package(:aar).to_s) do |aar|
+      yield
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should automatically include services.xml and any *.wsdl files under src/main/axis2' do
+    write 'src/main/axis2/my-service.wsdl'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar) }
+    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'META-INF/services.xml', 'META-INF/my-service.wsdl') }
+  end
+  it 'should accept files from :include option' do
+    write 'test'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar).include 'test' }
+    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'test') }
+  end
+  it 'should use files from compile directory if nothing included' do
+    write 'src/main/java/', 'class Test {}'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar) }
+    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('Test.class') }
+  end
+  it 'should use files from resources directory if nothing included' do
+    write 'src/main/resources/test/'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar) }
+    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('test/') }
+  end
+  it 'should include empty resource directories' do
+    mkpath 'src/main/resources/empty'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar) }
+    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('empty/') }
+  end
+  it 'should accept file from :libs option' do
+    make_jars
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar).with :libs=>'group:id:jar:1.0' }
+    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'lib/id-1.0.jar') }
+  end
+  it 'should accept file from :libs option' do
+    make_jars
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar).with :libs=>['group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0'] }
+    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'lib/id-1.0.jar', 'lib/id-2.0.jar') }
+  end
+  it 'should NOT use artifacts from compile classpath if no libs specified' do
+    make_jars
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0' ; package(:aar) }
+    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF') }
+  end
+  it 'should return all libraries from libs attribute' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0'
+      package(:aar).with :libs=>'additional:id:jar:1.0'
+    end
+    project('foo').package(:aar).libs.should_not include(artifact('group:id:jar:1.0'))
+    project('foo').package(:aar).libs.should include(artifact('additional:id:jar:1.0'))
+  end
+describe Packaging, 'sources' do
+  it_should_behave_like 'packaging'
+  before { @packaging, @package_type = :sources, :zip }
+  it 'should create package of type :zip and classifier \'sources\'' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:sources).type.should eql(:zip)
+      package(:sources).classifier.should eql('sources')
+      package(:sources).name.should match(/$/)
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should contain source files' do
+    write 'src/main/java/'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:sources) }
+    project('foo').task('package').invoke
+    project('foo').packages.first.should contain('')
+  end
+  it 'should be a ZipTask' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:javadoc).should be_kind_of(ZipTask)
+    end
+  end
+describe Packaging, 'javadoc' do
+  it_should_behave_like 'packaging'
+  before { @packaging, @package_type = :javadoc, :zip }
+  it 'should create package of type :zip and classifier \'javadoc\'' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:javadoc).type.should eql(:zip)
+      package(:javadoc).classifier.should eql('javadoc')
+      package(:javadoc).name.pathmap('%f').should eql('')
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should contain Javadocs' do
+    write 'src/main/java/', 'public class Source {}'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:javadoc) }
+    project('foo').task('package').invoke
+    project('foo').packages.first.should contain('Source.html', 'index.html')
+  end
+  it 'should use project description in window title' do
+    write 'src/main/java/', 'public class Source {}'
+    desc 'My Project'
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:javadoc) }
+    project('foo').task('package').invoke
+    project('foo').packages.first.entry('index.html').should contain('My Project')
+  end
+  it 'should be a ZipTask' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:javadoc).should be_kind_of(ZipTask)
+    end
+  end
+shared_examples_for 'package_with_' do
+  def prepare(options = {})
+    packager = "package_with_#{@packaging}" 
+    write 'src/main/java/'
+    write 'baz/src/main/java/'
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      send packager, options
+      define 'bar' ; define 'baz'
+    end
+  end
+  def applied_to
+ { |project| project.packages.first }.map(&:name)
+  end
+  it 'should create package of type zip with classifier' do
+    prepare
+    project('foo').packages.first.to_s.should =~ /foo-1.0-#{@packaging}.zip/
+  end
+  it 'should create package for projects that have source files' do
+    prepare
+    applied_to.should include('foo', 'foo:baz')
+  end
+  it 'should not create package for projects that have no source files' do
+    prepare
+    applied_to.should_not include('foo:bar')
+  end
+  it 'should limit to projects specified by :only' do
+    prepare :only=>'baz'
+    applied_to.should eql(['foo:baz'])
+  end
+  it 'should limit to projects specified by :only array' do
+    prepare :only=>['baz']
+    applied_to.should eql(['foo:baz'])
+  end
+  it 'should ignore project specified by :except' do
+    prepare :except=>'baz'
+    applied_to.should eql(['foo'])
+  end
+  it 'should ignore projects specified by :except array' do
+    prepare :except=>['baz']
+    applied_to.should eql(['foo'])
+  end
+describe 'package_with_sources' do
+  it_should_behave_like 'package_with_'
+  before { @packaging = :sources }
+describe 'package_with_javadoc' do
+  it_should_behave_like 'package_with_'
+  before { @packaging = :javadoc }

Added: incubator/buildr/trunk/spec/packaging_helper.rb
--- incubator/buildr/trunk/spec/packaging_helper.rb (added)
+++ incubator/buildr/trunk/spec/packaging_helper.rb Mon Jan  7 16:47:44 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+shared_examples_for 'packaging' do
+  it 'should create artifact of proper type' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    package_type = @package_type || @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(packaging).type.should eql(package_type) rescue exit!
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should create file with proper extension' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    package_type = @package_type || @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(packaging).to_s.should match(/.#{package_type}$/)
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should always return same task for the same package' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(packaging)
+      package(packaging, :id=>'other')
+    end
+    project('foo').packages.uniq.size.should eql(2)
+  end
+  it 'should complain if option not known' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      lambda { package(packaging, :unknown_option=>true) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /no such option/)
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should respond to with() and return self' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(packaging).with({}).should be(package(packaging))
+    end
+  end
+  it 'should respond to with() and complain if unknown option' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      lambda {  package(packaging).with(:unknown_option=>true) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /does not support the option/)
+    end
+  end

Modified: incubator/buildr/trunk/spec/packaging_spec.rb
--- incubator/buildr/trunk/spec/packaging_spec.rb (original)
+++ incubator/buildr/trunk/spec/packaging_spec.rb Mon Jan  7 16:47:44 2008
@@ -1,289 +1,271 @@
 require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helpers')
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'packaging_helper')
-describe Project, "#group" do
-  it "should default to project name" do
-    desc "My Project"
-    define "foo"
-    project("foo").group.should eql("foo")
+describe Project, '#group' do
+  it 'should default to project name' do
+    desc 'My Project'
+    define('foo').group.should eql('foo')
-  it "should be settable" do
-    define "foo", :group=>"bar"
-    project("foo").group.should eql("bar")
+  it 'should be settable' do
+    define('foo', :group=>'bar').group.should eql('bar')
-  it "should inherit from parent project" do
-    define("foo", :group=>"groupie") { define "bar" }
-    project("foo:bar").group.should eql("groupie")
+  it 'should inherit from parent project' do
+    define('foo', :group=>'groupie') { define 'bar' }
+    project('foo:bar').group.should eql('groupie')
-describe Project, "#version" do
-  it "should default to nil" do
-    define "foo"
-    project("foo").version.should be_nil
-  end
-  it "should be settable" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"2.1"
-    project("foo").version.should eql("2.1")
-  end
-  it "should inherit from parent project" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"2.1") { define "bar" }
-    project("foo:bar").version.should eql("2.1")
+describe Project, '#version' do
+  it 'should default to nil' do
+    define('foo').version.should be_nil
-describe Project, "#id" do
-  it "should be same as project name" do
-    define "foo"
-    project("foo").id.should eql("foo")
+  it 'should be settable' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'2.1').version.should eql('2.1')
-  it "should replace colons with dashes" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"2.1") { define "bar" }
-    project("foo:bar").id.should eql("foo-bar")
+  it 'should inherit from parent project' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'2.1') { define 'bar' }
+    project('foo:bar').version.should eql('2.1')
-  it "should not be settable" do
-    lambda { define "foo", :id=>"bar" }.should raise_error(NoMethodError)
-  end
-describe Project, "#manifest" do
-  it "should include user name" do
-    ENV["USER"] = "MysteriousJoe"
-    define "foo"
-    project("foo").manifest["Build-By"].should eql("MysteriousJoe")
-  end
-  it "should include JDK version" do
-    Java.stub!(:version).and_return "1.6_6"
-    define "foo"
-    project("foo").manifest["Build-Jdk"].should eql("1.6_6")
-  end
-  it "should include project comment" do
-    desc "My Project"
-    define "foo"
-    project("foo").manifest["Implementation-Title"].should eql("My Project")
-  end
-  it "should include project name if no comment" do
-    define "foo"
-    project("foo").manifest["Implementation-Title"].should eql("foo")
-  end
-  it "should include project version" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"2.1"
-    project("foo").manifest["Implementation-Version"].should eql("2.1")
+describe Project, '#id' do
+  it 'should be same as project name' do
+    define('foo').id.should eql('foo')
-  it "should not include project version unless specified" do
-    define "foo"
-    project("foo").manifest["Implementation-Version"].should be_nil
+  it 'should replace colons with dashes' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'2.1') { define 'bar' }
+    project('foo:bar').id.should eql('foo-bar')
-  it "should inherit from parent project" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"2.1") { define "bar" }
-    project("foo:bar").manifest["Implementation-Version"].should eql("2.1")
+  it 'should not be settable' do
+    lambda { define 'foo', :id=>'bar' }.should raise_error(NoMethodError)
-describe Project, "#meta_inf" do
-  it "should by an array" do
-    define "foo"
-    project("foo").meta_inf.should be_kind_of(Array)
+describe Project, '#package' do
+  it 'should default to id from project' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') do
+      package(:jar).id.should eql('foo')
+    end
-  it "should include LICENSE file if found" do
-    write "LICENSE"
-    define "foo"
-    project("foo").meta_inf.first.should point_to_path("LICENSE")
+  it 'should default to composed it for nested projects' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') do
+      define 'bar' do
+        package(:jar).id.should eql('foo-bar')
+      end
+    end
-  it "should be empty unless LICENSE exists" do
-    define "foo"
-    project("foo").meta_inf.should be_empty
+  it 'should take id from option if specified' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:jar, :id=>'bar').id.should eql('bar')
+      define 'bar' do
+        package(:jar, :id=>'baz').id.should eql('baz')
+      end
+    end
-  it "should inherit from parent project" do
-    write "LICENSE"
-    define("foo") { define "bar" }
-    project("foo:bar").meta_inf.first.should point_to_path("LICENSE")
+  it 'should default to group from project' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:jar).group.should eql('foo')
+      define 'bar' do
+        package(:jar).group.should eql('foo')
+      end
+    end
-  it "should expect LICENSE file parent project" do
-    write "bar/LICENSE"
-    define("foo") { define "bar" }
-    project("foo:bar").meta_inf.should be_empty
+  it 'should take group from option if specified' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:jar, :group=>'foos').group.should eql('foos')
+      define 'bar' do
+        package(:jar, :group=>'bars').group.should eql('bars')
+      end
+    end
-describe Project, "#package" do
-  it "should default to id from project" do
-    pkgs = []
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") do
-      pkgs << package(:jar)
-      define "bar" do
-        pkgs << package(:jar)
+  it 'should default to version from project' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:jar).version.should eql('1.0')
+      define 'bar' do
+        package(:jar).version.should eql('1.0')
- eql(["foo", "foo-bar"])
-  it "should take id from option if specified" do
-    pkg = nil
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { pkg = package(:jar, :id=>"bar") }
- eql("bar")
+  it 'should take version from option if specified' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:jar, :version=>'1.1').version.should eql('1.1')
+      define 'bar' do
+        package(:jar, :version=>'1.2').version.should eql('1.2')
+      end
+    end
-  it "should default to group from project" do
-    pkg = nil
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { pkg = package(:jar) }
- eql("foo")
+  it 'should accept package type as first argument' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:war).type.should eql(:war)
+      define 'bar' do
+        package(:jar).type.should eql(:jar)
+      end
+    end
-  it "should take group from option if specified" do
-    pkg = nil
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { pkg = package(:jar, :group=>"bar") }
- eql("bar")
+  it 'should support optional type' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package.type.should eql(:zip)
+      package(:classifier=>'srcs').type.should eql(:zip)
+    end
+    define 'bar', :version=>'1.0' do
+      compile.using :javac
+      package(:classifier=>'srcs').type.should eql(:jar)
+    end
-  it "should default to version from project" do
-    pkg = nil
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { pkg = package(:jar) }
-    pkg.version.should eql("1.0")
+  it 'should assume :zip package type unless specified' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package.type.should eql(:zip)
+      define 'bar' do
+        package.type.should eql(:zip)
+      end
+    end
-  it "should take version from option if specified" do
-    pkg = nil
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { pkg = package(:jar, :version=>"2.0") }
-    pkg.version.should eql("2.0")
+  it 'should infer packaging type from compiler' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      compile.using :javac
+      package.type.should eql(:jar)
+    end
-  it "should accept package type as first argument" do
-    pkg = nil
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { pkg = package(:war) }
-    pkg.type.should eql(:war)
+  it 'should fail if packaging not supported' do
+    lambda { define('foo') { package(:weirdo) } }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Don't know how to create a package/)
-  it "should assume :zip package type unless specified" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0")
-    project('foo').package.type.should eql(:zip)
+  it 'should default to no classifier' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package.classifier.should be_nil
+      define 'bar' do
+        package.classifier.should be_nil
+      end
+    end
-  it 'should infer packaging type from compiler' do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { compile.using(:javac) }
-    project('foo').package.type.should eql(:jar)
+  it 'should accept classifier from option' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:classifier=>'srcs').classifier.should eql('srcs')
+      define 'bar' do
+        package(:classifier=>'docs').classifier.should eql('docs')
+      end
+    end
-  it "should default to no classifier" do
-    pkg = nil
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { pkg = package(:jar) }
-    pkg.classifier.should be_nil
+  it 'should return a file task' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) }
+    project('foo').package(:jar).should be_kind_of(Rake::FileTask) 
-  it "should accept classifier from option" do
-    pkg = nil
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { pkg = package(:jar, :classifier=>"srcs") }
-    pkg.classifier.should eql("srcs")
+  it 'should return a task that acts as artifact' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) }
+    project('foo').package(:jar).should respond_to(:to_spec)
+    project('foo').package(:jar).to_spec.should eql('foo:foo:jar:1.0')
-  it "should fail if no packager" do
-    lambda { define("foo") { package(:weirdo) } }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Don't know how to create a package/)
+  it 'should create different tasks for each spec' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:jar)
+      package(:war)
+      package(:jar, :id=>'bar')
+      package(:jar, :classifier=>'srcs')
+    end
+    project('foo').packages.uniq.size.should be(4)
-  it "should return a file task" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:jar) }
-    project("foo").package(:jar).should be_kind_of(Rake::FileTask) 
+  it 'should not create multiple packages for the same spec' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:war)
+      package(:war)
+      package(:jar, :id=>'bar')
+      package(:jar, :id=>'bar')
+    end
+    project('foo').packages.uniq.size.should be(2)
-  it "should return a task that acts as artifact" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:jar) }
-    project("foo").package(:jar).should respond_to(:to_spec)
-    project("foo").package(:jar).to_spec.should eql("foo:foo:jar:1.0")
+  it 'should return the same task for subsequent calls' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package.should eql(package)
+      package(:jar, :classifier=>'resources').should be(package(:jar, :classifier=>'resources'))
+    end
-  it "should create different tasks for each spec" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") do
-      package(:jar)
-      package(:war)
-      package(:jar, :id=>"bar")
-      package(:jar, :classifier=>"srcs")
+  it 'should return a packaging task even if file already exists' do
+    write 'target/', ''
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package.should be_kind_of(ZipTask)
-    project("foo").packages.size.should be(4)
-  it "should return the same task for the same spec" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") do
-      package(:war)
+  it 'should register task as artifact' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:jar, :id=>'bar')
-      package(:jar, :id=>"bar")
-      package(:jar, :id=>"bar")
-    project("foo").packages.size.should be(2)
-    project("foo").packages.first.type.should eql(:war)
-    project("foo") eql("bar")
+    project('foo').packages.should eql(artifacts('foo:bar:jar:1.0', 'foo:foo:war:1.0'))
-  it "should register task as artifact" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") do
-      package(:jar, :id=>"bar")
-      package(:war)
+  it 'should create in target path' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:war).should point_to_path('target/foo-1.0.war')
+      package(:jar, :id=>'bar').should point_to_path('target/bar-1.0.jar')
+      package(:zip, :classifier=>'srcs').should point_to_path('target/')
-    project("foo").packages.should eql(artifacts("foo:bar:jar:1.0", "foo:foo:war:1.0"))
-  it "should create in target class" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") do
+  it 'should create prerequisite for package task' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
-      package(:jar, :id=>"bar")
-      package(:zip, :classifier=>"srcs")
+      package(:jar, :id=>'bar')
+      package(:jar, :classifier=>'srcs')
-    project("foo").packages[0].should point_to_path("target/foo-1.0.war")
-    project("foo").packages[1].should point_to_path("target/bar-1.0.jar")
-    project("foo").packages[2].should point_to_path("target/")
+    project('foo').task('package').prerequisites.should include(*project('foo').packages)
-  it "should create prerequisite for package task" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") do
-      package(:war)
-      package(:jar, :id=>"bar")
-      package(:jar, :classifier=>"srcs")
+  it 'should create task requiring a build' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:war).prerequisites.should include(build)
+      package(:jar, :id=>'bar').prerequisites.should include(build)
+      package(:jar, :classifier=>'srcs').prerequisites.should include(build)
-    project("foo")
-      each { |package| project("foo").task("package") include(package) }
-  it "should create task requiring a build" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") do
-      package(:war)
-      package(:jar, :id=>"bar")
-      package(:jar, :classifier=>"srcs")
+  it 'should create a POM artifact in local repository' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package.pom.should be(artifact('foo:foo:pom:1.0'))
+      repositories.locate('foo:foo:pom:1.0').should eql(package.pom.to_s)
-    project("foo").packages.each { |pkg| pkg.prerequisites.should include(project("foo").build) }
-  it "should create a POM artifact in local repository" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:jar, :classifier=>"srcs") }
-    Artifact.lookup("foo:foo:pom:1.0").should_not be_nil
-    Artifact.lookup("foo:foo:pom:1.0").should be(project("foo").packages.first.pom)
-    repositories.locate("foo:foo:pom:1.0").should eql(project("foo").packages.first.pom.to_s)
+  it 'should create POM artifact ignoring classifier' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(:jar, :classifier=>'srcs').pom.should be(artifact('foo:foo:pom:1.0'))
+    end
-  it "should create POM artifact that creates its own POM" do
-    define("foo", :group=>"bar", :version=>"1.0") { package(:jar, :classifier=>"srcs") }
-    project("foo").packages.first.pom.invoke
-    read(project("foo").packages.first.pom.to_s).should eql(<<-POM
+  it 'should create POM artifact that creates its own POM' do
+    define('foo', :group=>'bar', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar, :classifier=>'srcs') }
+    pom = project('foo').packages.first.pom
+    pom.invoke
+    read(pom.to_s).should eql(<<-POM
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@@ -295,814 +277,227 @@
-  it "should not require downloading artifact or POM" do
-    task("artifacts").instance_eval { @actions.clear }
-    define("foo", :group=>"bar", :version=>"1.0") { package(:jar, :classifier=>"srcs") }
-    task("artifacts").invoke
+  it 'should not require downloading artifact or POM' do
+    #task('artifacts').instance_eval { @actions.clear }
+    define('foo', :group=>'bar', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) }
+    lambda { task('artifacts').invoke }.should_not raise_error
-describe Rake::Task, " package" do
-  it "should be local task" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      mkpath "target/classes" ; package
-      define("bar") { mkpath "bar/target/classes" ; package }
+describe Rake::Task, ' package' do
+  it 'should be local task' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package
+      define('bar') { package }
-    in_original_dir project("foo:bar").base_dir do
-      task("package").invoke
-      project("foo").package.should_not exist
-      project("foo:bar").package.should exist
+    in_original_dir project('foo:bar').base_dir do
+      task('package').invoke
+      project('foo').package.should_not exist
+      project('foo:bar').package.should exist
-  it "should be recursive task" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      mkpath "target/classes" ; package
-      define("bar") { mkpath "bar/target/classes" ; package }
+  it 'should be recursive task' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package
+      define('bar') { package }
-    task("package").invoke
-    project("foo").package.should exist
-    project("foo:bar").package.should exist
+    task('package').invoke
+    project('foo').package.should exist
+    project('foo:bar').package.should exist
-  it "should create package in target directory" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      mkpath "target/classes" ; package
-      define("bar") { mkpath "bar/target/classes" ; package }
+  it 'should create package in target directory' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package
+      define('bar') { package }
-    task("package").invoke
-    FileList["**/target/*.zip"].map.sort.should == ["bar/target/", "target/"]
+    task('package').invoke
+    FileList['**/target/*.zip'].map.sort.should == ['bar/target/', 'target/']
-describe Rake::Task, " install" do
-  it "should be local task" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      mkpath "target/classes" ; package
-      define("bar") { mkpath "bar/target/classes" ; package }
-    end
-    in_original_dir project("foo:bar").base_dir do
-      task("install").invoke
-      artifacts("foo:foo:zip:1.0", "foo:foo:pom:1.0").each { |t| t.should_not exist }
-      artifacts("foo:foo-bar:zip:1.0", "foo:foo-bar:pom:1.0").each { |t| t.should exist }
+describe Rake::Task, ' install' do
+  it 'should be local task' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package
+      define('bar') { package }
-  end
-  it "should be recursive task" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      mkpath "target/classes" ; package
-      define("bar") { mkpath "bar/target/classes" ; package }
-    end
-    task("install").invoke
-    artifacts("foo:foo:zip:1.0", "foo:foo:pom:1.0", "foo:foo-bar:zip:1.0", "foo:foo-bar:pom:1.0").each { |t| t.should exist }
-  end
-  it "should create package in local repository" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      mkpath "target/classes" ; package
-      define("bar") { mkpath "bar/target/classes" ; package }
-    end
-    task("install").invoke
-    FileList[repositories.local + "/**/*"].reject { |f| }.sort.should == [
-      File.expand_path("foo/foo/1.0/", repositories.local),
-      File.expand_path("foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.pom", repositories.local),
-      File.expand_path("foo/foo-bar/1.0/", repositories.local),
-      File.expand_path("foo/foo-bar/1.0/foo-bar-1.0.pom", repositories.local)].sort
-  end
-describe Rake::Task, " uninstall" do
-  it "should be local task" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      mkpath "target/classes" ; package
-      define("bar") { mkpath "bar/target/classes" ; package }
-    end
-    task("install").invoke
-    in_original_dir project("foo:bar").base_dir do
-      task("uninstall").invoke
-      FileList[repositories.local + "/**/*"].reject { |f| }.sort.should == [
-        File.expand_path("foo/foo/1.0/", repositories.local),
-        File.expand_path("foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.pom", repositories.local)].sort
-    end
-  end
-  it "should be recursive task" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      mkpath "target/classes" ; package
-      define("bar") { mkpath "bar/target/classes" ; package }
-    end
-    task("install").invoke
-    task("uninstall").invoke
-    FileList[repositories.local + "/**/*"].reject { |f| }.sort.should be_empty
-  end
-describe Rake::Task, " upload" do
-  before do
-    repositories.release_to = "file://#{File.expand_path('remote')}"
-  end
-  it "should be local task" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      mkpath "target/classes" ; package
-      define("bar") { mkpath "bar/target/classes" ; package }
-    end
-    in_original_dir project("foo:bar").base_dir do
-      lambda { task("upload").invoke }.should run_task("foo:bar:upload").but_not("foo:upload")
-    end
-  end
-  it "should be recursive task" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      mkpath "target/classes" ; package
-      define("bar") { mkpath "bar/target/classes" ; package }
+    in_original_dir project('foo:bar').base_dir do
+      task('install').invoke
+      artifacts('foo:foo:zip:1.0', 'foo:foo:pom:1.0').each { |t| t.should_not exist }
+      artifacts('foo:foo-bar:zip:1.0', 'foo:foo-bar:pom:1.0').each { |t| t.should exist }
-    lambda { task("upload").invoke }.should run_tasks("foo:upload", "foo:bar:upload")
-  it "should upload artifact and POM" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package :jar }
-    task("upload").invoke
-    { "remote/foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.jar"=>project("foo").package(:jar),
-      "remote/foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.pom"=>project("foo").package(:jar).pom }.each do |upload, package|
-      read(upload).should eql(read(package))
+  it 'should be recursive task' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package
+      define('bar') { package }
+    task('install').invoke
+    artifacts('foo:foo:zip:1.0', 'foo:foo:pom:1.0', 'foo:foo-bar:zip:1.0', 'foo:foo-bar:pom:1.0').each { |t| t.should exist }
-  it "should upload signatures for artifact and POM" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package :jar }
-    task("upload").invoke
-    { "remote/foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.jar"=>project("foo").package(:jar),
-      "remote/foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.pom"=>project("foo").package(:jar).pom }.each do |upload, package|
-      read("#{upload}.md5").split.first.should eql(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(read(package)))
-      read("#{upload}.sha1").split.first.should eql(Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(read(package)))
+  it 'should create package in local repository' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package
+      define('bar') { package }
+    task('install').invoke
+    FileList[repositories.local + '/**/*'].reject { |f| }.sort.should == [
+      File.expand_path('foo/foo/1.0/', repositories.local),
+      File.expand_path('foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.pom', repositories.local),
+      File.expand_path('foo/foo-bar/1.0/', repositories.local),
+      File.expand_path('foo/foo-bar/1.0/foo-bar-1.0.pom', repositories.local)].sort
-describe "packaging", :shared=>true do
-  it "should create artifact of proper type" do
-    packaging = self.packaging
-    package_type = respond_to?(:package_type) ? self.package_type : packaging
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(packaging) }
-    project("foo").package(packaging).type.should eql(package_type)
-  end
-  it "should create file with proper extension" do
-    packaging = self.packaging
-    package_type = respond_to?(:package_type) ? self.package_type : packaging
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(packaging) }
-    project("foo").package(packaging).to_s.pathmap("%x").should eql(".#{package_type}")
-  end
-  it "should always return same task for the same package" do
-    packaging = self.packaging
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      package(packaging)
-      package(packaging, :id=>"other")
-      package(packaging, :classifier=>"extra")
+describe Rake::Task, ' uninstall' do
+  it 'should be local task' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package
+      define('bar') { package }
-    project("foo").packages.should eql([
-      project("foo").package(packaging),
-      project("foo").package(packaging, :id=>"other"),
-      project("foo").package(packaging, :classifier=>"extra")].uniq)
-  end
-  it "should complain if option not known" do
-    packaging = self.packaging
-    lambda do
-      define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(packaging, :unknown_option=>true) }
-    end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /no such option/)
-  end
-  it "should respond to with() and return self" do
-    packaging = self.packaging
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(packaging) }
-    project("foo").package(packaging).with({}).should be(project("foo").package(packaging))
-  end
-  it "should respond to with() and complain if unknown option" do
-    packaging = self.packaging
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(packaging) }
-    lambda do
-      project("foo").package(packaging).with(:unknown_option=>true)
-    end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /does not support the option/)
-  end
-describe "package_with_manifest", :shared=>true do
-  define_method(:long_line) { "No line may be longer than 72 bytes (not characters), in its UTF8-encoded form. If a value would make the initial line longer than this, it should be continued on extra lines (each starting with a single SPACE)." }
-  def package_with_manifest(manifest = nil)
-    packaging = self.packaging
-    @project = define("foo", :version=>"1.2") do
-      build { mkpath "target/classes" }
-      package packaging
-      package(packaging).with(:manifest=>manifest) unless manifest.nil?
+    task('install').invoke
+    in_original_dir project('foo:bar').base_dir do
+      task('uninstall').invoke
+      FileList[repositories.local + '/**/*'].reject { |f| }.sort.should == [
+        File.expand_path('foo/foo/1.0/', repositories.local),
+        File.expand_path('foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.pom', repositories.local)].sort
-  def inspect_manifest()
-    package = project("foo").package(packaging)
-    package.invoke
- do |zip|
-      sections ="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF").split("\n\n").map do |section|
-          section.split("\n").each { |line| line.length.should < 72 }.
-            inject([]) { |merged, line|
-              if line[0] == 32
-                merged.last << line[1..-1]
-              else
-                merged << line
-              end
-              merged
-            }.map { |line| line.split(/: /) }.
-            inject({}) { |map, (name, value)| map.merge(name=>value) }
-        end
-      yield sections
-    end
-  end
-  it "should include default header when no options specified" do
-    ENV["USER"] = "MysteriousJoe"
-    package_with_manifest # Nothing for default.
-    inspect_manifest do |sections|
-      sections.size.should be(1)
-      sections.first.should == {
-        "Manifest-Version"        => "1.0",
-        "Created-By"              => "Buildr",
-        "Implementation-Title"    =>,
-        "Implementation-Version"  =>"1.2",
-        "Build-Jdk"               =>Java.version,
-        "Build-By"                =>"MysteriousJoe"
-      }
-    end
-  end
-  it "should not exist when manifest=false" do
-    package_with_manifest false
-    @project.package(packaging).invoke
- do |zip|
-      zip.file.exist?("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF").should be_false
-    end
-  end
-  it "should map manifest from hash" do
-    package_with_manifest "Foo"=>1, :bar=>"Bar"
-    inspect_manifest do |sections|
-      sections.size.should be(1)
-      sections.first["Manifest-Version"].should eql("1.0")
-      sections.first["Created-By"].should eql("Buildr")
-      sections.first["Foo"].should eql("1")
-      sections.first["bar"].should eql("Bar")
-    end
-  end
-  it "should end hash manifest with EOL" do
-    package_with_manifest "Foo"=>1, :bar=>"Bar"
-    package = project("foo").package(packaging)
-    package.invoke
- { |zip|"META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")[-1].should == ?\n }
-  end
-  it "should break hash manifest lines longer than 72 characters using continuations" do
-    package_with_manifest "foo"=>long_line
-    package = project("foo").package(packaging)
-    inspect_manifest do |sections|
-      sections.first["foo"].should == long_line
-    end
-  end
-  it "should map manifest from array" do
-    package_with_manifest [ { :foo=>"first" }, { :bar=>"second" } ]
-    inspect_manifest do |sections|
-      sections.size.should be(2)
-      sections.first["Manifest-Version"].should eql("1.0")
-      sections.first["foo"].should eql("first")
-      sections.last["bar"].should eql("second")
+  it 'should be recursive task' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package
+      define('bar') { package }
+    task('install').invoke
+    task('uninstall').invoke
+    FileList[repositories.local + '/**/*'].reject { |f| }.sort.should be_empty
-  it "should end array manifest with EOL" do
-    package_with_manifest [ { :foo=>"first" }, { :bar=>"second" } ]
-    package = project("foo").package(packaging)
-    package.invoke
- { |zip|"META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")[-1].should == ?\n }
-  end
-  it "should break array manifest lines longer than 72 characters using continuations" do
-    package_with_manifest ["foo"=>long_line]
-    package = project("foo").package(packaging)
-    inspect_manifest do |sections|
-      sections.first["foo"].should == long_line
-    end
-  end
-  it "should put Name: at beginning of section" do
-    package_with_manifest [ {}, { "Name"=>"first", :Foo=>"first", :bar=>"second" } ]
-    package = project("foo").package(packaging)
-    package.invoke
- do |zip|
-      sections ="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF").split(/\n\n/)
-      sections[1].split("\n").first.should =~ /^Name: first/
-    end
+describe Rake::Task, ' upload' do
+  before do
+    repositories.release_to = "file://#{File.expand_path('remote')}"
-  it "should create manifest from proc" do
-    package_with_manifest lambda { "Meta: data" }
-    inspect_manifest do |sections|
-      sections.size.should be(1)
-      sections.first["Manifest-Version"].should eql("1.0")
-      sections.first["Meta"].should eql("data")
+  it 'should be local task' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package
+      define('bar') { package }
-  end
-  it "should create manifest from file" do
-    write "MANIFEST.MF", "Meta: data"
-    package_with_manifest "MANIFEST.MF"
-    inspect_manifest do |sections|
-      sections.size.should be(1)
-      sections.first["Manifest-Version"].should eql("1.0")
-      sections.first["Meta"].should eql("data")
+    in_original_dir project('foo:bar').base_dir do
+      lambda { task('upload').invoke }.should run_task('foo:bar:upload').but_not('foo:upload')
-  it "should create manifest from task" do
-    file "MANIFEST.MF" do |task|
-      write task.to_s, "Meta: data"
-    end
-    package_with_manifest "MANIFEST.MF"
-    inspect_manifest do |sections|
-      sections.size.should be(1)
-      sections.first["Manifest-Version"].should eql("1.0")
-      sections.first["Meta"].should eql("data")
+  it 'should be recursive task' do
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package
+      define('bar') { package }
+    lambda { task('upload').invoke }.should run_tasks('foo:upload', 'foo:bar:upload')
-  it "should respond to with() and accept manifest" do
-    write "DISCLAIMER"
-    mkpath "target/classes"
-    packaging = self.packaging
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(packaging).with :manifest=>{"Foo"=>"data"} }
-    inspect_manifest { |sections| sections.first["Foo"].should eql("data") }
-  end
-  it "should include META-INF directory" do
-    packaging = self.packaging
-    package = define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(packaging) }.packages.first
-    package.invoke
- do |zip|
- include("META-INF/")
-    end
-  end
-describe "package_with_meta_inf", :shared=>true do
-  def package_with_meta_inf(meta_inf = nil)
-    packaging = self.packaging
-    @project = Buildr.define("foo", :version=>"1.2") do
-      build { mkpath "target/classes" }
-      package packaging
-      package(packaging).with(:meta_inf=>meta_inf) if meta_inf
+  it 'should upload artifact and POM' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package :jar }
+    task('upload').invoke
+    { 'remote/foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.jar'=>project('foo').package(:jar),
+      'remote/foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.pom'=>project('foo').package(:jar).pom }.each do |upload, package|
+      read(upload).should eql(read(package))
-  def inspect_meta_inf()
-    package = project("foo").package(packaging)
-    package.invoke
-    assumed = Array(meta_inf())
- do |zip|
-      entries = { |f| File.dirname(f) == "META-INF" }.map { |f| File.basename(f) }
-      assumed.each { |f| entries.should include(f) }
-      yield entries - assumed if block_given?
+  it 'should upload signatures for artifact and POM' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package :jar }
+    task('upload').invoke
+    { 'remote/foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.jar'=>project('foo').package(:jar),
+      'remote/foo/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.pom'=>project('foo').package(:jar).pom }.each do |upload, package|
+      read("#{upload}.md5").split.first.should eql(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(read(package)))
+      read("#{upload}.sha1").split.first.should eql(Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(read(package)))
-  it "should default to LICENSE file" do
-    write "LICENSE"
-    package_with_meta_inf
-    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(["LICENSE"]) }
-  end
-  it "should be empty if no LICENSE file" do
-    package_with_meta_inf
-    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should be_empty }
-  end
-  it "should include file specified by :meta_inf option" do
-    write "README"
-    package_with_meta_inf "README"
-    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(["README"]) }
-  end
-  it "should include files specified by :meta_inf option" do
-    files = ["README", "DISCLAIMER"].each { |file| write file }
-    package_with_meta_inf files
-    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(files) }
-  end
-  it "should include file task specified by :meta_inf option" do
-    file("README") { |task| write task.to_s }
-    package_with_meta_inf file("README")
-    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(["README"]) }
-  end
-  it "should include file tasks specified by :meta_inf option" do
-    files = ["README", "DISCLAIMER"].each { |file| file(file) { |task| write task.to_s } }
-    package_with_meta_inf { |f| file(f) }
-    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(files) }
-  end
-  it "should complain if cannot find file" do
-    package_with_meta_inf "README"
-    lambda { inspect_meta_inf }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /README/)
-  end
-  it "should complain if cannot build task" do
-    file("README")  { fail "Failed" }
-    package_with_meta_inf "README"
-    lambda { inspect_meta_inf }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Failed/)
-  end
-  it "should respond to with() and accept manifest and meta_inf" do
-    write "DISCLAIMER"
-    mkpath "target/classes"
-    packaging = self.packaging ; define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(packaging).with :meta_inf=>"DISCLAIMER" }
-    inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(["DISCLAIMER"]) }
-  end
-describe Packaging, " zip" do
-  define_method(:packaging) { :zip }
-  it_should_behave_like "packaging"
-  it "should not include META-INF directory" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:zip) }
-    project("foo").package(:zip).invoke
-"foo").package(:zip).to_s) do |zip|
- include("META-INF/")
+shared_examples_for 'packaging' do
+  it 'should create artifact of proper type' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    package_type = @package_type || @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(packaging).type.should eql(package_type) rescue exit!
-describe Packaging, " jar" do
-  define_method(:packaging) { :jar }
-  it_should_behave_like "packaging"
-  it_should_behave_like "package_with_manifest"
-  define_method(:meta_inf)  { "MANIFEST.MF" }
-  it_should_behave_like "package_with_meta_inf"
-  it "should use files from compile directory if nothing included" do
-    write "src/main/java/", "class Test {}"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:jar) }
-    project("foo").package(:jar).invoke
-"foo").package(:jar).to_s) do |jar|
- include("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "Test.class")
+  it 'should create file with proper extension' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    package_type = @package_type || @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(packaging).to_s.should match(/.#{package_type}$/)
-  it "should use files from resources directory if nothing included" do
-    write "src/main/resources/test/"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:jar) }
-    project("foo").package(:jar).invoke
-"foo").package(:jar).to_s) do |jar|
- include("test/")
-    end
-  end
-  it "should include class directories" do
-    write "src/main/java/code/", "package code ; class Test {}"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:jar) }
-    project("foo").package(:jar).invoke
-"foo").package(:jar).to_s) do |jar|
- include("code/")
+  it 'should always return same task for the same package' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(packaging)
+      package(packaging, :id=>'other')
+    project('foo').packages.uniq.size.should eql(2)
-  it "should include resource files starting with dot" do
-    write "src/main/resources/test/.config"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:jar) }
-    project("foo").package(:jar).invoke
-"foo").package(:jar).to_s) do |jar|
- include("test/.config")
+  it 'should complain if option not known' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      lambda { package(packaging, :unknown_option=>true) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /no such option/)
-  it "should include empty resource directories" do
-    mkpath "src/main/resources/empty"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:jar) }
-    project("foo").package(:jar).invoke
-"foo").package(:jar).to_s) do |jar|
- include("empty/")
+  it 'should respond to with() and return self' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      package(packaging).with({}).should be(package(packaging))
-describe Packaging, " war" do
-  define_method(:packaging) { :war }
-  it_should_behave_like "packaging"
-  it_should_behave_like "package_with_manifest"
-  define_method(:meta_inf)  { "MANIFEST.MF" }
-  it_should_behave_like "package_with_meta_inf"
-  def make_jars()
-    artifact("group:id:jar:1.0") { |t| write t.to_s }
-    artifact("group:id:jar:2.0") { |t| write t.to_s }
-  end
-  def inspect_war()
-    project("foo").package(:war).invoke
-"foo").package(:war).to_s) do |war|
-      yield
-    end
-  end
-  it "should use files from webapp directory if nothing included" do
-    write "src/main/webapp/test.html"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:war) }
-    inspect_war { |files| files.should include("test.html") }
-  end
-  it "should ignore webapp directory if missing" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:war) }
-    inspect_war { |files| files.should eql(["META-INF/", "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"]) }
-  end
-  it "should accept files from :classes option" do
-    write "src/main/java/", "class Test {}"
-    write "classes/test"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:war).with(:classes=>"classes") }
-    inspect_war { |files| files.should include("WEB-INF/classes/test") }
-  end
-  it "should use files from compile directory if nothing included" do
-    write "src/main/java/", "class Test {}"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:war) }
-    inspect_war { |files| files.should include("WEB-INF/classes/Test.class") }
-  end
-  it "should ignore compile directory if no source files to compile" do
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:war) }
-    inspect_war { |files| files.should_not include("target/classes") }
-  end
-  it "should include only specified classes directories" do
-    write "src/main/java"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:war).with :classes=>_("additional") }
-    project("foo").package(:war).classes.should_not include(project("foo").file("target/classes"))
-    project("foo").package(:war).classes.should include(project("foo").file("additional"))
-  end
-  it "should use files from resources directory if nothing included" do
-    write "src/main/resources/test/"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:war) }
-    inspect_war { |files| files.should include("WEB-INF/classes/test/") }
-  end
-  it "should include empty resource directories" do
-    mkpath "src/main/resources/empty"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:war) }
-    inspect_war { |files| files.should include("WEB-INF/classes/empty/") }
-  end
-  it "should accept file from :libs option" do
-    make_jars
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:war).with(:libs=>"group:id:jar:1.0") }
-    inspect_war { |files| files.should include("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar") }
-  end
-  it "should accept file from :libs option" do
-    make_jars
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:war).with(:libs=>["group:id:jar:1.0", "group:id:jar:2.0"]) }
-    inspect_war { |files| files.should include("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar", "WEB-INF/lib/id-2.0.jar") }
-  end
-  it "should use artifacts from compile classpath if no libs specified" do
-    make_jars
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { compile.with "group:id:jar:1.0", "group:id:jar:2.0" ; package(:war) }
-    inspect_war { |files| files.should include("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar", "WEB-INF/lib/id-2.0.jar") }
-  end
-  it "should include only specified libraries" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      compile.with "group:id:jar:1.0"
-      package(:war).with :libs=>"additional:id:jar:1.0"
+  it 'should respond to with() and complain if unknown option' do
+    packaging = @packaging
+    define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do
+      lambda {  package(packaging).with(:unknown_option=>true) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /does not support the option/)
-    project("foo").package(:war).libs.should_not include(artifact("group:id:jar:1.0"))
-    project("foo").package(:war).libs.should include(artifact("additional:id:jar:1.0"))
-describe Packaging, " aar" do
-  define_method(:packaging) { :aar }
-  it_should_behave_like "packaging"
-  it_should_behave_like "package_with_manifest"
-  define_method(:meta_inf)  { ["MANIFEST.MF", "services.xml"] }
-  it_should_behave_like "package_with_meta_inf"
-  setup { write "src/main/axis2/services.xml" }
-  def make_jars()
-    artifact("group:id:jar:1.0") { |t| write t.to_s }
-    artifact("group:id:jar:2.0") { |t| write t.to_s }
-  end
-  def inspect_aar()
-    project("foo").package(:aar).invoke
-"foo").package(:aar).to_s) do |aar|
-      yield
-    end
-  end
-  it "should automatically include services.xml and any *.wsdl files under src/main/axis2" do
-    write "src/main/axis2/my-service.wsdl"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:aar) }
-    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "META-INF/services.xml", "META-INF/my-service.wsdl") }
-  end
-  it "should accept files from :include option" do
-    write "test"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:aar).include "test" }
-    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "test") }
-  end
-  it "should use files from compile directory if nothing included" do
-    write "src/main/java/", "class Test {}"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:aar) }
-    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include("Test.class") }
-  end
-  it "should use files from resources directory if nothing included" do
-    write "src/main/resources/test/"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:aar) }
-    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include("test/") }
-  end
-  it "should include empty resource directories" do
-    mkpath "src/main/resources/empty"
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:aar) }
-    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include("empty/") }
-  end
-  it "should accept file from :libs option" do
-    make_jars
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:aar).with :libs=>"group:id:jar:1.0" }
-    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "lib/id-1.0.jar") }
-  end
+describe Packaging, 'zip' do
+  it_should_behave_like 'packaging'
+  before { @packaging = :zip }
-  it "should accept file from :libs option" do
-    make_jars
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:aar).with :libs=>["group:id:jar:1.0", "group:id:jar:2.0"] }
-    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "lib/id-1.0.jar", "lib/id-2.0.jar") }
-  end
-  it "should NOT use artifacts from compile classpath if no libs specified" do
-    make_jars
-    define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { compile.with "group:id:jar:1.0", "group:id:jar:2.0" ; package(:aar) }
-    inspect_aar { |files| files.should include("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF") }
-  end
-  it "should return all libraries from libs attribute" do
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      compile.with "group:id:jar:1.0"
-      package(:aar).with :libs=>"additional:id:jar:1.0"
+  it 'should not include META-INF directory' do
+    define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:zip) }
+    project('foo').package(:zip).invoke
+'foo').package(:zip).to_s) do |zip|
+ include('META-INF/')
-    project("foo").package(:aar).libs.should_not include(artifact("group:id:jar:1.0"))
-    project("foo").package(:aar).libs.should include(artifact("additional:id:jar:1.0"))
-describe Packaging, " tar" do
-  define_method(:packaging) { :tgz }
-  it_should_behave_like "packaging"
-describe Packaging, " tgz" do
-  define_method(:packaging) { :tgz }
-  it_should_behave_like "packaging"
+describe Packaging, ' tar' do
+  before { @packaging = :tar }
+  it_should_behave_like 'packaging'
-describe Packaging, " sources" do
-  define_method(:packaging) { :sources }
-  define_method(:package_type) { :zip }
-  it_should_behave_like "packaging"
-  it "should create package of type :zip and classifier 'sources'" do
-    package = define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:sources) }.packages.first
-    package.type.should eql(:zip)
-    package.classifier.should eql("sources")
-"%f").should eql("")
-  end
-  it "should contain source files" do
-    write "src/main/java/"
-    package = define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:sources) }.packages.first
-    package.invoke
-    package.should contain("")
-  end
-describe Packaging, " javadoc" do
-  define_method(:packaging) { :javadoc }
-  define_method(:package_type) { :zip }
-  it_should_behave_like "packaging"
-  it "should create package of type :zip and classifier 'javadoc'" do
-    package = define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:javadoc) }.packages.first
-    package.type.should eql(:zip)
-    package.classifier.should eql("javadoc")
-"%f").should eql("")
-  end
-  it "should contain Javadocs" do
-    write "src/main/java/", "public class Source {}"
-    package = define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:javadoc) }.packages.first
-    package.invoke
-    package.should contain("Source.html", "index.html")
-  end
-  it "should use project description in window title" do
-    write "src/main/java/", "public class Source {}"
-    desc "My Project"
-    package = define("foo", :version=>"1.0") { package(:javadoc) }.packages.first
-    package.invoke
-    package.entry("index.html").should contain("My Project")
-  end
-describe "package_with_", :shared=>true do
-  def specify(options = {})
-    method = "package_with_#{packaging}" 
-    write "src/main/java/"
-    write "baz/src/main/java/"
-    define "foo", :version=>"1.0" do
-      send method, options
-      define "bar" ; define "baz"
-    end
-  end
-  def sources_in(*names)
-    projects.each do |project|
-      if names.include?(
- =~ /-#{packaging}.zip/
-      else
-        project.packages.should be_empty
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  it "should create sources only for projects that have source files" do
-    specify
-    sources_in "foo", "foo:baz"
-  end
-  it "should limit to project specified by :only" do
-    specify :only=>"baz"
-    sources_in "foo:baz"
-  end
-  it "should limit to projects specified by :only" do
-    specify :only=>["baz"]
-    sources_in "foo:baz"
-  end
-  it "should ignore project specified by :except" do
-    specify :except=>"baz"
-    sources_in "foo"
-  end
-  it "should ignore projects specified by :except" do
-    specify :except=>["baz"]
-    sources_in "foo" 
-  end
-describe "package_with_sources" do
-  it_should_behave_like "package_with_"
-  define_method(:packaging) { :sources }
-describe "package_with_javadoc" do
-  it_should_behave_like "package_with_"
-  define_method(:packaging) { :javadoc }
+describe Packaging, ' tgz' do
+  before { @packaging = :tgz }
+  it_should_behave_like 'packaging'