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[80/83] [abbrv] incubator-corinthia git commit: removed zlib
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/as400/ b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/as400/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7341a6d..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/as400/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-      *  ZLIB.INC - Interface to the general purpose compression library
-      *
-      *  ILE RPG400 version by Patrick Monnerat, DATASPHERE.
-      *  Version 1.2.8
-      *
-      *
-      *  WARNING:
-      *     Procedures inflateInit(), inflateInit2(), deflateInit(),
-      *         deflateInit2() and inflateBackInit() need to be called with
-      *         two additional arguments:
-      *         the package version string and the stream control structure.
-      *         size. This is needed because RPG lacks some macro feature.
-      *         Call these procedures as:
-      *             inflateInit(...: ZLIB_VERSION: %size(z_stream))
-      *
-      /if not defined(ZLIB_H_)
-      /define ZLIB_H_
-      *
-      **************************************************************************
-      *                               Constants
-      **************************************************************************
-      *
-      *  Versioning information.
-      *
-     D ZLIB_VERSION    C                   '1.2.8'
-     D ZLIB_VERNUM     C                   X'1280'
-     D ZLIB_VER_MAJOR  C                   1
-     D ZLIB_VER_MINOR  C                   2
-     D                 C                   8
-     D                 C                   0
-      *
-      *  Other equates.
-      *
-     D Z_NO_FLUSH      C                   0
-     D                 C                   1
-     D Z_SYNC_FLUSH    C                   2
-     D Z_FULL_FLUSH    C                   3
-     D Z_FINISH        C                   4
-     D Z_BLOCK         C                   5
-     D Z_TREES         C                   6
-      *
-     D Z_OK            C                   0
-     D Z_STREAM_END    C                   1
-     D Z_NEED_DICT     C                   2
-     D Z_ERRNO         C                   -1
-     D Z_STREAM_ERROR  C                   -2
-     D Z_DATA_ERROR    C                   -3
-     D Z_MEM_ERROR     C                   -4
-     D Z_BUF_ERROR     C                   -5
-     DZ_VERSION_ERROR  C                   -6
-      *
-     D                 C                   0
-     D Z_BEST_SPEED    C                   1
-     D                 C                   9
-     D                 C                   -1
-      *
-     D Z_FILTERED      C                   1
-     D Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY  C                   2
-     D Z_RLE           C                   3
-     D                 C                   0
-      *
-     D Z_BINARY        C                   0
-     D Z_ASCII         C                   1
-     D Z_UNKNOWN       C                   2
-      *
-     D Z_DEFLATED      C                   8
-      *
-     D Z_NULL          C                   0
-      *
-      **************************************************************************
-      *                                 Types
-      **************************************************************************
-      *
-     D z_streamp       S               *                                        Stream struct ptr
-     D gzFile          S               *                                        File pointer
-     D z_off_t         S             10i 0                                      Stream offsets
-     D z_off64_t       S             20i 0                                      Stream offsets
-      *
-      **************************************************************************
-      *                               Structures
-      **************************************************************************
-      *
-      *  The GZIP encode/decode stream support structure.
-      *
-     D z_stream        DS                  align based(z_streamp)
-     D  zs_next_in                     *                                        Next input byte
-     D  zs_avail_in                  10U 0                                      Byte cnt at next_in
-     D  zs_total_in                  10U 0                                      Total bytes read
-     D  zs_next_out                    *                                        Output buffer ptr
-     D  zs_avail_out                 10U 0                                      Room left @ next_out
-     D  zs_total_out                 10U 0                                      Total bytes written
-     D  zs_msg                         *                                        Last errmsg or null
-     D  zs_state                       *                                        Internal state
-     D  zs_zalloc                      *   procptr                              Int. state allocator
-     D  zs_free                        *   procptr                              Int. state dealloc.
-     D  zs_opaque                      *                                        Private alloc. data
-     D  zs_data_type                 10i 0                                      ASC/BIN best guess
-     D  zs_adler                     10u 0                                      Uncompr. adler32 val
-     D                               10U 0                                      Reserved
-     D                               10U 0                                      Ptr. alignment
-      *
-      **************************************************************************
-      *                     Utility function prototypes
-      **************************************************************************
-      *
-     D compress        PR            10I 0 extproc('compress')
-     D  dest                      65535    options(*varsize)                    Destination buffer
-     D  destLen                      10U 0                                      Destination length
-     D  source                    65535    const options(*varsize)              Source buffer
-     D  sourceLen                    10u 0 value                                Source length
-      *
-     D compress2       PR            10I 0 extproc('compress2')
-     D  dest                      65535    options(*varsize)                    Destination buffer
-     D  destLen                      10U 0                                      Destination length
-     D  source                    65535    const options(*varsize)              Source buffer
-     D  sourceLen                    10U 0 value                                Source length
-     D  level                        10I 0 value                                Compression level
-      *
-     D compressBound   PR            10U 0 extproc('compressBound')
-     D  sourceLen                    10U 0 value
-      *
-     D uncompress      PR            10I 0 extproc('uncompress')
-     D  dest                      65535    options(*varsize)                    Destination buffer
-     D  destLen                      10U 0                                      Destination length
-     D  source                    65535    const options(*varsize)              Source buffer
-     D  sourceLen                    10U 0 value                                Source length
-      *
-      /if not defined(LARGE_FILES)
-     D gzopen          PR                  extproc('gzopen')
-     D                                     like(gzFile)
-     D  path                           *   value options(*string)               File pathname
-     D  mode                           *   value options(*string)               Open mode
-      /else
-     D gzopen          PR                  extproc('gzopen64')
-     D                                     like(gzFile)
-     D  path                           *   value options(*string)               File pathname
-     D  mode                           *   value options(*string)               Open mode
-      *
-     D gzopen64        PR                  extproc('gzopen64')
-     D                                     like(gzFile)
-     D  path                           *   value options(*string)               File pathname
-     D  mode                           *   value options(*string)               Open mode
-      /endif
-      *
-     D gzdopen         PR                  extproc('gzdopen')
-     D                                     like(gzFile)
-     D  fd                           10I 0 value                                File descriptor
-     D  mode                           *   value options(*string)               Open mode
-      *
-     D gzbuffer        PR            10I 0 extproc('gzbuffer')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  size                         10U 0 value
-      *
-     D gzsetparams     PR            10I 0 extproc('gzsetparams')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  level                        10I 0 value
-     D  strategy                     10I 0 value
-      *
-     D gzread          PR            10I 0 extproc('gzread')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  buf                       65535    options(*varsize)                    Buffer
-     D  len                          10u 0 value                                Buffer length
-      *
-     D gzwrite         PR            10I 0 extproc('gzwrite')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  buf                       65535    const options(*varsize)              Buffer
-     D  len                          10u 0 value                                Buffer length
-      *
-     D gzputs          PR            10I 0 extproc('gzputs')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  s                              *   value options(*string)               String to output
-      *
-     D gzgets          PR              *   extproc('gzgets')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  buf                       65535    options(*varsize)                    Read buffer
-     D  len                          10i 0 value                                Buffer length
-      *
-     D gzputc          PR            10i 0 extproc('gzputc')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  c                            10I 0 value                                Character to write
-      *
-     D gzgetc          PR            10i 0 extproc('gzgetc')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      *
-     D gzgetc_         PR            10i 0 extproc('gzgetc_')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      *
-     D gzungetc        PR            10i 0 extproc('gzungetc')
-     D  c                            10I 0 value                                Character to push
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      *
-     D gzflush         PR            10i 0 extproc('gzflush')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  flush                        10I 0 value                                Type of flush
-      *
-      /if not defined(LARGE_FILES)
-     D gzseek          PR                  extproc('gzseek')
-     D                                     like(z_off_t)
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  offset                             value like(z_off_t)                  Offset
-     D  whence                       10i 0 value                                Origin
-      /else
-     D gzseek          PR                  extproc('gzseek64')
-     D                                     like(z_off_t)
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  offset                             value like(z_off_t)                  Offset
-     D  whence                       10i 0 value                                Origin
-      *
-     D gzseek64        PR                  extproc('gzseek64')
-     D                                     like(z_off64_t)
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  offset                             value like(z_off64_t)                Offset
-     D  whence                       10i 0 value                                Origin
-      /endif
-      *
-     D gzrewind        PR            10i 0 extproc('gzrewind')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      *
-      /if not defined(LARGE_FILES)
-     D gztell          PR                  extproc('gztell')
-     D                                     like(z_off_t)
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      /else
-     D gztell          PR                  extproc('gztell64')
-     D                                     like(z_off_t)
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      *
-     D gztell64        PR                  extproc('gztell64')
-     D                                     like(z_off64_t)
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      /endif
-      *
-      /if not defined(LARGE_FILES)
-     D gzoffset        PR                  extproc('gzoffset')
-     D                                     like(z_off_t)
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      /else
-     D gzoffset        PR                  extproc('gzoffset64')
-     D                                     like(z_off_t)
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      *
-     D gzoffset64      PR                  extproc('gzoffset64')
-     D                                     like(z_off64_t)
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      /endif
-      *
-     D gzeof           PR            10i 0 extproc('gzeof')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      *
-     D gzclose_r       PR            10i 0 extproc('gzclose_r')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      *
-     D gzclose_w       PR            10i 0 extproc('gzclose_w')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      *
-     D gzclose         PR            10i 0 extproc('gzclose')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      *
-     D gzerror         PR              *   extproc('gzerror')                   Error string
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-     D  errnum                       10I 0                                      Error code
-      *
-     D gzclearerr      PR                  extproc('gzclearerr')
-     D  file                               value like(gzFile)                   File pointer
-      *
-      **************************************************************************
-      *                        Basic function prototypes
-      **************************************************************************
-      *
-     D zlibVersion     PR              *   extproc('zlibVersion')               Version string
-      *
-     D deflateInit     PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateInit_')              Init. compression
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
-     D  level                        10I 0 value                                Compression level
-     D  version                        *   value options(*string)               Version string
-     D  stream_size                  10i 0 value                                Stream struct. size
-      *
-     D deflate         PR            10I 0 extproc('deflate')                   Compress data
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
-     D  flush                        10I 0 value                                Flush type required
-      *
-     D deflateEnd      PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateEnd')                Termin. compression
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
-      *
-     D inflateInit     PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateInit_')              Init. expansion
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-     D  version                        *   value options(*string)               Version string
-     D  stream_size                  10i 0 value                                Stream struct. size
-      *
-     D inflate         PR            10I 0 extproc('inflate')                   Expand data
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-     D  flush                        10I 0 value                                Flush type required
-      *
-     D inflateEnd      PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateEnd')                Termin. expansion
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-      *
-      **************************************************************************
-      *                        Advanced function prototypes
-      **************************************************************************
-      *
-     D deflateInit2    PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateInit2_')             Init. compression
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
-     D  level                        10I 0 value                                Compression level
-     D  method                       10I 0 value                                Compression method
-     D  windowBits                   10I 0 value                                log2(window size)
-     D  memLevel                     10I 0 value                                Mem/cmpress tradeoff
-     D  strategy                     10I 0 value                                Compression stategy
-     D  version                        *   value options(*string)               Version string
-     D  stream_size                  10i 0 value                                Stream struct. size
-      *
-     D deflateSetDictionary...
-     D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateSetDictionary')      Init. dictionary
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
-     D  dictionary                65535    const options(*varsize)              Dictionary bytes
-     D  dictLength                   10U 0 value                                Dictionary length
-      *
-     D deflateCopy     PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateCopy')               Compress strm 2 strm
-     D  dest                               like(z_stream)                       Destination stream
-     D  source                             like(z_stream)                       Source stream
-      *
-     D deflateReset    PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateReset')              End and init. stream
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
-      *
-     D deflateParams   PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateParams')             Change level & strat
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
-     D  level                        10I 0 value                                Compression level
-     D  strategy                     10I 0 value                                Compression stategy
-      *
-     D deflateBound    PR            10U 0 extproc('deflateBound')              Change level & strat
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
-     D  sourcelen                    10U 0 value                                Compression level
-      *
-     D deflatePending  PR            10I 0 extproc('deflatePending')            Change level & strat
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
-     D  pending                      10U 0                                      Pending bytes
-     D  bits                         10I 0                                      Pending bits
-      *
-     D deflatePrime    PR            10I 0 extproc('deflatePrime')              Change level & strat
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Compression stream
-     D  bits                         10I 0 value                                # of bits to insert
-     D  value                        10I 0 value                                Bits to insert
-      *
-     D inflateInit2    PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateInit2_')             Init. expansion
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-     D  windowBits                   10I 0 value                                log2(window size)
-     D  version                        *   value options(*string)               Version string
-     D  stream_size                  10i 0 value                                Stream struct. size
-      *
-     D inflateSetDictionary...
-     D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateSetDictionary')      Init. dictionary
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-     D  dictionary                65535    const options(*varsize)              Dictionary bytes
-     D  dictLength                   10U 0 value                                Dictionary length
-      *
-     D inflateGetDictionary...
-     D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateGetDictionary')      Get dictionary
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-     D  dictionary                65535    options(*varsize)                    Dictionary bytes
-     D  dictLength                   10U 0                                      Dictionary length
-      *
-     D inflateSync     PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateSync')               Sync. expansion
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-      *
-     D inflateCopy     PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateCopy')
-     D  dest                               like(z_stream)                       Destination stream
-     D  source                             like(z_stream)                       Source stream
-      *
-     D inflateReset    PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateReset')              End and init. stream
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-      *
-     D inflateReset2   PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateReset2')             End and init. stream
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-     D  windowBits                   10I 0 value                                Log2(buffer size)
-      *
-     D inflatePrime    PR            10I 0 extproc('inflatePrime')              Insert bits
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-     D  bits                         10I 0 value                                Bit count
-     D  value                        10I 0 value                                Bits to insert
-      *
-     D inflateMark     PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateMark')               Get inflate info
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-      *
-     D inflateBackInit...
-     D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateBackInit_')
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-     D  windowBits                   10I 0 value                                Log2(buffer size)
-     D  window                    65535    options(*varsize)                    Buffer
-     D  version                        *   value options(*string)               Version string
-     D  stream_size                  10i 0 value                                Stream struct. size
-      *
-     D inflateBack     PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateBack')
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-     D  in                             *   value procptr                        Input function
-     D  in_desc                        *   value                                Input descriptor
-     D  out                            *   value procptr                        Output function
-     D  out_desc                       *   value                                Output descriptor
-      *
-     D inflateBackEnd  PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateBackEnd')
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-      *
-     D zlibCompileFlags...
-     D                 PR            10U 0 extproc('zlibCompileFlags')
-      *
-      **************************************************************************
-      *                        Checksum function prototypes
-      **************************************************************************
-      *
-     D adler32         PR            10U 0 extproc('adler32')                   New checksum
-     D  adler                        10U 0 value                                Old checksum
-     D  buf                       65535    const options(*varsize)              Bytes to accumulate
-     D  len                          10U 0 value                                Buffer length
-      *
-     D crc32           PR            10U 0 extproc('crc32')                     New checksum
-     D  crc                          10U 0 value                                Old checksum
-     D  buf                       65535    const options(*varsize)              Bytes to accumulate
-     D  len                          10U 0 value                                Buffer length
-      *
-      **************************************************************************
-      *                     Miscellaneous function prototypes
-      **************************************************************************
-      *
-     D zError          PR              *   extproc('zError')                    Error string
-     D  err                          10I 0 value                                Error code
-      *
-     D inflateSyncPoint...
-     D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateSyncPoint')
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-      *
-     D get_crc_table   PR              *   extproc('get_crc_table')             Ptr to ulongs
-      *
-     D inflateUndermine...
-     D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateUndermine')
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-     D  arg                          10I 0 value                                Error code
-      *
-     D inflateResetKeep...
-     D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('inflateResetKeep')          End and init. stream
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-      *
-     D deflateResetKeep...
-     D                 PR            10I 0 extproc('deflateResetKeep')          End and init. stream
-     D  strm                               like(z_stream)                       Expansion stream
-      *
-      /endif
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/compress.c b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/compress.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e97626..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/compress.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-/* compress.c -- compress a memory buffer
- * Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
- */
-/* @(#) $Id$ */
-#include "zlib.h"
-/* ===========================================================================
-     Compresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. The level
-   parameter has the same meaning as in deflateInit.  sourceLen is the byte
-   length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size of the
-   destination buffer, which must be at least 0.1% larger than sourceLen plus
-   12 bytes. Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the compressed buffer.
-     compress2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
-   memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer,
-   Z_STREAM_ERROR if the level parameter is invalid.
-int ZEXPORT compress2 (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen, level)
-    Bytef *dest;
-    uLongf *destLen;
-    const Bytef *source;
-    uLong sourceLen;
-    int level;
-    z_stream stream;
-    int err;
-    stream.next_in = (z_const Bytef *)source;
-    stream.avail_in = (uInt)sourceLen;
-#ifdef MAXSEG_64K
-    /* Check for source > 64K on 16-bit machine: */
-    if ((uLong)stream.avail_in != sourceLen) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
-    stream.next_out = dest;
-    stream.avail_out = (uInt)*destLen;
-    if ((uLong)stream.avail_out != *destLen) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
-    stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
-    stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
-    stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
-    err = deflateInit(&stream, level);
-    if (err != Z_OK) return err;
-    err = deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
-    if (err != Z_STREAM_END) {
-        deflateEnd(&stream);
-        return err == Z_OK ? Z_BUF_ERROR : err;
-    }
-    *destLen = stream.total_out;
-    err = deflateEnd(&stream);
-    return err;
-/* ===========================================================================
- */
-int ZEXPORT compress (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen)
-    Bytef *dest;
-    uLongf *destLen;
-    const Bytef *source;
-    uLong sourceLen;
-    return compress2(dest, destLen, source, sourceLen, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
-/* ===========================================================================
-     If the default memLevel or windowBits for deflateInit() is changed, then
-   this function needs to be updated.
- */
-uLong ZEXPORT compressBound (sourceLen)
-    uLong sourceLen;
-    return sourceLen + (sourceLen >> 12) + (sourceLen >> 14) +
-           (sourceLen >> 25) + 13;
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/configure b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/configure
deleted file mode 100644
index b77a8a8..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,831 +0,0 @@
-# configure script for zlib.
-# Normally configure builds both a static and a shared library.
-# If you want to build just a static library, use: ./configure --static
-# To impose specific compiler or flags or install directory, use for example:
-#    prefix=$HOME CC=cc CFLAGS="-O4" ./configure
-# or for csh/tcsh users:
-#    (setenv prefix $HOME; setenv CC cc; setenv CFLAGS "-O4"; ./configure)
-# Incorrect settings of CC or CFLAGS may prevent creating a shared library.
-# If you have problems, try without defining CC and CFLAGS before reporting
-# an error.
-# start off configure.log
-echo -------------------- >> configure.log
-echo $0 $* >> configure.log
-date >> configure.log
-# set command prefix for cross-compilation
-if [ -n "${CHOST}" ]; then
-    uname="`echo "${CHOST}" | sed -e 's/^[^-]*-\([^-]*\)$/\1/' -e 's/^[^-]*-[^-]*-\([^-]*\)$/\1/' -e 's/^[^-]*-[^-]*-\([^-]*\)-.*$/\1/'`"
-# destination name for static library
-# extract zlib version numbers from zlib.h
-VER=`sed -n -e '/VERSION "/s/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p' < zlib.h`
-VER3=`sed -n -e '/VERSION "/s/.*"\([0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/p' < zlib.h`
-VER2=`sed -n -e '/VERSION "/s/.*"\([0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\)\\..*/\1/p' < zlib.h`
-VER1=`sed -n -e '/VERSION "/s/.*"\([0-9]*\)\\..*/\1/p' < zlib.h`
-# establish commands for library building
-if "${CROSS_PREFIX}ar" --version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || test $? -lt 126; then
-    AR=${AR-"${CROSS_PREFIX}ar"}
-    test -n "${CROSS_PREFIX}" && echo Using ${AR} | tee -a configure.log
-    AR=${AR-"ar"}
-    test -n "${CROSS_PREFIX}" && echo Using ${AR} | tee -a configure.log
-if "${CROSS_PREFIX}ranlib" --version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || test $? -lt 126; then
-    test -n "${CROSS_PREFIX}" && echo Using ${RANLIB} | tee -a configure.log
-    RANLIB=${RANLIB-"ranlib"}
-if "${CROSS_PREFIX}nm" --version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || test $? -lt 126; then
-    NM=${NM-"${CROSS_PREFIX}nm"}
-    test -n "${CROSS_PREFIX}" && echo Using ${NM} | tee -a configure.log
-    NM=${NM-"nm"}
-# set defaults before processing command line options
-# leave this script, optionally in a bad way
-  if test "$*" != "0"; then
-    echo "** $0 aborting." | tee -a configure.log
-  fi
-  rm -f $test.[co] $test $test$shared_ext $test.gcno ./--version
-  echo -------------------- >> configure.log
-  echo >> configure.log
-  echo >> configure.log
-  exit $1
-# process command line options
-while test $# -ge 1
-case "$1" in
-    -h* | --help)
-      echo 'usage:' | tee -a configure.log
-      echo '  configure [--const] [--zprefix] [--prefix=PREFIX]  [--eprefix=EXPREFIX]' | tee -a configure.log
-      echo '    [--static] [--64] [--libdir=LIBDIR] [--sharedlibdir=LIBDIR]' | tee -a configure.log
-      echo '    [--includedir=INCLUDEDIR] [--archs="-arch i386 -arch x86_64"]' | tee -a configure.log
-        exit 0 ;;
-    -p*=* | --prefix=*) prefix=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`; shift ;;
-    -e*=* | --eprefix=*) exec_prefix=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`; shift ;;
-    -l*=* | --libdir=*) libdir=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`; shift ;;
-    --sharedlibdir=*) sharedlibdir=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`; shift ;;
-    -i*=* | --includedir=*) includedir=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`;shift ;;
-    -u*=* | --uname=*) uname=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`;shift ;;
-    -p* | --prefix) prefix="$2"; shift; shift ;;
-    -e* | --eprefix) exec_prefix="$2"; shift; shift ;;
-    -l* | --libdir) libdir="$2"; shift; shift ;;
-    -i* | --includedir) includedir="$2"; shift; shift ;;
-    -s* | --shared | --enable-shared) shared=1; shift ;;
-    -t | --static) shared=0; shift ;;
-    --solo) solo=1; shift ;;
-    --cover) cover=1; shift ;;
-    -z* | --zprefix) zprefix=1; shift ;;
-    -6* | --64) build64=1; shift ;;
-    -a*=* | --archs=*) ARCHS=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`; shift ;;
-    --sysconfdir=*) echo "ignored option: --sysconfdir" | tee -a configure.log; shift ;;
-    --localstatedir=*) echo "ignored option: --localstatedir" | tee -a configure.log; shift ;;
-    -c* | --const) zconst=1; shift ;;
-    *)
-      echo "unknown option: $1" | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "$0 --help for help" | tee -a configure.log
-      leave 1;;
-    esac
-# temporary file name
-# put arguments in log, also put test file in log if used in arguments
-  case "$*" in
-    *$test.c*)
-      echo === $test.c === >> configure.log
-      cat $test.c >> configure.log
-      echo === >> configure.log;;
-  esac
-  echo $* >> configure.log
-# check for gcc vs. cc and set compile and link flags based on the system identified by uname
-cat > $test.c <<EOF
-extern int getchar();
-int hello() {return getchar();}
-test -z "$CC" && echo Checking for ${CROSS_PREFIX}gcc... | tee -a configure.log
-# to force the asm version use: CFLAGS="-O3 -DASMV" ./configure
-case "$cc" in
-  *gcc*) gcc=1 ;;
-  *clang*) gcc=1 ;;
-case `$cc -v 2>&1` in
-  *gcc*) gcc=1 ;;
-show $cc -c $test.c
-if test "$gcc" -eq 1 && ($cc -c $test.c) >> configure.log 2>&1; then
-  echo ... using gcc >> configure.log
-  CC="$cc"
-  if test $build64 -eq 1; then
-    CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -m64"
-    SFLAGS="${SFLAGS} -m64"
-  fi
-  if test "${ZLIBGCCWARN}" = "YES"; then
-    if test "$zconst" -eq 1; then
-      CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Wcast-qual -pedantic -DZLIB_CONST"
-    else
-      CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -pedantic"
-    fi
-  fi
-  if test -z "$uname"; then
-    uname=`(uname -s || echo unknown) 2>/dev/null`
-  fi
-  case "$uname" in
-  Linux* | linux* | GNU | GNU/* | solaris*)
-        LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -shared -Wl,-soname,,--version-script,"} ;;
-  *BSD | *bsd* | DragonFly)
-        LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -shared -Wl,-soname,,--version-script,"}
-        LDCONFIG="ldconfig -m" ;;
-  CYGWIN* | Cygwin* | cygwin* | OS/2*)
-        EXE='.exe' ;;
-  MINGW* | mingw*)
-# temporary bypass
-        rm -f $test.[co] $test $test$shared_ext
-        echo "Please use win32/Makefile.gcc instead." | tee -a configure.log
-        leave 1
-        LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -shared"}
-        LDSHAREDLIBC=""
-        EXE='.exe' ;;
-  QNX*)  # This is for QNX6. I suppose that the QNX rule below is for QNX2,QNX4
-         # (
-                 LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -shared -Wl,"} ;;
-  HP-UX*)
-         LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -shared $SFLAGS"}
-         case `(uname -m || echo unknown) 2>/dev/null` in
-         ia64)
-                 shared_ext='.so'
-                 SHAREDLIB='' ;;
-         *)
-                 shared_ext='.sl'
-                 SHAREDLIB='' ;;
-         esac ;;
-  Darwin* | darwin*)
-             shared_ext='.dylib'
-             SHAREDLIB=libz$shared_ext
-             SHAREDLIBV=libz.$VER$shared_ext
-             SHAREDLIBM=libz.$VER1$shared_ext
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -dynamiclib -install_name $libdir/$SHAREDLIBM -compatibility_version $VER1 -current_version $VER3"}
-             if libtool -V 2>&1 | grep Apple > /dev/null; then
-                 AR="libtool"
-             else
-                 AR="/usr/bin/libtool"
-             fi
-             ARFLAGS="-o" ;;
-  *)             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -shared"} ;;
-  esac
-  # find system name and corresponding cc options
-  CC=${CC-cc}
-  gcc=0
-  echo ... using $CC >> configure.log
-  if test -z "$uname"; then
-    uname=`(uname -sr || echo unknown) 2>/dev/null`
-  fi
-  case "$uname" in
-  HP-UX*)    SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O +z"}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O"}
-#            LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"ld -b +vnocompatwarnings"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"ld -b"}
-         case `(uname -m || echo unknown) 2>/dev/null` in
-         ia64)
-             shared_ext='.so'
-             SHAREDLIB='' ;;
-         *)
-             shared_ext='.sl'
-             SHAREDLIB='' ;;
-         esac ;;
-  IRIX*)     SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-ansi -O2 -rpath ."}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-ansi -O2"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -shared -Wl,-soname,"} ;;
-  OSF1\ V4*) SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -std1"}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -std1"}
-             LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,-rpath,."
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -shared  -Wl,-soname, -Wl,-msym -Wl,-rpath,$(libdir) -Wl,-set_version,${VER}:1.0"} ;;
-  OSF1*)     SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -std1"}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -std1"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -shared -Wl,-soname,"} ;;
-  QNX*)      SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-4 -O"}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-4 -O"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc"}
-             RANLIB=${RANLIB-"true"}
-             AR="cc"
-             ARFLAGS="-A" ;;
-  SCO_SV\ 3.2*) SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O3 -dy -KPIC "}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O3"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -dy -KPIC -G"} ;;
-  SunOS\ 5* | solaris*)
-         LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -G -h libz$shared_ext.$VER1"}
-         SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-fast -KPIC"}
-         CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-fast"}
-         if test $build64 -eq 1; then
-             # old versions of SunPRO/Workshop/Studio don't support -m64,
-             # but newer ones do.  Check for it.
-             flag64=`$CC -flags | egrep -- '^-m64'`
-             if test x"$flag64" != x"" ; then
-                 CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -m64"
-                 SFLAGS="${SFLAGS} -m64"
-             else
-                 case `(uname -m || echo unknown) 2>/dev/null` in
-                   i86*)
-                     SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -xarch=amd64"
-                     CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -xarch=amd64" ;;
-                   *)
-                     SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -xarch=v9"
-                     CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -xarch=v9" ;;
-                 esac
-             fi
-         fi
-         ;;
-  SunOS\ 4*) SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O2 -PIC"}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O2"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"ld"} ;;
-  SunStudio\ 9*) SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-fast -xcode=pic32 -xtarget=ultra3 -xarch=v9b"}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-fast -xtarget=ultra3 -xarch=v9b"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -xarch=v9b"} ;;
-  UNIX_System_V\ 4.2.0)
-             SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-KPIC -O"}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -G"} ;;
-  UNIX_SV\ 4.2MP)
-             SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-Kconform_pic -O"}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -G"} ;;
-  OpenUNIX\ 5)
-             SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-KPIC -O"}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -G"} ;;
-  AIX*)  # Courtesy of
-             SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -qmaxmem=8192"}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -qmaxmem=8192"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"xlc -G"} ;;
-  # send working options for other systems to
-  *)         SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O"}
-             CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O"}
-             LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -shared"} ;;
-  esac
-# destination names for shared library if not defined above
-echo >> configure.log
-# define functions for testing compiler and library characteristics and logging the results
-cat > $test.c <<EOF
-#error error
-if ($CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c) 2>/dev/null; then
-  try()
-  {
-    show $*
-    test "`( $* ) 2>&1 | tee -a configure.log`" = ""
-  }
-  echo - using any output from compiler to indicate an error >> configure.log
-  show $*
-  ( $* ) >> configure.log 2>&1
-  ret=$?
-  if test $ret -ne 0; then
-    echo "(exit code "$ret")" >> configure.log
-  fi
-  return $ret
-  show $*
-  got=`( $* ) 2>&1`
-  ret=$?
-  printf %s "$got" >> configure.log
-  if test $ret -ne 0; then
-    return $ret
-  fi
-  test "$got" = ""
-cat > $test.c << EOF
-int foo() { return 0; }
-echo "Checking for obsessive-compulsive compiler options..." >> configure.log
-if try $CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c; then
-  :
-  echo "Compiler error reporting is too harsh for $0 (perhaps remove -Werror)." | tee -a configure.log
-  leave 1
-echo >> configure.log
-# see if shared library build supported
-cat > $test.c <<EOF
-extern int getchar();
-int hello() {return getchar();}
-if test $shared -eq 1; then
-  echo Checking for shared library support... | tee -a configure.log
-  # we must test in two steps (cc then ld), required at least on SunOS 4.x
-  if try $CC -w -c $SFLAGS $test.c &&
-     try $LDSHARED $SFLAGS -o $test$shared_ext $test.o; then
-    echo Building shared library $SHAREDLIBV with $CC. | tee -a configure.log
-  elif test -z "$old_cc" -a -z "$old_cflags"; then
-    echo No shared library support. | tee -a configure.log
-    shared=0;
-  else
-    echo 'No shared library support; try without defining CC and CFLAGS' | tee -a configure.log
-    shared=0;
-  fi
-if test $shared -eq 0; then
-  ALL="static"
-  TEST="all teststatic"
-  echo Building static library $STATICLIB version $VER with $CC. | tee -a configure.log
-  ALL="static shared"
-  TEST="all teststatic testshared"
-# check for underscores in external names for use by assembler code
-CPP=${CPP-"$CC -E"}
-case $CFLAGS in
-  *ASMV*)
-    echo >> configure.log
-    show "$NM $test.o | grep _hello"
-    if test "`$NM $test.o | grep _hello | tee -a configure.log`" = ""; then
-      echo Checking for underline in external names... No. | tee -a configure.log
-    else
-      echo Checking for underline in external names... Yes. | tee -a configure.log
-    fi ;;
-echo >> configure.log
-# check for large file support, and if none, check for fseeko()
-cat > $test.c <<EOF
-#include <sys/types.h>
-off64_t dummy = 0;
-if try $CC -c $CFLAGS -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 $test.c; then
-  ALL="${ALL} all64"
-  TEST="${TEST} test64"
-  echo "Checking for off64_t... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-  echo "Checking for fseeko... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-  echo "Checking for off64_t... No." | tee -a configure.log
-  echo >> configure.log
-  cat > $test.c <<EOF
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(void) {
-  fseeko(NULL, 0, 0);
-  return 0;
-  if try $CC $CFLAGS -o $test $test.c; then
-    echo "Checking for fseeko... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-  else
-    echo "Checking for fseeko... No." | tee -a configure.log
-  fi
-echo >> configure.log
-# check for strerror() for use by gz* functions
-cat > $test.c <<EOF
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-int main() { return strlen(strerror(errno)); }
-if try $CC $CFLAGS -o $test $test.c; then
-  echo "Checking for strerror... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-  echo "Checking for strerror... No." | tee -a configure.log
-# copy clean zconf.h for subsequent edits
-cp -p zconf.h
-echo >> configure.log
-# check for unistd.h and save result in zconf.h
-cat > $test.c <<EOF
-#include <unistd.h>
-int main() { return 0; }
-if try $CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c; then
-  sed < zconf.h "/^#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H.* may be/s/def HAVE_UNISTD_H\(.*\) may be/ 1\1 was/" > zconf.temp.h
-  mv zconf.temp.h zconf.h
-  echo "Checking for unistd.h... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-  echo "Checking for unistd.h... No." | tee -a configure.log
-echo >> configure.log
-# check for stdarg.h and save result in zconf.h
-cat > $test.c <<EOF
-#include <stdarg.h>
-int main() { return 0; }
-if try $CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c; then
-  sed < zconf.h "/^#ifdef HAVE_STDARG_H.* may be/s/def HAVE_STDARG_H\(.*\) may be/ 1\1 was/" > zconf.temp.h
-  mv zconf.temp.h zconf.h
-  echo "Checking for stdarg.h... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-  echo "Checking for stdarg.h... No." | tee -a configure.log
-# if the z_ prefix was requested, save that in zconf.h
-if test $zprefix -eq 1; then
-  sed < zconf.h "/#ifdef Z_PREFIX.* may be/s/def Z_PREFIX\(.*\) may be/ 1\1 was/" > zconf.temp.h
-  mv zconf.temp.h zconf.h
-  echo >> configure.log
-  echo "Using z_ prefix on all symbols." | tee -a configure.log
-# if --solo compilation was requested, save that in zconf.h and remove gz stuff from object lists
-if test $solo -eq 1; then
-  sed '/#define ZCONF_H/a\
-#define Z_SOLO
-' < zconf.h > zconf.temp.h
-  mv zconf.temp.h zconf.h
-# if code coverage testing was requested, use older gcc if defined, e.g. "gcc-4.2" on Mac OS X
-if test $cover -eq 1; then
-  CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage"
-  if test -n "$GCC_CLASSIC"; then
-  fi
-echo >> configure.log
-# conduct a series of tests to resolve eight possible cases of using "vs" or "s" printf functions
-# (using stdarg or not), with or without "n" (proving size of buffer), and with or without a
-# return value.  The most secure result is vsnprintf() with a return value.  snprintf() with a
-# return value is secure as well, but then gzprintf() will be limited to 20 arguments.
-cat > $test.c <<EOF
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "zconf.h"
-int main()
-#ifndef STDC
-  choke me
-  return 0;
-if try $CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c; then
-  echo "Checking whether to use vs[n]printf() or s[n]printf()... using vs[n]printf()." | tee -a configure.log
-  echo >> configure.log
-  cat > $test.c <<EOF
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-int mytest(const char *fmt, ...)
-  char buf[20];
-  va_list ap;
-  va_start(ap, fmt);
-  vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
-  va_end(ap);
-  return 0;
-int main()
-  return (mytest("Hello%d\n", 1));
-  if try $CC $CFLAGS -o $test $test.c; then
-    echo "Checking for vsnprintf() in stdio.h... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-    echo >> configure.log
-    cat >$test.c <<EOF
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-int mytest(const char *fmt, ...)
-  int n;
-  char buf[20];
-  va_list ap;
-  va_start(ap, fmt);
-  n = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
-  va_end(ap);
-  return n;
-int main()
-  return (mytest("Hello%d\n", 1));
-    if try $CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c; then
-      echo "Checking for return value of vsnprintf()... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-    else
-      CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DHAS_vsnprintf_void"
-      SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DHAS_vsnprintf_void"
-      echo "Checking for return value of vsnprintf()... No." | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  WARNING: apparently vsnprintf() does not return a value. zlib" | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  can build but will be open to possible string-format security" | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  vulnerabilities." | tee -a configure.log
-    fi
-  else
-    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DNO_vsnprintf"
-    SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DNO_vsnprintf"
-    echo "Checking for vsnprintf() in stdio.h... No." | tee -a configure.log
-    echo "  WARNING: vsnprintf() not found, falling back to vsprintf(). zlib" | tee -a configure.log
-    echo "  can build but will be open to possible buffer-overflow security" | tee -a configure.log
-    echo "  vulnerabilities." | tee -a configure.log
-    echo >> configure.log
-    cat >$test.c <<EOF
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-int mytest(const char *fmt, ...)
-  int n;
-  char buf[20];
-  va_list ap;
-  va_start(ap, fmt);
-  n = vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
-  va_end(ap);
-  return n;
-int main()
-  return (mytest("Hello%d\n", 1));
-    if try $CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c; then
-      echo "Checking for return value of vsprintf()... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-    else
-      CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DHAS_vsprintf_void"
-      SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DHAS_vsprintf_void"
-      echo "Checking for return value of vsprintf()... No." | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  WARNING: apparently vsprintf() does not return a value. zlib" | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  can build but will be open to possible string-format security" | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  vulnerabilities." | tee -a configure.log
-    fi
-  fi
-  echo "Checking whether to use vs[n]printf() or s[n]printf()... using s[n]printf()." | tee -a configure.log
-  echo >> configure.log
-  cat >$test.c <<EOF
-#include <stdio.h>
-int mytest()
-  char buf[20];
-  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "foo");
-  return 0;
-int main()
-  return (mytest());
-  if try $CC $CFLAGS -o $test $test.c; then
-    echo "Checking for snprintf() in stdio.h... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-    echo >> configure.log
-    cat >$test.c <<EOF
-#include <stdio.h>
-int mytest()
-  char buf[20];
-  return snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "foo");
-int main()
-  return (mytest());
-    if try $CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c; then
-      echo "Checking for return value of snprintf()... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-    else
-      CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DHAS_snprintf_void"
-      SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DHAS_snprintf_void"
-      echo "Checking for return value of snprintf()... No." | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  WARNING: apparently snprintf() does not return a value. zlib" | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  can build but will be open to possible string-format security" | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  vulnerabilities." | tee -a configure.log
-    fi
-  else
-    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DNO_snprintf"
-    SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DNO_snprintf"
-    echo "Checking for snprintf() in stdio.h... No." | tee -a configure.log
-    echo "  WARNING: snprintf() not found, falling back to sprintf(). zlib" | tee -a configure.log
-    echo "  can build but will be open to possible buffer-overflow security" | tee -a configure.log
-    echo "  vulnerabilities." | tee -a configure.log
-    echo >> configure.log
-    cat >$test.c <<EOF
-#include <stdio.h>
-int mytest()
-  char buf[20];
-  return sprintf(buf, "%s", "foo");
-int main()
-  return (mytest());
-    if try $CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c; then
-      echo "Checking for return value of sprintf()... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-    else
-      CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DHAS_sprintf_void"
-      SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DHAS_sprintf_void"
-      echo "Checking for return value of sprintf()... No." | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  WARNING: apparently sprintf() does not return a value. zlib" | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  can build but will be open to possible string-format security" | tee -a configure.log
-      echo "  vulnerabilities." | tee -a configure.log
-    fi
-  fi
-# see if we can hide zlib internal symbols that are linked between separate source files
-if test "$gcc" -eq 1; then
-  echo >> configure.log
-  cat > $test.c <<EOF
-#define ZLIB_INTERNAL __attribute__((visibility ("hidden")))
-int main()
-  return 0;
-  if tryboth $CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c; then
-    echo "Checking for attribute(visibility) support... Yes." | tee -a configure.log
-  else
-    echo "Checking for attribute(visibility) support... No." | tee -a configure.log
-  fi
-# show the results in the log
-echo >> configure.log
-echo ALL = $ALL >> configure.log
-echo AR = $AR >> configure.log
-echo ARFLAGS = $ARFLAGS >> configure.log
-echo CC = $CC >> configure.log
-echo CFLAGS = $CFLAGS >> configure.log
-echo CPP = $CPP >> configure.log
-echo EXE = $EXE >> configure.log
-echo LDCONFIG = $LDCONFIG >> configure.log
-echo LDFLAGS = $LDFLAGS >> configure.log
-echo LDSHARED = $LDSHARED >> configure.log
-echo LDSHAREDLIBC = $LDSHAREDLIBC >> configure.log
-echo OBJC = $OBJC >> configure.log
-echo PIC_OBJC = $PIC_OBJC >> configure.log
-echo RANLIB = $RANLIB >> configure.log
-echo SFLAGS = $SFLAGS >> configure.log
-echo SHAREDLIB = $SHAREDLIB >> configure.log
-echo SHAREDLIBM = $SHAREDLIBM >> configure.log
-echo SHAREDLIBV = $SHAREDLIBV >> configure.log
-echo STATICLIB = $STATICLIB >> configure.log
-echo TEST = $TEST >> configure.log
-echo VER = $VER >> configure.log
-echo Z_U4 = $Z_U4 >> configure.log
-echo exec_prefix = $exec_prefix >> configure.log
-echo includedir = $includedir >> configure.log
-echo libdir = $libdir >> configure.log
-echo mandir = $mandir >> configure.log
-echo prefix = $prefix >> configure.log
-echo sharedlibdir = $sharedlibdir >> configure.log
-echo uname = $uname >> configure.log
-# udpate Makefile with the configure results
-sed < "
-/^CC *=/s#=.*#=$CC#
-/^CFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$CFLAGS#
-/^SFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$SFLAGS#
-/^LDFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$LDFLAGS#
-/^LDSHARED *=/s#=.*#=$LDSHARED#
-/^CPP *=/s#=.*#=$CPP#
-/^AR *=/s#=.*#=$AR#
-/^ARFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$ARFLAGS#
-/^RANLIB *=/s#=.*#=$RANLIB#
-/^LDCONFIG *=/s#=.*#=$LDCONFIG#
-/^EXE *=/s#=.*#=$EXE#
-/^prefix *=/s#=.*#=$prefix#
-/^exec_prefix *=/s#=.*#=$exec_prefix#
-/^libdir *=/s#=.*#=$libdir#
-/^sharedlibdir *=/s#=.*#=$sharedlibdir#
-/^includedir *=/s#=.*#=$includedir#
-/^mandir *=/s#=.*#=$mandir#
-/^OBJC *=/s#=.*#= $OBJC#
-/^PIC_OBJC *=/s#=.*#= $PIC_OBJC#
-/^all: */s#:.*#: $ALL#
-/^test: */s#:.*#: $TEST#
-" > Makefile
-# create zlib.pc with the configure results
-sed < "
-/^CC *=/s#=.*#=$CC#
-/^CFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$CFLAGS#
-/^CPP *=/s#=.*#=$CPP#
-/^LDSHARED *=/s#=.*#=$LDSHARED#
-/^AR *=/s#=.*#=$AR#
-/^ARFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$ARFLAGS#
-/^RANLIB *=/s#=.*#=$RANLIB#
-/^EXE *=/s#=.*#=$EXE#
-/^prefix *=/s#=.*#=$prefix#
-/^exec_prefix *=/s#=.*#=$exec_prefix#
-/^libdir *=/s#=.*#=$libdir#
-/^sharedlibdir *=/s#=.*#=$sharedlibdir#
-/^includedir *=/s#=.*#=$includedir#
-/^mandir *=/s#=.*#=$mandir#
-/^LDFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$LDFLAGS#
-" | sed -e "
-" > zlib.pc
-# done
-leave 0
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/README.contrib b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/README.contrib
deleted file mode 100644
index c66349b..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/README.contrib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-All files under this contrib directory are UNSUPPORTED. There were
-provided by users of zlib and were not tested by the authors of zlib.
-Use at your own risk. Please contact the authors of the contributions
-for help about these, not the zlib authors. Thanks.
-ada/        by Dmitriy Anisimkov <>
-        Support for Ada
-        See
-amd64/      by Mikhail Teterin <>
-        asm code for AMD64
-        See patch at
-asm686/     by Brian Raiter <>
-        asm code for Pentium and PPro/PII, using the AT&T (GNU as) syntax
-        See
-blast/      by Mark Adler <>
-        Decompressor for output of PKWare Data Compression Library (DCL)
-delphi/     by Cosmin Truta <>
-        Support for Delphi and C++ Builder
-dotzlib/    by Henrik Ravn <>
-        Support for Microsoft .Net and Visual C++ .Net
-gcc_gvmat64/by Gilles Vollant <>
-        GCC Version of x86 64-bit (AMD64 and Intel EM64t) code for x64
-        assembler to replace longest_match() and inflate_fast()
-infback9/   by Mark Adler <>
-        Unsupported diffs to infback to decode the deflate64 format
-inflate86/  by Chris Anderson <>
-        Tuned x86 gcc asm code to replace inflate_fast()
-iostream/   by Kevin Ruland <>
-        A C++ I/O streams interface to the zlib gz* functions
-iostream2/  by Tyge L�vset <>
-        Another C++ I/O streams interface
-iostream3/  by Ludwig Schwardt <>
-            and Kevin Ruland <>
-        Yet another C++ I/O streams interface
-masmx64/    by Gilles Vollant <>
-        x86 64-bit (AMD64 and Intel EM64t) code for x64 assembler to
-        replace longest_match() and inflate_fast(),  also masm x86
-        64-bits translation of Chris Anderson inflate_fast()
-masmx86/    by Gilles Vollant <>
-        x86 asm code to replace longest_match() and inflate_fast(),
-        for Visual C++ and MASM (32 bits).
-        Based on Brian Raiter (asm686) and Chris Anderson (inflate86)
-minizip/    by Gilles Vollant <>
-        Mini zip and unzip based on zlib
-        Includes Zip64 support by Mathias Svensson <>
-        See
-pascal/     by Bob Dellaca <> et al.
-        Support for Pascal
-puff/       by Mark Adler <>
-        Small, low memory usage inflate.  Also serves to provide an
-        unambiguous description of the deflate format.
-testzlib/   by Gilles Vollant <>
-        Example of the use of zlib
-untgz/      by Pedro A. Aranda Gutierrez <>
-        A very simple tar.gz file extractor using zlib
-vstudio/    by Gilles Vollant <>
-        Building a minizip-enhanced zlib with Microsoft Visual Studio
-        Includes vc11 from kreuzerkrieg and vc12 from davispuh
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/buffer_demo.adb b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/buffer_demo.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b8638..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/buffer_demo.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
---  ZLib for Ada thick binding.                               --
---                                                            --
---  Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Dmitriy Anisimkov                 --
---                                                            --
---  Open source license information is in the file.  --
---  $Id: buffer_demo.adb,v 1.3 2004/09/06 06:55:35 vagul Exp $
---  This demo program provided by Dr Steve Sangwine <>
---  Demonstration of a problem with Zlib-Ada (already fixed) when a buffer
---  of exactly the correct size is used for decompressed data, and the last
---  few bytes passed in to Zlib are checksum bytes.
---  This program compresses a string of text, and then decompresses the
---  compressed text into a buffer of the same size as the original text.
-with Ada.Streams; use Ada.Streams;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with ZLib; use ZLib;
-procedure Buffer_Demo is
-   EOL  : Character renames ASCII.LF;
-   Text : constant String
-     := "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth," & EOL &
-        "upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty," & EOL &
-        "and dedicated to the proposition that `all men are created equal'.";
-   Source : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Text'Length);
-   for Source'Address use Text'Address;
-   Ada.Text_IO.Put (Text);
-   Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
-   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
-     ("Uncompressed size : " & Positive'Image (Text'Length) & " bytes");
-   declare
-      Compressed_Data : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Text'Length);
-      L               : Stream_Element_Offset;
-   begin
-      Compress : declare
-         Compressor : Filter_Type;
-         I : Stream_Element_Offset;
-      begin
-         Deflate_Init (Compressor);
-         --  Compress the whole of T at once.
-         Translate (Compressor, Source, I, Compressed_Data, L, Finish);
-         pragma Assert (I = Source'Last);
-         Close (Compressor);
-         Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
-           ("Compressed size :   "
-            & Stream_Element_Offset'Image (L) & " bytes");
-      end Compress;
-      --  Now we decompress the data, passing short blocks of data to Zlib
-      --  (because this demonstrates the problem - the last block passed will
-      --  contain checksum information and there will be no output, only a
-      --  check inside Zlib that the checksum is correct).
-      Decompress : declare
-         Decompressor : Filter_Type;
-         Uncompressed_Data : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Text'Length);
-         Block_Size : constant := 4;
-         --  This makes sure that the last block contains
-         --  only Adler checksum data.
-         P : Stream_Element_Offset := Compressed_Data'First - 1;
-         O : Stream_Element_Offset;
-      begin
-         Inflate_Init (Decompressor);
-         loop
-            Translate
-              (Decompressor,
-               Compressed_Data
-                 (P + 1 .. Stream_Element_Offset'Min (P + Block_Size, L)),
-               P,
-               Uncompressed_Data
-                 (Total_Out (Decompressor) + 1 .. Uncompressed_Data'Last),
-               O,
-               No_Flush);
-               Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
-                 ("Total in : " & Count'Image (Total_In (Decompressor)) &
-                  ", out : " & Count'Image (Total_Out (Decompressor)));
-               exit when P = L;
-         end loop;
-         Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
-         Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
-           ("Decompressed text matches original text : "
-             & Boolean'Image (Uncompressed_Data = Source));
-      end Decompress;
-   end;
-end Buffer_Demo;
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/mtest.adb b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/mtest.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index c4dfd08..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/mtest.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
---  ZLib for Ada thick binding.                               --
---                                                            --
---  Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Dmitriy Anisimkov                 --
---                                                            --
---  Open source license information is in the file.  --
---  Continuous test for ZLib multithreading. If the test would fail
---  we should provide thread safe allocation routines for the Z_Stream.
---  $Id: mtest.adb,v 1.4 2004/07/23 07:49:54 vagul Exp $
-with ZLib;
-with Ada.Streams;
-with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Exceptions;
-with Ada.Task_Identification;
-procedure MTest is
-   use Ada.Streams;
-   use ZLib;
-   Stop : Boolean := False;
-   pragma Atomic (Stop);
-   subtype Visible_Symbols is Stream_Element range 16#20# .. 16#7E#;
-   package Random_Elements is
-      new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Visible_Symbols);
-   task type Test_Task;
-   task body Test_Task is
-      Buffer : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. 100_000);
-      Gen : Random_Elements.Generator;
-      Buffer_First  : Stream_Element_Offset;
-      Compare_First : Stream_Element_Offset;
-      Deflate : Filter_Type;
-      Inflate : Filter_Type;
-      procedure Further (Item : in Stream_Element_Array);
-      procedure Read_Buffer
-        (Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
-         Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset);
-      -------------
-      -- Further --
-      -------------
-      procedure Further (Item : in Stream_Element_Array) is
-         procedure Compare (Item : in Stream_Element_Array);
-         -------------
-         -- Compare --
-         -------------
-         procedure Compare (Item : in Stream_Element_Array) is
-            Next_First : Stream_Element_Offset := Compare_First + Item'Length;
-         begin
-            if Buffer (Compare_First .. Next_First - 1) /= Item then
-               raise Program_Error;
-            end if;
-            Compare_First := Next_First;
-         end Compare;
-         procedure Compare_Write is new ZLib.Write (Write => Compare);
-      begin
-         Compare_Write (Inflate, Item, No_Flush);
-      end Further;
-      -----------------
-      -- Read_Buffer --
-      -----------------
-      procedure Read_Buffer
-        (Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
-         Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset)
-      is
-         Buff_Diff   : Stream_Element_Offset := Buffer'Last - Buffer_First;
-         Next_First : Stream_Element_Offset;
-      begin
-         if Item'Length <= Buff_Diff then
-            Last := Item'Last;
-            Next_First := Buffer_First + Item'Length;
-            Item := Buffer (Buffer_First .. Next_First - 1);
-            Buffer_First := Next_First;
-         else
-            Last := Item'First + Buff_Diff;
-            Item (Item'First .. Last) := Buffer (Buffer_First .. Buffer'Last);
-            Buffer_First := Buffer'Last + 1;
-         end if;
-      end Read_Buffer;
-      procedure Translate is new Generic_Translate
-                                   (Data_In  => Read_Buffer,
-                                    Data_Out => Further);
-   begin
-      Random_Elements.Reset (Gen);
-      Buffer := (others => 20);
-      Main : loop
-         for J in Buffer'Range loop
-            Buffer (J) := Random_Elements.Random (Gen);
-            Deflate_Init (Deflate);
-            Inflate_Init (Inflate);
-            Buffer_First  := Buffer'First;
-            Compare_First := Buffer'First;
-            Translate (Deflate);
-            if Compare_First /= Buffer'Last + 1 then
-               raise Program_Error;
-            end if;
-            Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
-              (Ada.Task_Identification.Image
-                 (Ada.Task_Identification.Current_Task)
-               & Stream_Element_Offset'Image (J)
-               & ZLib.Count'Image (Total_Out (Deflate)));
-            Close (Deflate);
-            Close (Inflate);
-            exit Main when Stop;
-         end loop;
-      end loop Main;
-   exception
-      when E : others =>
-         Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E));
-         Stop := True;
-   end Test_Task;
-   Test : array (1 .. 4) of Test_Task;
-   pragma Unreferenced (Test);
-   Dummy : Character;
-   Ada.Text_IO.Get_Immediate (Dummy);
-   Stop := True;
-end MTest;
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/read.adb b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/read.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f2efbf..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/read.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
---  ZLib for Ada thick binding.                               --
---                                                            --
---  Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Dmitriy Anisimkov                 --
---                                                            --
---  Open source license information is in the file.  --
---  $Id: read.adb,v 1.8 2004/05/31 10:53:40 vagul Exp $
---  Test/demo program for the generic read interface.
-with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
-with Ada.Streams;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with ZLib;
-procedure Read is
-   use Ada.Streams;
-   ------------------------------------
-   --  Test configuration parameters --
-   ------------------------------------
-   File_Size   : Stream_Element_Offset := 100_000;
-   Continuous  : constant Boolean          := False;
-   --  If this constant is True, the test would be repeated again and again,
-   --  with increment File_Size for every iteration.
-   Header      : constant ZLib.Header_Type := ZLib.Default;
-   --  Do not use Header other than Default in ZLib versions 1.1.4 and older.
-   Init_Random : constant := 8;
-   --  We are using the same random sequence, in case of we catch bug,
-   --  so we would be able to reproduce it.
-   -- End --
-   Pack_Size : Stream_Element_Offset;
-   Offset    : Stream_Element_Offset;
-   Filter     : ZLib.Filter_Type;
-   subtype Visible_Symbols
-      is Stream_Element range 16#20# .. 16#7E#;
-   package Random_Elements is new
-      Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Visible_Symbols);
-   Gen : Random_Elements.Generator;
-   Period  : constant Stream_Element_Offset := 200;
-   --  Period constant variable for random generator not to be very random.
-   --  Bigger period, harder random.
-   Read_Buffer : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. 2048);
-   Read_First  : Stream_Element_Offset;
-   Read_Last   : Stream_Element_Offset;
-   procedure Reset;
-   procedure Read
-     (Item : out Stream_Element_Array;
-      Last : out Stream_Element_Offset);
-   --  this procedure is for generic instantiation of
-   --  ZLib.Read
-   --  reading data from the File_In.
-   procedure Read is new ZLib.Read
-                           (Read,
-                            Read_Buffer,
-                            Rest_First => Read_First,
-                            Rest_Last  => Read_Last);
-   ----------
-   -- Read --
-   ----------
-   procedure Read
-     (Item : out Stream_Element_Array;
-      Last : out Stream_Element_Offset) is
-   begin
-      Last := Stream_Element_Offset'Min
-               (Item'Last,
-                Item'First + File_Size - Offset);
-      for J in Item'First .. Last loop
-         if J < Item'First + Period then
-            Item (J) := Random_Elements.Random (Gen);
-         else
-            Item (J) := Item (J - Period);
-         end if;
-         Offset   := Offset + 1;
-      end loop;
-   end Read;
-   -----------
-   -- Reset --
-   -----------
-   procedure Reset is
-   begin
-      Random_Elements.Reset (Gen, Init_Random);
-      Pack_Size := 0;
-      Offset := 1;
-      Read_First := Read_Buffer'Last + 1;
-      Read_Last  := Read_Buffer'Last;
-   end Reset;
-   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("ZLib " & ZLib.Version);
-   loop
-      for Level in ZLib.Compression_Level'Range loop
-         Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Level ="
-            & ZLib.Compression_Level'Image (Level));
-         --  Deflate using generic instantiation.
-         ZLib.Deflate_Init
-               (Filter,
-                Level,
-                Header => Header);
-         Reset;
-         Ada.Text_IO.Put
-           (Stream_Element_Offset'Image (File_Size) & " ->");
-         loop
-            declare
-               Buffer : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. 1024);
-               Last   : Stream_Element_Offset;
-            begin
-               Read (Filter, Buffer, Last);
-               Pack_Size := Pack_Size + Last - Buffer'First + 1;
-               exit when Last < Buffer'Last;
-            end;
-         end loop;
-         Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Stream_Element_Offset'Image (Pack_Size));
-         ZLib.Close (Filter);
-      end loop;
-      exit when not Continuous;
-      File_Size := File_Size + 1;
-   end loop;
-end Read;
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/readme.txt b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ce4d2ca..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/ada/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-                        ZLib for Ada thick binding (ZLib.Ada)
-                        Release 1.3
-ZLib.Ada is a thick binding interface to the popular ZLib data
-compression library, available at
-It provides Ada-style access to the ZLib C library.
-        Here are the main changes since ZLib.Ada 1.2:
-- Attension: ZLib.Read generic routine have a initialization requirement
-  for Read_Last parameter now. It is a bit incompartible with previous version,
-  but extends functionality, we could use new parameters Allow_Read_Some and
-  Flush now.
-- Added Is_Open routines to ZLib and ZLib.Streams packages.
-- Add pragma Assert to check Stream_Element is 8 bit.
-- Fix extraction to buffer with exact known decompressed size. Error reported by
-  Steve Sangwine.
-- Fix definition of ULong (changed to unsigned_long), fix regression on 64 bits
-  computers. Patch provided by Pascal Obry.
-- Add Status_Error exception definition.
-- Add pragma Assertion that Ada.Streams.Stream_Element size is 8 bit.
-        How to build ZLib.Ada under GNAT
-You should have the ZLib library already build on your computer, before
-building ZLib.Ada. Make the directory of ZLib.Ada sources current and
-issue the command:
-  gnatmake test -largs -L<directory where libz.a is> -lz
-Or use the GNAT project file build for GNAT 3.15 or later:
-  gnatmake -Pzlib.gpr -L<directory where libz.a is>
-        How to build ZLib.Ada under Aonix ObjectAda for Win32 7.2.2
-1. Make a project with all *.ads and *.adb files from the distribution.
-2. Build the libz.a library from the ZLib C sources.
-3. Rename libz.a to z.lib.
-4. Add the library z.lib to the project.
-5. Add the libc.lib library from the ObjectAda distribution to the project.
-6. Build the executable using test.adb as a main procedure.
-        How to use ZLib.Ada
-The source files test.adb and read.adb are small demo programs that show
-the main functionality of ZLib.Ada.
-The routines from the package specifications are commented.
-Author: Dmitriy Anisimkov <>
-Contributors: Pascal Obry <>, Steve Sangwine <>