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svn commit: r473209 - /webservices/axis2/branches/java/1_1/xdocs/1_1/pojo.html

Author: chatra
Date: Thu Nov  9 22:46:42 2006
New Revision: 473209

changed the URLs and paths of the source code now found in the samples directory


Modified: webservices/axis2/branches/java/1_1/xdocs/1_1/pojo.html
--- webservices/axis2/branches/java/1_1/xdocs/1_1/pojo.html (original)
+++ webservices/axis2/branches/java/1_1/xdocs/1_1/pojo.html Thu Nov  9 22:46:42 2006
@@ -1,601 +1,603 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding=""?>
-<html lang="en">
-  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="">
-  <title>POJO Web Services using Axis2</title>
-<body lang="en">
-<h1>POJO Web Services using Apache Axis2</h1>
-<p>Want a quick way to get a Web service up and running in no time? Well
-then, you should consider creating a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) to deploy
-using Apache Axis2 on Apache Tomcat. POJOs are fast to build and easy to
-maintain, meaning you'll save a lot of time building and debugging your code.
-This document shows you how to take a simple POJO, and deploy it on Apache
-Tomcat as a Web service in the exploded directory format. You'll also be
-shown how to take a POJO based on the Spring Framework, and deploy that as an
-AAR packaged Web service on Tomcat.</p>
-  <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#pojo">The POJO</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#pojows">POJO Web service using Apache Axis2 and Tomcat</a>
-    <ul>
-      <li><a href="#definingservice">Defining the Service:
-      services.xml</a></li>
-    </ul>
-  </li>
-  <li><a href="#buildpojows">Building the POJO Web Service Using Ant</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#testingpojows">Testing the POJO Web Service Using
-    RPCServiceClient</a>
-    <ul>
-      <li><a href="#limitationspojo">Limitations and Strengths of
-      POJO</a></li>
-    </ul>
-  </li>
-  <li><a href="#springpojows">Spring-based POJO Web Service</a>
-    <ul>
-      <li><a href="#quickintro">Quick Introduction</a></li>
-      <li><a href="#servicedef">The Service Definition: services.xml</a></li>
-      <li><a href="#initializingspring">Initializing the Spring application
-        context: SpringInit</a></li>
-      <li><a href="#testingrpc">Testing Using an RPCServiceClient</a></li>
-    </ul>
-  </li>
-  <li><a href="#summary">Summary</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#furtherstudy">For Further Study</a></li>
-<a name="introduction"></a>
-<p>The task of building a Web service can sometimes be overwhelming, but not
-with POJOs! The old-school Plain Old Java Object is a simple and quick way to
-get most, if not all, of your currently existing Java classes up on the Web
-as readily accessible Web services. This document will show you how to build
-a POJO-style Web service with Apache Axis2 and Tomcat, organized as
-  <li>The POJO: This is the Java class that you'll use throughout this
-    document</li>
-  <li>POJO deployment</li>
-  <li>Test the POJO Web service using an RPC based client</li>
-  <li>Limitations of straight POJO</li>
-  <li>Spring-based POJO Web service and deployment</li>
-<p>The code for the document can be found <a
-href="src/">here</a>, and it might help to go grab it now to
-help you as you follow along. Let's get started.</p>
-<a name="pojo"></a>
-<h2>The POJO</h2>
-<p>The POJO you'll be using throughout this document is a Weather service
-POJO that consists of two classes: WeatherService and Weather. Weather
-contains the Weather data: Temperature, forecast, rain (will it rain?), and
-howMuchRain (See Code Listing 1).</p>
-<p><b>Code Listing 1: The Weather POJO</b></p>
-public class Weather{
-    float temperature;
-    String forecast;
-    boolean rain;
-    float howMuchRain;
-    public void setTemperature(float temp){
-        temperature = temp;
-    }
-    public float getTemperature(){
-        return temperature;
-    }
-    public void setForecast(String fore){
-        forecast = fore;
-    }
-    public String getForecast(){
-        return forecast;
-    }
-    public void setRain(boolean r){
-        rain = r;
-    }
-    public boolean getRain(){
-        return rain;
-    }
-    public void setHowMuchRain(float howMuch){
-        howMuchRain = howMuch;
-    }
-    public float getHowMuchRain(){
-        return howMuchRain;
-    }
-<p>And here's the WeatherService class, shown in Code Listing 2.</p>
-<p><b>Code Listing 2: The WeatherService class</b></p>
-<pre>package sample.pojo.service;
-public class WeatherService{
-    Weather weather;
-    public void setWeather(Weather weather){
- = weather;
-    }
-    public Weather getWeather(){
-        return;
-    }
-<p>Note that it's all just straight POJOs with field items and
-<code>getter</code> and <code>setter</code> methods for each field. Next,
-you'll take a look at what you need to do to make it ready for deployment on
-Apache Axis2 and Tomcat.</p>
-<a name="pojows"></a>
-<h2>POJO Web Service Using Apache Axis2 and Tomcat</h2>
-<p>Got the POJOs? Great. This section will show you how to package them in
-the exploded directory format for easy deployment. First you'll look at the
-services.xml file that defines the Web service, and then you'll build the
-files using <a href="">Apache Ant</a>, and deploy the
-Web service on Tomcat.</p>
-<a name="definingservice"></a>
-<h3>Defining the Service: services.xml</h3>
-<p>Before Axis2 can understand what is going on, you have to tell it to use
-the services.xml file. Let's get right into it (see Code Listing 3).</p>
-<p><b>Code Listing 3: The service definition file: services.xml</b></p>
-<pre>&lt;service name="WeatherService" scope="application"&gt;
-    &lt;description&gt;
-        Weather POJO Service
-    &lt;/description&gt;
-    &lt;messageReceivers&gt;
-        &lt;messageReceiver 
-            mep=""
-    class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver"/&gt;
-        &lt;messageReceiver
-            mep=""
-    class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver"/&gt;
-    &lt;/messageReceivers&gt;
-    &lt;parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="false"&gt;
-        sample.pojo.service.WeatherService
-    &lt;/parameter&gt;
-<p>The name of the service is specified as WeatherService and the scope of
-the service is application. As you can see in the
-WeatherService POJO, there are two methods, an IN-ONLY method and a IN-OUT
-method, hence the ordering for the messageReceiver elements within the
-messageReceivers tag. Lastly, the ServiceClass parameter specifies the class
-of the Web service, which is sample.pojo.service.WeatherService. When
-operations of your Web service get called, the methods of the WeatherService
-class will be called. Next you'll take a look at an easy method of building
-your application using Ant.</p>
-<a name="buildpojows"></a>
-<h2>Building the POJO Web Service Using Apache Ant</h2>
-<p><a href="">Ant</a> is a slick build tool. It helps
-reduce time to build applications, and several of the Axis2 command-line
-tools create build.xml files for you, so that's why we'll use it here. We
-won't go into the build.xml file that you'll be using in too much detail, so
-here are the main Ant tasks you'll be using:</p>
-  <li>generate.service -- This Ant task builds all the service relevant
-    source and copies the files to build/WeatherService</li>
-  <li>rpc.client -- This task builds the client relevant files, builds a JAR
-    at <em>build/lib/rpc-client.jar</em>, and then runs the client</li>
-<p>Before you can build the source, however, you'll need to download the
-Axis2 1.1-bin and 1.1-war distributions <a
-href="../../download/1_1/download.html">here</a>. Then modify the following
-line inside the build.xml file (in the axis2POJO directory of the <a
-href="src/">source code</a> for this document) :</p>
-<pre>&lt;property name="axis2.home" value="c:\apps\axis2" /&gt;</pre>
-<p>This modification contains the path to the root of the unzipped Axis2
-1.1-bin <a href="../../download/1_1/download.html#std-bin">download</a>. With
-that explanation, you'll now build the source by typing the following: ant</p>
-<p>The following directory format should now exist at
-<pre> - WeatherService
-   - META-INF
-     - services.xml
-   - sample
-     - pojo
-       - data
-         - Weather.class
-       - service
-         - WeatherService.class</pre>
-<p>Simple isn't it? An excellent way to dive into Web services
-<p>Now get a <a href="">Tomcat</a> distribution (I
-used v5.5), and start it up by running <em>bin/startup.bat</em> or
-<em>bin/</em>. Once it's running, deploy the Axis2 1.1-war by
-copying the axis2.war file to Tomcat's webapps directory. Tomcat will proceed
-by deploying axis2 and un-archive it into the webapps directory. Now copy the
-WeatherService directory created when building our project to:
-<p>The service should quickly deploy, and you'll test the Web service using
-the RPCServiceClient in the next section.</p>
-<a name="testingpojows"></a>
-<h2>Testing the POJO Web Service Using RPCServiceClient</h2>
-<p>OK, so the Web service should be running on Tomcat. Now you'll build a
-simple RPCServiceClient and test the POJO Web service. You'll first start out
-with the class constructs, creating the RPCServiceClient and initializing the
-values of the Weather class within the Web service (See Code Listing 4).</p>
-<p><b>Code Listing 4: Setting the weather</b></p>
-<pre>package sample.pojo.rpcclient;
-import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
-import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
-import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference;
-import org.apache.axis2.client.Options;
-import org.apache.axis2.rpc.client.RPCServiceClient;
-public class WeatherRPCClient {
-    public static void main(String[] args1) throws AxisFault {
-        RPCServiceClient serviceClient = new RPCServiceClient();
-        Options options = serviceClient.getOptions();
-        EndpointReference targetEPR = new EndpointReference(
-                <b>"http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/WeatherService");</b>
-        options.setTo(targetEPR);
-        // Setting the weather
-        QName opSetWeather =
-            new QName("http://service.pojo.sample/xsd", "<b>setWeather");
-        Weather w = new Weather();
-        w.setTemperature((float)39.3);
-        w.setForecast("Cloudy with showers");
-        w.setRain(true);
-        w.setHowMuchRain((float)4.5);
-        Object[] opSetWeatherArgs = new Object[] { w };
-        serviceClient.invokeRobust(opSetWeather, opSetWeatherArgs);</b>
-<p>The most interesting code to note is in bold font. Notice the targetEPR
-variable you create, setting the endpoint reference to
-http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/WeatherService. This is where you
-deployed it on Axis2. You can also verify this by asking Axis2 to list its
-services by going to the following URL:
-<p>Next the opSetWeather variable gets setup, pointing to the setWeather
-operation. Then the Weather data gets created and initialized. Lastly, you
-invoke the Web service, which initializes the weather data (you'll verify
-this soon). Next you get back the weather data (see Code Listing 5).</p>
-<p><b>Code Listing 5: Getting the weather data</b></p>
-        serviceClient.invokeRobust(opSetWeather, opSetWeatherArgs);
-        // Getting the weather
-        QName opGetWeather =
-            new QName("http://service.pojo.sample/xsd", "<b>getWeather");
-        Object[] opGetWeatherArgs = new Object[] { };
-        Class[] returnTypes = new Class[] { Weather.class };
-        Object[] response = serviceClient.invokeBlocking(opGetWeather,
-                opGetWeatherArgs, returnTypes);
-        Weather result = (Weather) response[0];
-        if (result == null) {
-            System.out.println("Weather didn't initialize!");
-            return;
-        }</b>
-<p>First you set the operation in opGetWeather to getWeather. Then you create
-an empty argument list. Note this time you expect something back from the Web
-service, and so you create a list of return types. Then you invoke the Web
-service using a blocking call and wait for the weather data to be returned to
-you, and you place it in the result variable. Lastly, you make sure it isn't
-null and that it was successfully initialized by the previous call to
-setWeather. Now display the data to verify that it is indeed what you set it
-to (see Code Listing 6).</p>
-<p><b>Code Listing 6: Displaying the data</b></p>
-            return;
-        }
-        // Displaying the result
-        <b>System.out.println("Temperature               : " +
-                           result.getTemperature());
-        System.out.println("Forecast                  : " +
-                           result.getForecast());
-        System.out.println("Rain                      : " +
-                           result.getRain());
-        System.out.println("How much rain (in inches) : " +
-                           result.getHowMuchRain());
-    }</b>
-<p>You should receive the data shown in Code Listing 7.</p>
-<p><b>Code Listing 7: Output from running the client</b></p>
-     [java] Temperature               : 39.3
-     [java] Forecast                  : Cloudy with showers
-     [java] Rain                      : true
-     [java] How much rain (in inches) : 4.5</pre>
-<p>Excellent, you have a working POJO Web service! Next you'll quickly morph
-this one into a Spring based POJO.</p>
-<a name="limitationspojo"></a>
-<h3>Limitations and Strengths of POJO</h3>
-<p>We've covered the strengths of using POJO based Web services, but what
-about any limitations? One main limitation of POJO based Web services is the
-lack of initialization support (meaning that you have to go into your Web
-service and initialize the values before the Web service is completely
-useful), but you'll soon see how to overcome that limitation with a Spring
-based POJO, covered next.</p>
-<a name="springpojows"></a>
-<h2>Spring-based POJO Web Service</h2>
-<p>Spring is a hot framework for J2EE and makes bean usage a breeze. You'll
-use it in this section to create a Spring based POJO Web service. For this
-section you'll need the spring.jar from the latest 1.x Spring download.</p>
-<a name="quickintro"></a>
-<h3>Quick Introduction</h3>
-<p>If you take a look at the <a href="src/">source code</a> of
-this document (to see how the Spring based POJO Web service is coded), you
-can see that the Weather class didn't change at all and the WeatherService
-class only got its name changed to WeatherSpringService.</p>
-<p>You'll also notice an applicationContext.xml file, which we'll cover
-later: it's used to setup the beans used in our Web service.</p>
-<p>Now you might wonder what the class is for: This service
-is necessary, however, to initialize the Spring Framework's application
-<p>The client is pretty much the same, except you won't use it to initialize
-the Weather data in the Web service, since Spring does that for you using
-Inversion of Control (IoC), which is covered next.</p>
-<a name="servicedef"></a>
-<h3>The Service Definition: services.xml</h3>
-<p>Because the core POJOs didn't change, you'll move straight to the
-services.xml file. It's a bit longer this time because it instantiates two
-services in one file (see Code Listing 7).</p>
-<p><b>Code Listing 7: Defining the services: services.xml</b></p>
-  &lt;service <b>name="SpringInit" 
-    &lt;description&gt;
-      This web service initializes Spring.
-    &lt;/description&gt;
-    <b>&lt;parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="false"&gt;
-        sample.spring.service.SpringInit
-    &lt;/parameter&gt;
-    &lt;parameter name="ServiceTCCL" 
-    &lt;parameter name="load-on-startup" 
-    &lt;operation name="springInit"&gt;
-      &lt;messageReceiver 
-      class="org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver"/&gt;
-    &lt;/operation&gt;
-  &lt;/service&gt;
-  &lt;service <b>name="WeatherSpringService</b>"&gt;
-    &lt;description&gt;
-      Weather Spring POJO Axis2 AAR deployment
-    &lt;/description&gt;
-    <b>&lt;parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="false"&gt;
-        sample.spring.service.WeatherSpringService
-    &lt;/parameter&gt;
-    &lt;parameter name="ServiceObjectSupplier" locked="false"&gt;
-    &lt;/parameter&gt;
-    &lt;parameter name="SpringBeanName" locked="false"&gt;
-        weatherSpringService
-    &lt;/parameter&gt;</b>
-    &lt;messageReceivers&gt;
-      &lt;messageReceiver mep=""
-      class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver"/&gt;
-      &lt;messageReceiver mep=""
-      class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver"/&gt;
-    &lt;/messageReceivers&gt;
-  &lt;/service&gt;
-<p>You'll see a few familiar items in the above listing, and several changes.
-Once again, the items in bold are most important. The ServiceTCCL property
-under the SpringInit service makes sure that the Spring class loader is used
-for the Web service, allowing it to properly instantiate the Spring
-application context. The load-on-startup variable is a must-have so that the
-service loads up immediately on startup, creating the Spring application
-context. The WeatherSpringService stays mostly the same to the WeatherService
-previously with a couple additions: The ServiceObjectSupplier provides the
-service with the Spring application context, making it "Spring Aware." </p>
-<p>Lastly, the SpringBeanName points to the name of the bean associated with
-this Web service, which is defined in the applicationContext.xml file
-(essentially the WeatherSpringService). We'll cover the
-applicationContext.xml file next. The application context:
-applicationContext.xml file tells the Spring Framework, what beans are
-defined. For this example, you'll define three of them (see Code Listing
-<p><b>Code Listing 8: Defining the application context:
-<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
-  &lt;bean id="<b>applicationContext</b>" class=
-"org.apache.axis2.extensions.spring.receivers.ApplicationContextHolder" /&gt;
-  <b>&lt;bean id="weatherSpringService" 
-        class="sample.spring.service.WeatherSpringService"&gt;
-    &lt;property name="weather" ref="weatherBean"/&gt;
-  &lt;/bean&gt;
-  &lt;bean id="weatherBean" class="sample.spring.bean.Weather"&gt;
-    &lt;property name="temperature" value="89.9"/&gt;
-    &lt;property name="forecast" value="Sunny"/&gt;
-    &lt;property name="rain" value="false"/&gt;
-    &lt;property name="howMuchRain" value="0.2"/&gt;
-  &lt;/bean&gt;</b>
-<p>The first one is Axis2's hook into Spring's application context (needed
-since AAR deployment is quite different from regular WAR deployment). Next,
-you define the bean pointed to by the services.xml file, the
-weatherSpringService bean that points to the WeatherSpringService class. It
-has one field property that gets initialized by the Spring Framework,
-weather, which will be set to the weatherBean. The weatherBean is an
-instantiation of the Weather class that holds information on the weather.
-Spring will initialize it to the values shown above, and set the Weather
-object in the WeatherSpringService class to this weatherBean instantiation.
-Thus, when you deploy the Web service you won't have to instantiate the
-values because they'll already be set.</p>
-<p>Next up is the SpringInit class.</p>
-<a name="initializingspring"></a>
-<h3>Initializing the Spring application context: SpringInit</h3>
-<p>Without the Spring application context being initialized quickly, you'll
-run into problems. The SpringInit class initializes the Spring application
-context on startup because it is a ServiceLifeCycle class, whose startUp
-method gets called upon loading the class (and because its load-on-startup
-property is set in the serices.xml file). The only code worth mentioning in
-this class is shown in Code Listing 9.</p>
-<p><b>Code Listing 9: SpringInit's startUp method</b></p>
-<pre>    public void startUp(ConfigurationContext ignore,
-                        AxisService service) {
-        <b>ClassLoader classLoader = service.getClassLoader();
-        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext appCtx = new
-            ClassPathXmlApplicationContext</b>(new String[]
-                                           {"<b>applicationContext.xml</b>"}, 
-                                           false);
-        <b>appCtx.setClassLoader(classLoader);
-        appCtx.refresh();</b>
-        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-            logger.debug("\n\nstartUp() set spring classloader " +
-                         "via axisService.getClassLoader() ... ");
-        }
-    }</pre>
-<p>Note that this method retrieves the Spring class loader, creates an
-application context with applicationContext.xml as the parameters. This new
-application context then gets the Spring class loader as its class loader.
-The Spring Framework is now up and ready for our WeatherSpringService.</p>
-<h3>Build and Deploy Using Apache Axis2 and Tomcat</h3>
-<p>Great, your POJO is now ready for primetime within the Spring Framework.
-Before you build, you'll first need to make sure the axis2-spring-1.1.jar and
-spring.jar files are in the project's <em>src/lib</em> directory (the
-axis2SpringPOJO directory found in the <a
-href="src/axis2SpringPOJO/">source code</a> for this
-document). Now build the source and create an AAR file by typing: ant</p>
-<p>It'll be created at <em>target/WeatherSpringService.aar</em>. Copy it over
-to <em>&lt;tomcat-home&gt;/webapps/axis2/WEB-INF/services</em>, and Axis2
-should deploy it quickly.</p>
-<p>Next test the Web service to see if Spring really will initialize the
-weather data for you.</p>
-<a name="testingrpc"></a>
-<h3>Testing Using an RPCServiceClient</h3>
-<p>It's as simple as it was for the other Web service, except this time type:
-ant run.client</p>
-<p>Feel free to browse the code for this client in
-src/client/ Essentially, this client does the
-exact same thing as the client testing the WeatherService, except this one
-skips the "Setting the weather" task since the weather data should already
-have been set by the Spring framework at startup.</p>
-<p>Thus, you should get the following as output from the client:</p>
-    [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\apps\webapps\axis2SpringPOJO\target\cl
-     <b>[java] Temperature               : 89.9
-     [java] Forecast                  : Sunny
-     [java] Rain                      : false
-     [java] How much rain (in inches) : 0.2</b></pre>
-<p>Which is exactly the values you set them to be in the
-applicationContext.xml file!</p>
-<a name="summary"></a>
-<p>Apache Axis2 is an excellent way to expose your POJOs as Web services, and
-Spring adds greater flexibility to your POJOs by adding beans support and
-initialization abilities, along with all the other goodies provided by the
-Spring framework.</p>
-<a name="furtherstudy"></a>
-<h2>For Further Study</h2>
-<p>Apache Axis2-<a
-<p>Axis2 Architecture-<a
-<p>Introduction to Apache Axis2-<a
-<p>Working With Apache Axis2-<a
-<p>Apache Tomcat-<a
-<p>Spring Framework-<a
+<html lang="en">
+  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="">
+  <title>POJO Web Services using Axis2</title>
+<body lang="en">
+<h1>POJO Web Services using Apache Axis2</h1>
+<p>Want a quick way to get a Web service up and running in no time? Well
+then, you should consider creating a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) to deploy
+using Apache Axis2 on Apache Tomcat. POJOs are fast to build and easy to
+maintain, meaning you'll save a lot of time building and debugging your code.
+This document shows you how to take a simple POJO, and deploy it on Apache
+Tomcat as a Web service in the exploded directory format. You'll also be
+shown how to take a POJO based on the Spring Framework, and deploy that as an
+AAR packaged Web service on Tomcat.</p>
+  <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#pojo">The POJO</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#pojows">POJO Web service using Apache Axis2 and Tomcat</a>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="#definingservice">Defining the Service:
+      services.xml</a></li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><a href="#buildpojows">Building the POJO Web Service Using Ant</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#testingpojows">Testing the POJO Web Service Using
+    RPCServiceClient</a>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="#limitationspojo">Limitations and Strengths of
+      POJO</a></li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><a href="#springpojows">Spring-based POJO Web Service</a>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="#quickintro">Quick Introduction</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#servicedef">The Service Definition: services.xml</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#initializingspring">Initializing the Spring application
+        context: SpringInit</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#testingrpc">Testing Using an RPCServiceClient</a></li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><a href="#summary">Summary</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#furtherstudy">For Further Study</a></li>
+<a name="introduction"></a>
+<p>The task of building a Web service can sometimes be overwhelming, but not
+with POJOs! The old-school Plain Old Java Object is a simple and quick way to
+get most, if not all, of your currently existing Java classes up on the Web
+as readily accessible Web services. This document will show you how to build
+a POJO-style Web service with Apache Axis2 and Tomcat, organized as
+  <li>The POJO: This is the Java class that you'll use throughout this
+    document</li>
+  <li>POJO deployment</li>
+  <li>Test the POJO Web service using an RPC based client</li>
+  <li>Limitations of straight POJO</li>
+  <li>Spring-based POJO Web service and deployment</li>
+<p>The code for the document can be found at Axis2_HOME/samples/axis2pojo
+&amp; Axis2_HOME/samples/axis2springpojo once you extract the <a
+href="../../download/1_1/download.html#std-bin">Axis2 Stadard
+Distribution</a>, and it might help to go grab it now to help you as you
+follow along. Let's get started.</p>
+<a name="pojo"></a>
+<h2>The POJO</h2>
+<p>The POJO you'll be using throughout this document is a Weather service
+POJO that consists of two classes: WeatherService and Weather. Weather
+contains the Weather data: Temperature, forecast, rain (will it rain?), and
+howMuchRain (See Code Listing 1).</p>
+<p><b>Code Listing 1: The Weather POJO</b></p>
+public class Weather{
+    float temperature;
+    String forecast;
+    boolean rain;
+    float howMuchRain;
+    public void setTemperature(float temp){
+        temperature = temp;
+    }
+    public float getTemperature(){
+        return temperature;
+    }
+    public void setForecast(String fore){
+        forecast = fore;
+    }
+    public String getForecast(){
+        return forecast;
+    }
+    public void setRain(boolean r){
+        rain = r;
+    }
+    public boolean getRain(){
+        return rain;
+    }
+    public void setHowMuchRain(float howMuch){
+        howMuchRain = howMuch;
+    }
+    public float getHowMuchRain(){
+        return howMuchRain;
+    }
+<p>And here's the WeatherService class, shown in Code Listing 2.</p>
+<p><b>Code Listing 2: The WeatherService class</b></p>
+<pre>package sample.pojo.service;
+public class WeatherService{
+    Weather weather;
+    public void setWeather(Weather weather){
+ = weather;
+    }
+    public Weather getWeather(){
+        return;
+    }
+<p>Note that it's all just straight POJOs with field items and
+<code>getter</code> and <code>setter</code> methods for each field. Next,
+you'll take a look at what you need to do to make it ready for deployment on
+Apache Axis2 and Tomcat.</p>
+<a name="pojows"></a>
+<h2>POJO Web Service Using Apache Axis2 and Tomcat</h2>
+<p>Got the POJOs? Great. This section will show you how to package them in
+the exploded directory format for easy deployment. First you'll look at the
+services.xml file that defines the Web service, and then you'll build the
+files using <a href="">Apache Ant</a>, and deploy the
+Web service on Tomcat.</p>
+<a name="definingservice"></a>
+<h3>Defining the Service: services.xml</h3>
+<p>Before Axis2 can understand what is going on, you have to tell it to use
+the services.xml file. Let's get right into it (see Code Listing 3).</p>
+<p><b>Code Listing 3: The service definition file: services.xml</b></p>
+<pre>&lt;service name="WeatherService" scope="application"&gt;
+    &lt;description&gt;
+        Weather POJO Service
+    &lt;/description&gt;
+    &lt;messageReceivers&gt;
+        &lt;messageReceiver 
+            mep=""
+    class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver"/&gt;
+        &lt;messageReceiver
+            mep=""
+    class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver"/&gt;
+    &lt;/messageReceivers&gt;
+    &lt;parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="false"&gt;
+        sample.pojo.service.WeatherService
+    &lt;/parameter&gt;
+<p>The name of the service is specified as WeatherService and the scope of
+the service is application. As you can see in the WeatherService POJO, there
+are two methods, an IN-ONLY method and a IN-OUT method, hence the ordering
+for the messageReceiver elements within the messageReceivers tag. Lastly, the
+ServiceClass parameter specifies the class of the Web service, which is
+sample.pojo.service.WeatherService. When operations of your Web service get
+called, the methods of the WeatherService class will be called. Next you'll
+take a look at an easy method of building your application using Ant.</p>
+<a name="buildpojows"></a>
+<h2>Building the POJO Web Service Using Apache Ant</h2>
+<p><a href="">Ant</a> is a slick build tool. It helps
+reduce time to build applications, and several of the Axis2 command-line
+tools create build.xml files for you, so that's why we'll use it here. We
+won't go into the build.xml file that you'll be using in too much detail, so
+here are the main Ant tasks you'll be using:</p>
+  <li>generate.service -- This Ant task builds all the service relevant
+    source and copies the files to build/WeatherService</li>
+  <li>rpc.client -- This task builds the client relevant files, builds a JAR
+    at <em>build/lib/rpc-client.jar</em>, and then runs the client</li>
+<p>Before you can build the source, however, you'll need to download the
+Axis2 1.1-bin and 1.1-war distributions <a
+href="../../download/1_1/download.html">here</a>. Then modify the following
+line inside the build.xml file (in the Axis2_HOME/samples/axis2pojo directory
+in the extracted Axis2 1.1 Standard Binary (bin) Distribution) :</p>
+<pre>&lt;property name="axis2.home" value="c:\apps\axis2" /&gt;</pre>
+<p>This modification contains the path to the root of the unzipped Axis2
+1.1-bin <a href="../../download/1_1/download.html#std-bin">download</a>. With
+that explanation, you'll now build the source by typing the following: ant</p>
+<p>The following directory format should now exist at
+<pre> - WeatherService
+   - META-INF
+     - services.xml
+   - sample
+     - pojo
+       - data
+         - Weather.class
+       - service
+         - WeatherService.class</pre>
+<p>Simple isn't it? An excellent way to dive into Web services
+<p>Now get a <a href="">Tomcat</a> distribution (I
+used v5.5), and start it up by running <em>bin/startup.bat</em> or
+<em>bin/</em>. Once it's running, deploy the Axis2 1.1-war by
+copying the axis2.war file to Tomcat's webapps directory. Tomcat will proceed
+by deploying axis2 and un-archive it into the webapps directory. Now copy the
+WeatherService directory created when building our project to:
+<p>The service should quickly deploy, and you'll test the Web service using
+the RPCServiceClient in the next section.</p>
+<a name="testingpojows"></a>
+<h2>Testing the POJO Web Service Using RPCServiceClient</h2>
+<p>OK, so the Web service should be running on Tomcat. Now you'll build a
+simple RPCServiceClient and test the POJO Web service. You'll first start out
+with the class constructs, creating the RPCServiceClient and initializing the
+values of the Weather class within the Web service (See Code Listing 4).</p>
+<p><b>Code Listing 4: Setting the weather</b></p>
+<pre>package sample.pojo.rpcclient;
+import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
+import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
+import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference;
+import org.apache.axis2.client.Options;
+import org.apache.axis2.rpc.client.RPCServiceClient;
+public class WeatherRPCClient {
+    public static void main(String[] args1) throws AxisFault {
+        RPCServiceClient serviceClient = new RPCServiceClient();
+        Options options = serviceClient.getOptions();
+        EndpointReference targetEPR = new EndpointReference(
+                <b>"http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/WeatherService");</b>
+        options.setTo(targetEPR);
+        // Setting the weather
+        QName opSetWeather =
+            new QName("http://service.pojo.sample/xsd", "<b>setWeather");
+        Weather w = new Weather();
+        w.setTemperature((float)39.3);
+        w.setForecast("Cloudy with showers");
+        w.setRain(true);
+        w.setHowMuchRain((float)4.5);
+        Object[] opSetWeatherArgs = new Object[] { w };
+        serviceClient.invokeRobust(opSetWeather, opSetWeatherArgs);</b>
+<p>The most interesting code to note is in bold font. Notice the targetEPR
+variable you create, setting the endpoint reference to
+http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/WeatherService. This is where you
+deployed it on Axis2. You can also verify this by asking Axis2 to list its
+services by going to the following URL:
+<p>Next the opSetWeather variable gets setup, pointing to the setWeather
+operation. Then the Weather data gets created and initialized. Lastly, you
+invoke the Web service, which initializes the weather data (you'll verify
+this soon). Next you get back the weather data (see Code Listing 5).</p>
+<p><b>Code Listing 5: Getting the weather data</b></p>
+        serviceClient.invokeRobust(opSetWeather, opSetWeatherArgs);
+        // Getting the weather
+        QName opGetWeather =
+            new QName("http://service.pojo.sample/xsd", "<b>getWeather");
+        Object[] opGetWeatherArgs = new Object[] { };
+        Class[] returnTypes = new Class[] { Weather.class };
+        Object[] response = serviceClient.invokeBlocking(opGetWeather,
+                opGetWeatherArgs, returnTypes);
+        Weather result = (Weather) response[0];
+        if (result == null) {
+            System.out.println("Weather didn't initialize!");
+            return;
+        }</b>
+<p>First you set the operation in opGetWeather to getWeather. Then you create
+an empty argument list. Note this time you expect something back from the Web
+service, and so you create a list of return types. Then you invoke the Web
+service using a blocking call and wait for the weather data to be returned to
+you, and you place it in the result variable. Lastly, you make sure it isn't
+null and that it was successfully initialized by the previous call to
+setWeather. Now display the data to verify that it is indeed what you set it
+to (see Code Listing 6).</p>
+<p><b>Code Listing 6: Displaying the data</b></p>
+            return;
+        }
+        // Displaying the result
+        <b>System.out.println("Temperature               : " +
+                           result.getTemperature());
+        System.out.println("Forecast                  : " +
+                           result.getForecast());
+        System.out.println("Rain                      : " +
+                           result.getRain());
+        System.out.println("How much rain (in inches) : " +
+                           result.getHowMuchRain());
+    }</b>
+<p>You should receive the data shown in Code Listing 7.</p>
+<p><b>Code Listing 7: Output from running the client</b></p>
+     [java] Temperature               : 39.3
+     [java] Forecast                  : Cloudy with showers
+     [java] Rain                      : true
+     [java] How much rain (in inches) : 4.5</pre>
+<p>Excellent, you have a working POJO Web service! Next you'll quickly morph
+this one into a Spring based POJO.</p>
+<a name="limitationspojo"></a>
+<h3>Limitations and Strengths of POJO</h3>
+<p>We've covered the strengths of using POJO based Web services, but what
+about any limitations? One main limitation of POJO based Web services is the
+lack of initialization support (meaning that you have to go into your Web
+service and initialize the values before the Web service is completely
+useful), but you'll soon see how to overcome that limitation with a Spring
+based POJO, covered next.</p>
+<a name="springpojows"></a>
+<h2>Spring-based POJO Web Service</h2>
+<p>Spring is a hot framework for J2EE and makes bean usage a breeze. You'll
+use it in this section to create a Spring based POJO Web service. For this
+section you'll need the spring.jar from the latest 1.x Spring download.</p>
+<a name="quickintro"></a>
+<h3>Quick Introduction</h3>
+<p>If you take a look at the source code of this document in
+Axis2_HOME/samples/axis2springpojo (to see how the Spring based POJO Web
+service is coded), you can see that the Weather class didn't change at all
+and the WeatherService class only got its name changed to
+<p>You'll also notice an applicationContext.xml file, which we'll cover
+later: it's used to setup the beans used in our Web service.</p>
+<p>Now you might wonder what the class is for: This service
+is necessary, however, to initialize the Spring Framework's application
+<p>The client is pretty much the same, except you won't use it to initialize
+the Weather data in the Web service, since Spring does that for you using
+Inversion of Control (IoC), which is covered next.</p>
+<a name="servicedef"></a>
+<h3>The Service Definition: services.xml</h3>
+<p>Because the core POJOs didn't change, you'll move straight to the
+services.xml file. It's a bit longer this time because it instantiates two
+services in one file (see Code Listing 7).</p>
+<p><b>Code Listing 7: Defining the services: services.xml</b></p>
+  &lt;service <b>name="SpringInit" 
+    &lt;description&gt;
+      This web service initializes Spring.
+    &lt;/description&gt;
+    <b>&lt;parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="false"&gt;
+        sample.spring.service.SpringInit
+    &lt;/parameter&gt;
+    &lt;parameter name="ServiceTCCL" 
+    &lt;parameter name="load-on-startup" 
+    &lt;operation name="springInit"&gt;
+      &lt;messageReceiver 
+      class="org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver"/&gt;
+    &lt;/operation&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service <b>name="WeatherSpringService</b>"&gt;
+    &lt;description&gt;
+      Weather Spring POJO Axis2 AAR deployment
+    &lt;/description&gt;
+    <b>&lt;parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="false"&gt;
+        sample.spring.service.WeatherSpringService
+    &lt;/parameter&gt;
+    &lt;parameter name="ServiceObjectSupplier" locked="false"&gt;
+    &lt;/parameter&gt;
+    &lt;parameter name="SpringBeanName" locked="false"&gt;
+        weatherSpringService
+    &lt;/parameter&gt;</b>
+    &lt;messageReceivers&gt;
+      &lt;messageReceiver mep=""
+      class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver"/&gt;
+      &lt;messageReceiver mep=""
+      class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver"/&gt;
+    &lt;/messageReceivers&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+<p>You'll see a few familiar items in the above listing, and several changes.
+Once again, the items in bold are most important. The ServiceTCCL property
+under the SpringInit service makes sure that the Spring class loader is used
+for the Web service, allowing it to properly instantiate the Spring
+application context. The load-on-startup variable is a must-have so that the
+service loads up immediately on startup, creating the Spring application
+context. The WeatherSpringService stays mostly the same to the WeatherService
+previously with a couple additions: The ServiceObjectSupplier provides the
+service with the Spring application context, making it "Spring Aware."</p>
+<p>Lastly, the SpringBeanName points to the name of the bean associated with
+this Web service, which is defined in the applicationContext.xml file
+(essentially the WeatherSpringService). We'll cover the
+applicationContext.xml file next. The application context:
+applicationContext.xml file tells the Spring Framework, what beans are
+defined. For this example, you'll define three of them (see Code Listing
+<p><b>Code Listing 8: Defining the application context:
+<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
+  &lt;bean id="<b>applicationContext</b>" class=
+"org.apache.axis2.extensions.spring.receivers.ApplicationContextHolder" /&gt;
+  <b>&lt;bean id="weatherSpringService" 
+        class="sample.spring.service.WeatherSpringService"&gt;
+    &lt;property name="weather" ref="weatherBean"/&gt;
+  &lt;/bean&gt;
+  &lt;bean id="weatherBean" class="sample.spring.bean.Weather"&gt;
+    &lt;property name="temperature" value="89.9"/&gt;
+    &lt;property name="forecast" value="Sunny"/&gt;
+    &lt;property name="rain" value="false"/&gt;
+    &lt;property name="howMuchRain" value="0.2"/&gt;
+  &lt;/bean&gt;</b>
+<p>The first one is Axis2's hook into Spring's application context (needed
+since AAR deployment is quite different from regular WAR deployment). Next,
+you define the bean pointed to by the services.xml file, the
+weatherSpringService bean that points to the WeatherSpringService class. It
+has one field property that gets initialized by the Spring Framework,
+weather, which will be set to the weatherBean. The weatherBean is an
+instantiation of the Weather class that holds information on the weather.
+Spring will initialize it to the values shown above, and set the Weather
+object in the WeatherSpringService class to this weatherBean instantiation.
+Thus, when you deploy the Web service you won't have to instantiate the
+values because they'll already be set.</p>
+<p>Next up is the SpringInit class.</p>
+<a name="initializingspring"></a>
+<h3>Initializing the Spring application context: SpringInit</h3>
+<p>Without the Spring application context being initialized quickly, you'll
+run into problems. The SpringInit class initializes the Spring application
+context on startup because it is a ServiceLifeCycle class, whose startUp
+method gets called upon loading the class (and because its load-on-startup
+property is set in the serices.xml file). The only code worth mentioning in
+this class is shown in Code Listing 9.</p>
+<p><b>Code Listing 9: SpringInit's startUp method</b></p>
+<pre>    public void startUp(ConfigurationContext ignore,
+                        AxisService service) {
+        <b>ClassLoader classLoader = service.getClassLoader();
+        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext appCtx = new
+            ClassPathXmlApplicationContext</b>(new String[]
+                                           {"<b>applicationContext.xml</b>"}, 
+                                           false);
+        <b>appCtx.setClassLoader(classLoader);
+        appCtx.refresh();</b>
+        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+            logger.debug("\n\nstartUp() set spring classloader " +
+                         "via axisService.getClassLoader() ... ");
+        }
+    }</pre>
+<p>Note that this method retrieves the Spring class loader, creates an
+application context with applicationContext.xml as the parameters. This new
+application context then gets the Spring class loader as its class loader.
+The Spring Framework is now up and ready for our WeatherSpringService.</p>
+<h3>Build and Deploy Using Apache Axis2 and Tomcat</h3>
+<p>Great, your POJO is now ready for primetime within the Spring Framework.
+Before you build, you'll first need to make sure the axis2-spring-1.1.jar and
+spring.jar files are in the project's <em>src/lib</em> directory ( in the
+Axis2_HOME/samples/axis2springpojo directory found in the extracted <a
+href="../../download/1_1/download.html#std-bin">Axis2 Standarad Binary
+Distribution</a>). Now build the source and create an AAR file by typing:
+<p>It'll be created at <em>target/WeatherSpringService.aar</em>. Copy it over
+to <em>&lt;tomcat-home&gt;/webapps/axis2/WEB-INF/services</em>, and Axis2
+should deploy it quickly.</p>
+<p>Next test the Web service to see if Spring really will initialize the
+weather data for you.</p>
+<a name="testingrpc"></a>
+<h3>Testing Using an RPCServiceClient</h3>
+<p>It's as simple as it was for the other Web service, except this time type:
+ant run.client</p>
+<p>Feel free to browse the code for this client in
+src/client/ Essentially, this client does the
+exact same thing as the client testing the WeatherService, except this one
+skips the "Setting the weather" task since the weather data should already
+have been set by the Spring framework at startup.</p>
+<p>Thus, you should get the following as output from the client:</p>
+    [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\apps\webapps\axis2SpringPOJO\target\cl
+     <b>[java] Temperature               : 89.9
+     [java] Forecast                  : Sunny
+     [java] Rain                      : false
+     [java] How much rain (in inches) : 0.2</b></pre>
+<p>Which is exactly the values you set them to be in the
+applicationContext.xml file!</p>
+<a name="summary"></a>
+<p>Apache Axis2 is an excellent way to expose your POJOs as Web services, and
+Spring adds greater flexibility to your POJOs by adding beans support and
+initialization abilities, along with all the other goodies provided by the
+Spring framework.</p>
+<a name="furtherstudy"></a>
+<h2>For Further Study</h2>
+<p>Apache Axis2-<a
+<p>Axis2 Architecture-<a
+<p>Introduction to Apache Axis2-<a
+<p>Working With Apache Axis2-<a
+<p>Apache Tomcat-<a
+<p>Spring Framework-<a

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