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svn commit: r811923 - in /lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding: ./ Perl/ Perl/ Perl/ Perl/ Perl/ Perl/

Author: marvin
Date: Sun Sep  6 22:18:16 2009
New Revision: 811923

Commit most of LUCY-27, adding the Perl binding modules to Boilerplater.

    lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/   (with props)
    lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/   (with props)
    lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/   (with props)
    lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/   (with props)
    lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/   (with props)
    lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/   (with props)

Added: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/
--- lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/ (added)
+++ lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/ Sun Sep  6 22:18:16 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Boilerplater::Binding::Perl;
+use Boilerplater::Hierarchy;
+use Carp;
+use File::Spec::Functions qw( catfile );
+use Fcntl;
+use Boilerplater::Parcel;
+use Boilerplater::Class;
+use Boilerplater::Function;
+use Boilerplater::Method;
+use Boilerplater::Variable;
+use Boilerplater::Util qw( verify_args a_isa_b write_if_changed );
+use Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Class;
+use Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Method;
+use Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Constructor;
+our %new_PARAMS = (
+    parcel     => undef,
+    hierarchy  => undef,
+    lib_dir    => undef,
+    boot_class => undef,
+    header     => undef,
+    footer     => undef,
+sub new {
+    my $either = shift;
+    verify_args( \%new_PARAMS, @_ ) or confess $@;
+    my $self = bless { %new_PARAMS, @_, }, ref($either) || $either;
+    if ( !a_isa_b( $self->{parcel}, 'Boilerplater::Parcel' ) ) {
+        $self->{parcel}
+            = Boilerplater::Parcel->singleton( name => $self->{parcel} );
+    }
+    my $parcel = $self->{parcel};
+    for ( keys %new_PARAMS ) {
+        confess("$_ is mandatory") unless defined $self->{$_};
+    }
+    # Derive filenames.
+    my $lib                = $self->{lib_dir};
+    my $dest_dir           = $self->{hierarchy}->get_dest;
+    my @file_components    = split( '::', $self->{boot_class} );
+    my @xs_file_components = @file_components;
+    $xs_file_components[-1] .= '.xs';
+    $self->{xs_path} = catfile( $lib, @xs_file_components );
+    $self->{pm_path} = catfile( $lib, @file_components, '' );
+    $self->{boot_h_file} = $parcel->get_prefix . "boot.h";
+    $self->{boot_c_file} = $parcel->get_prefix . "boot.c";
+    $self->{boot_h_path} = catfile( $dest_dir, $self->{boot_h_file} );
+    $self->{boot_c_path} = catfile( $dest_dir, $self->{boot_c_file} );
+    # Derive the name of the bootstrap function.
+    $self->{boot_func}
+        = $parcel->get_prefix . $self->{boot_class} . '_bootstrap';
+    $self->{boot_func} =~ s/\W/_/g;
+    return $self;
+sub write_bindings {
+    my $self           = shift;
+    my @ordered        = $self->{hierarchy}->ordered_classes;
+    my $registry       = Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Class->registry;
+    my $hand_rolled_xs = "";
+    my $generated_xs   = "";
+    my $xs             = "";
+    my @xsubs;
+    # Build up a roster of all requested bindings.
+    my %has_constructors;
+    my %has_methods;
+    my %has_xs_code;
+    while ( my ( $class_name, $class_binding ) = each %$registry ) {
+        $has_constructors{$class_name} = 1
+            if $class_binding->get_bind_constructors;
+        $has_methods{$class_name} = 1
+            if $class_binding->get_bind_methods;
+        $has_xs_code{$class_name} = 1
+            if $class_binding->get_xs_code;
+    }
+    # Pound-includes for generated headers.
+    for my $class (@ordered) {
+        my $include_h = $class->include_h;
+        $generated_xs .= qq|#include "$include_h"\n|;
+    }
+    $generated_xs .= "\n";
+    # Constructors.
+    for my $class (@ordered) {
+        my $class_name = $class->get_class_name;
+        next unless delete $has_constructors{$class_name};
+        my $class_binding = $registry->{$class_name};
+        my @bound         = $class_binding->constructor_bindings;
+        $generated_xs .= $_->xsub_def . "\n" for @bound;
+        push @xsubs, @bound;
+    }
+    # Methods.
+    for my $class (@ordered) {
+        my $class_name = $class->get_class_name;
+        next unless delete $has_methods{$class_name};
+        my $class_binding = $registry->{$class_name};
+        my @bound         = $class_binding->method_bindings;
+        $generated_xs .= $_->xsub_def . "\n" for @bound;
+        push @xsubs, @bound;
+    }
+    # Hand-rolled XS.
+    for my $class_name ( keys %has_xs_code ) {
+        my $class_binding = $registry->{$class_name};
+        $hand_rolled_xs .= $class_binding->get_xs_code . "\n";
+    }
+    %has_xs_code = ();
+    # Verify that all binding specs were processed.
+    my @leftover_ctor = keys %has_constructors;
+    if (@leftover_ctor) {
+        confess(  "Constructor bindings spec'd for non-existant classes: "
+                . "'@leftover_ctor'" );
+    }
+    my @leftover_bound = keys %has_methods;
+    if (@leftover_bound) {
+        confess(  "Method bindings spec'd for non-existant classes: "
+                . "'@leftover_bound'" );
+    }
+    my @leftover_xs = keys %has_xs_code;
+    if (@leftover_xs) {
+        confess(  "Hand-rolled XS spec'd for non-existant classes: "
+                . "'@leftover_xs'" );
+    }
+    # Build up code for booting XSUBs at module load time.
+    my @xs_init_lines;
+    for my $xsub (@xsubs) {
+        my $c_name    = $xsub->c_name;
+        my $perl_name = $xsub->perl_name;
+        push @xs_init_lines, qq|newXS("$perl_name", $c_name, file);|;
+    }
+    my $xs_init = join( "\n    ", @xs_init_lines );
+    # Params hashes for arg checking of XSUBs that take labeled params.
+    my @params_hash_defs = grep {defined} map { $_->params_hash_def } @xsubs;
+    my $params_hash_defs = join( "\n", @params_hash_defs );
+    # Write out if there have been any changes.
+    my $xs_file_contents = $self->_xs_file_contents( $generated_xs, $xs_init,
+        $hand_rolled_xs );
+    my $pm_file_contents = $self->_pm_file_contents($params_hash_defs);
+    write_if_changed( $self->{xs_path}, $xs_file_contents );
+    write_if_changed( $self->{pm_path}, $pm_file_contents );
+sub _xs_file_contents {
+    my ( $self, $generated_xs, $xs_init, $hand_rolled_xs ) = @_;
+    return <<END_STUFF;
+#include "xs/XSBind.h"
+#include "boil.h"
+#include "$self->{boot_h_file}"
+#include "Lucy/Obj/Host.h"
+#include "Lucy/Util/MemManager.h"
+#include "Lucy/Util/StringHelper.h"
+#include "Charmonizer/Test.h"
+#include "Charmonizer/Test/AllTests.h"
+MODULE = Lucy   PACKAGE = Lucy::Autobinding
+    char* file = __FILE__;
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(cv); 
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(items);
+    $xs_init
+sub _pm_file_contents {
+    my ( $self, $params_hash_defs ) = @_;
+    return <<END_STUFF;
+# DO NOT EDIT!!!! This is an auto-generated file.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Lucy::Autobinding;
+sub prepare_pod {
+    my $self    = shift;
+    my $lib_dir = $self->{lib_dir};
+    my @ordered = $self->{hierarchy}->ordered_classes;
+    my @files_written;
+    my %has_pod;
+    my %modified;
+    my $registry = Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Class->registry;
+    $has_pod{ $_->get_class_name } = 1
+        for grep { $_->get_make_pod } values %$registry;
+    for my $class (@ordered) {
+        my $class_name = $class->get_class_name;
+        my $class_binding = $registry->{$class_name} or next;
+        next unless delete $has_pod{$class_name};
+        my $pod = $class_binding->create_pod;
+        confess("Failed to generate POD for $class_name") unless $pod;
+        # Compare against existing file; rewrite if changed.
+        my $pod_file_path
+            = catfile( $lib_dir, split( '::', $class_name ) ) . ".pod";
+        $class->file_path( $lib_dir, ".pod" );
+        my $existing = "";
+        if ( -e $pod_file_path ) {
+            open( my $pod_fh, "<", $pod_file_path )
+                or confess("Can't open '$pod_file_path': $!");
+            $existing = do { local $/; <$pod_fh> };
+        }
+        if ( $pod ne $existing ) {
+            $modified{$pod_file_path} = $pod;
+        }
+    }
+    my @leftover = keys %has_pod;
+    confess("Couldn't match pod to class for '@leftover'") if @leftover;
+    return \%modified;
+sub write_boot {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->_write_boot_h;
+    $self->_write_boot_c;
+sub _write_boot_h {
+    my $self      = shift;
+    my $hierarchy = $self->{hierarchy};
+    my $filepath  = catfile( $hierarchy->get_dest, $self->{boot_h_file} );
+    my $guard     = uc("$self->{boot_class}_BOOT");
+    $guard =~ s/\W+/_/g;
+    unlink $filepath;
+    sysopen( my $fh, $filepath, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY )
+        or confess("Can't open '$filepath': $!");
+    print $fh <<END_STUFF;
+#ifndef $guard
+#define $guard 1
+#endif /* $guard */
+sub _write_boot_c {
+    my $self           = shift;
+    my $hierarchy      = $self->{hierarchy};
+    my @ordered        = $hierarchy->ordered_classes;
+    my $num_classes    = scalar @ordered;
+    my $pound_includes = "";
+    my $registrations  = "";
+    my $isa_pushes     = "";
+    for my $class (@ordered) {
+        my $include_h = $class->include_h;
+        $pound_includes .= qq|#include "$include_h"\n|;
+        next if $class->inert;
+        my $prefix  = $class->get_prefix;
+        my $PREFIX  = $class->get_PREFIX;
+        my $vt_type = $PREFIX . $class->vtable_type;
+        $registrations
+            .= qq|    ${prefix}VTable_add_to_registry($PREFIX|
+            . $class->vtable_var
+            . qq|);\n|;
+        my $parent = $class->get_parent;
+        next unless $parent;
+        my $parent_class = $parent->get_class_name;
+        my $class_name   = $class->get_class_name;
+        $isa_pushes .= qq|    isa = get_av("$class_name\::ISA", 1);\n|;
+        $isa_pushes .= qq|    av_push(isa, newSVpv("$parent_class", 0));\n|;
+    }
+    my $filepath = catfile( $hierarchy->get_dest, $self->{boot_c_file} );
+    unlink $filepath;
+    sysopen( my $fh, $filepath, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY )
+        or confess("Can't open '$filepath': $!");
+    print $fh <<END_STUFF;
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include "$self->{boot_h_file}"
+#include "boil.h"
+    AV *isa;
+sub write_xs_typemap {
+    my $self = shift;
+    Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::TypeMap->write_xs_typemap(
+        hierarchy => $self->{hierarchy}, );
+=head1 NAME
+Boilerplater::Binding::Perl - Perl bindings for a Boilerplater::Hierarchy.
+Boilerplater::Binding::Perl presents an interface for auto-generating XS and
+Perl code to bind C code for a Boilerplater class hierarchy to Perl.
+In theory this module could be much more flexible and its API could be more
+elegant.  There are many ways which you could walk the parsed parcels,
+classes, methods, etc. in a Boilerplater::Hierarchy and generate binding code.
+However, our needs are very limited, so we are content with a "one size fits
+one" solution.
+In particular, this module assumes that the XS bindings for all classes in the
+hierarchy should be assembled into a single shared object which belongs to the
+primary, "boot" class.  There's no reason why it could not write one .xs file
+per class, or one per parcel, instead.
+The files written by this class are derived from the name of the boot class.
+If it is "Lucy", the following files will be generated.
+    # Generated by write_bindings()
+    $lib_dir/Lucy.xs
+    $lib_dir/Lucy/
+    # Generated by write_boot()
+    $hierarchy_dest_dir/lucy_boot.h
+    $hierarchy_dest_dir/lucy_boot.c
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+    my $perl_binding = Boilerplater::Binding::Perl->new(
+        boot_class => 'Lucy',                          # required
+        parcel     => 'Lucy',                          # required
+        hierarchy  => $hierarchy,                      # required
+        lib_dir    => 'lib',                           # required
+        header     => "/* Autogenerated file */\n",    # required
+        footer     => $copyfoot,                       # required
+    );
+=item * B<boot_class> - The name of the main class, which will own the shared
+=item * B<parcel> - The L<Boilerplater::Parcel> to which the C<boot_class>
+=item * B<hierarchy> - A Boilerplater::Hierarchy.
+=item * B<lib_dir> - location of the Perl lib directory to which files will be
+=item * B<header> - Text which will be prepended to generated C/XS files --
+typically, an "autogenerated file" warning.
+=item * B<footer> - Text to be appended to the end of generated C/XS files --
+typically copyright information.
+=head2 write_bindings
+    $perl_binding->write_bindings;
+Generate the XS bindings (including " for all classes in the
+=head2 prepare_pod 
+    my $filepaths_and_pod = $perl_binding->prepare_pod;
+    while ( my ( $filepath, $pod ) = each %$filepaths_and_pod ) {
+        add_to_cleanup($filepath);
+        spew_file( $filepath, $pod );
+    }
+Auto-generate POD for all classes bindings which were spec'd with C<make_pod>
+directives.  See whether a .pod file exists and is up to date.
+Return a hash representing POD files that need to be modified; the keys are
+filepaths, and the values are the POD file content.
+The caller must take responsibility for actually writing out the POD files,
+after adding the filepaths to cleanup records and so on.
+=head2 write_boot
+    $perl_binding->write_boot;
+Write out "boot" files to the Hierarchy's C<dest_dir> which contain code for
+bootstrapping Boilerplater classes.
+    /**
+     * Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
+     *
+     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     * implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
+     * permissions and limitations under the License.
+     */

Propchange: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/
--- lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/ (added)
+++ lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/ Sun Sep  6 22:18:16 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Class;
+use Boilerplater::Util qw( verify_args );
+our %registry;
+sub registry { \%registry }
+our %register_PARAMS = (
+    parcel            => undef,
+    class_name        => undef,
+    bind_methods      => undef,
+    bind_constructors => undef,
+    make_pod          => undef,
+    xs_code           => undef,
+    client            => undef,
+sub register {
+    my $either = shift;
+    verify_args( \%register_PARAMS, @_ ) or confess $@;
+    my $self = bless { %register_PARAMS, @_, }, ref($either) || $either;
+    # Validate.
+    confess("Missing required param 'class_name'")
+        unless $self->{class_name};
+    confess("$self->{class_name} already registered")
+        if exists $registry{ $self->{class_name} };
+    # Retrieve Boilerplater::Class client, if it will be needed.
+    if (   $self->{bind_methods}
+        || $self->{bind_constructors}
+        || $self->{make_pod} )
+    {
+        $self->{client} = Boilerplater::Class->fetch_singleton(
+            parcel     => $self->{parcel},
+            class_name => $self->{class_name},
+        );
+        confess("Can't fetch singleton for $self->{class_name}")
+            unless $self->{client};
+    }
+    # Add to registry.
+    $registry{ $self->{class_name} } = $self;
+    return $self;
+sub get_class_name        { shift->{class_name} }
+sub get_bind_methods      { shift->{bind_methods} }
+sub get_bind_constructors { shift->{bind_constructors} }
+sub get_make_pod          { shift->{make_pod} }
+sub get_client            { shift->{client} }
+sub get_xs_code           { shift->{xs_code} }
+sub constructor_bindings {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @bound = map {
+        my $xsub = Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Constructor->new(
+            class => $self->{client},
+            alias => $_,
+        );
+    } @{ $self->{bind_constructors} };
+    return @bound;
+sub method_bindings {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $client = $self->{client};
+    my $meth_list = $self->{bind_methods};
+    my @bound;
+    # Assemble a list of methods to be bound for this class.
+    my %meth_to_bind;
+    for my $meth_namespec (@$meth_list) {
+        my ( $alias, $name )
+            = $meth_namespec =~ /^(.*?)\|(.*)$/
+            ? ( $1, $2 )
+            : ( lc($meth_namespec), $meth_namespec );
+        $meth_to_bind{$name} = { alias => $alias };
+    }
+    # Iterate over all this class's methods, stopping to bind each one that
+    # was spec'd.
+    for my $method ( $client->methods ) {
+        my $meth_name  = $method->get_macro_sym;
+        my $bind_args = delete $meth_to_bind{$meth_name};
+        next unless $bind_args;
+        # Safety checks against excess binding code or private methods.
+        if ( !$method->novel ) {
+            confess(  "Binding spec'd for method '$meth_name' in class "
+                    . "$self->{class_name}, but it's overridden and "
+                    . "should be bound via the parent class" );
+        }
+        elsif ( $method->private ) {
+            confess(  "Binding spec'd for method '$meth_name' in class "
+                    . "$self->{class_name}, but it's private" );
+        }
+        # Create an XSub binding for each override.  Each of these directly
+        # calls the implementing function, rather than invokes the method on
+        # the object using VTable method dispatch.  Doing things this way
+        # allows SUPER:: invocations from Perl-space to work properly.
+        for my $descendant ( $client->tree_to_ladder ) {    # includes self
+            my $real_method = $descendant->novel_method( lc($meth_name) );
+            next unless $real_method;
+            # Create the binding, add it to the array.
+            my $method_binding = Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Method->new(
+                method => $real_method,
+                %$bind_args,
+            );
+            push @bound, $method_binding;
+        }
+    }
+    # Verify that we processed all methods.
+    my @leftover_meths = keys %meth_to_bind;
+    confess("Leftover for $self->{class_name}: '@leftover_meths'")
+        if @leftover_meths;
+    return @bound;
+sub _gen_subroutine_pod {
+    my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+    my ( $func, $sub_name, $class, $code_sample, $class_name )
+        = @args{qw( func name class sample class_name )};
+    my $param_list = $func->get_param_list;
+    my $args       = "";
+    my $num_vars   = $param_list->num_vars;
+    # Only allow "public" subs to be exposed as part of the public API.
+    confess("$class_name->$sub_name is not public") unless $func->public;
+    # Get documentation, which may be inherited.
+    my $docucom = $func->get_docucomment;
+    if ( !$docucom ) {
+        my $micro_sym = $func->micro_sym;
+        my $parent    = $class;
+        while ( $parent = $parent->get_parent ) {
+            my $parent_func = $parent->method($micro_sym);
+            last unless $parent_func;
+            $docucom = $parent_func->get_docucomment;
+            last if $docucom;
+        }
+    }
+    confess("No DocuComment for '$sub_name' in '$class_name'")
+        unless $docucom;
+    # Build string summarizing arguments to use in header.
+    if ( $num_vars > 2 or ( $args{is_constructor} && $num_vars > 1 ) ) {
+        $args = " I<[labeled params]> ";
+    }
+    elsif ( $param_list->num_vars ) {
+        $args = $func->get_param_list->name_list;
+        $args =~ s/self.*?(?:,\s*|$)//;    # kill self param
+    }
+    # Add code sample.
+    my $pod = "=head2 $sub_name($args)\n\n";
+    if ( defined($code_sample) && length($code_sample) ) {
+        $pod .= "$code_sample\n";
+    }
+    # Incorporate "description" text from DocuComment.
+    if ( my $long_doc = $docucom->get_description ) {
+        $pod .= _perlify_doc_text($long_doc) . "\n\n";
+    }
+    # Add params in a list.
+    my $param_names = $docucom->get_param_names;
+    my $param_docs  = $docucom->get_param_docs;
+    if (@$param_names) {
+        $pod .= "=over\n\n";
+        for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#$param_names; $i++ ) {
+            $pod .= "=item *\n\n";
+            $pod .= "B<$param_names->[$i]> - $param_docs->[$i]\n\n";
+        }
+        $pod .= "=back\n\n";
+    }
+    # Add return value description, if any.
+    if ( defined( my $retval = $docucom->get_retval ) ) {
+        $pod .= "Returns: $retval\n\n";
+    }
+    return $pod;
+sub create_pod {
+    my $self     = shift;
+    my $pod_args = $self->{make_pod} or return;
+    my $class    = $self->{client} or die "No client for $self->{class_name}";
+    my $class_name = $class->get_class_name;
+    my $docucom    = $class->get_docucomment;
+    confess("No DocuComment for '$class_name'") unless $docucom;
+    my $brief       = $docucom->get_brief;
+    my $description = _perlify_doc_text( $pod_args->{description}
+            || $docucom->get_description );
+    # Create SYNOPSIS.
+    my $synopsis_pod = '';
+    if ( defined $pod_args->{synopsis} ) {
+        $synopsis_pod = qq|=head1 SYNOPSIS\n\n$pod_args->{synopsis}\n|;
+    }
+    # Create CONSTRUCTORS.
+    my $constructor_pod = "";
+    my $constructors = $pod_args->{constructors} || [];
+    if ( defined $pod_args->{constructor} ) {
+        push @$constructors, $pod_args->{constructor};
+    }
+    if (@$constructors) {
+        $constructor_pod = "=head1 CONSTRUCTORS\n\n";
+        for my $spec (@$constructors) {
+            if ( !ref $spec ) {
+                $constructor_pod .= _perlify_doc_text($spec);
+            }
+            else {
+                my $func_name   = $spec->{func} || 'init';
+                my $init_func   = $class->function($func_name);
+                my $ctor_name   = $spec->{name} || 'new';
+                my $code_sample = $spec->{sample};
+                $constructor_pod .= _perlify_doc_text(
+                    $self->_gen_subroutine_pod(
+                        func           => $init_func,
+                        name           => $ctor_name,
+                        sample         => $code_sample,
+                        class          => $class,
+                        class_name     => $class_name,
+                        is_constructor => 1,
+                    )
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # Create METHODS, possibly including an ABSTRACT METHODS section.
+    my @method_docs;
+    my $methods_pod = "";
+    my @abstract_method_docs;
+    my $abstract_methods_pod = "";
+    for my $spec ( @{ $pod_args->{methods} } ) {
+        my $meth_name = ref($spec) ? $spec->{name} : $spec;
+        my $method = $class->method($meth_name);
+        confess("Can't find method '$meth_name' in class '$class_name'")
+            unless $method;
+        my $method_pod;
+        if ( ref($spec) ) {
+            $method_pod = $spec->{pod};
+        }
+        else {
+            $method_pod = $self->_gen_subroutine_pod(
+                func       => $method,
+                name       => $meth_name,
+                sample     => '',
+                class      => $class,
+                class_name => $class_name
+            );
+        }
+        if ( $method->abstract ) {
+            push @abstract_method_docs, _perlify_doc_text($method_pod);
+        }
+        else {
+            push @method_docs, _perlify_doc_text($method_pod);
+        }
+    }
+    if (@method_docs) {
+        $methods_pod = join( "", "=head1 METHODS\n\n", @method_docs );
+    }
+    if (@abstract_method_docs) {
+        $abstract_methods_pod = join( "", "=head1 ABSTRACT METHODS\n\n",
+            @abstract_method_docs );
+    }
+    # Build an INHERITANCE section describing class ancestry.
+    my $child = $class;
+    my @ancestors;
+    while ( defined( my $parent = $child->get_parent ) ) {
+        push @ancestors, $parent;
+        $child = $parent;
+    }
+    my $inheritance_pod = "";
+    if (@ancestors) {
+        $inheritance_pod = "=head1 INHERITANCE\n\n";
+        $inheritance_pod .= $class->get_class_name;
+        for my $ancestor (@ancestors) {
+            $inheritance_pod .= " isa L<" . $ancestor->get_class_name . ">";
+        }
+        $inheritance_pod .= ".\n";
+    }
+    # Put it all together.
+    my $pod = <<END_POD;
+# Auto-generated file -- DO NOT EDIT!!!!!
+==head1 NAME
+$class_name - $brief
+Copyright 2005-2009 Marvin Humphrey
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+    # Kill off stupid hack which allows us to embed pod in this file without
+    # messing up what you see when you perldoc it.
+    $pod =~ s/^==/=/gm;
+    return $pod;
+sub _perlify_doc_text {
+    my $documentation = shift;
+    # Remove double-equals hack needed to fool perldoc, PAUSE, etc. :P
+    $documentation =~ s/^==/=/mg;
+    # Change <code>foo</code> to C<< foo >>.
+    $documentation =~ s#<code>(.*?)</code>#C<< $1 >>#gsm;
+    # Lowercase all method names: Open_In() => open_in()
+    $documentation
+        =~ s/([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*(?:_[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*)*\(\))/\L$1\E/gsm;
+    # Change all instances of NULL to 'undef'
+    $documentation =~ s/NULL/undef/g;
+    return $documentation;
+=head1 NAME
+Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Class - Generate Perl binding code for a
+=head1 register
+    Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+        parcel       => 'Boil',                               # required
+        class_name   => 'Foo::FooJr',                         # required
+        bind_methods => [qw( Do_Stuff _get_foo|Get_Foo )],    # default: undef
+        bind_constructors => [qw( new _new2|init2 )],         # default: undef
+        make_pod          => [qw( get_foo )],                 # default: undef
+        xs_code           => undef,                           # default: undef
+    );
+Create a new class binding and lodge it in the registry.  May only be called
+once for each unique class name, and must be called after all classes have
+been parsed (via Boilerplater::Hierarchy's build()).
+=item * B<parcel> - A L<Boilerplater::Parcel> or parcel name.
+=item * B<class_name> - The name of the class to be registered.
+=item * B<xs_code> - Raw XS code to be included in the final .xs file
+generated by Boilerplater::Binding::Perl. The XS directives PACKAGE and
+MODULE should be specified.
+=item * B<bind_methods> - An array of names for novel methods for which XS
+bindings should be auto-generated, supplied using Boilerplater's C<Macro_Name>
+method-naming convention.  The Perl subroutine name will be derived by
+lowercasing C<Method_Name> to C<method_name>, but this can be overridden by
+prepending an alias and a pipe: e.g. C<_get_foo|Get_Foo>.
+=item * B<bind_constructors> - An array of constructor names.  The default
+implementing function is the class's C<init> function, unless it is overridden
+using a pipe-separated string: C<_new2|init2> would create a Perl subroutine
+"_new2" which would invoke C<boil_FooJr_init2>.
+=item * B<make_pod> - A specification for generating POD.  TODO: document this
+spec, or break it up into multiple methods.  (For now, just see examples from
+the source code.)
+=head1 registry
+    my $registry = Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Class->registry;
+    while ( my $class_name, $class_binding ) = each %$registry ) {
+        ...
+    }
+Return the hash registry used by register().  The keys are class names, and
+the values are Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Class objects.
+=head2 get_class_name get_bind_methods get_bind_methods get_make_pod
+get_xs_code get_client
+Accessors.  C<get_client> retrieves the Boilerplater::Class module to be
+=head2 constructor_bindings
+    my @ctor_bindings = $class_binding->constructor_bindings;
+Return a list of Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Constructor objects created as
+per the C<bind_constructors> spec.
+=head2 method_bindings
+    my @method_bindings = $class_binding->method_bindings;
+Return a list of Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Method objects created as per
+the C<bind_methods> spec.
+=head2 create_pod
+    my $pod = $class_binding->create_pod;
+Auto-generate POD according to the make_pod spec, if such a spec was supplied.
+    /**
+     * Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
+     *
+     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     * implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
+     * permissions and limitations under the License.
+     */

Propchange: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/
--- lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/ (added)
+++ lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/ Sun Sep  6 22:18:16 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Constructor;
+use base qw( Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Subroutine );
+use Carp;
+use Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::TypeMap qw( from_perl );
+use Boilerplater::ParamList;
+sub new {
+    my ( $either, %args ) = @_;
+    my $class          = delete $args{class};
+    my $alias          = delete $args{alias};
+    my $init_func_name = $alias =~ s/^(\w+)\|(\w+)$/$1/ ? $2 : 'init';
+    my $class_name     = $class->get_class_name;
+    # Find the implementing function.
+    my $func;
+    for my $function ( $class->functions ) {
+        next unless $function->micro_sym eq $init_func_name;
+        $func = $function;
+        last;
+    }
+    confess("Missing or invalid init() function for $class_name")
+        unless $func;
+    my $self = $either->SUPER::new(
+        param_list         => $func->get_param_list,
+        retval_type        => $func->get_return_type,
+        class_name         => $class_name,
+        use_labeled_params => 1,
+        alias              => $alias,
+        %args
+    );
+    $self->{init_func} = $func;
+    return $self;
+sub xsub_def {
+    my $self       = shift;
+    my $c_name     = $self->c_name;
+    my $param_list = $self->{param_list};
+    my $name_list  = $param_list->name_list;
+    my $arg_inits  = $param_list->get_initial_values;
+    my $num_args   = $param_list->num_vars;
+    my $arg_vars   = $param_list->get_variables;
+    my $func_sym   = $self->{init_func}->full_func_sym;
+    # Create code for allocating labeled parameters.
+    my $var_declarations = $self->var_declarations;
+    my $params_hash_name = $self->perl_name . "_PARAMS";
+    my @var_assignments;
+    my @refcount_mods;
+    my $allot_params
+        = qq|XSBind_allot_params( &(ST(0)), 1, items, "$params_hash_name",\n|;
+    # Iterate over args in param list.
+    for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $#$arg_vars; $i++ ) {
+        my $var        = $arg_vars->[$i];
+        my $val        = $arg_inits->[$i];
+        my $name       = $var->micro_sym;
+        my $sv_name    = $name . "_sv";
+        my $stack_name = $name . "_zcb";
+        my $type       = $var->get_type;
+        my $len        = length $name;
+        # Create snippet for extracting sv from stack, if supplied.
+        $allot_params .= qq|            &$sv_name, "$name", $len,\n|;
+        # Create code for determining and validating value.
+        my $statement = from_perl( $type, $name, $sv_name, $stack_name );
+        if ( defined $val ) {
+            my $assignment = qq|if ($sv_name && XSBind_sv_defined($sv_name)) {
+            $statement
+        }
+        else {
+            $name = $val;
+        }|;
+            push @var_assignments, $assignment;
+        }
+        else {
+            my $assignment
+                = qq#if ( !$sv_name || !XSBind_sv_defined($sv_name) ) {
+           THROW(LUCY_ERR, "Missing required param '$name'");
+        }
+        $statement#;
+            push @var_assignments, $assignment;
+        }
+        # Compensate for the fact that the method will swallow a refcount.
+        if ( $type->is_object and $type->decremented ) {
+            push @refcount_mods, "if ($name) { LUCY_INCREF($name); }";
+        }
+    }
+    $allot_params .= "            NULL);\n";
+    # Last, so that earlier exceptions while fetching params don't trigger bad
+    # DESTROY.
+    my $self_var  = $arg_vars->[0];
+    my $self_type = $self_var->get_type->to_c;
+    push @var_assignments,
+        qq|self = ($self_type)XSBind_new_blank_obj( ST(0) );|;
+    # Bundle up variable assignment statments.
+    my $var_assignments
+        = join( "\n        ", $allot_params, @var_assignments );
+    my $refcount_mods = join( "\n        ", @refcount_mods );
+    return <<END_STUFF;
+XS($c_name); /* -Wmissing-prototypes */
+    dXSARGS;
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(cv);
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(ax);
+    if (items < 1)
+        THROW(LUCY_ERR, "Usage: %s(class_name, ...)",  GvNAME(CvGV(cv)));
+    SP -= items;
+    {
+        $var_declarations
+        $var_assignments
+        $refcount_mods
+        retval = $func_sym($name_list);
+        ST(0) = Lucy_Obj_To_Host(retval);
+        LUCY_DECREF(retval);
+        sv_2mortal( ST(0) );
+        XSRETURN(1);
+    }
+=head1 NAME
+Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Constructor - Binding for an object method.
+This class isa Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Subroutine -- see its
+documentation for various code-generating routines.
+Constructors are always bound to accept labeled params, even if there is only
+a single argument.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+    my $constructor_binding = Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Constructor->new(
+        class => $class,
+        alias => "_new|init2",
+    );
+=item * B<class> - A L<Boilerplater::Class>.
+=item * B<alias> - A specifier for the name of the constructor, and
+optionally, a specifier for the implementing function.  If C<alias> has a pipe
+character in it, the text to the left of the pipe will be used as the Perl
+alias, and the text to the right will be used to determine which C function
+should be bound.  The default function is "init".
+=head2 xsub_def
+Generate the XSUB code.
+    /**
+     * Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
+     *
+     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     * implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
+     * permissions and limitations under the License.
+     */

Propchange: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/
--- lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/ (added)
+++ lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/ Sun Sep  6 22:18:16 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Method;
+use base qw( Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Subroutine );
+use Boilerplater::Util qw( verify_args );
+use Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::TypeMap qw( from_perl to_perl );
+use Carp;
+our %new_PARAMS = ( 
+    method => undef,
+    alias  => undef,
+sub new {
+    my ( $either, %args ) = @_;
+    confess $@ unless verify_args( \%new_PARAMS, %args );
+    # Derive arguments to SUPER constructor from supplied Method.
+    my $method = delete $args{method};
+    $args{retval_type} ||= $method->get_return_type;
+    $args{param_list}  ||= $method->get_param_list;
+    $args{alias}       ||= $method->micro_sym;
+    $args{class_name}  ||= $method->get_class_name;
+    if ( !defined $args{use_labeled_params} ) {
+        $args{use_labeled_params}
+            = $method->get_param_list->num_vars > 2
+            ? 1
+            : 0;
+    }
+    my $self = $either->SUPER::new(%args);
+    $self->{method} = $method;
+    return $self;
+sub xsub_def {
+    my $self = shift;
+    if ( $self->{use_labeled_params} ) {
+        return $self->_xsub_def_labeled_params;
+    }
+    else {
+        return $self->_xsub_def_positional_args;
+    }
+# Build XSUB function body.
+sub _xsub_body {
+    my $self           = shift;
+    my $method         = $self->{method};
+    my $full_func_sym  = $method->full_func_sym;
+    my $param_list     = $method->get_param_list;
+    my $arg_vars       = $param_list->get_variables;
+    my $name_list      = $param_list->name_list;
+    my $body           = "";
+    # Compensate for functions which eat refcounts.
+    for my $arg_var (@$arg_vars) {
+        my $arg_type = $arg_var->get_type;
+        next unless $arg_type->is_object;
+        next unless $arg_type->decremented;
+        my $var_name = $arg_var->micro_sym;
+        $body .= "if ($var_name) (void)LUCY_INCREF($var_name);\n        ";
+    }
+    if ( $method->void ) {
+        # Invoke method in void context.
+        $body .= qq|$full_func_sym($name_list);|;
+    }
+    else {
+        # Return a value for method invoked in a scalar context.
+        my $return_type       = $method->get_return_type;
+        my $retval_assignment = to_perl( $return_type, 'ST(0)', 'retval' );
+        my $decrement         = "";
+        if ( $return_type->is_object and $return_type->incremented ) {
+            $decrement = "LUCY_DECREF(retval);\n";
+        }
+        $body .= qq|retval = $full_func_sym($name_list);
+        $retval_assignment$decrement
+        sv_2mortal( ST(0) );
+        XSRETURN(1);|
+    }
+    return $body;
+sub _xsub_def_positional_args {
+    my $self       = shift;
+    my $method     = $self->{method};
+    my $param_list = $method->get_param_list;
+    my $arg_vars   = $param_list->get_variables;
+    my $arg_inits  = $param_list->get_initial_values;
+    my $num_args   = $param_list->num_vars;
+    my $c_name     = $self->c_name;
+    my $body       = $self->_xsub_body;
+    # Determine how many args are truly required and build an error check.
+    my $min_required = $num_args;
+    while ( defined $arg_inits->[ $min_required - 1 ] ) {
+        $min_required--;
+    }
+    my @xs_arg_names;
+    for ( my $i = 0; $i < $min_required; $i++ ) {
+        push @xs_arg_names, $arg_vars->[$i]->micro_sym;
+    }
+    my $xs_name_list = join( ", ", @xs_arg_names );
+    my $num_args_check;
+    if ( $min_required < $num_args ) {
+        $num_args_check
+            = qq|if (items < $min_required) { |
+            . qq|THROW(LUCY_ERR, "Usage: %s(%s)",  GvNAME(CvGV(cv)),|
+            . qq| "$xs_name_list"); }|;
+    }
+    else {
+        $num_args_check
+            = qq|if (items != $num_args) { |
+            . qq| THROW(LUCY_ERR, "Usage: %s(%s)",  GvNAME(CvGV(cv)), |
+            . qq|"$xs_name_list"); }|;
+    }
+    # Var assignments.
+    my $var_declarations = $self->var_declarations;
+    my @var_assignments;
+    for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$arg_vars; $i++ ) {
+        my $var        = $arg_vars->[$i];
+        my $val        = $arg_inits->[$i];
+        my $var_name   = $var->micro_sym;
+        my $stack_name = $var_name . '_zcb';
+        my $var_type   = $var->get_type;
+        my $statement;
+        if ( $i == 0 ) {    # $self
+            $statement
+                = _self_assign_statement( $var_type, $method->micro_sym );
+        }
+        else {
+            $statement
+                = from_perl( $var_type, $var_name, "ST($i)", $stack_name );
+        }
+        if ( defined $val ) {
+            $statement
+                = qq|    if ( items >= $i && XSBind_sv_defined(ST($i)) ) {
+            $statement
+        }
+        else { 
+            $var_name = $val;
+        }|;
+        }
+        push @var_assignments, $statement;
+    }
+    my $var_assignments = join "\n    ", @var_assignments;
+    return <<END_STUFF;
+XS($c_name); /* -Wmissing-prototypes */
+    dXSARGS;
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(cv);
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(ax);
+    SP -= items;
+    $num_args_check;
+    {
+        /* Extract vars from Perl stack. */
+        $var_declarations
+        $var_assignments
+        /* Execute */
+        $body
+    }
+sub _xsub_def_labeled_params {
+    my $self       = shift;
+    my $c_name     = $self->c_name;
+    my $param_list = $self->{param_list};
+    my $arg_inits  = $param_list->get_initial_values;
+    my $num_args   = $param_list->num_vars;
+    my $arg_vars   = $param_list->get_variables;
+    my $body       = $self->_xsub_body;
+    # Prepare error message for incorrect args.
+    my $name_list = $arg_vars->[0]->micro_sym . ", ...";
+    my $num_args_check
+        = qq|if (items < 1) { |
+        . qq|THROW(LUCY_ERR, "Usage: %s(%s)",  GvNAME(CvGV(cv)), |
+        . qq|"$name_list"); }|;
+    # Create code for allocating labeled parameters.
+    my $var_declarations = $self->var_declarations;
+    my $self_var         = $arg_vars->[0];
+    my $self_type        = $self_var->get_type;
+    my $params_hash_name = $self->perl_name . "_PARAMS";
+    my $self_assignment
+        = _self_assign_statement( $self_type, $self->{method}->micro_sym );
+    my @var_assignments;
+    my $allot_params
+        = qq|XSBind_allot_params( &(ST(0)), 1, items, "$params_hash_name", |;
+    # Iterate over args in param list.
+    for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $#$arg_vars; $i++ ) {
+        my $var        = $arg_vars->[$i];
+        my $val        = $arg_inits->[$i];
+        my $name       = $var->micro_sym;
+        my $sv_name    = $name . "_sv";
+        my $stack_name = $name . "_zcb";
+        my $type       = $var->get_type;
+        my $len        = length $name;
+        # Code for extracting sv from stack, if supplied.
+        $allot_params .= qq|            &$sv_name, "$name", $len,\n|;
+        # Code for determining and validating value.
+        my $statement = from_perl( $type, $name, $sv_name, $stack_name );
+        if ( defined $val ) {
+            my $assignment
+                = qq|if ( $sv_name && XSBind_sv_defined($sv_name) ) {
+            $statement;
+        }
+        else {
+            $name = $val;
+        }|;
+            push @var_assignments, $assignment;
+        }
+        else {
+            my $assignment
+                = qq#if ( !$sv_name || !XSBind_sv_defined($sv_name) ) { #
+                . qq#THROW(LUCY_ERR, "Missing required param '$name'"); }\n#
+                . qq#         $statement;#;
+            push @var_assignments, $assignment;
+        }
+    }
+    $allot_params .= " NULL);\n";
+    my $var_assignments = join( "\n        ",
+        $self_assignment, $allot_params, @var_assignments, );
+    return <<END_STUFF;
+XS($c_name); /* -Wmissing-prototypes */
+    dXSARGS;
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(cv);
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(ax);
+    $num_args_check;
+    SP -= items;
+    {
+        /* Extract vars from Perl stack. */
+        $var_declarations
+        $var_assignments
+        /* Execute */
+        $body
+    }
+# Create an assignment statement for extracting $self from the Perl stack.
+sub _self_assign_statement {
+    my ( $type, $method_name ) = @_;
+    my $type_c = $type->to_c;
+    $type_c =~ /(\w+)\*$/ or die "Not an object type: $type_c";
+    my $vtable = uc($1);
+    # Make an exception for deserialize -- allow self to be NULL if called as
+    # a class method.
+    my $binding_func
+        = $method_name eq 'deserialize'
+        ? 'XSBind_maybe_sv_to_lucy_obj'
+        : 'XSBind_sv_to_lucy_obj';
+    return "self = ($type_c)$binding_func(ST(0), $vtable, NULL);";
+=head1 NAME
+Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Method - Binding for an object method.
+This class isa Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Subroutine -- see its
+documentation for various code-generating routines.
+Method bindings use labeled parameters if the C function takes more than one
+argument (other than C<self>).  If there is only one argument, the binding
+will be set up to accept a single positional argument.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+    my $binding = Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Method->new(
+        method => $method,    # required
+    );
+=item * B<method> - A L<Boilerplater::Method>.
+=head2 xsub_def
+Generate the XSUB code.
+    /**
+     * Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
+     *
+     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     * implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
+     * permissions and limitations under the License.
+     */

Propchange: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/
--- lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/ (added)
+++ lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/ Sun Sep  6 22:18:16 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Subroutine;
+use Carp;
+use Boilerplater::Class;
+use Boilerplater::Function;
+use Boilerplater::Method;
+use Boilerplater::Variable;
+use Boilerplater::ParamList;
+use Boilerplater::Util qw( verify_args );
+our %new_PARAMS = (
+    param_list         => undef,
+    alias              => undef,
+    class_name         => undef,
+    retval_type        => undef,
+    use_labeled_params => undef,
+sub new {
+    my $either = shift;
+    verify_args( \%new_PARAMS, @_ ) or confess $@;
+    my $self = bless { %new_PARAMS, @_, }, ref($either) || $either;
+    for (qw( param_list class_name alias retval_type )) {
+        confess("$_ is required") unless defined $self->{$_};
+    }
+    return $self;
+sub get_class_name     { shift->{class_name} }
+sub use_labeled_params { shift->{use_labeled_params} }
+sub perl_name { 
+    my $self = shift;
+    return "$self->{class_name}::$self->{alias}";
+sub c_name {
+    my $self   = shift;
+    my $c_name = "XS_" . $self->perl_name;
+    $c_name =~ s/:+/_/g;
+    return $c_name;
+sub c_name_list {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{param_list}->name_list;
+my %params_hash_vals_map = (
+    NULL  => 'undef',
+    true  => 1,
+    false => 0,
+sub params_hash_def {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return unless $self->{use_labeled_params};
+    my $params_hash_name = $self->perl_name . "_PARAMS";
+    my $arg_vars         = $self->{param_list}->get_variables;
+    my $vals             = $self->{param_list}->get_initial_values;
+    my @pairs;
+    for ( my $i = 1; $i < @$arg_vars; $i++ ) {
+        my $var = $arg_vars->[$i];
+        my $val = $vals->[$i];
+        if ( !defined $val ) {
+            $val = 'undef';
+        }
+        elsif ( exists $params_hash_vals_map{$val} ) {
+            $val = $params_hash_vals_map{$val};
+        }
+        push @pairs, $var->micro_sym . " => $val,";
+    }
+    if (@pairs) {
+        my $list = join( "\n    ", @pairs );
+        return qq|\%$params_hash_name = (\n    $list\n);\n|;
+    }
+    else {
+        return qq|\%$params_hash_name = ();\n|;
+    }
+sub var_declarations {
+    my $self     = shift;
+    my $arg_vars = $self->{param_list}->get_variables;
+    my @var_declarations;
+    for my $i ( 0 .. $#$arg_vars ) {
+        my $arg_var = $arg_vars->[$i];
+        push @var_declarations, $arg_var->local_declaration;
+        next if $i == 0;    # no ZombieCharBuf for $self.
+        next
+            unless $arg_var->get_type->get_specifier
+                =~ /^lucy_(Obj|CharBuf)$/;
+        push @var_declarations,
+              'lucy_ZombieCharBuf '
+            . $arg_var->micro_sym
+            . '_zcb = LUCY_ZCB_BLANK;';
+    }
+    if ( !$self->{retval_type}->is_void ) {
+        my $return_type = $self->{retval_type}->to_c;
+        push @var_declarations, "$return_type retval;";
+    }
+    if ( $self->{use_labeled_params} ) {
+        push @var_declarations,
+            map { "SV* " . $_->micro_sym . "_sv = NULL;" }
+            @$arg_vars[ 1 .. $#$arg_vars ];
+    }
+    return join( "\n        ", @var_declarations );
+sub xsub_def { confess "Abstract method" }
+=head1 NAME
+Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Subroutine - Abstract base binding for a
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    # Abstract base class.
+This class is used to generate binding code for invoking Boilerplater's
+functions and methods across the Perl/C barrier.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+    my $binding = $subclass->SUPER::new(
+        param_list         => $param_list,     # required
+        alias              => 'do_stuff',      # required
+        class_name         => 'Foo::FooJr',    # required
+        retval_type        => $type,           # required
+        use_labeled_params => 1,               # default: false
+    );
+Abstract constructor.
+=item * B<param_list> - A L<Boilerplater::ParamList>.
+=item * B<alias> - The local, unqualified name for the Perl subroutine that
+will be used to invoke the function.
+=item * B<class_name> - The name of the Perl class that the subroutine belongs
+=item * B<retval_type> - The return value's L<Type|Boilerplater::Type>.
+=item * B<use_labeled_params> - True if the binding should take hash-style
+labeled parameters, false if it should take positional arguments.
+=head2 xsub_def
+Abstract method which must return C code (not XS code) defining the Perl XSUB.
+=head2 var_declarations
+Generate C code containing declarations for subroutine-specific automatic
+variables needed by the XSUB.
+=head2 get_class_name use_labeled_params
+=head2 perl_name
+Returns the fully-qualified perl sub name.
+=head2 c_name
+Returns the fully-qualified name of the C function that implements the XSUB.
+=head2 c_name_list
+Returns a string containing the names of arguments to feed to bound C
+function, joined by commas.
+=head2 params_hash_def
+Return Perl code initializing a package-global hash where all the keys are the
+names of labeled params.  The hash's name consists of the the binding's
+perl_name() plus "_PARAMS".
+    /**
+     * Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
+     *
+     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     * implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
+     * permissions and limitations under the License.
+     */

Propchange: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/
--- lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/ (added)
+++ lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/ Sun Sep  6 22:18:16 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::TypeMap;
+use base qw( Exporter );
+use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
+use Carp;
+use Fcntl;
+use Config;
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw( from_perl to_perl );
+# Convert from a Perl scalar to a primitive type.
+my %primitives_from_perl = (
+    double => sub {"$_[0] = SvNV( $_[1] );"},
+    float  => sub {"$_[0] = (float)SvNV( $_[1] );"},
+    int    => sub {"$_[0] = (int)SvIV( $_[1] );"},
+    short  => sub {"$_[0] = (short)SvIV( $_[1] );"},
+    long   => sub {
+        $Config{longsize} <= $Config{ivsize}
+            ? "$_[0] = (long)SvIV( $_[1] );"
+            : "$_[0] = (long)SvNV( $_[1] );";
+    },
+    size_t     => sub {"$_[0] = (size_t)SvIV( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_u64_t  => sub {"$_[0] = (chy_u64_t)SvNV( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_u32_t  => sub {"$_[0] = (chy_u32_t)SvUV( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_u16_t  => sub {"$_[0] = (chy_u16_t)SvUV( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_u8_t   => sub {"$_[0] = (chy_u8_t)SvUV( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_i64_t  => sub {"$_[0] = (chy_i64_t)SvNV( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_i32_t  => sub {"$_[0] = (chy_i32_t)SvIV( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_i16_t  => sub {"$_[0] = (chy_i16_t)SvIV( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_i8_t   => sub {"$_[0] = (chy_i8_t)SvIV( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_bool_t => sub {"$_[0] = SvTRUE( $_[1] ) ? 1 : 0;"},
+# Convert from a primitive type to a Perl scalar.
+my %primitives_to_perl = (
+    double => sub {"$_[0] = newSVnv( $_[1] );"},
+    float  => sub {"$_[0] = newSVnv( $_[1] );"},
+    int    => sub {"$_[0] = newSViv( $_[1] );"},
+    short  => sub {"$_[0] = newSViv( $_[1] );"},
+    long   => sub {
+        $Config{longsize} <= $Config{ivsize}
+            ? "$_[0] = newSViv( $_[1] );"
+            : "$_[0] = newSVnv( (NV)$_[1] );";
+    },
+    size_t    => sub {"$_[0] = newSViv( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_u64_t => sub {
+        $Config{uvsize} == 8
+            ? "$_[0] = newSVuv( $_[1] );"
+            : "$_[0] = newSVnv( (NV)$_[1] );";
+    },
+    chy_u32_t => sub {"$_[0] = newSVuv( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_u16_t => sub {"$_[0] = newSVuv( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_u8_t  => sub {"$_[0] = newSVuv( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_i64_t => sub {
+        $Config{ivsize} == 8
+            ? "$_[0] = newSViv( $_[1] );"
+            : "$_[0] = newSVnv( (NV)$_[1] );";
+    },
+    chy_i32_t  => sub {"$_[0] = newSViv( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_i16_t  => sub {"$_[0] = newSViv( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_i8_t   => sub {"$_[0] = newSViv( $_[1] );"},
+    chy_bool_t => sub {"$_[0] = newSViv( $_[1] );"},
+# Extract a Boilerplater object from a Perl SV.
+sub _sv_to_bp_obj {
+    my ( $type, $bp_var, $xs_var, $stack_var ) = @_;
+    my $struct_sym = $type->get_specifier;
+    my $vtable     = uc($struct_sym);
+    my $third_arg;
+    if ( $struct_sym =~ /^[a-z_]*(Obj|CharBuf)$/ ) {
+        # Share buffers rather than copy between Perl scalars and BP string
+        # types.  Assume that the appropriate ZombieCharBuf has been declared
+        # on the stack.
+        $third_arg = "&$stack_var";
+    }
+    else {
+        $third_arg = 'NULL';
+    }
+    return "$bp_var = ($struct_sym*)XSBind_sv_to_lucy_obj($xs_var, "
+        . "$vtable, $third_arg);";
+sub _void_star_to_lucy {
+    my ( $type, $bp_var, $xs_var ) = @_;
+    # Assume that void* is a reference SV -- either a hashref or an arrayref.
+    return qq|if (SvROK($xs_var)) {
+            $bp_var = SvRV($xs_var);
+        }
+        else {
+            $bp_var = NULL; /* avoid uninitialized compiler warning */
+            LUCY_THROW(LUCY_ERR, "$bp_var is not a reference");
+        }\n|;
+sub from_perl {
+    my ( $type, $bp_var, $xs_var, $stack_var ) = @_;
+    confess("Not a Boilerplater::Type")
+        unless blessed($type) && $type->isa('Boilerplater::Type');
+    if ( $type->is_object ) {
+        return _sv_to_bp_obj( $type, $bp_var, $xs_var, $stack_var );
+    }
+    elsif ( $type->is_primitive ) {
+        if ( my $sub = $primitives_from_perl{ $type->to_c } ) {
+            return $sub->( $bp_var, $xs_var );
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ( $type->is_composite ) {
+        if ( $type->to_c eq 'void*' ) {
+            return _void_star_to_lucy( $type, $bp_var, $xs_var );
+        }
+    }
+    confess( "Missing typemap for " . $type->to_c );
+sub to_perl {
+    my ( $type, $xs_var, $bp_var ) = @_;
+    confess("Not a Boilerplater::Type")
+        unless ref($type) && $type->isa('Boilerplater::Type');
+    my $type_str = $type->to_c;
+    if ( $type->is_object ) {
+        return "$xs_var = $bp_var == NULL ? newSV(0) : "
+            . "XSBind_lucy_to_perl((lucy_Obj*)$bp_var);";
+    }
+    elsif ( $type->is_primitive ) {
+        if ( my $sub = $primitives_to_perl{$type_str} ) {
+            return $sub->( $xs_var, $bp_var );
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ( $type->is_composite ) {
+        if ( $type_str eq 'void*' ) {
+            # Assume that void* is a reference SV -- either a hashref or an
+            # arrayref.
+            return "$xs_var = newRV_inc( (SV*)($bp_var) );";
+        }
+    }
+    confess("Missing typemap for '$type_str'");
+sub write_xs_typemap {
+    my ( undef, %args ) = @_;
+    my $hierarchy = $args{hierarchy};
+    my $typemap_start  = _typemap_start();
+    my $typemap_input  = _typemap_input_start();
+    my $typemap_output = _typemap_output_start();
+    for my $class ( $hierarchy->ordered_classes ) {
+        my $full_struct_sym = $class->full_struct_sym;
+        my $vtable          = $class->full_vtable_var;
+        my $label           = $vtable . "_";
+        $typemap_start .= "$full_struct_sym*\t$label\n";
+        $typemap_input .= <<END_INPUT;
+    \$var = ($full_struct_sym*)XSBind_sv_to_lucy_obj(\$arg, $vtable, NULL);
+        $typemap_output .= <<END_OUTPUT;
+    \$arg = (SV*)Lucy_Obj_To_Host(\$var);
+    LUCY_DECREF(\$var);
+    }
+    # Blast it out.
+    sysopen( my $typemap_fh, 'typemap', O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_EXCL )
+        or die "Couldn't open 'typemap' for writing: $!";
+    print $typemap_fh "$typemap_start $typemap_input $typemap_output"
+        or die "Print to 'typemap' failed: $!";
+sub _typemap_start {
+    my $content = <<END_STUFF;
+# Auto-generated file.
+    return $content;
+sub _typemap_input_start {
+    my ( $big_signed_convert, $big_unsigned_convert );
+    if ( $Config{ivsize} == 8 ) {
+        $big_signed_convert   = '$var = ($type)SvIV($arg);';
+        $big_unsigned_convert = '$var = ($type)SvUV($arg);';
+    }
+    else {
+        $big_signed_convert   = '$var   = ($type)SvNV($arg);';
+        $big_unsigned_convert = '$var = ($type)SvNV($arg);';
+    }
+    return <<END_STUFF;
+    \$var = (\$type)SvTRUE(\$arg);
+    \$var = (\$type)SvIV(\$arg);
+    \$var = (\$type)SvUV(\$arg);
+    $big_signed_convert
+    $big_unsigned_convert
+    \$var = lucy_ZCB_make_str(SvPVutf8_nolen(\$arg), SvCUR(\$arg));
+sub _typemap_output_start {
+    my ( $big_signed_convert, $big_unsigned_convert );
+    if ( $Config{ivsize} == 8 ) {
+        $big_signed_convert   = 'sv_setiv((IV)$arg);';
+        $big_unsigned_convert = 'sv_setuv((UV)$arg);';
+    }
+    else {
+        $big_signed_convert   = 'sv_setnv((NV)$arg);';
+        $big_unsigned_convert = 'sv_setnv((NV)$arg);';
+    }
+    return <<END_STUFF;
+    sv_setiv(\$arg, (IV)\$var);
+    sv_setiv(\$arg, (IV)\$var);
+    sv_setuv(\$arg, (UV)\$var);
+    $big_signed_convert
+    $big_unsigned_convert
+=head1 NAME
+Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::TypeMap - Convert between BP and Perl via XS.
+TypeMap serves up C code fragments for translating between Perl data
+structures and Boilerplater data structures.  The functions to_perl() and
+from_perl() achieve this for individual types; write_xs_typemap() exports all
+types using the XS "typemap" format documented in C<perlxs>.
+=head2 from_perl
+    my $c_code = from_perl( $type, $bp_var, $xs_var, $stack_var );
+Return C code which converts from a Perl scalar to a variable of type $type.
+Variable declarations must precede the returned code, as from_perl() won't
+make any declarations itself.
+=item * B<type> - A Boilerplater::Type, which will be used to select the
+mapping code.
+=item * B<bp_var> - The name of the variable being assigned to.
+=item * B<xs_var> - The C name of the Perl scalar from which we are extracting
+a value.
+=item * B<stack_var> - Only required needed when C<type> is
+Boilerplater::Object indicating that C<bp_var> is an either an Obj or a
+CharBuf.  When passing strings or other simple types to Boilerplater functions
+from Perl, we allow the user to supply simple scalars rather than forcing them
+to create Boilerplater objects.  We do this by creating a ZombieCharBuf on the
+stack and assigning the string from the Perl scalar to it.  C<stack_var> is
+the name of that ZombieCharBuf wrapper.  
+=head2 to_perl
+    my $c_code = to_perl( $type, $xs_var, $bp_var );
+Return C code which converts from a variable of type $type to a Perl scalar.
+Variable declarations must precede the returned code, as to_perl() won't make
+any declarations itself.
+=item * B<type> - A Boilerplater::Type, which will be used to select the
+mapping code.
+=item * B<xs_var> - The C name of the Perl scalar being assigned to.
+=item * B<bp_var> - The name of the variable from which we are extracting a
+=head2 write_xs_typemap 
+    Boilerplater::Binding::Perl::Typemap->write_xs_typemap(
+        hierarchy => $hierarchy,
+    );
+=item * B<hierarchy> - A L<Boilerplater::Hierarchy>.
+Auto-generate a "typemap" file that adheres to the conventions documented in
+We generate this file on the fly rather than maintain a static copy because we
+want an entry for each Boilerplater type so that we can differentiate between
+them when checking arguments.  Keeping the entries up-to-date manually as
+classes come and go would be a pain.
+    /**
+     * Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
+     *
+     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     * implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
+     * permissions and limitations under the License.
+     */

Propchange: lucene/lucy/trunk/boilerplater/lib/Boilerplater/Binding/Perl/
    svn:eol-style = native