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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2009/08/22 21:27:37 UTC

[Solr Wiki] Update of "SolrJS" by MatthiasEpheser

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The following page has been changed by MatthiasEpheser:

  == About ==
- SolrJs is a javascript client library that is topic of a 2008 google summer of code project. It is currently work in progress, this page is intended to show the project's status, some technical documentation and a collection of thoughts about future features. The current trunk is accessible at []
+ SolrJs is a javascript client library that is topic of a 2008 google summer of code project. It is currently work in progress, this page is intended to show the project's status, some technical documentation and a collection of thoughts about future features.  
  == Online example and docs ==
- Refer to [] to view an online example and online jsdocs.
+ Refer to [] to view an online example and online jsdocs. Note that both example and docs can easily be created locally in trunk using ant. 
+ == Source code ==
+ In the current trunk (Solr 1.4. SNAPSHOT) solrjs found its home in solr's svn under client/javascript. Source code can be located at []
+ == Creating the docs ==
+ We use jsdoc ([]) to create JavaDoc like documentation. Just go to client/javascript, execute "ant docs" and point to "client/javascript/dist/doc/index.html".
+ == Creating the distribution ==
+ After execution of "ant dist", a "dist" directory will be created containing 2 files:
+  * solrjs-1.4-dev.js -> an aggregated file composed of all *.js files in the src tree in correct order.
+  * solrjs-1.4-dev-templates.jar -> solrjs-1.4-dev-templates.jar velocity files used by server side widgets. This jar can be put into solr/lib when needed.
+ == Creating the reuters example ==
+ To explore the code, it's best to investigate and debug the reuters single page example locally. To achieve this, the following steps are needed:
+  * ant reuters-start -> starts a testsolr instance under port 8983 including the schema for reuters business articles.
+  * go to "client/javascript/example/reuters/testdata" and execute "./". This script will download the dataset from [] and extracts the *.sgm files.
+  * ant reuters-import -> imports the sgm files into the running testsolr
+  * point the browser to "client/javascript/example/reuters/index.html" and enjoy.
  == Architectural Overview ==
- The library is written using the javascript toolkit jQuery [] (Version 1.2.5). After distribution, SolrJS is included in one additional javascript file "solrjs.js". The idea is to create several (reusable and extensible) "widgets" that represent solr queries. A widget is a javascript object that is responsible for creating the according solr query as well as render the result from the server to html. One manager object acts as a container that holds these widgets, performs the actual query using jQueries getJSON [] method. This method creates a dynamic script tag, making cross-domain solr requests possible. 
+ The library is written using the javascript toolkit jQuery [] (minmal version 1.2.5). After distribution, SolrJS is included in one additional javascript file "solrjs.js". The idea is to create several (reusable and extensible) "widgets" that represent solr queries. A widget is a javascript object that is responsible for creating the according solr query as well as render the result from the server to html. One manager object acts as a container that holds these widgets, performs the actual query using jQueries getJSON [] method. This method creates a dynamic script tag, making cross-domain solr requests possible. 
  There are two base types of widgets: