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[lucy-commits] [11/27] Remove bundled Clownfish.
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCRuby.c b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCRuby.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b69b9d2..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCRuby.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "charmony.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "CFCBase.h"
-#include "CFCClass.h"
-#include "CFCHierarchy.h"
-#include "CFCParcel.h"
-#include "CFCRuby.h"
-#include "CFCUtil.h"
-struct CFCRuby {
-    CFCBase base;
-    CFCParcel *parcel;
-    CFCHierarchy *hierarchy;
-    char *lib_dir;
-    char *boot_class;
-    char *header;
-    char *footer;
-    char *boot_h_file;
-    char *boot_c_file;
-    char *boot_h_path;
-    char *boot_c_path;
-    char *boot_func;
-// Modify a string in place, swapping out "::" for the supplied character.
-static void
-S_replace_double_colons(char *text, char replacement);
-static const CFCMeta CFCRUBY_META = {
-    "Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Ruby",
-    sizeof(CFCRuby),
-    (CFCBase_destroy_t)CFCRuby_destroy
-CFCRuby_new(CFCParcel *parcel, CFCHierarchy *hierarchy, const char *lib_dir,
-            const char *boot_class, const char *header, const char *footer) {
-    CFCRuby *self = (CFCRuby*)CFCBase_allocate(&CFCRUBY_META);
-    return CFCRuby_init(self, parcel, hierarchy, lib_dir, boot_class, header,
-                        footer);
-CFCRuby_init(CFCRuby *self, CFCParcel *parcel, CFCHierarchy *hierarchy,
-             const char *lib_dir, const char *boot_class, const char *header,
-             const char *footer) {
-    CFCUTIL_NULL_CHECK(parcel);
-    CFCUTIL_NULL_CHECK(hierarchy);
-    CFCUTIL_NULL_CHECK(lib_dir);
-    CFCUTIL_NULL_CHECK(boot_class);
-    CFCUTIL_NULL_CHECK(header);
-    CFCUTIL_NULL_CHECK(footer);
-    self->parcel     = (CFCParcel*)CFCBase_incref((CFCBase*)parcel);
-    self->hierarchy  = (CFCHierarchy*)CFCBase_incref((CFCBase*)hierarchy);
-    self->lib_dir    = CFCUtil_strdup(lib_dir);
-    self->boot_class = CFCUtil_strdup(boot_class);
-    self->header     = CFCUtil_strdup(header);
-    self->footer     = CFCUtil_strdup(footer);
-    const char *prefix   = CFCParcel_get_prefix(parcel);
-    const char *inc_dest = CFCHierarchy_get_include_dest(hierarchy);
-    const char *src_dest = CFCHierarchy_get_source_dest(hierarchy);
-    self->boot_h_file = CFCUtil_sprintf("%sboot.h", prefix);
-    self->boot_c_file = CFCUtil_sprintf("%sboot.c", prefix);
-    self->boot_h_path = CFCUtil_sprintf("%s" CHY_DIR_SEP "%s", inc_dest,
-                                        self->boot_h_file);
-    self->boot_c_path = CFCUtil_sprintf("%s" CHY_DIR_SEP "%s", src_dest,
-                                        self->boot_c_file);
-    self->boot_func = CFCUtil_sprintf("%s%s_bootstrap", prefix, boot_class);
-    for (int i = 0; self->boot_func[i] != 0; i++) {
-        if (!isalnum(self->boot_func[i])) {
-            self->boot_func[i] = '_';
-        }
-    }
-    return self;
-CFCRuby_destroy(CFCRuby *self) {
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)self->parcel);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)self->hierarchy);
-    FREEMEM(self->lib_dir);
-    FREEMEM(self->boot_class);
-    FREEMEM(self->header);
-    FREEMEM(self->footer);
-    FREEMEM(self->boot_h_file);
-    FREEMEM(self->boot_c_file);
-    FREEMEM(self->boot_h_path);
-    FREEMEM(self->boot_c_path);
-    FREEMEM(self->boot_func);
-    CFCBase_destroy((CFCBase*)self);
-static void
-S_replace_double_colons(char *text, char replacement) {
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    for (char *ptr = text; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
-        if (strncmp(ptr, "::", 2) == 0) {
-            text[pos++] = replacement;
-            ptr++;
-        }
-        else {
-            text[pos++] = *ptr;
-        }
-    }
-    text[pos] = '\0';
-static void
-S_write_boot_h(CFCRuby *self) {
-    char *guard = CFCUtil_cat(CFCUtil_strdup(""), self->boot_class,
-                              "_BOOT", NULL);
-    S_replace_double_colons(guard, '_');
-    for (char *ptr = guard; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
-        if (isalpha(*ptr)) {
-            *ptr = toupper(*ptr);
-        }
-    }
-    const char pattern[] = 
-        "%s\n"
-        "\n"
-        "#ifndef %s\n"
-        "#define %s 1\n"
-        "\n"
-        "void\n"
-        "%s();\n"
-        "\n"
-        "#endif /* %s */\n"
-        "\n"
-        "%s\n";
-    size_t size = sizeof(pattern)
-                  + strlen(self->header)
-                  + strlen(guard)
-                  + strlen(guard)
-                  + strlen(self->boot_func)
-                  + strlen(guard)
-                  + strlen(self->footer)
-                  + 20;
-    char *content = (char*)MALLOCATE(size);
-    sprintf(content, pattern, self->header, guard, guard, self->boot_func,
-            guard, self->footer);
-    CFCUtil_write_file(self->boot_h_path, content, strlen(content));
-    FREEMEM(content);
-    FREEMEM(guard);
-static void
-S_write_boot_c(CFCRuby *self) {
-    CFCClass **ordered   = CFCHierarchy_ordered_classes(self->hierarchy);
-    char *pound_includes = CFCUtil_strdup("");
-    const char *prefix   = CFCParcel_get_prefix(self->parcel);
-    for (size_t i = 0; ordered[i] != NULL; i++) {
-        CFCClass *klass = ordered[i];
-        if (CFCClass_included(klass)) { continue; }
-        const char *include_h  = CFCClass_include_h(klass);
-        pound_includes = CFCUtil_cat(pound_includes, "#include \"",
-                                     include_h, "\"\n", NULL);
-        if (CFCClass_inert(klass)) { continue; }
-        CFCClass *parent = CFCClass_get_parent(klass);
-        if (parent) {
-            /* Need to implement */
-        }
-    }
-    const char pattern[] =
-        "%s\n"
-        "\n"
-        "#include \"charmony.h\"\n"
-        "#include \"%s\"\n"
-        "#include \"%sparcel.h\"\n"
-        "#include \"Clownfish/String.h\"\n"
-        "#include \"Clownfish/VTable.h\"\n"
-        "%s\n"
-        "\n"
-        "void\n"
-        "%s() {\n"
-        "    %sbootstrap_parcel();\n"
-        "\n"
-        "    cfish_StackString *alias = CFISH_SSTR_WRAP_UTF8(\"\", 0);\n"
-        "}\n"
-        "\n"
-        "%s\n"
-        "\n";
-    char *content
-        = CFCUtil_sprintf(pattern, self->header, self->boot_h_file, prefix,
-                          pound_includes, self->boot_func, prefix,
-                          self->footer);
-    CFCUtil_write_file(self->boot_c_path, content, strlen(content));
-    FREEMEM(content);
-    FREEMEM(pound_includes);
-    FREEMEM(ordered);
-CFCRuby_write_boot(CFCRuby *self) {
-    S_write_boot_h(self);
-    S_write_boot_c(self);
-CFCRuby_write_hostdefs(CFCRuby *self) {
-    const char pattern[] =
-        "%s\n"
-        "\n"
-        "#ifndef H_CFISH_HOSTDEFS\n"
-        "#define H_CFISH_HOSTDEFS 1\n"
-        "\n"
-        "/* Refcount / host object */\n"
-        "typedef union {\n"
-        "    size_t  count;\n"
-        "    void   *host_obj;\n"
-        "} cfish_ref_t;\n"
-        "\n"
-        "#define CFISH_OBJ_HEAD\\\n"
-        "   cfish_ref_t ref;\n"
-        "\n"
-        "#endif /* H_CFISH_HOSTDEFS */\n"
-        "\n"
-        "%s\n";
-    char *content
-        = CFCUtil_sprintf(pattern, self->header, self->footer);
-    // Unlink then write file.
-    const char *inc_dest = CFCHierarchy_get_include_dest(self->hierarchy);
-    char *filepath = CFCUtil_sprintf("%s" CHY_DIR_SEP "cfish_hostdefs.h",
-                                     inc_dest);
-    remove(filepath);
-    CFCUtil_write_file(filepath, content, strlen(content));
-    FREEMEM(filepath);
-    FREEMEM(content);
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCRuby.h b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCRuby.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ebe2cfa..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCRuby.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef H_CFCRUBY
-#define H_CFCRUBY
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct CFCRuby CFCRuby;
-struct CFCParcel;
-struct CFCHierarchy;
-/** Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Ruby - Perl bindings for a
- * Clownfish::CFC::Model::Hierarchy.
- * 
- * Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Ruby presents an interface for auto-generating XS
- * and Perl code to bind C code for a Clownfish class hierarchy to Perl.
- * 
- * In theory this module could be much more flexible and its API could be more
- * elegant.  There are many ways which you could walk the parsed parcels,
- * classes, methods, etc. in a Clownfish::CFC::Model::Hierarchy and generate
- * binding code.  However, our needs are very limited, so we are content with
- * a "one size fits one" solution.
- * 
- * In particular, this module assumes that the XS bindings for all classes in
- * the hierarchy should be assembled into a single shared object which belongs
- * to the primary, "boot" class.  There's no reason why it could not write one
- * .xs file per class, or one per parcel, instead.
- * 
- * The files written by this class are derived from the name of the boot class.
- * If it is "Crustacean", the following files will be generated.
- * 
- *     # Generated by write_bindings()
- *     $lib_dir/Crustacean.xs
- * 
- *     # Generated by write_boot()
- *     $hierarchy_dest_dir/crust_boot.h
- *     $hierarchy_dest_dir/crust_boot.c
- */
- * @param parcel The L<Clownfish::CFC::Model::Parcel> to which the
- * C<boot_class> belongs.
- * @param hierarchy A Clownfish::CFC::Model::Hierarchy.
- * @param lib_dir location of the Perl lib directory to which files will be
- * written.
- * @param boot_class The name of the main class, which will own the shared
- * object.
- * @param header Text which will be prepended to generated C/XS files --
- * typically, an "autogenerated file" warning.
- * @param footer Text to be appended to the end of generated C/XS files --
- * typically copyright information.
- */
-CFCRuby_new(struct CFCParcel *parcel, struct CFCHierarchy *hierarchy,
-            const char *lib_dir, const char *boot_class, const char *header,
-            const char *footer);
-CFCRuby_init(CFCRuby *self, struct CFCParcel *parcel,
-             struct CFCHierarchy *hierarchy, const char *lib_dir,
-             const char *boot_class, const char *header, const char *footer);
-CFCRuby_destroy(CFCRuby *self);
-/** Write out "boot" files to the Hierarchy's "dest_dir" which contain code
- * for bootstrapping Clownfish classes.
- */
-CFCRuby_write_boot(CFCRuby *self);
-/** Write out cfish_hostdefs.h file.
- */
-CFCRuby_write_hostdefs(CFCRuby *self);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* H_CFCPERL */
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCSymbol.c b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCSymbol.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d06677..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCSymbol.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#ifndef true
-  #define true 1
-  #define false 0
-#include "CFCSymbol.h"
-#include "CFCParcel.h"
-#include "CFCUtil.h"
-static const CFCMeta CFCSYMBOL_META = {
-    "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Symbol",
-    sizeof(CFCSymbol),
-    (CFCBase_destroy_t)CFCSymbol_destroy
-CFCSymbol_new(struct CFCParcel *parcel, const char *exposure,
-              const char *class_name, const char *class_cnick,
-              const char *micro_sym) {
-    CFCSymbol *self = (CFCSymbol*)CFCBase_allocate(&CFCSYMBOL_META);
-    return CFCSymbol_init(self, parcel, exposure, class_name, class_cnick,
-                          micro_sym);
-static int
-S_validate_exposure(const char *exposure) {
-    if (!exposure) { return false; }
-    if (strcmp(exposure, "public")
-        && strcmp(exposure, "parcel")
-        && strcmp(exposure, "private")
-        && strcmp(exposure, "local")
-       ) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-static int
-S_validate_class_name(const char *class_name) {
-    // The last component must contain lowercase letters (for now).
-    const char *last_colon = strrchr(class_name, ':');
-    const char *substring = last_colon ? last_colon + 1 : class_name;
-    for (;;substring++) {
-        if (*substring == 0)          { return false; }
-        else if (*substring == ':')   { return false; }
-        else if (islower(*substring)) { break; }
-    }
-    // Must be UpperCamelCase, separated by "::".
-    const char *ptr = class_name;
-    if (!isupper(*ptr)) { return false; }
-    while (*ptr != 0) {
-        if (*ptr == 0) { break; }
-        else if (*ptr == ':') {
-            ptr++;
-            if (*ptr != ':') { return false; }
-            ptr++;
-            if (!isupper(*ptr)) { return false; }
-            ptr++;
-        }
-        else if (!isalnum(*ptr)) { return false; }
-        else { ptr++; }
-    }
-    return true;
-CFCSymbol_validate_class_name_component(const char *name) {
-    if (!name || !strlen(name)) { return false; }
-    if (!S_validate_class_name(name)) { return false; }
-    if (strchr(name, ':') != NULL) { return false; }
-    return true;
-static int
-S_validate_class_cnick(const char *class_cnick) {
-    // Allow all caps.
-    const char *ptr;
-    for (ptr = class_cnick; ; ptr++) {
-        if (*ptr == 0) {
-            if (strlen(class_cnick)) { return true; }
-            else { break; }
-        }
-        else if (!isupper(*ptr)) { break; }
-    }
-    // Same as one component of a class name.
-    return CFCSymbol_validate_class_name_component(class_cnick);
-static int
-S_validate_identifier(const char *identifier) {
-    const char *ptr = identifier;
-    if (!isalpha(*ptr) && *ptr != '_') { return false; }
-    for (; *ptr != 0; ptr++) {
-        if (!isalnum(*ptr) && *ptr != '_') { return false; }
-    }
-    return true;
-CFCSymbol_init(CFCSymbol *self, struct CFCParcel *parcel,
-               const char *exposure, const char *class_name,
-               const char *class_cnick, const char *micro_sym) {
-    // Validate.
-    CFCUTIL_NULL_CHECK(parcel);
-    if (!S_validate_exposure(exposure)) {
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)self);
-        CFCUtil_die("Invalid exposure: '%s'", exposure ? exposure : "[NULL]");
-    }
-    if (class_name && !S_validate_class_name(class_name)) {
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)self);
-        CFCUtil_die("Invalid class_name: '%s'", class_name);
-    }
-    if (!micro_sym || !S_validate_identifier(micro_sym)) {
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)self);
-        CFCUtil_die("Invalid micro_sym: '%s'",  micro_sym ? micro_sym : "[NULL]");
-    }
-    // Derive class_cnick if necessary, then validate.
-    const char *real_cnick = NULL;
-    if (class_name) {
-        if (class_cnick) {
-            real_cnick = class_cnick;
-        }
-        else {
-            const char *last_colon = strrchr(class_name, ':');
-            real_cnick = last_colon ? last_colon + 1 : class_name;
-        }
-    }
-    else if (class_cnick) {
-        // Sanity check class_cnick without class_name.
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)self);
-        CFCUtil_die("Can't supply class_cnick without class_name");
-    }
-    else {
-        real_cnick = NULL;
-    }
-    if (real_cnick && !S_validate_class_cnick(real_cnick)) {
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)self);
-        CFCUtil_die("Invalid class_cnick: '%s'", real_cnick);
-    }
-    // Assign.
-    self->parcel      = (CFCParcel*)CFCBase_incref((CFCBase*)parcel);
-    self->exposure    = CFCUtil_strdup(exposure);
-    self->class_name  = CFCUtil_strdup(class_name);
-    self->class_cnick = CFCUtil_strdup(real_cnick);
-    self->micro_sym   = CFCUtil_strdup(micro_sym);
-    // Derive short_sym and full_sym.
-    char *cnick = self->class_cnick ? self->class_cnick : "";
-    self->short_sym = CFCUtil_sprintf("%s_%s", cnick, micro_sym);
-    self->full_sym
-        = CFCUtil_sprintf("%s%s", CFCParcel_get_prefix(self->parcel),
-                          self->short_sym);
-    return self;
-CFCSymbol_destroy(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)self->parcel);
-    FREEMEM(self->exposure);
-    FREEMEM(self->class_name);
-    FREEMEM(self->class_cnick);
-    FREEMEM(self->micro_sym);
-    FREEMEM(self->short_sym);
-    FREEMEM(self->full_sym);
-    CFCBase_destroy((CFCBase*)self);
-CFCSymbol_equals(CFCSymbol *self, CFCSymbol *other) {
-    if (strcmp(self->micro_sym, other->micro_sym) != 0) { return false; }
-    if (!CFCParcel_equals(self->parcel, other->parcel)) { return false; }
-    if (strcmp(self->exposure, other->exposure) != 0) { return false; }
-    if (self->class_name) {
-        if (!other->class_name) { return false; }
-        if (strcmp(self->class_name, other->class_name) != 0) {
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    else if (other->class_name) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-CFCSymbol_public(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return !strcmp(self->exposure, "public");
-CFCSymbol_parcel(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return !strcmp(self->exposure, "parcel");
-CFCSymbol_private(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return !strcmp(self->exposure, "private");
-CFCSymbol_local(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return !strcmp(self->exposure, "local");
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_full_sym(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return self->full_sym;
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_short_sym(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return self->short_sym;
-struct CFCParcel*
-CFCSymbol_get_parcel(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return self->parcel;
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_class_name(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return self->class_name;
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_class_cnick(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return self->class_cnick;
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_exposure(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return self->exposure;
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_micro_sym(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return self->micro_sym;
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_prefix(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return CFCParcel_get_prefix(self->parcel);
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_Prefix(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return CFCParcel_get_Prefix(self->parcel);
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_PREFIX(CFCSymbol *self) {
-    return CFCParcel_get_PREFIX(self->parcel);
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCSymbol.h b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCSymbol.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2777c2c..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCSymbol.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/** Clownfish::CFC::Model::Symbol - Base class for Clownfish symbols.
- *
- * Clownfish::CFC::Model::Symbol serves as a parent class for entities which
- * may live in the global namespace, such as classes, functions, methods, and
- * variables.
- */
-#ifndef H_CFCSYMBOL
-#define H_CFCSYMBOL
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct CFCSymbol CFCSymbol;
-struct CFCParcel;
-#include "CFCBase.h"
-struct CFCSymbol {
-    CFCBase base;
-    struct CFCParcel *parcel;
-    char *exposure;
-    char *class_name;
-    char *class_cnick;
-    char *micro_sym;
-    char *short_sym;
-    char *full_sym;
-/** Return true if the supplied string is comprised solely of alphanumeric
- * characters, begins with an uppercase letter, and contains at least one
- * lower case letter.
- */
-CFCSymbol_validate_class_name_component(const char *name);
- * @param parcel A Clownfish::CFC::Model::Parcel.  If not supplied, will be
- * assigned to the default Parcel.
- * @param exposure The scope in which the symbol is exposed.  Must be
- * 'public', 'parcel', 'private', or 'local'.
- * @param class_name A optional class name, consisting of one or more
- * components separated by "::".  Each component must start with a capital
- * letter, contain at least one lower-case letter, and consist entirely of the
- * characters [A-Za-z0-9].
- * @param class_cnick The C nickname associated with the supplied class
- * name.  If not supplied, will be derived if possible from C<class_name> by
- * extracting the last class name component.
- * @param micro_sym The local identifier for the symbol.
- */
-CFCSymbol_new(struct CFCParcel *parcel, const char *exposure, const char *class_name,
-              const char *class_cnick, const char *micro_sym);
-CFCSymbol_init(CFCSymbol *self, struct CFCParcel *parcel, const char *exposure,
-               const char *class_name, const char *class_cnick,
-               const char *micro_sym);
-CFCSymbol_destroy(CFCSymbol *self);
-/** Return true if the symbols are "equal", false otherwise.
- */
-CFCSymbol_equals(CFCSymbol *self, CFCSymbol *other);
-struct CFCParcel*
-CFCSymbol_get_parcel(CFCSymbol *self);
-// May be NULL.
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_class_name(CFCSymbol *self);
-// May be NULL.
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_class_cnick(CFCSymbol *self);
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_exposure(CFCSymbol *self);
-/** Return true if the Symbol's exposure is "public".
- */
-CFCSymbol_public(CFCSymbol *self);
-/** Return true if the Symbol's exposure is "parcel".
- */
-CFCSymbol_parcel(CFCSymbol *self);
-/** Return true if the Symbol's exposure is "private".
- */
-CFCSymbol_private(CFCSymbol *self);
-/** Return true if the Symbol's exposure is "local".
- */
-CFCSymbol_local(CFCSymbol *self);
-/** Accessor for the Symbol's micro_sym.
- */
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_micro_sym(CFCSymbol *self);
-/** Returns the C representation for the symbol minus the parcel's prefix,
- * e.g.  "Lobster_average_lifespan".
- */
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_short_sym(CFCSymbol *self);
-/** Returns the fully qualified C representation for the symbol, e.g.
- * "crust_Lobster_average_lifespan".
- */
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_full_sym(CFCSymbol *self);
-/** Get the Symbol's all-lowercase prefix, delegating to <code>parcel</code>.
- */
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_prefix(CFCSymbol *self);
-/** Get the Symbol's Titlecase prefix, delegating to <code>parcel</code>.
- */
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_Prefix(CFCSymbol *self);
-/** Get the Symbol's all-uppercase prefix, delegating to <code>parcel</code>.
- */
-const char*
-CFCSymbol_get_PREFIX(CFCSymbol *self);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* H_CFCSYMBOL */
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTest.c b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTest.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 21cff48..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTest.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "charmony.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include "CFCTest.h"
-#include "CFCBase.h"
-#include "CFCParser.h"
-#include "CFCUtil.h"
-typedef struct CFCTestFormatter {
-    void (*batch_prologue)(const CFCTestBatch *batch);
-    void (*vtest_result)(int pass, int test_num, const char *fmt,
-                         va_list args);
-    void (*test_comment)(const char *fmt, ...);
-    void (*batch_comment)(const char *fmt, ...);
-    void (*summary)(const CFCTest *test);
-} CFCTestFormatter;
-struct CFCTest {
-    CFCBase base;
-    const CFCTestFormatter *formatter;
-    int num_tests;
-    int num_tests_failed;
-    int num_batches;
-    int num_batches_failed;
-    int num_tests_in_batch;
-    int num_failed_in_batch;
-static int
-S_do_run_batch(CFCTest *self, const CFCTestBatch *batch);
-static void
-S_vtest_true(CFCTest *self, int cond, const char *fmt, va_list args);
-static void
-S_format_cfish_batch_prologue(const CFCTestBatch *batch);
-static void
-S_format_cfish_vtest_result(int pass, int test_num, const char *fmt,
-                            va_list args);
-static void
-S_format_cfish_test_comment(const char *fmt, ...);
-static void
-S_format_cfish_batch_comment(const char *fmt, ...);
-static void
-S_format_cfish_summary(const CFCTest *test);
-static void
-S_format_tap_batch_prologue(const CFCTestBatch *batch);
-static void
-S_format_tap_vtest_result(int pass, int test_num, const char *fmt,
-                          va_list args);
-static void
-S_format_tap_test_comment(const char *fmt, ...);
-static void
-S_format_tap_batch_comment(const char *fmt, ...);
-static void
-S_format_tap_summary(const CFCTest *test);
-static const CFCMeta CFCTEST_META = {
-    "Clownfish::CFC::Test",
-    sizeof(CFCTest),
-    (CFCBase_destroy_t)CFCTest_destroy
-static const CFCTestFormatter S_formatter_cfish = {
-    S_format_cfish_batch_prologue,
-    S_format_cfish_vtest_result,
-    S_format_cfish_test_comment,
-    S_format_cfish_batch_comment,
-    S_format_cfish_summary
-static const CFCTestFormatter S_formatter_tap = {
-    S_format_tap_batch_prologue,
-    S_format_tap_vtest_result,
-    S_format_tap_test_comment,
-    S_format_tap_batch_comment,
-    S_format_tap_summary
-static const CFCTestBatch *const S_batches[] = {
-    NULL
-CFCTest_new(const char *formatter_name) {
-    CFCTest *self = (CFCTest*)CFCBase_allocate(&CFCTEST_META);
-    return CFCTest_init(self, formatter_name);
-CFCTest_init(CFCTest *self, const char *formatter_name) {
-    if (strcmp(formatter_name, "clownfish") == 0) {
-        self->formatter = &S_formatter_cfish;
-    }
-    else if (strcmp(formatter_name, "tap") == 0) {
-        self->formatter = &S_formatter_tap;
-    }
-    else {
-        CFCUtil_die("Unknown formatter name '%s'", formatter_name);
-    }
-    self->num_tests           = 0;
-    self->num_tests_failed    = 0;
-    self->num_batches         = 0;
-    self->num_batches_failed  = 0;
-    self->num_tests_in_batch  = 0;
-    self->num_failed_in_batch = 0;
-    return self;
-CFCTest_destroy(CFCTest *self) {
-    CFCBase_destroy((CFCBase*)self);
-CFCTest_run_all(CFCTest *self) {
-    int failed = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; S_batches[i]; ++i) {
-        if (!S_do_run_batch(self, S_batches[i])) { failed = 1; }
-    }
-    return !failed;
-CFCTest_run_batch(CFCTest *self, const char *name) {
-    for (int i = 0; S_batches[i]; ++i) {
-        const CFCTestBatch *batch = S_batches[i];
-        if (strcmp(batch->name, name) == 0) {
-            return S_do_run_batch(self, batch);
-        }
-    }
-    CFCUtil_die("Test batch '%s' not found", name);
-    return 0;
-static int
-S_do_run_batch(CFCTest *self, const CFCTestBatch *batch) {
-    self->formatter->batch_prologue(batch);
-    batch->run(self);
-    int failed = 0;
-    void (*comment)(const char *fmt, ...) = self->formatter->batch_comment;
-    if (self->num_failed_in_batch > 0) {
-        failed = 1;
-        comment("%d/%d tests failed.\n", self->num_failed_in_batch,
-                self->num_tests_in_batch);
-    }
-    if (self->num_tests_in_batch != batch->num_planned) {
-        failed = 1;
-        comment("Bad plan: You planned %d tests but ran %d.\n",
-                batch->num_planned, self->num_tests_in_batch);
-    }
-    if (failed) {
-        self->num_batches_failed += 1;
-    }
-    self->num_batches += 1;
-    self->num_tests_in_batch  = 0;
-    self->num_failed_in_batch = 0;
-    return !failed;
-CFCTest_test_true(CFCTest *self, int cond, const char *fmt, ...) {
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, fmt);
-    S_vtest_true(self, cond, fmt, args);
-    va_end(args);
-CFCTest_test_string_equals(CFCTest *self, const char *result,
-                           const char *expected, const char *fmt, ...) {
-    int cond = (strcmp(result, expected) == 0);
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, fmt);
-    S_vtest_true(self, cond, fmt, args);
-    va_end(args);
-    if (!cond) {
-        self->formatter->test_comment("Expected '%s', got '%s'.\n",
-                                      expected, result);
-    }
-CFCTest_test_int_equals(CFCTest *self, long result, long expected,
-                        const char *fmt, ...) {
-    int cond = (result == expected);
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, fmt);
-    S_vtest_true(self, cond, fmt, args);
-    va_end(args);
-    if (!cond) {
-        self->formatter->test_comment("Expected '%ld', got '%ld'.\n",
-                                      expected, result);
-    }
-CFCTest_skip(CFCTest *self, int num) {
-    self->num_tests          += num;
-    self->num_tests_in_batch += num;
-CFCTest_finish(CFCTest *self) {
-    self->formatter->summary(self);
-    return self->num_batches != 0 && self->num_batches_failed == 0;
-static void
-S_vtest_true(CFCTest *self, int cond, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
-    self->num_tests          += 1;
-    self->num_tests_in_batch += 1;
-    if (!cond) {
-        self->num_tests_failed    += 1;
-        self->num_failed_in_batch += 1;
-    }
-    self->formatter->vtest_result(cond, self->num_tests_in_batch, fmt, args);
-static void
-S_format_cfish_batch_prologue(const CFCTestBatch *batch) {
-    printf("Testing %s...\n", batch->name);
-static void
-S_format_cfish_vtest_result(int pass, int test_num, const char *fmt,
-                            va_list args) {
-    if (!pass) {
-        printf("  Failed test %d: ", test_num);
-        vprintf(fmt, args);
-        printf("\n");
-    }
-    else if (getenv("CFCTEST_VERBOSE")) {
-        printf("  Passed test %d: ", test_num);
-        vprintf(fmt, args);
-        printf("\n");
-    }
-static void
-S_format_cfish_test_comment(const char *fmt, ...) {
-    printf("    ");
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, fmt);
-    vprintf(fmt, args);
-    va_end(args);
-static void
-S_format_cfish_batch_comment(const char *fmt, ...) {
-    printf("  ");
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, fmt);
-    vprintf(fmt, args);
-    va_end(args);
-static void
-S_format_cfish_summary(const CFCTest *test) {
-    if (test->num_batches == 0) {
-        printf("No tests planned or run.\n");
-    }
-    else if (test->num_batches_failed == 0) {
-        printf("%d batches passed. %d tests passed.\n",
-               test->num_batches, test->num_tests);
-        printf("Result: PASS\n");
-    }
-    else {
-        printf("%d/%d batches failed. %d/%d tests failed.\n",
-               test->num_batches_failed, test->num_batches,
-               test->num_tests_failed, test->num_tests);
-        printf("Result: FAIL\n");
-    }
-static void
-S_format_tap_batch_prologue(const CFCTestBatch *batch) {
-    printf("1..%d\n", batch->num_planned);
-static void
-S_format_tap_vtest_result(int pass, int test_num, const char *fmt,
-                          va_list args) {
-    const char *result = pass ? "ok" : "not ok";
-    printf("%s %d - ", result, test_num);
-    vprintf(fmt, args);
-    printf("\n");
-static void
-S_format_tap_test_comment(const char *fmt, ...) {
-    printf("#   ");
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, fmt);
-    vprintf(fmt, args);
-    va_end(args);
-static void
-S_format_tap_batch_comment(const char *fmt, ...) {
-    printf("# ");
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, fmt);
-    vprintf(fmt, args);
-    va_end(args);
-static void
-S_format_tap_summary(const CFCTest *test) {
-    (void)test; // unused
-struct CFCParcel*
-CFCTest_parse_parcel(CFCTest *test, CFCParser *parser, const char *src) {
-    CFCBase *result = CFCParser_parse(parser, src);
-    OK(test, result != NULL, "parse '%s'", src);
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(result),
-           "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Parcel", "result class of '%s'", src);
-    return (struct CFCParcel*)result;
-struct CFCType*
-CFCTest_parse_type(CFCTest *test, CFCParser *parser, const char *src) {
-    CFCBase *result = CFCParser_parse(parser, src);
-    OK(test, result != NULL, "parse '%s'", src);
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(result),
-           "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Type", "result class of '%s'", src);
-    return (struct CFCType*)result;
-struct CFCVariable*
-CFCTest_parse_variable(CFCTest *test, CFCParser *parser, const char *src) {
-    CFCBase *result = CFCParser_parse(parser, src);
-    OK(test, result != NULL, "parse '%s'", src);
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(result),
-           "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Variable", "result class of '%s'", src);
-    return (struct CFCVariable*)result;
-struct CFCParamList*
-CFCTest_parse_param_list(CFCTest *test, CFCParser *parser, const char *src) {
-    CFCBase *result = CFCParser_parse(parser, src);
-    OK(test, result != NULL, "parse '%s'", src);
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(result),
-           "Clownfish::CFC::Model::ParamList", "result class of '%s'", src);
-    return (struct CFCParamList*)result;
-struct CFCFunction*
-CFCTest_parse_function(CFCTest *test, CFCParser *parser, const char *src) {
-    CFCBase *result = CFCParser_parse(parser, src);
-    OK(test, result != NULL, "parse '%s'", src);
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(result),
-           "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Function", "result class of '%s'", src);
-    return (struct CFCFunction*)result;
-struct CFCMethod*
-CFCTest_parse_method(CFCTest *test, CFCParser *parser, const char *src) {
-    CFCBase *result = CFCParser_parse(parser, src);
-    OK(test, result != NULL, "parse '%s'", src);
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(result),
-           "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Method", "result class of '%s'", src);
-    return (struct CFCMethod*)result;
-struct CFCClass*
-CFCTest_parse_class(CFCTest *test, CFCParser *parser, const char *src) {
-    CFCBase *result = CFCParser_parse(parser, src);
-    OK(test, result != NULL, "parse class");
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(result),
-           "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Class", "result class");
-    return (struct CFCClass*)result;
-CFCTest_get_file_mtime(const char *path) {
-    struct stat buf;
-    if (stat(path, &buf)) {
-        CFCUtil_die("Can't stat '%s': %s", path, strerror(errno));
-    }
-    return buf.st_mtime;
-#if defined(CHY_HAS_UTIME_H)
-#include <utime.h>
-CFCTest_set_file_times(const char *path, time_t time) {
-    struct utimbuf buf;
-    buf.actime  = time;
-    buf.modtime = time;
-    if (utime(path, &buf)) {
-        CFCUtil_die("Can't set file time of '%s': %s", path, strerror(errno));
-    }
-#elif defined(CHY_HAS_WINDOWS_H)
-#include <windows.h>
-CFCTest_set_file_times(const char *path, time_t time) {
-    HANDLE handle = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
-                               OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
-    if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
-        CFCUtil_die("Can't open '%s': %u", path, GetLastError());
-    }
-    uint64_t ticks = 10000000 * (UINT64_C(11644473600) + time);
-    FILETIME file_time;
-    file_time.dwLowDateTime  = (DWORD)ticks;
-    file_time.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(ticks >> 32);
-    if (!SetFileTime(handle, &file_time, &file_time, &file_time)) {
-        CFCUtil_die("Can't set file time of '%s': %u", path, GetLastError());
-    }
-    CloseHandle(handle);
-#error Need either utime.h or windows.h
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTest.h b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dbb3a17..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/** Clownfish::CFC::Test - An object to collect results from test runs and
- * print summaries in multiple formats.
- */
-#ifndef H_CFCTEST
-#define H_CFCTEST
-#include <time.h>
-  #define OK      CFCTest_test_true
-  #define STR_EQ  CFCTest_test_string_equals
-  #define INT_EQ  CFCTest_test_int_equals
-typedef struct CFCTest CFCTest;
-typedef struct CFCTestBatch {
-    const char *name;
-    int num_planned;
-    void (*run)(CFCTest *test);
-} CFCTestBatch;
-struct CFCClass;
-struct CFCFunction;
-struct CFCMethod;
-struct CFCParamList;
-struct CFCParcel;
-struct CFCParser;
-struct CFCType;
-struct CFCVariable;
-/** Create a new test object.
- *
- * @param formatter_name Name of the built-in formatter that should be used
- * to create the output. Supported values are "tap" for TAP output and
- * "clownfish" for the generic Clownfish format.
- * @return a new test object.
- */
-CFCTest_new(const char *formatter_name);
-CFCTest_init(CFCTest *self, const char *formatter_name);
-CFCTest_destroy(CFCTest *self);
-/** Run all test batches.
- *
- * @return true if all tests were successful.
- */
-CFCTest_run_all(CFCTest *self);
-/** Run a test batch by name.
- *
- * @param name Name of the test batch.
- * @return true if all tests in the batch were successful.
- */
-CFCTest_run_batch(CFCTest *self, const char *name);
-/* Collect result of a test.
- *
- * @param cond Test condition. True if the test succeeded, false if it failed.
- * @param fmt printf-like format string describing the test.
- */
-CFCTest_test_true(CFCTest *self, int cond, const char *fmt, ...);
-/* Test strings for equality and collect result.
- *
- * @param result Result string to be tested.
- * @param expected Expected result string.
- * @param fmt printf-like format string describing the test.
- */
-CFCTest_test_string_equals(CFCTest *self, const char *result,
-                           const char *expected, const char *fmt, ...);
-/* Test integers for equality and collect result.
- *
- * @param result Result integer to be tested.
- * @param expected Expected result integer.
- * @param fmt printf-like format string describing the test.
- */
-CFCTest_test_int_equals(CFCTest *self, long result, long expected,
-                        const char *fmt, ...);
-/* Skip tests.
- *
- * @param num Number of tests to skip.
- */
-CFCTest_skip(CFCTest *self, int num);
-/* Finish testing.
- *
- * @return true if tests were run and all tests were successful.
- */
-CFCTest_finish(CFCTest *self);
-/* Utility functions for tests. */
-struct CFCParcel*
-CFCTest_parse_parcel(CFCTest *test, struct CFCParser *parser, const char *src);
-struct CFCType*
-CFCTest_parse_type(CFCTest *test, struct CFCParser *parser, const char *src);
-struct CFCVariable*
-CFCTest_parse_variable(CFCTest *test, struct CFCParser *parser,
-                       const char *src);
-struct CFCParamList*
-CFCTest_parse_param_list(CFCTest *test, struct CFCParser *parser,
-                         const char *src);
-struct CFCFunction*
-CFCTest_parse_function(CFCTest *test, struct CFCParser *parser,
-                       const char *src);
-struct CFCMethod*
-CFCTest_parse_method(CFCTest *test, struct CFCParser *parser, const char *src);
-struct CFCClass*
-CFCTest_parse_class(CFCTest *test, struct CFCParser *parser, const char *src);
-CFCTest_get_file_mtime(const char *path);
-CFCTest_set_file_times(const char *path, time_t time);
-/* Test batch structs. */
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_CLASS;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_C_BLOCK;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_FILE;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_FILE_SPEC;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_FUNCTION;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_METHOD;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_PARAM_LIST;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_PARCEL;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_PARSER;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_SYMBOL;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_TYPE;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_UTIL;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_VARIABLE;
-extern const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_VERSION;
-#endif /* H_CFCTEST */
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestCBlock.c b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestCBlock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6061d44..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestCBlock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "CFCBase.h"
-#include "CFCCBlock.h"
-#include "CFCParser.h"
-#include "CFCTest.h"
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test);
-    "Clownfish::CFC::Model::CBlock",
-    4,
-    S_run_tests
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test) {
-    CFCParser *parser = CFCParser_new();
-    {
-        CFCCBlock *block = CFCCBlock_new("int foo;");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCCBlock_get_contents(block), "int foo;",
-               "get_contents");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)block);
-    }
-    {
-        const char *cblock_string =
-            " __C__\n"
-            "#define FOO_BAR 1\n"
-            "__END_C__  ";
-        CFCBase *result = CFCParser_parse(parser, cblock_string);
-        OK(test, result != NULL, "parse cblock");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(result),
-               "Clownfish::CFC::Model::CBlock", "result class of cblock");
-        CFCCBlock *block = (CFCCBlock*)result;
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCCBlock_get_contents(block), "#define FOO_BAR 1\n",
-               "parse embed_c");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)block);
-    }
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)parser);
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestClass.c b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestClass.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e33d454..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestClass.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "CFCBase.h"
-#include "CFCClass.h"
-#include "CFCFileSpec.h"
-#include "CFCFunction.h"
-#include "CFCMethod.h"
-#include "CFCParamList.h"
-#include "CFCParcel.h"
-#include "CFCParser.h"
-#include "CFCSymbol.h"
-#include "CFCTest.h"
-#include "CFCType.h"
-#include "CFCUtil.h"
-#include "CFCVariable.h"
-#ifndef true
-  #define true 1
-  #define false 0
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test);
-static int
-S_has_symbol(CFCSymbol **symbols, const char *micro_sym);
-    "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Class",
-    83,
-    S_run_tests
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test) {
-    CFCParser *parser = CFCParser_new();
-    CFCParcel *neato = CFCParcel_new("Neato", NULL, NULL, false);
-    CFCFileSpec *file_spec = CFCFileSpec_new(".", "Foo/FooJr", 0);
-    CFCClass *thing_class
-        = CFCTest_parse_class(test, parser, "class Thing {}");
-    CFCClass *widget_class
-        = CFCTest_parse_class(test, parser, "class Widget {}");
-    CFCVariable *thing;
-    CFCVariable *widget;
-    CFCFunction *tread_water;
-    {
-        CFCType *thing_type = CFCTest_parse_type(test, parser, "Thing*");
-        thing = CFCVariable_new(neato, NULL, "Foo", NULL, "thing",
-                                thing_type, 0);
-        CFCType *widget_type = CFCTest_parse_type(test, parser, "Widget*");
-        widget = CFCVariable_new(NULL, NULL, "Widget", NULL, "widget",
-                                 widget_type, 0);
-        CFCType *return_type = CFCTest_parse_type(test, parser, "void");
-        CFCParamList *param_list
-            = CFCTest_parse_param_list(test, parser, "()");
-        tread_water
-            = CFCFunction_new(neato, NULL, "Foo", NULL, "tread_water",
-                              return_type, param_list, NULL, 0);
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)thing_type);
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)widget_type);
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)return_type);
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)param_list);
-    }
-    CFCClass *foo
-        = CFCClass_create(neato, NULL, "Foo", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-                          0, 0);
-    CFCClass_add_function(foo, tread_water);
-    CFCClass_add_member_var(foo, thing);
-    CFCClass_add_inert_var(foo, widget);
-    {
-        CFCClass *should_be_foo = CFCClass_fetch_singleton(neato, "Foo");
-        OK(test, should_be_foo == foo, "fetch_singleton");
-    }
-    CFCClass *foo_jr
-        = CFCClass_create(neato, NULL, "Foo::FooJr", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-                          "Foo", 0, 0);
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCClass_get_struct_sym(foo_jr), "FooJr",
-           "get_struct_sym");
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCClass_full_struct_sym(foo_jr), "neato_FooJr",
-           "full_struct_sym");
-    CFCClass *final_foo
-        = CFCClass_create(neato, NULL, "Foo::FooJr::FinalFoo", NULL, NULL, NULL,
-                          file_spec, "Foo::FooJr", 1, 0);
-    OK(test, CFCClass_final(final_foo), "final");
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCClass_include_h(final_foo), "Foo/FooJr.h",
-           "include_h uses path_part");
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCClass_get_parent_class_name(final_foo), "Foo::FooJr",
-           "get_parent_class_name");
-    {
-        CFCParcel *parsed_neato
-            = CFCTest_parse_parcel(test, parser, "parcel Neato;");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)parsed_neato);
-    }
-    CFCParser_set_class_name(parser, "Foo");
-    CFCMethod *do_stuff
-        = CFCTest_parse_method(test, parser, "void Do_Stuff(Foo *self);");
-    CFCClass_add_method(foo, do_stuff);
-    CFCClass *class_list[6] = {
-        foo, foo_jr, final_foo, thing_class, widget_class, NULL
-    };
-    CFCClass_resolve_types(foo, class_list);
-    CFCClass_resolve_types(foo_jr, class_list);
-    CFCClass_resolve_types(final_foo, class_list);
-    CFCClass_add_child(foo, foo_jr);
-    CFCClass_add_child(foo_jr, final_foo);
-    CFCClass_grow_tree(foo);
-    OK(test, CFCClass_get_parent(foo_jr) == foo, "grow_tree, one level" );
-    OK(test, CFCClass_get_parent(final_foo) == foo_jr,
-       "grow_tree, two levels");
-    OK(test, CFCClass_fresh_method(foo, "Do_Stuff") == do_stuff,
-       "fresh_method");
-    OK(test, CFCClass_method(foo_jr, "Do_Stuff") == do_stuff,
-       "inherited method");
-    OK(test, CFCClass_fresh_method(foo_jr, "Do_Stuff") == NULL,
-       "inherited method not 'fresh'");
-    OK(test, CFCMethod_final(CFCClass_method(final_foo, "Do_Stuff")),
-       "Finalize inherited method");
-    OK(test, !CFCMethod_final(CFCClass_method(foo_jr, "Do_Stuff")),
-       "Don't finalize method in parent");
-    {
-        CFCVariable **inert_vars = CFCClass_inert_vars(foo);
-        OK(test, inert_vars[0] == widget, "inert_vars[0]");
-        OK(test, inert_vars[1] == NULL, "inert_vars[1]");
-        CFCFunction **functions = CFCClass_functions(foo);
-        OK(test, functions[0] == tread_water, "functions[0]");
-        OK(test, functions[1] == NULL, "functions[1]");
-        CFCMethod **methods = CFCClass_methods(foo);
-        OK(test, methods[0] == do_stuff, "methods[0]");
-        OK(test, methods[1] == NULL, "methods[1]");
-        CFCMethod **fresh_methods = CFCClass_fresh_methods(foo);
-        OK(test, fresh_methods[0] == do_stuff, "fresh_methods[0]");
-        OK(test, fresh_methods[1] == NULL, "fresh_methods[1]");
-        CFCVariable **fresh_member_vars = CFCClass_fresh_member_vars(foo);
-        OK(test, fresh_member_vars[0] == thing, "fresh_member_vars[0]");
-        OK(test, fresh_member_vars[1] == NULL, "fresh_member_vars[1]");
-        FREEMEM(fresh_methods);
-        FREEMEM(fresh_member_vars);
-    }
-    {
-        CFCVariable **member_vars = CFCClass_member_vars(foo_jr);
-        OK(test, member_vars[0] == thing, "member_vars[0]");
-        OK(test, member_vars[1] == NULL, "member_vars[1]");
-        CFCFunction **functions = CFCClass_functions(foo_jr);
-        OK(test, functions[0] == NULL, "functions[0]");
-        CFCVariable **fresh_member_vars = CFCClass_fresh_member_vars(foo_jr);
-        OK(test, fresh_member_vars[0] == NULL, "fresh_member_vars[0]");
-        CFCVariable **inert_vars = CFCClass_inert_vars(foo_jr);
-        OK(test, inert_vars[0] == NULL, "inert_vars[0]");
-        FREEMEM(fresh_member_vars);
-    }
-    {
-        CFCMethod **fresh_methods = CFCClass_fresh_methods(final_foo);
-        OK(test, fresh_methods[0] == NULL, "fresh_methods[0]");
-        FREEMEM(fresh_methods);
-    }
-    {
-        CFCClass **ladder = CFCClass_tree_to_ladder(foo);
-        OK(test, ladder[0] == foo, "ladder[0]");
-        OK(test, ladder[1] == foo_jr, "ladder[1]");
-        OK(test, ladder[2] == final_foo, "ladder[2]");
-        OK(test, ladder[3] == NULL, "ladder[3]");
-        FREEMEM(ladder);
-    }
-    {
-        CFCClass *final_class
-            = CFCTest_parse_class(test, parser, "final class Iamfinal { }");
-        OK(test, CFCClass_final(final_class), "class modifer: final");
-        CFCClass *inert_class
-            = CFCTest_parse_class(test, parser, "inert class Iaminert { }");
-        OK(test, CFCClass_inert(inert_class), "class modifer: inert");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)final_class);
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)inert_class);
-    }
-    {
-        static const char *names[2] = { "Fooble", "Foo::FooJr::FooIII" };
-        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            const char *name = names[i];
-            char *class_src
-                = CFCUtil_sprintf("class Fu::%s inherits %s { }", name, name);
-            CFCClass *klass = CFCTest_parse_class(test, parser, class_src);
-            STR_EQ(test, CFCClass_get_parent_class_name(klass), name,
-                   "class_inheritance: %s", name);
-            FREEMEM(class_src);
-            CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)klass);
-        }
-    }
-    {
-        const char *class_src =
-            "public class Foo::Foodie cnick Foodie inherits Foo {\n"
-            "    int num;\n"
-            "}\n";
-        CFCClass *klass = CFCTest_parse_class(test, parser, class_src);
-        CFCSymbol **member_vars = (CFCSymbol**)CFCClass_member_vars(klass);
-        OK(test, S_has_symbol(member_vars, "num"),
-           "parsed member var");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)klass);
-    }
-    {
-        const char *class_src =
-            "/**\n"
-            " * Bow wow.\n"
-            " *\n"
-            " * Wow wow wow.\n"
-            " */\n"
-            "public class Animal::Dog inherits Animal {\n"
-            "    public inert Dog* init(Dog *self, String *name,\n"
-            "                           String *fave_food);\n"
-            "    inert uint32_t count();\n"
-            "    inert uint64_t num_dogs;\n"
-            "    public inert Dog *top_dog;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "    String  *name;\n"
-            "    bool     likes_to_go_fetch;\n"
-            "    ChewToy *squishy;\n"
-            "    Owner   *mom;\n"
-            "\n"
-            "    void               Destroy(Dog *self);\n"
-            "    public String*     Bark(Dog *self);\n"
-            "    public void        Eat(Dog *self);\n"
-            "    public void        Bite(Dog *self, Enemy *enemy);\n"
-            "    public Thing      *Fetch(Dog *self, Thing *thing);\n"
-            "    public final void  Bury(Dog *self, Bone *bone);\n"
-            "    public abstract incremented nullable Thing*\n"
-            "    Scratch(Dog *self);\n"
-            "\n"
-            "    int32_t[1]  flexible_array_at_end_of_struct;\n"
-            "}\n";
-        CFCClass *klass = CFCTest_parse_class(test, parser, class_src);
-        CFCSymbol **inert_vars  = (CFCSymbol**)CFCClass_inert_vars(klass);
-        CFCSymbol **member_vars = (CFCSymbol**)CFCClass_member_vars(klass);
-        CFCSymbol **functions   = (CFCSymbol**)CFCClass_functions(klass);
-        CFCSymbol **methods     = (CFCSymbol**)CFCClass_methods(klass);
-        OK(test, S_has_symbol(inert_vars, "num_dogs"), "parsed inert var");
-        OK(test, S_has_symbol(inert_vars, "top_dog"), "parsed public inert var");
-        OK(test, S_has_symbol(member_vars, "mom"), "parsed member var");
-        OK(test, S_has_symbol(member_vars, "squishy"), "parsed member var");
-        OK(test, S_has_symbol(functions, "init"), "parsed function");
-        OK(test, S_has_symbol(methods, "destroy"), "parsed parcel method");
-        OK(test, S_has_symbol(methods, "bury"), "parsed public method");
-        OK(test, S_has_symbol(methods, "scratch"),
-           "parsed public abstract nullable method");
-        CFCMethod *scratch = CFCClass_method(klass, "scratch");
-        OK(test, scratch != NULL, "find method 'scratch'");
-        OK(test, CFCType_nullable(CFCMethod_get_return_type(scratch)),
-           "public abstract incremented nullable flagged as nullable");
-        int num_public_methods = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; methods[i]; ++i) {
-            if (CFCSymbol_public(methods[i])) { ++num_public_methods; }
-        }
-        INT_EQ(test, num_public_methods, 6, "pass acl to Method constructor");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)klass);
-    }
-    {
-        const char *class_src =
-            "inert class Rigor::Mortis cnick Mort {\n"
-            "    inert void lie_still();\n"
-            "}\n";
-        CFCClass *klass = CFCTest_parse_class(test, parser, class_src);
-        OK(test, CFCClass_inert(klass),
-           "inert modifier parsed and passed to constructor");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)klass);
-    }
-    {
-        const char *class_src =
-            "final class Ultimo {\n"
-            "    /** Throws an error.\n"
-            "     */\n"
-            "    void Say_Never(Ultimo *self);\n"
-            "}\n";
-        CFCClass *klass = CFCTest_parse_class(test, parser, class_src);
-        OK(test, CFCClass_final(klass), "final class_declaration");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)klass);
-    }
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)parser);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)neato);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)file_spec);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)thing_class);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)widget_class);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)thing);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)widget);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)tread_water);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)foo);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)foo_jr);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)final_foo);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)do_stuff);
-    CFCClass_clear_registry();
-    CFCParcel_reap_singletons();
-static int
-S_has_symbol(CFCSymbol **symbols, const char *micro_sym) {
-    for (int i = 0; symbols[i]; ++i) {
-        if (strcmp(CFCSymbol_micro_sym(symbols[i]), micro_sym) == 0) {
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestDocuComment.c b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestDocuComment.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dba5f3c..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestDocuComment.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "CFCBase.h"
-#include "CFCDocuComment.h"
-#include "CFCParser.h"
-#include "CFCTest.h"
-#include "CFCUtil.h"
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test);
-    "Clownfish::CFC::Model::DocuComment",
-    15,
-    S_run_tests
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test) {
-    CFCDocuComment *docucomment;
-    docucomment = CFCDocuComment_parse("/** foo. */");
-    OK(test, docucomment != NULL, "parse");
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)docucomment);
-    CFCParser *parser = CFCParser_new();
-    const char *text =
-        "/**\n"
-        " * Brief description.  Long description.\n"
-        " *\n"
-        " * More long description.\n"
-        " *\n"
-        " * @param foo A foo.\n"
-        " * @param bar A bar.\n"
-        " *\n"
-        " * @param baz A baz.\n"
-        " * @return a return value.\n"
-        " */\n";
-    CFCBase *result = CFCParser_parse(parser, text);
-    OK(test, result != NULL, "parse with CFCParser");
-    const char *klass = CFCBase_get_cfc_class(result);
-    STR_EQ(test, klass, "Clownfish::CFC::Model::DocuComment", "result class");
-    docucomment = (CFCDocuComment*)result;
-    const char *brief_desc = CFCDocuComment_get_brief(docucomment);
-    const char *brief_expect = "Brief description.";
-    STR_EQ(test, brief_desc, brief_expect, "brief description");
-    const char *long_desc = CFCDocuComment_get_long(docucomment);
-    const char *long_expect =
-        "Long description.\n"
-        "\n"
-        "More long description.";
-    STR_EQ(test, long_desc, long_expect, "long description");
-    const char *description = CFCDocuComment_get_description(docucomment);
-    char *desc_expect = CFCUtil_sprintf("%s  %s", brief_expect, long_expect);
-    STR_EQ(test, description, desc_expect, "description");
-    FREEMEM(desc_expect);
-    const char **param_names = CFCDocuComment_get_param_names(docucomment);
-    int num_param_names = 0;
-    for (const char **p = param_names; *p; ++p) { ++num_param_names; }
-    INT_EQ(test, num_param_names, 3, "number of param names");
-    const char *param_names_expect[3] = { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        STR_EQ(test, param_names[i], param_names_expect[i],
-               "param name %d", i);
-    }
-    const char **param_docs = CFCDocuComment_get_param_docs(docucomment);
-    int num_param_docs = 0;
-    for (const char **p = param_docs; *p; ++p) { ++num_param_docs; }
-    INT_EQ(test, num_param_docs, 3, "number of param docs");
-    const char *param_docs_expect[3] = { "A foo.", "A bar.", "A baz." };
-    const char *param_docs_test[3] = {
-        "@param terminated by @",
-        "@param terminated by empty line",
-        "@param terminated next element, @return"
-    };
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        STR_EQ(test, param_docs[i], param_docs_expect[i], param_docs_test[i]);
-    }
-    const char *retval = CFCDocuComment_get_retval(docucomment);
-    const char *retval_expect = "a return value.";
-    STR_EQ(test, retval, retval_expect, "retval");
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)docucomment);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)parser);
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestFile.c b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestFile.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ad1cd5c..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestFile.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "charmony.h"
-#include "CFCBase.h"
-#include "CFCClass.h"
-#include "CFCFile.h"
-#include "CFCFileSpec.h"
-#include "CFCParcel.h"
-#include "CFCParser.h"
-#include "CFCTest.h"
-#include "CFCType.h"
-#include "CFCUtil.h"
-#include "CFCVariable.h"
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test);
-const CFCTestBatch CFCTEST_BATCH_FILE = {
-    "Clownfish::CFC::Model::File",
-    21,
-    S_run_tests
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test) {
-#define STUFF_THING "Stuff" CHY_DIR_SEP "Thing"
-    CFCParser *parser = CFCParser_new();
-    CFCFileSpec *file_spec = CFCFileSpec_new(".", STUFF_THING, 0);
-    {
-        const char *string =
-            "parcel Stuff;\n"
-            "class Stuff::Thing {\n"
-            "    Foo *foo;\n"
-            "    Bar *bar;\n"
-            "}\n"
-            "class Foo {}\n"
-            "class Bar {}\n"
-            "__C__\n"
-            "int foo;\n"
-            "__END_C__\n";
-        CFCFile *file = CFCParser_parse_file(parser, string, file_spec);
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCFile_get_source_dir(file), ".", "get_source_dir");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCFile_get_path_part(file), STUFF_THING,
-               "get_path_part");
-        OK(test, !CFCFile_included(file), "included");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCFile_guard_name(file), "H_STUFF_THING", "guard_name");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCFile_guard_start(file),
-               "#ifndef H_STUFF_THING\n#define H_STUFF_THING 1\n",
-               "guard_start");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCFile_guard_close(file), "#endif /* H_STUFF_THING */\n",
-               "guard_close");
-        OK(test, !CFCFile_get_modified(file), "modified false at start");
-        CFCFile_set_modified(file, 1);
-        OK(test, CFCFile_get_modified(file), "set_modified, get_modified");
-    "path" CHY_DIR_SEP \
-    "to" CHY_DIR_SEP \
-    "Stuff" CHY_DIR_SEP \
-    "Thing"
-        char *cfh_path = CFCFile_cfh_path(file, "path/to");
-        STR_EQ(test, cfh_path, PATH_TO_STUFF_THING ".cfh", "cfh_path");
-        FREEMEM(cfh_path);
-        char *c_path = CFCFile_c_path(file, "path/to");
-        STR_EQ(test, c_path, PATH_TO_STUFF_THING ".c", "c_path");
-        FREEMEM(c_path);
-        char *h_path = CFCFile_h_path(file, "path/to");
-        STR_EQ(test, h_path, PATH_TO_STUFF_THING ".h", "h_path");
-        FREEMEM(h_path);
-        CFCClass **classes = CFCFile_classes(file);
-        OK(test,
-           classes[0] != NULL && classes[1] != NULL && classes[2] != NULL
-           && classes[3] == NULL,
-           "classes() filters blocks");
-        CFCVariable **member_vars = CFCClass_member_vars(classes[0]);
-        CFCType *foo_type = CFCVariable_get_type(member_vars[0]);
-        CFCType_resolve(foo_type, classes);
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCType_get_specifier(foo_type), "stuff_Foo",
-               "file production picked up parcel def");
-        CFCType *bar_type = CFCVariable_get_type(member_vars[1]);
-        CFCType_resolve(bar_type, classes);
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCType_get_specifier(bar_type), "stuff_Bar",
-               "parcel def is sticky");
-        CFCBase **blocks = CFCFile_blocks(file);
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(blocks[0]),
-               "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Parcel", "blocks[0]");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(blocks[1]),
-               "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Class", "blocks[1]");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(blocks[2]),
-               "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Class", "blocks[2]");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(blocks[3]),
-               "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Class", "blocks[3]");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCBase_get_cfc_class(blocks[4]),
-               "Clownfish::CFC::Model::CBlock", "blocks[4]");
-        OK(test, blocks[5] == NULL, "blocks[5]");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)file);
-        CFCClass_clear_registry();
-    }
-    {
-        const char *string =
-            "class Stuff::Thing {\n"
-            "    Foo *foo;\n"
-            "    Bar *bar;\n"
-            "}\n";
-        CFCFile *file = CFCParser_parse_file(parser, string, file_spec);
-        CFCClass **classes = CFCFile_classes(file);
-        CFCVariable **member_vars = CFCClass_member_vars(classes[0]);
-        CFCType *foo_type = CFCVariable_get_type(member_vars[0]);
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCType_get_specifier(foo_type), "Foo",
-               "file production resets parcel");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)file);
-        CFCClass_clear_registry();
-    }
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)file_spec);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)parser);
-    CFCParcel_reap_singletons();
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestFileSpec.c b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestFileSpec.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fdb2d8..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestFileSpec.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "CFCBase.h"
-#include "CFCFileSpec.h"
-#include "CFCTest.h"
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test);
-    "Clownfish::CFC::Model::FileSpec",
-    4,
-    S_run_tests
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test) {
-    {
-        CFCFileSpec *file_spec
-            = CFCFileSpec_new("Clownfish/_include", "Stuff/Thing", 0);
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCFileSpec_get_source_dir(file_spec),
-               "Clownfish/_include", "get_source_dir");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCFileSpec_get_path_part(file_spec),
-               "Stuff/Thing", "get_path_part");
-        OK(test, !CFCFileSpec_included(file_spec), "not included");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)file_spec);
-    }
-    {
-        CFCFileSpec *file_spec
-            = CFCFileSpec_new("Clownfish/_include", "Stuff/Thing", 1);
-        OK(test, CFCFileSpec_included(file_spec), "included");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)file_spec);
-    }
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestFunction.c b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestFunction.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd6967..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestFunction.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "CFCBase.h"
-#include "CFCFunction.h"
-#include "CFCParamList.h"
-#include "CFCParcel.h"
-#include "CFCParser.h"
-#include "CFCTest.h"
-#include "CFCType.h"
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test);
-    "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Function",
-    11,
-    S_run_tests
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test) {
-    CFCParser *parser = CFCParser_new();
-    CFCParcel *neato_parcel
-        = CFCTest_parse_parcel(test, parser, "parcel Neato;");
-    {
-        CFCType *return_type = CFCTest_parse_type(test, parser, "Obj*");
-        CFCParamList *param_list
-            = CFCTest_parse_param_list(test, parser, "(int32_t some_num)");
-        CFCFunction *func
-            = CFCFunction_new(neato_parcel, NULL, "Neato::Foo", "Foo",
-                              "return_an_obj", return_type, param_list,
-                              NULL, 0);
-        OK(test, func != NULL, "new");
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)return_type);
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)param_list);
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)func);
-    }
-    {
-        CFCParser_set_class_name(parser, "Neato::Obj");
-        CFCParser_set_class_cnick(parser, "Obj");
-        static const char *func_strings[2] = {
-            "inert int running_count(int biscuit);",
-            "public inert Hash* init_fave_hash(int32_t num_buckets,"
-            " bool o_rly);"
-        };
-        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            CFCFunction *func
-                = CFCTest_parse_function(test, parser, func_strings[i]);
-            CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)func);
-        }
-    }
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)neato_parcel);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)parser);
-    CFCParcel_reap_singletons();
diff --git a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestHierarchy.c b/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestHierarchy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8941fe2..0000000
--- a/clownfish/compiler/src/CFCTestHierarchy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "charmony.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* For rmdir */
-  #include <unistd.h>
-  #include <direct.h>
-#include "CFCBase.h"
-#include "CFCClass.h"
-#include "CFCFile.h"
-#include "CFCHierarchy.h"
-#include "CFCParcel.h"
-#include "CFCTest.h"
-#include "CFCUtil.h"
-#define T_CFBASE          "t" CHY_DIR_SEP "cfbase"
-#define T_CFEXT           "t" CHY_DIR_SEP "cfext"
-#define T_CFDEST          "t" CHY_DIR_SEP "cfdest"
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test);
-static void
-S_run_basic_tests(CFCTest *test);
-static void
-S_run_include_tests(CFCTest *test);
-    "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Hierarchy",
-    39,
-    S_run_tests
-static void
-S_run_tests(CFCTest *test) {
-    S_run_basic_tests(test);
-    S_run_include_tests(test);
-static void
-S_run_basic_tests(CFCTest *test) {
-    CFCHierarchy *hierarchy = CFCHierarchy_new(T_CFDEST);
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCHierarchy_get_dest(hierarchy), T_CFDEST, "get_dest");
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCHierarchy_get_include_dest(hierarchy), T_CFDEST_INCLUDE,
-           "get_include_dest");
-    STR_EQ(test, CFCHierarchy_get_source_dest(hierarchy), T_CFDEST_SOURCE,
-           "get_source_dest");
-    CFCHierarchy_add_source_dir(hierarchy, T_CFBASE);
-    const char **source_dirs = CFCHierarchy_get_source_dirs(hierarchy);
-    STR_EQ(test, source_dirs[0], T_CFBASE, "source_dirs[0]");
-    OK(test, source_dirs[1] == NULL, "source_dirs[1]");
-    CFCHierarchy_build(hierarchy);
-    CFCFile **files = CFCHierarchy_files(hierarchy);
-    CFCFile *animal;
-    CFCFile *dog;
-    CFCFile *util;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        CFCFile *file = files[i];
-        OK(test, file != NULL, "files[%d]", i);
-        OK(test, !CFCFile_get_modified(file), "start off not modified");
-        CFCBase **blocks = CFCFile_blocks(file);
-        for (int j = 0; blocks[j]; ++j) {
-            CFCBase *block = blocks[j];
-            const char *cfc_class_name = CFCBase_get_cfc_class(block);
-            if (strcmp(cfc_class_name, "Clownfish::CFC::Model::Class") == 0) {
-                CFCClass *klass = (CFCClass*)block;
-                const char *class_name = CFCClass_get_class_name(klass);
-                if (strcmp(class_name, "Animal") == 0) {
-                    animal = file;
-                }
-                else if (strcmp(class_name, "Animal::Dog") == 0) {
-                    dog = file;
-                }
-                else if (strcmp(class_name, "Animal::Util") == 0) {
-                    util = file;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    OK(test, files[3] == NULL, "recursed and found all three files");
-    {
-        CFCClass **ordered_classes = CFCHierarchy_ordered_classes(hierarchy);
-        OK(test, ordered_classes[0] != NULL, "ordered_classes[0]");
-        OK(test, ordered_classes[1] != NULL, "ordered_classes[1]");
-        OK(test, ordered_classes[2] != NULL, "ordered_classes[2]");
-        OK(test, ordered_classes[3] != NULL, "ordered_classes[3]");
-        OK(test, ordered_classes[4] == NULL, "all classes");
-        FREEMEM(ordered_classes);
-    }
-    // Generate fake C files, with times set to two seconds ago.
-    time_t now       = time(NULL);
-    time_t past_time = now - 2;
-    static const char *const h_paths[] = {
-        T_CFDEST_INCLUDE CHY_DIR_SEP "Animal.h",
-    };
-    OK(test, CFCUtil_make_path(T_CFDEST_INCLUDE CHY_DIR_SEP "Animal"),
-       "make_path");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        const char *h_path  = h_paths[i];
-        const char *content = "#include <stdio.h>\n";
-        CFCUtil_write_file(h_path, content, strlen(content));
-        CFCTest_set_file_times(h_path, past_time);
-    }
-    char *cfh_path = CFCFile_cfh_path(animal, T_CFBASE);
-    CFCTest_set_file_times(cfh_path, now);
-    FREEMEM(cfh_path);
-    CFCHierarchy_propagate_modified(hierarchy, 0);
-    OK(test, CFCFile_get_modified(animal), "Animal modified");
-    OK(test, CFCFile_get_modified(dog),
-       "Parent's modification propagates to child's file");
-    OK(test, !CFCFile_get_modified(util),
-       "Modification doesn't propagate to inert class");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        remove(h_paths[i]);
-    }
-    rmdir(T_CFDEST_INCLUDE CHY_DIR_SEP "Animal");
-    rmdir(T_CFDEST_INCLUDE);
-    rmdir(T_CFDEST_SOURCE);
-    rmdir(T_CFDEST);
-    CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)hierarchy);
-    CFCClass_clear_registry();
-    CFCParcel_reap_singletons();
-static void
-S_run_include_tests(CFCTest *test) {
-    {
-        CFCHierarchy *hierarchy = CFCHierarchy_new(T_CFDEST);
-        CFCHierarchy_add_source_dir(hierarchy, T_CFEXT);
-        CFCHierarchy_add_include_dir(hierarchy, T_CFBASE);
-        const char **include_dirs = CFCHierarchy_get_include_dirs(hierarchy);
-        STR_EQ(test, include_dirs[0], T_CFBASE, "include_dirs[0]");
-        OK(test, include_dirs[1] == NULL, "include_dirs[1]");
-        CFCHierarchy_build(hierarchy);
-        CFCClass **classes    = CFCHierarchy_ordered_classes(hierarchy);
-        CFCClass  *rottweiler = NULL;;
-        int num_classes;
-        int num_source_classes = 0;
-        for (num_classes = 0; classes[num_classes]; ++num_classes) {
-            CFCClass *klass = classes[num_classes];
-            int expect_included = 1;
-            const char *class_name = CFCClass_get_class_name(klass);
-            if (strcmp(class_name, "Animal::Rottweiler") == 0) {
-                rottweiler      = klass;
-                expect_included = 0;
-                ++num_source_classes;
-            }
-            INT_EQ(test, CFCClass_included(klass), expect_included,
-                   "included");
-        }
-        INT_EQ(test, num_classes, 5, "class count");
-        INT_EQ(test, num_source_classes, 1, "source class count");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCClass_get_class_name(CFCClass_get_parent(rottweiler)),
-               "Animal::Dog", "parent of included class");
-        FREEMEM(classes);
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)hierarchy);
-        CFCClass_clear_registry();
-        CFCParcel_reap_singletons();
-    }
-    {
-        CFCHierarchy *hierarchy = CFCHierarchy_new(T_CFDEST);
-        CFCHierarchy_add_source_dir(hierarchy, T_CFBASE);
-        CFCHierarchy_add_source_dir(hierarchy, T_CFEXT);
-        CFCHierarchy_build(hierarchy);
-        CFCClass **classes    = CFCHierarchy_ordered_classes(hierarchy);
-        CFCClass  *rottweiler = NULL;;
-        int num_classes;
-        for (num_classes = 0; classes[num_classes]; ++num_classes) {
-            CFCClass *klass = classes[num_classes];
-            const char *class_name = CFCClass_get_class_name(klass);
-            if (strcmp(class_name, "Animal::Rottweiler") == 0) {
-                rottweiler = klass;
-            }
-            OK(test, !CFCClass_included(klass), "not included");
-        }
-        INT_EQ(test, num_classes, 5, "class count");
-        OK(test, rottweiler != NULL, "found rottweiler");
-        STR_EQ(test, CFCClass_get_class_name(CFCClass_get_parent(rottweiler)),
-               "Animal::Dog", "parent of class from second source");
-        FREEMEM(classes);
-        CFCBase_decref((CFCBase*)hierarchy);
-        CFCClass_clear_registry();
-        CFCParcel_reap_singletons();
-    }
-    rmdir(T_CFDEST_INCLUDE);
-    rmdir(T_CFDEST_SOURCE);
-    rmdir(T_CFDEST);