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Posted to by TDAS <> on 2022/05/09 11:00:47 UTC

Find not working

I’ve migrated couchdb over to a new server, using replication. Latest couchdb running on Debian 11.

Everything is working except ‘find’ (using Nano, from a NodeJs app).

It’s a long time since I set the search tree up, but essentially it looks like the below (if of interest) - I can’t really remember how it works!

Is there anything I need to do since moving to the new server to make it work? I can’t see any obvious errors in the couchdb logs. Client times out, and I get this in the node logs (I think this is coming from the error, but it’s production, so difficult to pinpoint atm):

0|main  | Error: error happened in your connection
0|main  |     at responseHandler (/var/app/node_modules/nano/lib/nano.js:120:16)
0|main  |     at axios.then.catch (/var/app/node_modules/nano/lib/nano.js:405:13)
0|main  |     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

var subquery = {      // q is search term
        selector: {
            $and: [
                    $or: [{ type: { $eq: 'case' } }, { type: { $eq: 'user' } }, { type: { $eq: 'property' } }],
                    $or: [
                        { email: { $regex: q } },
                        { firstname: { $regex: q } },
                        { lastname: { $regex: q } },
                        { p_forenames: { $regex: q } },
                        { p_surname: { $regex: q } },
                        { p_forenames2: { $regex: q } },
                        { p_surname2: { $regex: q } },
                        { n_company_name: { $regex: q } },
                        { n_property_address: { $regex: q } },
                        { n_property_address_postcode: { $regex: q } },
                        { c_provider: { $regex: q } },
                        { c_policy_number: { $regex: q } },
                        { c_product_code: { $regex: q } },
        fields: [
        limit: 50,

    couch.find(subquery, function(err, data) { ... })