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Posted to by "thispejo (via GitHub)" <> on 2024/02/24 21:39:47 UTC

[I] SparkKubernetesOperator not retrieves logs from the driver pod and displays them in the Airflow UI. [airflow]

thispejo opened a new issue, #37681:

   ### Apache Airflow version
   ### If "Other Airflow 2 version" selected, which one?
   ### What happened?
   I was using version 2.6.1 and after updating to version 2.8.1 the SparkKubernetesOperator task stopped retrieving the logs and showing them in the UI.
   the code: 
       elt_task = SparkKubernetesOperator(
               'clientId': Variable.get("clientId", default_var="0"),
               'reprocess': Variable.get("reprocess", default_var="0")
       exit_etl = SparkKubernetesSensor(
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Loading core task runner: StandardTaskRunner
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Planning to run as the  user
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]> dependency 'Task Instance State' PASSED: True, Task state queued was valid.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]> dependency 'Trigger Rule' PASSED: True, The task instance did not have any upstream tasks.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]> dependency 'Previous Dagrun State' PASSED: True, The task did not have depends_on_past set.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]> dependency 'Task Instance Not Running' PASSED: True, Task is not in running state.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]> dependency 'Not In Retry Period' PASSED: True, The task instance was not marked for retrying.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for dep_context=non-requeueable deps ti=<TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]>
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]> dependency 'Trigger Rule' PASSED: True, The task instance did not have any upstream tasks.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]> dependency 'Pool Slots Available' PASSED: True, There are enough open slots in default_pool to execute the task
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]> dependency 'Previous Dagrun State' PASSED: True, The task did not have depends_on_past set.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]> dependency 'Not In Retry Period' PASSED: True, The task instance was not marked for retrying.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]> dependency 'Task Concurrency' PASSED: True, Task concurrency is not set.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Dependencies all met for dep_context=requeueable deps ti=<TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [queued]>
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Starting attempt 1 of 1
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Executing <Task(SparkKubernetesOperator): ex_elt> on 2024-02-24 21:02:41.702796+00:00
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Started process 133 to run task
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Running: ['airflow', 'tasks', 'run', 'dashboard_digital_coupon', 'ex_elt', 'manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00', '--job-id', '38', '--raw', '--subdir', 'DAGS_FOLDER/git_devops/airflowdags/dags/dashboard/digital-coupon/', '--cfg-path', '/tmp/tmp64gjofv0']
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Job 38: Subtask ex_elt
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Calling callbacks: [<function default_action_log at 0x7f7f904a53a0>]
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Running <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_elt manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [running]> on host airflow-homo-worker-0.airflow-homo-worker-hl.airflow-homo.svc.cluster.local
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Clearing XCom data
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Running RenderedTaskInstanceFields.write with retries. Try 1 of 3
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Running RenderedTaskInstanceFields._do_delete_old_records with retries. Try 1 of 3
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Exporting env vars: AIRFLOW_CTX_DAG_EMAIL='' AIRFLOW_CTX_DAG_OWNER='airflow' AIRFLOW_CTX_DAG_ID='dashboard_digital_coupon' AIRFLOW_CTX_TASK_ID='ex_elt' AIRFLOW_CTX_EXECUTION_DATE='2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00' AIRFLOW_CTX_TRY_NUMBER='1' AIRFLOW_CTX_DAG_RUN_ID='manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00'
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Preparing lineage inlets and outlets
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - inlets: [], outlets: []
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Using connection ID 'kubernetes_default' for task execution.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - response body: {"apiVersion":"","kind":"SparkApplication","metadata":{"creationTimestamp":"2024-02-24T21:02:44Z","generation":1,"managedFields":[{"apiVersion":"","fieldsType":"FieldsV1","fieldsV1":{"f:spec":{".":{},"f:driver":{".":{},"f:coreLimit":{},"f:cores":{},"f:env":{},"f:memory":{},"f:serviceAccount":{}},"f:dynamicAllocation":{".":{},"f:enabled":{}},"f:executor":{".":{},"f:cores":{},"f:instances":{},"f:memory":{}},"f:image":{},"f:imagePullPolicy":{},"f:imagePullSecrets":{},"f:mainApplicationFile":{},"f:mode":{},"f:nodeSelector":{".":{},"f:name":{}},"f:pythonVersion":{},"f:restartPolicy":{".":{},"f:onFailureRetries":{},"f:onFailureRetryInterval":{},"f:onSubmissionFailureRetries":{},"f:onSubmissionFailureRetryInterval":{}},"f:sparkConf":{".":{},"f:spark.driver.extraJavaOptions":{},"f:spark.executor.extraJavaOptions":{},"f:spark.kubernetes.driver.terminationGracePeriodSecond
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Response: {'apiVersion': '', 'kind': 'SparkApplication', 'metadata': {'creationTimestamp': '2024-02-24T21:02:44Z', 'generation': 1, 'managedFields': [{'apiVersion': '', 'fieldsType': 'FieldsV1', 'fieldsV1': {'f:spec': {'.': {}, 'f:driver': {'.': {}, 'f:coreLimit': {}, 'f:cores': {}, 'f:env': {}, 'f:memory': {}, 'f:serviceAccount': {}}, 'f:dynamicAllocation': {'.': {}, 'f:enabled': {}}, 'f:executor': {'.': {}, 'f:cores': {}, 'f:instances': {}, 'f:memory': {}}, 'f:image': {}, 'f:imagePullPolicy': {}, 'f:imagePullSecrets': {}, 'f:mainApplicationFile': {}, 'f:mode': {}, 'f:nodeSelector': {'.': {}, 'f:name': {}}, 'f:pythonVersion': {}, 'f:restartPolicy': {'.': {}, 'f:onFailureRetries': {}, 'f:onFailureRetryInterval': {}, 'f:onSubmissionFailureRetries': {}, 'f:onSubmissionFailureRetryInterval': {}}, 'f:sparkConf': {'.': {}, 'f:spark.driver.extraJavaOptions': {}, 'f:spark.execut
 or.extraJavaOptions': {}, 'f:spark.kubernetes.driver.terminationGracePeriodSeconds': {}, 'f:spark.kubernetes.executor.terminationGracePeriodSeconds': {}}, 'f:sparkVersion': {}, 'f:timeToLiveSeconds': {}, 'f:type': {}}}, 'manager': 'OpenAPI-Generator', 'operation': 'Update', 'time': '2024-02-24T21:02:44Z'}], 'name': 'runner-elt-digital-coupon', 'namespace': 'spark', 'resourceVersion': '177941341', 'uid': '58532468-f329-462c-88a7-8722245092c0'}, 'spec': {'driver': {'coreLimit': '1200m', 'cores': 1, 'env': [{'name': 'SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY', 'value': '2g'}, {'name': 'SPARK_DRIVER_JAVA_OPTS', 'value': '-Xss4m'}], 'memory': '2g', 'serviceAccount': 'default'}, 'dynamicAllocation': {'enabled': False}, 'executor': {'cores': 1, 'instances': 1, 'memory': '4g'}, 'image': '', 'imagePullPolicy': 'Always', 'imagePullSecrets': ['***'], 'mainApplicationFile': 'local:///app/', 'mode': 'cluster', 'nodeSelector': {'name': 'Spark'}, 'python
 Version': '3', 'restartPolicy': {'onFailureRetries': 3, 'onFailureRetryInterval': 10, 'onSubmissionFailureRetries': 5, 'onSubmissionFailureRetryInterval': 20}, 'sparkConf': {'spark.driver.extraJavaOptions': '-Xss4m', 'spark.executor.extraJavaOptions': '-Xss4m', 'spark.kubernetes.driver.terminationGracePeriodSeconds': '90', 'spark.kubernetes.executor.terminationGracePeriodSeconds': '90'}, 'sparkVersion': '3.5.0', 'timeToLiveSeconds': 15, 'type': 'Python'}}
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Lineage called with inlets: [], outlets: []
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Clearing next_method and next_kwargs.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Marking task as SUCCESS. dag_id=dashboard_digital_coupon, task_id=ex_elt, execution_date=20240224T210241, start_date=20240224T210244, end_date=20240224T210244
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Task Duration set to 0.242214
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Calling callbacks: []
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - Task exited with return code 0
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - number of tis tasks for <DagRun dashboard_digital_coupon @ 2024-02-24 21:02:41.702796+00:00: manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00, state:running, queued_at: 2024-02-24 21:02:41.715274+00:00. externally triggered: True>: 4 task(s)
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - number of scheduleable tasks for <DagRun dashboard_digital_coupon @ 2024-02-24 21:02:41.702796+00:00: manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00, state:running, queued_at: 2024-02-24 21:02:41.715274+00:00. externally triggered: True>: 2 task(s)
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_es manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [None]> dependency 'Previous Dagrun State' PASSED: True, The task did not have depends_on_past set.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_es manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [None]> dependency 'Not In Retry Period' PASSED: True, The task instance was not marked for retrying.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_es manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [None]> dependency 'Trigger Rule' PASSED: False, Task's trigger rule 'all_success' requires all upstream tasks to have succeeded, but found 1 non-success(es). upstream_states=_UpstreamTIStates(success=0, skipped=0, failed=0, upstream_failed=0, removed=0, done=0, success_setup=0, skipped_setup=0), upstream_task_ids={'exit_elt'}
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Dependencies not met for <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.ex_es manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [None]>, dependency 'Trigger Rule' FAILED: Task's trigger rule 'all_success' requires all upstream tasks to have succeeded, but found 1 non-success(es). upstream_states=_UpstreamTIStates(success=0, skipped=0, failed=0, upstream_failed=0, removed=0, done=0, success_setup=0, skipped_setup=0), upstream_task_ids={'exit_elt'}
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.exit_es manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [None]> dependency 'Trigger Rule' PASSED: False, Task's trigger rule 'all_success' requires all upstream tasks to have succeeded, but found 1 non-success(es). upstream_states=_UpstreamTIStates(success=0, skipped=0, failed=0, upstream_failed=0, removed=0, done=0, success_setup=0, skipped_setup=0), upstream_task_ids={'ex_es'}
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - Dependencies not met for <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.exit_es manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [None]>, dependency 'Trigger Rule' FAILED: Task's trigger rule 'all_success' requires all upstream tasks to have succeeded, but found 1 non-success(es). upstream_states=_UpstreamTIStates(success=0, skipped=0, failed=0, upstream_failed=0, removed=0, done=0, success_setup=0, skipped_setup=0), upstream_task_ids={'ex_es'}
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.exit_es manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [None]> dependency 'Ready To Reschedule' PASSED: True, Task is not in reschedule mode.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.exit_es manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [None]> dependency 'Previous Dagrun State' PASSED: True, The task did not have depends_on_past set.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} DEBUG - <TaskInstance: dashboard_digital_coupon.exit_es manual__2024-02-24T21:02:41.702796+00:00 [None]> dependency 'Not In Retry Period' PASSED: True, The task instance was not marked for retrying.
   [2024-02-24, 21:02:44 UTC] {} INFO - 0 downstream tasks scheduled from follow-on schedule check
   ### What you think should happen instead?
   _No response_
   ### How to reproduce
       elt_task = SparkKubernetesOperator(
               'clientId': Variable.get("clientId", default_var="0"),
               'reprocess': Variable.get("reprocess", default_var="0")
       exit_etl = SparkKubernetesSensor(
   executor: "CeleryKubernetesExecutor"
   ### Operating System
   kubernetes v1.26.2
   ### Versions of Apache Airflow Providers
   _No response_
   ### Deployment
   Official Apache Airflow Helm Chart
   ### Deployment details
   _No response_
   ### Anything else?
   _No response_
   ### Are you willing to submit PR?
   - [ ] Yes I am willing to submit a PR!
   ### Code of Conduct
   - [X] I agree to follow this project's [Code of Conduct](

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Re: [I] SparkKubernetesOperator not retrieves logs from the driver pod and displays them in the Airflow UI. [airflow]

Posted by "boring-cyborg[bot] (via GitHub)" <>.
boring-cyborg[bot] commented on issue #37681:

   Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the issue template! If you are willing to raise PR to address this issue please do so, no need to wait for approval.

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Re: [I] SparkKubernetesOperator not retrieves logs from the driver pod and displays them in the Airflow UI. [airflow]

Posted by "hamedhsn (via GitHub)" <>.
hamedhsn commented on issue #37681:

   > cc @hamedhsn could this be related to the recent change in #22253 ?
   yeah it looks like, since k8sopeartor changed to support list of container using container_logs. lets merge the fix #38106 

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Re: [I] SparkKubernetesOperator not retrieves logs from the driver pod and displays them in the Airflow UI. [airflow]

Posted by "hussein-awala (via GitHub)" <>.
hussein-awala closed issue #37681: SparkKubernetesOperator not retrieves logs from the driver pod and displays them in the Airflow UI.

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Re: [I] SparkKubernetesOperator not retrieves logs from the driver pod and displays them in the Airflow UI. [airflow]

Posted by "thispejo (via GitHub)" <>.
thispejo commented on issue #37681:

   pip show apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes
   WARNING: The directory '/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned or is not writable by the current user. The cache has been disabled. Check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you should use sudo's -H flag.
   Name: apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes
   Version: 8.0.0
   Summary: Provider package apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes for Apache Airflow
   Author-email: Apache Software Foundation <>
   Location: /opt/bitnami/airflow/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages
   Requires: aiofiles, apache-airflow, asgiref, cryptography, google-re2, kubernetes, kubernetes_asyncio

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Re: [I] SparkKubernetesOperator not retrieves logs from the driver pod and displays them in the Airflow UI. [airflow]

Posted by "SamWheating (via GitHub)" <>.
SamWheating commented on issue #37681:

   Hi there, could you please confirm which version of `apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes` you are using?

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Re: [I] SparkKubernetesOperator not retrieves logs from the driver pod and displays them in the Airflow UI. [airflow]

Posted by "auyer (via GitHub)" <>.
auyer commented on issue #37681:

   I had a different take.
   In my case, I only allow one task at a time. Sometimes after a failure, even when Airflow considered the task to be in error state, the Spark Task would still live on.
   One thing I did to deal with this, is to force the deletion old spark application with the same name. Airflow will always generate the same Spark Application name, and I run this code before every execution (with Python Operator).
   from kubernetes import client, config
   def DeleteSparkApplicationByName(name, **context):
           except Exception as e:
               raise (e)
       coa = client.CustomObjectsApi()
       group = ""
       version = "v1beta2"
       namespace = "spark-operator"
       plural = "SparkApplications".lower()
       obj = None
           obj = coa.get_namespaced_custom_object(group, version, namespace, plural, name)
       if obj:
           coa.delete_namespaced_custom_object(group, version, namespace, plural, name)

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Re: [I] SparkKubernetesOperator not retrieves logs from the driver pod and displays them in the Airflow UI. [airflow]

Posted by "sudohainguyen (via GitHub)" <>.
sudohainguyen commented on issue #37681:

   hey can we expect this will be fixed in the next release?

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Re: [I] SparkKubernetesOperator not retrieves logs from the driver pod and displays them in the Airflow UI. [airflow]

Posted by "eladkal (via GitHub)" <>.
eladkal commented on issue #37681:

   cc @hamedhsn could this be related to the recent change in ?

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Re: [I] SparkKubernetesOperator not retrieves logs from the driver pod and displays them in the Airflow UI. [airflow]

Posted by "sudohainguyen (via GitHub)" <>.
sudohainguyen commented on issue #37681:

   I've been facing the same, should we proceed this issue? so it could be resolved in the next release

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