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[34/51] [partial] incubator-trafficcontrol-website git commit: Move docs from html directory to version directory
diff --git a/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/user.rst.txt b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/user.rst.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b141eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/user.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _to-api-v12-users:
+.. _to-api-v12-users-route:
+**GET /api/1.2/users**
+  Retrieves all users.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Response Properties**
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                    |
+  +======================+========+================================================+
+  |``addressLine1``      | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``addressLine2``      | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``city``              | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``company``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``country``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``email``             | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``fullName``          | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``gid``               | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``id``                | hash   |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``lastUpdated``       | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``newUser``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``phoneNumber``       | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``postalCode``        | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``publicSshKey``      | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``registrationSent``  | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``role``              | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``roleName``          | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``stateOrProvince``   | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``uid``               | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``username``          | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+   {
+      "response": [
+		 {
+			"addressLine1": "",
+			"addressLine2": "",
+			"city": "",
+			"company": "",
+			"country": "",
+			"email": "",
+			"fullName": "Tom Simpson",
+			"gid": "0",
+			"id": "53",
+			"lastUpdated": "2016-01-26 10:22:07",
+			"newUser": true,
+			"phoneNumber": "",
+			"postalCode": "",
+			"publicSshKey": "xxx",
+			"registrationSent": true,
+			"role": "6",
+			"rolename": "admin",
+			"stateOrProvince": "",
+			"uid": "0",
+			"username": "tsimpson"
+		 },
+		 {
+		 	... more users
+		 },
+        ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/users/:id**
+  Retrieves user by ID.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  |   Name    | Required |                Description                  |
+  +===========+==========+=============================================+
+  |   ``id``  |   yes    | User id.                                    |
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                    |
+  +======================+========+================================================+
+  |``addressLine1``      | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``addressLine2``      | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``city``              | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``company``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``country``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``email``             | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``fullName``          | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``gid``               | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``id``                | hash   |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``lastUpdated``       | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``newUser``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``phoneNumber``       | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``postalCode``        | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``publicSshKey``      | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``registrationSent``  | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``role``              | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``roleName``          | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``stateOrProvince``   | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``uid``               | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``username``          | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+   {
+      "response": [
+		 {
+			"addressLine1": "",
+			"addressLine2": "",
+			"city": "",
+			"company": "",
+			"country": "",
+			"email": "",
+			"fullName": "Tom Simpson",
+			"gid": "0",
+			"id": "53",
+			"lastUpdated": "2016-01-26 10:22:07",
+			"newUser": true,
+			"phoneNumber": "",
+			"postalCode": "",
+			"publicSshKey": "xxx",
+			"registrationSent": true,
+			"role": "6",
+			"rolename": "admin",
+			"stateOrProvince": "",
+			"uid": "0",
+			"username": "tsimpson"
+		 },
+		 {
+		 	... more users
+		 },
+        ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/users/:id/deliveryservices**
+  Retrieves all delivery services assigned to the user. See also `Using Traffic Ops - Delivery Service <>`_.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+
+  | Name            | Required | Description                                       |
+  +=================+==========+===================================================+
+  | ``id``          | yes      | User ID.                                          |
+  +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  |        Parameter         |  Type  |                                                             Description                                                              |
+  +==========================+========+======================================================================================================================================+
+  | ``active``               |  bool  | true if active, false if inactive.                                                                                                   |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``cacheurl``             | string | Cache URL rule to apply to this delivery service.                                                                                    |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``ccrDnsTtl``            | string | The TTL of the DNS response for A or AAAA queries requesting the IP address of the tr. host.                                         |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``cdnId``                | string | Id of the CDN to which the delivery service belongs to.                                                                              |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``cdnName``              | string | Name of the CDN to which the delivery service belongs to.                                                                            |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``checkPath``            | string | The path portion of the URL to check this deliveryservice for health.                                                                |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``displayName``          | string | The display name of the delivery service.                                                                                            |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``dnsBypassIp``          | string | The IPv4 IP to use for bypass on a DNS deliveryservice  - bypass starts when serving more than the                                   |
+  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this deliveryservice.                                                                                       |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``dnsBypassIp6``         | string | The IPv6 IP to use for bypass on a DNS deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the                                    |
+  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this deliveryservice.                                                                                       |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``dnsBypassTtl``         | string | The TTL of the DNS bypass response.                                                                                                  |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``dscp``                 | string | The Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) with which to mark downstream (EDGE ->  customer) traffic.                             |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``edgeHeaderRewrite``    | string | The EDGE header rewrite actions to perform.                                                                                          |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``geoLimitRedirectUrl``  | string |                                                                                                                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``geoLimit``             | string | - 0: None - no limitations                                                                                                           |
+  |                          |        | - 1: Only route on CZF file hit                                                                                                      |
+  |                          |        | - 2: Only route on CZF hit or when from USA                                                                                          |
+  |                          |        |                                                                                                                                      |
+  |                          |        | Note that this does not prevent access to content or makes content secure; it just prevents                                          |
+  |                          |        | routing to the content by Traffic Router.                                                                                            |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``geoLimitCountries``    | string |                                                                                                                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``geoProvider``          | string |                                                                                                                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``globalMaxMbps``        | string | The maximum global bandwidth allowed on this deliveryservice. If exceeded, the traffic routes to the                                 |
+  |                          |        | dnsByPassIp* for DNS deliveryservices and to the httpBypassFqdn for HTTP deliveryservices.                                           |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``globalMaxTps``         | string | The maximum global transactions per second allowed on this deliveryservice. When this is exceeded                                    |
+  |                          |        | traffic will be sent to the dnsByPassIp* for DNS deliveryservices and to the httpBypassFqdn for                                      |
+  |                          |        | HTTP deliveryservices                                                                                                                |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``httpBypassFqdn``       | string | The HTTP destination to use for bypass on an HTTP deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the                         |
+  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this deliveryservice.                                                                                       |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``id``                   | string | The deliveryservice id (database row number).                                                                                        |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``infoUrl``              | string | Use this to add a URL that points to more information about that deliveryservice.                                                    |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``initialDispersion``    | string |                                                                                                                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``ipv6RoutingEnabled``   |  bool  | false: send IPv4 address of Traffic Router to client on HTTP type del.                                                               |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``lastUpdated``          | string |                                                                                                                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``logsEnabled``          |  bool  |                                                                                                                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``longDesc``             | string | Description field 1.                                                                                                                 |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``longDesc1``            | string | Description field 2.                                                                                                                 |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``longDesc2``            | string | Description field 2.                                                                                                                 |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``>>type``               | string | The type of MatchList (one of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='regex').                                                           |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``>>setNumber``          | string | The set Number of the matchList.                                                                                                     |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``>>pattern``            | string | The regexp for the matchList.                                                                                                        |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``maxDnsAnswers``        | string | The maximum number of IPs to put in a A/AAAA response for a DNS deliveryservice (0 means all                                         |
+  |                          |        | available).                                                                                                                          |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``midHeaderRewrite``     | string | The MID header rewrite actions to perform.                                                                                           |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``missLat``              | string | The latitude to use when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.                                                    |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``missLong``             | string | The longitude to use when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.                                                   |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``multiSiteOrigin``      |  bool  | Is the Multi Site Origin feature enabled for this delivery service (0=false, 1=true). See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`                |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``multiSiteOriginAlgor`` |  bool  | Is the Multi Site Origin feature enabled for this delivery service (0=false, 1=true). See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`                |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``orgServerFqdn``        | string | The origin server base URL (FQDN when used in this instance, includes the                                                            |
+  |                          |        | protocol (http:// or https://) for use in retrieving content from the origin server.                                                 |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``originShield``         | string |                                                                                                                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``profileDescription``   | string | The description of the Traffic Router Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                         |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``profileId``            | string | The id of the Traffic Router Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                                  |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``profileName``          | string | The name of the Traffic Router Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                                |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``protocol``             | string | - 0: serve with http:// at EDGE                                                                                                      |
+  |                          |        | - 1: serve with https:// at EDGE                                                                                                     |
+  |                          |        | - 2: serve with both http:// and https:// at EDGE                                                                                    |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``qstringIgnore``        | string | - 0: no special query string handling; it is for use in the cache-key and pass up to origin.                                         |
+  |                          |        | - 1: ignore query string in cache-key, but pass it up to parent and or origin.                                                       |
+  |                          |        | - 2: drop query string at edge, and do not use it in the cache-key.                                                                  |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``rangeRequestHandling`` | string | How to treat range requests:                                                                                                         |
+  |                          |        |                                                                                                                                      |
+  |                          |        | - 0 Do not cache (ranges requested from files taht are already cached due to a non range request will be a HIT)                      |
+  |                          |        | - 1 Use the `background_fetch <>`_ plugin. |
+  |                          |        | - 2 Use the cache_range_requests plugin.                                                                                             |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``regexRemap``           | string | Regex Remap rule to apply to this delivery service at the Edge tier.                                                                 |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``regionalGeoBlocking``  |  bool  | Regex Remap rule to apply to this delivery service at the Edge tier.                                                                 |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``remapText``            | string | Additional raw remap line text.                                                                                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``signed``               |  bool  | - false: token based auth (see :ref:token-based-auth) is not enabled for this deliveryservice.                                       |
+  |                          |        | - true: token based auth is enabled for this deliveryservice.                                                                        |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``sslKeyVersion``        | string |                                                                                                                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``trRequestHeaders``     | string |                                                                                                                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``trResponseHeaders``    | string |                                                                                                                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``type``                 | string | The type of this deliveryservice (one of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='deliveryservice').                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``typeId``               | string | The type of this deliveryservice (one of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='deliveryservice').                                      |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``xmlId``                | string | Unique string that describes this deliveryservice.                                                                                   |
+  +--------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+      "response": [
+        {
+            "active": true,
+            "cacheurl": null,
+            "ccrDnsTtl": "3600",
+            "cdnId": "2",
+            "cdnName": "over-the-top",
+            "checkPath": "",
+            "displayName": "My Cool Delivery Service",
+            "dnsBypassCname": "",
+            "dnsBypassIp": "",
+            "dnsBypassIp6": "",
+            "dnsBypassTtl": "30",
+            "dscp": "40",
+            "edgeHeaderRewrite": null,
+            "exampleURLs": [
+                ""
+            ],
+            "geoLimit": "0",
+            "geoLimitCountries": null,
+            "geoLimitRedirectURL": null,
+            "geoProvider": "0",
+            "globalMaxMbps": null,
+            "globalMaxTps": "0",
+            "httpBypassFqdn": "",
+            "id": "442",
+            "infoUrl": "",
+            "initialDispersion": "1",
+            "ipv6RoutingEnabled": true,
+            "lastUpdated": "2016-01-26 08:49:35",
+            "logsEnabled": false,
+            "longDesc": "",
+            "longDesc1": "",
+            "longDesc2": "",
+            "matchList": [
+                {
+                    "pattern": ".*\\.foo-ds\\..*",
+                    "setNumber": "0",
+                    "type": "HOST_REGEXP"
+                }
+            ],
+            "maxDnsAnswers": "0",
+            "midHeaderRewrite": null,
+            "missLat": "41.881944",
+            "missLong": "-87.627778",
+            "multiSiteOrigin": false,
+            "multiSiteOriginAlgorithm": null,
+            "orgServerFqdn": "",
+            "originShield": null,
+            "profileDescription": "Content Router for over-the-top",
+            "profileId": "5",
+            "profileName": "ROUTER_TOP",
+            "protocol": "0",
+            "qstringIgnore": "1",
+            "rangeRequestHandling": "0",
+            "regexRemap": null,
+            "regionalGeoBlocking": false,
+            "remapText": null,
+            "signed": false,
+            "sslKeyVersion": "0",
+            "trRequestHeaders": null,
+            "trResponseHeaders": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *",
+            "type": "HTTP",
+            "typeId": "8",
+            "xmlId": "foo-ds"
+        }
+        { .. },
+        { .. }
+      ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/user/current.json**
+  Retrieves the profile for the authenticated user.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Properties**
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type    | Description                                    |
+  +======================+=========+================================================+
+  |``email``             | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``city``              | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``id``                | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``phoneNumber``       | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``company``           | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``country``           | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``fullName``          | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``localUser``         | boolean |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``uid``               | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``stateOrProvince``   | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``username``          | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``newUser``           | boolean |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``addressLine2``      | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``role``              | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``addressLine1``      | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``gid``               | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``postalCode``        | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+           "response": {
+                            "email": "",
+                            "city": "",
+                            "id": "50",
+                            "phoneNumber": "",
+                            "company": "",
+                            "country": "",
+                            "fullName": "Tom Callahan",
+                            "localUser": true,
+                            "uid": "0",
+                            "stateOrProvince": "",
+                            "username": "tommyboy",
+                            "newUser": false,
+                            "addressLine2": "",
+                            "role": "6",
+                            "addressLine1": "",
+                            "gid": "0",
+                            "postalCode": ""
+           },
+    }
+**POST /api/1.2/user/current/update**
+  Updates the date for the authenticated user.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Properties**
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type    | Description                                    |
+  +======================+=========+================================================+
+  |``email``             | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``city``              | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``id``                | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``phoneNumber``       | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``company``           | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``country``           | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``fullName``          | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``localUser``         | boolean |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``uid``               | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``stateOrProvince``   | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``username``          | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``newUser``           | boolean |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``addressLine2``      | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``role``              | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``addressLine1``      | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``gid``               | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``postalCode``        | string  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+     "user": {
+        "email": "",
+        "city": "",
+        "id": "",
+        "phoneNumber": "",
+        "company": "",
+        "country": "",
+        "fullName": "",
+        "localUser": true,
+        "uid": "0",
+        "stateOrProvince": "",
+        "username": "tommyboy",
+        "newUser": false,
+        "addressLine2": "",
+        "role": "6",
+        "addressLine1": "",
+        "gid": "0",
+        "postalCode": ""
+     }
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  |  Parameter  |  Type  |           Description            |
+  +=============+========+==================================+
+  | ``alerts``  | array  | A collection of alert messages.  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>level``  | string | Success, info, warning or error. |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>text``   | string | Alert message.                   |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``version`` | string |                                  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+          "alerts": [
+                    {
+                            "level": "success",
+                            "text": "UserProfile was successfully updated."
+                    }
+            ],
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/user/current/jobs.json**
+  Retrieves the user's list of jobs.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  +--------------+----------+----------------------------------------+
+  |    Name      | Required |              Description               |
+  +==============+==========+========================================+
+  | ``keyword``  | no       | PURGE                                  |
+  +--------------+----------+----------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                    |
+  +======================+========+================================================+
+  |``keyword``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``objectName``        | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``assetUrl``          | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``assetType``         | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``status``            | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``dsId``              | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``dsXmlId``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``username``          | boolean|                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``parameters``        | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``enteredTime``       | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``objectType``        | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``agent``             | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``id``                | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``startTime``         | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``version``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example**
+  ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+        {
+           "id": "1",
+           "keyword": "PURGE",
+           "objectName": null,
+           "assetUrl": "",
+           "assetType": "file",
+           "status": "PENDING",
+           "dsId": "9999",
+           "dsXmlId": "ds-xml-id",
+           "username": "peewee",
+           "parameters": "TTL:56h",
+           "enteredTime": "2015-01-21 18:00:16",
+           "objectType": null,
+           "agent": "",
+           "startTime": "2015-01-21 10:45:38"
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+Invalidating content on the CDN is sometimes necessary when the origin was mis-configured and something is cached in the CDN that needs to be removed. Given the size of a typical Traffic Control CDN and the amount of content that can be cached in it, removing the content from all the caches may take a long time. To speed up content invalidation, Traffic Ops will not try to remove the content from the caches, but it makes the content inaccessible using the *regex_revalidate* ATS plugin. This forces a *revalidation* of the content, rather than a new get.
+.. Note:: This method forces a HTTP *revalidation* of the content, and not a new *GET* - the origin needs to support revalidation according to the HTTP/1.2 specification, and send a ``200 OK`` or ``304 Not Modified`` as applicable.
+Authentication Required: Yes
+Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Properties**
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                    |
+  +======================+========+================================================+
+  |``dsId``              | string | Unique Delivery Service ID                     |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``regex``             | string | Path Regex this should be a                    |
+  |                      |        | `PCRE <>`_ compatible      |
+  |                      |        | regular expression for the path to match for   |
+  |                      |        | forcing the revalidation. Be careful to only   |
+  |                      |        | match on the content you need to remove -      |
+  |                      |        | revalidation is an expensive operation for     |
+  |                      |        | many origins, and a simple ``/.*`` can cause   |
+  |                      |        | an overload condition of the origin.           |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``startTime``         | string | Start Time is the time when the revalidation   |
+  |                      |        | rule will be made active. Populate             |
+  |                      |        | with the current time to schedule ASAP. This   |
+  |                      |        | value cannot be more than 2 days before now.   |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``ttl``               | int    | Time To Live is how long the revalidation rule |
+  |                      |        | will be active for in hours. It usually makes  |
+  |                      |        | sense to make this the same as the             |
+  |                      |        | ``Cache-Control`` header from the origin which |
+  |                      |        | sets the object time to live in cache          |
+  |                      |        | (by ``max-age`` or ``Expires``). Entering a    |
+  |                      |        | longer TTL here will make the caches do        |
+  |                      |        | unnecessary work.                              |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+           "dsId": "9999",
+           "regex": "/path/to/content.jpg",
+           "startTime": "2015-01-27 11:08:37",
+           "ttl": 54
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  |  Parameter  |  Type  |           Description            |
+  +=============+========+==================================+
+  | ``alerts``  | array  | A collection of alert messages.  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>level``  | string | Success, info, warning or error. |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>text``   | string | Alert message.                   |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``version`` | string |                                  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+          "alerts":
+                  [
+                      { 
+                            "level": "success",
+                            "text": "Successfully created purge job for: ."
+                      }
+                  ],
+    }
+**POST /api/1.2/user/login**
+  Authentication of a user using username and password. Traffic Ops will send back a session cookie.
+  Authentication Required: No
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Properties**
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                    |
+  +======================+========+================================================+
+  |``u``                 | string | username                                       |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``p``                 | string | password                                       |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+       "u": "username",
+       "p": "password"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  |  Parameter  |  Type  |           Description            |
+  +=============+========+==================================+
+  | ``alerts``  | array  | A collection of alert messages.  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>level``  | string | Success, info, warning or error. |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>text``   | string | Alert message.                   |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``version`` | string |                                  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+   {
+     "alerts": [
+        {
+           "level": "success",
+           "text": "Successfully logged in."
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/user/:id/deliveryservices/available.json**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+
+  | Name            | Required | Description                                       |
+  +=================+==========+===================================================+
+  |id               | yes      |                                                   |
+  +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                    |
+  +======================+========+================================================+
+  |``xmlId``             | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``id``                | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+        {
+           "xmlId": "ns-img",
+           "id": "90"
+        },
+        {
+           "xmlId": "ns-img-secure",
+           "id": "280"
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+**POST /api/1.2/user/login/token**
+  Authentication of a user using a token.
+  Authentication Required: No
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Properties**
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                    |
+  +======================+========+================================================+
+  |``t``                 | string | token-value                                    |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+       "t": "token-value"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-------------+--------+-------------+
+  |  Parameter  |  Type  | Description |
+  +=============+========+=============+
+  | ``alerts``  | array  |             |
+  +-------------+--------+-------------+
+  | ``>level``  | string |             |
+  +-------------+--------+-------------+
+  | ``>text``   | string |             |
+  +-------------+--------+-------------+
+  | ``version`` | string |             |
+  +-------------+--------+-------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "alerts": [
+        {
+           "level": "error",
+           "text": "Unauthorized, please log in."
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+**POST /api/1.2/user/logout**
+  User logout. Invalidates the session cookie.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Response Properties**
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                    |
+  +======================+========+================================================+
+  |``alerts``            | array  |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |* ``level``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |* ``text``            | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``version``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example**
+  ::
+    {
+     "alerts": [
+        {
+           "level": "success",
+           "text": "You are logged out."
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+**POST /api/1.2/user/reset_password**
+  Reset user password.
+  Authentication Required: No
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Properties**
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                    |
+  +======================+========+================================================+
+  |``email``             | string | The email address of the user to initiate      |
+  |                      |        | password reset.                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Request Example**
+  ::
+    {
+     "email": ""
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                    |
+  +======================+========+================================================+
+  |``alerts``            | array  | A collection of alert messages.                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |* ``level``           | string | Success, info, warning or error.               |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |* ``text``            | string | Alert message.                                 |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  |``version``           | string |                                                |
+  +----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "alerts": [
+        {
+           "level": "success",
+           "text": "Successfully sent password reset to email ''"
+        }
+     ],
+    }
diff --git a/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_portal.rst.txt b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_portal.rst.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+Traffic Portal
+Traffic Portal is an `AngularJS 1.x <>`_ client served from a `Node.js <>`_ web server designed to consume the Traffic Ops 1.x API. Traffic Portal provides a set of functionality restricted to the delivery service(s) of the authenticated user. Functionality primarily includes a set of charts / graphs designed to provide insight into the performance of a user's delivery service(s).
+Software Requirements
+To work on Traffic Portal you need a \*nix (MacOS and Linux are most commonly used) environment that has the following installed:
+	* `Ruby 2.0.x or above <>`_
+	* `Compass 1.0.x or above <>`_
+	* `Node.js 6.0.x or above <>`_
+	* `Bower 1.7.9 or above <>`_
+	* `Grunt CLI 1.2.0 or above <>`_
+	* Access to a working instance of Traffic Ops
+Traffic Portal Project Tree Overview
+	* **traffic_control/traffic_portal/app/src** - contains HTML, JavaScript and Sass source files.
+Installing The Traffic Portal Developer Environment
+	- Clone the traffic_control repository
+	- Navigate to the traffic_control/traffic_portal of your cloned repository.
+	- Run ``npm install`` to install application dependencies. Only needs to be done the first time unless traffic_portal/package.json changes.
+	- Run ``bower install`` to install client-side dependencies. Only needs to be done the first time unless traffic_portal/bower.json changes.
+	- Run ``grunt`` to package the application into traffic_portal/app/dist, start a local http server (Express), and start a file watcher.
+	- Navigate to http://localhost:8080
+- The Traffic Portal consumes the Traffic Ops API. By default, Traffic Portal assumes Traffic Ops is running on http://localhost:3000. Temporarily modify conf/config.js if you need to change the location of Traffic Ops.
diff --git a/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_router.rst.txt b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_router.rst.txt
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+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+Traffic Router
+Traffic Router is a Java Tomcat application that routes clients to the closest available cache on the CDN using both HTTP and DNS.  Cache availability is determined by Traffic Monitor; consequently Traffic Router polls Traffic Monitor for its configuration and cache health state information, and uses this data to make routing decisions.  HTTP routing is performed by localizing the client based on the request's source IP address (IPv4 or IPv6), and issues an HTTP 302 redirect to the nearest cache.  HTTP routing utilizes consistent hashing on request URLs to optimize cache performance and request distribution.  DNS routing is performed by localizing clients, resolvers in most cases, requesting ``A`` and ``AAAA`` records for a configurable name such as ````. Traffic Router is comprised of four separate Maven modules:
+	* api - Provides a simple JSON interface into certain aspects of core and is deployed as a WAR to a Service (read: connector/listen port) within Tomcat which is separate from core
+	* connector - A JAR that overrides Tomcat's standard Http11Protocol Connector class and allows Traffic Router to delay opening listen sockets until it is in a state suitable for routing traffic
+	* geolocation - Submodule for defining geolocation services
+	* testServer - A convenience server for easier manual testing of the API portion of Traffic Router on a development machine
+	* core - Services DNS and HTTP requests, performs localization on routing requests, and is deployed as a WAR to a Service (read: connector/listen port) within Tomcat which is separate from api
+	* rpm - A simple Maven project which gathers the artifacts from the prior three modules and builds an RPM
+Software Requirements
+To work on Traffic Router you need a \*nix (MacOS and Linux are most commonly used) environment that has the following installed:
+* Eclipse >= Kepler SR2 (or another Java IDE)
+* Maven >= 3.3.1
+* JDK >= 6.0
+Traffic Router Project Tree Overview
+* ``traffic_control/traffic_traffic_router/`` - base directory for Traffic Router
+	* ``api/`` - Source code for Traffic Router API, which is built as its own deployable WAR file and communicates with Traffic Router Core using JMX
+		* ``src/main`` - Main source directory for Traffic Router API
+			* ``java/`` - Java source code for Traffic Router API
+			* ``resources/`` - Spring resources pulled in during an RPM build
+			* ``webapp/`` - Java webapp resources
+		* ``src/test`` - Test source directory for Traffic Router API
+			* ``java/`` - JUnit based unit tests for Traffic Router API
+			* ``resources/`` - Resources pulled in by unit tests
+	* ``connector/`` - Source code for Traffic Router Connector; 
+		* ``src/main/java`` - Java source directory for Traffic Router Connector
+	* ``core/`` - Source code for Traffic Router Core, which is built as its own deployable WAR file and communicates with Traffic Router API using JMX
+		* ``src/main`` - Main source directory for Traffic Router Core
+			* ``etc/init.d`` - Init script for Tomcat
+			* ``conf/`` - Minimum required configuration files
+			* ``java/`` - Java source code for Traffic Router Core
+			* ``opt/tomcat/conf`` - Contains Tomcat configuration file(s) pulled in during an RPM build
+			* ``resources/`` - Resources pulled in during an RPM build
+			* ``scripts/`` - Scripts used by the RPM build process
+			* ``webapp/`` - Java webapp resources
+		* ``src/test`` - Test source directory for Traffic Router Core
+			* ``conf/`` - Minimal Configuration files that make it possible to run junit tests
+			* ``db/`` - Files downloaded by unit tests
+			* ``java/`` - JUnit based unit tests for Traffic Router Core
+			* ``resources/`` - Example data files used by junit tests
+				* ``var/auto-zones`` - BIND formatted zone files generated by Traffic Router Core during unit testing
+Java Formatting Conventions 
+None at this time.  The codebase will eventually be formatted per Java standards.
+Installing The Developer Environment
+To install the Traffic Router Developer environment:
+1. Clone the traffic_control repository using Git.
+2. Change directories into ``traffic_control/traffic_router``.
+3. Follow the instructions in "README.DNSSEC" for DNSSEC support.
+4. Set the environment variable TRAFFIC_MONITOR_HOSTS to be a semicolon delimited list of Traffic Monitors that can be accessed during integration tests
+5. Additional configuration is set using the below files: 
+	* core/src/test/resources no longer exists
+	* core/src/test/conf/ file holds the credentials for accessing Traffic Ops.
+	* Default configuration values now reside in core/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml
+	* The above values may be overridden by creating and/or modifying the property files listed in core/src/main/resources/applicationProperties.xml
+	* Pre-existing properties files are still honored by Traffic Router. For example
+	  +-------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	  |              Parameter              |                                                      Value                                                       |
+	  +=====================================+==================================================================================================================+
+	  | ``traffic_monitor.bootstrap.hosts`` | FQDN and port of the Traffic Monitor instance(s), separated by semicolons as necessary (do not include http://). |
+	  +-------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+6. Import the existing git repo into Eclipse:
+	a. File -> Import -> Git -> Projects from Git; Next
+	b. Existing local repository; Next
+	c. Add -> browse to find ``traffic_control``; Open
+	d. Select ``traffic_control``; Next
+	e. Ensure "Import existing projects" is selected, expand ``traffic_control``, select ``traffic_router``; Next
+	f. Ensure ``traffic_router_api``, ``traffic_router_connector``, and ``traffic_router_core`` are checked; Finish (this step can take several minutes to complete)
+	g. Ensure ``traffic_router_api``, ``traffic_router_connector``, and ``traffic_router_core`` have been opened by Eclipse after importing
+7. From the terminal, run ``mvn clean verify`` from the ``traffic_router`` directory
+8. Start the embedded Jetty instance for Core from within Eclipse
+	a. In the package explorer, expand ``traffic_router_core``
+	b. Expand ``src/test/java``
+	c. Expand the package ````
+	d. Open and run ````
+		..  Note:: If an error is displayed in the Console, run ``mvn clean verify`` from the ``traffic_router`` directory
+9. Traffic Router Core should now be running; the HTTP routing interface is available on http://localhost:8081, while HTTPS is available on http://localhost:8443. The DNS server and routing interface is available on localhost:1053 via TCP and UDP.
+Test Cases
+* Unit tests can be executed using Maven by running ``mvn test`` at the root of the ``traffic_router`` project.
+* Unit and Integration tests can be executed using Maven by running ``mvn verify`` at the root of the ``traffic_router`` project.
+RPM Packaging
+Running ``mvn package`` on a Linux based distribution will trigger the build process to create the Traffic Router rpm.
+.. toctree:: 
+  :hidden:
+  :maxdepth: 1
+  traffic_router/traffic_router_api
diff --git a/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_router/traffic_router_api.rst.txt b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_router/traffic_router_api.rst.txt
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+++ b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_router/traffic_router_api.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _reference-tr-api:
+Traffic Router API
+General stats.
+Geolocation information for an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
+A list of configured cache groups.
+A mapping of caches to cache groups and their current health state.
+A list of caches for this cache group only.
diff --git a/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_server.rst.txt b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_server.rst.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+Traffic Server
+See the `Apache Traffic Server documentation <>`_.
diff --git a/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_stats.rst.txt b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/development/traffic_stats.rst.txt
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+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+Traffic Stats
+Traffic Stats is a utility written in `Go <>`_ that is used to acquire and store statistics about CDNs controlled by Traffic Control.  Traffic Stats mines metrics from Traffic Monitor's JSON APIs and stores the data in `InfluxDb <>`_.  Data is typically stored in InfluxDb on a short-term basis (30 days or less) and is used to drive graphs created by `Grafana <>`_ which are linked from Traffic Ops.  Traffic Stats also calculates daily statistics from InfluxDb and stores them in the Traffic Ops database.
+Software Requirements
+To work on Traffic Stats you need a \*nix (MacOS and Linux are most commonly used) environment that has the following installed:
+	* `Go 1.7.x or above <>`_
+	* Access to a working instance of Traffic Ops
+	* Access to a working instance of Traffic Monitor
+	* `InfluxDb version 1.0.0 or greater <>`_
+Traffic Stats Project Tree Overview
+	* **traffic_control/traffic_stats** - contains Go source files and Files used to create the Traffic Stats rpm.
+	* **traffic_control/traffic_stats/grafana/** - contains a javascript file which is installed on the grafana server.  This allows Traffic Ops to create custom dashboards for Delivery Services, Caches, etc.
+	* **traffic_control/traffic_stats/influxdb_tools/** - contains one tool to create the databases and retention policies needed by Traffic Stats as well as continuous queries to downsample data; contains another tool to sync downsampled data between influxdb instances.  This is is helpful if you have multiple instances and they get out of sync with data.
+Go Formatting Conventions
+In general `Go fmt <>`_ is the standard for formatting go code.  It is also recommended to use `Go lint <>`_.
+Installing The Developer Environment
+To install the Traffic Ops Developer environment:
+	- Clone the traffic_control repository using Git into a location accessible by your $GOPATH
+	- Navigate to the traffic_ops/client directory of your cloned repository. (This is the directory containing Traffic Ops client code used by Traffic Stats)
+	- From the traffic_ops/client directory run ``go test`` to test the client code.  This will run all unit tests for the client and return the results.  If there are missing dependencies you will need to run ``go get <dependency name>`` to get the dependency
+	- Once the tests pass, run ``go install`` to build and install the Traffic Ops client package.  This makes it accessible to Traffic Stats.
+	- Navigate to your cloned repo under Traffic Stats
+	- Run ``go build traffic_stats.go`` to build traffic_stats.  You will need to run ``go get`` for any missing dependencies.
+Test Cases
+	Currently there are no automated tests for Traffic Stats :( but pull requests are always welcome to fix this problem!
diff --git a/docs/2.0.x/_sources/faq/administration.rst.txt b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/faq/administration.rst.txt
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+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+Running a Traffic Control CDN
+Why is my CRConfig.json rejected?
+	Especially in version 1.1.0, there's a number of manual steps that need to be done after the initial install. Make sure that after the initial install, you perform these steps in order:
+	.. Note:: Even though Traffic Ops allows you to enter the servers with no IPv6 address information, the CRConfig will not be accepted by Traffic Router without IPv6 address information for at least Traffic Router and Traffic Monitor. Traffic Control assumes in a lot of places that all servers have at least an IPv4 and an IPv6 address. If you are not using IPv6, it is best to enter dummy addresses for all server types, and turn IPv6 off in all delivery services. (
+	* Add users
+		Not necessarily needed for getting your CRConfig accepted, but always a good idea.
+	* Add Divisions
+		You will need at least one.
+	* Add Regions
+		You will need at least one.
+	* Add Physical Locations
+		You will need at least one.
+	* Add Mid tier Cache Groups
+		You will need at least one.
+	* Add Edge tier Cache Groups
+		You will need at least one.
+	* Add Traffic Monitors
+		You will need to enter at least one Traffic Monitor - make sure to change the server status to *ONLINE*.
+	* Add Traffic Routers
+		You will need to enter at least one Traffic Router - make sure to change the server status to *ONLINE*.
+	* Add Edges
+		You will need at least one edge cache to make Traffic Router accept the CRConfig. 
+	* Add Mid
+		Technically you don't need a mid tier, but if you have one, best to enter the info before continuing.
+	* Change the ``polling.url`` parameters to reflect your CDN
+		Set where to get the coverage zone map, and the geo IP database.
+	* Create at least one delivery service, and assign at least one edge cache in REPORTED state to it.
+		Even if it is a dummy DS, without a single DS, the CRConfig will not be accepted by Traffic Router.
+	* Snapshot CRConfig
+		**Tools > Snapshot CRConfig** diff, and write.
+	Now you are ready to install the sw on Traffic Monitor and then Traffic Router.
diff --git a/docs/2.0.x/_sources/faq/development.rst.txt b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/faq/development.rst.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8518eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/faq/development.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+How can I become involved?
+	See our `CONTRIBUTING <>`_ page.
diff --git a/docs/2.0.x/_sources/faq/general.rst.txt b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/faq/general.rst.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..747aa60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/2.0.x/_sources/faq/general.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+Who is using Traffic Control?
+	`Comcast Cable <>`_
+		Comcast is the original developer of Traffic Control and is using it for all it's IP video delivery, delivering images and software to it's X1 platform, and for `delivering third party content <>`_ to it's footprint.
+	`Cox Communications <>`_
+	`Cisco <>`_
+		Cisco has a product called `Open Media Distribution <>`_ that is based on Traffic Control. 
+	`Concurrent <>`_ 
+		Concurrent has a product that uses Traffic Control, see their `github page <>`_ for more info.
+	`Augere Pakistan / QUBEE <>`_
+How do I get help with Traffic Control?
+	Hop on to our Slack Channel by filling out `this form <>`_, or send a question to our mailing list `here <>`_.
+What is Rascal?
+	Rascal was the original name for Traffic Monitor. You will sometimes still see this name in the source, or in older documents.
+What is the CCR?
+	Comcast Content Router was the original name for Traffic Router. You will sometimes still see this name in the source, or in older documents.
+What is Twelve Monkeys?
+	Twelve Monkeys was the the original internal name for Traffic Ops. You will sometimes still see this name in the source, or in older documents. It's also a good movie.
+What license is Traffic Control released under?
+	See the `LICENSE file <>`_