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Posted to by on 2012/07/20 18:55:46 UTC

Initial API tests rewrite

Initial API tests rewrite - these are intended as 'black box' tests,
i.e. to be pointed at a deltacloud API server running somewhere and
interacting only with the API and not with deltacloud internals 
(as described in more detail
). Uses RestClient to do the talking.

Things to notice in Patch 1:

* Edit /deltacloud/config.yaml with location of deltacloud server to
be tested and add credentials for the driver you expect to be running

* invoke tests with rake test:deltacloud (idea is that a rake test:ec2
and rake test:cimi rake tasks will be added in due course)

* test_setup.rb talks to the URL you configure in config.yaml and
'discovers' the current driver, it's collections (adding the test_files
accordingly, so if only 'buckets' is supported then only buckets_test.rb
will run in the TestTask) and features (so for example if buckets 
collection doesn't have the 'bucket_location' feature, then that specific
test will be skipped).


Re: Initial API tests rewrite

Posted by "" <>.
I got a "ezmlm-reject: fatal: Sorry, I don't accept messages larger than
1000000 bytes (#5.2.3)"

PATCH 2/2 is @

(just deprecates old cuke tests into /deltacloud/tests/deprecated directory)

On 20/07/12 19:55, wrote:
> Initial API tests rewrite - these are intended as 'black box' tests,
> i.e. to be pointed at a deltacloud API server running somewhere and
> interacting only with the API and not with deltacloud internals 
> (as described in more detail
> ). Uses RestClient to do the talking.
> Things to notice in Patch 1:
> * Edit /deltacloud/config.yaml with location of deltacloud server to
> be tested and add credentials for the driver you expect to be running
> there
> * invoke tests with rake test:deltacloud (idea is that a rake test:ec2
> and rake test:cimi rake tasks will be added in due course)
> * test_setup.rb talks to the URL you configure in config.yaml and
> 'discovers' the current driver, it's collections (adding the test_files
> accordingly, so if only 'buckets' is supported then only buckets_test.rb
> will run in the TestTask) and features (so for example if buckets 
> collection doesn't have the 'bucket_location' feature, then that specific
> test will be skipped).
> marios

Re: Initial API tests rewrite

Posted by "" <>.
On 21/07/12 04:12, David Lutterkort wrote:
> Hi Marios,
> On Fri, 2012-07-20 at 19:55 +0300, wrote:
>> Initial API tests rewrite - these are intended as 'black box' tests,
>> i.e. to be pointed at a deltacloud API server running somewhere and
>> interacting only with the API and not with deltacloud internals 
>> (as described in more detail
>> ). Uses RestClient to do the talking.
> Looks good. I have a whole bunch of comments, which I put in the form of
> patches[1] ;)
> The patch series applies on top of your 2/2 and should just be squashed
> into it. There's a few more changes I'd like to make, but that will have
> to wait until Monday.

many thanks for the comments - great tidying up - including a proper LOL
moment - even after 2.5 yrs of working with ruby I'm still impressed by
monkey patching and editing classes on the fly:

> -    driver = xml_response(res).root[:driver]
> +    driver = res.xml.root[:driver]

/me opens - looks
for the .xml and .json methods I missed...  until I see

> -def xml_response(xml)
> -  Nokogiri::XML(xml)
> -end

> +module RestClient::Response
> +  def xml
> +    @xml ||= Nokogiri::XML(body)
> +  end
> -def json_response(json)
> -  JSON.parse(json)

> +  def json
> +    @json ||= JSON.parse(body)
> +  end
>  end



> David
> [1]

Re: Initial API tests rewrite

Posted by David Lutterkort <>.
On Fri, 2012-07-20 at 18:12 -0700, David Lutterkort wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-07-20 at 19:55 +0300, wrote:
> > Initial API tests rewrite - these are intended as 'black box' tests,
> > i.e. to be pointed at a deltacloud API server running somewhere and
> > interacting only with the API and not with deltacloud internals 
> > (as described in more detail
> > ). Uses RestClient to do the talking.
> Looks good. I have a whole bunch of comments, which I put in the form of
> patches[1] ;)
> The patch series applies on top of your 2/2 and should just be squashed
> into it. There's a few more changes I'd like to make, but that will have
> to wait until Monday.

I've added a few more patches to my patch series at [1] - in particular,
patches 10/14 and higher are new.

Besides shuffling code around, there's now a couple helpers to suppress
test runs when collections or features are missing:

  describe "collection frob" do
        need_collection :frobs
        need_feature :frobs, :user_name
        it "lists all frobs" do

The one thing I am not too happy about is that it leads to skipped
tests, which is kinda ugly when you run 'rake test:deltacloud
TESTOPT="-v"' - I couldn't find a good way to suppress tests quietly.



Re: Initial API tests rewrite

Posted by David Lutterkort <>.
Hi Marios,

On Fri, 2012-07-20 at 19:55 +0300, wrote:
> Initial API tests rewrite - these are intended as 'black box' tests,
> i.e. to be pointed at a deltacloud API server running somewhere and
> interacting only with the API and not with deltacloud internals 
> (as described in more detail
> ). Uses RestClient to do the talking.

Looks good. I have a whole bunch of comments, which I put in the form of
patches[1] ;)

The patch series applies on top of your 2/2 and should just be squashed
into it. There's a few more changes I'd like to make, but that will have
to wait until Monday.



[PATCH 1/2] Adds initial Deltacloud API tests

Posted by
From: marios <>

Signed-off-by: marios <>
 tests/Rakefile                             |   28 ++---
 tests/deltacloud/base_api_test.rb          |  111 ++++++++++++++++
 tests/deltacloud/buckets_test.rb           |  187 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/deltacloud/config.yaml               |   18 +++
 tests/deltacloud/test_setup.rb             |  119 ++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 443 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/base_api_test.rb
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/buckets_test.rb
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/config.yaml
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/hardware_profiles_test.rb
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/images_test.rb
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/instance_states_test.rb
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/instances_test.rb
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/keys_test.rb
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/realms_test.rb
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/storage_snapshots_test.rb
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/storage_volumes_test.rb
 create mode 100644 tests/deltacloud/test_setup.rb

diff --git a/tests/Rakefile b/tests/Rakefile
index dfdb209..0475ae5 100644
--- a/tests/Rakefile
+++ b/tests/Rakefile
@@ -19,28 +19,16 @@
 # Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake,
 # for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake.
-require 'rake'
-require 'cucumber'
-require 'cucumber/rake/task'
+require 'rake/testtask'
+require 'deltacloud/test_setup.rb'
+namespace :test do do |t|
-  t.cucumber_opts = "../tests/#{DRIVER} --format html --out ../tests/tmp/cucumber_#{DRIVER}.html"
-  t.rcov = false
- do |t|
-  t.cucumber_opts = "../tests/#{DRIVER} --format pretty"
-  t.rcov = false
+    file_list =
+ do |t|
+      t.test_files = file_list << "deltacloud/base_api_test.rb"
+      t.options = "-v"
+    end do |t|
-  t.cucumber_opts = "../tests/#{DRIVER} --format pretty"
-  t.rcov = true
-  t.rcov_opts << %[-o "../tests/tmp/coverage_#{DRIVER}"]
 end do |t|
-  t.cucumber_opts = "../tests/#{DRIVER} --format junit --out #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "tmp", "junit_#{DRIVER}")}"
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/base_api_test.rb b/tests/deltacloud/base_api_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2035b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/deltacloud/base_api_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
+require "deltacloud/test_setup.rb"
+describe "Deltacloud API Entry Point" do
+  it 'return status 200 OK when accessing API entrypoint' do
+    res = get
+    res.code.must_equal 200
+  end
+  it 'advertise the current driver in API entrypoint' do
+    res = get({:accept => :xml})
+    driver = xml_response(res).root[:driver]
+    driver.wont_be_nil
+    DRIVERS.include?(driver).must_equal true
+  end
+  it 'advertise the current API version in API entrypoint' do
+    res = get({:accept => :xml})
+    version = xml_response(res).root[:version]
+    version.wont_be_nil
+    version.must_equal API_VERSION
+  end
+  it 'advertise the current API version in HTTP headers' do
+    res = get
+    res.headers[:server].must_equal "Apache-Deltacloud/#{API_VERSION}"
+  end
+  it 'must include the ETag in HTTP headers' do
+    res = get
+    res.headers[:etag].wont_be_nil
+  end
+  it 'advertise collections in API entrypoint' do
+    res = get({:accept => :xml})
+    xml_response(res).xpath('//api/link').wont_be_empty
+  end
+  it 'include the :href and :rel attribute for each collection in API entrypoint' do
+    xml_response(get({:accept => :xml})).xpath("//api/link").each do |collection|
+      collection[:href].wont_be_nil
+      collection[:rel].wont_be_nil
+    end
+  end
+  it 'uses the absolute URI in the :href attribute for each collection in API entrypoint' do
+    xml_response(get({:accept => :xml})).xpath("//api/link").each do |collection|
+      collection[:href].must_match /^http/
+    end
+  end
+  it 'advertise features for some collections in API entrypoint' do
+    xml_doc = xml_response(get({:accept => :xml}))
+    xml_doc.xpath("//api/link/feature").wont_be_empty
+  end
+  it 'advertise the name of the feature for some collections in API entrypoint' do
+    xml_response(get({:accept => :xml})).xpath("//api/link/feature").each do |feature|
+      feature[:name].wont_be_nil
+    end
+  end
+  it 'must change the media type from XML to JSON using Accept headers' do
+    res = get({:accept => :json})
+    res.headers[:content_type].must_equal 'application/json'
+  end
+  it 'must change the media type to JSON using the "?format" parameter in URL' do
+    res = get({}, "?format=json")
+    res.headers[:content_type].must_equal 'application/json'
+  end
+  it 'must change the driver when using X-Deltacloud-Driver HTTP header' do
+    res = xml_response(get({'X-Deltacloud-Driver'=> 'ec2', :accept=> :xml}))
+    res.root[:driver].must_equal 'ec2'
+    res = xml_response(get({'X-Deltacloud-Driver'=> 'mock', :accept=> :xml}))
+    res.root[:driver].must_equal 'mock'
+  end
+  it 'must change the features when driver is swapped using HTTP headers' do
+    res = xml_response(get({'X-Deltacloud-Driver'=> 'ec2', :accept=> :xml}))
+    # The 'user_name' feature is not supported currently for the EC2 driver
+    (res/'api/link/feature').map { |f| f[:name] }.wont_include 'user_name'
+    res = xml_response(get({'X-Deltacloud-Driver'=> 'mock', :accept=> :xml}))
+    # But it's supported in Mock driver
+    (res/'api/link/feature').map { |f| f[:name] }.must_include 'user_name'
+  end
+  it 'must re-validate the driver credentials when using "?force_auth" parameter in URL' do
+    proc {get({ :params => {:force_auth => '1'} })}.must_raise RestClient::Request::Unauthorized
+    res = get({ "X-Deltacloud-Driver"=>"mock", :params=>{:force_auth => '1'}, :Authorization=>"Basic #{Base64.encode64('mockuser:mockpassword')}" })
+    res.code.must_equal 200
+  end
+  it 'must change the API PROVIDER using the /api;provider matrix parameter in URI' do
+    res = xml_response(get({}, ';provider=test1'))
+    res.root[:provider].wont_be_nil
+    res.root[:provider].must_equal 'test1'
+    res = xml_response(get({}, ';provider=test2'))
+    res.root[:provider].must_equal 'test2'
+  end
+  it 'must change the API DRIVER using the /api;driver matrix parameter in URI' do
+    res = xml_response(get({}, ';driver=ec2'))
+    res.root[:driver].must_equal 'ec2'
+    res = xml_response(get({}, ';driver=mock'))
+    res.root[:driver].must_equal 'mock'
+  end
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/buckets_test.rb b/tests/deltacloud/buckets_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a525ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/deltacloud/buckets_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
+require "deltacloud/test_setup.rb"
+require 'ruby-debug'
+BUCKETS = "/buckets"
+#make sure we have at least one bucket and blob to test
+bucket, blob = create_a_bucket_and_blob
+features_hash = discover_features
+describe 'Deltacloud API buckets collection' do
+  #finally delete the bucket/blob we created for the tests:
+  delete_bucket_and_blob(bucket, blob)
+  it 'must advertise the buckets collection in API entrypoint' do
+    res = xml_response(get)
+    (res/'api/link[@rel=buckets]').wont_be_empty
+  end
+  it 'must require authentication to access the "bucket" collection' do
+    proc {  get({},BUCKETS) }.must_raise RestClient::Request::Unauthorized
+  end
+  it 'should respond with HTTP_OK when accessing the :buckets collection with authentication' do
+    res = get({}, BUCKETS, true)
+    res.code.must_equal 200
+  end
+  it 'should be possible to create bucket with POST /api/buckets and delete it with DELETE /api/buckets/:id' do
+    bucket_name = random_name
+    #create bucket
+    res = post({:name=>bucket_name}, BUCKETS, {}, true)
+    #check response
+    res.code.must_equal 201
+    xml_res = xml_response(res)
+    xml_res.xpath("//bucket/name").text.must_equal bucket_name
+    xml_res.xpath("//bucket").size.must_equal 1
+    xml_res.xpath("//bucket")[0][:id].must_equal bucket_name
+    #GET bucket
+    res = get({}, BUCKETS+"/"+bucket_name, true)
+    res.code.must_equal 200
+    #DELETE bucket
+    res = delete({}, BUCKETS+"/"+bucket_name)
+    res.code.must_equal 204
+  end
+  it 'should be possible to specify location for POST /api/buckets if bucket_location feature' do
+    skip("No bucket_location feature specified for driver #{API_DRIVER} running at #{API_URL}... skipping test") unless features_hash["buckets"].include?("bucket_location")
+    bucket_name = random_name
+#    res = post({:name=>bucket_name, :bucket_location=>
+  end
+  it 'should support the JSON media type' do
+    res = get({:accept=>:json}, BUCKETS, true)
+    res.code.must_equal 200
+    res.headers[:content_type].must_equal 'application/json'
+    assert_silent {JSON.parse(res)}
+  end
+  it 'must include the ETag in HTTP headers' do
+    res = get({}, BUCKETS, true)
+    res.headers[:etag].wont_be_nil
+  end
+  it 'must have the "buckets" element on top level' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+ 'buckets'
+  end
+  it 'must have some "bucket" elements inside "buckets"' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+    (xml_res/'buckets/bucket').wont_be_empty
+  end
+  it 'must provide the :id attribute for each bucket in collection' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+    (xml_res/'buckets/bucket').each do |r|
+      r[:id].wont_be_nil
+    end
+  end
+  it 'must include the :href attribute for each "bucket" element in collection' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+    (xml_res/'buckets/bucket').each do |r|
+      r[:href].wont_be_nil
+    end
+  end
+  it 'must use the absolute URL in each :href attribute' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+    (xml_res/'buckets/bucket').each do |r|
+      r[:href].must_match /^http/
+    end
+  end
+  it 'must have the URL ending with the :id of the bucket' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+    (xml_res/'buckets/bucket').each do |r|
+      r[:href].must_match /#{r[:id]}$/
+    end
+  end
+  it 'must have the "name" element defined for each bucket in collection' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+    (xml_res/'buckets/bucket').each do |r|
+      (r/'name').wont_be_nil
+      (r/'name').wont_be_empty
+    end
+  end
+  it 'must have the "size" element defined for each bucket in collection' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+    (xml_res/'buckets/bucket').each do |r|
+      (r/'size').wont_be_nil
+      (r/'size').wont_be_empty
+    end
+  end
+  it 'must return 200 OK when following the URL in bucket element' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+    (xml_res/'buckets/bucket').each do |r|
+      bucket_res = RestClient.get(r[:href], {:Authorization=>BASIC_AUTH})
+      bucket_res.code.must_equal 200
+    end
+  end
+  it 'must have the "name" element for the bucket and it should match with the one in collection' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+    (xml_res/'buckets/bucket').each do |r|
+      bucket_xml = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS+"/#{r[:id]}", true))
+      (bucket_xml/'name').wont_be_empty
+      (bucket_xml/'name').first.text.must_equal((r/'name').first.text)
+    end
+  end
+  it 'all "blob" elements for the bucket should match the ones in collection' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+    (xml_res/'buckets/bucket').each do |r|
+      bucket_xml = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS+"/#{r[:id]}", true))
+      (bucket_xml/'bucket/blob').each do |b|
+        b[:id].wont_be_nil
+        b[:href].wont_be_nil
+        b[:href].must_match /^http/
+        b[:href].must_match /#{r[:id]}\/#{b[:id]}$/
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  it 'must allow to get all blobs details and the details should be set correctly' do
+    xml_res = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS, true))
+    (xml_res/'buckets/bucket').each do |r|
+      bucket_xml = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS+"/#{r[:id]}", true))
+      (bucket_xml/'bucket/blob').each do |b|
+        blob_xml = xml_response(get({:accept=>:xml}, BUCKETS+"/#{r[:id]}/#{b[:id]}", true))
+ 'blob'
+        blob_xml.root[:id].must_equal b[:id]
+        (blob_xml/'bucket').wont_be_empty
+        (blob_xml/'bucket').size.must_equal 1
+        (blob_xml/'bucket').first.text.wont_be_nil
+        (blob_xml/'bucket').first.text.must_equal r[:id]
+        (blob_xml/'content_length').wont_be_empty
+        (blob_xml/'content_length').size.must_equal 1
+        (blob_xml/'content_length').first.text.must_match /^(\d+)$/
+        (blob_xml/'content_type').wont_be_empty
+        (blob_xml/'content_type').size.must_equal 1
+        (blob_xml/'content_type').first.text.wont_be_nil
+        (blob_xml/'last_modified').wont_be_empty
+        (blob_xml/'last_modified').size.must_equal 1
+        (blob_xml/'last_modified').first.text.wont_be_empty
+        (blob_xml/'content').wont_be_empty
+        (blob_xml/'content').size.must_equal 1
+        (blob_xml/'content').first[:rel].wont_be_nil
+        (blob_xml/'content').first[:rel].must_equal 'blob_content'
+        (blob_xml/'content').first[:href].wont_be_nil
+        (blob_xml/'content').first[:href].must_match /^http/
+        (blob_xml/'content').first[:href].must_match /\/content$/
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/config.yaml b/tests/deltacloud/config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e94a29e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/deltacloud/config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+api_url: "http://localhost:3001/api"
+  user: "mockuser"
+  password: "mockpassword"
+  user: #your EC2 KEY HERE
+  password: #your EC2 SECRET_KEY HERE
+  bucket_locations:
+  #location constraint : provider
+    "EU" : "eu-west-1"
+    "sa-east-1" : "sa-east-1"
+    "us-west-1" : "us-west-1"
+    "us-west-2" : "us-west-2"
+    "ap-southeast-1" : "ap-southeast-1"
+    "ap-northeast-1" : "ap-northeast-1"
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/hardware_profiles_test.rb b/tests/deltacloud/hardware_profiles_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/images_test.rb b/tests/deltacloud/images_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/instance_states_test.rb b/tests/deltacloud/instance_states_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/instances_test.rb b/tests/deltacloud/instances_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/keys_test.rb b/tests/deltacloud/keys_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/realms_test.rb b/tests/deltacloud/realms_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/storage_snapshots_test.rb b/tests/deltacloud/storage_snapshots_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/storage_volumes_test.rb b/tests/deltacloud/storage_volumes_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/deltacloud/test_setup.rb b/tests/deltacloud/test_setup.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c7fe6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/deltacloud/test_setup.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'minitest/autorun'
+require 'rest_client'
+require 'nokogiri'
+require 'json'
+require 'base64'
+require 'yaml'
+$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
+CONFIG = YAML.load("deltacloud/config.yaml"))
+API_URL = CONFIG["api_url"]
+API_DRIVER = RestClient.get(API_URL) do |response, request, result|
+  Nokogiri::XML(response).root[:driver]
+raise"Can't find config for driver: #{API_DRIVER} currently running at #{API_URL} in config.yaml file") unless CONFIG[API_DRIVER] and CONFIG[API_DRIVER]["user"] and CONFIG[API_DRIVER]["password"]
+BASIC_AUTH="Basic #{Base64.encode64(USER+":"+PASSWORD)}"
+DRIVERS = RestClient.get(API_URL+"/drivers") do |response, request, result|
+  Nokogiri::XML(response).xpath("//driver/name").inject([]){|res, c| res << c.text.downcase; res}
+API_VERSION = Nokogiri::XML(RestClient.get API_URL).root[:version]
+def xml_response(xml)
+  Nokogiri::XML(xml)
+def json_response(json)
+  JSON.parse(json)
+def get(params={}, path="", authenticate = false)
+  if authenticate
+    params.merge!({:Authorization=>BASIC_AUTH})
+  end
+  RestClient.get API_URL+path, params
+def post(post_body = "", path= "", params={}, authenticate = false)
+  if authenticate
+    params.merge!({:Authorization=>BASIC_AUTH})
+  end
+ API_URL+path, post_body, params
+def delete(params={}, path = "", authenticate = true)
+  if authenticate
+    params.merge!({:Authorization=>BASIC_AUTH})
+  end
+  RestClient.delete API_URL+path, params
+def options(params={}, path="", authenticate = false)
+  if authenticate
+    params.merge!({:Authorization=>BASIC_AUTH})
+  end
+  RestClient.options API_URL+path, params
+#the TEST_FILES hash and deltacloud_test_file_names method
+#which follows is used in the Rakefile for the rake test:deltacloud task
+TEST_FILES =  { :images             => "images_test.rb",
+                :realms             => "realms_test.rb",
+                :hardware_profiles  => "hardware_profiles_test.rb",
+                :instance_states    => "instance_states_test.rb",
+                :instances          => "instances_test.rb",
+                :keys               => "keys_test.rb",
+                :firewalls          => "firewalls_test.rb",
+                :addresses          => "addresses_test.rb",
+                :load_balancers     => "load_balancers_test.rb",
+                :storage_volumes    => "storage_volumes_test.rb",
+                :storage_snapshots  => "storage_snapshots_test.rb",
+                :buckets            => "buckets_test.rb"
+              }
+#gets the list of collections from the server running at API_URL and translates those into file names accoring to TEST_FILES
+def deltacloud_test_file_names
+  driver_collections = xml_response(RestClient.get API_URL, {:accept=>:xml}).xpath("//api/link").inject([]){|res, current| res<<current[:rel].to_sym ;res}
+  driver_collections.inject([]){|res, current| res << "deltacloud/#{TEST_FILES[current]}" if TEST_FILES[current] ;res}
+def create_a_bucket_and_blob
+  #random bucket and blob name - make sure starts with letter:
+  bucket_name = random_name
+  blob_name = random_name
+  #create bucket:
+#  res = "#{API_URL}/buckets", {:name=>bucket_name}, {:Authorization=>BASIC_AUTH}
+  res = post({:name=>bucket_name}, "/buckets", {}, true)
+  raise"unable to create bucket with name #{bucket_name} for bucket_test.rb") unless res.code == 201
+  #create blob:
+  res = RestClient.put "#{API_URL}/buckets/#{bucket_name}/#{blob_name}", "This is the test blob content", {:Authorization=>BASIC_AUTH, :content_type=>"text/plain", "X-Deltacloud-Blobmeta-Version"=>"1.0", "X-Deltacloud-Blobmeta-Author"=>"herpyderp"}
+  raise"unable to create blob with name #{blob_name} for bucket_test.rb") unless res.code == 200
+  return [bucket_name, blob_name]
+def random_name
+  name = rand(36**10).to_s(36)
+  name.insert(0, "apitest")
+def delete_bucket_and_blob(bucket, blob)
+#  res = RestClient.delete "#{API_URL}/buckets/#{bucket}/#{blob}", {:Authorization=>BASIC_AUTH}
+  res = delete({}, "/buckets/#{bucket}/#{blob}")
+  raise"unable to delete blob with name #{blob} for bucket_test.rb") unless res.code == 204
+#  res = RestClient.delete "#{API_URL}/buckets/#{bucket}", {:Authorization=>BASIC_AUTH}
+  res = delete({}, "/buckets/#{bucket}")
+  raise"unable to delete bucket with name #{bucket} for bucket_test.rb") unless res.code == 204
+def discover_features
+  res = xml_response(get)
+  features_hash = res.xpath("//api/link").inject({}) do |result, collection|
+    result.merge!({collection[:rel] => []})
+    collection.children.inject([]){|features, current_child| result[collection[:rel]] << current_child[:name] if == "feature"}
+    result
+  end