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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2007/05/30 18:05:53 UTC

[Httpd Wiki] Update of "Rewrite/VirtualHandler" by noodl

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The following page has been changed by noodl:

The comment on the change is:
Rough outline

New page:
Perhaps the most frequently asked rewrite question seen on #apache involves mapping arbitrary URIs to a handler script or proxy URL. There are several variations on this theme, detailed below.

The technique of mapping all but a few URI patterns to a handler can be used to delegate the process of URI translation to a more capable programming environment than is provided by mod_rewrite. It is easier to parse e.g. ''/books/history/french_revolution'' with a scripting language than with a set of depth-limited patterns, for example.

The rules shown here are designed to work in !VirtualHost context. For information on translating them for .htaccess context, see [:Rewrite/Context:Context]

=== Map any request to a handler ===

In the case where all URIs should be sent to the same place (including potentially requests for static content) the method to use depends on the type of the handler. For cgi scripts, use:

ScriptAliasMatch .* /var/www/script.cgi

For other handlers such as php scripts, use:
<Location />
 Action foo-action /script.php virtual
 SetHandler foo-action

Note that the above requires version 2.2+

=== Map URIs corresponding to existing files to a handler instead ===
<Location />
 Action foo-action /script.php
 SetHandler foo-action

=== Map all URIs except those corresponding to existing files to a handler ===
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule (.+) /script.php