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[30/49] Remove src/ibrowse
diff --git a/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_lb.erl b/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_lb.erl
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index 2ef67d9..0000000
--- a/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_lb.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-%%% File    : ibrowse_lb.erl
-%%% Author  : chandru <>
-%%% Description : 
-%%% Created :  6 Mar 2008 by chandru <>
-%% Include files
-%% External exports
-	 start_link/1,
-	 spawn_connection/5,
-         stop/1
-	]).
-%% gen_server callbacks
-	 init/1,
-	 handle_call/3,
-	 handle_cast/2,
-	 handle_info/2,
-	 terminate/2,
-	 code_change/3
-	]).
--record(state, {parent_pid,
-		ets_tid,
-		host,
-		port,
-		max_sessions,
-		max_pipeline_size,
-		num_cur_sessions = 0,
-                proc_state
-               }).
-%% External functions
-%% Function: start_link/0
-%% Description: Starts the server
-start_link(Args) ->
-    gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, []).
-%% Server functions
-%% Function: init/1
-%% Description: Initiates the server
-%% Returns: {ok, State}          |
-%%          {ok, State, Timeout} |
-%%          ignore               |
-%%          {stop, Reason}
-init([Host, Port]) ->
-    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
-    Max_sessions = ibrowse:get_config_value({max_sessions, Host, Port}, 10),
-    Max_pipe_sz = ibrowse:get_config_value({max_pipeline_size, Host, Port}, 10),
-    put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
-    put(ibrowse_trace_token, ["LB: ", Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
-    Tid = ets:new(ibrowse_lb, [public, ordered_set]),
-    {ok, #state{parent_pid = whereis(ibrowse),
-		host = Host,
-		port = Port,
-		ets_tid = Tid,
-		max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe_sz,
-	        max_sessions = Max_sessions}}.
-spawn_connection(Lb_pid, Url,
-		 Max_sessions,
-		 Max_pipeline_size,
-		 SSL_options)
-  when is_pid(Lb_pid),
-       is_record(Url, url),
-       is_integer(Max_pipeline_size),
-       is_integer(Max_sessions) ->
-    gen_server:call(Lb_pid,
-		    {spawn_connection, Url, Max_sessions, Max_pipeline_size, SSL_options}).
-stop(Lb_pid) ->
-    case catch gen_server:call(Lb_pid, stop) of
-        {'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
-            exit(Lb_pid, kill);
-        ok ->
-            ok
-    end.
-%% Function: handle_call/3
-%% Description: Handling call messages
-%% Returns: {reply, Reply, State}          |
-%%          {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
-%%          {noreply, State}               |
-%%          {noreply, State, Timeout}      |
-%%          {stop, Reason, Reply, State}   | (terminate/2 is called)
-%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_call(stop, _From, #state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
-    gen_server:reply(_From, ok),
-    {stop, normal, State};
-handle_call(stop, _From, #state{ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
-    ets:foldl(fun({Pid, _, _}, Acc) ->
-                      ibrowse_http_client:stop(Pid),
-                      Acc
-              end, [], Tid),
-    gen_server:reply(_From, ok),
-    {stop, normal, State};
-handle_call(_, _From, #state{proc_state = shutting_down} = State) ->
-    {reply, {error, shutting_down}, State};
-%% Update max_sessions in #state with supplied value
-handle_call({spawn_connection, _Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, _}, _From,
-	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Num} = State) 
-    when Num >= Max_sess ->
-    State_1 = maybe_create_ets(State),
-    Reply = find_best_connection(State_1#state.ets_tid, Max_pipe),
-    {reply, Reply, State_1#state{max_sessions = Max_sess,
-                                 max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe}};
-handle_call({spawn_connection, Url, Max_sess, Max_pipe, SSL_options}, _From,
-	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Cur} = State) ->
-    State_1 = maybe_create_ets(State),
-    Tid = State_1#state.ets_tid,
-    {ok, Pid} = ibrowse_http_client:start_link({Tid, Url, SSL_options}),
-    ets:insert(Tid, {Pid, 0, 0}),
-    {reply, {ok, Pid}, State_1#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur + 1,
-                                     max_sessions = Max_sess,
-                                     max_pipeline_size = Max_pipe}};
-handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
-    Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
-    {reply, Reply, State}.
-%% Function: handle_cast/2
-%% Description: Handling cast messages
-%% Returns: {noreply, State}          |
-%%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
-%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
-    {noreply, State}.
-%% Function: handle_info/2
-%% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages
-%% Returns: {noreply, State}          |
-%%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
-%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_info({'EXIT', Parent, _Reason}, #state{parent_pid = Parent} = State) ->
-    {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, _Reason}, #state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _Reason},
-	    #state{num_cur_sessions = Cur,
-		   ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
-    ets:match_delete(Tid, {{'_', Pid}, '_'}),
-    Cur_1 = Cur - 1,
-    case Cur_1 of
-		  0 ->
-		      ets:delete(Tid),
-			  {noreply, State#state{ets_tid = undefined, num_cur_sessions = 0}, 10000};
-		  _ ->
-		      {noreply, State#state{num_cur_sessions = Cur_1}}
-	      end;
-handle_info({trace, Bool}, #state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
-    put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info({trace, Bool}, #state{ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
-    ets:foldl(fun({{_, Pid}, _}, Acc) when is_pid(Pid) ->
-		      catch Pid ! {trace, Bool},
-		      Acc;
-		 (_, Acc) ->
-		      Acc
-	      end, undefined, Tid),
-    put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
-    {noreply, State};
-handle_info(timeout, State) ->
-    %% We can't shutdown the process immediately because a request
-    %% might be in flight. So we first remove the entry from the
-    %% ibrowse_lb ets table, and then shutdown a couple of seconds
-    %% later
-    ets:delete(ibrowse_lb, {, State#state.port}),
-    erlang:send_after(2000, self(), shutdown),
-    {noreply, State#state{proc_state = shutting_down}};
-handle_info(shutdown, State) ->
-    {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info(_Info, State) ->
-    {noreply, State}.
-%% Function: terminate/2
-%% Description: Shutdown the server
-%% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
-    ok.
-%% Func: code_change/3
-%% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed
-%% Returns: {ok, NewState}
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
-    {ok, State}.
-%%% Internal functions
-find_best_connection(Tid, Max_pipe) ->
-    Res = find_best_connection(ets:first(Tid), Tid, Max_pipe),
-    Res.
-find_best_connection('$end_of_table', _, _) ->
-    {error, retry_later};
-find_best_connection(Pid, Tid, Max_pipe) ->
-    case ets:lookup(Tid, Pid) of
-        [{Pid, Cur_sz, Speculative_sz}] when Cur_sz < Max_pipe,
-                                             Speculative_sz < Max_pipe ->
-            ets:update_counter(Tid, Pid, {3, 1, 9999999, 9999999}),
-            {ok, Pid};
-        _ ->
-            find_best_connection(ets:next(Tid, Pid), Tid, Max_pipe)
-    end.
-maybe_create_ets(#state{ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
-    Tid = ets:new(ibrowse_lb, [public, ordered_set]),
-    State#state{ets_tid = Tid};
-maybe_create_ets(State) ->
-    State.
diff --git a/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_lib.erl b/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_lib.erl
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index 25873c0..0000000
--- a/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_lib.erl
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-%%% File    : ibrowse_lib.erl
-%%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%%% Description : 
-%%% Created : 27 Feb 2004 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%% @doc Module with a few useful functions
-         get_trace_status/2,
-         do_trace/2,
-         do_trace/3,
-         url_encode/1,
-         decode_rfc822_date/1,
-         status_code/1,
-         encode_base64/1,
-         decode_base64/1,
-         get_value/2,
-         get_value/3,
-         parse_url/1,
-         printable_date/0
-        ]).
-get_trace_status(Host, Port) ->
-    ibrowse:get_config_value({trace, Host, Port}, false).
-%% @doc URL-encodes a string based on RFC 1738. Returns a flat list.
-%% @spec url_encode(Str) -> UrlEncodedStr
-%% Str = string()
-%% UrlEncodedStr = string()
-url_encode(Str) when is_list(Str) ->
-    url_encode_char(lists:reverse(Str), []).
-url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X >= $0, X =< $9 ->
-    url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X >= $a, X =< $z ->
-    url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X >= $A, X =< $Z ->
-    url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X == $-; X == $_; X == $. ->
-    url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([32 | T], Acc) ->
-    url_encode_char(T, [$+ | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) ->
-    url_encode_char(T, [$%, d2h(X bsr 4), d2h(X band 16#0f) | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([], Acc) ->
-    Acc.
-d2h(N) when N<10 -> N+$0;
-d2h(N) -> N+$a-10.
-decode_rfc822_date(String) when is_list(String) ->
-    case catch decode_rfc822_date_1(string:tokens(String, ", \t\r\n")) of
-        {'EXIT', _} ->
-            {error, invalid_date};
-        Res ->
-            Res
-    end.
-% TODO: Have to handle the Zone
-decode_rfc822_date_1([_,DayInt,Month,Year, Time,Zone]) ->
-    decode_rfc822_date_1([DayInt,Month,Year, Time,Zone]);
-decode_rfc822_date_1([Day,Month,Year, Time,_Zone]) ->
-    DayI = list_to_integer(Day),
-    MonthI = month_int(Month),
-    YearI = list_to_integer(Year),
-    TimeTup = case string:tokens(Time, ":") of
-                  [H,M] ->
-                      {list_to_integer(H),
-                       list_to_integer(M),
-                       0};
-                  [H,M,S] ->
-                      {list_to_integer(H),
-                       list_to_integer(M),
-                       list_to_integer(S)}
-              end,
-    {{YearI,MonthI,DayI}, TimeTup}.
-month_int("Jan") -> 1;
-month_int("Feb") -> 2;
-month_int("Mar") -> 3;
-month_int("Apr") -> 4;
-month_int("May") -> 5;
-month_int("Jun") -> 6;
-month_int("Jul") -> 7;
-month_int("Aug") -> 8;
-month_int("Sep") -> 9;
-month_int("Oct") -> 10;
-month_int("Nov") -> 11;
-month_int("Dec") -> 12.
-%% @doc Given a status code, returns an atom describing the status code. 
-%% @spec status_code(StatusCode::status_code()) -> StatusDescription
-%% status_code() = string() | integer()
-%% StatusDescription = atom()
-status_code(100) -> continue;
-status_code(101) -> switching_protocols;
-status_code(102) -> processing;
-status_code(200) -> ok;
-status_code(201) -> created;
-status_code(202) -> accepted;
-status_code(203) -> non_authoritative_information;
-status_code(204) -> no_content;
-status_code(205) -> reset_content;
-status_code(206) -> partial_content;
-status_code(207) -> multi_status;
-status_code(300) -> multiple_choices;
-status_code(301) -> moved_permanently;
-status_code(302) -> found;
-status_code(303) -> see_other;
-status_code(304) -> not_modified;
-status_code(305) -> use_proxy;
-status_code(306) -> unused;
-status_code(307) -> temporary_redirect;
-status_code(400) -> bad_request;
-status_code(401) -> unauthorized;
-status_code(402) -> payment_required;
-status_code(403) -> forbidden;
-status_code(404) -> not_found;
-status_code(405) -> method_not_allowed;
-status_code(406) -> not_acceptable;
-status_code(407) -> proxy_authentication_required;
-status_code(408) -> request_timeout;
-status_code(409) -> conflict;
-status_code(410) -> gone;
-status_code(411) -> length_required;
-status_code(412) -> precondition_failed;
-status_code(413) -> request_entity_too_large;
-status_code(414) -> request_uri_too_long;
-status_code(415) -> unsupported_media_type;
-status_code(416) -> requested_range_not_satisfiable;
-status_code(417) -> expectation_failed;
-status_code(422) -> unprocessable_entity;
-status_code(423) -> locked;
-status_code(424) -> failed_dependency;
-status_code(500) -> internal_server_error;
-status_code(501) -> not_implemented;
-status_code(502) -> bad_gateway;
-status_code(503) -> service_unavailable;
-status_code(504) -> gateway_timeout;
-status_code(505) -> http_version_not_supported;
-status_code(507) -> insufficient_storage;
-status_code(X) when is_list(X) -> status_code(list_to_integer(X));
-status_code(_)   -> unknown_status_code.
-%% @doc Implements the base64 encoding algorithm. The output data type matches in the input data type.
-%% @spec encode_base64(In) -> Out
-%% In = string() | binary()
-%% Out = string() | binary()
-encode_base64(List) when is_list(List) ->
-    binary_to_list(base64:encode(List));
-encode_base64(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
-    base64:encode(Bin).
-%% @doc Implements the base64 decoding algorithm. The output data type matches in the input data type.
-%% @spec decode_base64(In) -> Out | exit({error, invalid_input})
-%% In = string() | binary()
-%% Out = string() | binary()
-decode_base64(List) when is_list(List) ->
-    binary_to_list(base64:decode(List));
-decode_base64(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
-    base64:decode(Bin).
-get_value(Tag, TVL, DefVal) ->
-    case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, TVL) of
-        false ->
-            DefVal;
-        {value, {_, Val}} ->
-            Val
-    end.
-get_value(Tag, TVL) ->
-    {value, {_, V}} = lists:keysearch(Tag,1,TVL),
-    V.
-parse_url(Url) ->
-    try
-        case parse_url(Url, get_protocol, #url{abspath=Url}, []) of
-            #url{host_type = undefined, host = Host} = UrlRec ->
-                case inet_parse:address(Host) of
-                    {ok, {_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} ->
-                        UrlRec#url{host_type = ipv6_address};
-                    {ok, {_, _, _, _}} ->
-                        UrlRec#url{host_type = ipv4_address};
-                    _ ->
-                        UrlRec#url{host_type = hostname}
-                end;
-            #url{} = UrlRec ->
-                UrlRec;
-            _ ->
-                {error, invalid_uri}
-        end
-    catch _:_ ->
-            {error, invalid_uri}
-    end.
-parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | _], get_protocol, Url, []) ->
-    {invalid_uri_1, Url};
-parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | T], get_protocol, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    Prot = list_to_existing_atom(lists:reverse(TmpAcc)),
-    parse_url(T, get_username, 
-              Url#url{protocol = Prot},
-              []);
-parse_url([H | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
-                                                   H == $? ->
-    Path = case H of
-               $/ ->
-                   [$/ | T];
-               $? ->
-                   [$/, $? | T]
-           end,
-    %% No username/password. No  port number
-    Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
-            port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
-           path = Path};
-parse_url([$: | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    %% It is possible that no username/password has been
-    %% specified. But we'll continue with the assumption that there is
-    %% a username/password. If we encounter a '@' later on, there is a
-    %% username/password indeed. If we encounter a '/', it was
-    %% actually the hostname
-    parse_url(T, get_password, 
-              Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
-              []);
-parse_url([$@ | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    parse_url(T, get_host, 
-              Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
-                      password = ""},
-              []);
-parse_url([$[ | T], get_username, Url, []) ->
-    % IPv6 address literals are enclosed by square brackets:
-    %
-    parse_url(T, get_ipv6_address, Url#url{host_type = ipv6_address}, []);
-parse_url([$[ | T], get_username, _Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    {error, {invalid_username_or_host, lists:reverse(TmpAcc) ++ "[" ++ T}};
-parse_url([$[ | _], get_password, _Url, []) ->
-    {error, missing_password};
-parse_url([$[ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    % IPv6 address literals are enclosed by square brackets:
-    %
-    parse_url(T, get_ipv6_address,
-              Url#url{host_type = ipv6_address,
-                      password = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
-              []);
-parse_url([$@ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    parse_url(T, get_host, 
-              Url#url{password = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
-              []);
-parse_url([H | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
-                                                   H == $? ->
-    %% Ok, what we thought was the username/password was the hostname
-    %% and portnumber
-    #url{username=User} = Url,
-    Port = list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc)),
-    Path = case H of
-               $/ ->
-                   [$/ | T];
-               $? ->
-                   [$/, $? | T]
-           end,
-    Url#url{host = User,
-            port = Port,
-            username = undefined,
-            password = undefined,
-           path = Path};
-parse_url([$] | T], get_ipv6_address, #url{protocol = Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    Addr = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
-    case inet_parse:address(Addr) of
-        {ok, {_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} ->
-            Url2 = Url#url{host = Addr, port = default_port(Prot)},
-            case T of
-                [$: | T2] ->
-                    parse_url(T2, get_port, Url2, []);
-                [$/ | T2] ->
-                    Url2#url{path = [$/ | T2]};
-                [$? | T2] ->
-                    Url2#url{path = [$/, $? | T2]};
-                [] ->
-                    Url2#url{path = "/"};
-                _ ->
-                    {error, {invalid_host, "[" ++ Addr ++ "]" ++ T}}
-            end;
-        _ ->
-            {error, {invalid_ipv6_address, Addr}}
-    end;
-parse_url([$[ | T], get_host, #url{} = Url, []) ->
-    parse_url(T, get_ipv6_address, Url#url{host_type = ipv6_address}, []);
-parse_url([$: | T], get_host, #url{} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    parse_url(T, get_port, 
-              Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
-              []);
-parse_url([H | T], get_host, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
-                                                                     H == $? ->
-    Path = case H of
-               $/ ->
-                   [$/ | T];
-               $? ->
-                   [$/, $? | T]
-           end,
-    Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
-            port = default_port(Prot),
-           path = Path};
-parse_url([H | T], get_port, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
-                                                                     H == $? ->
-    Path = case H of
-               $/ ->
-                   [$/ | T];
-               $? ->
-                   [$/, $? | T]
-           end,
-    Port = case TmpAcc of
-               [] ->
-                   default_port(Prot);
-               _ ->
-                   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
-           end,
-    Url#url{port = Port, path = Path};
-parse_url([H | T], State, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    parse_url(T, State, Url, [H | TmpAcc]);
-parse_url([], get_host, Url, TmpAcc) when TmpAcc /= [] ->
-    Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
-            port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
-            path = "/"};
-parse_url([], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) when TmpAcc /= [] ->
-    Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
-            port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
-            path = "/"};
-parse_url([], get_port, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    Port = case TmpAcc of
-               [] ->
-                   default_port(Prot);
-               _ ->
-                   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
-           end,
-    Url#url{port = Port, 
-            path = "/"};
-parse_url([], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    %% Ok, what we thought was the username/password was the hostname
-    %% and portnumber
-    #url{username=User} = Url,
-    Port = case TmpAcc of
-               [] ->
-                   default_port(Url#url.protocol);
-               _ ->
-                   list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
-           end,
-    Url#url{host = User,
-            port = Port,
-            username = undefined,
-            password = undefined,
-            path = "/"};
-parse_url([], State, Url, TmpAcc) ->
-    {invalid_uri_2, State, Url, TmpAcc}.
-default_port(http)  -> 80;
-default_port(https) -> 443;
-default_port(ftp)   -> 21.
-printable_date() ->
-    {{Y,Mo,D},{H, M, S}} = calendar:local_time(),
-    {_,_,MicroSecs} = now(),
-    [integer_to_list(Y),
-     $-,
-     integer_to_list(Mo),
-     $-,
-     integer_to_list(D),
-     $_,
-     integer_to_list(H),
-     $:,
-     integer_to_list(M),
-     $:,
-     integer_to_list(S),
-     $:,
-     integer_to_list(MicroSecs div 1000)].
-do_trace(Fmt, Args) ->
-    do_trace(get(my_trace_flag), Fmt, Args).
-do_trace(_, Fmt, Args) ->
-    io:format("~s -- (~s) - "++Fmt,
-              [printable_date(), 
-               get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]).
-do_trace(true, Fmt, Args) ->
-    io:format("~s -- (~s) - "++Fmt,
-              [printable_date(), 
-               get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]);
-do_trace(_, _, _) ->
-    ok.
-parse_url_test() ->
-    Urls = [{"http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80/index.html",
-             #url{abspath = "http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80/index.html",
-                  host = "FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210",
-                  port = 80, protocol = http, path = "/index.html",
-                  host_type = ipv6_address}},
-            {"http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]/index.html",
-             #url{abspath = "http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]/index.html",
-                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
-                  host = "1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A", path = "/index.html"}},
-            {"http://[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]",
-             #url{abspath = "http://[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]",
-                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
-                  host = "3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1", path = "/"}},
-            {"http://[1080::8:800:200C:417A]/foo",
-             #url{abspath = "http://[1080::8:800:200C:417A]/foo",
-                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
-                  host = "1080::8:800:200C:417A", path = "/foo"}},
-            {"http://[::]/ipng",
-             #url{abspath = "http://[::]/ipng",
-                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
-                  host = "::", path = "/ipng"}},
-            {"http://[::FFFF:]:80/index.html",
-             #url{abspath = "http://[::FFFF:]:80/index.html",
-                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
-                  host = "::FFFF:", path = "/index.html"}},
-            {"http://[2010:836B:4179::836B:4179]",
-             #url{abspath = "http://[2010:836B:4179::836B:4179]",
-                  host_type = ipv6_address, port = 80, protocol = http,
-                  host = "2010:836B:4179::836B:4179", path = "/"}}
-           ],
-    lists:foreach(
-      fun({Url, Expected_result}) ->
-              ?assertMatch(Expected_result, parse_url(Url))
-      end, Urls).
diff --git a/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_sup.erl b/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_sup.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index ace33d1..0000000
--- a/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_sup.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-%%% File    : ibrowse_sup.erl
-%%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%%% Description : 
-%%% Created : 15 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%% Include files
-%% External exports
-	 start_link/0
-        ]).
-%% Internal exports
-	 init/1
-        ]).
-%% Macros
--define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-%% Records
-%% External functions
-%% Function: start_link/0
-%% Description: Starts the supervisor
-start_link() ->
-    supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, []).
-%% Server functions
-%% Func: init/1
-%% Returns: {ok,  {SupFlags,  [ChildSpec]}} |
-%%          ignore                          |
-%%          {error, Reason}   
-init([]) ->
-    AChild = {ibrowse,{ibrowse,start_link,[]},
-	      permanent,2000,worker,[ibrowse, ibrowse_http_client]},
-    {ok,{{one_for_all,10,1}, [AChild]}}.
-%% Internal functions
diff --git a/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_test.erl b/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_test.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index d97f76c..0000000
--- a/src/ibrowse/src/ibrowse_test.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,625 +0,0 @@
-%%% File    : ibrowse_test.erl
-%%% Author  : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%%% Description : Test ibrowse
-%%% Created : 14 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-	 load_test/3,
-	 send_reqs_1/3,
-	 do_send_req/2,
-	 unit_tests/0,
-	 unit_tests/1,
-	 unit_tests_1/2,
-	 ue_test/0,
-	 ue_test/1,
-	 verify_chunked_streaming/0,
-	 verify_chunked_streaming/1,
-         test_chunked_streaming_once/0,
-	 i_do_async_req_list/4,
-	 test_stream_once/3,
-	 test_stream_once/4,
-         test_20122010/0,
-         test_20122010/1,
-         test_pipeline_head_timeout/0,
-         test_pipeline_head_timeout/1,
-         do_test_pipeline_head_timeout/4,
-         test_head_transfer_encoding/0,
-         test_head_transfer_encoding/1,
-         test_head_response_with_body/0,
-         test_head_response_with_body/1
-	]).
-test_stream_once(Url, Method, Options) ->
-    test_stream_once(Url, Method, Options, 5000).
-test_stream_once(Url, Method, Options, Timeout) ->
-    case ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], Method, [], [{stream_to, {self(), once}} | Options], Timeout) of
-	{ibrowse_req_id, Req_id} ->
-	    case ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id) of
-		ok ->
-		    test_stream_once(Req_id);
-		Err ->
-		    Err
-	    end;
-	Err ->
-	    Err
-    end.
-test_stream_once(Req_id) ->
-    receive
-	{ibrowse_async_headers, Req_id, StatCode, Headers} ->
-	    io:format("Recvd headers~n~p~n", [{ibrowse_async_headers, Req_id, StatCode, Headers}]),
-	    case ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id) of
-		ok ->
-		    test_stream_once(Req_id);
-		Err ->
-		    Err
-	    end;
-	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, {error, Err}} ->
-	    io:format("Recvd error: ~p~n", [Err]);
-	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, Body_1} ->
-	    io:format("Recvd body part: ~n~p~n", [{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, Body_1}]),
-	    case ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id) of
-		ok ->
-		    test_stream_once(Req_id);
-		Err ->
-		    Err
-	    end;
-	{ibrowse_async_response_end, Req_id} ->
-	    ok
-    end.
-%% Use ibrowse:set_max_sessions/3 and ibrowse:set_max_pipeline_size/3 to
-%% tweak settings before running the load test. The defaults are 10 and 10.
-load_test(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker) when is_list(Url),
-                                                  is_integer(NumWorkers),
-                                                  is_integer(NumReqsPerWorker),
-                                                  NumWorkers > 0,
-                                                  NumReqsPerWorker > 0 ->
-    proc_lib:spawn(?MODULE, send_reqs_1, [Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker]).
-send_reqs_1(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker) ->
-    Start_time = now(),
-    ets:new(pid_table, [named_table, public]),
-    ets:new(ibrowse_test_results, [named_table, public]),
-    ets:new(ibrowse_errors, [named_table, public, ordered_set]),
-    init_results(),
-    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
-    log_msg("Starting spawning of workers...~n", []),
-    spawn_workers(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker),
-    log_msg("Finished spawning workers...~n", []),
-    do_wait(Url),
-    End_time = now(),
-    log_msg("All workers are done...~n", []),
-    log_msg("ibrowse_test_results table: ~n~p~n", [ets:tab2list(ibrowse_test_results)]),
-    log_msg("Start time: ~1000.p~n", [calendar:now_to_local_time(Start_time)]),
-    log_msg("End time  : ~1000.p~n", [calendar:now_to_local_time(End_time)]),
-    Elapsed_time_secs = trunc(timer:now_diff(End_time, Start_time) / 1000000),
-    log_msg("Elapsed   : ~p~n", [Elapsed_time_secs]),
-    log_msg("Reqs/sec  : ~p~n", [round(trunc((NumWorkers*NumReqsPerWorker) / Elapsed_time_secs))]),
-    dump_errors().
-init_results() ->
-    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {crash, 0}),
-    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {send_failed, 0}),
-    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {other_error, 0}),
-    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {success, 0}),
-    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {retry_later, 0}),
-    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {trid_mismatch, 0}),
-    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {success_no_trid, 0}),
-    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {failed, 0}),
-    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {timeout, 0}),
-    ets:insert(ibrowse_test_results, {req_id, 0}).
-spawn_workers(_Url, 0, _) ->
-    ok;
-spawn_workers(Url, NumWorkers, NumReqsPerWorker) ->
-    Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, do_send_req, [Url, NumReqsPerWorker]),
-    ets:insert(pid_table, {Pid, []}),
-    spawn_workers(Url, NumWorkers - 1, NumReqsPerWorker).
-do_wait(Url) ->
-    receive
-	{'EXIT', _, normal} ->
-            catch ibrowse:show_dest_status(Url),
-            catch ibrowse:show_dest_status(),
-	    do_wait(Url);
-	{'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
-	    ets:delete(pid_table, Pid),
-	    ets:insert(ibrowse_errors, {Pid, Reason}),
-	    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, crash, 1),
-	    do_wait(Url);
-	Msg ->
-	    io:format("Recvd unknown message...~p~n", [Msg]),
-	    do_wait(Url)
-    after 1000 ->
-	    case ets:info(pid_table, size) of
-		0 ->
-		    done;
-		_ ->
-                    catch ibrowse:show_dest_status(Url),
-                    catch ibrowse:show_dest_status(),
-		    do_wait(Url)
-	    end
-    end.
-do_send_req(Url, NumReqs) ->
-    do_send_req_1(Url, NumReqs).
-do_send_req_1(_Url, 0) ->
-    ets:delete(pid_table, self());
-do_send_req_1(Url, NumReqs) ->
-    Counter = integer_to_list(ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, req_id, 1)),
-    case ibrowse:send_req(Url, [{"ib_req_id", Counter}], get, [], [], 10000) of
-	{ok, _Status, Headers, _Body} ->
-	    case lists:keysearch("ib_req_id", 1, Headers) of
-		{value, {_, Counter}} ->
-		    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, success, 1);
-		{value, _} ->
-		    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, trid_mismatch, 1);
-		false ->
-		    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, success_no_trid, 1)
-	    end;
-	{error, req_timedout} ->
-	    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, timeout, 1);
-	{error, send_failed} ->
-	    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, send_failed, 1);
-	{error, retry_later} ->
-	    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, retry_later, 1);
-	Err ->
-	    ets:insert(ibrowse_errors, {now(), Err}),
-	    ets:update_counter(ibrowse_test_results, other_error, 1),
-	    ok
-    end,
-    do_send_req_1(Url, NumReqs-1).
-dump_errors() ->
-    case ets:info(ibrowse_errors, size) of
-	0 ->
-	    ok;
-	_ ->
-	    {A, B, C} = now(),
-	    Filename = lists:flatten(
-			 io_lib:format("ibrowse_errors_~p_~p_~p.txt" , [A, B, C])),
-	    case file:open(Filename, [write, delayed_write, raw]) of
-		{ok, Iod} ->
-		    dump_errors(ets:first(ibrowse_errors), Iod);
-		Err ->
-		    io:format("failed to create file ~s. Reason: ~p~n", [Filename, Err]),
-		    ok
-	    end
-    end.
-dump_errors('$end_of_table', Iod) ->
-    file:close(Iod);
-dump_errors(Key, Iod) ->
-    [{_, Term}] = ets:lookup(ibrowse_errors, Key),
-    file:write(Iod, io_lib:format("~p~n", [Term])),
-    dump_errors(ets:next(ibrowse_errors, Key), Iod).
-%% Unit Tests
--define(TEST_LIST, [{"http://intranet/messenger", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", options},
-                    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", trace},
-		    {"", options},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get, [{basic_auth, {"guest", "guest"}}]},
-		    {"", get},
-		    {"", get},
-                    {"", get, [{ssl_options, [{depth, 2}]}]},
-                    {local_test_fun, test_20122010, []},
-                    {local_test_fun, test_pipeline_head_timeout, []},
-                    {local_test_fun, test_head_transfer_encoding, []},
-                    {local_test_fun, test_head_response_with_body, []}
-		   ]).
-unit_tests() ->
-    unit_tests([]).
-unit_tests(Options) ->
-    application:start(crypto),
-    application:start(public_key),
-    application:start(ssl),
-    (catch ibrowse_test_server:start_server(8181, tcp)),
-    ibrowse:start(),
-    Options_1 = Options ++ [{connect_timeout, 5000}],
-    Test_timeout = proplists:get_value(test_timeout, Options, 60000),
-    {Pid, Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, unit_tests_1, [self(), Options_1]),
-    receive 
-	{done, Pid} ->
-	    ok;
-	{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Info} ->
-	    io:format("Test process crashed: ~p~n", [Info])
-    after Test_timeout ->
-	    exit(Pid, kill),
-	    io:format("Timed out waiting for tests to complete~n", [])
-    end,
-    catch ibrowse_test_server:stop_server(8181),
-    ok.
-unit_tests_1(Parent, Options) ->
-    lists:foreach(fun({local_test_fun, Fun_name, Args}) ->
-                          execute_req(local_test_fun, Fun_name, Args);
-                     ({Url, Method}) ->
-			  execute_req(Url, Method, Options);
-		     ({Url, Method, X_Opts}) ->
-			  execute_req(Url, Method, X_Opts ++ Options)
-		  end, ?TEST_LIST),
-    Parent ! {done, self()}.
-verify_chunked_streaming() ->
-    verify_chunked_streaming([]).
-verify_chunked_streaming(Options) ->
-    io:format("~nVerifying that chunked streaming is working...~n", []),
-    Url = "",
-    io:format("  URL: ~s~n", [Url]),
-    io:format("  Fetching data without streaming...~n", []),
-    Result_without_streaming = ibrowse:send_req(
-				 Url, [], get, [],
-				 [{response_format, binary} | Options]),
-    io:format("  Fetching data with streaming as list...~n", []),
-    Async_response_list = do_async_req_list(
-			    Url, get, [{response_format, list} | Options]),
-    io:format("  Fetching data with streaming as binary...~n", []),
-    Async_response_bin = do_async_req_list(
-			   Url, get, [{response_format, binary} | Options]),
-    io:format("  Fetching data with streaming as binary, {active, once}...~n", []),
-    Async_response_bin_once = do_async_req_list(
-                                Url, get, [once, {response_format, binary} | Options]),
-    Res1 = compare_responses(Result_without_streaming, Async_response_list, Async_response_bin),
-    Res2 = compare_responses(Result_without_streaming, Async_response_list, Async_response_bin_once),
-    case {Res1, Res2} of
-        {success, success} ->
-            io:format("  Chunked streaming working~n", []);
-        _ ->
-            ok
-    end.
-test_chunked_streaming_once() ->
-    test_chunked_streaming_once([]).
-test_chunked_streaming_once(Options) ->
-    io:format("~nTesting chunked streaming with the {stream_to, {Pid, once}} option...~n", []),
-    Url = "",
-    io:format("  URL: ~s~n", [Url]),
-    io:format("  Fetching data with streaming as binary, {active, once}...~n", []),
-    case do_async_req_list(Url, get, [once, {response_format, binary} | Options]) of
-        {ok, _, _, _} ->
-            io:format("  Success!~n", []);
-        Err ->
-            io:format("  Fail: ~p~n", [Err])
-    end.
-compare_responses({ok, St_code, _, Body}, {ok, St_code, _, Body}, {ok, St_code, _, Body}) ->
-    success;
-compare_responses({ok, St_code, _, Body_1}, {ok, St_code, _, Body_2}, {ok, St_code, _, Body_3}) ->
-    case Body_1 of
-	Body_2 ->
-	    io:format("Body_1 and Body_2 match~n", []);
-	Body_3 ->
-	    io:format("Body_1 and Body_3 match~n", []);
-	_ when Body_2 == Body_3 ->
-	    io:format("Body_2 and Body_3 match~n", []);
-	_ ->
-	    io:format("All three bodies are different!~n", [])
-    end,
-    io:format("Body_1 -> ~p~n", [Body_1]),
-    io:format("Body_2 -> ~p~n", [Body_2]),
-    io:format("Body_3 -> ~p~n", [Body_3]),
-    fail_bodies_mismatch;
-compare_responses(R1, R2, R3) ->
-    io:format("R1 -> ~p~n", [R1]),
-    io:format("R2 -> ~p~n", [R2]),
-    io:format("R3 -> ~p~n", [R3]),
-    fail.
-%% do_async_req_list(Url) ->
-%%     do_async_req_list(Url, get).
-%% do_async_req_list(Url, Method) ->
-%%     do_async_req_list(Url, Method, [{stream_to, self()},
-%% 				    {stream_chunk_size, 1000}]).
-do_async_req_list(Url, Method, Options) ->
-    {Pid,_} = erlang:spawn_monitor(?MODULE, i_do_async_req_list,
-				   [self(), Url, Method, 
-				    Options ++ [{stream_chunk_size, 1000}]]),
-%%    io:format("Spawned process ~p~n", [Pid]),
-    wait_for_resp(Pid).
-wait_for_resp(Pid) ->
-    receive
-	{async_result, Pid, Res} ->
-	    Res;
-	{async_result, Other_pid, _} ->
-	    io:format("~p: Waiting for result from ~p: got from ~p~n", [self(), Pid, Other_pid]),
-	    wait_for_resp(Pid);
-	{'DOWN', _, _, Pid, Reason} ->
-	    {'EXIT', Reason};
-	{'DOWN', _, _, _, _} ->
-	    wait_for_resp(Pid);
-	Msg ->
-	    io:format("Recvd unknown message: ~p~n", [Msg]),
-	    wait_for_resp(Pid)
-    after 100000 ->
-	  {error, timeout}
-    end.
-i_do_async_req_list(Parent, Url, Method, Options) ->
-    Options_1 = case lists:member(once, Options) of
-                    true ->
-                        [{stream_to, {self(), once}} | (Options -- [once])];
-                    false ->
-                        [{stream_to, self()} | Options]
-                end,
-    Res = ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], Method, [], Options_1),
-    case Res of
-	{ibrowse_req_id, Req_id} ->
-	    Result = wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Options, undefined, undefined, []),
-	    Parent ! {async_result, self(), Result};
-	Err ->
-	    Parent ! {async_result, self(), Err}
-    end.
-wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Options, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body) ->    
-    receive
-	{ibrowse_async_headers, Req_id, StatCode, Headers} ->
-            %% io:format("Recvd headers...~n", []),
-            maybe_stream_next(Req_id, Options),
-	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Options, StatCode, Headers, Body);
-	{ibrowse_async_response_end, Req_id} ->
-            %% io:format("Recvd end of response.~n", []),
-	    Body_1 = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Body)),
-	    {ok, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body_1};
-	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, Data} ->
-            maybe_stream_next(Req_id, Options),
-            %% io:format("Recvd data...~n", []),
-	    wait_for_async_resp(Req_id, Options, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, [Data | Body]);
-	{ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, {error, _} = Err} ->
-            {ok, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Err};
-	Err ->
-	    {ok, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Err}
-    after 10000 ->
-            {timeout, Acc_Stat_code, Acc_Headers, Body}
-    end.
-maybe_stream_next(Req_id, Options) ->
-    case lists:member(once, Options) of
-        true ->
-            ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id);
-        false ->
-            ok
-    end.
-execute_req(local_test_fun, Method, Args) ->
-    io:format("     ~-54.54w: ", [Method]),
-    Result = (catch apply(?MODULE, Method, Args)),
-    io:format("~p~n", [Result]);
-execute_req(Url, Method, Options) ->
-    io:format("~7.7w, ~50.50s: ", [Method, Url]),
-    Result = (catch ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], Method, [], Options)),
-    case Result of
-	{ok, SCode, _H, _B} ->
-	    io:format("Status code: ~p~n", [SCode]);
-	Err ->
-	    io:format("~p~n", [Err])
-    end.
-ue_test() ->
-    ue_test(lists:duplicate(1024, $?)).
-ue_test(Data) ->
-    {Time, Res} = timer:tc(ibrowse_lib, url_encode, [Data]),
-    io:format("Time -> ~p~n", [Time]),
-    io:format("Data Length -> ~p~n", [length(Data)]),
-    io:format("Res Length -> ~p~n", [length(Res)]).
-%    io:format("Result -> ~s~n", [Res]).
-log_msg(Fmt, Args) ->
-    io:format("~s -- " ++ Fmt,
-	      [ibrowse_lib:printable_date() | Args]).
-%% Test what happens when the response to a HEAD request is a
-%% Chunked-Encoding response with a non-empty body. Issue #67 on
-%% Github
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-test_head_transfer_encoding() ->
-    clear_msg_q(),
-    test_head_transfer_encoding("http://localhost:8181/ibrowse_head_test").
-test_head_transfer_encoding(Url) ->
-    case ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], head) of
-        {ok, "200", _, _} ->
-            success;
-        Res ->
-            {test_failed, Res}
-    end.
-%% Test what happens when the response to a HEAD request is a
-%% Chunked-Encoding response with a non-empty body. Issue #67 on
-%% Github
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-test_head_response_with_body() ->
-    clear_msg_q(),
-    test_head_response_with_body("http://localhost:8181/ibrowse_head_transfer_enc").
-test_head_response_with_body(Url) ->
-    case ibrowse:send_req(Url, [], head, [], [{workaround, head_response_with_body}]) of
-        {ok, "400", _, _} ->
-            success;
-        Res ->
-            {test_failed, Res}
-    end.
-%% Test what happens when the request at the head of a pipeline times out
-test_pipeline_head_timeout() ->
-    clear_msg_q(),
-    test_pipeline_head_timeout("http://localhost:8181/ibrowse_inac_timeout_test").
-test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url) ->
-    {ok, Pid} = ibrowse:spawn_worker_process(Url),
-    Test_parent = self(),
-    Fun = fun({fixed, Timeout}) ->
-                  spawn(fun() ->
-                                do_test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url, Pid, Test_parent, Timeout)
-                        end);
-             (Timeout_mult) ->
-                  spawn(fun() ->
-                                Timeout = 1000 + Timeout_mult*1000,
-                                do_test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url, Pid, Test_parent, Timeout)
-                        end)
-          end,
-    Pids = [Fun(X) || X <- [{fixed, 32000} | lists:seq(1,10)]],
-    Result = accumulate_worker_resp(Pids),
-    case lists:all(fun({_, X_res}) ->
-                           X_res == {error,req_timedout}
-                   end, Result) of
-        true ->
-            success;
-        false ->
-            {test_failed, Result}
-    end.
-do_test_pipeline_head_timeout(Url, Pid, Test_parent, Req_timeout) ->
-    Resp = ibrowse:send_req_direct(
-                                 Pid,
-                                 Url,
-                                 [], get, [],
-                                 [{socket_options,[{keepalive,true}]},
-                                  {inactivity_timeout,180000},
-                                  {connect_timeout,180000}], Req_timeout),
-    Test_parent ! {self(), Resp}.
-accumulate_worker_resp(Pids) ->
-    accumulate_worker_resp(Pids, []).
-accumulate_worker_resp([_ | _] = Pids, Acc) ->
-    receive
-        {Pid, Res} when is_pid(Pid) ->
-            accumulate_worker_resp(Pids -- [Pid], [{Pid, Res} | Acc]);
-        Err ->
-            io:format("Received unexpected: ~p~n", [Err])
-    end;
-accumulate_worker_resp([], Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc).
-clear_msg_q() ->
-    receive
-        _ ->
-            clear_msg_q()
-    after 0 ->
-            ok
-    end.
-test_20122010() ->
-    test_20122010("http://localhost:8181").
-test_20122010(Url) ->
-    {ok, Pid} = ibrowse:spawn_worker_process(Url),
-    Expected_resp = <<"1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48-49-50-51-52-53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60-61-62-63-64-65-66-67-68-69-70-71-72-73-74-75-76-77-78-79-80-81-82-83-84-85-86-87-88-89-90-91-92-93-94-95-96-97-98-99-100">>,
-    Test_parent = self(),
-    Fun = fun() ->
-                  do_test_20122010(Url, Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent)
-          end,
-    Pids = [erlang:spawn_monitor(Fun) || _ <- lists:seq(1,10)],
-    wait_for_workers(Pids).
-wait_for_workers([{Pid, _Ref} | Pids]) ->
-    receive
-        {Pid, success} ->
-            wait_for_workers(Pids)
-    after 60000 ->
-            test_failed
-    end;
-wait_for_workers([]) ->
-    success.
-do_test_20122010(Url, Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent) ->
-    do_test_20122010(10, Url, Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent).
-do_test_20122010(0, _Url, _Pid, _Expected_resp, Test_parent) ->
-    Test_parent ! {self(), success};
-do_test_20122010(Rem_count, Url, Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent) ->
-    {ibrowse_req_id, Req_id} = ibrowse:send_req_direct(
-                                 Pid,
-                                 Url ++ "/ibrowse_stream_once_chunk_pipeline_test",
-                                 [], get, [],
-                                 [{stream_to, {self(), once}},
-                                  {inactivity_timeout, 10000},
-                                  {include_ibrowse_req_id, true}]),
-    do_trace("~p -- sent request ~1000.p~n", [self(), Req_id]),
-    Req_id_str = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~1000.p",[Req_id])),
-    receive
-        {ibrowse_async_headers, Req_id, "200", Headers} ->
-            case lists:keysearch("x-ibrowse-request-id", 1, Headers) of
-                {value, {_, Req_id_str}} ->
-                    ok;
-                {value, {_, Req_id_1}} ->
-                    do_trace("~p -- Sent req-id: ~1000.p. Recvd: ~1000.p~n",
-                              [self(), Req_id, Req_id_1]),
-                    exit(req_id_mismatch)
-            end
-    after 5000 ->
-            do_trace("~p -- response headers not received~n", [self()]),
-            exit({timeout, test_failed})
-    end,
-    do_trace("~p -- response headers received~n", [self()]),
-    ok = ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id),
-    case do_test_20122010_1(Expected_resp, Req_id, []) of
-        true ->
-            do_test_20122010(Rem_count - 1, Url, Pid, Expected_resp, Test_parent);
-        false ->
-            Test_parent ! {self(), failed}
-    end.
-do_test_20122010_1(Expected_resp, Req_id, Acc) ->
-    receive
-        {ibrowse_async_response, Req_id, Body_part} ->
-            ok = ibrowse:stream_next(Req_id),
-            do_test_20122010_1(Expected_resp, Req_id, [Body_part | Acc]);
-        {ibrowse_async_response_end, Req_id} ->
-            Acc_1 = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)),
-            Result = Acc_1 == Expected_resp,
-            do_trace("~p -- End of response. Result: ~p~n", [self(), Result]),
-            Result
-    after 1000 ->
-            exit({timeout, test_failed})
-    end.
-do_trace(Fmt, Args) ->
-    do_trace(get(my_trace_flag), Fmt, Args).
-do_trace(true, Fmt, Args) ->
-    io:format("~s -- " ++ Fmt, [ibrowse_lib:printable_date() | Args]);
-do_trace(_, _, _) ->
-    ok.