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[3/3] spark git commit: [SPARK-21803][TEST] Remove the HiveDDLCommandSuite

[SPARK-21803][TEST] Remove the HiveDDLCommandSuite

## What changes were proposed in this pull request?
We do not have any Hive-specific parser. It does not make sense to keep a parser-specific test suite `HiveDDLCommandSuite.scala` in the Hive package. This PR is to remove it.

## How was this patch tested?

Author: gatorsmile <>

Closes #19015 from gatorsmile/combineDDL.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: be72b157ea13ea116c5178a9e41e37ae24090f72
Parents: 5c9b301
Author: gatorsmile <>
Authored: Tue Aug 22 17:54:39 2017 +0800
Committer: Wenchen Fan <>
Committed: Tue Aug 22 17:54:39 2017 +0800

 .../sql/execution/command/DDLCommandSuite.scala | 1049 ------------
 .../sql/execution/command/DDLParserSuite.scala  | 1615 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../spark/sql/hive/HiveDDLCommandSuite.scala    |  739 --------
 .../apache/spark/sql/hive/TestHiveSuite.scala   |    4 +
 .../spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveDDLSuite.scala |   11 +
 .../sql/hive/execution/HiveSerDeSuite.scala     |  133 +-
 6 files changed, 1762 insertions(+), 1789 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/command/DDLCommandSuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/command/DDLCommandSuite.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5643c58..0000000
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/command/DDLCommandSuite.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1049 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command
-import java.util.Locale
-import scala.reflect.{classTag, ClassTag}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Project
-import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkSqlParser
-import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.CreateTable
-import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.{HiveSerDe, SQLConf}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, StringType, StructField, StructType}
-// TODO: merge this with DDLSuite (SPARK-14441)
-class DDLCommandSuite extends PlanTest {
-  private lazy val parser = new SparkSqlParser(new SQLConf)
-  private def assertUnsupported(sql: String, containsThesePhrases: Seq[String] = Seq()): Unit = {
-    val e = intercept[ParseException] {
-      parser.parsePlan(sql)
-    }
-    assert(e.getMessage.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains("operation not allowed"))
-    containsThesePhrases.foreach { p =>
-      assert(e.getMessage.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains(p.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)))
-    }
-  }
-  private def parseAs[T: ClassTag](query: String): T = {
-    parser.parsePlan(query) match {
-      case t: T => t
-      case other =>
-        fail(s"Expected to parse ${classTag[T].runtimeClass} from query," +
-          s"got ${other.getClass.getName}: $query")
-    }
-  }
-  test("create database") {
-    val sql =
-      """
-       |CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS database_name
-       |COMMENT 'database_comment' LOCATION '/home/user/db'
-       |WITH DBPROPERTIES ('a'='a', 'b'='b', 'c'='c')
-      """.stripMargin
-    val parsed = parser.parsePlan(sql)
-    val expected = CreateDatabaseCommand(
-      "database_name",
-      ifNotExists = true,
-      Some("/home/user/db"),
-      Some("database_comment"),
-      Map("a" -> "a", "b" -> "b", "c" -> "c"))
-    comparePlans(parsed, expected)
-  }
-  test("create database - property values must be set") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-      sql = "CREATE DATABASE my_db WITH DBPROPERTIES('key_without_value', 'key_with_value'='x')",
-      containsThesePhrases = Seq("key_without_value"))
-  }
-  test("drop database") {
-    val sql1 = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS database_name RESTRICT"
-    val sql2 = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS database_name CASCADE"
-    val sql3 = "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS database_name RESTRICT"
-    val sql4 = "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS database_name CASCADE"
-    // The default is restrict=true
-    val sql5 = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS database_name"
-    // The default is ifExists=false
-    val sql6 = "DROP DATABASE database_name"
-    val sql7 = "DROP DATABASE database_name CASCADE"
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val parsed3 = parser.parsePlan(sql3)
-    val parsed4 = parser.parsePlan(sql4)
-    val parsed5 = parser.parsePlan(sql5)
-    val parsed6 = parser.parsePlan(sql6)
-    val parsed7 = parser.parsePlan(sql7)
-    val expected1 = DropDatabaseCommand(
-      "database_name",
-      ifExists = true,
-      cascade = false)
-    val expected2 = DropDatabaseCommand(
-      "database_name",
-      ifExists = true,
-      cascade = true)
-    val expected3 = DropDatabaseCommand(
-      "database_name",
-      ifExists = false,
-      cascade = false)
-    val expected4 = DropDatabaseCommand(
-      "database_name",
-      ifExists = false,
-      cascade = true)
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-    comparePlans(parsed3, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed4, expected2)
-    comparePlans(parsed5, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed6, expected3)
-    comparePlans(parsed7, expected4)
-  }
-  test("alter database set dbproperties") {
-    // ALTER (DATABASE|SCHEMA) database_name SET DBPROPERTIES (property_name=property_value, ...)
-    val sql1 = "ALTER DATABASE database_name SET DBPROPERTIES ('a'='a', 'b'='b', 'c'='c')"
-    val sql2 = "ALTER SCHEMA database_name SET DBPROPERTIES ('a'='a')"
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val expected1 = AlterDatabasePropertiesCommand(
-      "database_name",
-      Map("a" -> "a", "b" -> "b", "c" -> "c"))
-    val expected2 = AlterDatabasePropertiesCommand(
-      "database_name",
-      Map("a" -> "a"))
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-  }
-  test("alter database - property values must be set") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-      sql = "ALTER DATABASE my_db SET DBPROPERTIES('key_without_value', 'key_with_value'='x')",
-      containsThesePhrases = Seq("key_without_value"))
-  }
-  test("describe database") {
-    val sql1 = "DESCRIBE DATABASE EXTENDED db_name"
-    val sql2 = "DESCRIBE DATABASE db_name"
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val expected1 = DescribeDatabaseCommand(
-      "db_name",
-      extended = true)
-    val expected2 = DescribeDatabaseCommand(
-      "db_name",
-      extended = false)
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-  }
-  test("create function") {
-    val sql1 =
-      """
-       |CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION helloworld as
-       |'com.matthewrathbone.example.SimpleUDFExample' USING JAR '/path/to/jar1',
-       |JAR '/path/to/jar2'
-     """.stripMargin
-    val sql2 =
-      """
-        |CREATE FUNCTION as
-        |'com.matthewrathbone.example.SimpleUDFExample' USING ARCHIVE '/path/to/archive',
-        |FILE '/path/to/file'
-      """.stripMargin
-    val sql3 =
-      """
-        |'com.matthewrathbone.example.SimpleUDFExample' USING JAR '/path/to/jar1',
-        |JAR '/path/to/jar2'
-      """.stripMargin
-    val sql4 =
-      """
-        |CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hello.world1 as
-        |'com.matthewrathbone.example.SimpleUDFExample' USING ARCHIVE '/path/to/archive',
-        |FILE '/path/to/file'
-      """.stripMargin
-    val sql5 =
-      """
-        |CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS hello.world2 as
-        |'com.matthewrathbone.example.SimpleUDFExample' USING ARCHIVE '/path/to/archive',
-        |FILE '/path/to/file'
-      """.stripMargin
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val parsed3 = parser.parsePlan(sql3)
-    val parsed4 = parser.parsePlan(sql4)
-    val parsed5 = parser.parsePlan(sql5)
-    val expected1 = CreateFunctionCommand(
-      None,
-      "helloworld",
-      "com.matthewrathbone.example.SimpleUDFExample",
-      Seq(
-        FunctionResource(FunctionResourceType.fromString("jar"), "/path/to/jar1"),
-        FunctionResource(FunctionResourceType.fromString("jar"), "/path/to/jar2")),
-      isTemp = true, ifNotExists = false, replace = false)
-    val expected2 = CreateFunctionCommand(
-      Some("hello"),
-      "world",
-      "com.matthewrathbone.example.SimpleUDFExample",
-      Seq(
-        FunctionResource(FunctionResourceType.fromString("archive"), "/path/to/archive"),
-        FunctionResource(FunctionResourceType.fromString("file"), "/path/to/file")),
-      isTemp = false, ifNotExists = false, replace = false)
-    val expected3 = CreateFunctionCommand(
-      None,
-      "helloworld3",
-      "com.matthewrathbone.example.SimpleUDFExample",
-      Seq(
-        FunctionResource(FunctionResourceType.fromString("jar"), "/path/to/jar1"),
-        FunctionResource(FunctionResourceType.fromString("jar"), "/path/to/jar2")),
-      isTemp = true, ifNotExists = false, replace = true)
-    val expected4 = CreateFunctionCommand(
-      Some("hello"),
-      "world1",
-      "com.matthewrathbone.example.SimpleUDFExample",
-      Seq(
-        FunctionResource(FunctionResourceType.fromString("archive"), "/path/to/archive"),
-        FunctionResource(FunctionResourceType.fromString("file"), "/path/to/file")),
-      isTemp = false, ifNotExists = false, replace = true)
-    val expected5 = CreateFunctionCommand(
-      Some("hello"),
-      "world2",
-      "com.matthewrathbone.example.SimpleUDFExample",
-      Seq(
-        FunctionResource(FunctionResourceType.fromString("archive"), "/path/to/archive"),
-        FunctionResource(FunctionResourceType.fromString("file"), "/path/to/file")),
-      isTemp = false, ifNotExists = true, replace = false)
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-    comparePlans(parsed3, expected3)
-    comparePlans(parsed4, expected4)
-    comparePlans(parsed5, expected5)
-  }
-  test("drop function") {
-    val sql1 = "DROP TEMPORARY FUNCTION helloworld"
-    val sql2 = "DROP TEMPORARY FUNCTION IF EXISTS helloworld"
-    val sql3 = "DROP FUNCTION"
-    val sql4 = "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS"
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val parsed3 = parser.parsePlan(sql3)
-    val parsed4 = parser.parsePlan(sql4)
-    val expected1 = DropFunctionCommand(
-      None,
-      "helloworld",
-      ifExists = false,
-      isTemp = true)
-    val expected2 = DropFunctionCommand(
-      None,
-      "helloworld",
-      ifExists = true,
-      isTemp = true)
-    val expected3 = DropFunctionCommand(
-      Some("hello"),
-      "world",
-      ifExists = false,
-      isTemp = false)
-    val expected4 = DropFunctionCommand(
-      Some("hello"),
-      "world",
-      ifExists = true,
-      isTemp = false)
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-    comparePlans(parsed3, expected3)
-    comparePlans(parsed4, expected4)
-  }
-  test("create hive table - table file format") {
-    val allSources = Seq("parquet", "parquetfile", "orc", "orcfile", "avro", "avrofile",
-      "sequencefile", "rcfile", "textfile")
-    allSources.foreach { s =>
-      val query = s"CREATE TABLE my_tab STORED AS $s"
-      val ct = parseAs[CreateTable](query)
-      val hiveSerde = HiveSerDe.sourceToSerDe(s)
-      assert(hiveSerde.isDefined)
-      assert( ==
-        hiveSerde.get.serde.orElse(Some("org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe")))
-      assert( == hiveSerde.get.inputFormat)
-      assert( == hiveSerde.get.outputFormat)
-    }
-  }
-  test("create hive table - row format and table file format") {
-    val createTableStart = "CREATE TABLE my_tab ROW FORMAT"
-    val fileFormat = s"STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'inputfmt' OUTPUTFORMAT 'outputfmt'"
-    val query1 = s"$createTableStart SERDE 'anything' $fileFormat"
-    val query2 = s"$createTableStart DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' $fileFormat"
-    // No conflicting serdes here, OK
-    val parsed1 = parseAs[CreateTable](query1)
-    assert( == Some("anything"))
-    assert( == Some("inputfmt"))
-    assert( == Some("outputfmt"))
-    val parsed2 = parseAs[CreateTable](query2)
-    assert( ==
-      Some("org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe"))
-    assert( == Some("inputfmt"))
-    assert( == Some("outputfmt"))
-  }
-  test("create hive table - row format serde and generic file format") {
-    val allSources = Seq("parquet", "orc", "avro", "sequencefile", "rcfile", "textfile")
-    val supportedSources = Set("sequencefile", "rcfile", "textfile")
-    allSources.foreach { s =>
-      val query = s"CREATE TABLE my_tab ROW FORMAT SERDE 'anything' STORED AS $s"
-      if (supportedSources.contains(s)) {
-        val ct = parseAs[CreateTable](query)
-        val hiveSerde = HiveSerDe.sourceToSerDe(s)
-        assert(hiveSerde.isDefined)
-        assert( == Some("anything"))
-        assert( == hiveSerde.get.inputFormat)
-        assert( == hiveSerde.get.outputFormat)
-      } else {
-        assertUnsupported(query, Seq("row format serde", "incompatible", s))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("create hive table - row format delimited and generic file format") {
-    val allSources = Seq("parquet", "orc", "avro", "sequencefile", "rcfile", "textfile")
-    val supportedSources = Set("textfile")
-    allSources.foreach { s =>
-      if (supportedSources.contains(s)) {
-        val ct = parseAs[CreateTable](query)
-        val hiveSerde = HiveSerDe.sourceToSerDe(s)
-        assert(hiveSerde.isDefined)
-        assert( ==
-          hiveSerde.get.serde.orElse(Some("org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe")))
-        assert( == hiveSerde.get.inputFormat)
-        assert( == hiveSerde.get.outputFormat)
-      } else {
-        assertUnsupported(query, Seq("row format delimited", "only compatible with 'textfile'", s))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("create hive external table - location must be specified") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-      sql = "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_tab",
-      containsThesePhrases = Seq("create external table", "location"))
-    val query = "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_tab LOCATION '/something/anything'"
-    val ct = parseAs[CreateTable](query)
-    assert(ct.tableDesc.tableType == CatalogTableType.EXTERNAL)
-    assert( == Some(new URI("/something/anything")))
-  }
-  test("create hive table - property values must be set") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-      sql = "CREATE TABLE my_tab TBLPROPERTIES('key_without_value', 'key_with_value'='x')",
-      containsThesePhrases = Seq("key_without_value"))
-    assertUnsupported(
-      sql = "CREATE TABLE my_tab ROW FORMAT SERDE 'serde' " +
-        "WITH SERDEPROPERTIES('key_without_value', 'key_with_value'='x')",
-      containsThesePhrases = Seq("key_without_value"))
-  }
-  test("create hive table - location implies external") {
-    val query = "CREATE TABLE my_tab LOCATION '/something/anything'"
-    val ct = parseAs[CreateTable](query)
-    assert(ct.tableDesc.tableType == CatalogTableType.EXTERNAL)
-    assert( == Some(new URI("/something/anything")))
-  }
-  test("create table - with partitioned by") {
-    val query = "CREATE TABLE my_tab(a INT comment 'test', b STRING) " +
-      "USING parquet PARTITIONED BY (a)"
-    val expectedTableDesc = CatalogTable(
-      identifier = TableIdentifier("my_tab"),
-      tableType = CatalogTableType.MANAGED,
-      storage = CatalogStorageFormat.empty,
-      schema = new StructType()
-        .add("a", IntegerType, nullable = true, "test")
-        .add("b", StringType),
-      provider = Some("parquet"),
-      partitionColumnNames = Seq("a")
-    )
-    parser.parsePlan(query) match {
-      case CreateTable(tableDesc, _, None) =>
-        assert(tableDesc == expectedTableDesc.copy(createTime = tableDesc.createTime))
-      case other =>
-        fail(s"Expected to parse ${classOf[CreateTableCommand].getClass.getName} from query," +
-          s"got ${other.getClass.getName}: $query")
-    }
-  }
-  test("create table - with bucket") {
-    val query = "CREATE TABLE my_tab(a INT, b STRING) USING parquet " +
-    val expectedTableDesc = CatalogTable(
-      identifier = TableIdentifier("my_tab"),
-      tableType = CatalogTableType.MANAGED,
-      storage = CatalogStorageFormat.empty,
-      schema = new StructType().add("a", IntegerType).add("b", StringType),
-      provider = Some("parquet"),
-      bucketSpec = Some(BucketSpec(5, Seq("a"), Seq("b")))
-    )
-    parser.parsePlan(query) match {
-      case CreateTable(tableDesc, _, None) =>
-        assert(tableDesc == expectedTableDesc.copy(createTime = tableDesc.createTime))
-      case other =>
-        fail(s"Expected to parse ${classOf[CreateTableCommand].getClass.getName} from query," +
-          s"got ${other.getClass.getName}: $query")
-    }
-  }
-  test("create table - with comment") {
-    val sql = "CREATE TABLE my_tab(a INT, b STRING) USING parquet COMMENT 'abc'"
-    val expectedTableDesc = CatalogTable(
-      identifier = TableIdentifier("my_tab"),
-      tableType = CatalogTableType.MANAGED,
-      storage = CatalogStorageFormat.empty,
-      schema = new StructType().add("a", IntegerType).add("b", StringType),
-      provider = Some("parquet"),
-      comment = Some("abc"))
-    parser.parsePlan(sql) match {
-      case CreateTable(tableDesc, _, None) =>
-        assert(tableDesc == expectedTableDesc.copy(createTime = tableDesc.createTime))
-      case other =>
-        fail(s"Expected to parse ${classOf[CreateTableCommand].getClass.getName} from query," +
-          s"got ${other.getClass.getName}: $sql")
-    }
-  }
-  test("create table - with location") {
-    val v1 = "CREATE TABLE my_tab(a INT, b STRING) USING parquet LOCATION '/tmp/file'"
-    val expectedTableDesc = CatalogTable(
-      identifier = TableIdentifier("my_tab"),
-      tableType = CatalogTableType.EXTERNAL,
-      storage = CatalogStorageFormat.empty.copy(locationUri = Some(new URI("/tmp/file"))),
-      schema = new StructType().add("a", IntegerType).add("b", StringType),
-      provider = Some("parquet"))
-    parser.parsePlan(v1) match {
-      case CreateTable(tableDesc, _, None) =>
-        assert(tableDesc == expectedTableDesc.copy(createTime = tableDesc.createTime))
-      case other =>
-        fail(s"Expected to parse ${classOf[CreateTableCommand].getClass.getName} from query," +
-          s"got ${other.getClass.getName}: $v1")
-    }
-    val v2 =
-      """
-        |CREATE TABLE my_tab(a INT, b STRING)
-        |USING parquet
-        |OPTIONS (path '/tmp/file')
-        |LOCATION '/tmp/file'
-      """.stripMargin
-    val e = intercept[ParseException] {
-      parser.parsePlan(v2)
-    }
-    assert(e.message.contains("you can only specify one of them."))
-  }
-  // ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;
-  // ALTER VIEW view_name RENAME TO new_view_name;
-  test("alter table/view: rename table/view") {
-    val sql_table = "ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name"
-    val sql_view = sql_table.replace("TABLE", "VIEW")
-    val parsed_table = parser.parsePlan(sql_table)
-    val parsed_view = parser.parsePlan(sql_view)
-    val expected_table = AlterTableRenameCommand(
-      TableIdentifier("table_name"),
-      TableIdentifier("new_table_name"),
-      isView = false)
-    val expected_view = AlterTableRenameCommand(
-      TableIdentifier("table_name"),
-      TableIdentifier("new_table_name"),
-      isView = true)
-    comparePlans(parsed_table, expected_table)
-    comparePlans(parsed_view, expected_view)
-  }
-  test("alter table: rename table with database") {
-    val query = "ALTER TABLE db1.tbl RENAME TO db1.tbl2"
-    val plan = parseAs[AlterTableRenameCommand](query)
-    assert(plan.oldName == TableIdentifier("tbl", Some("db1")))
-    assert(plan.newName == TableIdentifier("tbl2", Some("db1")))
-  }
-  // ALTER TABLE table_name SET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment' = new_comment);
-  // ALTER TABLE table_name UNSET TBLPROPERTIES [IF EXISTS] ('comment', 'key');
-  // ALTER VIEW view_name SET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment' = new_comment);
-  // ALTER VIEW view_name UNSET TBLPROPERTIES [IF EXISTS] ('comment', 'key');
-  test("alter table/view: alter table/view properties") {
-    val sql1_table = "ALTER TABLE table_name SET TBLPROPERTIES ('test' = 'test', " +
-      "'comment' = 'new_comment')"
-    val sql2_table = "ALTER TABLE table_name UNSET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment', 'test')"
-    val sql3_table = "ALTER TABLE table_name UNSET TBLPROPERTIES IF EXISTS ('comment', 'test')"
-    val sql1_view = sql1_table.replace("TABLE", "VIEW")
-    val sql2_view = sql2_table.replace("TABLE", "VIEW")
-    val sql3_view = sql3_table.replace("TABLE", "VIEW")
-    val parsed1_table = parser.parsePlan(sql1_table)
-    val parsed2_table = parser.parsePlan(sql2_table)
-    val parsed3_table = parser.parsePlan(sql3_table)
-    val parsed1_view = parser.parsePlan(sql1_view)
-    val parsed2_view = parser.parsePlan(sql2_view)
-    val parsed3_view = parser.parsePlan(sql3_view)
-    val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("table_name", None)
-    val expected1_table = AlterTableSetPropertiesCommand(
-      tableIdent, Map("test" -> "test", "comment" -> "new_comment"), isView = false)
-    val expected2_table = AlterTableUnsetPropertiesCommand(
-      tableIdent, Seq("comment", "test"), ifExists = false, isView = false)
-    val expected3_table = AlterTableUnsetPropertiesCommand(
-      tableIdent, Seq("comment", "test"), ifExists = true, isView = false)
-    val expected1_view = expected1_table.copy(isView = true)
-    val expected2_view = expected2_table.copy(isView = true)
-    val expected3_view = expected3_table.copy(isView = true)
-    comparePlans(parsed1_table, expected1_table)
-    comparePlans(parsed2_table, expected2_table)
-    comparePlans(parsed3_table, expected3_table)
-    comparePlans(parsed1_view, expected1_view)
-    comparePlans(parsed2_view, expected2_view)
-    comparePlans(parsed3_view, expected3_view)
-  }
-  test("alter table - property values must be set") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-      sql = "ALTER TABLE my_tab SET TBLPROPERTIES('key_without_value', 'key_with_value'='x')",
-      containsThesePhrases = Seq("key_without_value"))
-  }
-  test("alter table unset properties - property values must NOT be set") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-      sql = "ALTER TABLE my_tab UNSET TBLPROPERTIES('key_without_value', 'key_with_value'='x')",
-      containsThesePhrases = Seq("key_with_value"))
-  }
-  test("alter table: SerDe properties") {
-    val sql1 = "ALTER TABLE table_name SET SERDE 'org.apache.class'"
-    val sql2 =
-      """
-       |ALTER TABLE table_name SET SERDE 'org.apache.class'
-       |WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('columns'='foo,bar', 'field.delim' = ',')
-      """.stripMargin
-    val sql3 =
-      """
-       |ALTER TABLE table_name SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('columns'='foo,bar',
-       |'field.delim' = ',')
-      """.stripMargin
-    val sql4 =
-      """
-       |ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION (test=1, dt='2008-08-08',
-       |country='us') SET SERDE 'org.apache.class' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('columns'='foo,bar',
-       |'field.delim' = ',')
-      """.stripMargin
-    val sql5 =
-      """
-       |ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION (test=1, dt='2008-08-08',
-       |country='us') SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('columns'='foo,bar', 'field.delim' = ',')
-      """.stripMargin
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val parsed3 = parser.parsePlan(sql3)
-    val parsed4 = parser.parsePlan(sql4)
-    val parsed5 = parser.parsePlan(sql5)
-    val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("table_name", None)
-    val expected1 = AlterTableSerDePropertiesCommand(
-      tableIdent, Some("org.apache.class"), None, None)
-    val expected2 = AlterTableSerDePropertiesCommand(
-      tableIdent,
-      Some("org.apache.class"),
-      Some(Map("columns" -> "foo,bar", "field.delim" -> ",")),
-      None)
-    val expected3 = AlterTableSerDePropertiesCommand(
-      tableIdent, None, Some(Map("columns" -> "foo,bar", "field.delim" -> ",")), None)
-    val expected4 = AlterTableSerDePropertiesCommand(
-      tableIdent,
-      Some("org.apache.class"),
-      Some(Map("columns" -> "foo,bar", "field.delim" -> ",")),
-      Some(Map("test" -> "1", "dt" -> "2008-08-08", "country" -> "us")))
-    val expected5 = AlterTableSerDePropertiesCommand(
-      tableIdent,
-      None,
-      Some(Map("columns" -> "foo,bar", "field.delim" -> ",")),
-      Some(Map("test" -> "1", "dt" -> "2008-08-08", "country" -> "us")))
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-    comparePlans(parsed3, expected3)
-    comparePlans(parsed4, expected4)
-    comparePlans(parsed5, expected5)
-  }
-  test("alter table - SerDe property values must be set") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-      sql = "ALTER TABLE my_tab SET SERDE 'serde' " +
-        "WITH SERDEPROPERTIES('key_without_value', 'key_with_value'='x')",
-      containsThesePhrases = Seq("key_without_value"))
-  }
-  // ALTER TABLE table_name ADD [IF NOT EXISTS] PARTITION partition_spec
-  // [LOCATION 'location1'] partition_spec [LOCATION 'location2'] ...;
-  test("alter table: add partition") {
-    val sql1 =
-      """
-       |(dt='2008-08-08', country='us') LOCATION 'location1' PARTITION
-       |(dt='2009-09-09', country='uk')
-      """.stripMargin
-    val sql2 = "ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08') LOCATION 'loc'"
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val expected1 = AlterTableAddPartitionCommand(
-      TableIdentifier("table_name", None),
-      Seq(
-        (Map("dt" -> "2008-08-08", "country" -> "us"), Some("location1")),
-        (Map("dt" -> "2009-09-09", "country" -> "uk"), None)),
-      ifNotExists = true)
-    val expected2 = AlterTableAddPartitionCommand(
-      TableIdentifier("table_name", None),
-      Seq((Map("dt" -> "2008-08-08"), Some("loc"))),
-      ifNotExists = false)
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-  }
-  test("alter table: recover partitions") {
-    val sql = "ALTER TABLE table_name RECOVER PARTITIONS"
-    val parsed = parser.parsePlan(sql)
-    val expected = AlterTableRecoverPartitionsCommand(
-      TableIdentifier("table_name", None))
-    comparePlans(parsed, expected)
-  }
-  test("alter view: add partition (not supported)") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-      """
-        |(dt='2008-08-08', country='us') PARTITION
-        |(dt='2009-09-09', country='uk')
-      """.stripMargin)
-  }
-  test("alter table: rename partition") {
-    val sql =
-      """
-       |ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08', country='us')
-       |RENAME TO PARTITION (dt='2008-09-09', country='uk')
-      """.stripMargin
-    val parsed = parser.parsePlan(sql)
-    val expected = AlterTableRenamePartitionCommand(
-      TableIdentifier("table_name", None),
-      Map("dt" -> "2008-08-08", "country" -> "us"),
-      Map("dt" -> "2008-09-09", "country" -> "uk"))
-    comparePlans(parsed, expected)
-  }
-  test("alter table: exchange partition (not supported)") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-      """
-       |(dt='2008-08-08', country='us') WITH TABLE table_name_2
-      """.stripMargin)
-  }
-  // ALTER TABLE table_name DROP [IF EXISTS] PARTITION spec1[, PARTITION spec2, ...]
-  // ALTER VIEW table_name DROP [IF EXISTS] PARTITION spec1[, PARTITION spec2, ...]
-  test("alter table/view: drop partitions") {
-    val sql1_table =
-      """
-       |(dt='2008-08-08', country='us'), PARTITION (dt='2009-09-09', country='uk')
-      """.stripMargin
-    val sql2_table =
-      """
-       |ALTER TABLE table_name DROP PARTITION
-       |(dt='2008-08-08', country='us'), PARTITION (dt='2009-09-09', country='uk')
-      """.stripMargin
-    val sql1_view = sql1_table.replace("TABLE", "VIEW")
-    val sql2_view = sql2_table.replace("TABLE", "VIEW")
-    val parsed1_table = parser.parsePlan(sql1_table)
-    val parsed2_table = parser.parsePlan(sql2_table)
-    val parsed1_purge = parser.parsePlan(sql1_table + " PURGE")
-    assertUnsupported(sql1_view)
-    assertUnsupported(sql2_view)
-    val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("table_name", None)
-    val expected1_table = AlterTableDropPartitionCommand(
-      tableIdent,
-      Seq(
-        Map("dt" -> "2008-08-08", "country" -> "us"),
-        Map("dt" -> "2009-09-09", "country" -> "uk")),
-      ifExists = true,
-      purge = false,
-      retainData = false)
-    val expected2_table = expected1_table.copy(ifExists = false)
-    val expected1_purge = expected1_table.copy(purge = true)
-    comparePlans(parsed1_table, expected1_table)
-    comparePlans(parsed2_table, expected2_table)
-    comparePlans(parsed1_purge, expected1_purge)
-  }
-  test("alter table: archive partition (not supported)") {
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name ARCHIVE PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08', country='us')")
-  }
-  test("alter table: unarchive partition (not supported)") {
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name UNARCHIVE PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08', country='us')")
-  }
-  test("alter table: set file format (not allowed)") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-    assertUnsupported(
-      "ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08', country='us') " +
-  }
-  test("alter table: set location") {
-    val sql1 = "ALTER TABLE table_name SET LOCATION 'new location'"
-    val sql2 = "ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08', country='us') " +
-      "SET LOCATION 'new location'"
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("table_name", None)
-    val expected1 = AlterTableSetLocationCommand(
-      tableIdent,
-      None,
-      "new location")
-    val expected2 = AlterTableSetLocationCommand(
-      tableIdent,
-      Some(Map("dt" -> "2008-08-08", "country" -> "us")),
-      "new location")
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-  }
-  test("alter table: change column name/type/comment") {
-    val sql1 = "ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE COLUMN col_old_name col_new_name INT"
-    val sql2 = "ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE COLUMN col_name col_name INT COMMENT 'new_comment'"
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("table_name", None)
-    val expected1 = AlterTableChangeColumnCommand(
-      tableIdent,
-      "col_old_name",
-      StructField("col_new_name", IntegerType))
-    val expected2 = AlterTableChangeColumnCommand(
-      tableIdent,
-      "col_name",
-      StructField("col_name", IntegerType).withComment("new_comment"))
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-  }
-  test("alter table: change column position (not supported)") {
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE COLUMN col_old_name col_new_name INT FIRST")
-    assertUnsupported(
-      "ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE COLUMN col_old_name col_new_name INT AFTER other_col")
-  }
-  test("alter table: change column in partition spec") {
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION (a='1', a='2') CHANGE COLUMN a new_a INT")
-  }
-  test("alter table: touch (not supported)") {
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name TOUCH")
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name TOUCH PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08', country='us')")
-  }
-  test("alter table: compact (not supported)") {
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name COMPACT 'compaction_type'")
-    assertUnsupported(
-      """
-        |ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08', country='us')
-        |COMPACT 'MAJOR'
-      """.stripMargin)
-  }
-  test("alter table: concatenate (not supported)") {
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name CONCATENATE")
-    assertUnsupported(
-      "ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08', country='us') CONCATENATE")
-  }
-  test("alter table: cluster by (not supported)") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-      "ALTER TABLE table_name CLUSTERED BY (col_name) SORTED BY (col2_name) INTO 3 BUCKETS")
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name CLUSTERED BY (col_name) INTO 3 BUCKETS")
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name NOT CLUSTERED")
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name NOT SORTED")
-  }
-  test("alter table: skewed by (not supported)") {
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name NOT SKEWED")
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name NOT STORED AS DIRECTORIES")
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name SET SKEWED LOCATION (col_name1=\"location1\"")
-    assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE table_name SKEWED BY (key) ON (1,5,6) STORED AS DIRECTORIES")
-  }
-  test("alter table: replace columns (not allowed)") {
-    assertUnsupported(
-      """
-       |ALTER TABLE table_name REPLACE COLUMNS (new_col1 INT
-       |COMMENT 'test_comment', new_col2 LONG COMMENT 'test_comment2') RESTRICT
-      """.stripMargin)
-  }
-  test("show databases") {
-    val sql1 = "SHOW DATABASES"
-    val sql2 = "SHOW DATABASES LIKE 'defau*'"
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val expected1 = ShowDatabasesCommand(None)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val expected2 = ShowDatabasesCommand(Some("defau*"))
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-  }
-  test("show tblproperties") {
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan("SHOW TBLPROPERTIES tab1")
-    val expected1 = ShowTablePropertiesCommand(TableIdentifier("tab1", None), None)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan("SHOW TBLPROPERTIES tab1('propKey1')")
-    val expected2 = ShowTablePropertiesCommand(TableIdentifier("tab1", None), Some("propKey1"))
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-  }
-  test("SPARK-14383: DISTRIBUTE and UNSET as non-keywords") {
-    val sql = "SELECT distribute, unset FROM x"
-    val parsed = parser.parsePlan(sql)
-    assert(parsed.isInstanceOf[Project])
-  }
-  test("duplicate keys in table properties") {
-    val e = intercept[ParseException] {
-      parser.parsePlan("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('key1' = '1', 'key1' = '2')")
-    }.getMessage
-    assert(e.contains("Found duplicate keys 'key1'"))
-  }
-  test("duplicate columns in partition specs") {
-    val e = intercept[ParseException] {
-      parser.parsePlan(
-        "ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 PARTITION (a='1', a='2') RENAME TO PARTITION (a='100', a='200')")
-    }.getMessage
-    assert(e.contains("Found duplicate keys 'a'"))
-  }
-  test("empty values in non-optional partition specs") {
-    val e = intercept[ParseException] {
-      parser.parsePlan(
-        "SHOW PARTITIONS dbx.tab1 PARTITION (a='1', b)")
-    }.getMessage
-    assert(e.contains("Found an empty partition key 'b'"))
-  }
-  test("drop table") {
-    val tableName1 = ""
-    val tableName2 = "tab"
-    val parsed = Seq(
-        s"DROP TABLE $tableName1",
-        s"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tableName1",
-        s"DROP TABLE $tableName2",
-        s"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tableName2",
-        s"DROP TABLE $tableName2 PURGE",
-        s"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tableName2 PURGE"
-      ).map(parser.parsePlan)
-    val expected = Seq(
-      DropTableCommand(TableIdentifier("tab", Option("db")), ifExists = false, isView = false,
-        purge = false),
-      DropTableCommand(TableIdentifier("tab", Option("db")), ifExists = true, isView = false,
-        purge = false),
-      DropTableCommand(TableIdentifier("tab", None), ifExists = false, isView = false,
-        purge = false),
-      DropTableCommand(TableIdentifier("tab", None), ifExists = true, isView = false,
-        purge = false),
-      DropTableCommand(TableIdentifier("tab", None), ifExists = false, isView = false,
-        purge = true),
-      DropTableCommand(TableIdentifier("tab", None), ifExists = true, isView = false,
-        purge = true))
- { case (p, e) => comparePlans(p, e) }
-  }
-  test("drop view") {
-    val viewName1 = "db.view"
-    val viewName2 = "view"
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(s"DROP VIEW $viewName1")
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(s"DROP VIEW IF EXISTS $viewName1")
-    val parsed3 = parser.parsePlan(s"DROP VIEW $viewName2")
-    val parsed4 = parser.parsePlan(s"DROP VIEW IF EXISTS $viewName2")
-    val expected1 =
-      DropTableCommand(TableIdentifier("view", Option("db")), ifExists = false, isView = true,
-        purge = false)
-    val expected2 =
-      DropTableCommand(TableIdentifier("view", Option("db")), ifExists = true, isView = true,
-        purge = false)
-    val expected3 =
-      DropTableCommand(TableIdentifier("view", None), ifExists = false, isView = true,
-        purge = false)
-    val expected4 =
-      DropTableCommand(TableIdentifier("view", None), ifExists = true, isView = true,
-        purge = false)
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-    comparePlans(parsed3, expected3)
-    comparePlans(parsed4, expected4)
-  }
-  test("show columns") {
-    val sql1 = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM t1"
-    val sql2 = "SHOW COLUMNS IN db1.t1"
-    val sql3 = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM t1 IN db1"
-    val sql4 = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM db1.t1 IN db2"
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val expected1 = ShowColumnsCommand(None, TableIdentifier("t1", None))
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val expected2 = ShowColumnsCommand(None, TableIdentifier("t1", Some("db1")))
-    val parsed3 = parser.parsePlan(sql3)
-    val expected3 = ShowColumnsCommand(Some("db1"), TableIdentifier("t1", None))
-    val parsed4 = parser.parsePlan(sql4)
-    val expected4 = ShowColumnsCommand(Some("db2"), TableIdentifier("t1", Some("db1")))
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-    comparePlans(parsed3, expected3)
-    comparePlans(parsed4, expected4)
-  }
-  test("show partitions") {
-    val sql1 = "SHOW PARTITIONS t1"
-    val sql2 = "SHOW PARTITIONS db1.t1"
-    val sql3 = "SHOW PARTITIONS t1 PARTITION(partcol1='partvalue', partcol2='partvalue')"
-    val parsed1 = parser.parsePlan(sql1)
-    val expected1 =
-      ShowPartitionsCommand(TableIdentifier("t1", None), None)
-    val parsed2 = parser.parsePlan(sql2)
-    val expected2 =
-      ShowPartitionsCommand(TableIdentifier("t1", Some("db1")), None)
-    val expected3 =
-      ShowPartitionsCommand(TableIdentifier("t1", None),
-        Some(Map("partcol1" -> "partvalue", "partcol2" -> "partvalue")))
-    val parsed3 = parser.parsePlan(sql3)
-    comparePlans(parsed1, expected1)
-    comparePlans(parsed2, expected2)
-    comparePlans(parsed3, expected3)
-  }
-  test("support for other types in DBPROPERTIES") {
-    val sql =
-      """
-        |CREATE DATABASE database_name
-        |LOCATION '/home/user/db'
-        |WITH DBPROPERTIES ('a'=1, 'b'=0.1, 'c'=TRUE)
-      """.stripMargin
-    val parsed = parser.parsePlan(sql)
-    val expected = CreateDatabaseCommand(
-      "database_name",
-      ifNotExists = false,
-      Some("/home/user/db"),
-      None,
-      Map("a" -> "1", "b" -> "0.1", "c" -> "true"))
-    comparePlans(parsed, expected)
-  }
-  test("support for other types in TBLPROPERTIES") {
-    val sql =
-      """
-        |ALTER TABLE table_name
-        |SET TBLPROPERTIES ('a' = 1, 'b' = 0.1, 'c' = TRUE)
-      """.stripMargin
-    val parsed = parser.parsePlan(sql)
-    val expected = AlterTableSetPropertiesCommand(
-      TableIdentifier("table_name"),
-      Map("a" -> "1", "b" -> "0.1", "c" -> "true"),
-      isView = false)
-    comparePlans(parsed, expected)
-  }
-  test("support for other types in OPTIONS") {
-    val sql =
-      """
-        |CREATE TABLE table_name USING json
-        |OPTIONS (a 1, b 0.1, c TRUE)
-      """.stripMargin
-    val expectedTableDesc = CatalogTable(
-      identifier = TableIdentifier("table_name"),
-      tableType = CatalogTableType.MANAGED,
-      storage = CatalogStorageFormat.empty.copy(
-        properties = Map("a" -> "1", "b" -> "0.1", "c" -> "true")
-      ),
-      schema = new StructType,
-      provider = Some("json")
-    )
-    parser.parsePlan(sql) match {
-      case CreateTable(tableDesc, _, None) =>
-        assert(tableDesc == expectedTableDesc.copy(createTime = tableDesc.createTime))
-      case other =>
-        fail(s"Expected to parse ${classOf[CreateTableCommand].getClass.getName} from query," +
-          s"got ${other.getClass.getName}: $sql")
-    }
-  }

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