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[25/35] cordova-browser git commit: Update to use new 'express' implementation of cordova-serve.
diff --git a/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/id8.js b/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/id8.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e547312..0000000
--- a/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/id8.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,978 +0,0 @@
-;!function( util, Name, PACKAGE  ) {
-	"use strict";
-/*~  src/lib.js  ~*/
-	function __lib__( name_or_type ) {
-		var Class = is_fun( name_or_type ) && util.type( name_or_type ) == 'class'
-				  ? name_or_type
-				  : get( name_or_type );
-		if ( !Class )
-			throw new Error( Name + ' factory: No Class found with a name or type of ' + name_or_type );
-		return Class.create.apply( null, Array.coerce( arguments, 1 ) );
-	}
-	function extract_default_properties( config, defaults ) {
-		return Object.keys( config ).reduce( function( o, k ) {
-			if ( !util.has( defaults, k ) ) {
-				o[k] = config[k];
-				delete config[k];
-			}
-			return o;
-		}, util.obj() );
-	}
-	function get( name_or_type ) {
-		switch ( util.ntype( name_or_type ) ) {
-			case 'function' :
-			case 'object'   : return name_or_type;
-			case 'string'   :
-				if ( name_or_type in registered_path )
-					return registered_path[name_or_type];
-				if ( name_or_type in registered_type )
-					return registered_type[name_or_type];
-				if ( name_or_type in registered_alias )
-					return registered_alias[name_or_type];
-				var path = name_or_type.replace( re_invalid_chars, '' ),
-					type = name_or_type.toLowerCase();
-				return registered_path[path]              || registered_type[type]
-					|| registered_path[Name + '.' + path] || registered_type[Name_lc + '-' + type];
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	function get_return_value( ctx, value ) { return ctx[__chain__] === true && value === UNDEF ? ctx : value; }
-	function is( instance, Class ) {
-		switch ( typeof Class ) {
-			case 'function' : return instance instanceof Class;
-			case 'string'   : return ( Class = get( Class ) ) ? ( instance instanceof Class ) : false;
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	function is_fun( item ) { return typeof item == 'function'; }
-	function is_obj( item ) { return util.ntype( item ) == 'object'; }
-	function is_str( item ) { return typeof item == 'string'; }
-	function namespace( name ) { return '^' + Name + '.' + name; }
-	function process_after( Class ) {
-		var after = ( internals[Class[__guid__]] || internals.empty ).after;
-		!Array.isArray( after ) || function( fn ) {
-			!is_fun( fn ) || null, this );
-		}, Class );
-		return Class;
-	}
-	function process_before( ctx ) {
-		var before = ( internals[ctx.constructor[__guid__]] || internals.empty ).before;
-		!Array.isArray( before ) || function( fn ) {
-			!is_fun( fn ) || null, this.constructor, this );
-		}, ctx );
-		return ctx;
-	}
-	function register( Class ) {
-		var name = Class[__classname__], type = Class.prototype[__type__];
-		if ( name in anon_list )
-			throw new Error( Name + '.register: Unable to register Class without ' + __classname__ + ' property.' );
-		type || util.def( Class.prototype, __type__, ( type = name.toLowerCase().split( '.' ).join( '-' ) ), 'c', true );
-		if ( name in registered_path || type in registered_type )
-			throw new Error( Name + '.register: Unable to register Class. A Class called: ' + name + ', with type: ' + type + ' already exists.' );
-		return ( registered_path[name] = registered_type[type] = Class );
-	}
-	function to_obj( o, k ) {
-		o[k] = true;
-		return o;
-	}
-	function type( instance ) {
-		var Class = instance.constructor,
-			type  = Class[__classname__] || Class[__name__];
-		return type in anon_list ? 'Anonymous' : type;
-	}
-/*~  src/vars.js  ~*/
-	var __chain__        = '__chain__',
-		__classname__    = '__classname__',
-		__config__       = '__config__',
-		__guid__         = '__guid8__',
-		__method__       = '__method__',
-		__mixins__       = '__mixins__',
-		__name__         = '__name__',
-		__singleton__    = '__singleton__',
-		__super__        = '__super__',
-		__type__         = '__type__',
-		UNDEF, Name_lc   = Name.toLowerCase(),
-		anon_list        = Function.anon_list,
-		internals        = util.obj(),
-		re_invalid_chars = /[^A-Za-z0-9_\.$<>\[\]\{\}]/g,
-		registered_alias = util.obj(),
-		registered_path  = util.obj(),
-		registered_type  = util.obj(),
-		reserved_props   = [__chain__, __config__, __method__, __type__, 'mixin', 'original', 'parent'].reduce( to_obj, util.obj() );
-	internals.empty = { after : null, before : null, mixins : null };
-/*~  src/lib.define.js  ~*/
-util.def( __lib__, 'define', function() {
-// public methods
-	function define( class_path, descriptor ) {
-		var Package, Class, ClassName, Constructor,
-			class_config = extract_default_properties( descriptor, default_prop_names ),
-			class_name, type_name;
-		if ( is_obj( class_path ) ) {
-			descriptor = class_path;
-			class_path = descriptor.classname || '';
-			delete descriptor.classname;
-		}
-		class_name  = class_path.replace( re_invalid_chars, '' );
-		type_name   = class_name.toLowerCase().split( '.' ).join( '-' );
-		class_path  = class_path.split( '.' );
-		ClassName   = class_path.pop();
-		Package     = util.bless( class_path, descriptor.module );
-		if ( !class_config.extend && __lib__.Source )
-			class_config.extend = __lib__.Source;
-		Class       = Package[ClassName] = __lib__.Class( class_config );
-		Constructor = class_config.singleton ? Class.constructor : Class;
-		util.def( Constructor.prototype, __type__, type_name, 'c', true );
-		decorate( Constructor, class_name, descriptor.noreg === true );
-		  !descriptor.alias
-		|| descriptor.alias.split( ' ' ).map( function( alias ) {
-			registered_alias[alias] = this;
-		}, Constructor );
-		process_after( Constructor );
-		return Class;
-	}
-	function decorate( Class, class_name, no_register ) {
-		!class_name || util.def( Class, __classname__, class_name, 'cw', true );
-		return no_register ? Class : register( Class );
-	}
-	var default_prop_names = 'alias module noreg'.split( ' ' ).reduce( to_obj, util.obj() );
-	return define;
-}(), 'w' );
-/*~  src/Class.js  ~*/
-util.def( __lib__, 'Class', function() {
-// public methods
-	function Class( config ) {
-		var Constructor = make_class( config = make_config( config ) );
-		return config.singleton
-			 ? make_singleton( Constructor, config.singleton )
-			 : Constructor;
-	}
-// Class static methods
-	function alias( name_current, name_alias ) {
-		if ( util.type( this ) != desc_class_type.value )
-			return null;
-		var name, proto = this.prototype;
-		if ( is_obj( name_current ) ) {
-			for ( name in name_current )
-				!util.has( name_current, name ) || this, name, name_current[name] );
-		}
-		else if ( is_fun( proto[name_current] ) )
-			util.def( proto, name_alias, get_method_descriptor( proto, name_current ), true );
-		return this;
-	}
-	function create() { return singleton( this ) || this.apply( Object.create( this.prototype ), arguments ); }
-	function override( name, method ) { // todo: overriding constructor is not yet implemented
-		if ( util.type( this ) != desc_class_type.value )
-			return null;
-		var proto = this.prototype;
-		if ( is_obj( name ) ) {
-			method = name;
-			for ( name in method )
-				!util.has( method, name ) || this, name, method[name] );
-		}
-		else if ( is_fun( method ) )
-			proto[name] = make_method( 'original', method, get_method_descriptor( proto, name ), name );
-		return this;
-	}
-	function singleton( Constructor ) { return !Constructor ? null : Constructor[__singleton__] || null; }
-// Class instance method helpers
-	function get_args( args ) { return util.tostr( args[0] ) === '[object Arguments]' ? get_args( args[0] ) : args; }
-	function get_method_descriptor( o, k ) {
-		var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( o, k )
-				|| ( is_fun( o[k] )
-				   ? util.describe( o[k], 'cw' )
-				   : desc_default_super );
-		desc.writable = true;
-		return desc;
-	}
-	function set_super_method( ctx, super_name, desc_super ) {
-		util.def( ctx, super_name, desc_super, true );
-		return ctx;
-	}
-// Class construction methods
-	function add( key, value ) {
-		var desc;
-		switch ( util.ntype( value ) ) {
-			case 'object'   : desc = util.type( value ) == 'descriptor' ? value : util.describe( { value : value }, 'cw' );          break;
-			case 'function' : desc = util.describe( make_method( 'parent', value, get_method_descriptor( this, key ), key ), 'cw' ); break;
-			default         : desc = util.describe( value, 'cew' );
-		}
-		util.def( this, key, desc, true );
-		return this.constructor;
-	}
-	function decorate( Constructor, config ) {
-		util.def( Constructor, __type__, desc_class_type, true );
-		util.defs( Constructor, {
-			add      : add.bind( Constructor.prototype ),
-			alias    : alias.bind( Constructor ),
-			create   : create.bind( Constructor ),
-			override : override.bind( Constructor )
-		}, 'r', true );
-		return Constructor;
-	}
-	function make_class( config ) {
-		function Class() {
-			var type = util.type( this );
-			if ( !type || type == 'global' || util.type( this.constructor ) != 'class' )
-				return create.apply( Class, arguments );
-			if ( singleton( this.constructor ) )
-				return this.constructor[__singleton__];
-			return get_return_value( process_before( this ), this, arguments ) );
-		}
-		var ctor        = config.constructor,
-			super_class = config.extend,
-			desc_chain  = config.chain === false || super_class.prototype[__chain__] === false
-						? desc_false
-						: desc_true,
-			desc_super  = get_method_descriptor( super_class.prototype, 'constructor' ),
-			name        = ctor ? ctor[__name__] : 'Anonymous',
-			prototype   = Class.prototype = make_prototype( config ),
-			Constructor = make_method( 'parent', ctor, desc_super, 'constructor' );
-		prototype.constructor = Class;
-		prototype.original    = desc_default_super.value;
-		prototype.parent      = desc_default_super.value;
-		util.def( Class,     __guid__,  util.guid(), 'r', true )
-			.def( Class,     __super__, desc_super,       true )
-			.def( prototype, __chain__, desc_chain,       true );
-		make_processable( Class, config );
-// this is over-written by id8.define, unless the Class was not created using id8.define
-// this will allow us to try and keep things as nice as possible.
- anon_list, name )
-		|| util.def( Class, __classname__, name, 'cw' )
-			   .def( Class, 'displayName', name, 'cw' );
-		return decorate( Class.mimic( ctor ) );
-	}
-	function make_config( descriptor ) {
-		var class_config = util.merge( util.obj(), descriptor ),
-			ctor         = class_config.constructor, name,
-			super_class  = class_config.extend;
-// if extending then make sure we have a Class to extend from, or else extend Object
-		!is_str( super_class ) || ( super_class = get( super_class ) );
-		 is_fun( super_class ) || ( super_class = Object );
-// make sure we have a constructor and if using the "extend", not Class
-		( is_fun( ctor ) && ctor !== Object ) || ( ctor = super_class.valueOf() );
-// set a type for this Class' instances if one is not defined
-		util.exists( class_config.type )
-		|| ctor === Object
-		|| anon_list, ( name = String( ctor[__name__] ) ) )
-		|| ( class_config.type = name.toLowerCase() );
-		class_config.constructor = ctor && ctor !== Object ? ctor : super_class;
-		class_config.extend      = super_class;
-		return class_config;
-	}
-	function make_method( super_name, method, desc_super, method_name ) {
-		var super_method = null;                                                // noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS
-		switch ( util.ntype( desc_super ) ) {
-			case 'function' : desc_super   = util.describe( desc_super, 'cw' ); // allow fall-through
-			case 'object'   : super_method = desc_super.value; break;
-		}
-		if ( !super_method )
-			desc_super = desc_default_super;
-		if ( method.valueOf() === super_method.valueOf() ) {
-			method     = super_method;
-			desc_super = desc_default_super;
-		}
-		return function Class_instance_method() {
-			var desc             = get_method_descriptor( this, super_name ),
-				previous_method  = this[__method__],
-				return_value,
-				no_update_method = internal_method_names, previous_method, method_name );
-			set_super_method( this, super_name, desc_super );
-			no_update_method || util.def( this, __method__, method_name, 'w', true );
-			return_value = ( method || desc_super.value ).apply( this, get_args( arguments ) );
-			no_update_method || util.def( this, __method__, previous_method, 'w', true );
-			set_super_method( this, super_name, desc );
-			return get_return_value( this, return_value );
-		}.mimic( method, method_name );
-	}
-	function make_processable( Class, config ) {
-		var after = [], before = [], super_class = internals[config.extend[__guid__]];
-		internals[Class[__guid__]] = {
-			after  : after,
-			before : before
-		};
-		if ( super_class ) {
-			!Array.isArray( super_class.after  ) || after.push.apply(  after,  super_class.after  );
-			!Array.isArray( super_class.before ) || before.push.apply( before, super_class.before );
-		}
-		!is_fun( config.afterdefine    ) || after.push(  config.afterdefine    );
-		!is_fun( config.beforeinstance ) || before.push( config.beforeinstance );
-		return Class;
-	}
-	function make_prototype( class_config ) {
-		var desc        = extract_default_properties( class_config, default_prop_names ),
-			super_class = class_config.extend,
-			processed   = util.obj(),
-			prototype   = Object.reduce( desc, function( proto, value, key ) {
-				processed[key] = true;
-				key in internal_method_names || proto, key, value );
-				return proto;
-			}, Object.create( super_class.prototype ) );
-// this allows you to call "this.parent();" on a Class that has no Super Class, without throwing any errors...
-		Object.getOwnPropertyNames( prototype ).forEach( function( key ) {
-// skip non-methods and already processed properties
-			 key in processed    || key in internal_method_names ||
-			!is_fun( this[key] ) || this, key, util.describe( make_method( 'parent', this[key], desc_default_super, key ), 'cw' ) );
-		}, prototype );
-		!is_str( class_config.type ) || util.def( prototype, __type__, class_config.type, 'c', true );
-		util.def( prototype, 'original', desc_default_super, 'w', true )
-			.def( prototype, 'parent',   desc_default_super, 'w', true );
-		return prototype;
-	}
-	function make_singleton( Constructor, singleton_config ) {
-		var instance = Constructor.create.apply( null, singleton_config === true ? [] : [].concat( singleton_config ) );
-		util.def( Constructor, __singleton__, util.describe( { value : instance }, 'r' ) );
-		return instance;
-	}
-	var default_prop_names    = 'afterdefine beforeinstance chain constructor extend singleton type'.split( ' ' ).reduce( to_obj, util.obj() ),
-		desc_class_type       =  util.describe( 'class', 'r' ),
-		desc_default_super    =  util.describe( make_method( 'parent', util.noop, util.describe( util.noop, 'cw' ), 'parent' ), 'cw' ),
-		desc_false            =  util.describe( false,   'w' ),
-		desc_true             =  util.describe( true,    'w' ),
-		internal_method_names = 'mixin original parent'.split( ' ' ).reduce( to_obj, util.obj() );
-	return Class;
-}(), 'w' );
-/*~  src/Source.js  ~*/
-__lib__.define( namespace( 'Source' ), function() {
-	function afterdefine( Class  ) {
-		var mixins = Class.prototype.mixins;
-// if you don't know why you don't want an Object on a prototype, then you should definitely find out.
-// Hint: Prototypical inheritance and Objects passed as references not copies...
-		delete Class.prototype.mixins;
-		decorate( Class ).mixin( mixins );
-		return is_obj( mixins = Class[__super__][__mixins__] )
-			 ? Class.mixin( mixins )
-			 : Class;
-	}
-	function beforeinstance( Class, instance ) {
-		instance.$mx = Class[__mixins__];
-	}
-	function decorate( Class ) {
-		util.def( Class, __mixins__, { value : util.obj() },     'w', true );
-		util.def( Class,  'mixin',   mixins_apply.bind( Class ), 'w', true );
-		if ( !is_fun( Class.prototype.mixin ) )
-			Class.prototype.mixin = mixin_exec;
-		return Class;
-	}
-	function get_name( path ) {
-		return String( path ).split( '.' ).pop().toLowerCase();
-	}
-	function mixin_apply( Class, mixin, name ) {
-		if ( Class[__mixins__], name ) )
-			return Class;
-		//noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS
-		switch ( util.ntype( mixin ) ) {
-			case 'object'   :                                  break;
-			case 'string'   : if ( !( mixin = get( mixin ) ) ) break; // allowing fall-through if a Class is found,
-			case 'function' : mixin = mixin.prototype;         break; // otherwise break out baby!!!
-		}
-		if ( mixin ) {
- // Since this is a mixin and not a super class we only want to add properties/methods that do not already exist to the Class
- // The rest can be called within the existing method as this.mixin( mixin_name, arguments );
-			Object.getOwnPropertyNames( mixin ).map( function( property ) {
-				property in reserved_props || this, property ) || Class.add( property, util.description( mixin, property ) );
-			}, Class.prototype );
-			util.def( Class[__mixins__], get_name( name ), { value : mixin }, 'e', true );
-		}
-		return Class;
-	}
-	function mixins_apply( mixins ) {
-		switch ( util.ntype( mixins ) ) {
-			case 'object'   : Object.reduce( mixins, mixin_apply, this );                                         break;
-			case 'string'   : mixin_apply( this, mixins, get_name( mixins ) );                                    break;
-			case 'function' : mixin_apply( this, mixins, get_name( mixins[__classname__] || mixins[__name__] ) ); break;
-		}
-		return this;
-	}
-	function mixin_exec( name, args ) {
-		var mx     = this.constructor[__mixins__],
-			method = this[__method__];
-		switch ( arguments.length ) {
-			case 2  :            break;
-			case 1  : args = []; break;
-			case 0  : name = []; break;
-			default : args = Array.coerce( arguments, 1 );
-		}
-		if ( !is_str( name ) ) { // warning! doing it this way cannot guarantee order of execution!
-			args = name;
-			Object.getOwnPropertyNames( mx ).map( function( name ) {
-				this.mixin( name, args );
-			}, this );
-			return get_return_value( this, UNDEF );
-		}
-		return get_return_value( this, ( mx[name] && is_fun( mx[name][method] ) ? mx[name][method].apply( this, args ) : UNDEF ) );
-	}
-	return {
-		constructor    : function Source( config ) {
-			this.applyConfig( this.initConfig( config ) );
-			this.autoInit === false || this.init();
-		},
-		afterdefine    : afterdefine,
-		beforeinstance : beforeinstance,
-		module         : __lib__,
-// public properties
-		mixins         : null,
-// public methods
-// constructor methods
-// internal methods
-		applyConfig : function( config ) {
-			util.copy( this, config );
-			util.def( this, __config__, { value : config }, 'r', true );
-		},
-		initConfig   : function( config ) {
-			return is_obj( config ) ? config : util.obj();
-		},
-		init         : util.noop
-	};
-}() );
-/*~  src/Callback.js  ~*/
-__lib__.define( namespace( 'Callback' ), function() {
-	function buffer() {
-		if ( bid in this ) return this;
-		this[bid] = setTimeout( buffer_stop.bind( this ), this.buffer );
-		return this.exec.apply( this, arguments );
-	}
-	function buffer_stop() { clearTimeout( this[bid] ); delete this[bid]; }
-	function eventType( t ) { return t.indexOf( 'event' ) + 5 === t.length; }
-	var bid = 'bufferId', tid = 'timeoutId';
-	return {
-		constructor : function Callback( fn, conf ) {
-			util.copy( this, conf || {} );
-			var desc = util.describe( null, 'w' ),
-				fire = ( util.type( this.buffer ) == 'number' ? buffer : this.exec ).bind( this );
-			desc.value = fn;   util.def( this, 'fn',           desc );
-			desc.value = this; util.def( fire, 'cb',           desc );
-			desc.value = fire; util.def( this, 'fire',         desc );
-							   util.def( this, 'handleEvent_', desc );
-			this.args || ( this.args = [] );
-			this.ctx  || ( this.ctx  = this );
-			util.type( this.delay ) == 'number' || ( this.delay = null );
-			util.type( this.times ) == 'number' && this.times > 0 || ( this.times = 0 );
-			this.enable();
-		},
-		extend      : Object,
-		module      : __lib__,
-// properties
-		buffer      : null,
-		count       : 0,
-		delay       : null,
-		times       : 0,
-// methods
-		disable     : function() {
-			this.disabled    = true;
-			this.handleEvent = util.noop;
-		},
-		enable      : function() {
-			this.disabled    = false;
-			this.handleEvent = this.handleEvent_;
-		},
-		exec        : function() {
-			if ( this.disabled ) return;
-			this.times === 0 || this.times > ++this.count || this.disable();
-			var a  = Array.coerce( arguments ), me = this, ctx = me.ctx,
-				ms = me.delay, t = util.type( a[0] ), v;
-			( t && ( eventType( t ) || t == Name + '-observer' ) )
-			? a.splice.apply( a, [1, 0].concat( me.args ) )
-			: a.unshift.apply( a, me.args );
-			( ms === null
-			? v = me.fn.apply( ctx, a )
-			: me[tid] = setTimeout( function() { me.fn.apply( ctx, a ); }, ms ) );
-			return v;
-		},
-		reset       : function() {
-			this.count = 0;
- this.enable() );
-		},
-		stop        : function() { !( tid in this ) || clearTimeout( this[tid] ), delete this[tid]; }
-	};
-}() );
-/*~  src/Hash.js  ~*/
-__lib__.define( namespace( 'Hash' ), function() {
-	var ID = __guid__, cache = util.obj();
-	return {
-		constructor : function Hash( o ) {
-			util.def( this, ID, util.guid(), 'r', true );
-			cache[this[ID]] = util.obj();
-			!is_obj( o ) || this.set( o );
-		},
-		extend      : Object,
-		module      : __lib__,
-// public properties
-		keys        : { get : function() { return Object.keys( cache[this[ID]] ); } },
-		length      : { get : function() { return this.keys.length; } },
-		values      : { get : function() { return Object.values( cache[this[ID]] ); } },
-// public methods
-		aggregate   : function( val, fn, ctx ) {
-			var H = this, o = cache[this[ID]]; ctx || ( ctx = H );
-			return Object.keys( o ).reduce( function( res, k, i ) { return ctx, res, o[k], k, H, i ); }, val );
-		},
-		clear       : function() {
-			delete cache[this[ID]];
-			cache[this[ID]] = util.obj();
-		},
-		clone       : function() { return new __lib__.Hash( this.valueOf() ); },
-		destroy     : function() {
-			delete cache[this[ID]];
-		},
-		each        : function( fn, ctx ) {
-			var H = this, o = cache[H[ID]]; ctx || ( ctx = H );
-			Object.keys( o ).forEach( function( k, i ) { ctx, o[k], k, H, i ); }, H );
-		},
-		get         : function( k ) { return util.has( cache[this[ID]], k ) ? cache[this[ID]][k] : null; },
-		has         : function( k ) { return util.has( cache[this[ID]], k ); },
-		key         : function( v ) { return Object.key( cache[this[ID]], v ); },
-		reduce      : function( fn, val ) {
-			var H = this, o = cache[H[ID]];
-			return Object.keys( o ).reduce( function( res, k, i ) { return H, res, o[k], k, H, i ); }, val );
-		},
-		remove      : function( k ) { return util.has( cache[this[ID]], k ) ? ( delete cache[this[ID]][k] ) : false; },
-		set         : function( o, v ) {
-			switch ( util.ntype( o ) ) {
-				case 'object' : Object.keys( o ).forEach( function( k ) { this.set( k, o[k] ); }, this ); break;
-				default       : cache[this[ID]][o] = v;
-			}
-		},
-		stringify   : function() { return JSON.stringify( cache[this[ID]] ); },
-		toString    : function() { return util.tostr( cache[this[ID]] ); },
-		valueOf     : function() { return util.copy( util.obj(), cache[this[ID]] ); }
-	};
-}() );
-/*~  src/Observer.js  ~*/
-__lib__.define( namespace( 'Observer' ), function() {
-	function broadcast( args, cb ) {
-		if ( !is_fun( cb.handleEvent ) ) return true;
-		args = args.slice( 0 );
-		if ( !!Object.key( this, cb.fn ) )                         // if the original callback function is a method on this Observer
-			args[0] !== this || args.shift();                      // then if the first argument is the Observer remove it, as it's
-		else if ( args[0] !== this )                               // an internal event listener. otherwise, if the Observer is not the
-			args.unshift( this );                                  // first argument, then add it, so the callback has reference to
-																   // which Observer fired the event
-		return ( cb.handleEvent.apply( cb.ctx, args ) !== false ); // if a callback explicitly returns false, then we want to stop broadcasting
-	}
-	function createCallback( fn, config ) {
-		return __lib__( 'callback', fn, config );
-	}
-	function createCallbackConfig( config, ctx ) {
-		switch( util.ntype( config ) ) {
-			case 'boolean' : config = { times : !!config ? 1 : 0 };     break;
-			case 'number'  : config = { delay :   config };             break;
-			case 'object'  : config = util.merge( util.obj(), config ); break;
-			default        : config = util.obj();
-		}
-		if ( config, 'single' ) ) {
-			config.times = !!config.single ? 1 : 0;
-			delete config.single;
-		}
-		if ( !Array.isArray( config.args ) )
-			config.args = [];
-		config.ctx = ctx;
-		return config;
-	}
-	function createRelayCallback( ctxr, ctx, evt ) {
-		return function Observer_relayedCallback() {
-			var args = Array.coerce( arguments );
-			!( args[0] === ctxr ) || args.shift(); // switch the context to the object relaying the event instead of the object that relayed it
-			args.unshift( evt, ctx );
-			return relay.apply( ctx, args );
-		};
-	}
-	function findIndex( observer, queue, fn, ctx ) {
-		var cb, i = -1; ctx || ( ctx = observer );
-		while ( cb = queue[++i] ) {
-			if ( cb === fn || ( cb.fn === fn && cb.ctx === ctx ) ) {
-				return i;
-			}
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	function getListener( listeners, queue, event ) {
-		var firing_event = String( this ), match;
-		if ( event === firing_event )
-			listeners.push.apply( listeners, queue );
-		else {
-			match = firing_event.match( event );
-			if ( Array.isArray( match ) && match[0] === firing_event )
-				listeners.push.apply( listeners, queue );
-		}
-		return listeners;
-	}
-	function getListeners( observer, event ) {
-		return observer.listeners.aggregate( [], getListener, event );
-	}
-	function handleEvent( cb ) {
-		return function handleEvent() {
-			return is_fun( cb.handleEvent ) ? cb.handleEvent.apply( cb, arguments ) : U;
-		};
-	}
-	function observe( observer, listeners ) {
-		listeners = util.copy( util.obj(), listeners );
-		if ( !listeners.ctx )
-			listeners.ctx = observer;
-		if ( listeners, 'options' ) )
-			listeners.options = createCallbackConfig( listeners.options );
-		return Object.reduce( listeners, observe_type, observer );
-	}
-	function observe_multi( event, ctx, options ) {
-		return function _observe( fn ) {
-			this.observe( event, fn, ctx, options );
-		};
-	}
-	function observe_type( observer, listener, event, listeners, index ) {
-		if ( event == 'ctx' || event == 'options' )
-			return observer;
-		var ctx, fn, options, type = util.type( listener );
-		switch ( type ) {
-			case type_callback :
-				fn  = listener;
-				break;
-			case 'function'    : case 'array'  : case 'string' :
-				ctx = listeners.ctx;
-				fn  = listener;
-				break;
-			case 'nullobject'  : case 'object' :
-				ctx     = listener.ctx || listeners.ctx;
-				fn      = listener.fn;
-				options = listener, 'options' ) ? createCallbackConfig( listener.options ) : listeners.options;
-				break;
-		}
-		observer.observe( event, fn, ctx, options );
-		return observer;
-	}
-	function relay() { return this.broadcast.apply( this, arguments ); }
-	function wildCardEsc( evt ) { return String( evt ).toLowerCase().replace( re_wc, '.*' ); }
-	var re_wc = /\*/g, type_callback = Name + '-callback';
-	return {
-		constructor        : function Observer( observers ) {
-			this.listeners = __lib__( 'Hash' );
-			!is_obj( observers ) || this.observe( is_obj( observers.observers ) ? observers.observers : observers );
-		},
-		extend             : Object,
-		module             : __lib__,
-// public properties
-		broadcasting       : false,
-		destroyed          : false,
-		destroying         : false,
-		observer_suspended : false,
-// public methods
-		broadcast          : function( event ) {
-			if ( this.destroyed || this.observer_suspended || !this.listeners.length || !event ) return;
-			var queue = getListeners( this, event ); // in any case will return a different array to the queue to ensure
-													 // any listeners added or removed during broadcast don't affect the
-													 // current broadcast
-			if ( !queue.length ) return; 			 // if no event queue, then don't even bother
-			this.broadcasting = event;
-// if a callback returns false then we want to stop broadcasting, every will do this, forEach won't!
-			queue.every( broadcast.bind( this, Array.coerce( arguments, 1 ) ) );
-			this.broadcasting = false;
-		},
-		buffer             : function( ms, evt, fn, ctx, options ) {
-			is_obj( options ) || ( options = util.obj() ); options.buffer = Number( ms );
-			this.observe( evt, fn, ctx, options );
-		},
-		delay              : function( ms, evt, fn, ctx, options ) {
-			is_obj( options ) || ( options = util.obj() ); options.delay = Number( ms );
-			this.observe( evt, fn, ctx, options );
-		},
-		destroy            : function() {
-			if ( this.destroyed ) return true;
-			if ( this.broadcast( 'before:destroy' ) === false ) return false;
-			this.destroying = true;
-			this._destroy().onDestroy();
-			this.destroying = false;
-			this.destroyed  = true;
-			this.broadcast( 'destroy' );
-			this.observer_suspended = true;
-			delete this.listeners;
-			return true;
-		},
-		ignore             : function( event, fn, ctx ) {
-			event = wildCardEsc( event.toLowerCase() );
-			var queue = this.listeners.get( event ), i, o;
-			if ( !Array.isArray( queue ) || !queue.length ) return;
-			var index = findIndex( this, queue, fn, ctx );
-			!~index || queue.splice( index, 1 );
-		},
-		observe            : function( event, fn, ctx, options ) {
-			if ( is_obj( event ) )
-				return observe( this, event );
-			event = wildCardEsc( String( event ).toLowerCase() );
-			var queue = this.listeners.get( event ),
-				type  = util.type( fn );
-			Array.isArray( queue ) || this.listeners.set( event, ( queue = [] ) );
-			switch ( type ) {
-				case type_callback :
-					queue.push( fn );
-					break;
-				case 'array'       :
- observe_multi( event, ctx, options ), this );
-					break;
-				default            : switch( type ) {
-					case 'object'     :
-					case 'nullobject' :
-						if ( util.has( fn, 'handleEvent' ) ) {
-							if ( is_obj( ctx ) && options === U )
-								options = ctx;
-							ctx = fn;
-							fn  = handleEvent( fn );
-						}
-						break;
-					case 'string'     :
-						if ( is_obj( ctx ) )
-							fn  = ctx[fn];
-						else if ( is_fun( this[fn] ) ) {
-							fn  = this[fn];
-							ctx = this;
-						}
-						break;
-				}
-				queue.push( createCallback( fn, createCallbackConfig( options, ctx || this ) ) );
-			}
-		},
-		once               : function( evt, fn, ctx, options ) {
-			is_obj( options ) || ( options = util.obj() );
-			options.single = true;
-			this.observe( evt, fn, ctx, options );
-		},
-		purgeObservers     : function( event ) {
-			event ? this.listeners.set( wildCardEsc( event ), [] ) : this.listeners.clear();
-		},
-		relayEvents        : function( target_observer ) {
-			var e = Array.coerce( arguments, 1 ), evt;
-			while ( evt = e.shift() )
-				this.observe( evt, createRelayCallback( this, target_observer, evt ), target_observer );
-		},
-		resumeEvents       : function() {
-			if ( !this.observer_suspended ) return;
-			this.observer_suspended = false;
-			this.broadcast( 'observer:resumed' );
-		},
-		suspendEvents      : function() {
-			if ( this.observer_suspended ) return;
-			this.broadcast( 'observer:suspended' );
-			this.observer_suspended = true;
-		},
-// internal methods
-		_destroy       : util.noop,
-		onDestroy      : util.noop
-	};
-}() );
-/*~  src/nativex.js  ~*/
-	util.x.cache( 'Function', function( Type ) {
-		util.def( Type.prototype, 'callback', function( conf ) {
-			return ( new __lib__.Callback( this, conf ) ).fire.mimic( this );
-		}, 'w' );
-	} );
-/*~  src/expose.js  ~*/
-	util.iter( PACKAGE ) || ( PACKAGE = util.ENV == 'commonjs' ? module : );
-	util.defs( ( __lib__ = util.expose( __lib__, Name, PACKAGE ) ), {
-		get      : get,  is       : is,
-		type     : type, register : register
-	}, 'w', true );
-	util.expose( util, __lib__ );           // store a reference to m8 on id8
-	util.def( __lib__, 'util', util, 'w' ); // store a reference as util as well so we can avoid hard reference in other libs
-	anon_list.Class                 = true; // add these two method names to the anonymous function names list
-	anon_list.Class_instance_method = true; // this will give us more clarity when debugging
-// extend Function and Object natives with id8's extensions if not sandboxed
-// or sandboxed environment's natives with all m8 AND id8 extensions
-	util.x( Object, Array, Boolean, Function );
-// at this point we don't know if m8 is available or not, and as such do not know what environment we are in.
-// so, we check and do what is required.
-}( ( typeof m8 != 'undefined' ? m8 : typeof require != 'undefined' ? require( 'm8' ) : null ), 'id8' );
diff --git a/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/index.html b/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index df01164..0000000
--- a/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<html lang="en-GB">
-	<head>
-		<meta charset="UTF-8" />
-		<title>m8.test</title>
-		<link href="/node_modules/mocha/mocha.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
-	</head>
-	<body>
-		<div id="mocha"></div>
-		<script src="/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-		<script src="/node_modules/chai/chai.js"   type="text/javascript"></script>
-		<script src="../m8.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-		<script type="text/javascript">
-			mocha.setup( {
-				ignoreLeaks : true,
-				ui          : 'tdd'
-			} );
-		</script>
-		<script src="m8.test.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-		<script type="text/javascript">
-		</script>
-	</body>
diff --git a/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/index.require.html b/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/index.require.html
deleted file mode 100644
index be9fc4e..0000000
--- a/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/index.require.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<html lang="en-GB">
-	<head>
-		<meta charset="UTF-8" />
-		<title>m8.test</title>
-		<link href="../../node_modules/mocha/mocha.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
-	</head>
-	<body>
-		<div id="mocha"></div>
-		<script src="../../node_modules/mocha/mocha.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-		<script src="../../node_modules/chai/chai.js"   type="text/javascript"></script>
-		<script src="require.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-		<script type="text/javascript">
-			mocha.setup( {
-				ignoreLeaks : true,
-				ui          : 'tdd'
-			} );
-			require.config( {
-				paths    : {
-					m8   : '../m8',
-					test : 'm8.test'
-				},
-				shim     : {
-					id8  : { deps : ['m8'] },
-					test : { deps : ['m8'] }
-				}
-			} );
-		</script>
-		<script type="text/javascript">
-			require( ['m8', 'id8', 'test'], function( mate, ideate ) {
-				suite( 'testing AMD\'ish compliance', function() {
-					test( '<static> m8.expose', function( done ) {
-						chai.expect( mate ).to.equal( m8 );
-						chai.expect( ideate ).to.equal( id8 );
-						done();
-					} );
-				} );
-			} );
-		</script>
-	</body>
diff --git a/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/m8.test.js b/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/m8.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d0497..0000000
--- a/node_modules/cordova-serve/node_modules/d8/node_modules/m8/test/m8.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
-typeof m8   !== 'undefined' || ( m8   = require( '../../m8/m8' ) );
-typeof chai !== 'undefined' || ( chai = require( 'chai' ) );
-expect = chai.expect;
-suite( 'm8', function() {
-	test( '<static> m8', function( done ) {
-		var expected = { one : 1, three : 3, five : 5 };
-		expect( m8( true ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8( expected ) ).to.equal( expected );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.bless', function( done ) {
-		var expected = { foo : { bar : 'hello' } };
-		expect( m8.bless( '' ) ) 'object' );
-		if ( m8.ENV == 'commonjs' ) {
-			expect( m8.bless( '',   module ) ).to.equal( );
-			module.exports.expected = expected;
-			expect( m8.bless( '^', module.exports.expected ) ).to.equal( );
-		}
-		else {
-			expect( m8.bless( '^', expected ) ).to.equal( );
-			expect( m8.bless( '^.bar'    ) ).to.equal( );
-		}
-		expect( m8.bless( '', expected ) ).to.equal( 'hello' );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.coerce', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.coerce( 'false'     ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.coerce( 'null'      ) ).to.equal( null );
-		expect( m8.coerce( 'true'      ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.coerce( 'undefined' ) ).to.equal( undefined );
-		expect( isNaN( m8.coerce( 'NaN' ) ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.coerce( '1' ) ).to.equal( 1 );
-		expect( m8.coerce( '12' ) ).to.equal( 12 );
-		expect( m8.coerce( '123' ) ).to.equal( 123 );
-		expect( m8.coerce( '123.4' ) ).to.equal( 123.4 );
-		expect( m8.coerce( '123.45' ) ).to.equal( 123.45 );
-		expect( m8.coerce( '123.456' ) ).to.equal( 123.456 );
-		expect( m8.coerce( '1e10' ) ).to.equal( 10000000000 );
-		expect( m8.coerce( '.0000000001e10' ) ).to.equal( 1 );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.copy', function( done ) {
-		var expected = { foo : { bar : 'hello' } };
-		expect( m8.copy( {}, expected ) ).to.eql( expected );
-		expect( m8.copy( expected, { foo : { bar : 'goodbye' } }, true ) ).to.eql( expected );
-		expect( m8.copy( { foo : { bar : 'goodbye' } }, expected ) ).to.eql( expected );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.cpdef', function( done ) {
-		var source = m8.obj(), target;
-		m8.defs( source, {
-			bar : {
-				get : function() { return 'foo'; },
-				set : function( val ) { return = val; }
-			},
-			foo : { value : { bar : 'hello' } }
-		}, 'r' );
-		m8.defs( source, {
-			label : 'price',
-			value : '1234'
-		}, 'e' );
-		target = m8.cpdef( source );
-		expect( target ).to.eql( source );
-		expect( Object.keys( target ).sort() ).to.eql( ['label', 'value'] );
-		expect( Object.values( target ).sort() ).to.eql( ['1234', 'price'] );
-		expect( ).to.eql( 'hello' );
-		expect( = 'this' ).to.eql( 'this' );
-		expect( ).to.eql( 'foo' );
-		expect( ).to.eql( 'this' );
-		target = m8.cpdef( { bar : 'SHAZAAM!!!' }, source, true );
-		expect( ).to.eql( 'SHAZAAM!!!' );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.def', function( done ) {
-		var o = {};
-		m8.def( o, 'foo', m8.describe( 'bar', 'r' ) );
-		m8.def( o, 'bar', m8.describe( { value : { boo : 'baz' } }, 'c' ) );
-		expect( ).to.equal( 'bar' );
-		expect( ).to.eql( { boo : 'baz' } );
-		expect( Object.keys( o ) ).to.eql( [] );
-		expect( delete ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( delete ).to.equal( true );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.defs', function( done ) {
-		var o = {};
-		m8.defs( o, {
-			foo : 'bar',
-			bar : { value : { boo : 'baz' } }
-		}, 'c' );
-		expect( ).to.equal( 'bar' );
-		expect( ).to.eql( { boo : 'baz' } );
-		expect( Object.keys( o ) ).to.eql( [] );
-		expect( delete ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( delete ).to.equal( true );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.describe', function( done ) {
-		function getter() {} function setter() {}
-		expect( m8.describe( 'foo', 'r' ) ).to.eql( { configurable : false, enumerable : false, value : 'foo', writable : false } );
-		expect( m8.describe( { value : 'bar' }, 'cw' ) ).to.eql( { configurable : true, enumerable : false, value : 'bar', writable : true } );
-		expect( m8.describe( { get : getter, set : setter }, m8.modes.c ) ).to.eql( { configurable : true, enumerable : false, get : getter, set : setter, writable : false } );
-		expect( m8.describe( getter, m8.modes.e ) ).to.eql( { configurable : false, enumerable : true, value : getter, writable : false } );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.empty', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.empty( '' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.empty( [] ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.empty( NaN ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.empty( {} ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.empty( null ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.empty( undefined ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.empty() ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.empty( 0 ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.empty( ' ' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.empty( [''] ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.empty( { foo : '' } ) ).to.equal( false );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.exists', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.exists( 0 ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.exists( false ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.exists( '' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.exists( NaN ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.exists( null ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.exists( undefined ) ).to.equal( false );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.format', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.format( '{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, ${7}, ${8}, ${9}', 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine' ) ).to.deep.equal( 'zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine' );
-		expect( m8.format( '{ "{0}" : \'{1}\', "${2}" : \'${3}\' }', 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three' ) ).to.deep.equal( '{ "zero" : \'one\', "two" : \'three\' }' );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static>', function( done ) {
-		function Test( val ) { this.value = val; } Test.prototype = { foo : 'bar', baz : 'bam' };
-		expect( { foo : 'bar' }, 'foo' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( [1, 2, 3], 'length' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( { foo : 'bar' }, 'bar' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( { foo : 'bar', baz : 'bam' }, 'foo', 'baz' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( new Test(), 'foo', 'baz' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( new Test(), 'baz', 'bam' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( new Test( 'val' ), 'foo', 'bam', 'val' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( { foo : { bar : 'baz' } }, '' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( { foo : { bar : 'baz' } }, 'foo.baz' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( { foo : { bar : 'baz' }, items : [{ foo : { bar : 'baz' } }] }, '' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( { foo : { bar : 'baz' }, items : [{ foo : { bar : 'baz' } }] }, 'zoo', '', '' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( { foo : { bar : 'baz' }, items : [{ foo : { bar : 'baz' } }] }, '' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( { foo : { bar : 'baz' }, items : [{ foo : { bar : 'baz' } }] }, 'zoo', '', '' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.gsub', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.gsub( 'The {one} {two} {three} jumps over the ${four} ${five}.', {
-			one   : 'quick', two  : 'brown',
-			three : 'fox',   four : 'lazy',
-			five  : 'dog'
-		} ) ).to.deep.equal( 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' );
-		expect( m8.gsub( 'The ===one=== ===two=== ===three=== jumps over the ===four=== ===five===.', {
-			one   : 'quick', two  : 'brown',
-			three : 'fox',   four : 'lazy',
-			five  : 'dog'
-		}, /={3}([^=]+)={3}/g ) ).to.deep.equal( 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.has', function( done ) {
-		function Test( val ) { this.value = val; } Test.prototype = { foo : 'bar', baz : 'bam' };
-		expect( m8.has( { foo : 'bar' }, 'foo' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.has( [1, 2, 3], 'length' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.has( { foo : 'bar' }, 'bar' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.has( { foo : 'bar', baz : 'bam' }, 'foo', 'baz' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.has( new Test(), 'foo', 'baz' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.has( new Test(), 'bar', 'bam' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.has( new Test( 'value' ), 'foo', 'bam', 'value' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.has( { foo : { bar : 'baz' } }, '' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.has( { foo : { bar : 'baz' } }, 'foo.baz' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.has( { foo : { bar : 'baz' }, items : [{ foo : { bar : 'baz' } }] }, '' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.has( { foo : { bar : 'baz' }, items : [{ foo : { bar : 'baz' } }] }, 'zoo', '', '' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.has( { foo : { bar : 'baz' }, items : [{ foo : { bar : 'baz' } }] }, '' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.has( { foo : { bar : 'baz' }, items : [{ foo : { bar : 'baz' } }] }, 'zoo', '', '' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static>', function( done ) {
-		var expected = { id : 'foo' }, empty_obj = {};
-		expect( expected ) ).to.equal( 'foo' );
-		expect( ).to.equal( undefined );
-		expect( empty_obj ) ).to.equal( );
-		expect( {}, 'foo' ).split( '-' )[0] ).to.equal( 'foo' );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.isObject', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.isObject( {} ) );
-		expect( m8.isObject( m8.obj() ) );
-		expect( m8.isObject( Object.create( null ) ) );
-		expect( m8.isObject( Object.create( Object.prototype ) ) );
-		expect( m8.isObject( Object.create( Object.getPrototypeOf( {} ) ) ) );
-		expect( m8.isObject( Object.create( new Object() ) ) );
-		expect( m8.isObject( [] ) );
-		expect( m8.isObject( Object.create( Number.prototype ) ) );
-		expect( m8.isObject( Object.create( Object.getPrototypeOf( Object( true ) ) ) ) );
-		expect( m8.isObject( Object.create( new RegExp( '.*' ) ) ) );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.iter', function( done ) {
-		var undef;
-		expect( m8.iter( [] ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.iter( {} ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.iter( m8.obj() ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.iter( '' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.iter( new Date() ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.iter( /.*/ ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( m8.iter( undef ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.iter( null ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.iter( 3 ) ).to.equal( false );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.len', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.len( { foo : 'bar' } ) ).to.equal( 1 );
-		expect( m8.len( ['foo', 'bar'] ) ).to.equal( 2 );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.merge', function( done ) {
-		var expected = { foo : 'bar', items : [ { value : 1 }, { items : [ { value : 1 }, { items : [ { value : 1 }, { value : 2 }, { value : 3 } ], value : 2 }, { value : 3 } ], value : 2 }, { value : 3 } ] },
-			returned = m8.merge( m8.obj(), expected ),
-			overwritten = m8.merge( { items : [ { value : '1 2 3' }, { items : m8.range( 1, 100 ) } ] }, expected );
-		expect( returned ).to.not.equal( expected );
-		expect( returned ).to.eql( expected );
-		expect( returned.items ).to.not.equal( expected.items );
-		expect( returned.items[1].items[1] ).to.not.equal( expected.items[1].items[1] );
-		expect( overwritten.items[0].value ).to.equal( 1 );
-		expect( overwritten.items[1].items.length ).to.equal( 3 );
-		expect( overwritten.items[1].items ).to.not.equal( expected.items[1].items );
-		expect( overwritten.items[2].value ).to.equal( 3 );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.nativeType', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.nativeType( null ) ).to.equal( 'null' );
-		expect( m8.ntype( undefined ) ).to.equal( 'undefined' );
-		expect( m8.nativeType( [] ) ).to.equal( 'array' );
-		expect( m8.ntype( true ) ).to.equal( 'boolean' );
-		expect( m8.nativeType( new Date() ) ).to.equal( 'date' );
-		expect( m8.ntype( function() {} ) ).to.equal( 'function' );
-		expect( m8.nativeType( 0 ) ).to.equal( 'number' );
-		expect( m8.ntype( NaN ) ).to.equal( 'number' );
-		expect( m8.nativeType( { get : function() {} } ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ntype( { set : function() {} } ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.nativeType( m8.describe( 'foo', 'ce' ) ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ntype( m8.description( Array.prototype, 'join' ) ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.nativeType( {} ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ntype( Object.create( null ) ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.nativeType( /.*/ ) ).to.equal( 'regexp' );
-		expect( m8.ntype( '' ) ).to.equal( 'string' );
-		if ( m8.ENV == 'browser' ) {
-		   expect( m8.ntype( document.createElement( 'div' ) ) ).to.equal( 'htmldivelement' );
-		   expect( m8.ntype( document.querySelectorAll( 'div' ) ) ).to.match( /htmlcollection|nodelist/ );
-		   expect( m8.ntype( document.getElementsByTagName( 'div' ) ) ).to.match( /htmlcollection|nodelist/ );
-		   expect( m8.ntype( ) ).to.match( /global|window/ );
-		}
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.obj', function( done ) {
-		var expected = { foo : 'bar', items : [1, 2, 3] }, returned = m8.obj( expected );
-		expect( returned ).to.eql( expected );
-		expect( m8.type( returned ) ).to.eql( 'nullobject' );
-		expect( Object.getPrototypeOf( returned ) ).to.equal( null );
-		expect( m8.nativeType( returned ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.nativeType( returned ) ).to.not.equal( 'nullobject' );
-		expect( m8.type( returned ) ).to.not.equal( 'object' );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.ptype', function( done ) {
-		function Collection() {
-			this.push.apply( this, arguments );
-			return this;
-		}
-		m8.defs( Collection.prototype = [], {
-			__type__ : 'collection',
-			slice    : function() {
-				var val = this.__proto__.__proto__.slice.apply( this, arguments );
-				return Array.isArray( val ) ? Collection.apply( Object.create( Collection.prototype ), val ) : val;
-			},
-			splice   : function() {
-				var val = this.__proto__.__proto__.splice.apply( this, arguments );
-				return Array.isArray( val ) ? Collection.apply( Object.create( Collection.prototype ), val ) : val;
-			}
-		}, 'cw', true );
-		var col    = new Collection( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ),
-// for any Node `__proto__`:
-// - webkit  returns `object` as the type
-// - firefox returns `xpc_..._jsclass` something or other
-// - msie >=9 returns `html*elementprototype` for HTMLElement;
-//                    `htmlcollectionprototype` for HTMLCollection (querySelectorAll);
-//                    `nodelistprototype` for NodeList (getElementsByTagName);
-//                    `windowprototype` for global/window
-// personally I like what MSIE returns the bestest! :D
-			re_dom = /object|xpc_.*|(html|node|window).*prototype/;
-		expect( m8.ntype( col ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( col ) ).to.equal( 'array' );
-		expect( m8.ntype( col.slice( 0 ) ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( col.slice( 0 ) ) ).to.equal( 'array' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( null ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( undefined ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( [] ) ).to.equal( 'array' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( true ) ).to.equal( 'boolean' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( new Date() ) ).to.equal( 'date' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( function() {} ) ).to.equal( 'function' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( 0 ) ).to.equal( 'number' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( NaN ) ).to.equal( 'number' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( { get : function() {} } ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( { set : function() {} } ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( m8.describe( 'foo', 'ce' ) ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( m8.description( Array.prototype, 'join' ) ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( {} ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( Object.create( null ) ) ).to.equal( 'null' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( /.*/ ) ).to.equal( 'regexp' );
-		expect( m8.ptype( '' ) ).to.equal( 'string' );
-		if ( m8.ENV == 'browser' ) {
-		   expect( m8.ptype( document.createElement( 'div' ) ) ).to.match( re_dom );
-		   expect( m8.ptype( document.querySelectorAll( 'div' ) ) ).to.match( re_dom  );
-		   expect( m8.ptype( document.getElementsByTagName( 'div' ) ) ).to.match( re_dom  );
-		   expect( m8.ptype( ) ).to.match( re_dom );
-		}
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.range:Number', function( done ) {
-		var returned = m8.range( 1, 10 );
-		expect( returned ).to.eql( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] );
-		expect( returned ) 'array' );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.range:String', function( done ) {
-		var returned = m8.range( 'a', 'z' );
-		expect( returned ) 'array' );
-		expect( returned.join( ' ' ) ).to.eql( 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z' );
-		expect( m8.range( 'A', 'z' ).join( ' ' ) ).to.eql( 'A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z' );
-		expect( m8.range( 'α', 'ω' ).join( ' ' ) ).to.eql( 'α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ ς σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω' );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.remove', function( done ) {
-		var expected = { one : 1, three : 3, five : 5 };
-		expect( m8.remove( { one : 1, two : 2, three : 3, four : 4, five : 5 }, 'two', 'four' ) ).to.eql( expected );
-		expect( m8.remove( { one : 1, two : 2, three : 3, four : 4, five : 5 }, ['two', 'four'] ) ).to.eql( expected );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.tostr', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.tostr( {} ) ).to.equal( '[object Object]' );
-		expect( m8.tostr( [] ) ).to.equal( '[object Array]' );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.type', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.type( null ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.type( undefined ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( m8.type( [] ) ).to.equal( 'array' );
-		expect( m8.type( true ) ).to.equal( 'boolean' );
-		expect( m8.type( new Date() ) ).to.equal( 'date' );
-//		expect( m8.type( { get : function() {} } ) ).to.equal( 'descriptor' );
-//		expect( m8.type( { set : function() {} } ) ).to.equal( 'descriptor' );
-//		expect( m8.type( m8.describe( 'foo', 'ce' ) ) ).to.equal( 'descriptor' );
-//		expect( m8.type( m8.description( Array.prototype, 'join' ) ) ).to.equal( 'descriptor' );
-		expect( m8.type( function() {} ) ).to.equal( 'function' );
-		expect( m8.type( 0 ) ).to.equal( 'number' );
-		expect( m8.type( NaN ) ).to.equal( 'nan' );
-		expect( m8.type( {} ) ).to.equal( 'object' );
-		expect( m8.type( Object.create( null ) ) ).to.equal( 'nullobject' );
-		expect( m8.type( /.*/ ) ).to.equal( 'regexp' );
-		expect( m8.type( '' ) ).to.equal( 'string' );
-		if ( m8.ENV == 'browser' ) {
-		   expect( m8.type( document.createElement( 'div' ) ) ).to.equal( 'htmlelement' );
-		   expect( m8.type( document.querySelectorAll( 'div' ) ) ).to.equal( 'htmlcollection' );
-		   expect( m8.type( document.getElementsByTagName( 'div' ) ) ).to.equal( 'htmlcollection' );
-		   expect( m8.type( ) ).to.equal( 'global' );
-		}
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> m8.update', function( done ) {
-		var expected = { foo : 'bar', items : [ { id : 1, value : 1 }, { items : [ { value : 1 }, { items : [ { value : 1 }, { value : 2 }, { value : 3 } ], value : 2 }, { value : 3 } ], value : 2 }, { value : 3 } ] },
-			returned = m8.update( m8.obj(), expected ),
-			overwritten = m8.update( { foo : 'foo', items : [ { value : '1 2 3' }, { items : [ { id : 0 }, { items : [ { id : 2 } ] }].concat( m8.range( 0, 3 ) ) } ] }, expected );
-		expect( returned ).to.not.equal( expected );
-		expect( returned ).to.eql( expected );
-		expect( returned.items ).to.not.equal( expected.items );
-		expect( returned.items[1].items[1] ).to.not.equal( expected.items[1].items[1] );
-		expect( ).to.equal( 'foo' );
-		expect( overwritten.items[1].items.length ).to.equal( 6 );
-		expect( overwritten.items[0].id ).to.equal( 1 );
-		expect( overwritten.items[0].value ).to.equal( '1 2 3' );
-		expect( overwritten.items[0] ).to.not.equal( expected.items[0] );
-		expect( overwritten.items[1].items[0].id ).to.equal( 0 );
-		expect( overwritten.items[1].items[0].value ).to.equal( 1 );
-		expect( overwritten.items[1].items[1].items.length ).to.equal( 3 );
-		expect( overwritten.items[1].items[1].items[0].id ).to.equal( 2 );
-		expect( overwritten.items[1].items[1].items[0].value ).to.equal( 1 );
-		expect( overwritten.items[1].items[1].items.length ).to.not.equal( expected.items[1].items[1].items );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( 'Object.prototype.__proto__', function( done ) {
-		function Collection() {
-			this.push.apply( this, arguments );
-			return this;
-		}
-		m8.defs( Collection.prototype = [], {
-			__type__ : 'collection',
-			slice    : function() {
-				var val = this.__proto__.__proto__.slice.apply( this, arguments );
-				return Array.isArray( val ) ? Collection.apply( Object.create( Collection.prototype ), val ) : val;
-			},
-			splice   : function() {
-				var val = this.__proto__.__proto__.splice.apply( this, arguments );
-				return Array.isArray( val ) ? Collection.apply( Object.create( Collection.prototype ), val ) : val;
-			}
-		}, 'cw', true );
-		var col = new Collection( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
-		expect( m8.type( col.slice( 0 ) ) ).to.equal( 'collection' );
-		expect( col.slice( 1, 3 ).length ).to.equal( 2 );
-		expect( col.length ).to.equal( 5 );
-		expect( m8.type( col.__proto__ ) ).to.equal( 'collection' );
-		expect( m8.type( col.__proto__.__proto__ ) ).to.equal( 'array' );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> Array.coerce returns an Array based on the passed item', function( done ) {
-		expect( Array.coerce( [1, 2, 3] ) ).to.eql( [1, 2, 3] );
-		expect( Array.coerce( { foo : 'bar' } ) ).to.eql( [{ foo : 'bar' }] );
-		expect( Array.coerce( function() { return arguments; }( 1, 2, 3 ) ) ).to.eql( [1, 2, 3] );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( 'Array.prototype.find', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.range( 1, 5 ).find( function( v ) { return v == 3; } ) ).to.deep.equal( 3 );
-		expect( m8.range( 1, 5 ).find( function( v ) { return v == 6; } ) ).to.equal( null );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( 'Array.prototype.invoke', function( done ) {
-		expect( m8.range( 1, 5 ).invoke( 'toFixed', 2 ) ).to.deep.equal( ['1.00', '2.00', '3.00', '4.00', '5.00'] );
-		expect( m8.range( 1, 7 ).invoke( 'toString', 2 ) ).to.deep.equal( ['1', '10', '11', '100', '101', '110', '111'] );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( 'Array.prototype.pluck', function( done ) {
-		expect( [
-			{ 'one' : 1, 'two' : 2, 'three' : 3 },
-			{ 'one' : 1, 'two' : 2, 'three' : 3 },
-			{ 'one' : 1, 'two' : 2, 'three' : 3 }
-		].pluck( 'two' ) ).to.deep.equal( [2, 2, 2] );
-		expect( [
-			{ 'one' : 1,         'two' : 2, 'three' : 3 },
-			{ 'one' : undefined, 'two' : 2, 'three' : 3 },
-			{ 'one' : 1,         'two' : 2, 'three' : 3 },
-			{ 'one' : null,      'two' : 2, 'three' : 3 },
-			{ 'one' : 1,         'two' : 2, 'three' : 3 }
-		].pluck( 'one', true ) ).to.deep.equal( [1, 1, 1] );
-		expect( m8.range( 1, 10 ).map( function( o, i ) {
-			return { src : { val : i } };
-		} ).pluck( 'src.val' ) ).to.deep.equal( m8.range( 0, 9 ) );
-		expect( m8.range( 1, 10 ).map( function( o, i ) {
-			return { src : { val : { id : i % 2 ? i : null } } };
-		} ).pluck( '', true ) ).to.deep.equal( [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> Boolean.coerce: returns true for true like Strings', function( done ) {
-		expect( Boolean.coerce( true ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( Boolean.coerce( 'true' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( Boolean.coerce( 1 ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( Boolean.coerce( '1' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( Boolean.coerce( 'some random string of text' ) ).to.equal( true );
-		expect( Boolean.coerce( -1 ) ).to.equal( true );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> Boolean.coerce: returns false for false like Strings', function( done ) {
-		expect( Boolean.coerce( false ) ).to.equal( false );     expect( Boolean.coerce( 'false' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( Boolean.coerce( 0 ) ).to.equal( false );         expect( Boolean.coerce( '0' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( Boolean.coerce( NaN ) ).to.equal( false );       expect( Boolean.coerce( 'NaN' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( Boolean.coerce( null ) ).to.equal( false );      expect( Boolean.coerce( 'null' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( Boolean.coerce( undefined ) ).to.equal( false ); expect( Boolean.coerce( 'undefined' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		expect( Boolean.coerce() ).to.equal( false );            expect( Boolean.coerce( '' ) ).to.equal( false );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( 'Function.prototype.__name__', function( done ) {
-		function Test() {}
-		Test.prototype = {
-			get : function get() {}, set : function set() {}, test : function() {}
-		};
-		expect( function( one ){}.__name__ ).to.equal( 'anonymous' );
-		expect( function foo( one, two, three ){}.__name__ ).to.equal( 'foo' );
-		expect( m8.coerce.__name__ ).to.equal( 'coerce' );
-		expect( m8.nativeType.__name__ ).to.equal( 'nativeType' );
-		expect( Test.__name__ ).to.equal( 'Test' );
-		expect( Test.prototype.get.__name__ ).to.equal( 'get' );
-		expect( Test.prototype.set.__name__ ).to.equal( 'set' );
-		expect( Test.prototype.test.__name__ ).to.equal( 'anonymous' );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( 'Function.prototype.mimic', function( done ) {
-		function one() {}
-		function two() {}
-		two.mimic( one );
-		expect( one ).to.not.equal(  two );
-		expect( one ).to.not.equal( two );
-		expect( one.valueOf()  ).to.equal( two.valueOf()  );
-		expect( one.toString() ).to.equal( two.toString() );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> Object.key', function( done ) {
-		expect( Object.key( { foo : 'bar' }, 'bar' ) ).to.equal( 'foo' );
-		expect( Object.key( { foo : 'bar' }, 'foo' ) ).to.equal( null );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> Object.reduce', function( done ) {
-		expect( Object.reduce( { one : 1, two : 2, three : 3, four : 4, five : 5 }, function( res, v, k, o ) {
-			return res += v;
-		}, 0 ) ).to.equal( 15 );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> Object.value', function( done ) {
-		var d = { one : { two : { three : true, four : [1, 2, 3, 4] } } };
-		expect( Object.value( d, 'one' ) ).to.eql( );
-		expect( Object.value( d, 'one.two' ) ).to.eql( );
-		expect( Object.value( d, 'one.two.three' ) ).to.eql( );
-		expect( Object.value( d, 'one.two.four' ) ).to.eql( );
-		expect( Object.value( d, 'one.two.four.2' ) ).to.eql([2] );
-		expect( Object.value( d, 'one.three.four.2' ) ).to.equal( undefined );
-		expect( Object.value( d, 'one.two.beep.7' ) ).to.equal( undefined );
-		expect( Object.value( d, 'one.two.four.7' ) ).to.equal( undefined );
-		done();
-	} );
-	test( '<static> Object.values', function( done ) {
-		expect( Object.values( { one : 1, two : 2, three : 3, four : 4, five : 5 } ) ).to.eql( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] );
-		expect( Object.values( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ) ).to.eql( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] );
-		done();
-	} );
-} );

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