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[6/8] incubator-hawq git commit: HAWQ-121. Remove legacy command line tools.
diff --git a/tools/bin/gpfilespace b/tools/bin/gpfilespace
deleted file mode 100755
index 2076dfa..0000000
--- a/tools/bin/gpfilespace
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1515 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-  gpfilespace [options]
-General Options:
-  -? | --help                show this help message and exit
-  -v | --version             show the program's version number and exit
-  -l | --logdir DIRECTORY    log file directory
-Connection Options:
-  -h | --host HOSTNAME       database server host
-  -p | --port PORT           database server port
-  -U | --username NAME       database user name
-  -W | --password            prompt for password
-Execution Options:
-  -c | --config FILE         configuration file
-  -o | --output DIRECTORY    output directory for config file
-Move Options:
-  --movefilespace FILESPACE | default move filespace to new location on distributed file system
-  --location <dfslocation>    new location which the filespace will be moved to
-  --movetransfilespace FILESPACE | default move filespace used by transaction files to FILESPACE
-  --movetempfilespace  FILESPACE | default move filespace used by temporary files to FILESPACE
-  --showtransfilespace           show the filespace used by transaction files
-  --showtempfilespace            show the filespace used by temporary files  
-Compatible Options:
-  -f | --filesystem FSNAME   filesytem name for the filespace (default value
-                             will be the environment varialbe:
-                             GPFILESPACE_FILESYSTEM or ask for user inputing
-                             during the interacitve mode)
-# ============================================================================
-__version__ = '$Revision$'
-# ============================================================================
-import sys, os
-EXECNAME = os.path.split(__file__)[-1]
-# ============================================================================
-# Python version 2.6.2 is expected, must be between 2.5-3.0
-# ============================================================================
-if sys.version_info < (2, 5, 0) or sys.version_info >= (3, 0, 0):
-    sys.stderr.write("""
-Error: %s is supported on Python versions 2.5 or greater
-Please upgrade python installed on this machine.
-""" % EXECNAME)
-    sys.exit(1)
-# ============================================================================
-import optparse                          # Option Parsing
-import subprocess                        # Calling external processes
-import traceback                         # exception logging
-import re
-import commands
-from time import strftime
-    from gppylib import gphostcache
-    from gppylib.commands.base import WorkerPool
-    from gppylib.commands import unix
-    from gppylib.db import dbconn
-    from gppylib.db import catalog
-    from pygresql   import pg            # Database interaction
-    from gppylib.gparray import *        # Greenplum Array datastructures
-    from gppylib.gplog import *          # Greenplum logging facility
-    from gppylib.gpcoverage import GpCoverage
-    from getpass import getpass
-    from gppylib.parseutils import line_reader, parse_fspacename, parse_fspacesys, parse_fspacereplica, parse_gpfilespace_line, \
-        canonicalize_address
-    from gppylib.operations.filespace import MoveFilespace, MoveFilespaceError, MoveFileSpaceLocation, GetCurrentFilespaceEntries, FileType, CheckFilespaceConsistency, CheckSuperUser, PG_SYSTEM_FILESPACE
-    from gppylib.commands.base import WorkerPool, Command
-except ImportError, e:
-    sys.exit('Error: unable to import module: ' + str(e))
-# ============================================================================
-# Some basic exceptions:
-# + StandardError
-#    + GPError
-#       + GPDatabaseError
-#       + GPPrivilegeError
-# ============================================================================
-class GPError(StandardError): pass
-class GPDatabaseError(GPError): pass
-class GPPrivilegeError(GPError): pass
-CLUSTERSIZE = 1            # DEBUGGING (to simulate ebay set to 98)
-DEFAULT_NUM_WORKERS = 64   # same as gpstart, used for hostcache
-# ============================================================================
-def cli_help():
-    '''
-    Reads the help file from the docs directory, if documentation file can't
-    be found this defaults to the __doc__ string.
-    '''
-    help_path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], '../docs/cli_help', 
-                             EXECNAME + '_help')
-    f = None
-    try:
-        try:
-            f = open(help_path)
-            return
-        except:
-            return __doc__
-    finally:
-        if f: 
-            f.close()
-def usage():
-    print cli_help()
-# ============================================================================
-def ParseOptions():
-    '''
-    Parses command line options input to the script.
-    '''
-    # Determine Default Values
-    gphome = os.environ.get("GPHOME")
-    home   = os.environ.get("HOME")
-    logdir = os.path.join(home, "gpAdminLogs")
-    pguser = os.environ.get("PGUSER") or unix.getUserName()
-    pghost = os.environ.get("PGHOST") or unix.getLocalHostname()
-    pgport = os.environ.get("PGPORT") or 5432
-    filesystem = os.environ.get("GPFILESPACE_FILESYSTEM") or None
-    output = os.getcwd()
-    # Setup Options Parser
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=cli_help(), add_help_option=False)
-    parser.add_option('--version', default=False,
-                      action='store_true', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('-l', '--logdir', default=logdir,
-                      help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('-h', '--host', default=pghost,
-                      help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('-?', '--help', default=False,
-                      action='store_true', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('-p', '--port', default=pgport,
-                      help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('-U', '--username', default=pguser,
-                      help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('-W', '--password', default=False, 
-                      action='store_true', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('-c', '--config', default=None,
-                      help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('-o', '--output', default=output,
-                      help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
-                      action='store_true', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('-a', dest='interactive',
-                      action='store_false', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet',
-                      action='store_true', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('--movetransfilespace', 
-                      help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('--movefilespace')
-    parser.add_option('--location')
-    parser.add_option('-f', '--filesystem', default=filesystem,
-                      help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('--movetempfilespace',
-                      help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('--showtransfilespace', default=False,
-                      action='store_true', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    parser.add_option('--showtempfilespace', default=False,
-                      action='store_true', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    # Print version and exit
-    if options.version:
-        print EXECNAME + ' ' + __version__
-        sys.exit(0)
-    # Print help and exit
-    if
-        usage()
-        sys.exit(0)
-        # We don't support any arguments not listed above
-    if len(args) > 0:
-        parser.error("unknown arguments %s" % repr(args))
-    # Make sure that port is an integer
-    # We check this here rather than in parser.add_option because the default
-    # value from getenv() might fail this check, and OptionParser doesn't
-    # like recieving bad default values
-    try:
-        options.port = int(options.port)
-    except:
-        logger.error("Invalid PORT: '%s'" % options.port)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    return options
-# ============================================================================
-def runcmd(cmd):
-    '''
-    runcmd(cmd)
-    Executes a command in the shell and returns STDOUT.  
-    Throws:
-      OSError - command returned error code
-    Usage:
-      runcmd(['ssh', hostname, cmd])
-    '''
-    logger.debug(" ".join(cmd))
-    pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, 
-                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            close_fds=True)
-    result = pipe.communicate()
-    if pipe.returncode:
-        raise OSError(result[1])
-    else:
-        return result[0].strip()
-# ============================================================================
-def getstring(prompt, question=False, default=""):
-    '''
-    getstring(prompt, question, default)
-    Prompts the user for input, returns the value read from STDIN.
-    '''
-    # test that we have an interactive terminal
-    if not sys.stdin.isatty():
-        logger.error('stdin is not a tty')
-        logger.error('gpfilespace must be run from an interactive terminal')
-        sys.exit(1)
-    # Give the user the prompt and read from STDIN
-    try:
-        if question:
-            if default:
-                print "%s (default=%s)" % (question, default)
-            else:
-                print question
-        value = raw_input(prompt).strip()
-        if value == "":
-            value = default
-        return value
-    # Control-C or Control-D
-    except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError), e:
-        print
-        raise KeyboardInterrupt()
-    # Some other exception
-    except Exception, e:
-        logger.error('failure reading from stdin')
-        logger.error(repr(e))
-        sys.exit(1)
-# ============================================================================
-def getbool(prompt, question, default):
-    '''
-    getbool(prompt, question, default)
-    Prompts the user for input (yes|no), returns True/False
-    '''
-    while True:
-        value = getstring(prompt, question, default).lower()
-        if value in ("y", "ye", "yes"): 
-            return True
-        elif value in ("n", "no"):
-            return False
-# ============================================================================
-def pingurl(url):
-    '''
-    pingurl(url)
-    We only
-    '''
-    url_protocol_pattern = "^[a-z][a-z0-9]*://"
-    if len(url) <= 0:
-        return False
-    if re.match(url_protocol_pattern, url, flags=re.IGNORECASE) is not None:
-        return False
-    if url.startswith('/'):
-        return False
-    if url.find('/') == -1:
-        return False
-    if url.find(':') != -1:
-        address = url[0:url.find(':')]
-    else:
-        address = url[0:url.find('/')]
-    try:
-        pingCmd = unix.Ping("Test host: %s" % address, address)
-    except socket.gaierror:
-        logger.warning("address %s is invalid or cannot be connected: %s" % (address, socket.gaierror))
-        return False
-    if pingCmd.get_results().rc == 0:
-        return True
-    else:
-        logger.warning("Ping to host: '%s' FAILED" % address)
-        logger.debug("  ping details: %s" % pingCmd)
-        return False
-# ============================================================================
-def getdir(prompt, hosts=[], primary=None, shared=False, fsysn=None, db=None):
-    '''
-    getdir(prompt, hosts)
-    Prompts the user for input, checks that the input is a full path and 
-    validates that it exists on at least a subset of the specified hosts.
-    Since we will be entering a number of directories and since checking them
-    can be expensive on large clusters we do NOT exhaustively check all the 
-    hosts on input.  The checking perfomed here is merely a sanity check.  
-    We will perform more exhaustive checking after all paths are known.
-    '''
-    while True:
-        value = getstring(prompt)
-        if len(value) == 0:
-            continue
-        if shared:
-            # TODO: check dfs uri
-            try:
-                cursor = dbconn.execSQL(db, "show enable_secure_filesystem")
-                db.commit()  # Should move into execSQL ?
-                rows = cursor.fetchall()
-                krbstatus = rows[0][0]
-                cursor = dbconn.execSQL(db, "show krb_server_keyfile")
-                db.commit()
-                rows = cursor.fetchall();
-                krb_keyfile = rows[0][0]
-            except Exception, e:
-                raise GPDatabaseError(str(e))
-            dfs_name = fsysn
-            dfs_url = value
-            command = "gpcheckhdfs %s %s %s %s" % (dfs_name, dfs_url, krbstatus, krb_keyfile)
-            (status,returnCode) = commands.getstatusoutput(command)
-            if status != 0:
-                print command
-            if 1 == status:
-                print "gpcheckhdfs run error,Please check: %s" % (command)
-                continue
-            elif 100 == status:
-                print "Failed to Connect to %s://%s" % (dfs_name, dfs_url)
-                continue
-            elif 101 == status:
-                print "Failed to Open or Write a File in HDFS"
-                continue
-            elif 102 == status:
-                print "Failed to Write File to HDFS"
-                continue
-            elif 103 == status:
-                print "Failed to Flush,Check your Datanode"
-                continue
-            elif 104 == status:
-                print "Failed to Delete a File."
-                continue
-            elif 105 == status:
-                print "DFS Directory Error"
-                continue
-            elif 106 == status:
-                print "Get Delegation Token Error"
-                continue
-            elif 107 == status:
-                print "Failed to Login to Kerberos Server"
-                continue
-            return value
-        if not os.path.isabs(value):
-            print "Must specify a full path"
-            continue
-        value = os.path.normpath(value)
-        # only check up to 3 hosts (this is just a sanity check)
-        nhosts = len(hosts)
-        N = min(nhosts, 3)
-        try:
-            for i in range(N):
-                hosts[i].dircheck(value, primary)
-            return value
-        except OSError, e:
-            print "[Error] " + str(e)
-            continue
-        except GPError, e:
-            print "[Error] " + str(e)
-            continue
-def checkdirs(host, parents, paths):
-    '''
-    checkdirs()
-    Helper function that uses ssh to call gpdircheck on the specified host.  
-    For every directory in 'parents' we will check that the directory
-    actually exists and has reasonable permissions.
-    For every directory in 'paths' we will check that the directory does not 
-    exist.  (This is the -E option for gpdircheck)
-    '''
-    # Wrap the directory names in double quotes, this helps with 
-    # unexpected characters (such as spaces) in a path name.
-    quoted_parents = map(lambda x: '"%s"' % x, parents)
-    quoted_paths   = map(lambda x: '"%s"' % x, paths)
-    # add -E before each path,
-    #   - We now have a list that looks something like:
-    #         ['"/gpdata"', '-E', '"/gpdata/gp0"', ... ]
-    dirs = quoted_parents + \
-        reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [["-E", d] for d in quoted_paths], [])        
-    # Execute the command on the host
-    dircheck = os.path.expandvars("$GPHOME/bin/lib/gpdircheck")
-    try:
-        runcmd(['ssh', host, dircheck] + dirs)
-    except OSError, e:
-        raise GPError('%s: %s' % (host, str(e)))
-# Helper function to validate reasonable names for filespaces
-def isValidIdentifier(name):
-    if name == "": 
-        return False
-    if name[0] == '"' and name[-1] == '"':
-        quoted = True
-        name = name[1:-1]
-    else:
-        quoted = False
-    if name[0:3] == 'pg_' or name[0:4] == '"pg_':
-        print "[Error] The name prefix 'pg_' is reserved for " \
-            "system filespaces\n"
-        return False
-    if name[0:3] == 'gp_' or name[0:4] == '"gp_':
-        print "[Error] The name prefix 'gp_' is reserved for " \
-            "system filespaces\n"
-        return False
-    # Check for identifier names
-    if quoted:
-        regex = r'([^"]*("")*)+$'
-    else:
-        regex = r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$'
-    if not re.match(regex, name):
-        if quoted:
-            print "[Error] invalid identifier\n"
-        else:
-            print "[Error] invalid identifier"
-            print " [Hint] non-alphanumeric identifers should be double-" \
-                "quoted\n"
-        return False
-    return True
-# ============================================================================
-class GPHost():
-    '''
-    GPHost()
-    Simple abstraction of a host machine.
-    This is a container class for the segments on the host
-    '''
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, nic, hostname):
-        '''
-        GPHost()
-        Used to resolve multiple nics into a single hostname.  
-          - nic is used for communication
-          - hostname is used for grouping
-          - segments is the set of segments on the host
-        Because a poorly configured system may be configured such that 
-        "hostname" is not a valid network address we keep track of the
-        first "nic" that we identified this host with and will use that
-        nic for future communication with this host.
-        '''
-        self.nic      = nic
-        self.hostname = hostname
-        self.segments = []
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __str__(self):   return self.hostname
-    def __repr__(self):  return self.hostname
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def add_segment(self, segment):
-        '''
-        Adds a new segment to the host
-        '''
-        self.segments.append(segment)
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def primaries(self):
-        '''
-        Returns a list of primary segments on this host
-        '''
-        return filter(lambda x: x.isSegmentPrimary(), self.segments)
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def mirrors(self):
-        '''
-        Returns a list of mirror segments on this host
-        '''
-        return filter(lambda x: x.isSegmentMirror(), self.segments)
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def dircheck(self, dir, primary=None):
-        '''
-        Checks that a directory exists on the host and that the directory
-        can be used to install filespace directories.  This checks that the
-        specified directory can work with all of the segments of the specified
-        type on the host.  Some tests can be logically determined based on
-        the cataloged information of existing datadirs and filespaces, others
-        require actally sshing to the host and checking the filesystem.
-        Possible errors (OSError):
-          - Directory conflicts with datadir
-          - Subdirectory of datadir
-          - No such file or directory
-          - Not a directory
-          - No read permissions
-          - No write permissions
-          - Directory not empty
-        '''
-        # The directory should not be a subdirectory of ANY datadir or
-        # filespace on the host.
-        #
-        # Note: all paths have gone through os.path.normpath(), which means
-        # no trailing "/" characters.
-        for d in self.segments:
-            name = os.path.split(d.getSegmentDataDirectory())[1]
-            cdir = os.path.join(dir, name)
-            # If the directories are one and the same
-            if cdir == d.datadir:
-                raise OSError("%s: %s - "
-                              "Directory conflicts with existing datadir"
-                              % (self.nic, cdir))
-            # If the directory is a subdirectory
-            if ((cdir[0:len(d.datadir)] == d.datadir) and 
-                (cdir[len(d.datadir):len(d.datadir)+1] == "/")):
-                raise OSError("%s: %s - Subdirectory of existing datadir" 
-                              % (self.nic, cdir))
-        # determine which directories we are checking
-        if primary == True:
-            segdirs = map(lambda x: os.path.join(dir, os.path.split(x.getSegmentDataDirectory())[1]), self.primaries())
-        elif primary == False:
-            segdirs = map(lambda x: os.path.join(dir, os.path.split(x.getSegmentDataDirectory())[1]), self.mirrors())
-        else:
-            segdirs = []
-        checkdirs(self.nic, [dir], segdirs)
-        return True
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def validate_paths(self):
-        '''
-        validate_paths()
-        This function checks that the paths specified exist with the 
-        correct permissions on all hosts.
-        '''
-        # Get the list of all specified paths and their parent directories
-        paths   = map(lambda x: x.getSegmentPendingFilespace(), self.segments)
-        parents = map(lambda x: os.path.split(x)[0], paths)
-        # Check the host that we have no duplicate paths, if we are
-        # looking at an unmodified config file this should always be true.
-        if len(paths) != len(set(paths)):
-            raise GPError("Duplicate paths on host: %s" % self.hostname)
-        # The parent directories are allowed to have duplicates, but we
-        # would like to remove the duplicates before we check them.
-        parents = list(set(parents))
-        # ssh to the host and check the paths
-        #   - TODO: do a better job parallelizing this
-        checkdirs(self.nic, parents, paths)
-# ============================================================================
-class GPConfig:
-    '''
-    GPConfig()
-    A simple abstraction of a "configuration" of like hosts.  
-    A configuration is basically a set of hosts that all have:
-      - The same number of primary + mirror segment
-      - The same set of "locations" for the segments on the node.
-    Presence or absense of master or standby master does not matter.
-    '''
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, host):
-        # Extract the locations of the primary and mirror segments
-        primaries  = host.primaries()
-        mirrors    = host.mirrors()
-        # We generate unique identifications based on the sorted 
-        # "locations" of the primary and mirror segments
-        plocations = map(lambda x: os.path.split(x.getSegmentDataDirectory())[0], primaries)
-        mlocations = map(lambda x: os.path.split(x.getSegmentDataDirectory())[0], mirrors)
-        plocations.sort()
-        mlocations.sort()
-        self.identity  = ":".join(plocations + ["&"] + mlocations)
-        self.primaries = plocations
-        self.mirrors   = mlocations
-        self.hosts     = []   # added via add_host() later
-        self.pdest     = []   # Filespace Primary destination
-        self.mdest     = []   # Filespace Mirror destination
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "{'primaries': %s, 'mirrors': %s, 'hosts': %s}" % (
-                str(self.primaries), str(self.mirrors), str(self.hosts)
-                )
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "GPConfig<%s,%s>" % (self.identity, str(self.hosts))
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def add_host(self, host):
-        self.hosts.append(host)
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def set_primary(self, dir):
-        self.pdest.append(dir)
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def set_mirror(self, dir):
-        self.mdest.append(dir)
-# ============================================================================
-class GPFilespace:
-    '''
-    Greenplum Filespace Management Utility
-    '''
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, options):
-        '''
-        GPFilespace(options) 
-        Creates an instance of a GPFilespace with the parsed options
-        This will:
-          - setup the basic container object
-          - establish a connection to the database
-          - assert that the user is a database superuser 
-          - gather the basic information from gp_configuration
-        It will not:
-          - resolve gp_configuration.hostname to real hostnames
-          - group segments to their hosts
-          - identify host configuration groups
-        These steps are omitted because they require probing the
-        network, which can be expensive an large clusters.  We will
-        eventually need to bite the bullet and perform some of those
-        tests, but if there are other errors that crop up before we
-        need that it is better not to have wasted time.
-        Do not fear, the class is still fully functional.  The above
-        information will be fetched the first time it is required.
-        Usage:  
-           options = ParseOptions()
-           X = GPFilespace(options)
-        '''
-        self.options    = options
-        self.fspacename = None # name for the filespace
-        self.dir        = options.output
-        self.master     = None # [] list of master segments
-        self.segments   = None # {} dbid => GpDB resolution
-        self.hosts      = None # {} hostname => GPHost resolution
-        self.nics       = None # {} nic => hostname resolution
-        self.config     = None # {} host configuration groups
-        self.db         = None # pygresql.pgobject 
-        self.dburl      = None
-        self.pool       = None
-        self.array      = None
-        self.hostcache  = None
-        self.default_fsysname = 'local'
-        self.default_fsreplica = 3
-    def Setup(self):
-        '''
-        GPFilespace::Setup()
-        Handle initial setup, including spawning the threadpool.
-        Once Setup() has been called it is imperitive that cleanup() be 
-        called on termination.
-        '''
-        self.connect()
-        self.get_configuration()
-        #self.resolve_hostnames()
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def cleanup(self):
-        ''' 
-        GPFilespace::cleanup()
-        Close all active connections, shutdown threads, etc.
-        '''
-        if self.pool:
-            logger.debug('halting threads')
-            self.pool.haltWork()
-            self.pool = None
-        self.close_conn()
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def connect(self):
-        '''
-        GPFilespace::connect()
-        Establishes a connection to the database as specified in the options.
-        Checks that the database user is a database superuser.
-        throws: 
-           GPDatabaseError - failure communicating with the database
-           GPPrivilegeError - database user is not a database superuser
-        Usage:  
-          X = GPFilespace(options)
-          connection = X.connect()
-        '''
-        # If we are already connected simply return
-        if self.db:
-            return
-        try:
-            user = self.options.username
-            host = 
-            port = self.options.port
-            db   = 'template1'
-            if self.options.password:
-                password = getpass("Password: ")
-            else:
-                password = None
-            dburl = dbconn.DbURL(username=user, hostname=host, 
-                                 port=port, dbname=db, password=password)
-            conn = dbconn.connect(dburl)
-            q = "SELECT usesuper FROM pg_user where usename = user"
-            rows = catalog.basicSQLExec(conn, q)
-            is_super = rows[0][0]
-        except Exception, e:
-            raise GPDatabaseError(str(e))
-        if not is_super:
-            error = "gpfilespace requires database superuser privileges"
-            raise GPPrivilegeError(error)
-        self.dburl = dburl
-        self.db    = conn
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def close_conn(self):
-        if self.db:
-            logger.debug('closing database connection')
-            self.db.close()
-            self.db = None
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def get_configuration(self):
-        '''
-        GPFilespace::get_configuration()
-        Extracts gp_configuration from the database and uses it to populate:
-          self.segments = hash of segments {dbid: GpDB()}
-          self.master   = list of master segments [GpDB()]
-        If any existing configuration groups or host lists are present they
-        will be obliterated, but we will keep any existing nic->hostname
-        mappings.
-        Usage:
-          X = GPFilespace(options)
-          X.get_configuration()
-        '''
-        # We should already have a connection, but if not establish one.
-        self.connect()
-        try:
-  "getting config")
-            self.array = GpArray.initFromCatalog(self.dburl)
-        except Exception, e:
-            raise GPDatabaseError(str(e))
-        # These have pointers to the old GpDB so they must be destroyed
-        # before we populate the new structures.
-        self.master   = []
-        self.segments = {}
-        self.hosts    = None
-        self.config   = None
-        # Setup a workerpool, used by the hostcache
-        hosts = set(self.array.get_hostlist())
-        workers = min(DEFAULT_NUM_WORKERS, len(hosts))
-        self.pool = WorkerPool(numWorkers = workers)
-        # Setup a hostcache
-        self.hostcache = \
-            gphostcache.GpHostCache(self.array, self.pool, withMasters=True)
-        # Loop through configuration and add segments to datastructures
-        # We save the costly hostname lookup step until later.
-        for seg in self.array.getDbList():
-            # Keep the primary master at the front of the list
-            if seg.isSegmentMaster():  
-                self.master.insert(0, seg)
-            elif seg.isSegmentStandby(): self.master.append(seg)
-            # Segment hash includes primary, mirror, and master segments
-            self.segments[seg.getSegmentDbId()] = seg
-        logger.debug('Configuration contains %d segments' % len(self.segments))
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def resolve_hostnames(self):
-        '''
-        resolve_hostnames()
-        For every segment in the configuration we make sure that we have
-        a real hostname available for that segment.  In order to determine true
-        configurations we need to resolve the NICs stored in gp_configuration
-        into distinct hostnames so that we can unambiguously tell which segments
-        are on the same host.
-        '''
-        # Should have already established the configuration
-        if not self.segments:
-            self.get_configuration()
-        # If we haven't already looked up any hosts then create an empty
-        # nic lookup dictionary, otherwise we can use existing nic->hostname
-        # lookups.
-        if not self.nics: 
-            self.nics = {}
-        # The actual GPHost records themselves must always be recalculated.
-        self.hosts = {}
-        # This really shouldn't happen, but on the off chance that there
-        # are no segments in gp_configuration this error is cleaner than
-        # a division by zero.
-        if not self.segments or len(self.segments) == 0:
-            raise GPError("gp_configuration is empty")
-        # Todo: Replace existing GPHost with more compatable gppylib interfaces
-        # for the moment populate our local versions based on a GpHostCache
-        for host in self.hostcache.get_hosts():
-            for db in host.dbs:
-                seg = self.segments[db.getSegmentDbId()]
-                nic = seg.getSegmentAddress()
-                if nic not in self.nics:
-                    hostname = host.hostname
-                    self.nics[nic] = hostname
-                else:
-                    hostname = self.nics[nic]
-                # build the host => segment list mapping
-                if not hostname in self.hosts:
-                    self.hosts[hostname] = GPHost(nic, hostname)
-                self.hosts[hostname].add_segment(seg)
-        logger.debug('nics: ' + str(self.nics))
-        logger.debug('hosts: ' + str(self.hosts))
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def group_configurations(self):
-        '''
-        group_configurations()
-        For all of the hosts in the filespaces we group them into distinct
-        "configurations" of simalar shape - all have the same number of
-        primaries/mirrors in the same locations.
-        '''
-        configs = {}
-        for h in self.hosts:
-            host = self.hosts[h]
-            # Make a configuration for this host, this resolves the messy
-            # distinct identification of the configuration
-            c = GPConfig(host)
-            # Lookup the identity in our existing configurations, if it 
-            # matches use it, otherwise enter this as a new configuration.
-            if c.identity not in configs:
-                configs[c.identity] = c
-            config = configs[c.identity]
-            # Finally add the host to the configuration
-            config.add_host(host)
-        return configs
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def do_showfilespace(self, file_type, user, pswd):
-        """
-            Displays the filespace that is currently being used by 
-            transactions and temporary files.
-            @param file_type: FileType.TRANSACTION_FILES or FileType.TEMPORARY_FILES 
-            @return: None
-        """
-'Getting filespace information for %s' % FileType.lookup[file_type])
-        if not CheckSuperUser(dbconn.DbURL(username=user, password=pswd)).run():
-            raise MoveFilespaceError('gpfilespace requires database superuser privileges')
-        gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) if self.array is None else self.array
-        if not CheckFilespaceConsistency(gparray, file_type).run():
-            raise MoveFilespaceError('Filespace is inconsistent')
-        filespace_entries = GetCurrentFilespaceEntries(gparray, file_type).run() 
-        filespace_name = gparray.getFileSpaceName(int(filespace_entries[0][0]))
-'Current Filespace for %s is %s' % (FileType.lookup[file_type], filespace_name))
-        for entry in filespace_entries:
-  [1]) + '    ' + entry[2])
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def generate_config(self):
-        '''
-        generate_config()
-        This function coordinates user inputs into the generation of a 
-        filespace configuration file.  It reads in paths from STDIN, performs
-        so simple sanity checks on them and produces a config file.  
-        It does NOT exhaustively check all hosts that the directories are
-        valid, but it does check a small sample of hosts.  This is on the
-        assumption that the segments will have been maintained together
-        and that validating can be expensive on large clusters.  A more
-        exhaustive check will be performed when a user attempts to actually
-        create the filespace using the generated config file.
-        '''
-        # determine output path location based on input directory.
-        filename = "gpfilespace_config_" + strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
-        if not os.access(self.dir, os.F_OK):
-            (self.dir, filename) = os.path.split(self.dir)
-            if len(self.dir) == 0:
-                self.dir = os.getcwd()
-        if not os.access(self.dir, os.F_OK):
-            logger.error('No such file or directory: "%s"' % self.dir)
-            logger.error('Unable to create config file')
-            sys.exit(1)
-        if not os.access(self.dir, os.W_OK):
-            logger.error('Directory not writeable: "%s"' % self.dir)
-            logger.error('Unable to create config file')
-            sys.exit(1)
-        filename = os.path.join(self.dir, filename)
-        #question = "Would you like to configure a new Filespace?  (Y|N)"
-        #if not getbool("> ", question, "Y"):
-        #    raise KeyboardInterrupt()
-        # Prompt for the filespace name:
-        fspacename = ""
-        question = "Enter a name for this filespace"
-        while not isValidIdentifier(fspacename):
-            fspacename = getstring("> ", question)
-        logger.debug("Filespace Name: %s" % fspacename)
-        # fsysname and fsreplica can be skipped here, this will let us read the
-        # old config file easily.
-        fsysname = None
-        if self.options.filesystem == self.default_fsysname:
-            fsysname = self.default_fsysname
-            fsreplica = self.default_fsreplica
-        elif self.options.filesystem is not None:
-            if self.options.filesystem in [fsys.getName() for fsys in self.array.getFilesystem()]:
-                fsysname = self.options.filesystem
-                fsreplica = 0
-            else:
-                fsysname = None
-        if fsysname == None:
-            fsysname = ""
-            file_system_names = []
-            # there is no local file system anymore.
-            # file_system_names.append(self.default_fsysname)
-            file_system_names.extend([fsys.getName() for fsys in self.array.getFilesystem()])
-            question = "Available filesystem name:\n"
-            for name in file_system_names:
-                question += "filesystem: %s\n" % name
-            question += "Choose filesystem name for this filespace\n"
-            while not isValidIdentifier(fsysname) or fsysname not in file_system_names:
-                fsysname = getstring("> ", question)
-            logger.debug("Filesystem Type: %s" % fsysname)
-            # get replica if filesystem type is not local
-            fsreplica = -1
-            if fsysname == self.default_fsysname:
-                fsreplica = self.default_fsreplica
-            else:
-                question = "Enter replica num for filespace. If 0, default replica num is used"
-                while fsreplica < 0:
-                    repstr = getstring("> ", question, "3")
-                    try:
-                        fsreplica = int(repstr)
-                    except (ValueError), e:
-                        fsreplica = -1
-                    if fsreplica < 0:
-                        print "replica num must be a positive integer or 0\n"
-                logger.debug("Filespace Replica Num: %d" % fsreplica)
-        # Search through the existing datadirectories in order to find 
-        # sets of hosts that have similar directory layouts for the segments.
-        #
-        # We expect this to return a single configuration for most of our
-        # customers, but unusual gpexpand or recovery scenarios may have
-        # left some hosts with unusual configurations.
-        #
-        #print "\nChecking your configuration:"
-        #configurations = self.group_configurations()
-        #for id in configurations:
-            #config   = configurations[id]
-            #nhosts   = len(config.hosts)
-            #nprimary = len(config.primaries)
-            #nmirror  = len(config.mirrors)
-            #print "Your system has %d hosts with %d primary and %d mirror " \
-                #"segments per host." % (nhosts, nprimary, nmirror)
-        #shared_filespace = True
-        ## For every configuration we need to setup paths for the filespace
-        ## Loop through each one and prompt for paths.
-        #for id in configurations:
-            #config   = configurations[id]
-            #nhosts   = len(config.hosts)
-            #nprimary = len(config.primaries)
-            #nmirror  = len(config.mirrors)
-            #logger.debug("Configuring hosts: " + str(config.hosts))
-            #print "\nConfiguring hosts: " + str(config.hosts)
-            #question = "Should all of the nodes be configured identically? (Y|N)"
-            #if not getbool("> ", question, "Y"):
-            #    logger.debug("configuring hosts as mixed configuration")
-            #    raise GPError("mixed configurations not yet supported")
-            #else:
-            logger.debug("configuring all hosts identically")
-            # Get primary segment locations, if needed
-            #
-            # Note: it is theoretically possible for gpexpand to create
-            # some hosts with "mirror only" configurations.
-            #if (nprimary > 0):
-            print "\nPlease specify the DFS location for the filespace (for example: localhost:9000/fs)"
-            prompt = "location> "
-            dir = getdir(prompt, config.hosts, primary=True, shared=shared_filespace, fsysn=fsysname, db=self.db) 
-                #for i in range(nprimary):
-                    #prompt = "primary location %d> " % (i+1)
-                    #config.set_primary(dir)
-            logger.debug("%s %s" % (prompt, dir))
-            # Get mirror segment locations, if needed
-            #if (nmirror > 0 and not shared_filespace):
-                #print "\nPlease specify %s locations for the mirror " \
-                    #"segments, one per line:" % nmirror
-                #for i in range(nmirror):
-                    #prompt = "mirror location %d> " % (i+1)
-                    #dir = getdir(prompt, config.hosts, primary=False, shared=shared_filespace, fsysn=fsysname, db=self.db)
-                    #config.set_mirror(dir)
-                    #logger.debug("%s %s" % (prompt, dir))
-        # Get a location for the master, this directory applies both to
-        # the master and the standby master, like a regular datadir.
-        #hostname   = self.nics[self.master[0].getSegmentAddress()]
-        #masterhost = self.hosts[hostname]
-        ## Master/standby will store all data/file on local
-        #if shared_filespace:
-            ## try to figure out a dir
-            #masterdir = os.path.abspath(self.array.master.getSegmentDataDirectory() + "/../" + "hdfs_" + fspacename)
-            #masterdir_prefix = masterdir
-            #id = 0
-            #while os.path.exists(masterdir):
-                #masterdir = masterdir_prefix + str(id)
-                #id += 1
-            #else:
-                #os.mkdir(masterdir)
-                ## create dir for standby
-                #if self.array.standbyMaster is not None:
-                    #standby_host = self.array.standbyMaster.getSegmentHostName()
-                    #pool = WorkerPool()
-                    #cmdStr = "mkdir -p %s" % (masterdir)
-                    #cmd = Command("gpfilespace mkdir for standby", cmdStr, REMOTE, standby_host)
-                    #pool.addCommand(cmd)
-                    #pool.join()
-                    #items = pool.getCompletedItems()
-                    #for i in items:
-                        #if i.results.rc:
-                            #logger.error("%s: %s" % (i.remoteHost, i.results.stderr))
-                            #print "gpfilespace create standby master directory for shared storage failed"
-                            #return
-        #else:
-            #print "\nEnter a file system location for the master"
-            #prompt = "master location> "
-            #masterdir = getdir(prompt, [masterhost], fsysn=fsysname, db=self.db)
-        #logger.debug("%s %s" % (prompt, masterdir))
-        # Write out the information to a configuration file
-        logger.debug("Creating Config File: %s" % filename)
-"Creating configuration file...")
-        f = open(filename, 'w')
-        f.write('filespace:%s\n' % fspacename)
-        f.write('fsysname:%s\n' % fsysname)
-        f.write('fsreplica:%d\n' % fsreplica)
-        # This helper will build a dict to get correct primary datadir name.
-        # key: content_id
-        # value: primary seg data structure
-        def buildDictForPrimarySegFromMirrorSeg(array):
-            helperDict = {}
-            for seg in array.segments:
-                # Get GpDB object from Segment object.
-                seg = seg.primaryDB
-                # Need the real primary not the current primary!
-                if seg.getSegmentPreferredRole() == 'm':
-                    continue
-                helperDict[seg.getSegmentContentId()] = seg
-            return helperDict
-        def writeseg(seg, loc):
-            name = os.path.split(seg.getSegmentDataDirectory())[1]
-            f.write( canonicalize_address( seg.getSegmentHostName() ) )
-            f.write(':')
-            f.write(str(seg.dbid))
-            f.write(':')
-            f.write(canonicalize_address(os.path.join(loc, name)))  # new prefix needed?
-            f.write('\n')
-        # Write out location for master nodes
-        for seg in self.master:
-            writeseg(seg, masterdir)
-        # Loop through all of our configurations
-        mirrorLookupPrimaryDict = buildDictForPrimarySegFromMirrorSeg(self.array)
-        for id in configurations:
-            config = configurations[id]
-            # For every host in the current configuration loop through the 
-            # hosts in that configuration
-            for host in config.hosts:
-                # Write out the primary segments for this host
-                primaries = host.primaries()
-                for i in range(len(primaries)):
-                    writeseg(primaries[i], config.pdest[i])
-                # Write out the mirror segments for this host
-                mirrors = host.mirrors()
-                for i in range(len(mirrors)):
-                    if shared_filespace:
-                        writeseg(mirrorLookupPrimaryDict[mirrors[i].getSegmentContentId()], config.mdest[i])
-                    else:
-                        writeseg(mirrors[i], config.mdest[i])
-        f.close()
-To add this filespace to the database please run the command:
-   gpfilespace --config %s
-""" % filename)
-        return None
-    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def execute_config(self):
-        '''
-        execute_config()
-        Reads a configuration file from the filesystem and attempts to create
-        the specified filespace within the database.
-        This first involves checking that we expect the create filespace 
-        command to succeed.  This is an important step since a failure of a
-        mirror to create the filespace may result in the mirror failing 
-        completely.
-        '''
-        # Read the configuration file passed as input (-c filename)
-        try:
-            print "Reading Configuration file: '%s'" % self.options.config
-            config = open(self.options.config)
-        except IOError, e:
-            raise GPError(str(e))
-        # First line in file is the filespace name, remaining lines are
-        # specify hostname, dbid, and a path:
-        #
-        #   filespace:name
-		#   [fsysname:type]
-        #   [fsreplica:replica]
-        #   hostname:dbid:path
-        #   ...
-        fspacename = None
-        fsysname = None
-        fsreplica = None
-        for lineno, line in line_reader(config):
-            processed = False
-            if fspacename is None:
-                fspacename = parse_fspacename(self.options.config, lineno, line)
-                if not isValidIdentifier(fspacename): 
-                    raise GPError('Invalid filespace name: %s' % fspacename)
-                continue
-            # From here are the options may not be appeared in the config file,
-            # process these options need to be carefully.
-            #
-            # If the expected option is not in the config file, do not continue
-            # to process next line.
-            if fsysname is None:
-                fsysname = parse_fspacesys(self.options.config, lineno, line)
-                if fsysname is None:
-                    if self.options.filesystem != self.default_fsysname:
-                        logger.warn("detected an old style file or an invalid file")
-                        logger.warn("no fsysname at line %d: default fsysname is '%s'" % (lineno, self.default_fsysname))
-                    fsysname = self.default_fsysname
-                elif fsysname == 'local':
-                    raise GPError('Invalid filesystem name: %s' % fsysname)
-                elif not isValidIdentifier(fsysname):
-                    processed = True
-                    raise GPError('Invalid filesystem name, should be a valid filesystem name: %s' % fsysname)
-                else:
-                    processed = True
-            if processed:
-                continue
-            if fsreplica is None:
-                repstr = parse_fspacereplica(self.options.config, lineno, line)
-                if repstr is None:
-                    if self.options.filesystem != self.default_fsysname:
-                        logger.warn("detected an old style file or an invalid file")
-                        logger.warn("no fsreplica at line %d: default fsreplica is '%s'" % (lineno, self.default_fsreplica))
-                    fsreplica = self.default_fsreplica
-                else:
-                    processed = True
-                    fsreplica = -1
-                    try:
-                        fsreplica = int(repstr)
-                        if fsreplica < 0:
-                            raise ValueError()
-                    except (ValueError), e:
-                        raise GPError('Invalid filespace replica num: %s' %repstr)
-            if processed:
-                continue
-            host, dbid, path = parse_gpfilespace_line(self.options.config, lineno, line)
-            try:
-                dbid = int(dbid)
-            except:
-                raise GPError("Invalid dbid at line %d: %s" % (lineno, line))
-            if dbid not in self.segments:
-                raise GPError("Segment not found in cluster at line %d: %s"
-                              % (lineno, line))
-            seg = self.segments[dbid]
-            # Assign the path for the segment, will throw GPError if the
-            # segment already has a path associated with it.
-            try:
-                seg.addSegmentFilespace(None, path)
-            except GPError, e:
-                raise GPError("Duplicate path set for dbid %d at line %d: %s"
-                              % (dbid, lineno, line))
-        if not fspacename:
-            raise GPError("Filespace name not specified")
-        if not fsysname:
-            raise GPError("Filespace type not specified")
-        # Loop through the segments to validate that we now have a mapping
-        # for every segment!
-        for dbid in self.segments:
-            seg = self.segments[dbid]
-            if not seg.getSegmentPendingFilespace():
-                raise GPError("No path specified for dbid: %d" % seg.dbid)
-        logger.debug('nics: ' + str(self.nics))
-        logger.debug('hosts: ' + str(self.hosts))
-        # Progress indicator: 
-"Performing validation on paths")
-        progress = 0
-        done     = 0.0
-        each     = 78.0 / len(self.hosts)
-        # Perform exhaustive checking of paths:
-        #   - This may take some time on large clusters
-        #   - raises GPError on failure
-        for h in self.hosts:
-            for i in range(CLUSTERSIZE):  ## DEBUG: mimic a large cluster
-                if fsysname == self.default_fsysname:
-                    self.hosts[h].validate_paths()
-            # progress reporting
-            done += each
-            while (done > progress):
-                progress += 1
-                sys.stdout.write(".")
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-        sys.stdout.write("\n\n")
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-        # Everything checks out, generate the SQL and execute it
-        q = "\nCREATE FILESPACE %s ON %s \n(\n" % (fspacename, fsysname)
-        dbids = self.segments.keys()
-        dbids.sort()
-        for dbid in dbids:
-            q += "  %d: '%s',\n" % (dbid, self.segments[dbid].getSegmentPendingFilespace())
-        # We have an extra "," in the above, strip it out and add in
-        # the end paren instead
-        q = q[0:-2] + "\n)"
-        if fsysname != self.default_fsysname and fsreplica is not None and fsreplica > 0:
-            q += " WITH (NUMREPLICA = %d)" % (fsreplica)
-        q += ";"
-        logger.debug(q);
-"Connecting to database")
-        self.connect()
-        try:
-            cursor = dbconn.execSQL(self.db, q)
-            self.db.commit()  # Should move into execSQL ?
-        except Exception, e:
-            raise GPDatabaseError(str(e))
-'Filespace "%s" successfully created' % fspacename)
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-# ============================================================================
-# main()
-# ============================================================================
-logger = None
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    coverage = GpCoverage()
-    coverage.start()
-    opt = ParseOptions()
-    if opt.verbose:       
-        enable_verbose_logging() 
-    if opt.quiet:
-        quiet_stdout_logging()
-    if opt.password:
-        opt.password = getpass('Password: ')
-    else:
-        opt.password = None
-    logger = setup_tool_logging(EXECNAME,, opt.username, opt.logdir)
-    try:
-        logger.debug("Start, config=" + str(opt.config))
-A tablespace requires a file system location to store its database
-files. A filespace is a collection of file system locations for all components
-in a Greenplum system (primary segment, mirror segment and master instances).
-Once a filespace is created, it can be used by one or more tablespaces.
-        if opt.movefilespace:
-            if opt.movefilespace == 'default':
-                opt.movefilespace = "dfs_system"
-            if opt.location is None or len(opt.location) == 0:
-                usage()
-                logger.error("Target location is not set");
-                sys.exit(1)
-            question = "I understand the risk and already backuped master data directory?  (Y|N)"
-            if not getbool("> ", question, "N"):
-                raise KeyboardInterrupt()
-            MoveFileSpaceLocation(opt.movefilespace, opt.location, opt.username, opt.password).run()
-  "Move filespace successfully.")
-        elif opt.movetransfilespace:
-            logger.fatal('movetransfilespace option NOT SUPPORTED YET IN GPSQL')
-            sys.exit(1)
-            if opt.movetransfilespace == 'default':
-                opt.movetransfilespace = PG_SYSTEM_FILESPACE
-            MoveFilespace(opt.movetransfilespace, FileType.TRANSACTION_FILES, opt.username, opt.password).run() 
-        elif opt.movetempfilespace:
-            logger.fatal('movetempfilespace option NOT SUPPORTED YET IN GPSQL')
-            sys.exit(1)
-            if opt.movetempfilespace == 'default':
-                opt.movetempfilespace = PG_SYSTEM_FILESPACE
-            MoveFilespace(opt.movetempfilespace, FileType.TEMPORARY_FILES, opt.username, opt.password).run()
-        else:
-            gpf = GPFilespace(opt)
-            if opt.showtransfilespace:
-                logger.fatal('showtransfilespace option NOT SUPPORTED YET IN GPSQL')
-                sys.exit(1)
-                gpf.do_showfilespace(FileType.TRANSACTION_FILES, opt.username, opt.password)
-            elif opt.showtempfilespace:
-                logger.fatal('showtempfilespace option NOT SUPPORTED YET IN GPSQL')
-                sys.exit(1)
-                gpf.do_showfilespace(FileType.TEMPORARY_FILES, opt.username, opt.password)
-            else:
-                try:
-                    gpf.Setup()
-                    if opt.config == None:
-                        gpf.generate_config()
-                    else:
-                        gpf.execute_config()
-                finally:
-                    gpf.cleanup()
-        logger.debug("Done")
-        sys.exit(0)
-    except MoveFilespaceError, e:
-        logger.error(e)
-        sys.exit(1) 
-    # An expected error
-    except GPError, e:
-        try:
-            # Cast to unicode using UTF-8 to work around issues with the 
-            # logging module:
-            #    logger.error("퀙퀠퀩퀘ㄲㄸㅉㅃ12ㅁavb")  => UnicodeDecodeError
-            err = unicode(str(e), 'UTF-8')
-            logger.error(err)
-            logger.debug("exit(1)")
-        except BaseException, e:
-            sys.stderr.write("[Error] %s\n" % str(e))
-            sys.stderr.write(traceback.format_exc())
-            sys.stderr.flush()
-        sys.exit(1)
-    # User cancelation 
-    except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
-        try:
-  '[Cancelled]')
-        except BaseException, e:
-            sys.stderr.write("error %s\n" % str(e))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    # Let SystemExit exceptions through
-    except SystemExit, e:
-        try:
-            logger.debug('exit(%s)' % str(e))
-        except BaseException, e:
-            sys.stderr.write("error %s\n" % str(e))
-        raise e
-    # Catch anything else - shouldn't ever occur
-    except BaseException, e:
-        try:
-            err = '[%s]: "%s"' % (type(e).__name__,  unicode(str(e), 'UTF-8'))
-            logger.error(err)
-            logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
-            logger.debug("exit(1)")
-            sys.stderr.write('[Error] See "%s" for details\n' % get_logfile())
-        except BaseException, e:
-            sys.stderr.write("error %s\n" % str(e))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    finally:
-        coverage.stop()
-        coverage.generate_report()