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[23/43] trafficserver git commit: TS-3783 TS-3030 Add luajit v2.0.4 as a subtree
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/lj_ccallback.c b/lib/luajit/src/lj_ccallback.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b210641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/lj_ccallback.c
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+** FFI C callback handling.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+#include "lj_gc.h"
+#include "lj_err.h"
+#include "lj_tab.h"
+#include "lj_state.h"
+#include "lj_frame.h"
+#include "lj_ctype.h"
+#include "lj_cconv.h"
+#include "lj_ccall.h"
+#include "lj_ccallback.h"
+#include "lj_target.h"
+#include "lj_mcode.h"
+#include "lj_trace.h"
+#include "lj_vm.h"
+/* -- Target-specific handling of callback slots -------------------------- */
+/* Disabled callback support. */
+#define CALLBACK_SLOT2OFS(slot)	(0*(slot))
+#define CALLBACK_OFS2SLOT(ofs)	(0*(ofs))
+#elif LJ_TARGET_X86ORX64
+#define CALLBACK_MCODE_HEAD	(LJ_64 ? 8 : 0)
+#define CALLBACK_MCODE_GROUP	(-2+1+2+5+(LJ_64 ? 6 : 5))
+#define CALLBACK_SLOT2OFS(slot) \
+  (CALLBACK_MCODE_HEAD + CALLBACK_MCODE_GROUP*((slot)/32) + 4*(slot))
+static MSize CALLBACK_OFS2SLOT(MSize ofs)
+  MSize group;
+  group = ofs / (32*4 + CALLBACK_MCODE_GROUP);
+  return (ofs % (32*4 + CALLBACK_MCODE_GROUP))/4 + group*32;
+#define CALLBACK_SLOT2OFS(slot)		(CALLBACK_MCODE_HEAD + 8*(slot))
+#define CALLBACK_OFS2SLOT(ofs)		(((ofs)-CALLBACK_MCODE_HEAD)/8)
+#define CALLBACK_SLOT2OFS(slot)		(CALLBACK_MCODE_HEAD + 8*(slot))
+#define CALLBACK_OFS2SLOT(ofs)		(((ofs)-CALLBACK_MCODE_HEAD)/8)
+#define CALLBACK_SLOT2OFS(slot)		(CALLBACK_MCODE_HEAD + 8*(slot))
+#define CALLBACK_OFS2SLOT(ofs)		(((ofs)-CALLBACK_MCODE_HEAD)/8)
+/* Missing support for this architecture. */
+#define CALLBACK_SLOT2OFS(slot)	(0*(slot))
+#define CALLBACK_OFS2SLOT(ofs)	(0*(ofs))
+/* Convert callback slot number to callback function pointer. */
+static void *callback_slot2ptr(CTState *cts, MSize slot)
+  return (uint8_t *)cts->cb.mcode + CALLBACK_SLOT2OFS(slot);
+/* Convert callback function pointer to slot number. */
+MSize lj_ccallback_ptr2slot(CTState *cts, void *p)
+  uintptr_t ofs = (uintptr_t)((uint8_t *)p -(uint8_t *)cts->cb.mcode);
+  if (ofs < CALLBACK_MCODE_SIZE) {
+    MSize slot = CALLBACK_OFS2SLOT((MSize)ofs);
+    if (CALLBACK_SLOT2OFS(slot) == (MSize)ofs)
+      return slot;
+  }
+  return ~0u;  /* Not a known callback function pointer. */
+/* Initialize machine code for callback function pointers. */
+/* Disabled callback support. */
+#define callback_mcode_init(g, p)	UNUSED(p)
+#elif LJ_TARGET_X86ORX64
+static void callback_mcode_init(global_State *g, uint8_t *page)
+  uint8_t *p = page;
+  uint8_t *target = (uint8_t *)(void *)lj_vm_ffi_callback;
+  MSize slot;
+#if LJ_64
+  *(void **)p = target; p += 8;
+  for (slot = 0; slot < CALLBACK_MAX_SLOT; slot++) {
+    /* mov al, slot; jmp group */
+    *p++ = XI_MOVrib | RID_EAX; *p++ = (uint8_t)slot;
+    if ((slot & 31) == 31 || slot == CALLBACK_MAX_SLOT-1) {
+      /* push ebp/rbp; mov ah, slot>>8; mov ebp, &g. */
+      *p++ = XI_PUSH + RID_EBP;
+      *p++ = XI_MOVrib | (RID_EAX+4); *p++ = (uint8_t)(slot >> 8);
+      *p++ = XI_MOVri | RID_EBP;
+      *(int32_t *)p = i32ptr(g); p += 4;
+#if LJ_64
+      /* jmp [rip-pageofs] where lj_vm_ffi_callback is stored. */
+      *p++ = XI_GROUP5; *p++ = XM_OFS0 + (XOg_JMP<<3) + RID_EBP;
+      *(int32_t *)p = (int32_t)(page-(p+4)); p += 4;
+      /* jmp lj_vm_ffi_callback. */
+      *p++ = XI_JMP; *(int32_t *)p = target-(p+4); p += 4;
+    } else {
+      *p++ = XI_JMPs; *p++ = (uint8_t)((2+2)*(31-(slot&31)) - 2);
+    }
+  }
+  lua_assert(p - page <= CALLBACK_MCODE_SIZE);
+static void callback_mcode_init(global_State *g, uint32_t *page)
+  uint32_t *p = page;
+  void *target = (void *)lj_vm_ffi_callback;
+  MSize slot;
+  /* This must match with the saveregs macro in buildvm_arm.dasc. */
+  *p++ = u32ptr(g);
+  *p++ = u32ptr(target);
+  for (slot = 0; slot < CALLBACK_MAX_SLOT; slot++) {
+    *p++ = ARMI_MOV|ARMF_D(RID_R12)|ARMF_M(RID_PC);
+    *p = ARMI_B | ((page-p-2) & 0x00ffffffu);
+    p++;
+  }
+  lua_assert(p - page <= CALLBACK_MCODE_SIZE);
+static void callback_mcode_init(global_State *g, uint32_t *page)
+  uint32_t *p = page;
+  void *target = (void *)lj_vm_ffi_callback;
+  MSize slot;
+  *p++ = PPCI_LIS | PPCF_T(RID_TMP) | (u32ptr(target) >> 16);
+  *p++ = PPCI_LIS | PPCF_T(RID_R12) | (u32ptr(g) >> 16);
+  *p++ = PPCI_ORI | PPCF_A(RID_TMP)|PPCF_T(RID_TMP) | (u32ptr(target) & 0xffff);
+  *p++ = PPCI_ORI | PPCF_A(RID_R12)|PPCF_T(RID_R12) | (u32ptr(g) & 0xffff);
+  *p++ = PPCI_BCTR;
+  for (slot = 0; slot < CALLBACK_MAX_SLOT; slot++) {
+    *p++ = PPCI_LI | PPCF_T(RID_R11) | slot;
+    *p = PPCI_B | (((page-p) & 0x00ffffffu) << 2);
+    p++;
+  }
+  lua_assert(p - page <= CALLBACK_MCODE_SIZE);
+static void callback_mcode_init(global_State *g, uint32_t *page)
+  uint32_t *p = page;
+  void *target = (void *)lj_vm_ffi_callback;
+  MSize slot;
+  *p++ = MIPSI_SW | MIPSF_T(RID_R1)|MIPSF_S(RID_SP) | 0;
+  *p++ = MIPSI_LUI | MIPSF_T(RID_R3) | (u32ptr(target) >> 16);
+  *p++ = MIPSI_LUI | MIPSF_T(RID_R2) | (u32ptr(g) >> 16);
+  *p++ = MIPSI_ORI | MIPSF_T(RID_R3)|MIPSF_S(RID_R3) |(u32ptr(target)&0xffff);
+  *p++ = MIPSI_JR | MIPSF_S(RID_R3);
+  *p++ = MIPSI_ORI | MIPSF_T(RID_R2)|MIPSF_S(RID_R2) | (u32ptr(g)&0xffff);
+  for (slot = 0; slot < CALLBACK_MAX_SLOT; slot++) {
+    *p = MIPSI_B | ((page-p-1) & 0x0000ffffu);
+    p++;
+    *p++ = MIPSI_LI | MIPSF_T(RID_R1) | slot;
+  }
+  lua_assert(p - page <= CALLBACK_MCODE_SIZE);
+/* Missing support for this architecture. */
+#define callback_mcode_init(g, p)	UNUSED(p)
+/* -- Machine code management --------------------------------------------- */
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+/* Allocate and initialize area for callback function pointers. */
+static void callback_mcode_new(CTState *cts)
+  size_t sz = (size_t)CALLBACK_MCODE_SIZE;
+  void *p;
+  if (CALLBACK_MAX_SLOT == 0)
+    lj_err_caller(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_CBACKOV);
+  if (!p)
+    lj_err_caller(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_CBACKOV);
+	   -1, 0);
+  if (p == MAP_FAILED)
+    lj_err_caller(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_CBACKOV);
+  /* Fallback allocator. Fails if memory is not executable by default. */
+  p = lj_mem_new(cts->L, sz);
+  cts->cb.mcode = p;
+  callback_mcode_init(cts->g, p);
+  lj_mcode_sync(p, (char *)p + sz);
+  {
+    DWORD oprot;
+    VirtualProtect(p, sz, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &oprot);
+  }
+  mprotect(p, sz, (PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC));
+/* Free area for callback function pointers. */
+void lj_ccallback_mcode_free(CTState *cts)
+  size_t sz = (size_t)CALLBACK_MCODE_SIZE;
+  void *p = cts->cb.mcode;
+  if (p == NULL) return;
+  VirtualFree(p, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
+  UNUSED(sz);
+  munmap(p, sz);
+  lj_mem_free(cts->g, p, sz);
+/* -- C callback entry ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Target-specific handling of register arguments. Similar to lj_ccall.c. */
+#if LJ_TARGET_X86
+  if (!isfp) {  /* Only non-FP values may be passed in registers. */ \
+    if (n > 1) {  /* Anything > 32 bit is passed on the stack. */ \
+      if (!LJ_ABI_WIN) ngpr = maxgpr;  /* Prevent reordering. */ \
+    } else if (ngpr + 1 <= maxgpr) { \
+      sp = &cts->cb.gpr[ngpr]; \
+      ngpr += n; \
+      goto done; \
+    } \
+  }
+#elif LJ_TARGET_X64 && LJ_ABI_WIN
+/* Windows/x64 argument registers are strictly positional (use ngpr). */
+  if (isfp) { \
+    if (ngpr < maxgpr) { sp = &cts->cb.fpr[ngpr++]; UNUSED(nfpr); goto done; } \
+  } else { \
+    if (ngpr < maxgpr) { sp = &cts->cb.gpr[ngpr++]; goto done; } \
+  }
+#elif LJ_TARGET_X64
+  if (isfp) { \
+    if (nfpr + n <= CCALL_NARG_FPR) { \
+      sp = &cts->cb.fpr[nfpr]; \
+      nfpr += n; \
+      goto done; \
+    } \
+  } else { \
+    if (ngpr + n <= maxgpr) { \
+      sp = &cts->cb.gpr[ngpr]; \
+      ngpr += n; \
+      goto done; \
+    } \
+  }
+  if (isfp) { \
+    if (n == 1) { \
+      if (fprodd) { \
+	sp = &cts->cb.fpr[fprodd-1]; \
+	fprodd = 0; \
+	goto done; \
+      } else if (nfpr + 1 <= CCALL_NARG_FPR) { \
+	sp = &cts->cb.fpr[nfpr++]; \
+	fprodd = nfpr; \
+	goto done; \
+      } \
+    } else { \
+      if (nfpr + 1 <= CCALL_NARG_FPR) { \
+	sp = &cts->cb.fpr[nfpr++]; \
+	goto done; \
+      } \
+    } \
+    fprodd = 0;  /* No reordering after the first FP value is on stack. */ \
+  } else {
+  if (n > 1) ngpr = (ngpr + 1u) & ~1u;  /* Align to regpair. */ \
+  if (ngpr + n <= maxgpr) { \
+    sp = &cts->cb.gpr[ngpr]; \
+    ngpr += n; \
+    goto done; \
+  if (isfp) { \
+    if (nfpr + 1 <= CCALL_NARG_FPR) { \
+      sp = &cts->cb.fpr[nfpr++]; \
+      cta = ctype_get(cts, CTID_DOUBLE);  /* FPRs always hold doubles. */ \
+      goto done; \
+    } \
+  } else {  /* Try to pass argument in GPRs. */ \
+    if (n > 1) { \
+      lua_assert(ctype_isinteger(cta->info) && n == 2);  /* int64_t. */ \
+      ngpr = (ngpr + 1u) & ~1u;  /* Align int64_t to regpair. */ \
+    } \
+    if (ngpr + n <= maxgpr) { \
+      sp = &cts->cb.gpr[ngpr]; \
+      ngpr += n; \
+      goto done; \
+    } \
+  }
+  if (ctype_isfp(ctr->info) && ctr->size == sizeof(float)) \
+    *(double *)dp = *(float *)dp;  /* FPRs always hold doubles. */
+  if (isfp && nfpr < CCALL_NARG_FPR) {  /* Try to pass argument in FPRs. */ \
+    sp = (void *)((uint8_t *)&cts->cb.fpr[nfpr] + ((LJ_BE && n==1) ? 4 : 0)); \
+    nfpr++; ngpr += n; \
+    goto done; \
+  } else {  /* Try to pass argument in GPRs. */ \
+    nfpr = CCALL_NARG_FPR; \
+    if (n > 1) ngpr = (ngpr + 1u) & ~1u;  /* Align to regpair. */ \
+    if (ngpr + n <= maxgpr) { \
+      sp = &cts->cb.gpr[ngpr]; \
+      ngpr += n; \
+      goto done; \
+    } \
+  }
+  if (ctype_isfp(ctr->info) && ctr->size == sizeof(float)) \
+    ((float *)dp)[1] = *(float *)dp;
+#error "Missing calling convention definitions for this architecture"
+/* Convert and push callback arguments to Lua stack. */
+static void callback_conv_args(CTState *cts, lua_State *L)
+  TValue *o = L->top;
+  intptr_t *stack = cts->cb.stack;
+  MSize slot = cts->cb.slot;
+  CTypeID id = 0, rid, fid;
+  int gcsteps = 0;
+  CType *ct;
+  GCfunc *fn;
+  MSize ngpr = 0, nsp = 0, maxgpr = CCALL_NARG_GPR;
+  MSize nfpr = 0;
+  MSize fprodd = 0;
+  if (slot < cts->cb.sizeid && (id = cts->cb.cbid[slot]) != 0) {
+    ct = ctype_get(cts, id);
+    rid = ctype_cid(ct->info);
+    fn = funcV(lj_tab_getint(cts->miscmap, (int32_t)slot));
+  } else {  /* Must set up frame first, before throwing the error. */
+    ct = NULL;
+    rid = 0;
+    fn = (GCfunc *)L;
+  }
+  o->u32.lo = LJ_CONT_FFI_CALLBACK;  /* Continuation returns from callback. */
+  o->u32.hi = rid;  /* Return type. x86: +(spadj<<16). */
+  o++;
+  setframe_gc(o, obj2gco(fn));
+  setframe_ftsz(o, (int)((char *)(o+1) - (char *)L->base) + FRAME_CONT);
+  L->top = L->base = ++o;
+  if (!ct)
+    lj_err_caller(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_BADCBACK);
+  if (isluafunc(fn))
+    setcframe_pc(L->cframe, proto_bc(funcproto(fn))+1);
+  lj_state_checkstack(L, LUA_MINSTACK);  /* May throw. */
+  o = L->base;  /* Might have been reallocated. */
+#if LJ_TARGET_X86
+  /* x86 has several different calling conventions. */
+  switch (ctype_cconv(ct->info)) {
+  case CTCC_FASTCALL: maxgpr = 2; break;
+  case CTCC_THISCALL: maxgpr = 1; break;
+  default: maxgpr = 0; break;
+  }
+  fid = ct->sib;
+  while (fid) {
+    CType *ctf = ctype_get(cts, fid);
+    if (!ctype_isattrib(ctf->info)) {
+      CType *cta;
+      void *sp;
+      CTSize sz;
+      int isfp;
+      MSize n;
+      lua_assert(ctype_isfield(ctf->info));
+      cta = ctype_rawchild(cts, ctf);
+      isfp = ctype_isfp(cta->info);
+      sz = (cta->size + CTSIZE_PTR-1) & ~(CTSIZE_PTR-1);
+      n = sz / CTSIZE_PTR;  /* Number of GPRs or stack slots needed. */
+      CALLBACK_HANDLE_REGARG  /* Handle register arguments. */
+      /* Otherwise pass argument on stack. */
+      if (CCALL_ALIGN_STACKARG && LJ_32 && sz == 8)
+	nsp = (nsp + 1) & ~1u;  /* Align 64 bit argument on stack. */
+      sp = &stack[nsp];
+      nsp += n;
+    done:
+      if (LJ_BE && cta->size < CTSIZE_PTR)
+	sp = (void *)((uint8_t *)sp + CTSIZE_PTR-cta->size);
+      gcsteps += lj_cconv_tv_ct(cts, cta, 0, o++, sp);
+    }
+    fid = ctf->sib;
+  }
+  L->top = o;
+#if LJ_TARGET_X86
+  /* Store stack adjustment for returns from non-cdecl callbacks. */
+  if (ctype_cconv(ct->info) != CTCC_CDECL)
+    (L->base-2)->u32.hi |= (nsp << (16+2));
+  while (gcsteps-- > 0)
+    lj_gc_check(L);
+/* Convert Lua object to callback result. */
+static void callback_conv_result(CTState *cts, lua_State *L, TValue *o)
+  CType *ctr = ctype_raw(cts, (uint16_t)(L->base-2)->u32.hi);
+#if LJ_TARGET_X86
+  cts->cb.gpr[2] = 0;
+  if (!ctype_isvoid(ctr->info)) {
+    uint8_t *dp = (uint8_t *)&cts->cb.gpr[0];
+    if (ctype_isfp(ctr->info))
+      dp = (uint8_t *)&cts->cb.fpr[0];
+    lj_cconv_ct_tv(cts, ctr, dp, o, 0);
+    /* Extend returned integers to (at least) 32 bits. */
+    if (ctype_isinteger_or_bool(ctr->info) && ctr->size < 4) {
+      if (ctr->info & CTF_UNSIGNED)
+	*(uint32_t *)dp = ctr->size == 1 ? (uint32_t)*(uint8_t *)dp :
+					   (uint32_t)*(uint16_t *)dp;
+      else
+	*(int32_t *)dp = ctr->size == 1 ? (int32_t)*(int8_t *)dp :
+					  (int32_t)*(int16_t *)dp;
+    }
+#if LJ_TARGET_X86
+    if (ctype_isfp(ctr->info))
+      cts->cb.gpr[2] = ctr->size == sizeof(float) ? 1 : 2;
+  }
+/* Enter callback. */
+lua_State * LJ_FASTCALL lj_ccallback_enter(CTState *cts, void *cf)
+  lua_State *L = cts->L;
+  global_State *g = cts->g;
+  lua_assert(L != NULL);
+  if (gcref(g->jit_L)) {
+    setstrV(L, L->top++, lj_err_str(L, LJ_ERR_FFI_BADCBACK));
+    if (g->panic) g->panic(L);
+    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+  }
+  lj_trace_abort(g);  /* Never record across callback. */
+  /* Setup C frame. */
+  cframe_prev(cf) = L->cframe;
+  setcframe_L(cf, L);
+  cframe_errfunc(cf) = -1;
+  cframe_nres(cf) = 0;
+  L->cframe = cf;
+  callback_conv_args(cts, L);
+  return L;  /* Now call the function on this stack. */
+/* Leave callback. */
+void LJ_FASTCALL lj_ccallback_leave(CTState *cts, TValue *o)
+  lua_State *L = cts->L;
+  GCfunc *fn;
+  TValue *obase = L->base;
+  L->base = L->top;  /* Keep continuation frame for throwing errors. */
+  if (o >= L->base) {
+    /* PC of RET* is lost. Point to last line for result conv. errors. */
+    fn = curr_func(L);
+    if (isluafunc(fn)) {
+      GCproto *pt = funcproto(fn);
+      setcframe_pc(L->cframe, proto_bc(pt)+pt->sizebc+1);
+    }
+  }
+  callback_conv_result(cts, L, o);
+  /* Finally drop C frame and continuation frame. */
+  L->cframe = cframe_prev(L->cframe);
+  L->top -= 2;
+  L->base = obase;
+  cts->cb.slot = 0;  /* Blacklist C function that called the callback. */
+/* -- C callback management ----------------------------------------------- */
+/* Get an unused slot in the callback slot table. */
+static MSize callback_slot_new(CTState *cts, CType *ct)
+  CTypeID id = ctype_typeid(cts, ct);
+  CTypeID1 *cbid = cts->cb.cbid;
+  MSize top;
+  for (top = cts->cb.topid; top < cts->cb.sizeid; top++)
+    if (LJ_LIKELY(cbid[top] == 0))
+      goto found;
+  if (top >= CALLBACK_MAX_SLOT)
+    lj_err_caller(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_CBACKOV);
+  if (!cts->cb.mcode)
+    callback_mcode_new(cts);
+  lj_mem_growvec(cts->L, cbid, cts->cb.sizeid, CALLBACK_MAX_SLOT, CTypeID1);
+  cts->cb.cbid = cbid;
+  memset(cbid+top, 0, (cts->cb.sizeid-top)*sizeof(CTypeID1));
+  cbid[top] = id;
+  cts->cb.topid = top+1;
+  return top;
+/* Check for function pointer and supported argument/result types. */
+static CType *callback_checkfunc(CTState *cts, CType *ct)
+  int narg = 0;
+  if (!ctype_isptr(ct->info) || (LJ_64 && ct->size != CTSIZE_PTR))
+    return NULL;
+  ct = ctype_rawchild(cts, ct);
+  if (ctype_isfunc(ct->info)) {
+    CType *ctr = ctype_rawchild(cts, ct);
+    CTypeID fid = ct->sib;
+    if (!(ctype_isvoid(ctr->info) || ctype_isenum(ctr->info) ||
+	  ctype_isptr(ctr->info) || (ctype_isnum(ctr->info) && ctr->size <= 8)))
+      return NULL;
+    if ((ct->info & CTF_VARARG))
+      return NULL;
+    while (fid) {
+      CType *ctf = ctype_get(cts, fid);
+      if (!ctype_isattrib(ctf->info)) {
+	CType *cta;
+	lua_assert(ctype_isfield(ctf->info));
+	cta = ctype_rawchild(cts, ctf);
+	if (!(ctype_isenum(cta->info) || ctype_isptr(cta->info) ||
+	      (ctype_isnum(cta->info) && cta->size <= 8)) ||
+	    ++narg >= LUA_MINSTACK-3)
+	  return NULL;
+      }
+      fid = ctf->sib;
+    }
+    return ct;
+  }
+  return NULL;
+/* Create a new callback and return the callback function pointer. */
+void *lj_ccallback_new(CTState *cts, CType *ct, GCfunc *fn)
+  ct = callback_checkfunc(cts, ct);
+  if (ct) {
+    MSize slot = callback_slot_new(cts, ct);
+    GCtab *t = cts->miscmap;
+    setfuncV(cts->L, lj_tab_setint(cts->L, t, (int32_t)slot), fn);
+    lj_gc_anybarriert(cts->L, t);
+    return callback_slot2ptr(cts, slot);
+  }
+  return NULL;  /* Bad conversion. */
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/lj_ccallback.h b/lib/luajit/src/lj_ccallback.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83dbe04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/lj_ccallback.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+** FFI C callback handling.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+#ifndef _LJ_CCALLBACK_H
+#define _LJ_CCALLBACK_H
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+#include "lj_ctype.h"
+/* Really belongs to lj_vm.h. */
+LJ_ASMF void lj_vm_ffi_callback(void);
+LJ_FUNC MSize lj_ccallback_ptr2slot(CTState *cts, void *p);
+LJ_FUNCA lua_State * LJ_FASTCALL lj_ccallback_enter(CTState *cts, void *cf);
+LJ_FUNCA void LJ_FASTCALL lj_ccallback_leave(CTState *cts, TValue *o);
+LJ_FUNC void *lj_ccallback_new(CTState *cts, CType *ct, GCfunc *fn);
+LJ_FUNC void lj_ccallback_mcode_free(CTState *cts);
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/lj_cconv.c b/lib/luajit/src/lj_cconv.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a27076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/lj_cconv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
+** C type conversions.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+#include "lj_err.h"
+#include "lj_tab.h"
+#include "lj_ctype.h"
+#include "lj_cdata.h"
+#include "lj_cconv.h"
+#include "lj_ccallback.h"
+/* -- Conversion errors --------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Bad conversion. */
+LJ_NORET static void cconv_err_conv(CTState *cts, CType *d, CType *s,
+				    CTInfo flags)
+  const char *dst = strdata(lj_ctype_repr(cts->L, ctype_typeid(cts, d), NULL));
+  const char *src;
+  if ((flags & CCF_FROMTV))
+    src = lj_obj_typename[1+(ctype_isnum(s->info) ? LUA_TNUMBER :
+			     ctype_isarray(s->info) ? LUA_TSTRING : LUA_TNIL)];
+  else
+    src = strdata(lj_ctype_repr(cts->L, ctype_typeid(cts, s), NULL));
+  if (CCF_GETARG(flags))
+    lj_err_argv(cts->L, CCF_GETARG(flags), LJ_ERR_FFI_BADCONV, src, dst);
+  else
+    lj_err_callerv(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_BADCONV, src, dst);
+/* Bad conversion from TValue. */
+LJ_NORET static void cconv_err_convtv(CTState *cts, CType *d, TValue *o,
+				      CTInfo flags)
+  const char *dst = strdata(lj_ctype_repr(cts->L, ctype_typeid(cts, d), NULL));
+  const char *src = lj_typename(o);
+  if (CCF_GETARG(flags))
+    lj_err_argv(cts->L, CCF_GETARG(flags), LJ_ERR_FFI_BADCONV, src, dst);
+  else
+    lj_err_callerv(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_BADCONV, src, dst);
+/* Initializer overflow. */
+LJ_NORET static void cconv_err_initov(CTState *cts, CType *d)
+  const char *dst = strdata(lj_ctype_repr(cts->L, ctype_typeid(cts, d), NULL));
+  lj_err_callerv(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_INITOV, dst);
+/* -- C type compatibility checks ----------------------------------------- */
+/* Get raw type and qualifiers for a child type. Resolves enums, too. */
+static CType *cconv_childqual(CTState *cts, CType *ct, CTInfo *qual)
+  ct = ctype_child(cts, ct);
+  for (;;) {
+    if (ctype_isattrib(ct->info)) {
+      if (ctype_attrib(ct->info) == CTA_QUAL) *qual |= ct->size;
+    } else if (!ctype_isenum(ct->info)) {
+      break;
+    }
+    ct = ctype_child(cts, ct);
+  }
+  *qual |= (ct->info & CTF_QUAL);
+  return ct;
+/* Check for compatible types when converting to a pointer.
+** Note: these checks are more relaxed than what C99 mandates.
+int lj_cconv_compatptr(CTState *cts, CType *d, CType *s, CTInfo flags)
+  if (!((flags & CCF_CAST) || d == s)) {
+    CTInfo dqual = 0, squal = 0;
+    d = cconv_childqual(cts, d, &dqual);
+    if (!ctype_isstruct(s->info))
+      s = cconv_childqual(cts, s, &squal);
+    if ((flags & CCF_SAME)) {
+      if (dqual != squal)
+	return 0;  /* Different qualifiers. */
+    } else if (!(flags & CCF_IGNQUAL)) {
+      if ((dqual & squal) != squal)
+	return 0;  /* Discarded qualifiers. */
+      if (ctype_isvoid(d->info) || ctype_isvoid(s->info))
+	return 1;  /* Converting to/from void * is always ok. */
+    }
+    if (ctype_type(d->info) != ctype_type(s->info) ||
+	d->size != s->size)
+      return 0;  /* Different type or different size. */
+    if (ctype_isnum(d->info)) {
+      if (((d->info ^ s->info) & (CTF_BOOL|CTF_FP)))
+	return 0;  /* Different numeric types. */
+    } else if (ctype_ispointer(d->info)) {
+      /* Check child types for compatibility. */
+      return lj_cconv_compatptr(cts, d, s, flags|CCF_SAME);
+    } else if (ctype_isstruct(d->info)) {
+      if (d != s)
+	return 0;  /* Must be exact same type for struct/union. */
+    } else if (ctype_isfunc(d->info)) {
+      /* NYI: structural equality of functions. */
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;  /* Types are compatible. */
+/* -- C type to C type conversion ----------------------------------------- */
+/* Convert C type to C type. Caveat: expects to get the raw CType!
+** Note: This is only used by the interpreter and not optimized at all.
+** The JIT compiler will do a much better job specializing for each case.
+void lj_cconv_ct_ct(CTState *cts, CType *d, CType *s,
+		    uint8_t *dp, uint8_t *sp, CTInfo flags)
+  CTSize dsize = d->size, ssize = s->size;
+  CTInfo dinfo = d->info, sinfo = s->info;
+  void *tmpptr;
+  lua_assert(!ctype_isenum(dinfo) && !ctype_isenum(sinfo));
+  lua_assert(!ctype_isattrib(dinfo) && !ctype_isattrib(sinfo));
+  if (ctype_type(dinfo) > CT_MAYCONVERT || ctype_type(sinfo) > CT_MAYCONVERT)
+    goto err_conv;
+  /* Some basic sanity checks. */
+  lua_assert(!ctype_isnum(dinfo) || dsize > 0);
+  lua_assert(!ctype_isnum(sinfo) || ssize > 0);
+  lua_assert(!ctype_isbool(dinfo) || dsize == 1 || dsize == 4);
+  lua_assert(!ctype_isbool(sinfo) || ssize == 1 || ssize == 4);
+  lua_assert(!ctype_isinteger(dinfo) || (1u<<lj_fls(dsize)) == dsize);
+  lua_assert(!ctype_isinteger(sinfo) || (1u<<lj_fls(ssize)) == ssize);
+  switch (cconv_idx2(dinfo, sinfo)) {
+  /* Destination is a bool. */
+  case CCX(B, B):
+    /* Source operand is already normalized. */
+    if (dsize == 1) *dp = *sp; else *(int *)dp = *sp;
+    break;
+  case CCX(B, I): {
+    MSize i;
+    uint8_t b = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < ssize; i++) b |= sp[i];
+    b = (b != 0);
+    if (dsize == 1) *dp = b; else *(int *)dp = b;
+    break;
+    }
+  case CCX(B, F): {
+    uint8_t b;
+    if (ssize == sizeof(double)) b = (*(double *)sp != 0);
+    else if (ssize == sizeof(float)) b = (*(float *)sp != 0);
+    else goto err_conv;  /* NYI: long double. */
+    if (dsize == 1) *dp = b; else *(int *)dp = b;
+    break;
+    }
+  /* Destination is an integer. */
+  case CCX(I, B):
+  case CCX(I, I):
+  conv_I_I:
+    if (dsize > ssize) {  /* Zero-extend or sign-extend LSB. */
+#if LJ_LE
+      uint8_t fill = (!(sinfo & CTF_UNSIGNED) && (sp[ssize-1]&0x80)) ? 0xff : 0;
+      memcpy(dp, sp, ssize);
+      memset(dp + ssize, fill, dsize-ssize);
+      uint8_t fill = (!(sinfo & CTF_UNSIGNED) && (sp[0]&0x80)) ? 0xff : 0;
+      memset(dp, fill, dsize-ssize);
+      memcpy(dp + (dsize-ssize), sp, ssize);
+    } else {  /* Copy LSB. */
+#if LJ_LE
+      memcpy(dp, sp, dsize);
+      memcpy(dp, sp + (ssize-dsize), dsize);
+    }
+    break;
+  case CCX(I, F): {
+    double n;  /* Always convert via double. */
+  conv_I_F:
+    /* Convert source to double. */
+    if (ssize == sizeof(double)) n = *(double *)sp;
+    else if (ssize == sizeof(float)) n = (double)*(float *)sp;
+    else goto err_conv;  /* NYI: long double. */
+    /* Then convert double to integer. */
+    /* The conversion must exactly match the semantics of JIT-compiled code! */
+    if (dsize < 4 || (dsize == 4 && !(dinfo & CTF_UNSIGNED))) {
+      int32_t i = (int32_t)n;
+      if (dsize == 4) *(int32_t *)dp = i;
+      else if (dsize == 2) *(int16_t *)dp = (int16_t)i;
+      else *(int8_t *)dp = (int8_t)i;
+    } else if (dsize == 4) {
+      *(uint32_t *)dp = (uint32_t)n;
+    } else if (dsize == 8) {
+      if (!(dinfo & CTF_UNSIGNED))
+	*(int64_t *)dp = (int64_t)n;
+      else
+	*(uint64_t *)dp = lj_num2u64(n);
+    } else {
+      goto err_conv;  /* NYI: conversion to >64 bit integers. */
+    }
+    break;
+    }
+  case CCX(I, C):
+    s = ctype_child(cts, s);
+    sinfo = s->info;
+    ssize = s->size;
+    goto conv_I_F;  /* Just convert re. */
+  case CCX(I, P):
+    if (!(flags & CCF_CAST)) goto err_conv;
+    goto conv_I_I;
+  case CCX(I, A):
+    if (!(flags & CCF_CAST)) goto err_conv;
+    ssize = CTSIZE_PTR;
+    tmpptr = sp;
+    sp = (uint8_t *)&tmpptr;
+    goto conv_I_I;
+  /* Destination is a floating-point number. */
+  case CCX(F, B):
+  case CCX(F, I): {
+    double n;  /* Always convert via double. */
+  conv_F_I:
+    /* First convert source to double. */
+    /* The conversion must exactly match the semantics of JIT-compiled code! */
+    if (ssize < 4 || (ssize == 4 && !(sinfo & CTF_UNSIGNED))) {
+      int32_t i;
+      if (ssize == 4) {
+	i = *(int32_t *)sp;
+      } else if (!(sinfo & CTF_UNSIGNED)) {
+	if (ssize == 2) i = *(int16_t *)sp;
+	else i = *(int8_t *)sp;
+      } else {
+	if (ssize == 2) i = *(uint16_t *)sp;
+	else i = *(uint8_t *)sp;
+      }
+      n = (double)i;
+    } else if (ssize == 4) {
+      n = (double)*(uint32_t *)sp;
+    } else if (ssize == 8) {
+      if (!(sinfo & CTF_UNSIGNED)) n = (double)*(int64_t *)sp;
+      else n = (double)*(uint64_t *)sp;
+    } else {
+      goto err_conv;  /* NYI: conversion from >64 bit integers. */
+    }
+    /* Convert double to destination. */
+    if (dsize == sizeof(double)) *(double *)dp = n;
+    else if (dsize == sizeof(float)) *(float *)dp = (float)n;
+    else goto err_conv;  /* NYI: long double. */
+    break;
+    }
+  case CCX(F, F): {
+    double n;  /* Always convert via double. */
+  conv_F_F:
+    if (ssize == dsize) goto copyval;
+    /* Convert source to double. */
+    if (ssize == sizeof(double)) n = *(double *)sp;
+    else if (ssize == sizeof(float)) n = (double)*(float *)sp;
+    else goto err_conv;  /* NYI: long double. */
+    /* Convert double to destination. */
+    if (dsize == sizeof(double)) *(double *)dp = n;
+    else if (dsize == sizeof(float)) *(float *)dp = (float)n;
+    else goto err_conv;  /* NYI: long double. */
+    break;
+    }
+  case CCX(F, C):
+    s = ctype_child(cts, s);
+    sinfo = s->info;
+    ssize = s->size;
+    goto conv_F_F;  /* Ignore im, and convert from re. */
+  /* Destination is a complex number. */
+  case CCX(C, I):
+    d = ctype_child(cts, d);
+    dinfo = d->info;
+    dsize = d->size;
+    memset(dp + dsize, 0, dsize);  /* Clear im. */
+    goto conv_F_I;  /* Convert to re. */
+  case CCX(C, F):
+    d = ctype_child(cts, d);
+    dinfo = d->info;
+    dsize = d->size;
+    memset(dp + dsize, 0, dsize);  /* Clear im. */
+    goto conv_F_F;  /* Convert to re. */
+  case CCX(C, C):
+    if (dsize != ssize) {  /* Different types: convert re/im separately. */
+      CType *dc = ctype_child(cts, d);
+      CType *sc = ctype_child(cts, s);
+      lj_cconv_ct_ct(cts, dc, sc, dp, sp, flags);
+      lj_cconv_ct_ct(cts, dc, sc, dp + dc->size, sp + sc->size, flags);
+      return;
+    }
+    goto copyval;  /* Otherwise this is easy. */
+  /* Destination is a vector. */
+  case CCX(V, I):
+  case CCX(V, F):
+  case CCX(V, C): {
+    CType *dc = ctype_child(cts, d);
+    CTSize esize;
+    /* First convert the scalar to the first element. */
+    lj_cconv_ct_ct(cts, dc, s, dp, sp, flags);
+    /* Then replicate it to the other elements (splat). */
+    for (sp = dp, esize = dc->size; dsize > esize; dsize -= esize) {
+      dp += esize;
+      memcpy(dp, sp, esize);
+    }
+    break;
+    }
+  case CCX(V, V):
+    /* Copy same-sized vectors, even for different lengths/element-types. */
+    if (dsize != ssize) goto err_conv;
+    goto copyval;
+  /* Destination is a pointer. */
+  case CCX(P, I):
+    if (!(flags & CCF_CAST)) goto err_conv;
+    goto conv_I_I;
+  case CCX(P, F):
+    if (!(flags & CCF_CAST) || !(flags & CCF_FROMTV)) goto err_conv;
+    /* The signed conversion is cheaper. x64 really has 47 bit pointers. */
+    dinfo = CTINFO(CT_NUM, (LJ_64 && dsize == 8) ? 0 : CTF_UNSIGNED);
+    goto conv_I_F;
+  case CCX(P, P):
+    if (!lj_cconv_compatptr(cts, d, s, flags)) goto err_conv;
+    cdata_setptr(dp, dsize, cdata_getptr(sp, ssize));
+    break;
+  case CCX(P, A):
+  case CCX(P, S):
+    if (!lj_cconv_compatptr(cts, d, s, flags)) goto err_conv;
+    cdata_setptr(dp, dsize, sp);
+    break;
+  /* Destination is an array. */
+  case CCX(A, A):
+    if ((flags & CCF_CAST) || (d->info & CTF_VLA) || dsize != ssize ||
+	d->size == CTSIZE_INVALID || !lj_cconv_compatptr(cts, d, s, flags))
+      goto err_conv;
+    goto copyval;
+  /* Destination is a struct/union. */
+  case CCX(S, S):
+    if ((flags & CCF_CAST) || (d->info & CTF_VLA) || d != s)
+      goto err_conv;  /* Must be exact same type. */
+copyval:  /* Copy value. */
+    lua_assert(dsize == ssize);
+    memcpy(dp, sp, dsize);
+    break;
+  default:
+  err_conv:
+    cconv_err_conv(cts, d, s, flags);
+  }
+/* -- C type to TValue conversion ----------------------------------------- */
+/* Convert C type to TValue. Caveat: expects to get the raw CType! */
+int lj_cconv_tv_ct(CTState *cts, CType *s, CTypeID sid,
+		   TValue *o, uint8_t *sp)
+  CTInfo sinfo = s->info;
+  if (ctype_isnum(sinfo)) {
+    if (!ctype_isbool(sinfo)) {
+      if (ctype_isinteger(sinfo) && s->size > 4) goto copyval;
+      if (LJ_DUALNUM && ctype_isinteger(sinfo)) {
+	int32_t i;
+	lj_cconv_ct_ct(cts, ctype_get(cts, CTID_INT32), s,
+		       (uint8_t *)&i, sp, 0);
+	if ((sinfo & CTF_UNSIGNED) && i < 0)
+	  setnumV(o, (lua_Number)(uint32_t)i);
+	else
+	  setintV(o, i);
+      } else {
+	lj_cconv_ct_ct(cts, ctype_get(cts, CTID_DOUBLE), s,
+		       (uint8_t *)&o->n, sp, 0);
+	/* Numbers are NOT canonicalized here! Beware of uninitialized data. */
+	lua_assert(tvisnum(o));
+      }
+    } else {
+      uint32_t b = s->size == 1 ? (*sp != 0) : (*(int *)sp != 0);
+      setboolV(o, b);
+      setboolV(&cts->g->tmptv2, b);  /* Remember for trace recorder. */
+    }
+    return 0;
+  } else if (ctype_isrefarray(sinfo) || ctype_isstruct(sinfo)) {
+    /* Create reference. */
+    setcdataV(cts->L, o, lj_cdata_newref(cts, sp, sid));
+    return 1;  /* Need GC step. */
+  } else {
+    GCcdata *cd;
+    CTSize sz;
+  copyval:  /* Copy value. */
+    sz = s->size;
+    lua_assert(sz != CTSIZE_INVALID);
+    /* Attributes are stripped, qualifiers are kept (but mostly ignored). */
+    cd = lj_cdata_new(cts, ctype_typeid(cts, s), sz);
+    setcdataV(cts->L, o, cd);
+    memcpy(cdataptr(cd), sp, sz);
+    return 1;  /* Need GC step. */
+  }
+/* Convert bitfield to TValue. */
+int lj_cconv_tv_bf(CTState *cts, CType *s, TValue *o, uint8_t *sp)
+  CTInfo info = s->info;
+  CTSize pos, bsz;
+  uint32_t val;
+  lua_assert(ctype_isbitfield(info));
+  /* NYI: packed bitfields may cause misaligned reads. */
+  switch (ctype_bitcsz(info)) {
+  case 4: val = *(uint32_t *)sp; break;
+  case 2: val = *(uint16_t *)sp; break;
+  case 1: val = *(uint8_t *)sp; break;
+  default: lua_assert(0); val = 0; break;
+  }
+  /* Check if a packed bitfield crosses a container boundary. */
+  pos = ctype_bitpos(info);
+  bsz = ctype_bitbsz(info);
+  lua_assert(pos < 8*ctype_bitcsz(info));
+  lua_assert(bsz > 0 && bsz <= 8*ctype_bitcsz(info));
+  if (pos + bsz > 8*ctype_bitcsz(info))
+    lj_err_caller(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_NYIPACKBIT);
+  if (!(info & CTF_BOOL)) {
+    CTSize shift = 32 - bsz;
+    if (!(info & CTF_UNSIGNED)) {
+      setintV(o, (int32_t)(val << (shift-pos)) >> shift);
+    } else {
+      val = (val << (shift-pos)) >> shift;
+      if (!LJ_DUALNUM || (int32_t)val < 0)
+	setnumV(o, (lua_Number)(uint32_t)val);
+      else
+	setintV(o, (int32_t)val);
+    }
+  } else {
+    lua_assert(bsz == 1);
+    setboolV(o, (val >> pos) & 1);
+  }
+  return 0;  /* No GC step needed. */
+/* -- TValue to C type conversion ----------------------------------------- */
+/* Convert table to array. */
+static void cconv_array_tab(CTState *cts, CType *d,
+			    uint8_t *dp, GCtab *t, CTInfo flags)
+  int32_t i;
+  CType *dc = ctype_rawchild(cts, d);  /* Array element type. */
+  CTSize size = d->size, esize = dc->size, ofs = 0;
+  for (i = 0; ; i++) {
+    TValue *tv = (TValue *)lj_tab_getint(t, i);
+    if (!tv || tvisnil(tv)) {
+      if (i == 0) continue;  /* Try again for 1-based tables. */
+      break;  /* Stop at first nil. */
+    }
+    if (ofs >= size)
+      cconv_err_initov(cts, d);
+    lj_cconv_ct_tv(cts, dc, dp + ofs, tv, flags);
+    ofs += esize;
+  }
+  if (size != CTSIZE_INVALID) {  /* Only fill up arrays with known size. */
+    if (ofs == esize) {  /* Replicate a single element. */
+      for (; ofs < size; ofs += esize) memcpy(dp + ofs, dp, esize);
+    } else {  /* Otherwise fill the remainder with zero. */
+      memset(dp + ofs, 0, size - ofs);
+    }
+  }
+/* Convert table to sub-struct/union. */
+static void cconv_substruct_tab(CTState *cts, CType *d, uint8_t *dp,
+				GCtab *t, int32_t *ip, CTInfo flags)
+  CTypeID id = d->sib;
+  while (id) {
+    CType *df = ctype_get(cts, id);
+    id = df->sib;
+    if (ctype_isfield(df->info) || ctype_isbitfield(df->info)) {
+      TValue *tv;
+      int32_t i = *ip, iz = i;
+      if (!gcref(df->name)) continue;  /* Ignore unnamed fields. */
+      if (i >= 0) {
+      retry:
+	tv = (TValue *)lj_tab_getint(t, i);
+	if (!tv || tvisnil(tv)) {
+	  if (i == 0) { i = 1; goto retry; }  /* 1-based tables. */
+	  if (iz == 0) { *ip = i = -1; goto tryname; }  /* Init named fields. */
+	  break;  /* Stop at first nil. */
+	}
+	*ip = i + 1;
+      } else {
+      tryname:
+	tv = (TValue *)lj_tab_getstr(t, gco2str(gcref(df->name)));
+	if (!tv || tvisnil(tv)) continue;
+      }
+      if (ctype_isfield(df->info))
+	lj_cconv_ct_tv(cts, ctype_rawchild(cts, df), dp+df->size, tv, flags);
+      else
+	lj_cconv_bf_tv(cts, df, dp+df->size, tv);
+      if ((d->info & CTF_UNION)) break;
+    } else if (ctype_isxattrib(df->info, CTA_SUBTYPE)) {
+      cconv_substruct_tab(cts, ctype_rawchild(cts, df),
+			  dp+df->size, t, ip, flags);
+    }  /* Ignore all other entries in the chain. */
+  }
+/* Convert table to struct/union. */
+static void cconv_struct_tab(CTState *cts, CType *d,
+			     uint8_t *dp, GCtab *t, CTInfo flags)
+  int32_t i = 0;
+  memset(dp, 0, d->size);  /* Much simpler to clear the struct first. */
+  cconv_substruct_tab(cts, d, dp, t, &i, flags);
+/* Convert TValue to C type. Caveat: expects to get the raw CType! */
+void lj_cconv_ct_tv(CTState *cts, CType *d,
+		    uint8_t *dp, TValue *o, CTInfo flags)
+  CTypeID sid = CTID_P_VOID;
+  CType *s;
+  void *tmpptr;
+  uint8_t tmpbool, *sp = (uint8_t *)&tmpptr;
+  if (LJ_LIKELY(tvisint(o))) {
+    sp = (uint8_t *)&o->i;
+    sid = CTID_INT32;
+    flags |= CCF_FROMTV;
+  } else if (LJ_LIKELY(tvisnum(o))) {
+    sp = (uint8_t *)&o->n;
+    sid = CTID_DOUBLE;
+    flags |= CCF_FROMTV;
+  } else if (tviscdata(o)) {
+    sp = cdataptr(cdataV(o));
+    sid = cdataV(o)->ctypeid;
+    s = ctype_get(cts, sid);
+    if (ctype_isref(s->info)) {  /* Resolve reference for value. */
+      lua_assert(s->size == CTSIZE_PTR);
+      sp = *(void **)sp;
+      sid = ctype_cid(s->info);
+    }
+    s = ctype_raw(cts, sid);
+    if (ctype_isfunc(s->info)) {
+      sid = lj_ctype_intern(cts, CTINFO(CT_PTR, CTALIGN_PTR|sid), CTSIZE_PTR);
+    } else {
+      if (ctype_isenum(s->info)) s = ctype_child(cts, s);
+      goto doconv;
+    }
+  } else if (tvisstr(o)) {
+    GCstr *str = strV(o);
+    if (ctype_isenum(d->info)) {  /* Match string against enum constant. */
+      CTSize ofs;
+      CType *cct = lj_ctype_getfield(cts, d, str, &ofs);
+      if (!cct || !ctype_isconstval(cct->info))
+	goto err_conv;
+      lua_assert(d->size == 4);
+      sp = (uint8_t *)&cct->size;
+      sid = ctype_cid(cct->info);
+    } else if (ctype_isrefarray(d->info)) {  /* Copy string to array. */
+      CType *dc = ctype_rawchild(cts, d);
+      CTSize sz = str->len+1;
+      if (!ctype_isinteger(dc->info) || dc->size != 1)
+	goto err_conv;
+      if (d->size != 0 && d->size < sz)
+	sz = d->size;
+      memcpy(dp, strdata(str), sz);
+      return;
+    } else {  /* Otherwise pass it as a const char[]. */
+      sp = (uint8_t *)strdata(str);
+      sid = CTID_A_CCHAR;
+      flags |= CCF_FROMTV;
+    }
+  } else if (tvistab(o)) {
+    if (ctype_isarray(d->info)) {
+      cconv_array_tab(cts, d, dp, tabV(o), flags);
+      return;
+    } else if (ctype_isstruct(d->info)) {
+      cconv_struct_tab(cts, d, dp, tabV(o), flags);
+      return;
+    } else {
+      goto err_conv;
+    }
+  } else if (tvisbool(o)) {
+    tmpbool = boolV(o);
+    sp = &tmpbool;
+    sid = CTID_BOOL;
+  } else if (tvisnil(o)) {
+    tmpptr = (void *)0;
+    flags |= CCF_FROMTV;
+  } else if (tvisudata(o)) {
+    GCudata *ud = udataV(o);
+    tmpptr = uddata(ud);
+    if (ud->udtype == UDTYPE_IO_FILE)
+      tmpptr = *(void **)tmpptr;
+  } else if (tvislightud(o)) {
+    tmpptr = lightudV(o);
+  } else if (tvisfunc(o)) {
+    void *p = lj_ccallback_new(cts, d, funcV(o));
+    if (p) {
+      *(void **)dp = p;
+      return;
+    }
+    goto err_conv;
+  } else {
+  err_conv:
+    cconv_err_convtv(cts, d, o, flags);
+  }
+  s = ctype_get(cts, sid);
+  if (ctype_isenum(d->info)) d = ctype_child(cts, d);
+  lj_cconv_ct_ct(cts, d, s, dp, sp, flags);
+/* Convert TValue to bitfield. */
+void lj_cconv_bf_tv(CTState *cts, CType *d, uint8_t *dp, TValue *o)
+  CTInfo info = d->info;
+  CTSize pos, bsz;
+  uint32_t val, mask;
+  lua_assert(ctype_isbitfield(info));
+  if ((info & CTF_BOOL)) {
+    uint8_t tmpbool;
+    lua_assert(ctype_bitbsz(info) == 1);
+    lj_cconv_ct_tv(cts, ctype_get(cts, CTID_BOOL), &tmpbool, o, 0);
+    val = tmpbool;
+  } else {
+    CTypeID did = (info & CTF_UNSIGNED) ? CTID_UINT32 : CTID_INT32;
+    lj_cconv_ct_tv(cts, ctype_get(cts, did), (uint8_t *)&val, o, 0);
+  }
+  pos = ctype_bitpos(info);
+  bsz = ctype_bitbsz(info);
+  lua_assert(pos < 8*ctype_bitcsz(info));
+  lua_assert(bsz > 0 && bsz <= 8*ctype_bitcsz(info));
+  /* Check if a packed bitfield crosses a container boundary. */
+  if (pos + bsz > 8*ctype_bitcsz(info))
+    lj_err_caller(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_NYIPACKBIT);
+  mask = ((1u << bsz) - 1u) << pos;
+  val = (val << pos) & mask;
+  /* NYI: packed bitfields may cause misaligned reads/writes. */
+  switch (ctype_bitcsz(info)) {
+  case 4: *(uint32_t *)dp = (*(uint32_t *)dp & ~mask) | (uint32_t)val; break;
+  case 2: *(uint16_t *)dp = (*(uint16_t *)dp & ~mask) | (uint16_t)val; break;
+  case 1: *(uint8_t *)dp = (*(uint8_t *)dp & ~mask) | (uint8_t)val; break;
+  default: lua_assert(0); break;
+  }
+/* -- Initialize C type with TValues -------------------------------------- */
+/* Initialize an array with TValues. */
+static void cconv_array_init(CTState *cts, CType *d, CTSize sz, uint8_t *dp,
+			     TValue *o, MSize len)
+  CType *dc = ctype_rawchild(cts, d);  /* Array element type. */
+  CTSize ofs, esize = dc->size;
+  MSize i;
+  if (len*esize > sz)
+    cconv_err_initov(cts, d);
+  for (i = 0, ofs = 0; i < len; i++, ofs += esize)
+    lj_cconv_ct_tv(cts, dc, dp + ofs, o + i, 0);
+  if (ofs == esize) {  /* Replicate a single element. */
+    for (; ofs < sz; ofs += esize) memcpy(dp + ofs, dp, esize);
+  } else {  /* Otherwise fill the remainder with zero. */
+    memset(dp + ofs, 0, sz - ofs);
+  }
+/* Initialize a sub-struct/union with TValues. */
+static void cconv_substruct_init(CTState *cts, CType *d, uint8_t *dp,
+				 TValue *o, MSize len, MSize *ip)
+  CTypeID id = d->sib;
+  while (id) {
+    CType *df = ctype_get(cts, id);
+    id = df->sib;
+    if (ctype_isfield(df->info) || ctype_isbitfield(df->info)) {
+      MSize i = *ip;
+      if (!gcref(df->name)) continue;  /* Ignore unnamed fields. */
+      if (i >= len) break;
+      *ip = i + 1;
+      if (ctype_isfield(df->info))
+	lj_cconv_ct_tv(cts, ctype_rawchild(cts, df), dp+df->size, o + i, 0);
+      else
+	lj_cconv_bf_tv(cts, df, dp+df->size, o + i);
+      if ((d->info & CTF_UNION)) break;
+    } else if (ctype_isxattrib(df->info, CTA_SUBTYPE)) {
+      cconv_substruct_init(cts, ctype_rawchild(cts, df),
+			   dp+df->size, o, len, ip);
+      if ((d->info & CTF_UNION)) break;
+    }  /* Ignore all other entries in the chain. */
+  }
+/* Initialize a struct/union with TValues. */
+static void cconv_struct_init(CTState *cts, CType *d, CTSize sz, uint8_t *dp,
+			      TValue *o, MSize len)
+  MSize i = 0;
+  memset(dp, 0, sz);  /* Much simpler to clear the struct first. */
+  cconv_substruct_init(cts, d, dp, o, len, &i);
+  if (i < len)
+    cconv_err_initov(cts, d);
+/* Check whether to use a multi-value initializer.
+** This is true if an aggregate is to be initialized with a value.
+** Valarrays are treated as values here so ct_tv handles (V|C, I|F).
+int lj_cconv_multi_init(CTState *cts, CType *d, TValue *o)
+  if (!(ctype_isrefarray(d->info) || ctype_isstruct(d->info)))
+    return 0;  /* Destination is not an aggregate. */
+  if (tvistab(o) || (tvisstr(o) && !ctype_isstruct(d->info)))
+    return 0;  /* Initializer is not a value. */
+  if (tviscdata(o) && lj_ctype_rawref(cts, cdataV(o)->ctypeid) == d)
+    return 0;  /* Source and destination are identical aggregates. */
+  return 1;  /* Otherwise the initializer is a value. */
+/* Initialize C type with TValues. Caveat: expects to get the raw CType! */
+void lj_cconv_ct_init(CTState *cts, CType *d, CTSize sz,
+		      uint8_t *dp, TValue *o, MSize len)
+  if (len == 0)
+    memset(dp, 0, sz);
+  else if (len == 1 && !lj_cconv_multi_init(cts, d, o))
+    lj_cconv_ct_tv(cts, d, dp, o, 0);
+  else if (ctype_isarray(d->info))  /* Also handles valarray init with len>1. */
+    cconv_array_init(cts, d, sz, dp, o, len);
+  else if (ctype_isstruct(d->info))
+    cconv_struct_init(cts, d, sz, dp, o, len);
+  else
+    cconv_err_initov(cts, d);
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/lj_cconv.h b/lib/luajit/src/lj_cconv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bd50ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/lj_cconv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+** C type conversions.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+#ifndef _LJ_CCONV_H
+#define _LJ_CCONV_H
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+#include "lj_ctype.h"
+/* Compressed C type index. ORDER CCX. */
+enum {
+  CCX_B,	/* Bool. */
+  CCX_I,	/* Integer. */
+  CCX_F,	/* Floating-point number. */
+  CCX_C,	/* Complex. */
+  CCX_V,	/* Vector. */
+  CCX_P,	/* Pointer. */
+  CCX_A,	/* Refarray. */
+  CCX_S		/* Struct/union. */
+/* Convert C type info to compressed C type index. ORDER CT. ORDER CCX. */
+static LJ_AINLINE uint32_t cconv_idx(CTInfo info)
+  uint32_t idx = ((info >> 26) & 15u);  /* Dispatch bits. */
+  lua_assert(ctype_type(info) <= CT_MAYCONVERT);
+#if LJ_64
+  idx = ((uint32_t)(U64x(f436fff5,fff7f021) >> 4*idx) & 15u);
+  idx = (((idx < 8 ? 0xfff7f021u : 0xf436fff5) >> 4*(idx & 7u)) & 15u);
+  lua_assert(idx < 8);
+  return idx;
+#define cconv_idx2(dinfo, sinfo) \
+  ((cconv_idx((dinfo)) << 3) + cconv_idx((sinfo)))
+#define CCX(dst, src)		((CCX_##dst << 3) + CCX_##src)
+/* Conversion flags. */
+#define CCF_CAST	0x00000001u
+#define CCF_FROMTV	0x00000002u
+#define CCF_SAME	0x00000004u
+#define CCF_IGNQUAL	0x00000008u
+#define CCF_ARG_SHIFT	8
+#define CCF_ARG(n)	((n) << CCF_ARG_SHIFT)
+#define CCF_GETARG(f)	((f) >> CCF_ARG_SHIFT)
+LJ_FUNC int lj_cconv_compatptr(CTState *cts, CType *d, CType *s, CTInfo flags);
+LJ_FUNC void lj_cconv_ct_ct(CTState *cts, CType *d, CType *s,
+			    uint8_t *dp, uint8_t *sp, CTInfo flags);
+LJ_FUNC int lj_cconv_tv_ct(CTState *cts, CType *s, CTypeID sid,
+			   TValue *o, uint8_t *sp);
+LJ_FUNC int lj_cconv_tv_bf(CTState *cts, CType *s, TValue *o, uint8_t *sp);
+LJ_FUNC void lj_cconv_ct_tv(CTState *cts, CType *d,
+			    uint8_t *dp, TValue *o, CTInfo flags);
+LJ_FUNC void lj_cconv_bf_tv(CTState *cts, CType *d, uint8_t *dp, TValue *o);
+LJ_FUNC int lj_cconv_multi_init(CTState *cts, CType *d, TValue *o);
+LJ_FUNC void lj_cconv_ct_init(CTState *cts, CType *d, CTSize sz,
+			      uint8_t *dp, TValue *o, MSize len);
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/lj_cdata.c b/lib/luajit/src/lj_cdata.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39fc13a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/lj_cdata.c
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+** C data management.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+#include "lj_gc.h"
+#include "lj_err.h"
+#include "lj_str.h"
+#include "lj_tab.h"
+#include "lj_ctype.h"
+#include "lj_cconv.h"
+#include "lj_cdata.h"
+/* -- C data allocation --------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Allocate a new C data object holding a reference to another object. */
+GCcdata *lj_cdata_newref(CTState *cts, const void *p, CTypeID id)
+  CTypeID refid = lj_ctype_intern(cts, CTINFO_REF(id), CTSIZE_PTR);
+  GCcdata *cd = lj_cdata_new(cts, refid, CTSIZE_PTR);
+  *(const void **)cdataptr(cd) = p;
+  return cd;
+/* Allocate variable-sized or specially aligned C data object. */
+GCcdata *lj_cdata_newv(CTState *cts, CTypeID id, CTSize sz, CTSize align)
+  global_State *g;
+  MSize extra = sizeof(GCcdataVar) + sizeof(GCcdata) +
+		(align > CT_MEMALIGN ? (1u<<align) - (1u<<CT_MEMALIGN) : 0);
+  char *p = lj_mem_newt(cts->L, extra + sz, char);
+  uintptr_t adata = (uintptr_t)p + sizeof(GCcdataVar) + sizeof(GCcdata);
+  uintptr_t almask = (1u << align) - 1u;
+  GCcdata *cd = (GCcdata *)(((adata + almask) & ~almask) - sizeof(GCcdata));
+  lua_assert((char *)cd - p < 65536);
+  cdatav(cd)->offset = (uint16_t)((char *)cd - p);
+  cdatav(cd)->extra = extra;
+  cdatav(cd)->len = sz;
+  g = cts->g;
+  setgcrefr(cd->nextgc, g->gc.root);
+  setgcref(g->gc.root, obj2gco(cd));
+  newwhite(g, obj2gco(cd));
+  cd->marked |= 0x80;
+  cd->gct = ~LJ_TCDATA;
+  cd->ctypeid = id;
+  return cd;
+/* Free a C data object. */
+void LJ_FASTCALL lj_cdata_free(global_State *g, GCcdata *cd)
+  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(cd->marked & LJ_GC_CDATA_FIN)) {
+    GCobj *root;
+    makewhite(g, obj2gco(cd));
+    markfinalized(obj2gco(cd));
+    if ((root = gcref(g->gc.mmudata)) != NULL) {
+      setgcrefr(cd->nextgc, root->gch.nextgc);
+      setgcref(root->gch.nextgc, obj2gco(cd));
+      setgcref(g->gc.mmudata, obj2gco(cd));
+    } else {
+      setgcref(cd->nextgc, obj2gco(cd));
+      setgcref(g->gc.mmudata, obj2gco(cd));
+    }
+  } else if (LJ_LIKELY(!cdataisv(cd))) {
+    CType *ct = ctype_raw(ctype_ctsG(g), cd->ctypeid);
+    CTSize sz = ctype_hassize(ct->info) ? ct->size : CTSIZE_PTR;
+    lua_assert(ctype_hassize(ct->info) || ctype_isfunc(ct->info) ||
+	       ctype_isextern(ct->info));
+    lj_mem_free(g, cd, sizeof(GCcdata) + sz);
+  } else {
+    lj_mem_free(g, memcdatav(cd), sizecdatav(cd));
+  }
+TValue * LJ_FASTCALL lj_cdata_setfin(lua_State *L, GCcdata *cd)
+  global_State *g = G(L);
+  GCtab *t = ctype_ctsG(g)->finalizer;
+  if (gcref(t->metatable)) {
+    /* Add cdata to finalizer table, if still enabled. */
+    TValue *tv, tmp;
+    setcdataV(L, &tmp, cd);
+    lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t);
+    tv = lj_tab_set(L, t, &tmp);
+    cd->marked |= LJ_GC_CDATA_FIN;
+    return tv;
+  } else {
+    /* Otherwise return dummy TValue. */
+    return &g->tmptv;
+  }
+/* -- C data indexing ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Index C data by a TValue. Return CType and pointer. */
+CType *lj_cdata_index(CTState *cts, GCcdata *cd, cTValue *key, uint8_t **pp,
+		      CTInfo *qual)
+  uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd);
+  CType *ct = ctype_get(cts, cd->ctypeid);
+  ptrdiff_t idx;
+  /* Resolve reference for cdata object. */
+  if (ctype_isref(ct->info)) {
+    lua_assert(ct->size == CTSIZE_PTR);
+    p = *(uint8_t **)p;
+    ct = ctype_child(cts, ct);
+  }
+  /* Skip attributes and collect qualifiers. */
+  while (ctype_isattrib(ct->info)) {
+    if (ctype_attrib(ct->info) == CTA_QUAL) *qual |= ct->size;
+    ct = ctype_child(cts, ct);
+  }
+  lua_assert(!ctype_isref(ct->info));  /* Interning rejects refs to refs. */
+  if (tvisint(key)) {
+    idx = (ptrdiff_t)intV(key);
+    goto integer_key;
+  } else if (tvisnum(key)) {  /* Numeric key. */
+    idx = LJ_64 ? (ptrdiff_t)numV(key) : (ptrdiff_t)lj_num2int(numV(key));
+  integer_key:
+    if (ctype_ispointer(ct->info)) {
+      CTSize sz = lj_ctype_size(cts, ctype_cid(ct->info));  /* Element size. */
+      if (sz == CTSIZE_INVALID)
+	lj_err_caller(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_INVSIZE);
+      if (ctype_isptr(ct->info)) {
+	p = (uint8_t *)cdata_getptr(p, ct->size);
+      } else if ((ct->info & (CTF_VECTOR|CTF_COMPLEX))) {
+	if ((ct->info & CTF_COMPLEX)) idx &= 1;
+	*qual |= CTF_CONST;  /* Valarray elements are constant. */
+      }
+      *pp = p + idx*(int32_t)sz;
+      return ct;
+    }
+  } else if (tviscdata(key)) {  /* Integer cdata key. */
+    GCcdata *cdk = cdataV(key);
+    CType *ctk = ctype_raw(cts, cdk->ctypeid);
+    if (ctype_isenum(ctk->info)) ctk = ctype_child(cts, ctk);
+    if (ctype_isinteger(ctk->info)) {
+      lj_cconv_ct_ct(cts, ctype_get(cts, CTID_INT_PSZ), ctk,
+		     (uint8_t *)&idx, cdataptr(cdk), 0);
+      goto integer_key;
+    }
+  } else if (tvisstr(key)) {  /* String key. */
+    GCstr *name = strV(key);
+    if (ctype_isstruct(ct->info)) {
+      CTSize ofs;
+      CType *fct = lj_ctype_getfieldq(cts, ct, name, &ofs, qual);
+      if (fct) {
+	*pp = p + ofs;
+	return fct;
+      }
+    } else if (ctype_iscomplex(ct->info)) {
+      if (name->len == 2) {
+	*qual |= CTF_CONST;  /* Complex fields are constant. */
+	if (strdata(name)[0] == 'r' && strdata(name)[1] == 'e') {
+	  *pp = p;
+	  return ct;
+	} else if (strdata(name)[0] == 'i' && strdata(name)[1] == 'm') {
+	  *pp = p + (ct->size >> 1);
+	  return ct;
+	}
+      }
+    } else if (cd->ctypeid == CTID_CTYPEID) {
+      /* Allow indexing a (pointer to) struct constructor to get constants. */
+      CType *sct = ctype_raw(cts, *(CTypeID *)p);
+      if (ctype_isptr(sct->info))
+	sct = ctype_rawchild(cts, sct);
+      if (ctype_isstruct(sct->info)) {
+	CTSize ofs;
+	CType *fct = lj_ctype_getfield(cts, sct, name, &ofs);
+	if (fct && ctype_isconstval(fct->info))
+	  return fct;
+      }
+      ct = sct;  /* Allow resolving metamethods for constructors, too. */
+    }
+  }
+  if (ctype_isptr(ct->info)) {  /* Automatically perform '->'. */
+    if (ctype_isstruct(ctype_rawchild(cts, ct)->info)) {
+      p = (uint8_t *)cdata_getptr(p, ct->size);
+      ct = ctype_child(cts, ct);
+      goto collect_attrib;
+    }
+  }
+  *qual |= 1;  /* Lookup failed. */
+  return ct;  /* But return the resolved raw type. */
+/* -- C data getters ------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Get constant value and convert to TValue. */
+static void cdata_getconst(CTState *cts, TValue *o, CType *ct)
+  CType *ctt = ctype_child(cts, ct);
+  lua_assert(ctype_isinteger(ctt->info) && ctt->size <= 4);
+  /* Constants are already zero-extended/sign-extended to 32 bits. */
+  if ((ctt->info & CTF_UNSIGNED) && (int32_t)ct->size < 0)
+    setnumV(o, (lua_Number)(uint32_t)ct->size);
+  else
+    setintV(o, (int32_t)ct->size);
+/* Get C data value and convert to TValue. */
+int lj_cdata_get(CTState *cts, CType *s, TValue *o, uint8_t *sp)
+  CTypeID sid;
+  if (ctype_isconstval(s->info)) {
+    cdata_getconst(cts, o, s);
+    return 0;  /* No GC step needed. */
+  } else if (ctype_isbitfield(s->info)) {
+    return lj_cconv_tv_bf(cts, s, o, sp);
+  }
+  /* Get child type of pointer/array/field. */
+  lua_assert(ctype_ispointer(s->info) || ctype_isfield(s->info));
+  sid = ctype_cid(s->info);
+  s = ctype_get(cts, sid);
+  /* Resolve reference for field. */
+  if (ctype_isref(s->info)) {
+    lua_assert(s->size == CTSIZE_PTR);
+    sp = *(uint8_t **)sp;
+    sid = ctype_cid(s->info);
+    s = ctype_get(cts, sid);
+  }
+  /* Skip attributes. */
+  while (ctype_isattrib(s->info))
+    s = ctype_child(cts, s);
+  return lj_cconv_tv_ct(cts, s, sid, o, sp);
+/* -- C data setters ------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Convert TValue and set C data value. */
+void lj_cdata_set(CTState *cts, CType *d, uint8_t *dp, TValue *o, CTInfo qual)
+  if (ctype_isconstval(d->info)) {
+    goto err_const;
+  } else if (ctype_isbitfield(d->info)) {
+    if (((d->info|qual) & CTF_CONST)) goto err_const;
+    lj_cconv_bf_tv(cts, d, dp, o);
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Get child type of pointer/array/field. */
+  lua_assert(ctype_ispointer(d->info) || ctype_isfield(d->info));
+  d = ctype_child(cts, d);
+  /* Resolve reference for field. */
+  if (ctype_isref(d->info)) {
+    lua_assert(d->size == CTSIZE_PTR);
+    dp = *(uint8_t **)dp;
+    d = ctype_child(cts, d);
+  }
+  /* Skip attributes and collect qualifiers. */
+  for (;;) {
+    if (ctype_isattrib(d->info)) {
+      if (ctype_attrib(d->info) == CTA_QUAL) qual |= d->size;
+    } else {
+      break;
+    }
+    d = ctype_child(cts, d);
+  }
+  lua_assert(ctype_hassize(d->info) && !ctype_isvoid(d->info));
+  if (((d->info|qual) & CTF_CONST)) {
+  err_const:
+    lj_err_caller(cts->L, LJ_ERR_FFI_WRCONST);
+  }
+  lj_cconv_ct_tv(cts, d, dp, o, 0);
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/lj_cdata.h b/lib/luajit/src/lj_cdata.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a1275e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/lj_cdata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+** C data management.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+#ifndef _LJ_CDATA_H
+#define _LJ_CDATA_H
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+#include "lj_gc.h"
+#include "lj_ctype.h"
+/* Get C data pointer. */
+static LJ_AINLINE void *cdata_getptr(void *p, CTSize sz)
+  if (LJ_64 && sz == 4) {  /* Support 32 bit pointers on 64 bit targets. */
+    return ((void *)(uintptr_t)*(uint32_t *)p);
+  } else {
+    lua_assert(sz == CTSIZE_PTR);
+    return *(void **)p;
+  }
+/* Set C data pointer. */
+static LJ_AINLINE void cdata_setptr(void *p, CTSize sz, const void *v)
+  if (LJ_64 && sz == 4) {  /* Support 32 bit pointers on 64 bit targets. */
+    *(uint32_t *)p = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)v;
+  } else {
+    lua_assert(sz == CTSIZE_PTR);
+    *(void **)p = (void *)v;
+  }
+/* Allocate fixed-size C data object. */
+static LJ_AINLINE GCcdata *lj_cdata_new(CTState *cts, CTypeID id, CTSize sz)
+  GCcdata *cd;
+  CType *ct = ctype_raw(cts, id);
+  lua_assert((ctype_hassize(ct->info) ? ct->size : CTSIZE_PTR) == sz);
+  cd = (GCcdata *)lj_mem_newgco(cts->L, sizeof(GCcdata) + sz);
+  cd->gct = ~LJ_TCDATA;
+  cd->ctypeid = ctype_check(cts, id);
+  return cd;
+/* Variant which works without a valid CTState. */
+static LJ_AINLINE GCcdata *lj_cdata_new_(lua_State *L, CTypeID id, CTSize sz)
+  GCcdata *cd = (GCcdata *)lj_mem_newgco(L, sizeof(GCcdata) + sz);
+  cd->gct = ~LJ_TCDATA;
+  cd->ctypeid = id;
+  return cd;
+LJ_FUNC GCcdata *lj_cdata_newref(CTState *cts, const void *pp, CTypeID id);
+LJ_FUNC GCcdata *lj_cdata_newv(CTState *cts, CTypeID id, CTSize sz,
+			       CTSize align);
+LJ_FUNC void LJ_FASTCALL lj_cdata_free(global_State *g, GCcdata *cd);
+LJ_FUNCA TValue * LJ_FASTCALL lj_cdata_setfin(lua_State *L, GCcdata *cd);
+LJ_FUNC CType *lj_cdata_index(CTState *cts, GCcdata *cd, cTValue *key,
+			      uint8_t **pp, CTInfo *qual);
+LJ_FUNC int lj_cdata_get(CTState *cts, CType *s, TValue *o, uint8_t *sp);
+LJ_FUNC void lj_cdata_set(CTState *cts, CType *d, uint8_t *dp, TValue *o,
+			  CTInfo qual);
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/lj_char.c b/lib/luajit/src/lj_char.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11f23ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/lj_char.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+** Character types.
+** Donated to the public domain.
+** This is intended to replace the problematic libc single-byte NLS functions.
+** These just don't make sense anymore with UTF-8 locales becoming the norm
+** on POSIX systems. It never worked too well on Windows systems since hardly
+** anyone bothered to call setlocale().
+** This table is hardcoded for ASCII. Identifiers include the characters
+** 128-255, too. This allows for the use of all non-ASCII chars as identifiers
+** in the lexer. This is a broad definition, but works well in practice
+** for both UTF-8 locales and most single-byte locales (such as ISO-8859-*).
+** If you really need proper character types for UTF-8 strings, please use
+** an add-on library such as slnunicode:
+#define lj_char_c
+#define LUA_CORE
+#include "lj_char.h"
+LJ_DATADEF const uint8_t lj_char_bits[257] = {
+    0,
+    1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  3,  3,  3,  3,  3,  1,  1,
+    1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
+    2,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,
+  152,152,152,152,152,152,152,152,152,152,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,
+    4,176,176,176,176,176,176,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,
+  160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,160,  4,  4,  4,  4,132,
+    4,208,208,208,208,208,208,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,
+  192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,  4,  4,  4,  4,  1,
+  128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,
+  128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,
+  128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,
+  128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,
+  128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,
+  128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,
+  128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,
+  128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/lj_char.h b/lib/luajit/src/lj_char.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3c86d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/lj_char.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+** Character types.
+** Donated to the public domain.
+#ifndef _LJ_CHAR_H
+#define _LJ_CHAR_H
+#include "lj_def.h"
+#define LJ_CHAR_CNTRL	0x01
+#define LJ_CHAR_SPACE	0x02
+#define LJ_CHAR_PUNCT	0x04
+#define LJ_CHAR_DIGIT	0x08
+#define LJ_CHAR_XDIGIT	0x10
+#define LJ_CHAR_UPPER	0x20
+#define LJ_CHAR_LOWER	0x40
+#define LJ_CHAR_IDENT	0x80
+/* Only pass -1 or 0..255 to these macros. Never pass a signed char! */
+#define lj_char_isa(c, t)	((lj_char_bits+1)[(c)] & t)
+#define lj_char_iscntrl(c)	lj_char_isa((c), LJ_CHAR_CNTRL)
+#define lj_char_isspace(c)	lj_char_isa((c), LJ_CHAR_SPACE)
+#define lj_char_ispunct(c)	lj_char_isa((c), LJ_CHAR_PUNCT)
+#define lj_char_isdigit(c)	lj_char_isa((c), LJ_CHAR_DIGIT)
+#define lj_char_isxdigit(c)	lj_char_isa((c), LJ_CHAR_XDIGIT)
+#define lj_char_isupper(c)	lj_char_isa((c), LJ_CHAR_UPPER)
+#define lj_char_islower(c)	lj_char_isa((c), LJ_CHAR_LOWER)
+#define lj_char_isident(c)	lj_char_isa((c), LJ_CHAR_IDENT)
+#define lj_char_isalpha(c)	lj_char_isa((c), LJ_CHAR_ALPHA)
+#define lj_char_isalnum(c)	lj_char_isa((c), LJ_CHAR_ALNUM)
+#define lj_char_isgraph(c)	lj_char_isa((c), LJ_CHAR_GRAPH)
+#define lj_char_toupper(c)	((c) - (lj_char_islower(c) >> 1))
+#define lj_char_tolower(c)	((c) + lj_char_isupper(c))
+LJ_DATA const uint8_t lj_char_bits[257];
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/lj_clib.c b/lib/luajit/src/lj_clib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d352609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/lj_clib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+** FFI C library loader.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+#include "lj_gc.h"
+#include "lj_err.h"
+#include "lj_tab.h"
+#include "lj_str.h"
+#include "lj_udata.h"
+#include "lj_ctype.h"
+#include "lj_cconv.h"
+#include "lj_cdata.h"
+#include "lj_clib.h"
+/* -- OS-specific functions ----------------------------------------------- */
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined(RTLD_DEFAULT)
+#define CLIB_DEFHANDLE	((void *)(intptr_t)-2)
+LJ_NORET LJ_NOINLINE static void clib_error_(lua_State *L)
+  lj_err_callermsg(L, dlerror());
+#define clib_error(L, fmt, name)	clib_error_(L)
+#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#define CLIB_SOPREFIX	"cyg"
+#define CLIB_SOPREFIX	"lib"
+#define CLIB_SOEXT	"%s.dylib"
+#elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#define CLIB_SOEXT	"%s.dll"
+#define CLIB_SOEXT	""
+static const char *clib_extname(lua_State *L, const char *name)
+  if (!strchr(name, '/')
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+      && !strchr(name, '\\')
+     ) {
+    if (!strchr(name, '.')) {
+      name = lj_str_pushf(L, CLIB_SOEXT, name);
+      L->top--;
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+    } else {
+      return name;
+    }
+    if (!(name[0] == CLIB_SOPREFIX[0] && name[1] == CLIB_SOPREFIX[1] &&
+	  name[2] == CLIB_SOPREFIX[2])) {
+      name = lj_str_pushf(L, CLIB_SOPREFIX "%s", name);
+      L->top--;
+    }
+  }
+  return name;
+/* Check for a recognized ld script line. */
+static const char *clib_check_lds(lua_State *L, const char *buf)
+  char *p, *e;
+  if ((!strncmp(buf, "GROUP", 5) || !strncmp(buf, "INPUT", 5)) &&
+      (p = strchr(buf, '('))) {
+    while (*++p == ' ') ;
+    for (e = p; *e && *e != ' ' && *e != ')'; e++) ;
+    return strdata(lj_str_new(L, p, e-p));
+  }
+  return NULL;
+/* Quick and dirty solution to resolve shared library name from ld script. */
+static const char *clib_resolve_lds(lua_State *L, const char *name)
+  FILE *fp = fopen(name, "r");
+  const char *p = NULL;
+  if (fp) {
+    char buf[256];
+    if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
+      if (!strncmp(buf, "/* GNU ld script", 16)) {  /* ld script magic? */
+	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {  /* Check all lines. */
+	  p = clib_check_lds(L, buf);
+	  if (p) break;
+	}
+      } else {  /* Otherwise check only the first line. */
+	p = clib_check_lds(L, buf);
+      }
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+  }
+  return p;
+static void *clib_loadlib(lua_State *L, const char *name, int global)
+  void *h = dlopen(clib_extname(L, name),
+  if (!h) {
+    const char *e, *err = dlerror();
+    if (*err == '/' && (e = strchr(err, ':')) &&
+	(name = clib_resolve_lds(L, strdata(lj_str_new(L, err, e-err))))) {
+      h = dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY | (global?RTLD_GLOBAL:RTLD_LOCAL));
+      if (h) return h;
+      err = dlerror();
+    }
+    lj_err_callermsg(L, err);
+  }
+  return h;
+static void clib_unloadlib(CLibrary *cl)
+  if (cl->handle && cl->handle != CLIB_DEFHANDLE)
+    dlclose(cl->handle);
+static void *clib_getsym(CLibrary *cl, const char *name)
+  void *p = dlsym(cl->handle, name);
+  return p;
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+#define CLIB_DEFHANDLE	((void *)-1)
+/* Default libraries. */
+enum {
+static void *clib_def_handle[CLIB_HANDLE_MAX];
+LJ_NORET LJ_NOINLINE static void clib_error(lua_State *L, const char *fmt,
+					    const char *name)
+  DWORD err = GetLastError();
+  char buf[128];
+		      NULL, err, 0, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL))
+    buf[0] = '\0';
+  lj_err_callermsg(L, lj_str_pushf(L, fmt, name, buf));
+static int clib_needext(const char *s)
+  while (*s) {
+    if (*s == '/' || *s == '\\' || *s == '.') return 0;
+    s++;
+  }
+  return 1;
+static const char *clib_extname(lua_State *L, const char *name)
+  if (clib_needext(name)) {
+    name = lj_str_pushf(L, "%s.dll", name);
+    L->top--;
+  }
+  return name;
+static void *clib_loadlib(lua_State *L, const char *name, int global)
+  DWORD oldwerr = GetLastError();
+  void *h = (void *)LoadLibraryA(clib_extname(L, name));
+  if (!h) clib_error(L, "cannot load module " LUA_QS ": %s", name);
+  SetLastError(oldwerr);
+  UNUSED(global);
+  return h;
+static void clib_unloadlib(CLibrary *cl)
+  if (cl->handle == CLIB_DEFHANDLE) {
+    MSize i;
+    for (i = CLIB_HANDLE_KERNEL32; i < CLIB_HANDLE_MAX; i++) {
+      void *h = clib_def_handle[i];
+      if (h) {
+	clib_def_handle[i] = NULL;
+	FreeLibrary((HINSTANCE)h);
+      }
+    }
+  } else if (cl->handle) {
+    FreeLibrary((HINSTANCE)cl->handle);
+  }
+static void *clib_getsym(CLibrary *cl, const char *name)
+  void *p = NULL;
+  if (cl->handle == CLIB_DEFHANDLE) {  /* Search default libraries. */
+    MSize i;
+    for (i = 0; i < CLIB_HANDLE_MAX; i++) {
+      HINSTANCE h = (HINSTANCE)clib_def_handle[i];
+      if (!(void *)h) {  /* Resolve default library handles (once). */
+	switch (i) {
+			     (const char *)clib_def_handle, &h);
+	  break;
+			     (const char *)&_fmode, &h);
+	  break;
+	case CLIB_HANDLE_KERNEL32: h = LoadLibraryA("kernel32.dll"); break;
+	case CLIB_HANDLE_USER32: h = LoadLibraryA("user32.dll"); break;
+	case CLIB_HANDLE_GDI32: h = LoadLibraryA("gdi32.dll"); break;
+	}
+	if (!h) continue;
+	clib_def_handle[i] = (void *)h;
+      }
+      p = (void *)GetProcAddress(h, name);
+      if (p) break;
+    }
+  } else {
+    p = (void *)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)cl->handle, name);
+  }
+  return p;
+LJ_NORET LJ_NOINLINE static void clib_error(lua_State *L, const char *fmt,
+					    const char *name)
+  lj_err_callermsg(L, lj_str_pushf(L, fmt, name, "no support for this OS"));
+static void *clib_loadlib(lua_State *L, const char *name, int global)
+  lj_err_callermsg(L, "no support for loading dynamic libraries for this OS");
+  UNUSED(name); UNUSED(global);
+  return NULL;
+static void clib_unloadlib(CLibrary *cl)
+  UNUSED(cl);
+static void *clib_getsym(CLibrary *cl, const char *name)
+  UNUSED(cl); UNUSED(name);
+  return NULL;
+/* -- C library indexing -------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Compute argument size for fastcall/stdcall functions. */
+static CTSize clib_func_argsize(CTState *cts, CType *ct)
+  CTSize n = 0;
+  while (ct->sib) {
+    CType *d;
+    ct = ctype_get(cts, ct->sib);
+    if (ctype_isfield(ct->info)) {
+      d = ctype_rawchild(cts, ct);
+      n += ((d->size + 3) & ~3);
+    }
+  }
+  return n;
+/* Get redirected or mangled external symbol. */
+static const char *clib_extsym(CTState *cts, CType *ct, GCstr *name)
+  if (ct->sib) {
+    CType *ctf = ctype_get(cts, ct->sib);
+    if (ctype_isxattrib(ctf->info, CTA_REDIR))
+      return strdata(gco2str(gcref(ctf->name)));
+  }
+  return strdata(name);
+/* Index a C library by name. */
+TValue *lj_clib_index(lua_State *L, CLibrary *cl, GCstr *name)
+  TValue *tv = lj_tab_setstr(L, cl->cache, name);
+  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(tvisnil(tv))) {
+    CTState *cts = ctype_cts(L);
+    CType *ct;
+    CTypeID id = lj_ctype_getname(cts, &ct, name, CLNS_INDEX);
+    if (!id)
+      lj_err_callerv(L, LJ_ERR_FFI_NODECL, strdata(name));
+    if (ctype_isconstval(ct->info)) {
+      CType *ctt = ctype_child(cts, ct);
+      lua_assert(ctype_isinteger(ctt->info) && ctt->size <= 4);
+      if ((ctt->info & CTF_UNSIGNED) && (int32_t)ct->size < 0)
+	setnumV(tv, (lua_Number)(uint32_t)ct->size);
+      else
+	setintV(tv, (int32_t)ct->size);
+    } else {
+      const char *sym = clib_extsym(cts, ct, name);
+      DWORD oldwerr = GetLastError();
+      void *p = clib_getsym(cl, sym);
+      GCcdata *cd;
+      lua_assert(ctype_isfunc(ct->info) || ctype_isextern(ct->info));
+      /* Retry with decorated name for fastcall/stdcall functions. */
+      if (!p && ctype_isfunc(ct->info)) {
+	CTInfo cconv = ctype_cconv(ct->info);
+	if (cconv == CTCC_FASTCALL || cconv == CTCC_STDCALL) {
+	  CTSize sz = clib_func_argsize(cts, ct);
+	  const char *symd = lj_str_pushf(L,
+			       cconv == CTCC_FASTCALL ? "@%s@%d" : "_%s@%d",
+			       sym, sz);
+	  L->top--;
+	  p = clib_getsym(cl, symd);
+	}
+      }
+      if (!p)
+	clib_error(L, "cannot resolve symbol " LUA_QS ": %s", sym);
+      SetLastError(oldwerr);
+      cd = lj_cdata_new(cts, id, CTSIZE_PTR);
+      *(void **)cdataptr(cd) = p;
+      setcdataV(L, tv, cd);
+    }
+  }
+  return tv;
+/* -- C library management ------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Create a new CLibrary object and push it on the stack. */
+static CLibrary *clib_new(lua_State *L, GCtab *mt)
+  GCtab *t = lj_tab_new(L, 0, 0);
+  GCudata *ud = lj_udata_new(L, sizeof(CLibrary), t);
+  CLibrary *cl = (CLibrary *)uddata(ud);
+  cl->cache = t;
+  ud->udtype = UDTYPE_FFI_CLIB;
+  /* NOBARRIER: The GCudata is new (marked white). */
+  setgcref(ud->metatable, obj2gco(mt));
+  setudataV(L, L->top++, ud);
+  return cl;
+/* Load a C library. */
+void lj_clib_load(lua_State *L, GCtab *mt, GCstr *name, int global)
+  void *handle = clib_loadlib(L, strdata(name), global);
+  CLibrary *cl = clib_new(L, mt);
+  cl->handle = handle;
+/* Unload a C library. */
+void lj_clib_unload(CLibrary *cl)
+  clib_unloadlib(cl);
+  cl->handle = NULL;
+/* Create the default C library object. */
+void lj_clib_default(lua_State *L, GCtab *mt)
+  CLibrary *cl = clib_new(L, mt);
+  cl->handle = CLIB_DEFHANDLE;
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/lj_clib.h b/lib/luajit/src/lj_clib.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5dc98e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/lj_clib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+** FFI C library loader.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+#ifndef _LJ_CLIB_H
+#define _LJ_CLIB_H
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+/* Namespace for C library indexing. */
+#define CLNS_INDEX	((1u<<CT_FUNC)|(1u<<CT_EXTERN)|(1u<<CT_CONSTVAL))
+/* C library namespace. */
+typedef struct CLibrary {
+  void *handle;		/* Opaque handle for dynamic library loader. */
+  GCtab *cache;		/* Cache for resolved symbols. Anchored in ud->env. */
+} CLibrary;
+LJ_FUNC TValue *lj_clib_index(lua_State *L, CLibrary *cl, GCstr *name);
+LJ_FUNC void lj_clib_load(lua_State *L, GCtab *mt, GCstr *name, int global);
+LJ_FUNC void lj_clib_unload(CLibrary *cl);
+LJ_FUNC void lj_clib_default(lua_State *L, GCtab *mt);