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Posted to by Raymond Schulz <> on 2001/02/27 12:21:23 UTC

Messaging-Sample: Processing messages?


i tried the messaging sample of the Apache Soap-Implementation and it
worked. But there's no description how to process the received message

The Method 'purchaseOrder' of class 'samples.messaging.POProcessor' has
three parameters 
	purchaseOrder(Envelope env, SOAPContext reqCtx, SOAPContext resCtx).

First, is it necessary to exactly use this signature?
In order to get the whole message I could write out the reqCtx or the body
of the envelope-object to an OutputStream.

Is there an easy way to process the received information? Or, i have to
extract the information from the xml-Stream for myself (e.g. with xerces)?



Raymond Schulz - Entwicklung
Interway AG - go your own e-way
Gabelsbergerstr. 47, 80333 München
T. 089/28788-0, F. -100