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[GitHub] [spark] LuciferYang commented on a diff in pull request #36885: [SPARK-39489][CORE] Improve event logging JsonProtocol performance by using Jackson instead of Json4s

LuciferYang commented on code in PR #36885:

@@ -731,183 +925,180 @@ private[spark] object JsonProtocol {
     SparkListenerJobStart(jobId, submissionTime, stageInfos, properties)
-  def jobEndFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerJobEnd = {
-    val jobId = (json \ "Job ID").extract[Int]
+  def jobEndFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerJobEnd = {
+    val jobId = json.get("Job ID").intValue
     val completionTime =
-      jsonOption(json \ "Completion Time").map(_.extract[Long]).getOrElse(-1L)
-    val jobResult = jobResultFromJson(json \ "Job Result")
+      jsonOption(json.get("Completion Time")).map(_.longValue).getOrElse(-1L)
+    val jobResult = jobResultFromJson(json.get("Job Result"))
     SparkListenerJobEnd(jobId, completionTime, jobResult)
-  def resourceProfileAddedFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerResourceProfileAdded = {
-    val profId = (json \ "Resource Profile Id").extract[Int]
-    val executorReqs = executorResourceRequestMapFromJson(json \ "Executor Resource Requests")
-    val taskReqs = taskResourceRequestMapFromJson(json \ "Task Resource Requests")
+  def resourceProfileAddedFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerResourceProfileAdded = {
+    val profId = json.get("Resource Profile Id").intValue
+    val executorReqs = executorResourceRequestMapFromJson(json.get("Executor Resource Requests"))
+    val taskReqs = taskResourceRequestMapFromJson(json.get("Task Resource Requests"))
     val rp = new ResourceProfile(executorReqs.toMap, taskReqs.toMap)
-  def executorResourceRequestFromJson(json: JValue): ExecutorResourceRequest = {
-    val rName = (json \ "Resource Name").extract[String]
-    val amount = (json \ "Amount").extract[Int]
-    val discoveryScript = (json \ "Discovery Script").extract[String]
-    val vendor = (json \ "Vendor").extract[String]
+  def executorResourceRequestFromJson(json: JsonNode): ExecutorResourceRequest = {
+    val rName = json.get("Resource Name").textValue
+    val amount = json.get("Amount").intValue
+    val discoveryScript = json.get("Discovery Script").textValue
+    val vendor = json.get("Vendor").textValue
     new ExecutorResourceRequest(rName, amount, discoveryScript, vendor)
-  def taskResourceRequestFromJson(json: JValue): TaskResourceRequest = {
-    val rName = (json \ "Resource Name").extract[String]
-    val amount = (json \ "Amount").extract[Int]
+  def taskResourceRequestFromJson(json: JsonNode): TaskResourceRequest = {
+    val rName = json.get("Resource Name").textValue
+    val amount = json.get("Amount").intValue
     new TaskResourceRequest(rName, amount)
-  def taskResourceRequestMapFromJson(json: JValue): Map[String, TaskResourceRequest] = {
-    val jsonFields = json.asInstanceOf[JObject].obj
-    jsonFields.collect { case JField(k, v) =>
-      val req = taskResourceRequestFromJson(v)
-      (k, req)
+  def taskResourceRequestMapFromJson(json: JsonNode): Map[String, TaskResourceRequest] = {
+    json.fields().asScala.collect { case field =>
+      val req = taskResourceRequestFromJson(field.getValue)
+      (field.getKey, req)
-  def executorResourceRequestMapFromJson(json: JValue): Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest] = {
-    val jsonFields = json.asInstanceOf[JObject].obj
-    jsonFields.collect { case JField(k, v) =>
-      val req = executorResourceRequestFromJson(v)
-      (k, req)
+  def executorResourceRequestMapFromJson(json: JsonNode): Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest] = {
+    json.fields().asScala.collect { case field =>
+      val req = executorResourceRequestFromJson(field.getValue)
+      (field.getKey, req)
-  def environmentUpdateFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerEnvironmentUpdate = {
+  def environmentUpdateFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerEnvironmentUpdate = {
     // For compatible with previous event logs
-    val hadoopProperties = jsonOption(json \ "Hadoop Properties").map(mapFromJson(_).toSeq)
+    val hadoopProperties = jsonOption(json.get("Hadoop Properties")).map(mapFromJson(_).toSeq)
-    val metricsProperties = jsonOption(json \ "Metrics Properties").map(mapFromJson(_).toSeq)
+    val metricsProperties = jsonOption(json.get("Metrics Properties")).map(mapFromJson(_).toSeq)
     val environmentDetails = Map[String, Seq[(String, String)]](
-      "JVM Information" -> mapFromJson(json \ "JVM Information").toSeq,
-      "Spark Properties" -> mapFromJson(json \ "Spark Properties").toSeq,
+      "JVM Information" -> mapFromJson(json.get("JVM Information")).toSeq,
+      "Spark Properties" -> mapFromJson(json.get("Spark Properties")).toSeq,
       "Hadoop Properties" -> hadoopProperties,
-      "System Properties" -> mapFromJson(json \ "System Properties").toSeq,
+      "System Properties" -> mapFromJson(json.get("System Properties")).toSeq,
       "Metrics Properties" -> metricsProperties,
-      "Classpath Entries" -> mapFromJson(json \ "Classpath Entries").toSeq)
+      "Classpath Entries" -> mapFromJson(json.get("Classpath Entries")).toSeq)
-  def blockManagerAddedFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerBlockManagerAdded = {
-    val blockManagerId = blockManagerIdFromJson(json \ "Block Manager ID")
-    val maxMem = (json \ "Maximum Memory").extract[Long]
-    val time = jsonOption(json \ "Timestamp").map(_.extract[Long]).getOrElse(-1L)
-    val maxOnHeapMem = jsonOption(json \ "Maximum Onheap Memory").map(_.extract[Long])
-    val maxOffHeapMem = jsonOption(json \ "Maximum Offheap Memory").map(_.extract[Long])
+  def blockManagerAddedFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerBlockManagerAdded = {
+    val blockManagerId = blockManagerIdFromJson(json.get("Block Manager ID"))
+    val maxMem = json.get("Maximum Memory").longValue
+    val time = jsonOption(json.get("Timestamp")).map(_.longValue).getOrElse(-1L)
+    val maxOnHeapMem = jsonOption(json.get("Maximum Onheap Memory")).map(_.longValue)
+    val maxOffHeapMem = jsonOption(json.get("Maximum Offheap Memory")).map(_.longValue)
     SparkListenerBlockManagerAdded(time, blockManagerId, maxMem, maxOnHeapMem, maxOffHeapMem)
-  def blockManagerRemovedFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerBlockManagerRemoved = {
-    val blockManagerId = blockManagerIdFromJson(json \ "Block Manager ID")
-    val time = jsonOption(json \ "Timestamp").map(_.extract[Long]).getOrElse(-1L)
+  def blockManagerRemovedFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerBlockManagerRemoved = {
+    val blockManagerId = blockManagerIdFromJson(json.get("Block Manager ID"))
+    val time = jsonOption(json.get("Timestamp")).map(_.longValue).getOrElse(-1L)
     SparkListenerBlockManagerRemoved(time, blockManagerId)
-  def unpersistRDDFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerUnpersistRDD = {
-    SparkListenerUnpersistRDD((json \ "RDD ID").extract[Int])
+  def unpersistRDDFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerUnpersistRDD = {
+    SparkListenerUnpersistRDD(json.get("RDD ID").intValue)
-  def applicationStartFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerApplicationStart = {
-    val appName = (json \ "App Name").extract[String]
-    val appId = jsonOption(json \ "App ID").map(_.extract[String])
-    val time = (json \ "Timestamp").extract[Long]
-    val sparkUser = (json \ "User").extract[String]
-    val appAttemptId = jsonOption(json \ "App Attempt ID").map(_.extract[String])
-    val driverLogs = jsonOption(json \ "Driver Logs").map(mapFromJson)
-    val driverAttributes = jsonOption(json \ "Driver Attributes").map(mapFromJson)
+  def applicationStartFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerApplicationStart = {
+    val appName = json.get("App Name").textValue
+    val appId = jsonOption(json.get("App ID")).map(_.asText())
+    val time = json.get("Timestamp").longValue
+    val sparkUser = json.get("User").textValue
+    val appAttemptId = jsonOption(json.get("App Attempt ID")).map(_.asText())
+    val driverLogs = jsonOption(json.get("Driver Logs")).map(mapFromJson)
+    val driverAttributes = jsonOption(json.get("Driver Attributes")).map(mapFromJson)
     SparkListenerApplicationStart(appName, appId, time, sparkUser, appAttemptId, driverLogs,
-  def applicationEndFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerApplicationEnd = {
-    SparkListenerApplicationEnd((json \ "Timestamp").extract[Long])
+  def applicationEndFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerApplicationEnd = {
+    SparkListenerApplicationEnd(json.get("Timestamp").longValue)
-  def executorAddedFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerExecutorAdded = {
-    val time = (json \ "Timestamp").extract[Long]
-    val executorId = (json \ "Executor ID").extract[String]
-    val executorInfo = executorInfoFromJson(json \ "Executor Info")
+  def executorAddedFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerExecutorAdded = {
+    val time = json.get("Timestamp").longValue
+    val executorId = json.get("Executor ID").textValue
+    val executorInfo = executorInfoFromJson(json.get("Executor Info"))
     SparkListenerExecutorAdded(time, executorId, executorInfo)
-  def executorRemovedFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerExecutorRemoved = {
-    val time = (json \ "Timestamp").extract[Long]
-    val executorId = (json \ "Executor ID").extract[String]
-    val reason = (json \ "Removed Reason").extract[String]
+  def executorRemovedFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerExecutorRemoved = {
+    val time = json.get("Timestamp").longValue
+    val executorId = json.get("Executor ID").textValue
+    val reason = json.get("Removed Reason").textValue
     SparkListenerExecutorRemoved(time, executorId, reason)
-  def logStartFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerLogStart = {
-    val sparkVersion = (json \ "Spark Version").extract[String]
+  def logStartFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerLogStart = {
+    val sparkVersion = json.get("Spark Version").textValue
-  def executorMetricsUpdateFromJson(json: JValue): SparkListenerExecutorMetricsUpdate = {
-    val execInfo = (json \ "Executor ID").extract[String]
-    val accumUpdates = (json \ "Metrics Updated").extract[List[JValue]].map { json =>
-      val taskId = (json \ "Task ID").extract[Long]
-      val stageId = (json \ "Stage ID").extract[Int]
-      val stageAttemptId = (json \ "Stage Attempt ID").extract[Int]
+  def executorMetricsUpdateFromJson(json: JsonNode): SparkListenerExecutorMetricsUpdate = {
+    val execInfo = json.get("Executor ID").textValue
+    val accumUpdates = json.get("Metrics Updated") { json =>
+      val taskId = json.get("Task ID").longValue
+      val stageId = json.get("Stage ID").intValue
+      val stageAttemptId = json.get("Stage Attempt ID").intValue
       val updates =
-        (json \ "Accumulator Updates").extract[List[JValue]].map(accumulableInfoFromJson)
+        json.get("Accumulator Updates")
       (taskId, stageId, stageAttemptId, updates)
-    }
-    val executorUpdates = (json \ "Executor Metrics Updated") match {
-      case JNothing => Map.empty[(Int, Int), ExecutorMetrics]
-      case value: JValue => value.extract[List[JValue]].map { json =>
-        val stageId = (json \ "Stage ID").extract[Int]
-        val stageAttemptId = (json \ "Stage Attempt ID").extract[Int]
-        val executorMetrics = executorMetricsFromJson(json \ "Executor Metrics")
+    }.toArray.toSeq
+    val executorUpdates = jsonOption(json.get("Executor Metrics Updated")).map { value =>
+ { json =>
+        val stageId = json.get("Stage ID").intValue
+        val stageAttemptId = json.get("Stage Attempt ID").intValue
+        val executorMetrics = executorMetricsFromJson(json.get("Executor Metrics"))
         ((stageId, stageAttemptId) -> executorMetrics)
-    }
+    }.getOrElse(Map.empty)

Review Comment:
   seems should be `Map.empty[(Int, Int), ExecutorMetrics]`, otherwise compilation will fail with `Scala-2.13`:
   [error] /home/runner/work/spark/spark/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/JsonProtocol.scala:1061:64: type mismatch;
   [error]  found   : scala.collection.Map[_1,org.apache.spark.executor.ExecutorMetrics] where type _1 <: (Int, Int)
   [error]  required: scala.collection.Map[(Int, Int),org.apache.spark.executor.ExecutorMetrics]
   [error] Note: _1 <: (Int, Int), but trait Map is invariant in type K.
   [error] You may wish to investigate a wildcard type such as `_ <: (Int, Int)`. (SLS 3.2.10)
   [error]     SparkListenerExecutorMetricsUpdate(execInfo, accumUpdates, executorUpdates)
   [error]                                                                ^
   [error] one error found
   [error] (core / Compile / compileIncremental) Compilation failed
   [error] Total time: 136 s (02:16), completed Jun 16, 2022 2:07:49 AM

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