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Posted to by Bernard Jorion <> on 2002/01/07 15:47:27 UTC


Hello to all,

I am new to this list, and I would like the following information:

I have a java file I would like to optimize. The file uses many XPathAPI 
functions to locate nodes in a Document.

The apidocs says about org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI:
"The methods in this class are convenience methods into the low-level XPath 
API. These functions tend to be a little slow, since a number of objects 
must be created for each evaluation. A faster way is to precompile the 
XPaths using the low-level API, and then just use the XPaths over and over."

What do they mean exactly by "low-level API" ? How can I precompile the 
XPaths ?

Moreover, I would be interested by any tips allowing a faster processing 
(eg. I know that a XPath "//" should be avoided as it scans the whole 

Thanks for your help,

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