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Posted to by on 2014/03/31 19:21:28 UTC

[16/53] [partial] adding bower
diff --git a/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/2.0.2/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/usersAndGroups/js/codiqa.ext.min.js b/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/2.0.2/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/usersAndGroups/js/codiqa.ext.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a77929e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/2.0.2/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/usersAndGroups/js/codiqa.ext.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/2.0.2/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/usersAndGroups/js/index.js b/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/2.0.2/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/usersAndGroups/js/index.js
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index 0000000..b0d1220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portal/dist/appsvc-ui/2.0.2/bower_components/apigee-sdk/samples/usersAndGroups/js/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+ * This JavaScript file contains the app's logic. It uses Apigee JavaScript
+ * SDK functions to access an Apigee app services database.
+ */
+// Be sure to set your org name and app name!
+var apigeeClient = new Apigee.Client({
+    orgName: '', // Your organization name. You'll find this in the admin portal.
+    appName: 'sandbox', // Your App Services app name. It's in the admin portal.
+    logging: true, //optional - turn on logging, off by default
+    buildCurl: true //optional - log network calls in the console, off by default	
+// Variables we can use from multiple functions in the code.
+var users, allGroups, currentUser, groupsForUser;
+// Each of these initializes a separate page of the UI.
+$(document).on("pagecreate", "#page_home", function (event) {
+    $('#frm_display_add_user_to_group').on('click', 
+        '#btn_display_add_user_to_group',  displayAddUserToGroup);
+$(document).on("pageinit", "#page_view_users_list", function (event) {
+    getUsers();
+$(document).on("pageinit", "#page_view_group_list", function (event) {
+    getGroups();
+$(document).on("pageinit", "#page_add_user", function (event) {
+    $('#frm_add_user').on('click', '#btn_add_user', addUser);
+$(document).on("pageinit", "#page_add_group", function (event) {
+    $('#frm_add_group').on('click', '#btn_add_group', addGroup);
+$(document).on("pageinit", "#page_add_user_to_group", function (event) {
+        buildAllGroupsList('#select_groups');
+        buildGroupsForUserList(currentUser, '#list_groups_with_this_user');
+        $('#frm_add_user_to_group').on('click', '#btn_add_user_to_group', addUserToGroup);
+ * Gets the full list of users in the application.
+ * updating a ul in the UI that lists the users.
+ */
+function getUsers() {
+    // Create a collection instance to keep the 
+    // users in.
+    var users = new Apigee.Collection({
+        "client": apigeeClient,
+        "type": "users"
+    });
+    // Fetch the users from the database.
+    users.fetch(
+        // Called if the fetch succeeded.
+        function () {
+        // Clear the list of old stuff.
+        $('#users_list').empty();
+        if (users.hasNextEntity()){
+            // Loop through the returned users,
+            // adding a new list item for each.
+            while (users.hasNextEntity()) {
+                var user = users.getNextEntity();
+                $('#users_list').append(
+                '<li data-theme="c">' +
+                '<h3>' + user.get("username") + '</h3>' +
+                '</li>');
+            }   
+        // If there aren't any users, add a message.
+        } else {
+            $('#users_list').append(
+            '<li data-theme="c">' +
+            '<h3>No users to display.</h3>' +
+            '</li>');
+        }
+        // Refresh the list so that it's styled correctly.
+        $('#users_list').listview('refresh');
+    },
+    // Called if the attempt to get users failed.
+    function () {
+        client.logError({tag:"getUsers", 
+            logMessage:"Unable to retrieve users."})
+    });
+ * Gets the full list of groups from the database,
+ * updating a ul in the UI with the returned values.
+ */
+function getGroups() {
+    // A local collection variable to hold the group data.
+    var groups = new Apigee.Collection({
+        "client": apigeeClient,
+        "type": "groups"
+    });
+    // Attempt to get the group data.
+    groups.fetch(
+    // Called if the fetch attempt succeeded.
+    function () {
+        // Empty the HTML list of groups.
+        $('#groups_list').empty();
+        // Loop through users in the collection, wrapping values from
+        // each in HTML for inclusion in the UI.
+        if (groups.hasNextEntity()) {
+            while (groups.hasNextEntity()) {
+                var group = groups.getNextEntity();
+                // Build out the list with jQuery.
+                $('#groups_list').append(
+                '<li data-theme="c">' +
+                '<h3>' + group.get("path") + '</h3>' +
+                '</li>');
+            }
+        // If there weren't any groups, display a message.
+        } else {
+            $('#groups_list').append(
+            '<li data-theme="c">' +
+            '<h3>No groups to display.</h3>' +
+            '</li>');
+        }
+        // Refresh the list using jQuery Mobile.
+        $('#groups_list').listview('refresh');
+    },
+    // Called if the fetch request failed.
+    function () {
+        apigeeClient.logError({tag:"getGroups", 
+            logMessage:"Unable to retrieve groups."})
+    });
+ * Adds a new user to the database.
+ */
+function addUser() {
+    // Variable to collect data to send with the request.
+    var userName = $("#fld_user_name").val(); // Must be unique.
+    var name = $("#fld_name").val();
+    var email = $("#fld_email").val();
+    var password = $("#fld_password").val();
+    // Call an SDK method to create a new user with
+    // data collected from the form.
+    apigeeClient.signup(userName, password, email, 
+        name, function (error, entity, data) {
+        if (error) {
+            var message = "Unable to add a user. " + data;
+            apigeeClient.logError({tag:"addUser", logMessage:message})
+        } else {
+            // Refresh the user list to include the new user.
+            getUsers();
+        }
+    });
+ * Add a new group to the database.
+ */
+function addGroup() {
+    // Collect values to send with the request.
+    var path = $("#fld_group_path").val();
+    var title = $("#fld_display_name").val(); // Must be unique.
+    // Bundle values in a JSON object.
+    var options = {
+        "path" : path,
+        "title" : title
+    }
+    // Call an SDK method to create the group with the collected
+    // data.
+    apigeeClient.createGroup(options, function (error, response) {
+        // If the attempt fails, display an error message.
+        if (error) {
+            var message = "Unable to add a group. " + data;
+            apigeeClient.logError({tag:"addGroup", logMessage:message})
+        } else {
+            //Reload the list of groups from the database.
+            getGroups();
+        }
+    });    
+ * Build the list of all groups into a dropdown
+ * for selecting the group to which a user should
+ * be added.
+ */
+function buildAllGroupsList(listId){
+    // Create a local collection object that points
+    // at groups in the datbase.
+    groups = new Apigee.Collection({
+        "client": apigeeClient,
+        "type": "groups"
+    });
+    // Attempt to get the data.
+    groups.fetch(
+        // If the attempt succeeds, loop through
+        // the results, building options that the 
+        // dropdown still display.
+        function () {
+            $(listId).empty();
+            while (groups.hasNextEntity()) {
+                var group = groups.getNextEntity();
+                $(listId).append(
+                '<option value = \"' + group.get("path") + '\">' +
+                group.get("path") + '</option>');
+            }
+        },
+        // If the attempt fails log a message.
+        function () {
+            var message = "Unable to create the list of groups. " + data;
+            apigeeClient.logError({tag:"buildAllGroupsList", logMessage:message})
+    });    
+ * Builds a list of the groups in which userName
+ * belongs.
+ */
+function buildGroupsForUserList(userName, listId) {
+    var options = {
+        "username" : userName,
+        "type": "users"
+    }
+    // Use an SDK method to get an entity object 
+    // representing the user whose groups should be 
+    // displayed.
+    apigeeClient.getEntity(options, function(error, entity, data){
+        if (error) {
+            var message = "Error getting user entity. " + data;
+            apigeeClient.logError({tag:"buildGroupsForUserList", logMessage:message})
+        } else {
+            // Call an SDK method to get the groups to which 
+            // the user belongs.
+            entity.getGroups(function(error, data, groups){
+                if (error){
+                    var message = "Couldn't get a user's groups. " + data;
+                    apigeeClient.logError({tag:"buildGroupsForUserList", logMessage:message})
+               } else {
+                    // Clear the list into which group data will go.
+                    $(listId).empty();
+                    // Loop through the list of groups, adding 
+                    // each to the list
+                    for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
+                        var group = groups[i];
+                        $(listId).append(
+                        '<li data-theme="c">' +
+                        '<h3>' + group.path + '</h3>' +
+                        '</li>');
+                    }
+                    // Refresh the list to make sure it's styled.
+                    $(listId).listview('refresh');
+               }
+            });
+        }
+    });
+ * Add a user to a group.
+ */
+function addUserToGroup() {
+    // Current user set from an input on 
+    // the home page.
+    var userName = currentUser;
+    // Group selected from the dropdown.
+    var selectedGroupPath = $("#select_groups").val();
+    var groupOptions = {
+            client:apigeeClient, 
+            path:selectedGroupPath
+    }
+    // Create a local variable that points
+    // at the selected group in the database.
+    var group = new Apigee.Group(groupOptions);
+    // Get the group data.
+    group.fetch();
+    // Options for the 
+    var options = {
+        'username':currentUser,
+        'type':'users'
+    }
+    // Call an SDK method to get an entity representing
+    // the user so it can be used when adding the 
+    // user to the group.
+    apigeeClient.getEntity(options, function(error, entity, data){
+        if (error) {
+            var message = "Error getting user entity. " + data;
+            apigeeClient.logError({tag:"addUserToGroup", logMessage:message})
+        } else {
+            var addUserOptions = {
+                user : entity
+            }
+            // Call an SDK method to add the user.
+            group.add(addUserOptions, function(error, data, entities){
+                if (error){
+                    var message = "Error adding user to group. " + data;
+                    displayPopup(message);
+                    apigeeClient.logError({tag:"addUserToGroup", logMessage:message})
+                } else {
+                    // Refresh the list of groups the user is in.
+                    buildGroupsForUserList(currentUser, '#list_groups_with_this_user');
+                }
+            });
+        }        
+    });
+ * Displays a message in a popup.
+ */
+function displayAddUserToGroup(){
+    currentUser = $("#fld_home_username").val();
+    if (currentUser.isEmpty()){
+        displayPopup("Please enter the username for a user in your " +
+            "application.");    
+    } else {
+        $("#link_display_add_user_to_group").click();
+    }
+ * Displays a popup.
+ */
+function displayPopup(message){
+    var options = {
+        "transition" : "slideup"
+    }
+    $('#messagePopup').empty();
+    $('#messagePopup').append(
+        '<p>' + message + '</p>'
+    );
+    $('#messagePopup').popup('open', options );
+ * Adds an empty string check to strings.
+ */
+String.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
+    if (!this.match(/\S/)) {
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        return false;
+    }