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Posted to by Danilo Tomasoni <> on 2020/04/07 09:02:05 UTC

different interpretation of the same query between solr 7.3.1 and solr 8.4.1

Hello all,
I noticed that solr8 parses the edismax queries differently from solr7.

the querystring and parsedquery in solr 8.4.1 are

"querystring":"(_query_:\"{!edismax qf='titles subtitles study_brief_title abstracts abstract_background abstract_objective abstract_methods abstract_results abstract_conclusions abstract_other_nasa abstract_other_kie abstract_other_aids abstract_other_aamc abstract_other_publisher abstract_other_pip abstract_other_plain_language_summary keywords medline_chemical_terms medline_mesh_terms' q.op=OR mm=1 v=$subquery1}\" AND (f2:(\"pharmacokinetics\")))",

"parsedquery":"+(DisjunctionMaxQuery(((abstracts_chemical_pubtator_annotation_terms:_query_)^7.0 | (body_nonstandard_species_gnorm_annotation_canonical_terms:_query_)^7.0 | (body_conclusions_species_gnorm_annotation_canonical_terms:_query_)^7.0 | (intervention_model_chemical_tmchemm2_annotation_terms:_query_)^7.0 | ...

that looks like a syntax error ( notice that field:_query_ )

while in solr 7.3.1 the querystring and parsedquery are

"querystring":"(_query_:\"{!edismax qf='titles subtitles study_brief_title abstracts abstract_background abstract_objective abstract_methods abstract_results abstract_conclusions abstract_other_nasa abstract_other_kie abstract_other_aids abstract_other_aamc abstract_other_publisher abstract_other_pip abstract_other_plain_language_summary keywords medline_chemical_terms medline_mesh_terms' q.op=OR mm=1 v=$subquery1}\" AND (f2:(\"pharmacokinetics\")))",

"parsedquery":"+(+(+(DisjunctionMaxQuery((subtitles:rifampicin | abstract_methods:rifampicin | abstract_other_plain_language_summary:rifampicin | abstract_other_pip:rifampicin | keywords:rifampicin | abstracts:rifampicin | abstract_background:rifampicin | medline_chemical_terms:rifampicin | ....

that is correct.

please note also that subquery1 is

"subquery1":"(rifampicin rifampin isoniazid pyrazinamide ethambutol moxifloxacin pretomanid bedaquiline)"

and that df is a very big list of fields.

I attach an example POST request.

I executed the test with curl, this is the command line

(solr 7.3.1)
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --data @request ""

(solr 8.4.1)
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --data @request ""

Any clue on why this is happening? It seems to me that there should be an obvious change in syntax that I can't find in the documentation and relase notes.
Thank you

Danilo Tomasoni

Fondazione The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (COSBI)
Piazza Manifattura 1,  38068 Rovereto (TN), Italy<><>

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