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Posted to by Michael Grammling <> on 2009/04/23 21:30:21 UTC

Some questions concerning the Maven Bundle Plugin and the Export-Package instruction

Hi there,

we would like to switch from our own OSGi Maven Plugin (we were the first! ;-)) to the Felix Maven Bundle Plugin.
I started to replace the plugin and encountered a couple of problems. I hope you could help me.
Attached you will find one of our POMs and the result of the MANIFEST generation.

What I would expect for Export-Package is:
"Export-Package: com.ptvag.jame.efcd.serialization" (nothing more)

1.) Why are all that XML packages exported (I did not put them to the Export-Package instruction).
2.) I'm using the -nouses directive. Why is the uses statement still calculated and written to the Export-Package statement?

3.) Is there a way to beautify the output of the MANIFEST (we integrated this in our plugin once)?

Instead of:

Import-Package: com.ptvag.jame.efcd.serialization,javax.xml.parsers,or

It should look more readable like:


4.) Is the scope for the dependencies considered (e.g. provided)?
I did not play with Embed-Dependency (perhaps I did not yet understand this feature), but is it required?
Our plugin put everything automatically to the Bundle-Classpath if the scope was not set (default scope).
If it was set to provided or something else it has not been considered.

Thanks and best regards,