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[10/25] cassandra git commit: Merge branch 'cassandra-3.0' into cassandra-3.11
diff --cc src/antlr/Parser.g
index e5b7584,0000000..26074b8
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/src/antlr/Parser.g
+++ b/src/antlr/Parser.g
@@@ -1,1675 -1,0 +1,1688 @@@
 + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 + * distributed with this work for additional information
 + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 + *
 + *
 + *
 + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 + * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 + * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 + * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 + * under the License.
 + */
 +parser grammar Parser;
 +options {
 +    language = Java;
 +@members {
 +    private final List<ErrorListener> listeners = new ArrayList<ErrorListener>();
 +    protected final List<ColumnIdentifier> bindVariables = new ArrayList<ColumnIdentifier>();
 +    public static final Set<String> reservedTypeNames = new HashSet<String>()
 +    {{
 +        add("byte");
 +        add("complex");
 +        add("enum");
 +        add("date");
 +        add("interval");
 +        add("macaddr");
 +        add("bitstring");
 +    }};
 +    public AbstractMarker.Raw newBindVariables(ColumnIdentifier name)
 +    {
 +        AbstractMarker.Raw marker = new AbstractMarker.Raw(bindVariables.size());
 +        bindVariables.add(name);
 +        return marker;
 +    }
 +    public AbstractMarker.INRaw newINBindVariables(ColumnIdentifier name)
 +    {
 +        AbstractMarker.INRaw marker = new AbstractMarker.INRaw(bindVariables.size());
 +        bindVariables.add(name);
 +        return marker;
 +    }
 +    public Tuples.Raw newTupleBindVariables(ColumnIdentifier name)
 +    {
 +        Tuples.Raw marker = new Tuples.Raw(bindVariables.size());
 +        bindVariables.add(name);
 +        return marker;
 +    }
 +    public Tuples.INRaw newTupleINBindVariables(ColumnIdentifier name)
 +    {
 +        Tuples.INRaw marker = new Tuples.INRaw(bindVariables.size());
 +        bindVariables.add(name);
 +        return marker;
 +    }
 +    public Json.Marker newJsonBindVariables(ColumnIdentifier name)
 +    {
 +        Json.Marker marker = new Json.Marker(bindVariables.size());
 +        bindVariables.add(name);
 +        return marker;
 +    }
 +    public void addErrorListener(ErrorListener listener)
 +    {
 +        this.listeners.add(listener);
 +    }
 +    public void removeErrorListener(ErrorListener listener)
 +    {
 +        this.listeners.remove(listener);
 +    }
 +    public void displayRecognitionError(String[] tokenNames, RecognitionException e)
 +    {
 +        for (int i = 0, m = listeners.size(); i < m; i++)
 +            listeners.get(i).syntaxError(this, tokenNames, e);
 +    }
 +    protected void addRecognitionError(String msg)
 +    {
 +        for (int i = 0, m = listeners.size(); i < m; i++)
 +            listeners.get(i).syntaxError(this, msg);
 +    }
 +    public Map<String, String> convertPropertyMap(Maps.Literal map)
 +    {
 +        if (map == null || map.entries == null || map.entries.isEmpty())
 +            return Collections.<String, String>emptyMap();
 +        Map<String, String> res = new HashMap<>(map.entries.size());
 +        for (Pair<Term.Raw, Term.Raw> entry : map.entries)
 +        {
 +            // Because the parser tries to be smart and recover on error (to
 +            // allow displaying more than one error I suppose), we have null
 +            // entries in there. Just skip those, a proper error will be thrown in the end.
 +            if (entry.left == null || entry.right == null)
 +                break;
 +            if (!(entry.left instanceof Constants.Literal))
 +            {
 +                String msg = "Invalid property name: " + entry.left;
 +                if (entry.left instanceof AbstractMarker.Raw)
 +                    msg += " (bind variables are not supported in DDL queries)";
 +                addRecognitionError(msg);
 +                break;
 +            }
 +            if (!(entry.right instanceof Constants.Literal))
 +            {
 +                String msg = "Invalid property value: " + entry.right + " for property: " + entry.left;
 +                if (entry.right instanceof AbstractMarker.Raw)
 +                    msg += " (bind variables are not supported in DDL queries)";
 +                addRecognitionError(msg);
 +                break;
 +            }
 +            if (res.put(((Constants.Literal)entry.left).getRawText(), ((Constants.Literal)entry.right).getRawText()) != null)
 +            {
 +                addRecognitionError(String.format("Multiple definition for property " + ((Constants.Literal)entry.left).getRawText()));
 +            }
 +        }
 +        return res;
 +    }
 +    public void addRawUpdate(List<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Operation.RawUpdate>> operations, ColumnDefinition.Raw key, Operation.RawUpdate update)
 +    {
 +        for (Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Operation.RawUpdate> p : operations)
 +        {
 +            if (p.left.equals(key) && !p.right.isCompatibleWith(update))
 +                addRecognitionError("Multiple incompatible setting of column " + key);
 +        }
 +        operations.add(Pair.create(key, update));
 +    }
 +    public Set<Permission> filterPermissions(Set<Permission> permissions, IResource resource)
 +    {
 +        if (resource == null)
 +            return Collections.emptySet();
 +        Set<Permission> filtered = new HashSet<>(permissions);
 +        filtered.retainAll(resource.applicablePermissions());
 +        if (filtered.isEmpty())
 +            addRecognitionError("Resource type " + resource.getClass().getSimpleName() +
 +                                    " does not support any of the requested permissions");
 +        return filtered;
 +    }
 +    public String canonicalizeObjectName(String s, boolean enforcePattern)
 +    {
 +        // these two conditions are here because technically they are valid
 +        // ObjectNames, but we want to restrict their use without adding unnecessary
 +        // work to JMXResource construction as that also happens on hotter code paths
 +        if ("".equals(s))
 +            addRecognitionError("Empty JMX object name supplied");
 +        if ("*:*".equals(s))
 +            addRecognitionError("Please use ALL MBEANS instead of wildcard pattern");
 +        try
 +        {
 +   objectName =;
 +            if (enforcePattern && !objectName.isPattern())
 +                addRecognitionError("Plural form used, but non-pattern JMX object name specified (" + s + ")");
 +            return objectName.getCanonicalName();
 +        }
 +        catch ( e)
 +        {
 +          addRecognitionError(s + " is not a valid JMX object name");
 +          return s;
 +        }
 +    }
 +    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 +    // Recovery methods are overridden to avoid wasting work on recovering from errors when the result will be
 +    // ignored anyway.
 +    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 +    @Override
 +    protected Object recoverFromMismatchedToken(IntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow) throws RecognitionException
 +    {
 +        throw new MismatchedTokenException(ttype, input);
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public void recover(IntStream input, RecognitionException re)
 +    {
 +        // Do nothing.
 +    }
 +/** STATEMENTS **/
 +cqlStatement returns [ParsedStatement stmt]
 +    @after{ if (stmt != null) stmt.setBoundVariables(bindVariables); }
 +    : st1= selectStatement                 { $stmt = st1; }
 +    | st2= insertStatement                 { $stmt = st2; }
 +    | st3= updateStatement                 { $stmt = st3; }
 +    | st4= batchStatement                  { $stmt = st4; }
 +    | st5= deleteStatement                 { $stmt = st5; }
 +    | st6= useStatement                    { $stmt = st6; }
 +    | st7= truncateStatement               { $stmt = st7; }
 +    | st8= createKeyspaceStatement         { $stmt = st8; }
 +    | st9= createTableStatement            { $stmt = st9; }
 +    | st10=createIndexStatement            { $stmt = st10; }
 +    | st11=dropKeyspaceStatement           { $stmt = st11; }
 +    | st12=dropTableStatement              { $stmt = st12; }
 +    | st13=dropIndexStatement              { $stmt = st13; }
 +    | st14=alterTableStatement             { $stmt = st14; }
 +    | st15=alterKeyspaceStatement          { $stmt = st15; }
 +    | st16=grantPermissionsStatement       { $stmt = st16; }
 +    | st17=revokePermissionsStatement      { $stmt = st17; }
 +    | st18=listPermissionsStatement        { $stmt = st18; }
 +    | st19=createUserStatement             { $stmt = st19; }
 +    | st20=alterUserStatement              { $stmt = st20; }
 +    | st21=dropUserStatement               { $stmt = st21; }
 +    | st22=listUsersStatement              { $stmt = st22; }
 +    | st23=createTriggerStatement          { $stmt = st23; }
 +    | st24=dropTriggerStatement            { $stmt = st24; }
 +    | st25=createTypeStatement             { $stmt = st25; }
 +    | st26=alterTypeStatement              { $stmt = st26; }
 +    | st27=dropTypeStatement               { $stmt = st27; }
 +    | st28=createFunctionStatement         { $stmt = st28; }
 +    | st29=dropFunctionStatement           { $stmt = st29; }
 +    | st30=createAggregateStatement        { $stmt = st30; }
 +    | st31=dropAggregateStatement          { $stmt = st31; }
 +    | st32=createRoleStatement             { $stmt = st32; }
 +    | st33=alterRoleStatement              { $stmt = st33; }
 +    | st34=dropRoleStatement               { $stmt = st34; }
 +    | st35=listRolesStatement              { $stmt = st35; }
 +    | st36=grantRoleStatement              { $stmt = st36; }
 +    | st37=revokeRoleStatement             { $stmt = st37; }
 +    | st38=createMaterializedViewStatement { $stmt = st38; }
 +    | st39=dropMaterializedViewStatement   { $stmt = st39; }
 +    | st40=alterMaterializedViewStatement  { $stmt = st40; }
 +    ;
 + */
 +useStatement returns [UseStatement stmt]
 +    : K_USE ks=keyspaceName { $stmt = new UseStatement(ks); }
 +    ;
 + * SELECT <expression>
 + * FROM <CF>
 + * WHERE KEY = "key1" AND COL > 1 AND COL < 100
 + */
 +selectStatement returns [SelectStatement.RawStatement expr]
 +    @init {
 +        boolean isDistinct = false;
 +        Term.Raw limit = null;
 +        Term.Raw perPartitionLimit = null;
 +        Map<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Boolean> orderings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
 +        List<ColumnDefinition.Raw> groups = new ArrayList<>();
 +        boolean allowFiltering = false;
 +        boolean isJson = false;
 +    }
 +    : K_SELECT
 +      ( K_JSON { isJson = true; } )?
 +      ( ( K_DISTINCT { isDistinct = true; } )? sclause=selectClause )
 +      K_FROM cf=columnFamilyName
 +      ( K_WHERE wclause=whereClause )?
 +      ( K_GROUP K_BY groupByClause[groups] ( ',' groupByClause[groups] )* )?
 +      ( K_ORDER K_BY orderByClause[orderings] ( ',' orderByClause[orderings] )* )?
 +      ( K_PER K_PARTITION K_LIMIT rows=intValue { perPartitionLimit = rows; } )?
 +      ( K_LIMIT rows=intValue { limit = rows; } )?
 +      ( K_ALLOW K_FILTERING  { allowFiltering = true; } )?
 +      {
 +          SelectStatement.Parameters params = new SelectStatement.Parameters(orderings,
 +                                                                             groups,
 +                                                                             isDistinct,
 +                                                                             allowFiltering,
 +                                                                             isJson);
 +          WhereClause where = wclause == null ? WhereClause.empty() :;
 +          $expr = new SelectStatement.RawStatement(cf, params, sclause, where, limit, perPartitionLimit);
 +      }
 +    ;
 +selectClause returns [List<RawSelector> expr]
 +    : t1=selector { $expr = new ArrayList<RawSelector>(); $expr.add(t1); } (',' tN=selector { $expr.add(tN); })*
 +    | '\*' { $expr = Collections.<RawSelector>emptyList();}
 +    ;
 +selector returns [RawSelector s]
 +    @init{ ColumnIdentifier alias = null; }
 +    : us=unaliasedSelector (K_AS c=noncol_ident { alias = c; })? { $s = new RawSelector(us, alias); }
 +    ;
 + * A single selection. The core of it is selecting a column, but we also allow any term and function, as well as
 + * sub-element selection for UDT.
 + */
 +unaliasedSelector returns [Selectable.Raw s]
 +    @init { Selectable.Raw tmp = null; }
 +    :  ( c=cident                                  { tmp = c; }
 +       | v=value                                   { tmp = new Selectable.WithTerm.Raw(v); }
 +       | '(' ct=comparatorType ')' v=value         { tmp = new Selectable.WithTerm.Raw(new TypeCast(ct, v)); }
 +       | K_COUNT '(' '\*' ')'                      { tmp = Selectable.WithFunction.Raw.newCountRowsFunction(); }
 +       | K_WRITETIME '(' c=cident ')'              { tmp = new Selectable.WritetimeOrTTL.Raw(c, true); }
 +       | K_TTL       '(' c=cident ')'              { tmp = new Selectable.WritetimeOrTTL.Raw(c, false); }
 +       | K_CAST      '(' sn=unaliasedSelector K_AS t=native_type ')' {tmp = new Selectable.WithCast.Raw(sn, t);}
 +       | f=functionName args=selectionFunctionArgs { tmp = new Selectable.WithFunction.Raw(f, args); }
 +       ) ( '.' fi=fident { tmp = new Selectable.WithFieldSelection.Raw(tmp, fi); } )* { $s = tmp; }
 +    ;
 +selectionFunctionArgs returns [List<Selectable.Raw> a]
 +    : '(' ')' { $a = Collections.emptyList(); }
 +    | '(' s1=unaliasedSelector { List<Selectable.Raw> args = new ArrayList<Selectable.Raw>(); args.add(s1); }
 +          ( ',' sn=unaliasedSelector { args.add(sn); } )*
 +      ')' { $a = args; }
 +    ;
 +whereClause returns [WhereClause.Builder clause]
 +    @init{ $clause = new WhereClause.Builder(); }
 +    : relationOrExpression[$clause] (K_AND relationOrExpression[$clause])*
 +    ;
 +relationOrExpression [WhereClause.Builder clause]
 +    : relation[$clause]
 +    | customIndexExpression[$clause]
 +    ;
 +customIndexExpression [WhereClause.Builder clause]
 +    @init{IndexName name = new IndexName();}
 +    : 'expr(' idxName[name] ',' t=term ')' { clause.add(new CustomIndexExpression(name, t));}
 +    ;
 +orderByClause[Map<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Boolean> orderings]
 +    @init{
 +        boolean reversed = false;
 +    }
 +    : c=cident (K_ASC | K_DESC { reversed = true; })? { orderings.put(c, reversed); }
 +    ;
 +groupByClause[List<ColumnDefinition.Raw> groups]
 +    : c=cident { groups.add(c); }
 +    ;
 + * INSERT INTO <CF> (<column>, <column>, <column>, ...)
 + * VALUES (<value>, <value>, <value>, ...)
 + * USING TIMESTAMP <long>;
 + *
 + */
 +insertStatement returns [ModificationStatement.Parsed expr]
 +    : K_INSERT K_INTO cf=columnFamilyName
 +        ( st1=normalInsertStatement[cf] { $expr = st1; }
 +        | K_JSON st2=jsonInsertStatement[cf] { $expr = st2; })
 +    ;
 +normalInsertStatement [CFName cf] returns [UpdateStatement.ParsedInsert expr]
 +    @init {
 +        Attributes.Raw attrs = new Attributes.Raw();
 +        List<ColumnDefinition.Raw> columnNames  = new ArrayList<>();
 +        List<Term.Raw> values = new ArrayList<>();
 +        boolean ifNotExists = false;
 +    }
 +    : '(' c1=cident { columnNames.add(c1); }  ( ',' cn=cident { columnNames.add(cn); } )* ')'
 +      K_VALUES
 +      '(' v1=term { values.add(v1); } ( ',' vn=term { values.add(vn); } )* ')'
 +      ( K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; } )?
 +      ( usingClause[attrs] )?
 +      {
 +          $expr = new UpdateStatement.ParsedInsert(cf, attrs, columnNames, values, ifNotExists);
 +      }
 +    ;
 +jsonInsertStatement [CFName cf] returns [UpdateStatement.ParsedInsertJson expr]
 +    @init {
 +        Attributes.Raw attrs = new Attributes.Raw();
 +        boolean ifNotExists = false;
 +        boolean defaultUnset = false;
 +    }
 +    : val=jsonValue
 +      ( K_DEFAULT ( K_NULL | ( { defaultUnset = true; } K_UNSET) ) )?
 +      ( K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; } )?
 +      ( usingClause[attrs] )?
 +      {
 +          $expr = new UpdateStatement.ParsedInsertJson(cf, attrs, val, defaultUnset, ifNotExists);
 +      }
 +    ;
 +jsonValue returns [Json.Raw value]
 +    : s=STRING_LITERAL { $value = new Json.Literal($s.text); }
 +    | ':' id=noncol_ident     { $value = newJsonBindVariables(id); }
 +    | QMARK            { $value = newJsonBindVariables(null); }
 +    ;
 +usingClause[Attributes.Raw attrs]
 +    : K_USING usingClauseObjective[attrs] ( K_AND usingClauseObjective[attrs] )*
 +    ;
 +usingClauseObjective[Attributes.Raw attrs]
 +    : K_TIMESTAMP ts=intValue { attrs.timestamp = ts; }
 +    | K_TTL t=intValue { attrs.timeToLive = t; }
 +    ;
 + * UPDATE <CF>
 + * SET name1 = value1, name2 = value2
 + * WHERE key = value;
 + * [IF (EXISTS | name = value, ...)];
 + */
 +updateStatement returns [UpdateStatement.ParsedUpdate expr]
 +    @init {
 +        Attributes.Raw attrs = new Attributes.Raw();
 +        List<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Operation.RawUpdate>> operations = new ArrayList<>();
 +        boolean ifExists = false;
 +    }
 +    : K_UPDATE cf=columnFamilyName
 +      ( usingClause[attrs] )?
 +      K_SET columnOperation[operations] (',' columnOperation[operations])*
 +      K_WHERE wclause=whereClause
 +      ( K_IF ( K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; } | conditions=updateConditions ))?
 +      {
 +          $expr = new UpdateStatement.ParsedUpdate(cf,
 +                                                   attrs,
 +                                                   operations,
 +                                         ,
 +                                                   conditions == null ? Collections.<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, ColumnCondition.Raw>>emptyList() : conditions,
 +                                                   ifExists);
 +     }
 +    ;
 +updateConditions returns [List<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, ColumnCondition.Raw>> conditions]
 +    @init { conditions = new ArrayList<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, ColumnCondition.Raw>>(); }
 +    : columnCondition[conditions] ( K_AND columnCondition[conditions] )*
 +    ;
 + * DELETE name1, name2
 + * FROM <CF>
 + * WHERE KEY = keyname
 +   [IF (EXISTS | name = value, ...)];
 + */
 +deleteStatement returns [DeleteStatement.Parsed expr]
 +    @init {
 +        Attributes.Raw attrs = new Attributes.Raw();
 +        List<Operation.RawDeletion> columnDeletions = Collections.emptyList();
 +        boolean ifExists = false;
 +    }
 +    : K_DELETE ( dels=deleteSelection { columnDeletions = dels; } )?
 +      K_FROM cf=columnFamilyName
 +      ( usingClauseDelete[attrs] )?
 +      K_WHERE wclause=whereClause
 +      ( K_IF ( K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; } | conditions=updateConditions ))?
 +      {
 +          $expr = new DeleteStatement.Parsed(cf,
 +                                             attrs,
 +                                             columnDeletions,
 +                                   ,
 +                                             conditions == null ? Collections.<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, ColumnCondition.Raw>>emptyList() : conditions,
 +                                             ifExists);
 +      }
 +    ;
 +deleteSelection returns [List<Operation.RawDeletion> operations]
 +    : { $operations = new ArrayList<Operation.RawDeletion>(); }
 +          t1=deleteOp { $operations.add(t1); }
 +          (',' tN=deleteOp { $operations.add(tN); })*
 +    ;
 +deleteOp returns [Operation.RawDeletion op]
 +    : c=cident                { $op = new Operation.ColumnDeletion(c); }
 +    | c=cident '[' t=term ']' { $op = new Operation.ElementDeletion(c, t); }
 +    | c=cident '.' field=fident { $op = new Operation.FieldDeletion(c, field); }
 +    ;
 +usingClauseDelete[Attributes.Raw attrs]
 +    : K_USING K_TIMESTAMP ts=intValue { attrs.timestamp = ts; }
 +    ;
 + *   UPDATE <CF> SET name1 = value1 WHERE KEY = keyname1;
 + *   UPDATE <CF> SET name2 = value2 WHERE KEY = keyname2;
 + *   UPDATE <CF> SET name3 = value3 WHERE KEY = keyname3;
 + *   ...
 + *
 + * OR
 + *
 + *   INSERT INTO <CF> (KEY, <name>) VALUES ('<key>', '<value>');
 + *   INSERT INTO <CF> (KEY, <name>) VALUES ('<key>', '<value>');
 + *   ...
 + *
 + * OR
 + *
 + *   DELETE name1, name2 FROM <CF> WHERE key = <key>
 + *   DELETE name3, name4 FROM <CF> WHERE key = <key>
 + *   ...
 + */
 +batchStatement returns [BatchStatement.Parsed expr]
 +    @init {
 +        BatchStatement.Type type = BatchStatement.Type.LOGGED;
 +        List<ModificationStatement.Parsed> statements = new ArrayList<ModificationStatement.Parsed>();
 +        Attributes.Raw attrs = new Attributes.Raw();
 +    }
 +    : K_BEGIN
 +      ( K_UNLOGGED { type = BatchStatement.Type.UNLOGGED; } | K_COUNTER { type = BatchStatement.Type.COUNTER; } )?
 +      K_BATCH ( usingClause[attrs] )?
 +          ( s=batchStatementObjective ';'? { statements.add(s); } )*
 +      {
 +          $expr = new BatchStatement.Parsed(type, attrs, statements);
 +      }
 +    ;
 +batchStatementObjective returns [ModificationStatement.Parsed statement]
 +    : i=insertStatement  { $statement = i; }
 +    | u=updateStatement  { $statement = u; }
 +    | d=deleteStatement  { $statement = d; }
 +    ;
 +createAggregateStatement returns [CreateAggregateStatement expr]
 +    @init {
 +        boolean orReplace = false;
 +        boolean ifNotExists = false;
 +        List<CQL3Type.Raw> argsTypes = new ArrayList<>();
 +    }
 +    : K_CREATE (K_OR K_REPLACE { orReplace = true; })?
 +      (K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; })?
 +      fn=functionName
 +      '('
 +        (
 +          v=comparatorType { argsTypes.add(v); }
 +          ( ',' v=comparatorType { argsTypes.add(v); } )*
 +        )?
 +      ')'
 +      K_SFUNC sfunc = allowedFunctionName
 +      K_STYPE stype = comparatorType
 +      (
 +        K_FINALFUNC ffunc = allowedFunctionName
 +      )?
 +      (
 +        K_INITCOND ival = term
 +      )?
 +      { $expr = new CreateAggregateStatement(fn, argsTypes, sfunc, stype, ffunc, ival, orReplace, ifNotExists); }
 +    ;
 +dropAggregateStatement returns [DropAggregateStatement expr]
 +    @init {
 +        boolean ifExists = false;
 +        List<CQL3Type.Raw> argsTypes = new ArrayList<>();
 +        boolean argsPresent = false;
 +    }
 +      (K_IF K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; } )?
 +      fn=functionName
 +      (
 +        '('
 +          (
 +            v=comparatorType { argsTypes.add(v); }
 +            ( ',' v=comparatorType { argsTypes.add(v); } )*
 +          )?
 +        ')'
 +        { argsPresent = true; }
 +      )?
 +      { $expr = new DropAggregateStatement(fn, argsTypes, argsPresent, ifExists); }
 +    ;
 +createFunctionStatement returns [CreateFunctionStatement expr]
 +    @init {
 +        boolean orReplace = false;
 +        boolean ifNotExists = false;
 +        List<ColumnIdentifier> argsNames = new ArrayList<>();
 +        List<CQL3Type.Raw> argsTypes = new ArrayList<>();
 +        boolean calledOnNullInput = false;
 +    }
 +    : K_CREATE (K_OR K_REPLACE { orReplace = true; })?
 +      K_FUNCTION
 +      (K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; })?
 +      fn=functionName
 +      '('
 +        (
 +          k=noncol_ident v=comparatorType { argsNames.add(k); argsTypes.add(v); }
 +          ( ',' k=noncol_ident v=comparatorType { argsNames.add(k); argsTypes.add(v); } )*
 +        )?
 +      ')'
 +      ( (K_RETURNS K_NULL) | (K_CALLED { calledOnNullInput=true; })) K_ON K_NULL K_INPUT
 +      K_RETURNS rt = comparatorType
 +      K_LANGUAGE language = IDENT
 +      K_AS body = STRING_LITERAL
 +      { $expr = new CreateFunctionStatement(fn, $language.text.toLowerCase(), $body.text,
 +                                            argsNames, argsTypes, rt, calledOnNullInput, orReplace, ifNotExists); }
 +    ;
 +dropFunctionStatement returns [DropFunctionStatement expr]
 +    @init {
 +        boolean ifExists = false;
 +        List<CQL3Type.Raw> argsTypes = new ArrayList<>();
 +        boolean argsPresent = false;
 +    }
 +      (K_IF K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; } )?
 +      fn=functionName
 +      (
 +        '('
 +          (
 +            v=comparatorType { argsTypes.add(v); }
 +            ( ',' v=comparatorType { argsTypes.add(v); } )*
 +          )?
 +        ')'
 +        { argsPresent = true; }
 +      )?
 +      { $expr = new DropFunctionStatement(fn, argsTypes, argsPresent, ifExists); }
 +    ;
 + * CREATE KEYSPACE [IF NOT EXISTS] <KEYSPACE> WITH attr1 = value1 AND attr2 = value2;
 + */
 +createKeyspaceStatement returns [CreateKeyspaceStatement expr]
 +    @init {
 +        KeyspaceAttributes attrs = new KeyspaceAttributes();
 +        boolean ifNotExists = false;
 +    }
 +    : K_CREATE K_KEYSPACE (K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; } )? ks=keyspaceName
 +      K_WITH properties[attrs] { $expr = new CreateKeyspaceStatement(ks, attrs, ifNotExists); }
 +    ;
 + *     <name1> <type>,
 + *     <name2> <type>,
 + *     <name3> <type>
 + * ) WITH <property> = <value> AND ...;
 + */
 +createTableStatement returns [CreateTableStatement.RawStatement expr]
 +    @init { boolean ifNotExists = false; }
 +    : K_CREATE K_COLUMNFAMILY (K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; } )?
 +      cf=columnFamilyName { $expr = new CreateTableStatement.RawStatement(cf, ifNotExists); }
 +      cfamDefinition[expr]
 +    ;
 +cfamDefinition[CreateTableStatement.RawStatement expr]
 +    : '(' cfamColumns[expr] ( ',' cfamColumns[expr]? )* ')'
 +      ( K_WITH cfamProperty[] ( K_AND cfamProperty[] )*)?
 +    ;
 +cfamColumns[CreateTableStatement.RawStatement expr]
 +    : k=ident v=comparatorType { boolean isStatic=false; } (K_STATIC {isStatic = true;})? { $expr.addDefinition(k, v, isStatic); }
 +        (K_PRIMARY K_KEY { $expr.addKeyAliases(Collections.singletonList(k)); })?
 +    | K_PRIMARY K_KEY '(' pkDef[expr] (',' c=ident { $expr.addColumnAlias(c); } )* ')'
 +    ;
 +pkDef[CreateTableStatement.RawStatement expr]
 +    : k=ident { $expr.addKeyAliases(Collections.singletonList(k)); }
 +    | '(' { List<ColumnIdentifier> l = new ArrayList<ColumnIdentifier>(); } k1=ident { l.add(k1); } ( ',' kn=ident { l.add(kn); } )* ')' { $expr.addKeyAliases(l); }
 +    ;
 +cfamProperty[CFProperties props]
 +    : property[]
 +    | K_COMPACT K_STORAGE { $props.setCompactStorage(); }
 +    | K_CLUSTERING K_ORDER K_BY '(' cfamOrdering[props] (',' cfamOrdering[props])* ')'
 +    ;
 +cfamOrdering[CFProperties props]
 +    @init{ boolean reversed=false; }
 +    : k=ident (K_ASC | K_DESC { reversed=true;} ) { $props.setOrdering(k, reversed); }
 +    ;
 + * CREATE TYPE foo (
 + *    <name1> <type1>,
 + *    <name2> <type2>,
 + *    ....
 + * )
 + */
 +createTypeStatement returns [CreateTypeStatement expr]
 +    @init { boolean ifNotExists = false; }
 +    : K_CREATE K_TYPE (K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; } )?
 +         tn=userTypeName { $expr = new CreateTypeStatement(tn, ifNotExists); }
 +         '(' typeColumns[expr] ( ',' typeColumns[expr]? )* ')'
 +    ;
 +typeColumns[CreateTypeStatement expr]
 +    : k=fident v=comparatorType { $expr.addDefinition(k, v); }
 +    ;
 + * CREATE INDEX [IF NOT EXISTS] [indexName] ON <columnFamily> (<columnName>);
 + * CREATE CUSTOM INDEX [IF NOT EXISTS] [indexName] ON <columnFamily> (<columnName>) USING <indexClass>;
 + */
 +createIndexStatement returns [CreateIndexStatement expr]
 +    @init {
 +        IndexPropDefs props = new IndexPropDefs();
 +        boolean ifNotExists = false;
 +        IndexName name = new IndexName();
 +        List<IndexTarget.Raw> targets = new ArrayList<>();
 +    }
 +    : K_CREATE (K_CUSTOM { props.isCustom = true; })? K_INDEX (K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; } )?
 +        (idxName[name])? K_ON cf=columnFamilyName '(' (indexIdent[targets] (',' indexIdent[targets])*)? ')'
 +        (K_USING cls=STRING_LITERAL { props.customClass = $cls.text; })?
 +        (K_WITH properties[props])?
 +      { $expr = new CreateIndexStatement(cf, name, targets, props, ifNotExists); }
 +    ;
 +indexIdent [List<IndexTarget.Raw> targets]
 +    : c=cident                   { $targets.add(IndexTarget.Raw.simpleIndexOn(c)); }
 +    | K_VALUES '(' c=cident ')'  { $targets.add(IndexTarget.Raw.valuesOf(c)); }
 +    | K_KEYS '(' c=cident ')'    { $targets.add(IndexTarget.Raw.keysOf(c)); }
 +    | K_ENTRIES '(' c=cident ')' { $targets.add(IndexTarget.Raw.keysAndValuesOf(c)); }
 +    | K_FULL '(' c=cident ')'    { $targets.add(IndexTarget.Raw.fullCollection(c)); }
 +    ;
 + *  SELECT <columns>
 + *  FROM <CF>
 + *  WHERE <pkColumns> IS NOT NULL
 + *  PRIMARY KEY (<pkColumns>)
 + *  WITH <property> = <value> AND ...;
 + */
 +createMaterializedViewStatement returns [CreateViewStatement expr]
 +    @init {
 +        boolean ifNotExists = false;
 +        List<ColumnDefinition.Raw> partitionKeys = new ArrayList<>();
 +        List<ColumnDefinition.Raw> compositeKeys = new ArrayList<>();
 +    }
 +    : K_CREATE K_MATERIALIZED K_VIEW (K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; })? cf=columnFamilyName K_AS
 +        K_SELECT sclause=selectClause K_FROM basecf=columnFamilyName
 +        (K_WHERE wclause=whereClause)?
 +        K_PRIMARY K_KEY (
 +        '(' '(' k1=cident { partitionKeys.add(k1); } ( ',' kn=cident { partitionKeys.add(kn); } )* ')' ( ',' c1=cident { compositeKeys.add(c1); } )* ')'
 +    |   '(' k1=cident { partitionKeys.add(k1); } ( ',' cn=cident { compositeKeys.add(cn); } )* ')'
 +        )
 +        {
 +             WhereClause where = wclause == null ? WhereClause.empty() :;
 +             $expr = new CreateViewStatement(cf, basecf, sclause, where, partitionKeys, compositeKeys, ifNotExists);
 +        }
 +        ( K_WITH cfamProperty[] ( K_AND cfamProperty[] )*)?
 +    ;
 + * CREATE TRIGGER triggerName ON columnFamily USING 'triggerClass';
 + */
 +createTriggerStatement returns [CreateTriggerStatement expr]
 +    @init {
 +        boolean ifNotExists = false;
 +    }
-     : K_CREATE K_TRIGGER (K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; } )? (name=cident)
++    : K_CREATE K_TRIGGER (K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; } )? (name=ident)
 +        K_ON cf=columnFamilyName K_USING cls=STRING_LITERAL
-       { $expr = new CreateTriggerStatement(cf, name.rawText(), $cls.text, ifNotExists); }
++      { $expr = new CreateTriggerStatement(cf, name.toString(), $cls.text, ifNotExists); }
 +    ;
 + * DROP TRIGGER [IF EXISTS] triggerName ON columnFamily;
 + */
 +dropTriggerStatement returns [DropTriggerStatement expr]
 +     @init { boolean ifExists = false; }
-     : K_DROP K_TRIGGER (K_IF K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; } )? (name=cident) K_ON cf=columnFamilyName
-       { $expr = new DropTriggerStatement(cf, name.rawText(), ifExists); }
++    : K_DROP K_TRIGGER (K_IF K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; } )? (name=ident) K_ON cf=columnFamilyName
++      { $expr = new DropTriggerStatement(cf, name.toString(), ifExists); }
 +    ;
 + * ALTER KEYSPACE <KS> WITH <property> = <value>;
 + */
 +alterKeyspaceStatement returns [AlterKeyspaceStatement expr]
 +    @init { KeyspaceAttributes attrs = new KeyspaceAttributes(); }
 +    : K_ALTER K_KEYSPACE ks=keyspaceName
 +        K_WITH properties[attrs] { $expr = new AlterKeyspaceStatement(ks, attrs); }
 +    ;
 + * ALTER COLUMN FAMILY <CF> ALTER <column> TYPE <newtype>;
 + * ALTER COLUMN FAMILY <CF> ADD <column> <newtype>; | ALTER COLUMN FAMILY <CF> ADD (<column> <newtype>,<column1> <newtype1>..... <column n> <newtype n>)
 + * ALTER COLUMN FAMILY <CF> DROP <column>; | ALTER COLUMN FAMILY <CF> DROP ( <column>,<column1>.....<column n>)
 + * ALTER COLUMN FAMILY <CF> WITH <property> = <value>;
 + * ALTER COLUMN FAMILY <CF> RENAME <column> TO <column>;
 + */
 +alterTableStatement returns [AlterTableStatement expr]
 +    @init {
 +        AlterTableStatement.Type type = null;
 +        TableAttributes attrs = new TableAttributes();
 +        Map<ColumnDefinition.Raw, ColumnDefinition.Raw> renames = new HashMap<ColumnDefinition.Raw, ColumnDefinition.Raw>();
 +        List<AlterTableStatementColumn> colNameList = new ArrayList<AlterTableStatementColumn>();
 +        Long deleteTimestamp = null;
 +    }
 +    : K_ALTER K_COLUMNFAMILY cf=columnFamilyName
-           ( K_ALTER id=cident  K_TYPE v=comparatorType  { type = AlterTableStatement.Type.ALTER; } { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(id,v)); }
-           | K_ADD  (        (id=cident   v=comparatorType   b1=cfisStatic { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(id,v,b1)); })
-                      | ('('  id1=cident  v1=comparatorType  b1=cfisStatic { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(id1,v1,b1)); }
-                        ( ',' idn=cident  vn=comparatorType  bn=cfisStatic { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(idn,vn,bn)); } )* ')' ) ) { type = AlterTableStatement.Type.ADD; }
-           | K_DROP ( (         id=cident  { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(id)); }
-                       | ('('  id1=cident { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(id1)); }
-                         ( ',' idn=cident { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(idn)); } )* ')') )
++          ( K_ALTER id=schema_cident  K_TYPE v=comparatorType  { type = AlterTableStatement.Type.ALTER; } { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(id,v)); }
++          | K_ADD  (        (aid=schema_cident  v=comparatorType   b1=cfisStatic { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(aid,v,b1)); })
++                     | ('('  id1=schema_cident  v1=comparatorType  b1=cfisStatic { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(id1,v1,b1)); }
++                       ( ',' idn=schema_cident  vn=comparatorType  bn=cfisStatic { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(idn,vn,bn)); } )* ')' ) ) { type = AlterTableStatement.Type.ADD; }
++          | K_DROP K_COMPACT K_STORAGE          { type = AlterTableStatement.Type.DROP_COMPACT_STORAGE; }        
++          | K_DROP ( (        id=schema_cident  { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(id)); }
++                      | ('('  id1=schema_cident { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(id1)); }
++                        ( ',' idn=schema_cident { colNameList.add(new AlterTableStatementColumn(idn)); } )* ')') )
 +                     ( K_USING K_TIMESTAMP t=INTEGER { deleteTimestamp = Long.parseLong(Constants.Literal.integer($t.text).getText()); })? ) { type = AlterTableStatement.Type.DROP; }
 +          | K_WITH  properties[attrs]                 { type = AlterTableStatement.Type.OPTS; }
 +          | K_RENAME                                  { type = AlterTableStatement.Type.RENAME; }
-                id1=cident K_TO toId1=cident { renames.put(id1, toId1); }
-                ( K_AND idn=cident K_TO toIdn=cident { renames.put(idn, toIdn); } )*
++               id1=schema_cident K_TO toId1=schema_cident { renames.put(id1, toId1); }
++               ( K_AND idn=schema_cident K_TO toIdn=schema_cident { renames.put(idn, toIdn); } )*
 +          )
 +    {
 +        $expr = new AlterTableStatement(cf, type, colNameList, attrs, renames, deleteTimestamp);
 +    }
 +    ;
 +cfisStatic returns [boolean isStaticColumn]
 +    @init{
 +        boolean isStatic = false;
 +    }
 +    : (K_STATIC { isStatic=true; })? { $isStaticColumn = isStatic;
 +    }
 +    ;
 +alterMaterializedViewStatement returns [AlterViewStatement expr]
 +    @init {
 +        TableAttributes attrs = new TableAttributes();
 +    }
 +    : K_ALTER K_MATERIALIZED K_VIEW name=columnFamilyName
 +          K_WITH properties[attrs]
 +    {
 +        $expr = new AlterViewStatement(name, attrs);
 +    }
 +    ;
 + * ALTER TYPE <name> ALTER <field> TYPE <newtype>;
 + * ALTER TYPE <name> ADD <field> <newtype>;
 + * ALTER TYPE <name> RENAME <field> TO <newtype> AND ...;
 + */
 +alterTypeStatement returns [AlterTypeStatement expr]
 +    : K_ALTER K_TYPE name=userTypeName
 +          ( K_ALTER f=fident K_TYPE v=comparatorType { $expr = AlterTypeStatement.alter(name, f, v); }
 +          | K_ADD   f=fident v=comparatorType        { $expr = AlterTypeStatement.addition(name, f, v); }
 +          | K_RENAME
 +               { Map<FieldIdentifier, FieldIdentifier> renames = new HashMap<>(); }
 +                 id1=fident K_TO toId1=fident { renames.put(id1, toId1); }
 +                 ( K_AND idn=fident K_TO toIdn=fident { renames.put(idn, toIdn); } )*
 +               { $expr = AlterTypeStatement.renames(name, renames); }
 +          )
 +    ;
 + */
 +dropKeyspaceStatement returns [DropKeyspaceStatement ksp]
 +    @init { boolean ifExists = false; }
 +    : K_DROP K_KEYSPACE (K_IF K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; } )? ks=keyspaceName { $ksp = new DropKeyspaceStatement(ks, ifExists); }
 +    ;
 + */
 +dropTableStatement returns [DropTableStatement stmt]
 +    @init { boolean ifExists = false; }
 +    : K_DROP K_COLUMNFAMILY (K_IF K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; } )? cf=columnFamilyName { $stmt = new DropTableStatement(cf, ifExists); }
 +    ;
 + * DROP TYPE <name>;
 + */
 +dropTypeStatement returns [DropTypeStatement stmt]
 +    @init { boolean ifExists = false; }
 +    : K_DROP K_TYPE (K_IF K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; } )? name=userTypeName { $stmt = new DropTypeStatement(name, ifExists); }
 +    ;
 + */
 +dropIndexStatement returns [DropIndexStatement expr]
 +    @init { boolean ifExists = false; }
 +    : K_DROP K_INDEX (K_IF K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; } )? index=indexName
 +      { $expr = new DropIndexStatement(index, ifExists); }
 +    ;
 + */
 +dropMaterializedViewStatement returns [DropViewStatement expr]
 +    @init { boolean ifExists = false; }
 +    : K_DROP K_MATERIALIZED K_VIEW (K_IF K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; } )? cf=columnFamilyName
 +      { $expr = new DropViewStatement(cf, ifExists); }
 +    ;
 +  * TRUNCATE <CF>;
 +  */
 +truncateStatement returns [TruncateStatement stmt]
 +    : K_TRUNCATE (K_COLUMNFAMILY)? cf=columnFamilyName { $stmt = new TruncateStatement(cf); }
 +    ;
 + * GRANT <permission> ON <resource> TO <rolename>
 + */
 +grantPermissionsStatement returns [GrantPermissionsStatement stmt]
 +    : K_GRANT
 +          permissionOrAll
 +      K_ON
 +          resource
 +      K_TO
 +          grantee=userOrRoleName
 +      { $stmt = new GrantPermissionsStatement(filterPermissions($permissionOrAll.perms, $resource.res), $resource.res, grantee); }
 +    ;
 + * REVOKE <permission> ON <resource> FROM <rolename>
 + */
 +revokePermissionsStatement returns [RevokePermissionsStatement stmt]
 +    : K_REVOKE
 +          permissionOrAll
 +      K_ON
 +          resource
 +      K_FROM
 +          revokee=userOrRoleName
 +      { $stmt = new RevokePermissionsStatement(filterPermissions($permissionOrAll.perms, $resource.res), $resource.res, revokee); }
 +    ;
 + * GRANT ROLE <rolename> TO <grantee>
 + */
 +grantRoleStatement returns [GrantRoleStatement stmt]
 +    : K_GRANT
 +          role=userOrRoleName
 +      K_TO
 +          grantee=userOrRoleName
 +      { $stmt = new GrantRoleStatement(role, grantee); }
 +    ;
 + * REVOKE ROLE <rolename> FROM <revokee>
 + */
 +revokeRoleStatement returns [RevokeRoleStatement stmt]
 +    : K_REVOKE
 +          role=userOrRoleName
 +      K_FROM
 +          revokee=userOrRoleName
 +      { $stmt = new RevokeRoleStatement(role, revokee); }
 +    ;
 +listPermissionsStatement returns [ListPermissionsStatement stmt]
 +    @init {
 +        IResource resource = null;
 +        boolean recursive = true;
 +        RoleName grantee = new RoleName();
 +    }
 +    : K_LIST
 +          permissionOrAll
 +      ( K_ON resource { resource = $resource.res; } )?
 +      ( K_OF roleName[grantee] )?
 +      ( K_NORECURSIVE { recursive = false; } )?
 +      { $stmt = new ListPermissionsStatement($permissionOrAll.perms, resource, grantee, recursive); }
 +    ;
 +permission returns [Permission perm]
 +    { $perm = Permission.valueOf($p.text.toUpperCase()); }
 +    ;
 +permissionOrAll returns [Set<Permission> perms]
 +    : K_ALL ( K_PERMISSIONS )?       { $perms = Permission.ALL; }
 +    | p=permission ( K_PERMISSION )? { $perms = EnumSet.of($p.perm); }
 +    ;
 +resource returns [IResource res]
 +    : d=dataResource { $res = $d.res; }
 +    | r=roleResource { $res = $r.res; }
 +    | f=functionResource { $res = $f.res; }
 +    | j=jmxResource { $res = $j.res; }
 +    ;
 +dataResource returns [DataResource res]
 +    : K_ALL K_KEYSPACES { $res = DataResource.root(); }
 +    | K_KEYSPACE ks = keyspaceName { $res = DataResource.keyspace($; }
 +    | ( K_COLUMNFAMILY )? cf = columnFamilyName
 +      { $res = DataResource.table($, $; }
 +    ;
 +jmxResource returns [JMXResource res]
 +    : K_ALL K_MBEANS { $res = JMXResource.root(); }
 +    // when a bean name (or pattern) is supplied, validate that it's a legal ObjectName
 +    // also, just to be picky, if the "MBEANS" form is used, only allow a pattern style names
 +    | K_MBEAN mbean { $res = JMXResource.mbean(canonicalizeObjectName($mbean.text, false)); }
 +    | K_MBEANS mbean { $res = JMXResource.mbean(canonicalizeObjectName($mbean.text, true)); }
 +    ;
 +roleResource returns [RoleResource res]
 +    : K_ALL K_ROLES { $res = RoleResource.root(); }
 +    | K_ROLE role = userOrRoleName { $res = RoleResource.role($; }
 +    ;
 +functionResource returns [FunctionResource res]
 +    @init {
 +        List<CQL3Type.Raw> argsTypes = new ArrayList<>();
 +    }
 +    : K_ALL K_FUNCTIONS { $res = FunctionResource.root(); }
 +    | K_ALL K_FUNCTIONS K_IN K_KEYSPACE ks = keyspaceName { $res = FunctionResource.keyspace($; }
 +    // Arg types are mandatory for DCL statements on Functions
 +    | K_FUNCTION fn=functionName
 +      (
 +        '('
 +          (
 +            v=comparatorType { argsTypes.add(v); }
 +            ( ',' v=comparatorType { argsTypes.add(v); } )*
 +          )?
 +        ')'
 +      )
 +      { $res = FunctionResource.functionFromCql($fn.s.keyspace, $, argsTypes); }
 +    ;
 + */
 +createUserStatement returns [CreateRoleStatement stmt]
 +    @init {
 +        RoleOptions opts = new RoleOptions();
 +        opts.setOption(IRoleManager.Option.LOGIN, true);
 +        boolean superuser = false;
 +        boolean ifNotExists = false;
 +        RoleName name = new RoleName();
 +    }
 +    : K_CREATE K_USER (K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; })? u=username { name.setName($u.text, true); }
 +      ( K_WITH userPassword[opts] )?
 +      ( K_SUPERUSER { superuser = true; } | K_NOSUPERUSER { superuser = false; } )?
 +      { opts.setOption(IRoleManager.Option.SUPERUSER, superuser);
 +        $stmt = new CreateRoleStatement(name, opts, ifNotExists); }
 +    ;
 + */
 +alterUserStatement returns [AlterRoleStatement stmt]
 +    @init {
 +        RoleOptions opts = new RoleOptions();
 +        RoleName name = new RoleName();
 +    }
 +    : K_ALTER K_USER u=username { name.setName($u.text, true); }
 +      ( K_WITH userPassword[opts] )?
 +      ( K_SUPERUSER { opts.setOption(IRoleManager.Option.SUPERUSER, true); }
 +        | K_NOSUPERUSER { opts.setOption(IRoleManager.Option.SUPERUSER, false); } ) ?
 +      {  $stmt = new AlterRoleStatement(name, opts); }
 +    ;
 + * DROP USER [IF EXISTS] <username>
 + */
 +dropUserStatement returns [DropRoleStatement stmt]
 +    @init {
 +        boolean ifExists = false;
 +        RoleName name = new RoleName();
 +    }
 +    : K_DROP K_USER (K_IF K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; })? u=username { name.setName($u.text, true); $stmt = new DropRoleStatement(name, ifExists); }
 +    ;
 + */
 +listUsersStatement returns [ListRolesStatement stmt]
 +    : K_LIST K_USERS { $stmt = new ListUsersStatement(); }
 +    ;
 + * CREATE ROLE [IF NOT EXISTS] <rolename> [ [WITH] option [ [AND] option ]* ]
 + *
 + * where option can be:
 + *  PASSWORD = '<password>'
 + *  SUPERUSER = (true|false)
 + *  LOGIN = (true|false)
 + *  OPTIONS = { 'k1':'v1', 'k2':'v2'}
 + */
 +createRoleStatement returns [CreateRoleStatement stmt]
 +    @init {
 +        RoleOptions opts = new RoleOptions();
 +        boolean ifNotExists = false;
 +    }
 +    : K_CREATE K_ROLE (K_IF K_NOT K_EXISTS { ifNotExists = true; })? name=userOrRoleName
 +      ( K_WITH roleOptions[opts] )?
 +      {
 +        // set defaults if they weren't explictly supplied
 +        if (!opts.getLogin().isPresent())
 +        {
 +            opts.setOption(IRoleManager.Option.LOGIN, false);
 +        }
 +        if (!opts.getSuperuser().isPresent())
 +        {
 +            opts.setOption(IRoleManager.Option.SUPERUSER, false);
 +        }
 +        $stmt = new CreateRoleStatement(name, opts, ifNotExists);
 +      }
 +    ;
 + * ALTER ROLE <rolename> [ [WITH] option [ [AND] option ]* ]
 + *
 + * where option can be:
 + *  PASSWORD = '<password>'
 + *  SUPERUSER = (true|false)
 + *  LOGIN = (true|false)
 + *  OPTIONS = { 'k1':'v1', 'k2':'v2'}
 + */
 +alterRoleStatement returns [AlterRoleStatement stmt]
 +    @init {
 +        RoleOptions opts = new RoleOptions();
 +    }
 +    : K_ALTER K_ROLE name=userOrRoleName
 +      ( K_WITH roleOptions[opts] )?
 +      {  $stmt = new AlterRoleStatement(name, opts); }
 +    ;
 + * DROP ROLE [IF EXISTS] <rolename>
 + */
 +dropRoleStatement returns [DropRoleStatement stmt]
 +    @init {
 +        boolean ifExists = false;
 +    }
 +    : K_DROP K_ROLE (K_IF K_EXISTS { ifExists = true; })? name=userOrRoleName
 +      { $stmt = new DropRoleStatement(name, ifExists); }
 +    ;
 + * LIST ROLES [OF <rolename>] [NORECURSIVE]
 + */
 +listRolesStatement returns [ListRolesStatement stmt]
 +    @init {
 +        boolean recursive = true;
 +        RoleName grantee = new RoleName();
 +    }
 +    : K_LIST K_ROLES
 +      ( K_OF roleName[grantee])?
 +      ( K_NORECURSIVE { recursive = false; } )?
 +      { $stmt = new ListRolesStatement(grantee, recursive); }
 +    ;
 +roleOptions[RoleOptions opts]
 +    : roleOption[opts] (K_AND roleOption[opts])*
 +    ;
 +roleOption[RoleOptions opts]
 +    :  K_PASSWORD '=' v=STRING_LITERAL { opts.setOption(IRoleManager.Option.PASSWORD, $v.text); }
 +    |  K_OPTIONS '=' m=mapLiteral { opts.setOption(IRoleManager.Option.OPTIONS, convertPropertyMap(m)); }
 +    |  K_SUPERUSER '=' b=BOOLEAN { opts.setOption(IRoleManager.Option.SUPERUSER, Boolean.valueOf($b.text)); }
 +    |  K_LOGIN '=' b=BOOLEAN { opts.setOption(IRoleManager.Option.LOGIN, Boolean.valueOf($b.text)); }
 +    ;
 +// for backwards compatibility in CREATE/ALTER USER, this has no '='
 +userPassword[RoleOptions opts]
 +    :  K_PASSWORD v=STRING_LITERAL { opts.setOption(IRoleManager.Option.PASSWORD, $v.text); }
 +    ;
 +// Column Identifiers.  These need to be treated differently from other
 +// identifiers because the underlying comparator is not necessarily text. See
 +// CASSANDRA-8178 for details.
++// Also, we need to support the internal of the super column map (for backward
++// compatibility) which is empty (we only want to allow this is in data manipulation
++// queries, not in schema defition etc).
 +cident returns [ColumnDefinition.Raw id]
++    : EMPTY_QUOTED_NAME    { $id = ColumnDefinition.Raw.forQuoted(""); }
++    | t=IDENT              { $id = ColumnDefinition.Raw.forUnquoted($t.text); }
++    | t=QUOTED_NAME        { $id = ColumnDefinition.Raw.forQuoted($t.text); }
++    | k=unreserved_keyword { $id = ColumnDefinition.Raw.forUnquoted(k); }
++    ;
++schema_cident returns [ColumnDefinition.Raw id]
 +    : t=IDENT              { $id = ColumnDefinition.Raw.forUnquoted($t.text); }
 +    | t=QUOTED_NAME        { $id = ColumnDefinition.Raw.forQuoted($t.text); }
 +    | k=unreserved_keyword { $id = ColumnDefinition.Raw.forUnquoted(k); }
 +    ;
 +// Column identifiers where the comparator is known to be text
 +ident returns [ColumnIdentifier id]
 +    : t=IDENT              { $id = ColumnIdentifier.getInterned($t.text, false); }
 +    | t=QUOTED_NAME        { $id = ColumnIdentifier.getInterned($t.text, true); }
 +    | k=unreserved_keyword { $id = ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(k, false); }
 +    ;
 +fident returns [FieldIdentifier id]
 +    : t=IDENT              { $id = FieldIdentifier.forUnquoted($t.text); }
 +    | t=QUOTED_NAME        { $id = FieldIdentifier.forQuoted($t.text); }
 +    | k=unreserved_keyword { $id = FieldIdentifier.forUnquoted(k); }
 +    ;
 +// Identifiers that do not refer to columns
 +noncol_ident returns [ColumnIdentifier id]
 +    : t=IDENT              { $id = new ColumnIdentifier($t.text, false); }
 +    | t=QUOTED_NAME        { $id = new ColumnIdentifier($t.text, true); }
 +    | k=unreserved_keyword { $id = new ColumnIdentifier(k, false); }
 +    ;
 +// Keyspace & Column family names
 +keyspaceName returns [String id]
 +    @init { CFName name = new CFName(); }
 +    : ksName[name] { $id = name.getKeyspace(); }
 +    ;
 +indexName returns [IndexName name]
 +    @init { $name = new IndexName(); }
 +    : (ksName[name] '.')? idxName[name]
 +    ;
 +columnFamilyName returns [CFName name]
 +    @init { $name = new CFName(); }
 +    : (ksName[name] '.')? cfName[name]
 +    ;
 +userTypeName returns [UTName name]
 +    : (ks=noncol_ident '.')? ut=non_type_ident { $name = new UTName(ks, ut); }
 +    ;
 +userOrRoleName returns [RoleName name]
 +    @init { RoleName role = new RoleName(); }
 +    : roleName[role] {$name = role;}
 +    ;
 +ksName[KeyspaceElementName name]
 +    : t=IDENT              { $name.setKeyspace($t.text, false);}
 +    | t=QUOTED_NAME        { $name.setKeyspace($t.text, true);}
 +    | k=unreserved_keyword { $name.setKeyspace(k, false);}
 +    | QMARK {addRecognitionError("Bind variables cannot be used for keyspace names");}
 +    ;
 +cfName[CFName name]
 +    : t=IDENT              { $name.setColumnFamily($t.text, false); }
 +    | t=QUOTED_NAME        { $name.setColumnFamily($t.text, true); }
 +    | k=unreserved_keyword { $name.setColumnFamily(k, false); }
 +    | QMARK {addRecognitionError("Bind variables cannot be used for table names");}
 +    ;
 +idxName[IndexName name]
 +    : t=IDENT              { $name.setIndex($t.text, false); }
 +    | t=QUOTED_NAME        { $name.setIndex($t.text, true);}
 +    | k=unreserved_keyword { $name.setIndex(k, false); }
 +    | QMARK {addRecognitionError("Bind variables cannot be used for index names");}
 +    ;
 +roleName[RoleName name]
 +    : t=IDENT              { $name.setName($t.text, false); }
 +    | s=STRING_LITERAL     { $name.setName($s.text, true); }
 +    | t=QUOTED_NAME        { $name.setName($t.text, true); }
 +    | k=unreserved_keyword { $name.setName(k, false); }
 +    | QMARK {addRecognitionError("Bind variables cannot be used for role names");}
 +    ;
 +constant returns [Constants.Literal constant]
 +    : t=STRING_LITERAL { $constant = Constants.Literal.string($t.text); }
 +    | t=INTEGER        { $constant = Constants.Literal.integer($t.text); }
 +    | t=FLOAT          { $constant = Constants.Literal.floatingPoint($t.text); }
 +    | t=BOOLEAN        { $constant = Constants.Literal.bool($t.text); }
 +    | t=DURATION       { $constant = Constants.Literal.duration($t.text);}
 +    | t=UUID           { $constant = Constants.Literal.uuid($t.text); }
 +    | t=HEXNUMBER      { $constant = Constants.Literal.hex($t.text); }
 +    | { String sign=""; } ('-' {sign = "-"; } )? t=(K_NAN | K_INFINITY) { $constant = Constants.Literal.floatingPoint(sign + $t.text); }
 +    ;
 +mapLiteral returns [Maps.Literal map]
 +    : '{' { List<Pair<Term.Raw, Term.Raw>> m = new ArrayList<Pair<Term.Raw, Term.Raw>>(); }
 +          ( k1=term ':' v1=term { m.add(Pair.create(k1, v1)); } ( ',' kn=term ':' vn=term { m.add(Pair.create(kn, vn)); } )* )?
 +      '}' { $map = new Maps.Literal(m); }
 +    ;
 +setOrMapLiteral[Term.Raw t] returns [Term.Raw value]
 +    : ':' v=term { List<Pair<Term.Raw, Term.Raw>> m = new ArrayList<Pair<Term.Raw, Term.Raw>>(); m.add(Pair.create(t, v)); }
 +          ( ',' kn=term ':' vn=term { m.add(Pair.create(kn, vn)); } )*
 +      { $value = new Maps.Literal(m); }
 +    | { List<Term.Raw> s = new ArrayList<Term.Raw>(); s.add(t); }
 +          ( ',' tn=term { s.add(tn); } )*
 +      { $value = new Sets.Literal(s); }
 +    ;
 +collectionLiteral returns [Term.Raw value]
 +    : '[' { List<Term.Raw> l = new ArrayList<Term.Raw>(); }
 +          ( t1=term { l.add(t1); } ( ',' tn=term { l.add(tn); } )* )?
 +      ']' { $value = new Lists.Literal(l); }
 +    | '{' t=term v=setOrMapLiteral[t] { $value = v; } '}'
 +    // Note that we have an ambiguity between maps and set for "{}". So we force it to a set literal,
 +    // and deal with it later based on the type of the column (
 +    | '{' '}' { $value = new Sets.Literal(Collections.<Term.Raw>emptyList()); }
 +    ;
 +usertypeLiteral returns [UserTypes.Literal ut]
 +    @init{ Map<FieldIdentifier, Term.Raw> m = new HashMap<>(); }
 +    @after{ $ut = new UserTypes.Literal(m); }
 +    // We don't allow empty literals because that conflicts with sets/maps and is currently useless since we don't allow empty user types
 +    : '{' k1=fident ':' v1=term { m.put(k1, v1); } ( ',' kn=fident ':' vn=term { m.put(kn, vn); } )* '}'
 +    ;
 +tupleLiteral returns [Tuples.Literal tt]
 +    @init{ List<Term.Raw> l = new ArrayList<Term.Raw>(); }
 +    @after{ $tt = new Tuples.Literal(l); }
 +    : '(' t1=term { l.add(t1); } ( ',' tn=term { l.add(tn); } )* ')'
 +    ;
 +value returns [Term.Raw value]
 +    : c=constant           { $value = c; }
 +    | l=collectionLiteral  { $value = l; }
 +    | u=usertypeLiteral    { $value = u; }
 +    | t=tupleLiteral       { $value = t; }
 +    | K_NULL               { $value = Constants.NULL_LITERAL; }
 +    | ':' id=noncol_ident  { $value = newBindVariables(id); }
 +    | QMARK                { $value = newBindVariables(null); }
 +    ;
 +intValue returns [Term.Raw value]
 +    : t=INTEGER     { $value = Constants.Literal.integer($t.text); }
 +    | ':' id=noncol_ident  { $value = newBindVariables(id); }
 +    | QMARK         { $value = newBindVariables(null); }
 +    ;
 +functionName returns [FunctionName s]
-     : (ks=keyspaceName '.')? f=allowedFunctionName   { $s = new FunctionName(ks, f); }
++     // antlr might try to recover and give a null for f. It will still error out in the end, but FunctionName
++     // wouldn't be happy with that so we should bypass this for now or we'll have a weird user-facing error
++    : (ks=keyspaceName '.')? f=allowedFunctionName   { $s = f == null ? null : new FunctionName(ks, f); }
 +    ;
 +allowedFunctionName returns [String s]
 +    : f=IDENT                       { $s = $f.text.toLowerCase(); }
 +    | f=QUOTED_NAME                 { $s = $f.text; }
 +    | u=unreserved_function_keyword { $s = u; }
 +    | K_TOKEN                       { $s = "token"; }
 +    | K_COUNT                       { $s = "count"; }
 +    ;
 +function returns [Term.Raw t]
 +    : f=functionName '(' ')'                   { $t = new FunctionCall.Raw(f, Collections.<Term.Raw>emptyList()); }
 +    | f=functionName '(' args=functionArgs ')' { $t = new FunctionCall.Raw(f, args); }
 +    ;
 +functionArgs returns [List<Term.Raw> args]
 +    @init{ $args = new ArrayList<Term.Raw>(); }
 +    : t1=term {args.add(t1); } ( ',' tn=term { args.add(tn); } )*
 +    ;
 +term returns [Term.Raw term]
 +    : v=value                          { $term = v; }
 +    | f=function                       { $term = f; }
 +    | '(' c=comparatorType ')' t=term  { $term = new TypeCast(c, t); }
 +    ;
 +columnOperation[List<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Operation.RawUpdate>> operations]
 +    : key=cident columnOperationDifferentiator[operations, key]
 +    ;
 +columnOperationDifferentiator[List<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Operation.RawUpdate>> operations, ColumnDefinition.Raw key]
 +    : '=' normalColumnOperation[operations, key]
 +    | shorthandColumnOperation[operations, key]
 +    | '[' k=term ']' collectionColumnOperation[operations, key, k]
 +    | '.' field=fident udtColumnOperation[operations, key, field]
 +    ;
 +normalColumnOperation[List<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Operation.RawUpdate>> operations, ColumnDefinition.Raw key]
 +    : t=term ('+' c=cident )?
 +      {
 +          if (c == null)
 +          {
 +              addRawUpdate(operations, key, new Operation.SetValue(t));
 +          }
 +          else
 +          {
 +              if (!key.equals(c))
 +                  addRecognitionError("Only expressions of the form X = <value> + X are supported.");
 +              addRawUpdate(operations, key, new Operation.Prepend(t));
 +          }
 +      }
 +    | c=cident sig=('+' | '-') t=term
 +      {
 +          if (!key.equals(c))
 +              addRecognitionError("Only expressions of the form X = X " + $sig.text + "<value> are supported.");
 +          addRawUpdate(operations, key, $sig.text.equals("+") ? new Operation.Addition(t) : new Operation.Substraction(t));
 +      }
 +    | c=cident i=INTEGER
 +      {
 +          // Note that this production *is* necessary because X = X - 3 will in fact be lexed as [ X, '=', X, INTEGER].
 +          if (!key.equals(c))
 +              // We don't yet allow a '+' in front of an integer, but we could in the future really, so let's be future-proof in our error message
 +              addRecognitionError("Only expressions of the form X = X " + ($i.text.charAt(0) == '-' ? '-' : '+') + " <value> are supported.");
 +          addRawUpdate(operations, key, new Operation.Addition(Constants.Literal.integer($i.text)));
 +      }
 +    ;
 +shorthandColumnOperation[List<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Operation.RawUpdate>> operations, ColumnDefinition.Raw key]
 +    : sig=('+=' | '-=') t=term
 +      {
 +          addRawUpdate(operations, key, $sig.text.equals("+=") ? new Operation.Addition(t) : new Operation.Substraction(t));
 +      }
 +    ;
 +collectionColumnOperation[List<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Operation.RawUpdate>> operations, ColumnDefinition.Raw key, Term.Raw k]
 +    : '=' t=term
 +      {
 +          addRawUpdate(operations, key, new Operation.SetElement(k, t));
 +      }
 +    ;
 +udtColumnOperation[List<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Operation.RawUpdate>> operations, ColumnDefinition.Raw key, FieldIdentifier field]
 +    : '=' t=term
 +      {
 +          addRawUpdate(operations, key, new Operation.SetField(field, t));
 +      }
 +    ;
 +columnCondition[List<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, ColumnCondition.Raw>> conditions]
 +    // Note: we'll reject duplicates later
 +    : key=cident
 +        ( op=relationType t=term { conditions.add(Pair.create(key, ColumnCondition.Raw.simpleCondition(t, op))); }
 +        | K_IN
 +            ( values=singleColumnInValues { conditions.add(Pair.create(key, ColumnCondition.Raw.simpleInCondition(values))); }
 +            | marker=inMarker { conditions.add(Pair.create(key, ColumnCondition.Raw.simpleInCondition(marker))); }
 +            )
 +        | '[' element=term ']'
 +            ( op=relationType t=term { conditions.add(Pair.create(key, ColumnCondition.Raw.collectionCondition(t, element, op))); }
 +            | K_IN
 +                ( values=singleColumnInValues { conditions.add(Pair.create(key, ColumnCondition.Raw.collectionInCondition(element, values))); }
 +                | marker=inMarker { conditions.add(Pair.create(key, ColumnCondition.Raw.collectionInCondition(element, marker))); }
 +                )
 +            )
 +        | '.' field=fident
 +            ( op=relationType t=term { conditions.add(Pair.create(key, ColumnCondition.Raw.udtFieldCondition(t, field, op))); }
 +            | K_IN
 +                ( values=singleColumnInValues { conditions.add(Pair.create(key, ColumnCondition.Raw.udtFieldInCondition(field, values))); }
 +                | marker=inMarker { conditions.add(Pair.create(key, ColumnCondition.Raw.udtFieldInCondition(field, marker))); }
 +                )
 +            )
 +        )
 +    ;
 +properties[PropertyDefinitions props]
 +    : property[props] (K_AND property[props])*
 +    ;
 +property[PropertyDefinitions props]
 +    : k=noncol_ident '=' simple=propertyValue { try { $props.addProperty(k.toString(), simple); } catch (SyntaxException e) { addRecognitionError(e.getMessage()); } }
 +    | k=noncol_ident '=' map=mapLiteral { try { $props.addProperty(k.toString(), convertPropertyMap(map)); } catch (SyntaxException e) { addRecognitionError(e.getMessage()); } }
 +    ;
 +propertyValue returns [String str]
 +    : c=constant           { $str = c.getRawText(); }
 +    | u=unreserved_keyword { $str = u; }
 +    ;
 +relationType returns [Operator op]
 +    : '='  { $op = Operator.EQ; }
 +    | '<'  { $op = Operator.LT; }
 +    | '<=' { $op = Operator.LTE; }
 +    | '>'  { $op = Operator.GT; }
 +    | '>=' { $op = Operator.GTE; }
 +    | '!=' { $op = Operator.NEQ; }
 +    ;
 +relation[WhereClause.Builder clauses]
 +    : name=cident type=relationType t=term { $clauses.add(new SingleColumnRelation(name, type, t)); }
 +    | name=cident K_LIKE t=term { $clauses.add(new SingleColumnRelation(name, Operator.LIKE, t)); }
 +    | name=cident K_IS K_NOT K_NULL { $clauses.add(new SingleColumnRelation(name, Operator.IS_NOT, Constants.NULL_LITERAL)); }
 +    | K_TOKEN l=tupleOfIdentifiers type=relationType t=term
 +        { $clauses.add(new TokenRelation(l, type, t)); }
 +    | name=cident K_IN marker=inMarker
 +        { $clauses.add(new SingleColumnRelation(name, Operator.IN, marker)); }
 +    | name=cident K_IN inValues=singleColumnInValues
 +        { $clauses.add(SingleColumnRelation.createInRelation($, inValues)); }
 +    | name=cident K_CONTAINS { Operator rt = Operator.CONTAINS; } (K_KEY { rt = Operator.CONTAINS_KEY; })?
 +        t=term { $clauses.add(new SingleColumnRelation(name, rt, t)); }
 +    | name=cident '[' key=term ']' type=relationType t=term { $clauses.add(new SingleColumnRelation(name, key, type, t)); }
 +    | ids=tupleOfIdentifiers
 +      ( K_IN
 +          ( '(' ')'
 +              { $clauses.add(MultiColumnRelation.createInRelation(ids, new ArrayList<Tuples.Literal>())); }
 +          | tupleInMarker=inMarkerForTuple /* (a, b, c) IN ? */
 +              { $clauses.add(MultiColumnRelation.createSingleMarkerInRelation(ids, tupleInMarker)); }
 +          | literals=tupleOfTupleLiterals /* (a, b, c) IN ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), ...) */
 +              {
 +                  $clauses.add(MultiColumnRelation.createInRelation(ids, literals));
 +              }
 +          | markers=tupleOfMarkersForTuples /* (a, b, c) IN (?, ?, ...) */
 +              { $clauses.add(MultiColumnRelation.createInRelation(ids, markers)); }
 +          )
 +      | type=relationType literal=tupleLiteral /* (a, b, c) > (1, 2, 3) or (a, b, c) > (?, ?, ?) */
 +          {
 +              $clauses.add(MultiColumnRelation.createNonInRelation(ids, type, literal));
 +          }
 +      | type=relationType tupleMarker=markerForTuple /* (a, b, c) >= ? */
 +          { $clauses.add(MultiColumnRelation.createNonInRelation(ids, type, tupleMarker)); }
 +      )
 +    | '(' relation[$clauses] ')'
 +    ;
 +inMarker returns [AbstractMarker.INRaw marker]
 +    : QMARK { $marker = newINBindVariables(null); }
 +    | ':' name=noncol_ident { $marker = newINBindVariables(name); }
 +    ;
 +tupleOfIdentifiers returns [List<ColumnDefinition.Raw> ids]
 +    @init { $ids = new ArrayList<ColumnDefinition.Raw>(); }
 +    : '(' n1=cident { $ids.add(n1); } (',' ni=cident { $ids.add(ni); })* ')'
 +    ;
 +singleColumnInValues returns [List<Term.Raw> terms]
 +    @init { $terms = new ArrayList<Term.Raw>(); }
 +    : '(' ( t1 = term { $terms.add(t1); } (',' ti=term { $terms.add(ti); })* )? ')'
 +    ;
 +tupleOfTupleLiterals returns [List<Tuples.Literal> literals]
 +    @init { $literals = new ArrayList<>(); }
 +    : '(' t1=tupleLiteral { $literals.add(t1); } (',' ti=tupleLiteral { $literals.add(ti); })* ')'
 +    ;
 +markerForTuple returns [Tuples.Raw marker]
 +    : QMARK { $marker = newTupleBindVariables(null); }
 +    | ':' name=noncol_ident { $marker = newTupleBindVariables(name); }
 +    ;
 +tupleOfMarkersForTuples returns [List<Tuples.Raw> markers]
 +    @init { $markers = new ArrayList<Tuples.Raw>(); }
 +    : '(' m1=markerForTuple { $markers.add(m1); } (',' mi=markerForTuple { $markers.add(mi); })* ')'
 +    ;
 +inMarkerForTuple returns [Tuples.INRaw marker]
 +    : QMARK { $marker = newTupleINBindVariables(null); }
 +    | ':' name=noncol_ident { $marker = newTupleINBindVariables(name); }
 +    ;
 +comparatorType returns [CQL3Type.Raw t]
 +    : n=native_type     { $t = CQL3Type.Raw.from(n); }
 +    | c=collection_type { $t = c; }
 +    | tt=tuple_type     { $t = tt; }
 +    | id=userTypeName   { $t = CQL3Type.Raw.userType(id); }
 +    | K_FROZEN '<' f=comparatorType '>'
 +      {
 +        try {
 +            $t = CQL3Type.Raw.frozen(f);
 +        } catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
 +            addRecognitionError(e.getMessage());
 +        }
 +      }
 +      {
 +        try {
 +            $t = CQL3Type.Raw.from(new CQL3Type.Custom($s.text));
 +        } catch (SyntaxException e) {
 +            addRecognitionError("Cannot parse type " + $s.text + ": " + e.getMessage());
 +        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
 +            addRecognitionError("Error setting type " + $s.text + ": " + e.getMessage());
 +        }
 +      }
 +    ;
 +native_type returns [CQL3Type t]
 +    : K_ASCII     { $t = CQL3Type.Native.ASCII; }
 +    | K_BIGINT    { $t = CQL3Type.Native.BIGINT; }
 +    | K_BLOB      { $t = CQL3Type.Native.BLOB; }
 +    | K_BOOLEAN   { $t = CQL3Type.Native.BOOLEAN; }
 +    | K_COUNTER   { $t = CQL3Type.Native.COUNTER; }
 +    | K_DECIMAL   { $t = CQL3Type.Native.DECIMAL; }
 +    | K_DOUBLE    { $t = CQL3Type.Native.DOUBLE; }
 +    | K_DURATION    { $t = CQL3Type.Native.DURATION; }
 +    | K_FLOAT     { $t = CQL3Type.Native.FLOAT; }
 +    | K_INET      { $t = CQL3Type.Native.INET;}
 +    | K_INT       { $t = CQL3Type.Native.INT; }
 +    | K_SMALLINT  { $t = CQL3Type.Native.SMALLINT; }
 +    | K_TEXT      { $t = CQL3Type.Native.TEXT; }
 +    | K_TIMESTAMP { $t = CQL3Type.Native.TIMESTAMP; }
 +    | K_TINYINT   { $t = CQL3Type.Native.TINYINT; }
 +    | K_UUID      { $t = CQL3Type.Native.UUID; }
 +    | K_VARCHAR   { $t = CQL3Type.Native.VARCHAR; }
 +    | K_VARINT    { $t = CQL3Type.Native.VARINT; }
 +    | K_TIMEUUID  { $t = CQL3Type.Native.TIMEUUID; }
 +    | K_DATE      { $t = CQL3Type.Native.DATE; }
 +    | K_TIME      { $t = CQL3Type.Native.TIME; }
 +    ;
 +collection_type returns [CQL3Type.Raw pt]
 +    : K_MAP  '<' t1=comparatorType ',' t2=comparatorType '>'
 +        {
 +            // if we can't parse either t1 or t2, antlr will "recover" and we may have t1 or t2 null.
 +            if (t1 != null && t2 != null)
 +                $pt =, t2);
 +        }
 +    | K_LIST '<' t=comparatorType '>'
 +        { if (t != null) $pt = CQL3Type.Raw.list(t); }
 +    | K_SET  '<' t=comparatorType '>'
 +        { if (t != null) $pt = CQL3Type.Raw.set(t); }
 +    ;
 +tuple_type returns [CQL3Type.Raw t]
 +    : K_TUPLE '<' { List<CQL3Type.Raw> types = new ArrayList<>(); }
 +         t1=comparatorType { types.add(t1); } (',' tn=comparatorType { types.add(tn); })*
 +      '>' { $t = CQL3Type.Raw.tuple(types); }
 +    ;
 +    : IDENT
 +    | QUOTED_NAME { addRecognitionError("Quoted strings are are not supported for user names and USER is deprecated, please use ROLE");}
 +    ;
 +    ;
 +// Basically the same as cident, but we need to exlude existing CQL3 types
 +// (which for some reason are not reserved otherwise)
 +non_type_ident returns [ColumnIdentifier id]
 +    : t=IDENT                    { if (reservedTypeNames.contains($t.text)) addRecognitionError("Invalid (reserved) user type name " + $t.text); $id = new ColumnIdentifier($t.text, false); }
 +    | t=QUOTED_NAME              { $id = new ColumnIdentifier($t.text, true); }
 +    | k=basic_unreserved_keyword { $id = new ColumnIdentifier(k, false); }
 +    | kk=K_KEY                   { $id = new ColumnIdentifier($kk.text, false); }
 +    ;
 +unreserved_keyword returns [String str]
 +    : u=unreserved_function_keyword     { $str = u; }
 +    | k=(K_TTL | K_COUNT | K_WRITETIME | K_KEY | K_CAST | K_JSON | K_DISTINCT) { $str = $k.text; }
 +    ;
 +unreserved_function_keyword returns [String str]
 +    : u=basic_unreserved_keyword { $str = u; }
 +    | t=native_type              { $str = t.toString(); }
 +    ;
 +basic_unreserved_keyword returns [String str]
 +    : k=( K_KEYS
 +        | K_AS
 +        | K_CLUSTERING
 +        | K_COMPACT
 +        | K_STORAGE
 +        | K_TYPE
 +        | K_VALUES
 +        | K_MAP
 +        | K_LIST
 +        | K_FILTERING
 +        | K_PERMISSION
 +        | K_PERMISSIONS
 +        | K_KEYSPACES
 +        | K_ALL
 +        | K_USER
 +        | K_USERS
 +        | K_ROLE
 +        | K_ROLES
 +        | K_SUPERUSER
 +        | K_NOSUPERUSER
 +        | K_LOGIN
 +        | K_NOLOGIN
 +        | K_OPTIONS
 +        | K_PASSWORD
 +        | K_EXISTS
 +        | K_CUSTOM
 +        | K_TRIGGER
 +        | K_CONTAINS
 +        | K_STATIC
 +        | K_FROZEN
 +        | K_TUPLE
 +        | K_FUNCTION
 +        | K_FUNCTIONS
 +        | K_AGGREGATE
 +        | K_SFUNC
 +        | K_STYPE
 +        | K_FINALFUNC
 +        | K_INITCOND
 +        | K_RETURNS
 +        | K_LANGUAGE
 +        | K_CALLED
 +        | K_INPUT
 +        | K_LIKE
 +        | K_PER
 +        | K_PARTITION
 +        | K_GROUP
 +        ) { $str = $k.text; }
 +    ;
diff --cc src/java/org/apache/cassandra/cql3/
index 0e0ba3c,ddee6c7..ef0ff12
--- a/src/java/org/apache/cassandra/cql3/
+++ b/src/java/org/apache/cassandra/cql3/
@@@ -561,25 -517,9 +561,25 @@@ public class QueryProcessor implements 
          Tracing.trace("Preparing statement");
-         return statement.prepare();
+         return statement.prepare(clientState);
 +    public static <T extends ParsedStatement> T parseStatement(String queryStr, Class<T> klass, String type) throws SyntaxException
 +    {
 +        try
 +        {
 +            ParsedStatement stmt = parseStatement(queryStr);
 +            if (!klass.isAssignableFrom(stmt.getClass()))
 +                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid query, must be a " + type + " statement but was: " + stmt.getClass());
 +            return klass.cast(stmt);
 +        }
 +        catch (RequestValidationException e)
 +        {
 +            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
 +        }
 +    }
      public static ParsedStatement parseStatement(String queryStr) throws SyntaxException

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