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svn commit: r916578 [1/5] - /websites/staging/oodt/trunk/content/

Author: buildbot
Date: Thu Jul 17 21:51:48 2014
New Revision: 916578

Staging update by buildbot for oodt

    websites/staging/oodt/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/oodt/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Thu Jul 17 21:51:48 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

Modified: websites/staging/oodt/trunk/content/about.html
--- websites/staging/oodt/trunk/content/about.html (original)
+++ websites/staging/oodt/trunk/content/about.html Thu Jul 17 21:51:48 2014
@@ -1,506 +1 @@
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-        <!-- Our History-->
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-            <h4>Our History</h4>
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-        <p>
-             Mrs. Delorane had died of decline: people would say to one another, in confidence, they hoped Ellin might escape it. The largest and <b>best farm</b> in the neighbourhood of Timberdale, larger than even that of the Ashtons, was called the Dower Farm.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-             Out-of-doors he was the keen, active, thorough farmer; indoors he lived as a gentleman. He had four children: three boys and one girl. Nothing must prevent her journey upon the desert!
-        </p>
-        <div class="panel">
-            <p>
-                <b>Phasellus luctus ante in eros suscipit aliquet. Donec convallis scelerisque tellus, quis vulputate lacus laoreet sed. Mauris vitae ultricies neque. Nullam arcu neque, posuere et accumsan quis, euismod id leo. Donec tristique, nisi vel tincidunt faucibus, velit eros pulvinar leo, in sollicitudin nisi nibh ac arcu.</b>
-            </p>
-            <p class="text-right">
-                <i>Ray Singer, Manager at "Studio Francesca"</i>
-            </p>
-        </div>
-        <p>
-             From her window she looked out toward it, so wonderful, so superb, so exquisite, weird and beautiful. Exactly, she told herself, like a big, black smudge.
-        </p>
-        <br/>
-        <!-- Accordion-->
-        <dl class="tabs">
-            <dd class="active"><a href="#simple1">Why choose us</a></dd>
-            <dd><a href="#simple2">How we work</a></dd>
-            <dd><a href="#simple3">Completion time</a></dd>
-            <dd><a href="#simple3">Prices and budget</a></dd>
-        </dl>
-        <ul class="tabs-content">
-            <li class="active" id="simple1Tab">
-            <p>
-                 This is simple tab 1's content. Pretty neat, huh? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Et non ex maxima parte de tota iudicabis? Item de contrariis, a quibus ad genera formasque generum.
-            </p>
-            <p>
-                 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Et non ex maxima parte de tota iudicabis? Item de contrariis, a quibus ad genera formasque generum venerunt. Sit enim idem caecus, debilis. Duo Reges: constructio interrete.
-            </p>
-            <p>
-                 Sit enim idem caecus, debilis. Duo Reges: constructio interrete.
-            </p>
-            </li>
-            <li id="simple2Tab">This is simple tab 2's content. Now you see it! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Et non ex maxima parte de tota iudicabis? Item de contrariis, a quibus ad genera formasque generum.</li>
-            <li id="simple3Tab">This is simple tab 3's content. It's, you know...okay. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Et non ex maxima parte de tota iudicabis? Item de contrariis, a quibus ad genera formasque generum.</li>
-            <li id="simple4Tab">This is simple tab 3's content. It's, you know...okay. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Et non ex maxima parte de tota iudicabis? Item de contrariis, a quibus ad genera formasque generum.</li>
-        </ul>
-    </div><!-- end main content--></p>
-<div class="codehilite"><pre><span class="c">&lt;!-- SIDEBAR--&gt;</span>
-<span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;four columns&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-    <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;teamwrap teambox&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-        <span class="nt">&lt;img</span> <span class="na">src=</span><span class="s">&quot;images/temp/team1.jpg&quot;</span> <span class="na">alt=</span><span class="s">&quot;&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-        <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;mask&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-            <span class="nt">&lt;h2&gt;</span>Katrina Bernski<span class="nt">&lt;/h2&gt;</span>
-            <span class="nt">&lt;p&gt;</span>
-                One of our best shooting model, working for this company since the beginning.
-                <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;social socialteam facebook&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
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-                <span class="nt">&lt;/div&gt;</span>
-                <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;social socialteam deviantart&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-                    <span class="nt">&lt;a</span> <span class="na">href=</span><span class="s">&quot;#&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</span>
-                <span class="nt">&lt;/div&gt;</span>
-                <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;social socialteam flickr&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
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-                <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;social socialteam dribbble&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
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-                <span class="nt">&lt;/div&gt;</span>
-            <span class="nt">&lt;/div&gt;</span>
-        <span class="nt">&lt;/div&gt;</span>
-        <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;teamwrap teambox&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-            <span class="nt">&lt;img</span> <span class="na">src=</span><span class="s">&quot;images/temp/team2.jpg&quot;</span> <span class="na">alt=</span><span class="s">&quot;&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-            <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;mask&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-                <span class="nt">&lt;h2&gt;</span>Yolanda Bernski<span class="nt">&lt;/h2&gt;</span>
-                <span class="nt">&lt;p&gt;</span>
-                    One of our best shooting model, working for this company since the beginning.
-                    <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;social socialteam facebook&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-                        <span class="nt">&lt;a</span> <span class="na">href=</span><span class="s">&quot;#&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</span>
-                    <span class="nt">&lt;/div&gt;</span>
-                    <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;social socialteam twitter&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
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-                    <span class="nt">&lt;/div&gt;</span>
-                    <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;social socialteam deviantart&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-                        <span class="nt">&lt;a</span> <span class="na">href=</span><span class="s">&quot;#&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</span>
-                    <span class="nt">&lt;/div&gt;</span>
-                    <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;social socialteam flickr&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-                        <span class="nt">&lt;a</span> <span class="na">href=</span><span class="s">&quot;#&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</span>
-                    <span class="nt">&lt;/div&gt;</span>
-                    <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;social socialteam dribbble&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
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-        <span class="nt">&lt;/div&gt;</span>
-        <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;teamwrap teambox&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-                <span class="nt">&lt;img</span> <span class="na">src=</span><span class="s">&quot;images/temp/team3.jpg&quot;</span> <span class="na">alt=</span><span class="s">&quot;&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-                <span class="nt">&lt;div</span> <span class="na">class=</span><span class="s">&quot;mask&quot;</span><span class="nt">&gt;</span>
-                    <span class="nt">&lt;h2&gt;</span>Luna Galliano<span class="nt">&lt;/h2&gt;</span>
-                    <span class="nt">&lt;p&gt;</span>
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-                    <h5>On stage</h5>
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-                        Posted on: 2 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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-                        As my father, Peter Senefelder of Konigshofen in Franken, was court actor in Munich, I had ample opportunity in early youth to see and read many theatrical pieces ...
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-                    <h5>Father's Dream</h5>
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-                        Posted on: 3 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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-                        But my father, who was determined not to permit any of his children to choose the stage, compelled me to study law. I could satisfy my longings only for ...
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-                    <h5>Youngsters</h5>
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-                        Posted on: 4 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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-                        In my eighteenth year (1789) the question arose, at a gathering of youngsters, as to how we should entertain ourselves in the approaching Carnival time ...
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-                    <h5>Entertainment</h5>
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-                        Posted on: 2 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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-                        As my father, Peter Senefelder of Konigshofen in Franken, was court actor in Munich, I had ample opportunity in early youth to see and read many theatrical pieces ...
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-                    <h5>Early Youth</h5>
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-                        Posted on: 3 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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-                        But my father, who was determined not to permit any of his children to choose the stage, compelled me to study law. I could satisfy my longings only for ...
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-                    <h5>Carnival Time</h5>
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-                        Posted on: 4 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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-                        In my eighteenth year (1789) the question arose, at a gathering of youngsters, as to how we should entertain ourselves in the approaching Carnival time ...
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-                    <h5>Actor in Munich</h5>
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-                        Posted on: 2 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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-                        As my father, Peter Senefelder of Konigshofen in Franken, was court actor in Munich, I had ample opportunity in early youth to see and read many theatrical pieces ...
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-                    <h5>Memories</h5>
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-                        Posted on: 3 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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-                        But my father, who was determined not to permit any of his children to choose the stage, compelled me to study law. I could satisfy my longings only for ...
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-                    <h5>Queen Rose</h5>
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-                        Posted on: 4 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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-                        In my eighteenth year (1789) the question arose, at a gathering of youngsters, as to how we should entertain ourselves in the approaching Carnival time ...
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-                 Many pieces were proposed, but none seemed suitable, because each one wished to play a good ...
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-                It was ready for production, when through accident we were disappointed about securing the private theatre on ...
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-                        Posted on: 2 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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-                        <img src="images/temp/nivo3.jpg" alt="" class="thumb">"ARE you comin' to the dawncin', Lady Speedway?" asked the American in his best transatlantic liner accent. "Most decidedly not!" Mind you, this answer from Lady Speedway meant red lights ahead. At the Hotel Biscuit...
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-                        <img src="images/temp/folio3.jpg" alt="" class="thumb"> She was the Field Marshal of the Front Porch Knitting Needle Hussars, nicknamed "Hussies." Her approbation was olive oil; her discountenance prickly heat. "Of course," she added, "while recognizing that expatiation does not include brevity ...
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-                    <h5>Lady Speedway</h5>
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-                        <img src="images/temp/folio4.jpg" alt="" class="thumb">"ARE you comin' to the dawncin', Lady Speedway?" asked the American in his best transatlantic liner accent. "Most decidedly not!" Mind you, this answer from Lady Speedway meant red lights ahead. At the Hotel Biscuit ...
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-                        <img src="images/temp/folio6.jpg" alt="" class="thumb"> She was the Field Marshal of the Front Porch Knitting Needle Hussars, nicknamed "Hussies." Her approbation was olive oil; her discountenance prickly heat. "Of course," she added, "while recognizing that expatiation does not include brevity ...
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-                    <h5>Private Theater</h5>
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-                        <img src="images/temp/folio3.jpg" alt="" class="thumb">"ARE you comin' to the dawncin', Lady Speedway?" asked the American in his best transatlantic liner accent. "Most decidedly not!" Mind you, this answer from Lady Speedway meant red lights ahead. At the Hotel Biscuit ...
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-                        <img src="images/temp/nivo3.jpg" alt="" class="thumb"> She was the Field Marshal of the Front Porch Knitting Needle Hussars, nicknamed "Hussies." Her approbation was olive oil; her discountenance prickly heat. "Of course," she added, "while recognizing that expatiation does not include brevity ...
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-                6 Sept 2013
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-                It was ready for production, when through accident we were disappointed about securing the private theatre on ...
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-                The over-kind praise which it won encouraged me to have the play printed. I decided, as I could see no other prospects...
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