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svn commit: r1796518 [3/19] - in /spamassassin/trunk/build/pga: ./ docs/ examples/ examples/c/ examples/fortran/ examples/mgh/ examples/templates/ include/ lib/ lib/linux/ man/ man/man1/ man/man2/ man/man3/ man/man4/ man/man5/ man/man6/ man/man7/ man/m...

Added: spamassassin/trunk/build/pga/docs/user_guide.tex
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+% Defines the environment where design issues are discussed. In the manual
+% version of this report, these regions are ignored.
+\def\design{\medskip \noindent Design Issue:\begin{em}}
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+\ANLTitle{Users Guide to the PGAPack Parallel \\Genetic Algorithm
+{\em David Levine\vspace{.1in}
+\\Mathematics and Computer Science Division}{-95/18}{January 31, 1996}
+\noindent {\bf Acknowledgments}
+Much of the code in \pga\ was originally developed as part of the author's
+Ph.D. thesis.  Significant contributions to the development of
+\pga\ were made by Philip Hallstrom, David Noelle, Greg Reeder, and Brian
+Walenz, participants in Argonne's Science and Engineering Research Semester
+Many aspects of \pga---including the user interface, choice of some data
+structures, and design of Fortran wrappers---were strongly influenced by the
+design of the {\tt PETSc} (Portable and Extensible Tools for Scientific
+Computing) library.
+% \cite{GrSm94}
+I thank Bill Gropp, Lois Curfman McInnes, and Barry Smith
+for many helpful discussions.  The code in \pga\ for parsing command line
+arguments is a modified version of that used in the {\tt p4} system
+developed by Ralph Butler and  Rusty Lusk.
+% \begin{center}
+% \large{\bf COPYRIGHT}
+% \end{center}
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% ************************************************************************
+% ************************************************************************
+%                (C) COPYRIGHT 1995 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO
+% ************************************************************************
+% This program contains material protectable under copyright laws of the
+% United States.  Permission is hereby granted to use, reproduce, prepare 
+% derivative works, and to redistribute to others, so long as this original
+% copyright notice is retained.  This software was authored by
+% D. Levine
+% Mathematics and Computer Science Division
+% Argonne National Laboratory
+% Argonne IL 60439
+% (708) 252-6735
+% (708) 252-5986 (FAX)
+% with programming assistance of participants in the Laboratory's SERS program.
+% ************************************************************************
+% 			      DISCLAIMER
+% ************************************************************************
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \begin{document}
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+% \parindent=3.5in
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+% Distribution Category:
+% Mathematics and
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+% Computer Science (UC-405)
+% \begin{center}
+% \vspace{.1in}
+% {\large
+% }
+% 9700 South Cass Avenue \\
+% Argonne, IL 60439
+% \end{center}
+% \vspace{.06in}
+% \begin{center}
+% {\bf
+% -----------------\\
+% ANL-95/DRAFT \\
+% -----------------\\
+% }
+% \end{center}
+% \vskip .75 in
+% \begin{center}
+% {\large\bf
+% User's Guide to the PGAPack \\ [1ex]
+% Parallel Genetic Algorithm Library}
+% \end{center}
+% \vskip .1 in
+% \begin{center}
+% by
+% \end{center}
+% \vskip .1in
+% \begin{center}
+% {\large\em David Levine}
+% \vspace{.6in}
+% {\large Mathematics and Computer Science Division}
+% \vskip 1.2 in
+% May 1994
+% \end{center}
+% \vfill
+% {\small 
+% This work was supported by the Mathematical, Information, and Computational
+% Sciences Division subprogram of the Office of Computational and Technology
+% Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract W-31-109-Eng-38.}
+% \parindent=.25in
+% \parskip=8pt
+% \clearpage
+% \pagestyle{headings}
+% \pagenumbering{roman}
+% \tableofcontents
+% \newpage
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+% \clearpage
+\chapter{Quick Start}\label{chp:quick-start}
+If you wish to get started by just typing a few lines and running an example,
+this section is for you.  We assume you have {\tt ftp}ed the compressed tar
+file {\tt pgapack.tar.Z} containing the distribution into {\tt
+/home/username}.  To build a sequential version of \pga\ for a Sun
+SparcStation in {\tt /usr/local/pga} and run a test example, type
+\item {\tt uncompress /home/username/pgapack.tar.Z}
+\item {\tt mkdir /usr/local/pga}
+\item {\tt cd /usr/local/pga}
+\item {\tt tar xvf /home/username/pgapack.tar}
+\item {\tt configure -arch sun4}
+\item {\tt make install}
+\item {\tt /usr/local/pga/examples/c/maxbit}
+To build an optimized (no built-in debugging capabilities), parallel
+version of \pga\ for an IBM SP parallel computer, using an MPI implementation
+with include files in {\tt /usr/local/mpi/include} and library in {\tt
+/usr/local/mpi/lib}, and run a test example using four processes, type
+\item {\tt uncompress /home/username/pgapack.tar.Z}
+\item {\tt mkdir /usr/local/pga}
+\item {\tt cd /usr/local/pga}
+\item {\tt tar xvf /home/username/pgapack.tar}
+\item {\tt configure -arch rs6000 \verb+\+ } \\
+{\tt -mpiinc /usr/local/mpi/include -mpilib /usr/local/mpi/lib/libmpi.a}
+\item {\tt make install}
+\item {\tt mpirun -np 4 /usr/local/pga/examples/c/maxbit}
+Step 7, the execution step, is completely dependent on the MPI
+implementation.  This  example uses the {\tt mpirun} script that is
+distributed with the {\tt MPICH} implementation \cite{mpich-web-page}.
+Other MPI implementations may have other ways to specify the number of
+processes to use.  
+More details on the installation process and various options are given in
+Chapter~\ref{chp:install}.  Chapter~\ref{chp:examples} (example problems) and
+Sections~\ref{sec:big-picture} (required functions) and~\ref{sec:evaluation}
+(string evaluation and fitness) should be read next.
+\part{Getting Started}\label{part:started}
+\pga\ is a parallel genetic algorithm library that is intended to provide most
+capabilities desired in a genetic algorithm package, in an integrated,
+seamless, and portable manner.  Key features of \pga\ are as follows:
+\item Ability to be called from Fortran or C.
+\item Executable on uniprocessors, multiprocessors, multicomputers, and workstation
+\item Binary-, integer-, real-, and character-valued native data types.
+\item Object-oriented data structure neutral design. 
+\item Parameterized population replacement.
+\item Multiple choices for selection, crossover, and mutation operators.
+\item Easy integration of hill-climbing heuristics. 
+\item Easy-to-use  interface for novice and application users.
+\item Multiple levels of access for expert users.
+\item Full extensibility to support custom operators and new data types.
+\item Extensive debugging facilities.
+\item Large set of example problems.
+% This users guide is organized as follows.
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:install} discusses the installation process, and
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:examples} presents some simple examples that can be
+% mimicked for a quick start.
+% Part~\ref{part:userguide} contains the bulk of the material.  
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:structure} discusses the  structure of \pga.
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:functionality} describes basic usage of \pga,
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:explicit} explicit usage,
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:custom1} custom usage with a native data type, and
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:new-data} custom usage with new data types.
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:hill-climbing} discusses hybridizing a hill-climbing
+% heuristic with the genetic algorithm.
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:parallel} discusses parallel aspects of \pga.
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:fortran} discusses  the Fortran interface to
+% \pga. 
+% %Chapter~\ref{chp:specific-machines} contains specific comments about running
+% % \pga\ on specific machines.
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:debug} discusses debugging tools in \pga.
+% Chapter~\ref{chp:problems} discusses some common problems.
+\section{Obtaining \pga}\label{sec:obtain}
+The complete distribution of \pga\ is available by anonymous ftp from {\tt} in the file {\tt pub/pgapack/pgapack.tar.Z}. The distribution
+contains all source code, installation instructions, this users guide, and a
+collection of examples in C and Fortran.  The current release of \pga\ is 1.0.
+You can check which version of \pga\ you have by running any C language \pga\
+program with the command-line option {\tt -pgaversion}.
+To compile \pga, you {\em must} have an ANSI C compiler that includes a full
+implementation of the Standard C library and related header files.  
+If you wish only to build a {\em sequential} version of \pga\ this is all that
+is required.
+To build a {\em parallel} version, you {\em must} have an implementation of the
+Message Passing Interface (MPI) \cite{MPI-final,GrLuSk94} for the parallel
+computer or workstation network you are running on.  If you do not have a
+native version of MPI for your computer, several machine-independent
+implementations are available.  Most of the testing and development of \pga\ was
+done by using the {\tt MPICH} implementation of MPI which is freely available
+%\section{Computers Supported}\label{sec:computers-supported}
+%This version of \pga\ (1.0) has been tested on Sun Sparc, Next, IBM RS6000,
+%and SGI workstations, PC`s running freebsd, and the SGI Powerchallenge, IBM
+%SP, and Intel Paragon parallel computers
+%Since  \pga\ is written in ANSI C, it should be possible to compile it on
+%other systems as well.
+\section{Structure of the Distribution Directory}\label{sec:dirstruc}
+The \pga\ distribution contains the following files and
+\item {\bf CHANGES:} Changes new to this release of \pga.
+\item {\bf COPYRIGHT:} The usage terms.
+\item {\bf README:} General instructions, including how to build and install
+\item {\bf} The ``source code'' for the {\tt configure}
+\item {\bf configure:} A Unix shell script that 
+configures {\tt} for a specific architecture.
+\item {\bf} Prototype makefile that is configured into the
+file {\tt Makefile} for a specific architecture by {\bf configure}.
+\item {\bf docs:}  The users guide and any other supporting files.
+\item {\bf examples:}  A directory containing C and Fortran examples.
+\item {\bf include:} The \pga\ include directory.
+\item {\bf lib:} The top-level directory where \pga\ will be installed.
+\item {\bf man:} The directory containing the \pga\ man pages.
+\item {\bf source:} The source code for \pga.
+In the rest of this guide we use ``{\tt .}'' as the top-level directory, 
+e.g., {\tt ./source}, {\tt ./examples/c/maxbit.c}.
+\section{Installation Instructions}\label{sec:install}
+When installing \pga\ you make two choices: whether to build a sequential (the
+default) or parallel version (see the flags {\tt-mpiinc} and {\tt
+-mpilib} below) and whether to build an optimized (the default) or debug
+version (the {\tt -debug} flag).  In broad outline, the installation steps
+are as follows.
+\item Make a directory to install \pga\ in ({\tt mkdir /usr/local/pga}).
+\item Change directories to the directory created in the last step
+({\tt cd /usr/local/pga}).
+\item Obtain the compressed tar file {\tt pgapack.tar.Z} by anonymous ftp from
+{\tt} in the directory {\tt pub/pgapack}.
+\item Uncompress the tar file ({\tt uncompress pgapack.tar.Z}).
+\item Untar the uncompressed \pga\ tar file
+({\tt tar xvf pgapack.tar}).
+\item Use {\tt configure} to configure the makefiles
+({\tt configure -arch ARCH\_TYPE})
+where {\tt ARCH\_TYPE} is one of
+{\tt sun4} for Sun SparcStations workstations,
+{\tt next} for NeXT workstations,
+{\tt rs6000} for IBM RS/6000 workstations,
+{\tt irix} for Silicon Graphics workstations,
+{\tt hpux} for Hewlett Packard workstations,
+{\tt alpha} for DEC Alpha workstations,
+{\tt linux} for machines running Linux,
+{\tt freebsd} for machines running FreeBSD,
+{\tt generic} for generic 32-bit machines, 
+{\tt powerchallenge} for the Silicon Graphics Power Challenge Array,
+{\tt challenge} for the Silicon Graphics Challenge,
+{\tt t3d} for the Cray T3D,
+{\tt sp2} for the IBM SP2,
+{\tt paragon} for the Intel Paragon,
+{\tt exemplar} for the Convex  Exemplar.
+The full {\tt configure} options are {\tt configure -arch ARCH\_TYPE [-cc CC] 
+[-cflags CFLAGS] [-f77 FC] [-fflags FFLAGS] [-debug]
+[-mpiinc MPI\_INCLUDE\_DIRECTORY] [-mpilib MPI\_LIBRARY]  [-help]}
+where all parameters except {\tt -arch} are
+optional and do the following:
+\item {\tt -cc}: The name of the ANSI C compiler, {\tt cc} by
+\item {\tt -cflags}: Options passed to the C compiler.
+\item {\tt -f77}:  The name of the Fortran 77 compiler, {\tt f77} by
+default. (The Fortran compiler is used only to compile the Fortran
+examples in the {\tt ./examples/fortran} directory.)
+\item {\tt -fflags}: Options passed to the Fortran compiler.
+\item {\tt -debug}: If specified, enables the debugging features (see
+Chapter~\ref{chp:debug}) and compiles the source code with the {\tt -g} flag.
+If this flag is not specified the debugging features are disabled, and
+the library is compiled with the {\tt -O} flag
+\item {\tt -mpiinc}: The {\em directory} where MPI include files are located.
+\item {\tt -mpilib}: The {\em full path} to the MPI library.
+If {\tt -mpiinc} and  {\tt -mpilib} are specified, {\em a parallel version} of
+\pga\ will be built.  If these flags are not specified, a {\em sequential
+version} of \pga\ will be built.
+\item Execute the makefile ({\tt make install}).
+\item Add \pga's man pages to your man page path.
+({\tt setenv MANPATH "\$MANPATH"":/home/pgapack/man"})
+\item Execute a test problem
+\item {\tt /usr/local/pga/examples/c/maxbit} in C
+\item {\tt /usr/local/pga/examples/fortran/maxbit} in Fortran.
+If a parallel version of \pga\ was used, the actual commands to execute a
+parallel program in Step 9 will depend on the particular MPI implementation
+and parallel computer used.  See Appendix~\ref{chp:start-up} for some
+\section{Installation Examples}\label{sec:install-examples}
+These installation examples assume you have {\tt ftp}ed the compressed tar
+file {\tt pgapack.tar.Z} containing the distribution into {\tt
+\subsection{Sequential Installation}\label{subsec:seq-install}
+To build a sequential version of \pga\ for a Sun SparcStation in {\tt
+/usr/local/pga} and run a test example, type:
+\item {\tt uncompress /home/username/pgapack.tar.Z}
+\item {\tt mkdir /usr/local/pga}
+\item {\tt cd /usr/local/pga}
+\item {\tt tar xvf /home/username/pgapack.tar}
+\item {\tt configure -arch sun4}
+\item {\tt make install}
+\item {\tt /usr/local/pga/examples/c/maxbit}
+\subsection{Parallel Installation}\label{subsec:par-install}
+To build an optimized (no built-in debugging capabilities), parallel
+version of \pga\ for an IBM SP parallel computer using an MPI implementation
+with include files in {\tt /usr/local/mpi/include} and library in {\tt
+/usr/local/mpi/lib}, and run a test example using four processes, type:
+\item {\tt uncompress /home/username/pgapack.tar.Z}
+\item {\tt mkdir /usr/local/pga}
+\item {\tt cd /usr/local/pga}
+\item {\tt tar xvf /home/username/pgapack.tar}
+\item {\tt configure -arch rs6000  \verb+\+} \\
+{\tt -mpiinc /usr/local/mpi/include -mpilib /usr/local/mpi/lib/libmpi.a}
+\item {\tt make install}
+\item {\tt mpirun -np 4 /usr/local/pga/examples/c/maxbit}
+Step 7, the execution step, is completely dependent on the MPI implementation.
+This example uses the {\tt mpirun} script that is distributed with the {\tt
+MPICH} implementation \cite{mpich-web-page}.  Other MPI implementations may
+have other ways to specify the number of processes to use.
+\section{Mailing Lists, Web Page, and Bug Reporting}\label{sec:support}
+To join the \pga\ mailing list to receive announcements of new versions,
+enhancements, and bug fixes, send electronic mail to {\tt}.  Bug reports should be sent to {\tt}.  The World Wide Web page for \pga\ is {\tt
+} and contains 
+up-to-date news and a list of bug reports.
+When reporting a bug, please include as much information and documentation as
+possible.  Helpful information would include \pga\ version number ({\tt
+-pgaversion}), MPI implementation and version used, configuration options,
+type of computer system, problem description, and error message output.  It is
+helpful if you put a {\tt PGAPrintContextVariable} call before and after the
+{\tt PGASetUp} call.  Additionally, if possible, build a debug version of
+\pga\ and send ``high-level'' output from running your program with the trace
+facility enabled (Chapter~\ref{chp:debug}).
+This chapter presents some simple \pga\ programs.  The problem chosen is the
+Maxbit problem.  The objective is to maximize the number of 1-bits in a
+Section~\ref{sec:simple-example} presents a simple \pga\ program in C
+whose structure is sufficient to solve many problems.
+Section~\ref{sec:simple-example-fortran} presents this same program in Fortran.
+Section~\ref{sec:default-values} shows how to change default values in \pga.
+Section~\ref{sec:parallel-simple-example} contains an example that shows how
+keyboard input may be read in an MPI environment.  Finally,
+Section~\ref{sec:execute} shows how to compile, link, and execute a
+\pga\ program.  These and other examples may be found in the {\tt
+./examples/c} and {\tt ./examples/fortran} directories.
+\section{Maxbit Problem in C}\label{sec:simple-example}
+#include "pgapack.h"
+double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    PGAContext *ctx; 
+    ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY, 100, PGA_MAXIMIZE);
+    PGASetUp        (ctx                                                );
+    PGARun          (ctx, evaluate                                      );
+    PGADestroy      (ctx                                                );
+    return;
+double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop)
+    int i, nbits, stringlen;
+    stringlen = PGAGetStringLength(ctx);
+    nbits     = 0;
+    for (i=0; i<stringlen; i++)
+        if (PGAGetBinaryAllele(ctx, p, pop, i))
+            nbits++;
+    return((double) nbits);
+\caption{\pga\ C Program for the Maxbit Example}\label{example:simple-main}
+Figure~\ref{example:simple-main} shows a minimal program and evaluation
+function in C for the Maxbit problem.  All \pga\ C programs {\em must} include
+the header file {\tt pgapack.h}. The {\tt PGACreate} call is always the first
+function called in a \pga\ program.  It initializes the context variable, {\tt
+ctx}.  The parameters to {\tt PGACreate} are the arguments to the program
+(given by {\tt argc} and {\tt argv}), the data type selected ({\tt
+PGA\_DATATYPE\_BINARY}), the string length ({\tt 100}), and the direction of
+optimization ({\tt PGA\_MAXIMIZE}).  The {\tt PGASetUp} call initializes all
+parameters and function pointers not explicitly set by the user to default
+{\tt PGARun} executes the genetic algorithm.  Its second argument is the name
+of a user-defined function ({\tt evaluate}) that will be called to evaluate
+the strings.  {\tt PGADestroy} releases all memory allocated by \pga.  Note
+that all \pga\ functions take the context variable as an argument (except {\tt
+PGACreate}, which creates the context variable).
+The {\tt evaluate} function must be written by the user, must return a {\tt
+double}, and must follow the exact calling sequence shown.  {\tt
+PGAGetStringLength} returns the string length.  {\tt PGAGetBinaryAllele}
+returns the value of the {\tt i}th bit of string {\tt p} in population {\tt
+\section{Maxbit Problem in Fortran}
+      include "pgapackf.h"
+      external evaluate
+      integer ctx
+      call  PGASetUp  (ctx                                   )
+      call  PGARun    (ctx, evaluate                         )
+      call  PGADestroy(ctx                                   )
+      stop
+      end
+      double precision function evaluate (ctx, p, pop)
+      include "pgapackf.h"
+      integer ctx, p, pop, i, bit, nbits, stringlen
+      stringlen = PGAGetStringLength(ctx)
+      nbits     = 0
+      do i=1, stringlen
+         bit = PGAGetBinaryAllele(ctx, p, pop, i)
+         if (bit .eq. 1) then 
+            nbits = nbits + 1
+         endif
+      enddo
+      evaluate = dble(nbits)
+      return
+      end
+\caption{\pga\ Fortran Program for the Maxbit Example}
+The Fortran Maxbit problem in Figure~\ref{example:maxbit-fortran} is similar
+to the C version in Figure~\ref{sec:simple-example}.  The Fortran include file
+is {\tt pgapackf.h} and should be included in every Fortran function or
+subroutine that makes \pga\ calls\footnote{Since not all Fortran compilers
+support the -I mechanism for specifying the include file search path,
+you will need to copy or set up a symbolic link to {\tt pgapackf.h} from
+the directory you are compiling a Fortran program in.}.  Since Fortran
+provides no standard mechanism for specifying command line arguments, these
+are omitted from the {\tt PGACreate} function call.  The context variable,
+{\tt ctx}, is declared {\tt integer} in Fortran.
+The evaluation function {\tt evaluate} must contain exactly the calling
+sequence shown and must return a {\tt double precision} value.  Note that {\tt
+evaluate} is declared in an {\tt external} statement in the program unit in
+which it is used as an actual argument.  This is a requirement of the Fortran
+language.  In Fortran, the range of allele values is {\tt 1:stringlen}, rather
+than {\tt 0:stringlen-1} as in C.
+\section{Specifying Nondefault Values}\label{sec:default-values}
+#include "pgapack.h"
+double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    PGAContext *ctx; 
+    ctx = PGACreate        (&argc, argv, PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY, 100, PGA_MAXIMIZE);
+    PGASetPopSize          (ctx, 500                   );
+    PGASetFitnessType      (ctx, PGA_FITNESS_RANKING   );
+    PGASetCrossoverType    (ctx, PGA_CROSSOVER_UNIFORM );
+    PGASetUp               (ctx                        );
+    PGARun                 (ctx, evaluate              );
+    PGADestroy             (ctx                        );
+    return;
+\caption{Specifying Nondefault Values}
+\pga\ offers a wide range of choices for parameter values, operators,
+and algorithmic choices.  These will be set to default values in {\tt
+PGASetUp} if the user does not explicitly set a value for them.  A nondefault
+value may be set by using the {\tt PGASet} family of calls {\em after} {\tt
+PGACreate} has been called, but {\em before} {\tt PGASetUp} has been called.
+In Figure~\ref{example:soph-main} the {\tt PGASet} calls change the default
+values for population size, fitness calculation, and crossover type.  {\tt
+PGASetPopSize} changes the population size to 500.  {\tt PGASetFitnessType}
+specifies that the fitness values be determined by using a ranking procedure
+rather than by direct use of the evaluation function values.  {\tt
+PGASetCrossoverType} specifies that uniform crossover, rather than the default
+of two-point crossover is to be used.  Most {\tt PGASet} calls are discussed
+in Chapter~\ref{chp:functionality}.
+\section{Parallel I/O}\label{sec:parallel-simple-example}
+#include "pgapack.h"
+double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
+int main( int argc, char **argv )
+     PGAContext *ctx;
+     int myid, len, maxiter;
+     MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+     MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
+     if (myid == 0) {                        /* Process 0 has a dialog */
+         printf("String length? ");          /* with the user and      */
+         scanf("%d", &len);                  /* broadcasts the user's  */
+         printf("Max iterations? ");         /* parameters to all      */
+         scanf("%d", &maxiter);              /* other processes        */
+     }
+     MPI_Bcast(&len,     1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+     MPI_Bcast(&maxiter, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+     ctx = PGACreate(&argc, argv, PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY, len, PGA_MAXIMIZE);
+     PGASetMaxGAIterValue(ctx, maxiter);
+     PGASetUp(ctx);
+     PGARun(ctx, evaluate);
+     PGADestroy(ctx);
+     MPI_Finalize();
+     return(0);
+\caption{\pga\ Maxbit Example in C with I/O}
+The examples in Figures~\ref{example:parallel-simple-main} (C) and
+\ref{example:parallel-simple-main-f77} (Fortran)
+read values for the two parameters {\tt len} (string length) and {\tt maxiter}
+(maximum number of GA iterations) from standard input.  These examples will
+work correctly with either a sequential or parallel version of \pga.  However,
+the explicit use of MPI calls for I/O is necessary {\em only} if a parallel
+version of \pga\ is used, and parameter values are read from standard input.
+The purpose is to be sure that each process receives a copy of the input
+values.  See Appendix~\ref{app:par-background} for further details.
+{\tt MPI\_Init(\&argc, \&argv)} is always the first function called in any MPI
+program.  Each process executes {\tt MPI\_Comm\_rank(MPI\_COMM\_WORLD,
+\&myid)} to determine its unique rank in the communicator\footnote{See
+Appendix~\ref{app:par-background}} {\tt MPI\_COMM\_WORLD}.  The logic used in
+this program is to have process {\tt 0} read and write from/to standard
+input/output and broadcast (using {\tt MPI\_Bcast}) the parameters to the
+other processes.  The \pga\ function calls are similar to those in the
+previous examples.  If the user called {\tt MPI\_Init}, the user must also
+call {\tt MPI\_Finalize} before exiting.
+We elaborate here on the {\tt MPI\_Bcast} function because of its practical
+value in the model of parallel I/O shown. For more detailed discussion of MPI
+concepts and functions, the user should consult \cite{MPI-final,GrLuSk94}.
+The C binding for {\tt MPI\_Bcast} is
+int MPI_Bcast(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
+and the Fortran binding
+MPI_BCAST(buffer, count, datatype, root, comm, ierror)
+<type> buffer(*)
+integer count, datatype, root, comm, ierror
+{\tt MPI\_Bcast} will result in every process in communicator {\tt comm}
+receiving a copy of the contents of {\tt *buf}/{\tt buffer}.  The other
+parameters are the number of items ({\tt count}), the datatype ({\tt
+datatype}), which may be one of 
+{\tt MPI\_DOUBLE},
+{\tt MPI\_INT},
+{\tt MPI\_CHAR},
+or {\tt MPI\_LONG};
+the rank of the process with the original copy ({\tt root}); the MPI
+communicator ({\tt comm}); and, for Fortran, a variable to handle an error
+return code ({\tt ierror}).
+      include 'pgapackf.h'
+      include 'mpif.h'
+      double precision evaluate
+      external         evaluate
+      integer ctx, myid, len, maxiter, ierror
+      call MPI_Init(ierror)
+      call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid, ierror)
+c     Process 0 has a dialog with the user and broadcasts the user's 
+c     parameters to all other processes
+      if (myid .eq. 0) then
+         print *, 'String length?'
+         read  *, len
+         print *, 'Max iterations?'
+         read  *, maxiter
+      endif
+      call MPI_Bcast(len,     1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror)
+      call MPI_Bcast(maxiter, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror)
+      call PGASetMaxGAIterValue(ctx, maxiter)
+      call PGASetUp(ctx)
+      call PGARun(ctx, evaluate)
+      call PGADestroy(ctx)
+      call MPI_Finalize(ierror)
+      stop
+      end
+\caption{\pga\ Maxbit Example in Fortran with I/O}
+\section{Compiling, Linking, and Execution}\label{sec:execute}
+When \pga\ was installed, the makefiles in the {\tt ./examples/c} and {\tt
+./examples/fortran} directories were correctly configured for the machine
+\pga\ was installed on using the version of MPI specified (if any).  To run
+your own programs, it is best to copy the appropriate makefile (C or Fortran)
+to your directory and modify it to use your source code files.  The makefile
+will compile your source code files, link in the \pga\ library (and MPI
+library if a parallel version of \pga\ was built), and build your executable.
+How you execute your program will depend on whether a sequential or parallel
+version of \pga\ was built, the MPI implementation used and the machine you
+are running on.  If a sequential version of \pga\ was built (i.e., one where
+the user did not supply a version of MPI), the executable {\tt maxbit} can be
+executed on a uniprocessor Unix system by typing {\tt maxbit}.  If the {\tt
+MPICH} implementation of MPI was used, it may be executed (using four
+processes) by {\tt mpirun maxbit -np 4}. Appendix~\ref{chp:start-up} contains
+some examples.
+\part{Users Guide}\label{part:userguide}
+\chapter{The Structure of \pga}\label{chp:structure}
+This chapter provides a general overview of the structure of
+\section{Native Data Types}\label{sec:data-structure}
+\pga\ is a data-structure-neutral library.  By this we mean that a data-hiding
+capability provides the full functionality of the library to the user, in a
+transparent manner, irrespective of the data type used.  \pga\ supports four
+native data types: binary-valued, integer-valued, real-valued, and
+character-valued strings.  In addition, \pga\ is designed to be easily
+extended to support other data types (see Chapter~\ref{chp:custom1}).
+The binary (or bit) data type (i.e., {\tt |1|0|1|1|}) is the traditional GA
+coding.  The bits may either be interpreted literally or decoded into integer
+or real values by using either binary coded decimal or binary-reflected Gray
+codes.  In \pga\ the binary data type is implemented by using each distinct
+bit in a computer word as a gene, making the software very memory-efficient.
+The integer-valued data type (i.e., {\tt |3|9|2|4|}) is often used in routing
+and scheduling problems.  The real-valued data type (i.e., {\tt
+|4.2|7.1|-6.3|0.8|}) is useful in numerical optimization applications.  The
+character-valued data type (i.e., {\tt |h|e|l|l|o|w|o|r|l|d|}is useful for
+symbolic applications.
+\section{Context Variable}\label{sec:context}
+In \pga\ the {\em context variable} is the data structure that provides the
+data hiding capability.  The context variable is a pointer to a C language
+structure, which is itself a collection of other structures.  These
+(sub)structures contain all the information necessary to run the genetic
+algorithm, including data type specified, parameter values, which functions to
+call, operating system parameters, debugging flags, initialization choices,
+and internal scratch arrays.  By hiding the actual data type selected and
+specific functions that operate on that data type in the context variable,
+user-level functions in \pga\ can be called independent of the data type.
+Almost all fields in the context variable have default values.  However, the
+user can set values in the context variable by using the {\tt PGASet} family
+of function calls.  The values of fields in the context variable may be read
+with the {\tt PGAGet} family of function calls.
+\section{Levels of Usage Available}\label{sec:usage}
+\pga\ provides multiple levels of control to support the requirements of
+different users.  At the simplest level, the genetic algorithm ``machinery''
+is encapsulated within the {\tt PGARun} function, and the user need specify
+only three parameters: the data type, the string length, and the direction of
+optimization. All other parameters have default values.  At the next level,
+the user calls the data-structure-neutral functions explicitly (e.g., {\tt
+PGASelect, PGACrossover, PGAMutation}).  This mode is useful when the
+user wishes more explicit control over the steps of the genetic algorithm or
+wishes to hybridize the genetic algorithm with a hill-climbing heuristic.  At
+the third level, the user can customize the genetic algorithm by supplying his
+or her own function(s) to provide a particular operator(s) while still using
+one of the native data types.  Finally, the user can define his or her own
+datatype, write the data-structure-specific low-level GA functions for the
+datatype (i.e., crossover, mutation, etc.), and have the
+data-structure-specific functions executed by the high-level
+data-structure-neutral \pga\ functions.
+\section{Function Call--Based Library}\label{sec:function}
+All the access to, and functionality of, the \pga\ library is provided
+through function calls.
+The {\tt PGASet} family of functions sets parameter values, allele values, and
+specifies which GA operators to use.  For example, {\tt PGASetPopSize(ctx,500)}
+sets the GA population size to 500.
+The {\tt PGAGet} family of functions returns the values of fields in the
+context variable and allele values in the string.  For example, {\tt bit =
+PGAGetBinaryAllele(ctx,p,pop,i)} returns the value of the {\tt
+i}th bit in string {\tt p} in population {\tt pop} into {\tt bit}.
+The simplest level of usage is provided by the {\tt PGARun} function.  This
+function will run the genetic algorithm by using any nondefault values specified
+by the user and default values for everything else.
+The next level of usage is provided by the data-structure-neutral functions,
+which the user can call to have more control over the specific steps of the
+genetic algorithm.  Some of these functions are {\tt PGASelect, PGACrossover,
+PGAMutate, PGAEvaluate}, and {\tt PGAFitness}.
+The data-structure-specific functions deal directly with native
+data types.  In general, the user never calls these functions directly.
+System calls in \pga\ provide miscellaneous functionality, including debugging,
+random number generation, output control, and error reporting.
+\section{Header File and Symbolic Constants}\label{sec:header}
+The \pga\ header file contains symbolic constants and type definitions for all
+functions and should be included in any file (or function or subroutine in
+Fortran) that calls a \pga\ function.  For example, {\tt
+PGA\_CROSSOVER\_UNIFORM} is a symbolic constant that is used as an argument
+to the function {\tt PGASetCrossoverType} to specify uniform crossover.  In C
+the header file is {\tt pgapack.h}.  In Fortran it is {\tt pgapackf.h}
+\section{Evaluation Function}\label{sec:evalfunc}
+\pga\ requires that the user supply a function that returns an evaluation of a
+string that it will map to a fitness value.  This function is called whenever
+a string evaluation is required.  The calling sequence and return value of the
+function must follow the format discussed in Section~\ref{sec:evaluation}.
+\pga\ can be run on both sequential computers (uniprocessors) and parallel 
+computers (multiprocessors, multicomputers, and workstation networks).  The
+parallel programming model used is message passing, in particular the single
+program, single data (SPMD) model.  \pga\ version 1.0 supports sequential and
+parallel implementations of the global population model (see
+\pga\ is written in ANSI C. A set of interface functions allows most user-level
+\pga\ functions to be called from Fortran.  
+All message-passing calls follow the
+Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard
+Nonoperative versions of the basic MPI functions used in the examples are
+supplied if the user does not provide an MPI implementation for their machine.
+These routines simply return and provide {\em no} parallel functionality.
+Their purpose is to allow the \pga\ library to be built in the absence of an
+MPI implementation.
+Most  low-level internal functions in \pga\ are
+data-structure {\em specific} and use addresses and/or offsets of the
+population data structures.  The user-level routines, however, provide the
+abstractions of data-structure {\em neutrality} and an integer indexing scheme
+for access to population data structures.
+\chapter{Basic Usage}\label{chp:functionality}
+As the examples in Chapter~\ref{chp:examples} show, a \pga\ program can be
+written with just four function calls and a string evaluation function.  This
+basic usage is discussed further in Section~\ref{sec:big-picture}.
+Sections~\ref{sec:stopping-criteria}--\ref{sec:utility} explain options
+available in \pga.  Section~\ref{sec:cla} discusses \pga\ command line
+\section{Required Functions}\label{sec:big-picture}
+Any file (or function or subroutine in Fortran) that uses a \pga\ function must
+include the \pga\ header file.  In C this file is {\tt pgapack.h}.  In Fortran
+this file is {\tt pgapackf.h}.  The first \pga\ call made is {\em always} to
+{\tt PGACreate}.  In C this call looks like
+PGAContext *ctx;
+ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, datatype, len, maxormin);
+{\tt PGACreate} allocates space for the context variable, {\tt ctx}
+(Section~\ref{sec:context}), and returns its address. {\tt argc} and {\tt
+argv} are the standard list of arguments to a C program.  {\tt datatype} must
+be one of {\tt PGA\_DATATYPE\_BINARY}, {\tt PGA\_DATATYPE\_INTEGER}, {\tt
+PGA\_DATATYPE\_REAL}, or {\tt PGA\_DATATYPE\_CHARACTER} to specify strings
+consisting of binary-valued, integer-valued, real-valued, or character-valued
+strings, respectively.  {\tt len} is the length of the string (i.e., the
+number of genes).  {\tt maxormin} must be {\tt PGA\_MAXIMIZE} or {\tt
+PGA\_MINIMIZE} to indicate whether the user's problem is maximization or
+minimization, respectively.
+In Fortran the call to {\tt PGACreate} is
+integer ctx
+ctx = PGACreate (datatype, len, maxormin)
+where  {\tt datatype}, {\tt len}, and {\tt maxormin} are the same as for C
+After the {\tt PGACreate} call, the user may {\em optionally} set nondefault
+values.  These are then followed by a call to {\tt PGASetUp} to initialize to
+default values all options, parameters, and operators not explicitly specified
+by the user. For example,
+ctx = PGACreate(&argc, argv, datatype, len, maxormin);
+PGASetPopSize              (ctx, 500);
+PGASetFitnessType          (ctx, PGA_FITNESS_RANKING);
+PGASetCrossoverType        (ctx, PGA_CROSSOVER_UNIFORM);
+PGASetUniformCrossoverProb (ctx, 0.6);
+PGASetUp                   (ctx);
+will change the default values for the population size, the mapping
+of the user's
+evaluation to a fitness value, and the crossover type.  All {\tt
+PGASet} calls should be made {\em after} {\tt PGACreate} has been called, but
+{\em before} {\tt PGASetUp} has been called; all such calls are {\em
+optional}.  Note also that {\em all} \pga\ functions other than {\tt
+PGACreate} take the context variable as their first argument.
+The {\tt PGARun} function executes the genetic algorithm.  Its second argument
+is the name of a user-supplied evaluation function that returns a {\tt double}
+({\tt double precision} in Fortran) value that is the user's evaluation of an
+individual string.  In C the prototype for this function looks like
+double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
+and in Fortran
+double precision function evaluate (ctx, p, pop)
+integer ctx, p, pop
+The user {\em must} write the evaluation function, and it {\em must} have the
+calling sequence shown above and discussed further in
+Section~\ref{sec:evaluation}.  After {\tt PGARun} terminates, {\tt PGADestroy}
+is called to release all memory allocated by \pga.
+\footnote{{\tt PGADestroy} will also call {\tt MPI\_finalize}, if MPI was
+started by {\tt PGACreate}.}
+Except for writing an evaluation function (Section~\ref{sec:evaluation}) the
+information contained in rest of this chapter is optional---defaults will be
+set for all other GA parameters.  We do note, however, that the defaults used
+are the result of informal testing and results reported in the GA literature.
+{\em They are by no means optimal}, and additional experimentation
+with other values may well yield better performance on any given problem.
+\section{Population Replacement}\label{sec:population-replacement}
+Two population replacement schemes are common in the literature.  The first,
+the {\em generational replacement} genetic algorithm (GRGA), replaces the
+entire population each generation and is the traditional genetic algorithm
+\cite{Ho92}.  The second, the {\em steady-state} genetic algorithm (SSGA),
+typically replaces only a few strings each generation and is a more recent
+\pga\ supports both GRGA and SSGA and variants in between via {\em
+parameterized} population replacement.  For example, the {\tt PGASet} calls
+PGASetPopSize           (ctx,200);
+PGASetNumReplaceValue   (ctx,10);
+PGASetPopReplacementType(ctx, PGA_POPREPL_BEST);
+specify that each generation a new population is created consisting of ten
+strings created via recombination, and the 190 most fit strings from the old
+population.  The 190 strings can also be selected
+randomly, with or without replacement, by setting the second argument of {\tt
+PGASetPopReplacementType} to {\tt PGA\_POPREPL\_RANDOM\_REP} or {\tt
+PGA\_POPREPL\_RANDOM\_NOREP}, respectively.
+By default, the number of new strings created each generation is 10 percent
+of the population size (an SSGA population replacement strategy).  A GRGA can
+be implemented by setting {\tt PGASetNumReplaceValue} to the population size
+(the default population size is 100).  Setting {\tt PGASetNumReplaceValue} to
+one less than the population size will result in an elitist GRGA, where the
+most fit string is always copied to the new population (since {\tt
+PGA\_POPREPL\_BEST} is the default population replacement strategy).
+Traditionally, strings created through recombination first undergo crossover
+and then mutation.  Some practitioners \cite{Da91} have argued that these two
+operators should be separate.  By default, \pga\ applies mutation only to
+strings that did {\em not} undergo crossover.  This is equivalent to setting
+{\tt PGASetMutationOrCrossoverFlag} {\tt (ctx,PGA\_TRUE)}.  To have strings
+undergo {\em both} crossover and mutation, on should use {\tt
+PGASetMutationAndCrossoverFlag} {\tt (ctx,PGA\_TRUE)}.
+By default, \pga\ allows duplicate strings in the population.  Some
+practitioners advocate not allowing duplicate strings in the population in
+order to maintain diversity.  The function call {\tt PGASetNoDuplicatesFlag}
+{\tt (ctx,PGA\_TRUE)} will not allow duplicate strings in the population: It
+repeatedly applies the mutation operator (with an increasing mutation rate) to
+a duplicate string until it no longer matches any string in the new
+population.  If the mutation rate exceeds 1.0, however, the duplicate string
+{\em will} be allowed in the population, and a warning message will be issued.
+Figure~\ref{fig:popreplace} shows the generic population replacement scheme in
+\pga.  Both populations $k$ and $k+1$  are of fixed size (the value returned by
+{\tt PGAGetPopSize}).  First, {\tt PGAGetPopSize} - {\tt
+PGAGetNumReplaceValue} strings are copied over directly from generation $k$.
+The way the strings are chosen, the most fit, or randomly with or without
+replacement, depends on the value set by {\tt PGASetPopReplacementType}.  The
+remaining {\tt PGAGetNumReplaceValue} strings are created by crossover and
+\caption{Population Replacement}\label{fig:popreplace}
+\section{Stopping Criteria}\label{sec:stopping-criteria}
+\pga\  terminates when at least one of the stopping
+rule(s) specified has been met.  The three stopping rules are (1) iteration
+limit exceeded, (2) population too similar, and (3) no change in the best
+solution found in a given number of iterations.  The default is to stop when
+the iteration limit (by default, 1000 iterations) is reached.
+The choice of stopping rule is set by {\tt PGASetStoppingRuleType}.  For
+example, {\tt PGASetStoppingRuleType} {\tt (ctx,PGA\_STOP\_MAXITER)} is the
+default.  Other choices are {\tt PGA\_STOP\_TOOSIMILAR} and {\tt
+PGA\_STOP\_NOCHANGE} for population too similar and no change in the best
+solution found, respectively.  {\tt PGASetStoppingRuleType} may be called more
+than once. The different stopping rules specified are {\em or}ed together.
+If {\tt PGA\_STOP\_MAXITER} is one of the stopping rules, {\tt
+PGASetMaxGAIterValue(ctx,500)} will change the maximum iteration limit to 500.
+If {\tt PGA\_STOP\_NOCHANGE} is one of the stopping rules, {\tt
+PGASetMaxNoChangeValue(ctx,50)} will change from 100 (the default) to 50 the
+maximum number of iterations in which no change in the best evaluation is
+allowed before the GA stops.  If {\tt PGA\_STOP\_TOOSIMILAR} is one of the
+stopping rules, {\tt PGASetMaxSimilarityValue(ctx,99)} will change from 95 to
+99 the percentage of the population allowed to have the same evaluation
+function value before the GA stops.
+Strings are either initialized randomly (the default),
+or set to zero.  The choice is specified by setting the second argument of
+{\tt PGASetRandomInitFlag} to either {\tt PGA\_TRUE} or {\tt PGA\_FALSE},
+respectively.  Random initialization depends on the datatype.
+If binary-valued strings are used, each gene is set to {\tt 1} or {\tt 0} with
+an equal probability.  To set the probability of randomly setting a bit to
+{\tt 1} to 0.3, use {\tt PGASetBinaryInitProb(ctx,0.3)}.
+For integer-valued strings, the default is to set the strings to a permutation
+on a range of integers.  The default range is $[0,L-1]$, where $L$ is the
+string length.  {\tt PGASetIntegerInitPermute(ctx, 500, 599)} will set the
+permutation range to $[500,599]$.  The length of the range {\em must} be the
+same as the string length.
+Alternatively, {\tt PGASetIntegerInitRange} will set each gene to a random value
+selected uniformly from a specified range.  For example, the code
+stringlen = PGAGetStringLength(ctx);
+for(i=0;i<stringlen;i++) {
+    low[i]  = 0;
+    high[i] = i;
+PGASetIntegerInitRange(ctx, low, high);
+will select a value for gene {\tt i} uniformly randomly from the interval
+{\tt [0,i]}.
+If real-valued strings are used, the alleles are set to a value selected
+uniformly randomly from a specified interval.  The interval may be specified
+with either the {\tt PGASetRealInitRange} or {\tt PGASetRealInitPercent}
+For example, the code
+stringlen = PGAGetStringLength(ctx);
+for(i=0;i<stringlen;i++) {
+    low[i]  = -10.0;
+    high[i] = (double) i;
+PGASetRealInitRange(ctx, low, high);
+will select a value for allele {\tt i} uniformly randomly from the interval
+$[-10.0,{\tt i}]$.  This is the default strategy for initializing real-valued
+strings.  The default interval is $[0,1.0]$.
+{\tt PGASetRealInitPercent} specifies the interval with a median value and
+percent offset.  For example,
+stringlen = PGAGetStringLength(ctx);
+for(i=1;i<=stringlen;i++) {
+    median[i]  = (double)  i;
+    percent[i] =          .5;
+PGASetRealInitPercent(ctx, median, percent);
+will select a value for allele {\tt i} uniformly randomly from the increasing
+intervals $[\frac{1}{2}i,\frac{3}{2}i]$.  Note that if 
+the median value is zero for some $i$, than an 
+interval of $[0,0]$ will be defined.
+If character-valued strings are used,
+{\tt PGASetCharacterInitType(ctx,PGA\_CINIT\_UPPER)} will set the  allele values
+to uppercase alphabetic characters chosen uniformly randomly.
+Other options are
+{\tt PGA\_CINIT\_LOWER} for lower case letters only (the default) and 
+{\tt PGA\_CINIT\_MIXED} for mixed case letters, respectively.
+The selection phase allocates reproductive trials to strings on the basis of
+their fitness.  \pga\ supports four selection schemes: proportional selection,
+stochastic universal selection, binary tournament selection, and probabilistic
+binary tournament selection.  The choice may be specified by setting the
+second argument of {\tt PGASetSelectType} to one of {\tt
+PGA\_SELECT\_TOURNAMENT}, and {\tt PGA\_SELECT\_PTOURNAMENT} for proportional,
+stochastic universal, tournament, and probabilistic tournament selection,
+respectively.  The default is tournament selection.  For probabilistic
+tournament selection, the default probability that the string that wins the
+tournament is selected is 0.6.  It may be set to 0.8, for example, with {\tt
+PGASetPTournamentProb(ctx, 0.8)}.
+% Baker's stochastic universal selection (SUS) is an optimal sampling algorithm
+% \cite{Ba87}.  SUS may be thought of as constructing a roulette wheel using
+% fitness proportionate selection and then spinning the wheel once, where the
+% number of equally spaced markers on the wheel is equal to the population size.
+% This method guarantees that each string is allocated $\lfloor expected value
+% \rfloor$ reproductive trials and no more than $\lceil expected value
+% \rceil$.
+% In {\em binary} tournament selection \cite{Go89,GoDe91} two strings are chosen
+% randomly from the population.  The more fit string is then allocated a
+% reproductive trial.  In order to produce an offspring, two binary tournaments
+% are held, each of which produces one parent string.  These two parent strings
+% then recombine to produce an offspring.  A variation of binary tournament
+% selection is {\em probabilistic} binary tournament selection where the more
+% fit string is selected with a probability $p_b$, $.5
+% \leq p_b < 1$.  Probabilistic binary tournament selection does
+% allow for the possibility that the best string in the population may be lost.
+% Its advantage is a reduction in the selective pressure.
+The crossover operator takes bits from each parent string and
+combines them to create child strings.  
+%Figure~\ref{fig:one-point-crossover} illustrates one-point
+%crossover operator. Starting with two parent strings of length $n=8$, a
+%crossover site $c=3$ is chosen at random. Two new strings are then created;
+%one uses bits 1--2 from the first parent string and bits
+%3--8 from the second parent string; the other string uses the
+%complementary bits from the two parent strings.
+%        Parent Strings                    Child Strings
+%        a a a a a a a a                   a a b b b b b b
+%        b b b b b b b b                   b b a a a a a a
+%One-Point Crossover\label{fig:one-point-crossover}
+%Figure~\ref{fig:two-point-crossover} illustrates two-point crossover. Starting
+%with two parent strings of length $n=8$, two crossover sites $c_1=3$ and
+%$c_2=6$ are chosen at random. Two new strings are then created; one uses bits
+%1--2 and 6--8 from the first parent string and bits 3--5 from the second parent
+%string; the other string uses the complementary bits from each parent string.
+%        Parent Strings                    Child Strings
+%        a a a a a a a a                   a a b b b a a a
+%        b b b b b b b b                   b b a a a b b b
+%Two-Point Crossover\label{fig:two-point-crossover}
+%Figure~\ref{fig:uniform-crossover} illustrates uniform crossover. Starting
+%with two parent strings of length $n=8$, the bit-mask {\tt 01101001} is
+%randomly generated.  This mask is applied to the parent strings such that a
+%``{\tt 1}'' bit indicates that the next bit for the first child string should
+%be taken from the first parent string, and a ``{\tt 0}'' bit indicates that
+%the next bit for the first child string should be taken from the second parent
+%string.  The bit-string is then complemented and the process repeated to
+%create the second child string.
+%        Parent Strings                    Child Strings
+%        a a a a a a a a                   b a a b a b b a
+%        b b b b b b b b                   a b b a b a a b
+%Uniform Crossover\label{fig:uniform-crossover}
+The type of crossover may be specified by setting {\tt PGASetCrossoverType} to
+PGA\_CROSSOVER\_UNIFORM} for one-point, two-point, or uniform crossover,
+respectively.  The default is two-point crossover.  By default the crossover
+rate is 0.85.  It may be set to 0.6 by {\tt PGASetCrossoverProb(ctx, 0.6)},
+for example.
+Uniform crossover is parameterized by $p_u$, the probability of swapping two
+parent bit values \cite{SpDe91}.  By default, $p_u = 0.5$.  The function call
+{\tt PGASetUniformCrossoverProb(ctx, 0.7)} will set $p_u = 0.7$.
+The mutation {\em rate} is the probability that a gene will undergo
+mutation.  The mutation rate is independent of the datatype used. The default
+mutation rate is the reciprocal of the string length.  The function call {\tt
+PGASetMutationProb(ctx,.001)} will set the mutation rate to .001.
+The {\em type} of mutation depends on the data type.  For binary-valued
+strings, mutation is a bit complement operation For
+character-valued strings, mutation replaces one alphabetic character with
+another chosen uniformly randomly.  The alphabetic characters will be lower,
+upper, or mixed case depending on how the strings were initialized.
+For integer-valued strings, if the strings were initialized to a permutation
+and gene $i$ is to be mutated, the default mutation operator swaps gene $i$
+with a randomly selected gene. If the strings were initialized to a random
+value from a specified range and gene $i$ is to be mutated, by default gene
+$i$ will be replaced by a value selected uniformly random from the
+initialization range.
+The mutation operator for integer-valued strings may be changed irrespective
+of how the strings were initialized.  If {\tt PGASetMutationType} is set to
+{\tt PGA\_MUTATION\_RANGE}, gene $i$ will be replaced with a value selected
+uniformly randomly from the initialization range.  If the strings were
+initialized to a permutation, the minimum and maximum values of the
+permutation define the range.  If {\tt PGASetMutationType} is set to {\tt
+PGA\_MUTATION\_PERMUTE}, gene $i$ will be swapped with a randomly selected
+gene.  If {\tt PGASetMutationType} is set to {\tt PGA\_MUTATION\_CONSTANT}, a
+constant integer value (by default one) will be added (subtracted) to (from)
+the existing allele value.  The constant value may be set to 34, for example,
+with {\tt PGASetMutationIntegerValue(ctx,34)}.
+Three of the four real-valued mutation operators are of the form $v \leftarrow
+v \pm p \times v$, where $v$ is the existing allele value.  They vary by how
+$p$ is selected.  First, if {\tt PGASetMutationType} is set to {\tt
+PGA\_MUTATION\_CONSTANT}, $p$ is the constant value 0.01. It may be set to
+.02, for example, with {\tt PGASetMutationRealValue(ctx,.02)}.  Second, if
+{\tt PGASetMutationType} is set to {\tt PGA\_MUTATION\_UNIFORM}, $p$ is
+selected uniformly from the interval $(0,.1)$. To select $p$ uniformly from
+the interval $(0,1)$ set {\tt PGASetMutationRealValue(ctx,1)}.  Third, if {\tt
+PGASetMutationType} is set to {\tt PGA\_MUTATION\_GAUSSIAN}, $p$ is selected
+from a Gaussian distribution (this is the default real-valued mutation
+operator) with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.1.  To select $p$ from a
+Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.5 set {\tt
+PGASetMutationRealValue(ctx,.5)}.  Finally, if {\tt PGASetMutationType} is set
+to {\tt PGA\_MUTATION\_RANGE}, gene $i$ will be replaced with a value selected
+uniformly random from the initialization range of that gene.
+Some of the integer- and real-valued mutation operators may generate allele
+values outside the initialization range of that gene.  If this happens, by
+default, the allele value will be reset to the lower (upper) value of the
+initialization range for that gene.  By setting {\tt
+PGASetMutationBoundedFlag(ctx, PGA\_FALSE)} the allele values will {\em not}
+be reset if they fall outside of the initialization range.
+The restart operator reseeds a population from the best string.  It does so by
+seeding the new population with the best string and generating the remainder
+of the population as mutated variants of the best string.
+By default the restart operator is not invoked.  Setting {\tt
+PGASetRestartFlag(ctx,PGA\_TRUE)} will cause the restart operator to be
+invoked.  By default \pga\ will restart every 50 iterations.  {\tt
+PGASetRestartFrequencyValue} {\tt (ctx,100)} will restart every 100 iterations
+instead.  When creating the new strings from the best string an individual
+allele undergoes mutation with probability 0.5.  This can be changed to 0.9
+with the function call {\tt PGASetRestartAlleleChangeProb(ctx,0.9)}.
+For binary-valued strings the bits are complemented.  For integer- and
+real-valued strings the amount to change is set with {\tt
+PGASetMutationIntegerValue} and {\tt PGASetMutationRealValue}, respectively.
+Character-valued strings are changed according to the rules in
+Section~\ref{sec:mutation} for mutating character strings.
+\section{String Evaluation and Fitness}\label{sec:evaluation}
+In a genetic algorithm each string is assigned a nonnegative, real-valued {\em
+fitness}.  This is a measure, relative to the rest of the population, of how
+well that string satisfies a problem-specific metric.  In \pga\ calculating a
+string's fitness is a two-step process.  First, the {\em user} supplies a
+real-valued evaluation (sometimes called the raw fitness) of each string.
+Second, this value is mapped to a fitness value.
+It is the user's responsibility to supply a function to evaluate an individual
+string.  As discussed in Section~\ref{sec:big-picture}, the name of this
+function is specified as the second argument to {\tt PGARun}. The calling
+sequence for this function (which we call {\tt evaluate} in the rest of this
+section, but may have any name) {\em must} follow the format given here.  In C
+the format is
+double evaluate (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
+and in Fortran
+double precision function evaluate (ctx, p, pop)
+integer ctx, p, pop
+The function {\tt evaluate} will be called by {\tt PGARun} whenever a string
+evaluation is required.  {\tt p} is the index of the string in population {\tt
+pop} that will be evaluated.  The correct values of {\tt p} and {\tt pop} will
+be passed to the evaluation function by {\tt PGARun}.  (If {\tt PGARun} is not
+used, {\tt PGAEvaluate} must be.  See Chapter~\ref{chp:explicit}.)
+As shown below,  {\tt p}
+and {\tt pop} are used for reading (and sometimes writing) allele values
+Sample evaluation functions
+are shown in Figures~\ref{example:simple-main} and
+\ref{example:maxbit-fortran}, and online in the {\tt ./examples} directory. 
+Traditionally, genetic algorithms assume fitness values are nonnegative and
+monotonically increasing the more fit a string is.  The user's evaluation of a
+string, however, may reflect a minimization problem and/or be negative.
+Therefore, the user's {\em evaluation value} is mapped to a nonnegative and
+monotonically increasing {\em fitness value}.  First, all evaluations are
+mapped to positive values (if any were negative).  Next, these values are
+translated to a maximization problem (if the direction of optimization
+specified was minimization).  Finally, these values are mapped to a fitness
+value by using the identity (the default), linear ranking, or linear
+normalization, The choice of fitness mapping may be set with the function {\tt
+PGASetFitnessType}.  The second argument must be one of {\tt
+PGA\_FITNESS\_NORMAL}, for the identity, linear ranking, or linear
+normalization, respectively.
+A {\em linear rank} fitness function \cite{Ba87,Wh89} is given by
+Min + (Max - Min)\frac{{\tt rank(p)}-1}{N-1},\label{eq:rank-select}
+where {\tt rank(p)} is the index of string {\tt p} in a list sorted in order
+of decreasing evaluation function value, and $N$ is the population size.
+Ranking requires that $1 \leq Max \leq 2$, and $Min + Max = 2$.  The default
+value for $Max$ is 1.2.  It may be set to 1.1 with {\tt
+In {\em linear normalization} the fitness function is given by
+K - ({\tt rank(p)} * C),
+where $K$ and $C$ are the constants $\sigma * N$ and $\sigma$, where $\sigma$
+is the standard deviation of the user's evaluation function values after they
+have been transformed to positive values for a maximization problem.
+If the direction of optimization is minimization, the values are remapped for
+maximization.  The function call {\tt
+PGASetFitnessMinType(ctx,PGA\_FITNESSMIN\_CMAX)} will remap by subtracting the
+worst evaluation value from each evaluation value (this is the default).  The
+worst evaluation value is multiplied by 1.01 before the subtraction so that
+the worst string has a nonzero fitness.  The function call {\tt
+PGASetFitnessCmaxValue(ctx, 1.2)} will change the multiplier to 1.2
+Alternatively, if {\tt PGA\_FITNESSMIN\_RECIPROCAL} is specified the remapping
+is done by using the reciprocal of the evaluation function.
+\section{Accessing Allele Values}\label{sec:allele-access}
+For each of the native data types, \pga\ provides a matched pair of functions
+that allow the user to read or write (change) any allele value.  If the data
+type is {\tt PGA\_DATATYPE\_BINARY}
+int bit;
+bit = PGAGetBinaryAllele (ctx, p, pop, i);
+will assign to {\tt bit} the binary value of the {\tt i}th gene in string {\tt
+p} in population {\tt pop}.  To set the {\tt i}th gene in string {\tt p} in
+population {\tt pop} to {\tt 1}, use
+PGASetBinaryAllele(ctx, p, pop, i, 1);
+If the data type is {\tt PGA\_DATATYPE\_INTEGER}
+int k;
+k = PGAGetIntegerAllele (ctx, p, pop, i);
+will assign to {\tt k} the integer value of the {\tt i}th gene in string
+{\tt p} in population {\tt pop}.  
+To set the {\tt i}th gene in string
+{\tt p} in population {\tt pop} to 34, use
+PGASetIntegerAllele(ctx, p, pop, i, 1, 34);
+If the data type is {\tt PGA\_DATATYPE\_REAL}
+double x;
+x = PGAGetRealAllele (ctx, p, pop, i);
+will assign to {\tt x} the real value of the {\tt i}th gene in string {\tt p}
+in population {\tt pop}.
+To set the {\tt i}th gene in string
+{\tt p} in population {\tt pop} to 123.456, use
+PGASetRealAllele(ctx, p, pop, i, 1, 123.456);
+If the data type is {\tt PGA\_DATATYPE\_CHARACTER}
+char c;
+c = PGAGetCharacterAllele (ctx, p, pop, i);
+will assign to {\tt c} the character value of the {\tt i}th gene in string
+{\tt p} in population {\tt pop}.  To set the {\tt i}th gene in string {\tt p}
+in population {\tt pop} to ``Z'', use
+PGASetCharacterAllele(ctx, p, pop, i, 1, 'Z');
+\subsection{Representing an Integer with a Binary String}
+A binary string may be used to represent an integer by {\em decoding} the
+bits into an integer value.  In a binary coded decimal (BCD) representation, a
+binary string is decoded into an integer $k
+\in [0,2^{N}-1]$ according to
+k = \sum_{i=1}^{N} b_{i} 2^{i-1},
+where $N$ is the string length, and $b_i$ the value of the $i$th bit.
+For example, to decode the integer {\tt k} from the ten bits in bit positions
+20--29, use
+int k
+k = PGAGetIntegerFromBinary(ctx,p,pop,20,29);
+The function {\tt PGAEncodeIntegerAsBinary} will encode an integer as a binary
+string.  For example, to encode the integer 564 as a 12-bit binary
+string\footnote{Even though only ten bits are necessary to encode 564, the
+user may want to allow the GA any value between $[0,4095]$, hence the twelve
+bits.}  in the substring defined by bits 12--23, use
+PGAEncodeIntegerAsBinary(ctx,p,pop, 12, 23, 564);
+In a BCD representation, two numbers that are contiguous in their decimal
+representations may be far from each other in their binary representations.
+For example, 7 and 8 are consecutive integers, yet their 4-bit binary
+representations, {\tt 0111} and {\tt 1000}, differ in the maximum number of
+bit positions.\footnote{Technically, this is known as a Hamming cliff.}  {\em
+Gray codes} define a different mapping of binary strings to integer values
+from that given by Eq.~(\ref{eq:bit}) and may alternatively be used for
+representing integer (or real, see below) values in a binary string.  The
+second and third columns in Table~\ref{tab:gray-code} show how the integers
+0--7 are mapped to Eq.~(\ref{eq:bit}) and to the {\em binary reflected} Gray
+code (the most commonly used Gray code sequence), respectively.  In the binary
+reflected Gray code sequence, the binary representations of consecutive
+integers differ  by only one bit (a Hamming distance of one).
+To decode the integer {\tt k} from a binary reflected Gray code
+interpretation of the binary string, use
+k = PGAGetIntegerFromGrayCode(ctx,p,pop,20,29);
+To encode 564 as a 12-bit binary string in the substring defined by bits 12--23 using a Gray code, use
+PGAEncodeIntegerAsGaryCode(ctx,p,pop, 12, 23, 564);
+Binary and Gray Codes\label{tab:gray-code}
+\begin{tabular}{|r|r|r|} \hline\hline
+    $k$ &      Eq.~(\ref{eq:bit}) &    Gray code \\  \hline
+{\tt 0} &        {\tt 000} &         {\tt 000} \\
+{\tt 1} &        {\tt 001} &         {\tt 001} \\
+{\tt 2} &        {\tt 010} &         {\tt 011} \\
+{\tt 3} &        {\tt 011} &         {\tt 010} \\
+{\tt 4} &        {\tt 100} &         {\tt 110} \\
+{\tt 5} &        {\tt 101} &         {\tt 111} \\
+{\tt 6} &        {\tt 110} &         {\tt 101} \\
+{\tt 7} &        {\tt 111} &         {\tt 100} \\ \hline
+\subsection{Representing a Real Value with a Binary String}
+A binary string may also be used to represent a real value.  The decoding of a
+binary string to a real-value is a two-step process.  First, the binary string
+is decoded into an integer as described in
+Section~\ref{subsec:encode-integer}.  Next, the integer is mapped from the
+discrete interval $[0,2^{N}-1]$ to the real interval $[L,U]$ by using the
+x = (k-a) \times (U-L)/(b-a) + L
+(and generalizing $[0,2^{N}-1]$ to $[a,b]$).  For example, to decode the {\tt
+double} {\tt x} from the 20 bits given by the binary string stored in bit
+positions 10--29 onto the interval $[-10.0,20.0]$, use
+x = PGAGetRealFromBinary(ctx,p,pop,10,29,-10.0,20.0);
+To encode -18.3 on the interval $[-50.0,50.0]$
+using a 20-bit BCD binary string, use
+The functions {\tt PGAGetRealFromGrayCode} and 
+{\tt PGAEncodeRealAsGrayCode} provide similar functionality for Gray-coded
+As an example, suppose the user has a real-valued function $f$ of three real
+variables $x_1$, $x_2$, and $x_3$.  Further, the variables are constrained as
+-10 \leq x_1 \leq 0 
+0   \leq x_2 \leq 10
+-10 \leq x_3 \leq 10
+The user wishes to use 10 bits for the binary representation of $x_1$ and
+$x_2$, and 20 bits for the binary representation of $x_3$ (perhaps for higher
+accuracy), and a Gray code encoding.  This may be done as follows.
+#include "pgapack.h"
+double grayfunc (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop);
+double f        (double x1, double x2, double x3);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    PGAContext *ctx; 
+    ctx = PGACreate (&argc, argv, PGA_DATATYPE_BINARY, 40, PGA_MINIMIZE);
+    PGASetUp        (ctx                                               );
+    PGARun          (ctx, grayfunc                                     );
+    PGADestroy      (ctx                                               );
+    return;
+double grayfunc (PGAContext *ctx, int p, int pop)
+    double x1, x2, x3, v;
+    x1 =  PGAGetRealFromGrayCode (ctx, p, pop,  0,  9, -10.,  0.);
+    x2 =  PGAGetRealFromGrayCode (ctx, p, pop, 10, 19,   0., 10.);
+    x3 =  PGAGetRealFromGrayCode (ctx, p, pop, 20, 39, -10., 10.);
+    v  =  f(x1,x2,x3);
+    return(v);
+In Fortran, the bit indices would be 1--10, 11--20, and 21--40, respectively.
+The number of bits allocated for the binary representation determines the
+accuracy with which the real value can be calculated.  Note in this
+example  the function {\tt f} {\em need not be modified}; the function
+{\tt grayfunc} is used as a ``wrapper'' to get variable values out of the GA
+and return the value calculated by {\tt f}.
+\section{Report Options}\label{sec:report}
+{\tt PGASetPrintFrequencyValue(ctx,40)} will print population statistics every
+40 iterations.  The default is every ten iterations.  The best evaluation is
+{\em always} printed.  To print additional statistics, set the second argument
+of the function {\tt PGASetPrintOptions} to {\tt PGA\_REPORT\_ONLINE}, {\tt
+{\tt PGA\_REPORT\_HAMMING}, or {\tt PGA\_REPORT\_STRING} to print the online
+analysis, offline analysis, worst evaluation, average evaluation, Hamming
+distance, or string itself, respectively.  {\tt PGASetPrintOptions} may be
+called multiple times to specify multiple print options.
+\section{Utility Functions}\label{sec:utility}
+\subsection{Random Numbers}\label{subsec:random}
+By default, \pga\ will seed its random number generator by using a value from the
+system clock.  Therefore, each time \pga\ is run, a unique sequence of random
+numbers will be used.  For debugging or reproducibility purposes, however, the
+user may wish to use the same sequence of random numbers each time.  This may
+be done using the function {\tt PGASetRandomSeed} to initialize the random
+number generator with the same seed each time, for example, {\tt
+{\tt PGARandom01(ctx,0)} will return a random number generated uniformly on
+$[0,1]$.  If the second argument is not {\tt 0}, it will be used to reseed the
+random number sequence. {\tt PGARandomFlip} flips a biased coin.  For example,
+{\tt PGARandomFlip(ctx,.7)} will return {\tt PGA\_TRUE} approximately 70\% of
+the time.  {\tt PGARandomInterval(-10,30)} will return an integer value
+generated uniformly on $[-10,30]$.  {\tt PGARandomUniform} {\tt
+(ctx,-50.,50.)} will return a real value generated uniformly randomly on the
+interval [-50,50].  {\tt PGARandomGaussian} {\tt (ctx,0.,1.)} will return a
+real value generated from a Gaussian distribution with mean zero and standard
+deviation one.
+\subsection{Print Functions}\label{subsec:print-functions}
+{\tt PGAPrintPopulation(ctx,stdout,pop)} will print the evaluation function
+value, fitness value, and string for each member of population {\tt pop} to
+{\tt stdout}. This function may not be called until {\em after} {\tt PGASetUp}
+has been called. {\tt PGAPrintContextVariable(ctx,stdout)} will print the
+value of all fields in the context variable to {\tt stdout}.  {\tt
+PGAPrintIndividual(ctx,stdout,p,pop)} will print the evaluation function
+value, fitness value, and string of individual {\tt p} in population {\tt pop}
+to {\tt stdout}.  {\tt PGAPrintString(ctx,stdout,p,pop)} will print the string
+of individual {\tt p} in population {\tt pop} to {\tt stdout}.  {\tt
+PGAPrintVersionNumber(ctx)} will print the \pga\ version number.
+{\tt PGAGetGAIterValue(ctx)} will return the current iteration of the GA.  {\tt
+PGAGetBestIndex(ctx,pop)} ({\tt PGAGetWorstIndex}) will return the index of the most
+(least) fit member of population {\tt pop}.
+{\tt PGAUpdateOffline(ctx,pop)} ({\tt PGAUpdateOnline}) will update the offline
+(online) analysis based on the new generation's results.  {\tt
+PGAHammingDistance(ctx,pop)} returns a {\tt double}, which is the average
+Hamming distance between the {\em binary} strings in population {\tt pop}.
+The function call
+PGAError(ctx, "popindex=", PGA_FATAL, PGA_INT, (void *)&popindex)
+will print the message ``popindex=-1'' (assuming the value of {\tt popindex}
+is -1) and then exit \pga.  If the third argument had been {\tt PGA\_WARNING}
+instead, execution would have continued.  In addition to {\tt PGA\_INT}, valid data
+types are {\tt PGA\_DOUBLE}, {\tt PGA\_CHAR}, and {\tt PGA\_VOID}.
+\section{Command-Line Arguments}\label{sec:cla}
+\pga\ provides several  command-line arguments.
+These are only available to C programs, although in some cases both C and
+Fortran programs can achieve the equivalent functionality with function calls.
+For example, {\tt PGAUsage(ctx)} provides the same functionality as the {\tt
+-pgahelp} command line option.  See Chapter~\ref{chp:debug} for the function
+call equivalents.
+  -pgahelp            get this message
+  -pgahelp   debug    list of debug options
+  -pgadbg   <level>   set debug option
+  -pgadebug <level>   set debug option
+  -pgaversion         Print current PGAPack version number, parallel or
+                      sequential, and debug or optimized
+\chapter{Explicit Usage}\label{chp:explicit}
+This chapter discusses how the user may obtain greater control over the steps
+of the GA by {\em not} using the {\tt PGARun} command, but instead calling the
+data-structure-neutral functions directly.  One ramification of this is that
+the {\tt PGARun} interface no longer masks some of the differences between
+parallel and sequential execution.  The examples in this chapter are written
+for sequential execution {\em only}.  Chapter~\ref{chp:parallel} shows how
+they may be executed in parallel.
+To understand the calling sequences of the functions discussed in
+this chapter, one must know of the {\em existence} of certain data
+structures and the user interface for accessing them.  It is {\em not}
+necessary to know how these data structures are implemented, since that is
+hidden by the user interface to \pga.
+\pga\ maintains two populations: an {\em old} one and a {\em new} one.  The
+size of each population is the value returned by {\tt PGAGetPopSize}.  In
+addition, each population contains two temporary working locations.  The
+string length is the value specified to {\tt PGACreate} and returned by {\tt
+Formally, string $p$ in population $pop$ is referred to by the 2-tuple {\tt
+(p,pop)} and the value of gene $i$ in that string by the 3-tuple {\tt
+(i,p,pop)}.  In \pga, {\tt pop} {\em must} be one of the two symbolic
+constants {\tt PGA\_OLDPOP} or {\tt PGA\_NEWPOP} to refer to the old or new
+population, respectively.  At the end of each GA iteration, the function {\tt
+PGAUpdateGeneration} makes sure these symbolic constants are remapped to the
+correct population.  The string index {\tt p} must be either an integer
+between 0 and $P-1$ (or 1 and $P$ in Fortran) or one of the symbolic constants
+{\tt PGA\_TEMP1} or {\tt PGA\_TEMP2}, to reference one of the two temporary
+locations, respectively.
+\section{Simple Sequential Example}
+The example in Figure~\ref{simple-example} is a complete \pga\ program that
+does {\em not} use {\tt PGARun}.  It is an alternative way to write the main
+program for the Maxbit example of Section~\ref{sec:simple-example}.  We refer
+to it as a simple example because it uses {\tt PGARunMutationAndCrossover} to
+encapsulate the recombination step.  The {\tt PGACreate} and {\tt PGASetUp}
+functions were discussed in the last chapter.  {\tt PGASetUp} creates and
+randomly initializes the initial population.  This population, referred to
+initially by the symbolic constant {\tt PGA\_OLDPOP}, is evaluated by the {\tt
+PGAEvaluate} function.  The third argument to {\tt PGAEvaluate} is the name of
+the user's evaluation function.  The function prototype for {\tt evaluate}
+must be as shown in Figure~\ref{simple-example} and discussed earlier in
+Sections~\ref{sec:big-picture} and~ \ref{sec:evaluation}.  The {\tt
+PGAFitness} function maps the user's evaluation function values into
+fitness values.
+The {\tt while} loop runs the genetic algorithm.  {\tt PGADone} returns {\tt
+PGA\_TRUE} if any of the specified stopping criteria have been met, otherwise
+{\tt PGA\_FALSE}.  {\tt PGASelect} performs selection on population {\tt
+PGA\_OLDPOP}.  {\tt PGARunMutationAndCrossover} uses the selected strings to
+create the new population by applying the crossover and mutation operators.
+{\tt PGAEvaluate} and {\tt PGAFitness} evaluate and map to fitness values the
+newly created population. {\tt PGAUpdateGeneration} updates the GA iteration
+count and resets several important internal arrays (don't forget to call it!).
+{\tt PGAPrintReport} writes out genetic algorithm statistics according to the
+report options specified.  Note that the argument to {\tt PGAPrintReport} is
+the old population, since after {\tt PGAUpdateGeneration} is called, the newly
+created population is in {\tt PGA\_OLDPOP}.  Finally, {\tt PGADestroy}
+releases any memory allocated by \pga\ when execution is complete.
+The functions {\tt PGADone}, {\tt PGAUpdateGeneration}, and {\tt PGAEvaluate}
+take an MPI communicator (see Appendix~\ref{app:par-background} and
+Chapter~\ref{chp:parallel}) as an argument.  For {\em sequential} execution

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