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Posted to by Mohammad Monirul Hoque <> on 2008/07/31 13:52:18 UTC

problem in putting urls in dfs


After installing nutch on a single machine in a pseudo-distributed mode -i got problem while putting urls(which contains a file urllist.txt of seed urls ).

After starting the cluster  when i try to upload a file in the DFS it shows

$ bin/hadoop dfs -put urls urls

put: No valid local directories in property: dfs.client.buffer.dir

after that when i type 

$ bin/hadoop dfs -ls

Found 1 items
/user/nutch/urls        <dir>

But i can't see the urls/urllist.txt file in DFS using the -cat command.

$ bin/hadoop dfs -cat urls/*
cat: urls/urllist.txt

which normally should show the content of urllist.txt.

Here is my hadoop-site.xml:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->

    The name of the default file system. Either the literal string 
    "local" or a host:port for NDFS.
    The host and port that the MapReduce job tracker runs at. If 
    "local", then jobs are run in-process as a single map and 
    reduce task.
    The maximum number of tasks that will be run simultaneously by
    a task tracker. This should be adjusted according to the heap size
    per task, the amount of RAM available, and CPU consumption of each task.



Tell me if i m missing something.  
I m using nutch 0.9.

Thanks in advance
