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[1/5] cassandra git commit: cqlsh: Improve COPY TO perf and error handling

Repository: cassandra
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/cassandra-3.0 12fd5d270 -> 74070ee4a

cqlsh: Improve COPY TO perf and error handling

Patch by Stefania Alborghetti; reviewed by Tyler Hobbs for


Branch: refs/heads/cassandra-3.0
Commit: 1b629c101bbf793f8e248bbf4396bb41adc0af97
Parents: 246cb88
Author: Stefania Alborghetti <>
Authored: Wed Nov 18 18:22:28 2015 -0600
Committer: Tyler Hobbs <>
Committed: Wed Nov 18 18:22:28 2015 -0600

 CHANGES.txt                  |   1 +
 bin/cqlsh                    | 180 +++--------
 pylib/cqlshlib/       | 644 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pylib/cqlshlib/ |  10 +
 pylib/cqlshlib/ |  34 +-
 5 files changed, 729 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index 6ccde28..42dcf3e 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ * (cqlsh) Improve COPY TO performance and error handling (CASSANDRA-9304)
  * Don't remove level info when running upgradesstables (CASSANDRA-10692)
  * Create compression chunk for sending file only (CASSANDRA-10680)
  * Make buffered read size configurable (CASSANDRA-10249)
diff --git a/bin/cqlsh b/bin/cqlsh
index 7291803..5459d67 100755
--- a/bin/cqlsh
+++ b/bin/cqlsh
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import ConfigParser
 import csv
 import getpass
 import locale
+import multiprocessing as mp
 import optparse
 import os
 import platform
@@ -44,10 +45,11 @@ import sys
 import time
 import traceback
 import warnings
+from StringIO import StringIO
 from contextlib import contextmanager
 from functools import partial
 from glob import glob
-from StringIO import StringIO
 from uuid import UUID
 description = "CQL Shell for Apache Cassandra"
@@ -119,7 +121,7 @@ cqlshlibdir = os.path.join(CASSANDRA_PATH, 'pylib')
 if os.path.isdir(cqlshlibdir):
     sys.path.insert(0, cqlshlibdir)
-from cqlshlib import cql3handling, cqlhandling, pylexotron, sslhandling
+from cqlshlib import cql3handling, cqlhandling, pylexotron, sslhandling, copy
 from cqlshlib.displaying import (ANSI_RESET, BLUE, COLUMN_NAME_COLORS, CYAN,
                                  RED, FormattedValue, colorme)
 from cqlshlib.formatting import (format_by_type, format_value_utype,
@@ -410,7 +412,8 @@ def complete_copy_column_names(ctxt, cqlsh):
     return set(colnames[1:]) - set(existcols)
 @cqlsh_syntax_completer('copyOption', 'optnames')
@@ -419,8 +422,7 @@ def complete_copy_options(ctxt, cqlsh):
     direction = ctxt.get_binding('dir').upper()
     opts = set(COPY_OPTIONS) - set(optnames)
     if direction == 'FROM':
-        opts -= ('ENCODING',)
-        opts -= ('TIMEFORMAT',)
     return opts
@@ -535,6 +537,19 @@ def describe_interval(seconds):
     return words
+def insert_driver_hooks():
+    extend_cql_deserialization()
+    auto_format_udts()
+def extend_cql_deserialization():
+    """
+    The python driver returns BLOBs as string, but we expect them as bytearrays
+    """
+    cassandra.cqltypes.BytesType.deserialize = staticmethod(lambda byts, protocol_version: bytearray(byts))
+    cassandra.cqltypes.CassandraType.support_empty_values = True
 def auto_format_udts():
     # when we see a new user defined type, set up the shell formatting for it
     udt_apply_params = cassandra.cqltypes.UserType.apply_parameters
@@ -673,11 +688,6 @@ class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
         self.query_out = sys.stdout
         self.consistency_level = cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.ONE
         self.serial_consistency_level = cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL
-        # the python driver returns BLOBs as string, but we expect them as bytearrays
-        cassandra.cqltypes.BytesType.deserialize = staticmethod(lambda byts, protocol_version: bytearray(byts))
-        cassandra.cqltypes.CassandraType.support_empty_values = True
-        auto_format_udts()
         self.empty_lines = 0
         self.statement_error = False
@@ -807,11 +817,9 @@ class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
     def get_keyspaces(self):
         return self.conn.metadata.keyspaces.values()
-    def get_ring(self):
-        if self.current_keyspace is None or self.current_keyspace == 'system':
-            raise NoKeyspaceError("Ring view requires a current non-system keyspace")
-        self.conn.metadata.token_map.rebuild_keyspace(self.current_keyspace, build_if_absent=True)
-        return self.conn.metadata.token_map.tokens_to_hosts_by_ks[self.current_keyspace]
+    def get_ring(self, ks):
+        self.conn.metadata.token_map.rebuild_keyspace(ks, build_if_absent=True)
+        return self.conn.metadata.token_map.tokens_to_hosts_by_ks[ks]
     def get_table_meta(self, ksname, tablename):
         if ksname is None:
@@ -1369,7 +1377,7 @@ class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
         # print 'Snitch: %s\n' % snitch
         if self.current_keyspace is not None and self.current_keyspace != 'system':
             print "Range ownership:"
-            ring = self.get_ring()
+            ring = self.get_ring(self.current_keyspace)
             for entry in ring.items():
                 print ' %39s  [%s]' % (str(entry[0].value), ', '.join([host.address for host in entry[1]]))
@@ -1506,10 +1514,14 @@ class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
           ENCODING='utf8'         - encoding for CSV output (COPY TO only)
           TIMEFORMAT=             - timestamp strftime format (COPY TO only)
             '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'   defaults to time_format value in cqlshrc
+          PAGESIZE='1000'         - the page size for fetching results (COPY TO only)
+          PAGETIMEOUT=10          - the page timeout for fetching results (COPY TO only)
+          MAXATTEMPTS='5'         - the maximum number of attempts for errors (COPY TO only)
         When entering CSV data on STDIN, you can use the sequence "\."
         on a line by itself to end the data input.
         ks = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
         if ks is None:
             ks = self.current_keyspace
@@ -1546,22 +1558,12 @@ class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
         print "\n%d rows %s in %s." % (rows, verb, describe_interval(timeend - timestart))
     def perform_csv_import(self, ks, cf, columns, fname, opts):
-        dialect_options = self.csv_dialect_defaults.copy()
-        if 'quote' in opts:
-            dialect_options['quotechar'] = opts.pop('quote')
-        if 'escape' in opts:
-            dialect_options['escapechar'] = opts.pop('escape')
-        if 'delimiter' in opts:
-            dialect_options['delimiter'] = opts.pop('delimiter')
-        nullval = opts.pop('null', '')
-        header = bool(opts.pop('header', '').lower() == 'true')
-        if dialect_options['quotechar'] == dialect_options['escapechar']:
-            dialect_options['doublequote'] = True
-            del dialect_options['escapechar']
-        if opts:
+        csv_options, dialect_options, unrecognized_options = copy.parse_options(self, opts)
+        if unrecognized_options:
             self.printerr('Unrecognized COPY FROM options: %s'
-                          % ', '.join(opts.keys()))
+                          % ', '.join(unrecognized_options.keys()))
             return 0
+        nullval, header = csv_options['nullval'], csv_options['header']
         if fname is None:
             do_close = False
@@ -1576,33 +1578,24 @@ class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
                 return 0
         current_record = None
+        processes, pipes = [], [],
             if header:
             reader = csv.reader(linesource, **dialect_options)
-            from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe, cpu_count
+            num_processes = copy.get_num_processes(cap=4)
-            # Pick a resonable number of child processes. We need to leave at
-            # least one core for the parent process.  This doesn't necessarily
-            # need to be capped at 4, but it's currently enough to keep
-            # a single local Cassandra node busy, and I see lower throughput
-            # with more processes.
-            try:
-                num_processes = max(1, min(4, cpu_count() - 1))
-            except NotImplementedError:
-                num_processes = 1
-            processes, pipes = [], [],
             for i in range(num_processes):
-                parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe()
+                parent_conn, child_conn = mp.Pipe()
-                processes.append(Process(target=self.multiproc_import, args=(child_conn, ks, cf, columns, nullval)))
+                proc_args = (child_conn, ks, cf, columns, nullval)
+                processes.append(mp.Process(target=self.multiproc_import, args=proc_args))
             for process in processes:
-            meter = RateMeter(10000)
+            meter = copy.RateMeter(10000)
             for current_record, row in enumerate(reader, start=1):
                 # write to the child process
                 pipes[current_record % num_processes].send((current_record, row))
@@ -1612,7 +1605,7 @@ class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
                 # check for any errors reported by the children
                 if (current_record % 100) == 0:
-                    if self._check_child_pipes(current_record, pipes):
+                    if self._check_import_processes(current_record, pipes):
                         # no errors seen, continue with outer loop
@@ -1641,7 +1634,7 @@ class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
             for process in processes:
-            self._check_child_pipes(current_record, pipes)
+            self._check_import_processes(current_record, pipes)
             for pipe in pipes:
@@ -1653,8 +1646,7 @@ class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
         return current_record
-    def _check_child_pipes(self, current_record, pipes):
-        # check the pipes for errors from child processes
+    def _check_import_processes(self, current_record, pipes):
         for pipe in pipes:
             if pipe.poll():
@@ -1802,62 +1794,13 @@ class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
     def perform_csv_export(self, ks, cf, columns, fname, opts):
-        dialect_options = self.csv_dialect_defaults.copy()
-        if 'quote' in opts:
-            dialect_options['quotechar'] = opts.pop('quote')
-        if 'escape' in opts:
-            dialect_options['escapechar'] = opts.pop('escape')
-        if 'delimiter' in opts:
-            dialect_options['delimiter'] = opts.pop('delimiter')
-        encoding = opts.pop('encoding', 'utf8')
-        nullval = opts.pop('null', '')
-        header = bool(opts.pop('header', '').lower() == 'true')
-        time_format = opts.pop('timeformat', self.display_time_format)
-        if dialect_options['quotechar'] == dialect_options['escapechar']:
-            dialect_options['doublequote'] = True
-            del dialect_options['escapechar']
-        if opts:
-            self.printerr('Unrecognized COPY TO options: %s'
-                          % ', '.join(opts.keys()))
+        csv_options, dialect_options, unrecognized_options = copy.parse_options(self, opts)
+        if unrecognized_options:
+            self.printerr('Unrecognized COPY TO options: %s' % ', '.join(unrecognized_options.keys()))
             return 0
-        if fname is None:
-            do_close = False
-            csvdest = sys.stdout
-        else:
-            do_close = True
-            try:
-                csvdest = open(fname, 'wb')
-            except IOError, e:
-                self.printerr("Can't open %r for writing: %s" % (fname, e))
-                return 0
-        meter = RateMeter(10000)
-        try:
-            dump = self.prep_export_dump(ks, cf, columns)
-            writer = csv.writer(csvdest, **dialect_options)
-            if header:
-                writer.writerow(columns)
-            for row in dump:
-                fmt = lambda v: \
-                    format_value(v, output_encoding=encoding, nullval=nullval,
-                                 time_format=time_format,
-                                 float_precision=self.display_float_precision).strval
-                writer.writerow(map(fmt, row.values()))
-                meter.increment()
-        finally:
-            if do_close:
-                csvdest.close()
-        return meter.current_record
-    def prep_export_dump(self, ks, cf, columns):
-        if columns is None:
-            columns = self.get_column_names(ks, cf)
-        columnlist = ', '.join(protect_names(columns))
-        query = 'SELECT %s FROM %s.%s' % (columnlist, protect_name(ks), protect_name(cf))
-        return self.session.execute(query)
+        return copy.ExportTask(self, ks, cf, columns, fname, csv_options, dialect_options,
+                               DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, CONFIG_FILE).run()
     def do_show(self, parsed):
@@ -2215,34 +2158,6 @@ class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
         self.writeresult(text, color, newline=newline, out=sys.stderr)
-class RateMeter(object):
-    def __init__(self, log_rate):
-        self.log_rate = log_rate
-        self.last_checkpoint_time = time.time()
-        self.current_rate = 0.0
-        self.current_record = 0
-    def increment(self):
-        self.current_record += 1
-        if (self.current_record % self.log_rate) == 0:
-            new_checkpoint_time = time.time()
-            new_rate = self.log_rate / (new_checkpoint_time - self.last_checkpoint_time)
-            self.last_checkpoint_time = new_checkpoint_time
-            # smooth the rate a bit
-            if self.current_rate == 0.0:
-                self.current_rate = new_rate
-            else:
-                self.current_rate = (self.current_rate + new_rate) / 2.0
-            output = 'Processed %s rows; Write: %.2f rows/s\r' % \
-                     (self.current_record, self.current_rate)
-            sys.stdout.write(output)
-            sys.stdout.flush()
 class SwitchCommand(object):
     command = None
     description = None
@@ -2487,6 +2402,9 @@ def main(options, hostname, port):
     if batch_mode and shell.statement_error:
+# always call this regardless of module name: when a sub-process is spawned
+# on Windows then the module name is not __main__, see CASSANDRA-9304
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     main(*read_options(sys.argv[1:], os.environ))
diff --git a/pylib/cqlshlib/ b/pylib/cqlshlib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8534b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pylib/cqlshlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import csv
+import json
+import multiprocessing as mp
+import os
+import Queue
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from random import randrange
+from threading import Lock
+from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
+from cassandra.metadata import protect_name, protect_names
+from cassandra.policies import RetryPolicy, WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy, TokenAwarePolicy
+from cassandra.query import tuple_factory
+import sslhandling
+from displaying import NO_COLOR_MAP
+from formatting import format_value_default, EMPTY, get_formatter
+def parse_options(shell, opts):
+    """
+    Parse options for import (COPY FROM) and export (COPY TO) operations.
+    Extract from opts csv and dialect options.
+    :return: 3 dictionaries: the csv options, the dialect options, any unrecognized options.
+    """
+    dialect_options = shell.csv_dialect_defaults.copy()
+    if 'quote' in opts:
+        dialect_options['quotechar'] = opts.pop('quote')
+    if 'escape' in opts:
+        dialect_options['escapechar'] = opts.pop('escape')
+    if 'delimiter' in opts:
+        dialect_options['delimiter'] = opts.pop('delimiter')
+    if dialect_options['quotechar'] == dialect_options['escapechar']:
+        dialect_options['doublequote'] = True
+        del dialect_options['escapechar']
+    csv_options = dict()
+    csv_options['nullval'] = opts.pop('null', '')
+    csv_options['header'] = bool(opts.pop('header', '').lower() == 'true')
+    csv_options['encoding'] = opts.pop('encoding', 'utf8')
+    csv_options['jobs'] = int(opts.pop('jobs', 12))
+    csv_options['pagesize'] = int(opts.pop('pagesize', 1000))
+    # by default the page timeout is 10 seconds per 1000 entries in the page size or 10 seconds if pagesize is smaller
+    csv_options['pagetimeout'] = int(opts.pop('pagetimeout', max(10, 10 * (csv_options['pagesize'] / 1000))))
+    csv_options['maxattempts'] = int(opts.pop('maxattempts', 5))
+    csv_options['dtformats'] = opts.pop('timeformat', shell.display_time_format)
+    csv_options['float_precision'] = shell.display_float_precision
+    return csv_options, dialect_options, opts
+def get_num_processes(cap):
+    """
+    Pick a reasonable number of child processes. We need to leave at
+    least one core for the parent process.  This doesn't necessarily
+    need to be capped, but 4 is currently enough to keep
+    a single local Cassandra node busy so we use this for import, whilst
+    for export we use 16 since we can connect to multiple Cassandra nodes.
+    Eventually this parameter will become an option.
+    """
+    try:
+        return max(1, min(cap, mp.cpu_count() - 1))
+    except NotImplementedError:
+        return 1
+class ExportTask(object):
+    """
+    A class that exports data to .csv by instantiating one or more processes that work in parallel (ExportProcess).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, shell, ks, cf, columns, fname, csv_options, dialect_options, protocol_version, config_file):
+ = shell
+        self.csv_options = csv_options
+        self.dialect_options = dialect_options
+        self.ks = ks
+ = cf
+        self.columns = shell.get_column_names(ks, cf) if columns is None else columns
+        self.fname = fname
+        self.protocol_version = protocol_version
+        self.config_file = config_file
+    def run(self):
+        """
+        Initiates the export by creating the processes.
+        """
+        shell =
+        fname = self.fname
+        if fname is None:
+            do_close = False
+            csvdest = sys.stdout
+        else:
+            do_close = True
+            try:
+                csvdest = open(fname, 'wb')
+            except IOError, e:
+                shell.printerr("Can't open %r for writing: %s" % (fname, e))
+                return 0
+        if self.csv_options['header']:
+            writer = csv.writer(csvdest, **self.dialect_options)
+            writer.writerow(self.columns)
+        ranges = self.get_ranges()
+        num_processes = get_num_processes(cap=min(16, len(ranges)))
+        inmsg = mp.Queue()
+        outmsg = mp.Queue()
+        processes = []
+        for i in xrange(num_processes):
+            process = ExportProcess(outmsg, inmsg, self.ks,, self.columns, self.dialect_options,
+                                    self.csv_options, shell.debug, shell.port, shell.conn.cql_version,
+                                    shell.auth_provider, shell.ssl, self.protocol_version, self.config_file)
+            process.start()
+            processes.append(process)
+        try:
+            return self.check_processes(csvdest, ranges, inmsg, outmsg, processes)
+        finally:
+            for process in processes:
+                process.terminate()
+            inmsg.close()
+            outmsg.close()
+            if do_close:
+                csvdest.close()
+    def get_ranges(self):
+        """
+        return a queue of tuples, where the first tuple entry is a token range (from, to]
+        and the second entry is a list of hosts that own that range. Each host is responsible
+        for all the tokens in the rage (from, to].
+        The ring information comes from the driver metadata token map, which is built by
+        querying System.PEERS.
+        We only consider replicas that are in the local datacenter. If there are no local replicas
+        we use the cqlsh session host.
+        """
+        shell =
+        hostname = shell.hostname
+        ranges = dict()
+        def make_range(hosts):
+            return {'hosts': tuple(hosts), 'attempts': 0, 'rows': 0}
+        min_token = self.get_min_token()
+        if shell.conn.metadata.token_map is None or min_token is None:
+            ranges[(None, None)] = make_range([hostname])
+            return ranges
+        local_dc = shell.conn.metadata.get_host(hostname).datacenter
+        ring = shell.get_ring(self.ks).items()
+        ring.sort()
+        previous_previous = None
+        previous = None
+        for token, replicas in ring:
+            if previous is None and token.value == min_token:
+                continue  # avoids looping entire ring
+            hosts = []
+            for host in replicas:
+                if host.datacenter == local_dc:
+                    hosts.append(host.address)
+            if len(hosts) == 0:
+                hosts.append(hostname)  # fallback to default host if no replicas in current dc
+            ranges[(previous, token.value)] = make_range(hosts)
+            previous_previous = previous
+            previous = token.value
+        #  If the ring is empty we get the entire ring from the
+        #  host we are currently connected to, otherwise for the last ring interval
+        #  we query the same replicas that hold the last token in the ring
+        if len(ranges) == 0:
+            ranges[(None, None)] = make_range([hostname])
+        else:
+            ranges[(previous, None)] = ranges[(previous_previous, previous)].copy()
+        return ranges
+    def get_min_token(self):
+        """
+        :return the minimum token, which depends on the partitioner.
+        For partitioners that do not support tokens we return None, in
+        this cases we will not work in parallel, we'll just send all requests
+        to the cqlsh session host.
+        """
+        partitioner =
+        if partitioner.endswith('RandomPartitioner'):
+            return -1
+        elif partitioner.endswith('Murmur3Partitioner'):
+            return -(2 ** 63)   # Long.MIN_VALUE in Java
+        else:
+            return None
+    @staticmethod
+    def send_work(ranges, tokens_to_send, queue):
+        for token_range in tokens_to_send:
+            queue.put((token_range, ranges[token_range]))
+            ranges[token_range]['attempts'] += 1
+    def check_processes(self, csvdest, ranges, inmsg, outmsg, processes):
+        """
+        Here we monitor all child processes by collecting their results
+        or any errors. We terminate when we have processed all the ranges or when there
+        are no more processes.
+        """
+        shell =
+        meter = RateMeter(10000)
+        total_jobs = len(ranges)
+        max_attempts = self.csv_options['maxattempts']
+        self.send_work(ranges, ranges.keys(), outmsg)
+        num_processes = len(processes)
+        succeeded = 0
+        failed = 0
+        while (failed + succeeded) < total_jobs and self.num_live_processes(processes) == num_processes:
+            try:
+                token_range, result = inmsg.get(timeout=1.0)
+                if token_range is None and result is None:  # a job has finished
+                    succeeded += 1
+                elif isinstance(result, Exception):  # an error occurred
+                    if token_range is None:  # the entire process failed
+                        shell.printerr('Error from worker process: %s' % (result))
+                    else:   # only this token_range failed, retry up to max_attempts if no rows received yet,
+                            # if rows are receive we risk duplicating data, there is a back-off policy in place
+                            # in the worker process as well, see ExpBackoffRetryPolicy
+                        if ranges[token_range]['attempts'] < max_attempts and ranges[token_range]['rows'] == 0:
+                            shell.printerr('Error for %s: %s (will try again later attempt %d of %d)'
+                                           % (token_range, result, ranges[token_range]['attempts'], max_attempts))
+                            self.send_work(ranges, [token_range], outmsg)
+                        else:
+                            shell.printerr('Error for %s: %s (permanently given up after %d rows and %d attempts)'
+                                           % (token_range, result, ranges[token_range]['rows'],
+                                              ranges[token_range]['attempts']))
+                            failed += 1
+                else:  # partial result received
+                    data, num = result
+                    csvdest.write(data)
+                    meter.increment(n=num)
+                    ranges[token_range]['rows'] += num
+            except Queue.Empty:
+                pass
+        if self.num_live_processes(processes) < len(processes):
+            for process in processes:
+                if not process.is_alive():
+                    shell.printerr('Child process %d died with exit code %d' % (, process.exitcode))
+        if succeeded < total_jobs:
+            shell.printerr('Exported %d ranges out of %d total ranges, some records might be missing'
+                           % (succeeded, total_jobs))
+        return meter.get_total_records()
+    @staticmethod
+    def num_live_processes(processes):
+        return sum(1 for p in processes if p.is_alive())
+class ExpBackoffRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy):
+    """
+    A retry policy with exponential back-off for read timeouts,
+    see ExportProcess.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, export_process):
+        RetryPolicy.__init__(self)
+        self.max_attempts = export_process.csv_options['maxattempts']
+        self.printmsg = lambda txt: export_process.printmsg(txt)
+    def on_read_timeout(self, query, consistency, required_responses,
+                        received_responses, data_retrieved, retry_num):
+        delay = self.backoff(retry_num)
+        if delay > 0:
+            self.printmsg("Timeout received, retrying after %d seconds" % (delay))
+            time.sleep(delay)
+            return self.RETRY, consistency
+        elif delay == 0:
+            self.printmsg("Timeout received, retrying immediately")
+            return self.RETRY, consistency
+        else:
+            self.printmsg("Timeout received, giving up after %d attempts" % (retry_num + 1))
+            return self.RETHROW, None
+    def backoff(self, retry_num):
+        """
+        Perform exponential back-off up to a maximum number of times, where
+        this maximum is per query.
+        To back-off we should wait a random number of seconds
+        between 0 and 2^c - 1, where c is the number of total failures.
+        randrange() excludes the last value, so we drop the -1.
+        :return : the number of seconds to wait for, -1 if we should not retry
+        """
+        if retry_num >= self.max_attempts:
+            return -1
+        delay = randrange(0, pow(2, retry_num + 1))
+        return delay
+class ExportSession(object):
+    """
+    A class for connecting to a cluster and storing the number
+    of jobs that this connection is processing. It wraps the methods
+    for executing a query asynchronously and for shutting down the
+    connection to the cluster.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cluster, export_process):
+        session = cluster.connect(export_process.ks)
+        session.row_factory = tuple_factory
+        session.default_fetch_size = export_process.csv_options['pagesize']
+        session.default_timeout = export_process.csv_options['pagetimeout']
+        export_process.printmsg("Created connection to %s with page size %d and timeout %d seconds per page"
+                                % (session.hosts, session.default_fetch_size, session.default_timeout))
+        self.cluster = cluster
+        self.session = session
+ = 1
+        self.lock = Lock()
+    def add_job(self):
+        with self.lock:
+   += 1
+    def complete_job(self):
+        with self.lock:
+   -= 1
+    def num_jobs(self):
+        with self.lock:
+            return
+    def execute_async(self, query):
+        return self.session.execute_async(query)
+    def shutdown(self):
+        self.cluster.shutdown()
+class ExportProcess(mp.Process):
+    """
+    An child worker process for the export task, ExportTask.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, inmsg, outmsg, ks, cf, columns, dialect_options, csv_options,
+                 debug, port, cql_version, auth_provider, ssl, protocol_version, config_file):
+        mp.Process.__init__(self,
+        self.inmsg = inmsg
+        self.outmsg = outmsg
+        self.ks = ks
+ = cf
+        self.columns = columns
+        self.dialect_options = dialect_options
+        self.hosts_to_sessions = dict()
+        self.debug = debug
+        self.port = port
+        self.cql_version = cql_version
+        self.auth_provider = auth_provider
+        self.ssl = ssl
+        self.protocol_version = protocol_version
+        self.config_file = config_file
+        self.encoding = csv_options['encoding']
+        self.time_format = csv_options['dtformats']
+        self.float_precision = csv_options['float_precision']
+        self.nullval = csv_options['nullval']
+        self.maxjobs = csv_options['jobs']
+        self.csv_options = csv_options
+        self.formatters = dict()
+        # Here we inject some failures for testing purposes, only if this environment variable is set
+        if os.environ.get('CQLSH_COPY_TEST_FAILURES', ''):
+            self.test_failures = json.loads(os.environ.get('CQLSH_COPY_TEST_FAILURES', ''))
+        else:
+            self.test_failures = None
+    def printmsg(self, text):
+        if self.debug:
+            sys.stderr.write(text + os.linesep)
+    def run(self):
+        try:
+            self.inner_run()
+        finally:
+            self.close()
+    def inner_run(self):
+        """
+        The parent sends us (range, info) on the inbound queue (inmsg)
+        in order to request us to process a range, for which we can
+        select any of the hosts in info, which also contains other information for this
+        range such as the number of attempts already performed. We can signal errors
+        on the outbound queue (outmsg) by sending (range, error) or
+        we can signal a global error by sending (None, error).
+        We terminate when the inbound queue is closed.
+        """
+        while True:
+            if self.num_jobs() > self.maxjobs:
+                time.sleep(0.001)  # 1 millisecond
+                continue
+            token_range, info = self.inmsg.get()
+            self.start_job(token_range, info)
+    def report_error(self, err, token_range=None):
+        if isinstance(err, str):
+            msg = err
+        elif isinstance(err, BaseException):
+            msg = "%s - %s" % (err.__class__.__name__, err)
+            if self.debug:
+                traceback.print_exc(err)
+        else:
+            msg = str(err)
+        self.printmsg(msg)
+        self.outmsg.put((token_range, Exception(msg)))
+    def start_job(self, token_range, info):
+        """
+        Begin querying a range by executing an async query that
+        will later on invoke the callbacks attached in attach_callbacks.
+        """
+        session = self.get_session(info['hosts'])
+        metadata = session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces[self.ks].tables[]
+        query = self.prepare_query(metadata.partition_key, token_range, info['attempts'])
+        future = session.execute_async(query)
+        self.attach_callbacks(token_range, future, session)
+    def num_jobs(self):
+        return sum(session.num_jobs() for session in self.hosts_to_sessions.values())
+    def get_session(self, hosts):
+        """
+        We select a host to connect to. If we have no connections to one of the hosts
+        yet then we select this host, else we pick the one with the smallest number
+        of jobs.
+        :return: An ExportSession connected to the chosen host.
+        """
+        new_hosts = [h for h in hosts if h not in self.hosts_to_sessions]
+        if new_hosts:
+            host = new_hosts[0]
+            new_cluster = Cluster(
+                contact_points=(host,),
+                port=self.port,
+                cql_version=self.cql_version,
+                protocol_version=self.protocol_version,
+                auth_provider=self.auth_provider,
+                ssl_options=sslhandling.ssl_settings(host, self.config_file) if self.ssl else None,
+                load_balancing_policy=TokenAwarePolicy(WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy(hosts)),
+                default_retry_policy=ExpBackoffRetryPolicy(self),
+                compression=None,
+                executor_threads=max(2, self.csv_options['jobs'] / 2))
+            session = ExportSession(new_cluster, self)
+            self.hosts_to_sessions[host] = session
+            return session
+        else:
+            host = min(hosts, key=lambda h: self.hosts_to_sessions[h].jobs)
+            session = self.hosts_to_sessions[host]
+            session.add_job()
+            return session
+    def attach_callbacks(self, token_range, future, session):
+        def result_callback(rows):
+            if future.has_more_pages:
+                future.start_fetching_next_page()
+                self.write_rows_to_csv(token_range, rows)
+            else:
+                self.write_rows_to_csv(token_range, rows)
+                self.outmsg.put((None, None))
+                session.complete_job()
+        def err_callback(err):
+            self.report_error(err, token_range)
+            session.complete_job()
+        future.add_callbacks(callback=result_callback, errback=err_callback)
+    def write_rows_to_csv(self, token_range, rows):
+        if len(rows) == 0:
+            return  # no rows in this range
+        try:
+            output = StringIO()
+            writer = csv.writer(output, **self.dialect_options)
+            for row in rows:
+                writer.writerow(map(self.format_value, row))
+            data = (output.getvalue(), len(rows))
+            self.outmsg.put((token_range, data))
+            output.close()
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.report_error(e, token_range)
+    def format_value(self, val):
+        if val is None or val == EMPTY:
+            return format_value_default(self.nullval, colormap=NO_COLOR_MAP)
+        ctype = type(val)
+        formatter = self.formatters.get(ctype, None)
+        if not formatter:
+            formatter = get_formatter(ctype)
+            self.formatters[ctype] = formatter
+        return formatter(val, encoding=self.encoding, colormap=NO_COLOR_MAP, time_format=self.time_format,
+                         float_precision=self.float_precision, nullval=self.nullval, quote=False)
+    def close(self):
+        self.printmsg("Export process terminating...")
+        self.inmsg.close()
+        self.outmsg.close()
+        for session in self.hosts_to_sessions.values():
+            session.shutdown()
+        self.printmsg("Export process terminated")
+    def prepare_query(self, partition_key, token_range, attempts):
+        """
+        Return the export query or a fake query with some failure injected.
+        """
+        if self.test_failures:
+            return self.maybe_inject_failures(partition_key, token_range, attempts)
+        else:
+            return self.prepare_export_query(partition_key, token_range)
+    def maybe_inject_failures(self, partition_key, token_range, attempts):
+        """
+        Examine self.test_failures and see if token_range is either a token range
+        supposed to cause a failure (failing_range) or to terminate the worker process
+        (exit_range). If not then call prepare_export_query(), which implements the
+        normal behavior.
+        """
+        start_token, end_token = token_range
+        if not start_token or not end_token:
+            # exclude first and last ranges to make things simpler
+            return self.prepare_export_query(partition_key, token_range)
+        if 'failing_range' in self.test_failures:
+            failing_range = self.test_failures['failing_range']
+            if start_token >= failing_range['start'] and end_token <= failing_range['end']:
+                if attempts < failing_range['num_failures']:
+                    return 'SELECT * from bad_table'
+        if 'exit_range' in self.test_failures:
+            exit_range = self.test_failures['exit_range']
+            if start_token >= exit_range['start'] and end_token <= exit_range['end']:
+                sys.exit(1)
+        return self.prepare_export_query(partition_key, token_range)
+    def prepare_export_query(self, partition_key, token_range):
+        """
+        Return a query where we select all the data for this token range
+        """
+        pk_cols = ", ".join(protect_names( for col in partition_key))
+        columnlist = ', '.join(protect_names(self.columns))
+        start_token, end_token = token_range
+        query = 'SELECT %s FROM %s.%s' % (columnlist, protect_name(self.ks), protect_name(
+        if start_token is not None or end_token is not None:
+            query += ' WHERE'
+        if start_token is not None:
+            query += ' token(%s) > %s' % (pk_cols, start_token)
+        if start_token is not None and end_token is not None:
+            query += ' AND'
+        if end_token is not None:
+            query += ' token(%s) <= %s' % (pk_cols, end_token)
+        return query
+class RateMeter(object):
+    def __init__(self, log_threshold):
+        self.log_threshold = log_threshold  # number of records after which we log
+        self.last_checkpoint_time = time.time()  # last time we logged
+        self.current_rate = 0.0  # rows per second
+        self.current_record = 0  # number of records since we last logged
+        self.total_records = 0   # total number of records
+    def increment(self, n=1):
+        self.current_record += n
+        if self.current_record >= self.log_threshold:
+            self.update()
+            self.log()
+    def update(self):
+        new_checkpoint_time = time.time()
+        time_difference = new_checkpoint_time - self.last_checkpoint_time
+        if time_difference != 0.0:
+            self.current_rate = self.get_new_rate(self.current_record / time_difference)
+        self.last_checkpoint_time = new_checkpoint_time
+        self.total_records += self.current_record
+        self.current_record = 0
+    def get_new_rate(self, new_rate):
+        """
+         return the previous rate averaged with the new rate to smooth a bit
+        """
+        if self.current_rate == 0.0:
+            return new_rate
+        else:
+            return (self.current_rate + new_rate) / 2.0
+    def log(self):
+        output = 'Processed %d rows; Written: %f rows/s\r' % (self.total_records, self.current_rate,)
+        sys.stdout.write(output)
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+    def get_total_records(self):
+        self.update()
+        self.log()
+        return self.total_records
diff --git a/pylib/cqlshlib/ b/pylib/cqlshlib/
index f3a016e..7b260c2 100644
--- a/pylib/cqlshlib/
+++ b/pylib/cqlshlib/
@@ -28,11 +28,19 @@ ANSI_RESET = '\033[0m'
 def colorme(bval, colormap, colorkey):
+    if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP:
+        return bval
     if colormap is None:
         colormap = DEFAULT_VALUE_COLORS
     return FormattedValue(bval, colormap[colorkey] + bval + colormap['reset'])
+def get_str(val):
+    if isinstance(val, FormattedValue):
+        return val.strval
+    return val
 class FormattedValue:
     def __init__(self, strval, coloredval=None, displaywidth=None):
@@ -112,3 +120,5 @@ COLUMN_NAME_COLORS = defaultdict(lambda: MAGENTA,
+NO_COLOR_MAP = dict()
diff --git a/pylib/cqlshlib/ b/pylib/cqlshlib/
index 79e661b..54dde0f 100644
--- a/pylib/cqlshlib/
+++ b/pylib/cqlshlib/
@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import binascii
 import sys
 import re
 import calendar
 import math
 from collections import defaultdict
 from . import wcwidth
-from .displaying import colorme, FormattedValue, DEFAULT_VALUE_COLORS
+from .displaying import colorme, get_str, FormattedValue, DEFAULT_VALUE_COLORS, NO_COLOR_MAP
 from cassandra.cqltypes import EMPTY
 from cassandra.util import datetime_from_timestamp
 from util import UTC
@@ -83,7 +84,6 @@ def color_text(bval, colormap, displaywidth=None):
     # adding the smarts to handle that in to FormattedValue, we just
     # make an explicit check to see if a null colormap is being used or
     # not.
     if displaywidth is None:
         displaywidth = len(bval)
     tbr = _make_turn_bits_red_f(colormap['blob'], colormap['text'])
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def format_value_default(val, colormap, **_):
     val = str(val)
     escapedval = val.replace('\\', '\\\\')
     bval = controlchars_re.sub(_show_control_chars, escapedval)
-    return color_text(bval, colormap)
+    return bval if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP else color_text(bval, colormap)
 # Mapping cql type base names ("int", "map", etc) to formatter functions,
 # making format_value a generic function
@@ -111,6 +111,10 @@ def format_value(type, val, **kwargs):
     return formatter(val, **kwargs)
+def get_formatter(type):
+    return _formatters.get(type.__name__, format_value_default)
 def formatter_for(typname):
     def registrator(f):
         _formatters[typname] = f
@@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ def formatter_for(typname):
 def format_value_blob(val, colormap, **_):
-    bval = '0x' + ''.join('%02x' % c for c in val)
+    bval = '0x' + binascii.hexlify(val)
     return colorme(bval, colormap, 'blob')
@@ -204,8 +208,8 @@ def format_value_text(val, encoding, colormap, quote=False, **_):
     bval = escapedval.encode(encoding, 'backslashreplace')
     if quote:
         bval = "'%s'" % bval
-    displaywidth = wcwidth.wcswidth(bval.decode(encoding))
-    return color_text(bval, colormap, displaywidth)
+    return bval if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP else color_text(bval, colormap, wcwidth.wcswidth(bval.decode(encoding)))
 # name alias
@@ -217,7 +221,10 @@ def format_simple_collection(val, lbracket, rbracket, encoding,
                          time_format=time_format, float_precision=float_precision,
                          nullval=nullval, quote=True)
             for sval in val]
-    bval = lbracket + ', '.join(sval.strval for sval in subs) + rbracket
+    bval = lbracket + ', '.join(get_str(sval) for sval in subs) + rbracket
+    if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP:
+        return bval
     lb, sep, rb = [colormap['collection'] + s + colormap['reset']
                    for s in (lbracket, ', ', rbracket)]
     coloredval = lb + sep.join(sval.coloredval for sval in subs) + rb
@@ -242,6 +249,9 @@ def format_value_set(val, encoding, colormap, time_format, float_precision, null
     return format_simple_collection(sorted(val), '{', '}', encoding, colormap,
                                     time_format, float_precision, nullval)
+# This code is used by cqlsh (bundled driver version 2.7.2 using sortedset),
+# and the dtests, which use whichever driver on the machine, i.e. 3.0.0 (SortedSet)
@@ -253,7 +263,10 @@ def format_value_map(val, encoding, colormap, time_format, float_precision, null
                             nullval=nullval, quote=True)
     subs = [(subformat(k), subformat(v)) for (k, v) in sorted(val.items())]
-    bval = '{' + ', '.join(k.strval + ': ' + v.strval for (k, v) in subs) + '}'
+    bval = '{' + ', '.join(get_str(k) + ': ' + get_str(v) for (k, v) in subs) + '}'
+    if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP:
+        return bval
     lb, comma, colon, rb = [colormap['collection'] + s + colormap['reset']
                             for s in ('{', ', ', ': ', '}')]
     coloredval = lb \
@@ -278,7 +291,10 @@ def format_value_utype(val, encoding, colormap, time_format, float_precision, nu
         return format_value_text(name, encoding=encoding, colormap=colormap, quote=False)
     subs = [(format_field_name(k), format_field_value(v)) for (k, v) in val._asdict().items()]
-    bval = '{' + ', '.join(k.strval + ': ' + v.strval for (k, v) in subs) + '}'
+    bval = '{' + ', '.join(get_str(k) + ': ' + get_str(v) for (k, v) in subs) + '}'
+    if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP:
+        return bval
     lb, comma, colon, rb = [colormap['collection'] + s + colormap['reset']
                             for s in ('{', ', ', ': ', '}')]
     coloredval = lb \

[2/5] cassandra git commit: Merge branch 'cassandra-2.1' into cassandra-2.2

Posted by
diff --cc pylib/cqlshlib/
index 0000000,8534b98..8ff474f
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/pylib/cqlshlib/
+++ b/pylib/cqlshlib/
@@@ -1,0 -1,644 +1,647 @@@
+ # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ # distributed with this work for additional information
+ # regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ # with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ # limitations under the License.
+ import csv
+ import json
+ import multiprocessing as mp
+ import os
+ import Queue
++import random
+ import sys
+ import time
+ import traceback
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+ from random import randrange
+ from threading import Lock
+ from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
+ from cassandra.metadata import protect_name, protect_names
+ from cassandra.policies import RetryPolicy, WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy, TokenAwarePolicy
+ from cassandra.query import tuple_factory
+ import sslhandling
+ from displaying import NO_COLOR_MAP
 -from formatting import format_value_default, EMPTY, get_formatter
++from formatting import format_value_default, DateTimeFormat, EMPTY, get_formatter
+ def parse_options(shell, opts):
+     """
+     Parse options for import (COPY FROM) and export (COPY TO) operations.
+     Extract from opts csv and dialect options.
+     :return: 3 dictionaries: the csv options, the dialect options, any unrecognized options.
+     """
+     dialect_options = shell.csv_dialect_defaults.copy()
+     if 'quote' in opts:
+         dialect_options['quotechar'] = opts.pop('quote')
+     if 'escape' in opts:
+         dialect_options['escapechar'] = opts.pop('escape')
+     if 'delimiter' in opts:
+         dialect_options['delimiter'] = opts.pop('delimiter')
+     if dialect_options['quotechar'] == dialect_options['escapechar']:
+         dialect_options['doublequote'] = True
+         del dialect_options['escapechar']
+     csv_options = dict()
+     csv_options['nullval'] = opts.pop('null', '')
+     csv_options['header'] = bool(opts.pop('header', '').lower() == 'true')
+     csv_options['encoding'] = opts.pop('encoding', 'utf8')
+     csv_options['jobs'] = int(opts.pop('jobs', 12))
+     csv_options['pagesize'] = int(opts.pop('pagesize', 1000))
+     # by default the page timeout is 10 seconds per 1000 entries in the page size or 10 seconds if pagesize is smaller
+     csv_options['pagetimeout'] = int(opts.pop('pagetimeout', max(10, 10 * (csv_options['pagesize'] / 1000))))
+     csv_options['maxattempts'] = int(opts.pop('maxattempts', 5))
 -    csv_options['dtformats'] = opts.pop('timeformat', shell.display_time_format)
+     csv_options['float_precision'] = shell.display_float_precision
++    csv_options['dtformats'] = DateTimeFormat(opts.pop('timeformat', shell.display_timestamp_format),
++                                              shell.display_date_format,
++                                              shell.display_nanotime_format)
+     return csv_options, dialect_options, opts
+ def get_num_processes(cap):
+     """
+     Pick a reasonable number of child processes. We need to leave at
+     least one core for the parent process.  This doesn't necessarily
+     need to be capped, but 4 is currently enough to keep
+     a single local Cassandra node busy so we use this for import, whilst
+     for export we use 16 since we can connect to multiple Cassandra nodes.
+     Eventually this parameter will become an option.
+     """
+     try:
+         return max(1, min(cap, mp.cpu_count() - 1))
+     except NotImplementedError:
+         return 1
+ class ExportTask(object):
+     """
+     A class that exports data to .csv by instantiating one or more processes that work in parallel (ExportProcess).
+     """
+     def __init__(self, shell, ks, cf, columns, fname, csv_options, dialect_options, protocol_version, config_file):
+ = shell
+         self.csv_options = csv_options
+         self.dialect_options = dialect_options
+         self.ks = ks
+ = cf
+         self.columns = shell.get_column_names(ks, cf) if columns is None else columns
+         self.fname = fname
+         self.protocol_version = protocol_version
+         self.config_file = config_file
+     def run(self):
+         """
+         Initiates the export by creating the processes.
+         """
+         shell =
+         fname = self.fname
+         if fname is None:
+             do_close = False
+             csvdest = sys.stdout
+         else:
+             do_close = True
+             try:
+                 csvdest = open(fname, 'wb')
+             except IOError, e:
+                 shell.printerr("Can't open %r for writing: %s" % (fname, e))
+                 return 0
+         if self.csv_options['header']:
+             writer = csv.writer(csvdest, **self.dialect_options)
+             writer.writerow(self.columns)
+         ranges = self.get_ranges()
+         num_processes = get_num_processes(cap=min(16, len(ranges)))
+         inmsg = mp.Queue()
+         outmsg = mp.Queue()
+         processes = []
+         for i in xrange(num_processes):
+             process = ExportProcess(outmsg, inmsg, self.ks,, self.columns, self.dialect_options,
+                                     self.csv_options, shell.debug, shell.port, shell.conn.cql_version,
+                                     shell.auth_provider, shell.ssl, self.protocol_version, self.config_file)
+             process.start()
+             processes.append(process)
+         try:
+             return self.check_processes(csvdest, ranges, inmsg, outmsg, processes)
+         finally:
+             for process in processes:
+                 process.terminate()
+             inmsg.close()
+             outmsg.close()
+             if do_close:
+                 csvdest.close()
+     def get_ranges(self):
+         """
+         return a queue of tuples, where the first tuple entry is a token range (from, to]
+         and the second entry is a list of hosts that own that range. Each host is responsible
+         for all the tokens in the rage (from, to].
+         The ring information comes from the driver metadata token map, which is built by
+         querying System.PEERS.
+         We only consider replicas that are in the local datacenter. If there are no local replicas
+         we use the cqlsh session host.
+         """
+         shell =
+         hostname = shell.hostname
+         ranges = dict()
+         def make_range(hosts):
+             return {'hosts': tuple(hosts), 'attempts': 0, 'rows': 0}
+         min_token = self.get_min_token()
+         if shell.conn.metadata.token_map is None or min_token is None:
+             ranges[(None, None)] = make_range([hostname])
+             return ranges
+         local_dc = shell.conn.metadata.get_host(hostname).datacenter
+         ring = shell.get_ring(self.ks).items()
+         ring.sort()
+         previous_previous = None
+         previous = None
+         for token, replicas in ring:
+             if previous is None and token.value == min_token:
+                 continue  # avoids looping entire ring
+             hosts = []
+             for host in replicas:
+                 if host.datacenter == local_dc:
+                     hosts.append(host.address)
+             if len(hosts) == 0:
+                 hosts.append(hostname)  # fallback to default host if no replicas in current dc
+             ranges[(previous, token.value)] = make_range(hosts)
+             previous_previous = previous
+             previous = token.value
+         #  If the ring is empty we get the entire ring from the
+         #  host we are currently connected to, otherwise for the last ring interval
+         #  we query the same replicas that hold the last token in the ring
+         if len(ranges) == 0:
+             ranges[(None, None)] = make_range([hostname])
+         else:
+             ranges[(previous, None)] = ranges[(previous_previous, previous)].copy()
+         return ranges
+     def get_min_token(self):
+         """
+         :return the minimum token, which depends on the partitioner.
+         For partitioners that do not support tokens we return None, in
+         this cases we will not work in parallel, we'll just send all requests
+         to the cqlsh session host.
+         """
+         partitioner =
+         if partitioner.endswith('RandomPartitioner'):
+             return -1
+         elif partitioner.endswith('Murmur3Partitioner'):
+             return -(2 ** 63)   # Long.MIN_VALUE in Java
+         else:
+             return None
+     @staticmethod
+     def send_work(ranges, tokens_to_send, queue):
+         for token_range in tokens_to_send:
+             queue.put((token_range, ranges[token_range]))
+             ranges[token_range]['attempts'] += 1
+     def check_processes(self, csvdest, ranges, inmsg, outmsg, processes):
+         """
+         Here we monitor all child processes by collecting their results
+         or any errors. We terminate when we have processed all the ranges or when there
+         are no more processes.
+         """
+         shell =
+         meter = RateMeter(10000)
+         total_jobs = len(ranges)
+         max_attempts = self.csv_options['maxattempts']
+         self.send_work(ranges, ranges.keys(), outmsg)
+         num_processes = len(processes)
+         succeeded = 0
+         failed = 0
+         while (failed + succeeded) < total_jobs and self.num_live_processes(processes) == num_processes:
+             try:
+                 token_range, result = inmsg.get(timeout=1.0)
+                 if token_range is None and result is None:  # a job has finished
+                     succeeded += 1
+                 elif isinstance(result, Exception):  # an error occurred
+                     if token_range is None:  # the entire process failed
+                         shell.printerr('Error from worker process: %s' % (result))
+                     else:   # only this token_range failed, retry up to max_attempts if no rows received yet,
+                             # if rows are receive we risk duplicating data, there is a back-off policy in place
+                             # in the worker process as well, see ExpBackoffRetryPolicy
+                         if ranges[token_range]['attempts'] < max_attempts and ranges[token_range]['rows'] == 0:
+                             shell.printerr('Error for %s: %s (will try again later attempt %d of %d)'
+                                            % (token_range, result, ranges[token_range]['attempts'], max_attempts))
+                             self.send_work(ranges, [token_range], outmsg)
+                         else:
+                             shell.printerr('Error for %s: %s (permanently given up after %d rows and %d attempts)'
+                                            % (token_range, result, ranges[token_range]['rows'],
+                                               ranges[token_range]['attempts']))
+                             failed += 1
+                 else:  # partial result received
+                     data, num = result
+                     csvdest.write(data)
+                     meter.increment(n=num)
+                     ranges[token_range]['rows'] += num
+             except Queue.Empty:
+                 pass
+         if self.num_live_processes(processes) < len(processes):
+             for process in processes:
+                 if not process.is_alive():
+                     shell.printerr('Child process %d died with exit code %d' % (, process.exitcode))
+         if succeeded < total_jobs:
+             shell.printerr('Exported %d ranges out of %d total ranges, some records might be missing'
+                            % (succeeded, total_jobs))
+         return meter.get_total_records()
+     @staticmethod
+     def num_live_processes(processes):
+         return sum(1 for p in processes if p.is_alive())
+ class ExpBackoffRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy):
+     """
+     A retry policy with exponential back-off for read timeouts,
+     see ExportProcess.
+     """
+     def __init__(self, export_process):
+         RetryPolicy.__init__(self)
+         self.max_attempts = export_process.csv_options['maxattempts']
+         self.printmsg = lambda txt: export_process.printmsg(txt)
+     def on_read_timeout(self, query, consistency, required_responses,
+                         received_responses, data_retrieved, retry_num):
+         delay = self.backoff(retry_num)
+         if delay > 0:
+             self.printmsg("Timeout received, retrying after %d seconds" % (delay))
+             time.sleep(delay)
+             return self.RETRY, consistency
+         elif delay == 0:
+             self.printmsg("Timeout received, retrying immediately")
+             return self.RETRY, consistency
+         else:
+             self.printmsg("Timeout received, giving up after %d attempts" % (retry_num + 1))
+             return self.RETHROW, None
+     def backoff(self, retry_num):
+         """
+         Perform exponential back-off up to a maximum number of times, where
+         this maximum is per query.
+         To back-off we should wait a random number of seconds
+         between 0 and 2^c - 1, where c is the number of total failures.
+         randrange() excludes the last value, so we drop the -1.
+         :return : the number of seconds to wait for, -1 if we should not retry
+         """
+         if retry_num >= self.max_attempts:
+             return -1
+         delay = randrange(0, pow(2, retry_num + 1))
+         return delay
+ class ExportSession(object):
+     """
+     A class for connecting to a cluster and storing the number
+     of jobs that this connection is processing. It wraps the methods
+     for executing a query asynchronously and for shutting down the
+     connection to the cluster.
+     """
+     def __init__(self, cluster, export_process):
+         session = cluster.connect(export_process.ks)
+         session.row_factory = tuple_factory
+         session.default_fetch_size = export_process.csv_options['pagesize']
+         session.default_timeout = export_process.csv_options['pagetimeout']
+         export_process.printmsg("Created connection to %s with page size %d and timeout %d seconds per page"
+                                 % (session.hosts, session.default_fetch_size, session.default_timeout))
+         self.cluster = cluster
+         self.session = session
+ = 1
+         self.lock = Lock()
+     def add_job(self):
+         with self.lock:
+    += 1
+     def complete_job(self):
+         with self.lock:
+    -= 1
+     def num_jobs(self):
+         with self.lock:
+             return
+     def execute_async(self, query):
+         return self.session.execute_async(query)
+     def shutdown(self):
+         self.cluster.shutdown()
+ class ExportProcess(mp.Process):
+     """
+     An child worker process for the export task, ExportTask.
+     """
+     def __init__(self, inmsg, outmsg, ks, cf, columns, dialect_options, csv_options,
+                  debug, port, cql_version, auth_provider, ssl, protocol_version, config_file):
+         mp.Process.__init__(self,
+         self.inmsg = inmsg
+         self.outmsg = outmsg
+         self.ks = ks
+ = cf
+         self.columns = columns
+         self.dialect_options = dialect_options
+         self.hosts_to_sessions = dict()
+         self.debug = debug
+         self.port = port
+         self.cql_version = cql_version
+         self.auth_provider = auth_provider
+         self.ssl = ssl
+         self.protocol_version = protocol_version
+         self.config_file = config_file
+         self.encoding = csv_options['encoding']
 -        self.time_format = csv_options['dtformats']
++        self.date_time_format = csv_options['dtformats']
+         self.float_precision = csv_options['float_precision']
+         self.nullval = csv_options['nullval']
+         self.maxjobs = csv_options['jobs']
+         self.csv_options = csv_options
+         self.formatters = dict()
+         # Here we inject some failures for testing purposes, only if this environment variable is set
+         if os.environ.get('CQLSH_COPY_TEST_FAILURES', ''):
+             self.test_failures = json.loads(os.environ.get('CQLSH_COPY_TEST_FAILURES', ''))
+         else:
+             self.test_failures = None
+     def printmsg(self, text):
+         if self.debug:
+             sys.stderr.write(text + os.linesep)
+     def run(self):
+         try:
+             self.inner_run()
+         finally:
+             self.close()
+     def inner_run(self):
+         """
+         The parent sends us (range, info) on the inbound queue (inmsg)
+         in order to request us to process a range, for which we can
+         select any of the hosts in info, which also contains other information for this
+         range such as the number of attempts already performed. We can signal errors
+         on the outbound queue (outmsg) by sending (range, error) or
+         we can signal a global error by sending (None, error).
+         We terminate when the inbound queue is closed.
+         """
+         while True:
+             if self.num_jobs() > self.maxjobs:
+                 time.sleep(0.001)  # 1 millisecond
+                 continue
+             token_range, info = self.inmsg.get()
+             self.start_job(token_range, info)
+     def report_error(self, err, token_range=None):
+         if isinstance(err, str):
+             msg = err
+         elif isinstance(err, BaseException):
+             msg = "%s - %s" % (err.__class__.__name__, err)
+             if self.debug:
+                 traceback.print_exc(err)
+         else:
+             msg = str(err)
+         self.printmsg(msg)
+         self.outmsg.put((token_range, Exception(msg)))
+     def start_job(self, token_range, info):
+         """
+         Begin querying a range by executing an async query that
+         will later on invoke the callbacks attached in attach_callbacks.
+         """
+         session = self.get_session(info['hosts'])
+         metadata = session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces[self.ks].tables[]
+         query = self.prepare_query(metadata.partition_key, token_range, info['attempts'])
+         future = session.execute_async(query)
+         self.attach_callbacks(token_range, future, session)
+     def num_jobs(self):
+         return sum(session.num_jobs() for session in self.hosts_to_sessions.values())
+     def get_session(self, hosts):
+         """
+         We select a host to connect to. If we have no connections to one of the hosts
+         yet then we select this host, else we pick the one with the smallest number
+         of jobs.
+         :return: An ExportSession connected to the chosen host.
+         """
+         new_hosts = [h for h in hosts if h not in self.hosts_to_sessions]
+         if new_hosts:
+             host = new_hosts[0]
+             new_cluster = Cluster(
+                 contact_points=(host,),
+                 port=self.port,
+                 cql_version=self.cql_version,
+                 protocol_version=self.protocol_version,
+                 auth_provider=self.auth_provider,
+                 ssl_options=sslhandling.ssl_settings(host, self.config_file) if self.ssl else None,
+                 load_balancing_policy=TokenAwarePolicy(WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy(hosts)),
+                 default_retry_policy=ExpBackoffRetryPolicy(self),
+                 compression=None,
+                 executor_threads=max(2, self.csv_options['jobs'] / 2))
+             session = ExportSession(new_cluster, self)
+             self.hosts_to_sessions[host] = session
+             return session
+         else:
+             host = min(hosts, key=lambda h: self.hosts_to_sessions[h].jobs)
+             session = self.hosts_to_sessions[host]
+             session.add_job()
+             return session
+     def attach_callbacks(self, token_range, future, session):
+         def result_callback(rows):
+             if future.has_more_pages:
+                 future.start_fetching_next_page()
+                 self.write_rows_to_csv(token_range, rows)
+             else:
+                 self.write_rows_to_csv(token_range, rows)
+                 self.outmsg.put((None, None))
+                 session.complete_job()
+         def err_callback(err):
+             self.report_error(err, token_range)
+             session.complete_job()
+         future.add_callbacks(callback=result_callback, errback=err_callback)
+     def write_rows_to_csv(self, token_range, rows):
+         if len(rows) == 0:
+             return  # no rows in this range
+         try:
+             output = StringIO()
+             writer = csv.writer(output, **self.dialect_options)
+             for row in rows:
+                 writer.writerow(map(self.format_value, row))
+             data = (output.getvalue(), len(rows))
+             self.outmsg.put((token_range, data))
+             output.close()
+         except Exception, e:
+             self.report_error(e, token_range)
+     def format_value(self, val):
+         if val is None or val == EMPTY:
+             return format_value_default(self.nullval, colormap=NO_COLOR_MAP)
+         ctype = type(val)
+         formatter = self.formatters.get(ctype, None)
+         if not formatter:
+             formatter = get_formatter(ctype)
+             self.formatters[ctype] = formatter
 -        return formatter(val, encoding=self.encoding, colormap=NO_COLOR_MAP, time_format=self.time_format,
++        return formatter(val, encoding=self.encoding, colormap=NO_COLOR_MAP, date_time_format=self.date_time_format,
+                          float_precision=self.float_precision, nullval=self.nullval, quote=False)
+     def close(self):
+         self.printmsg("Export process terminating...")
+         self.inmsg.close()
+         self.outmsg.close()
+         for session in self.hosts_to_sessions.values():
+             session.shutdown()
+         self.printmsg("Export process terminated")
+     def prepare_query(self, partition_key, token_range, attempts):
+         """
+         Return the export query or a fake query with some failure injected.
+         """
+         if self.test_failures:
+             return self.maybe_inject_failures(partition_key, token_range, attempts)
+         else:
+             return self.prepare_export_query(partition_key, token_range)
+     def maybe_inject_failures(self, partition_key, token_range, attempts):
+         """
+         Examine self.test_failures and see if token_range is either a token range
+         supposed to cause a failure (failing_range) or to terminate the worker process
+         (exit_range). If not then call prepare_export_query(), which implements the
+         normal behavior.
+         """
+         start_token, end_token = token_range
+         if not start_token or not end_token:
+             # exclude first and last ranges to make things simpler
+             return self.prepare_export_query(partition_key, token_range)
+         if 'failing_range' in self.test_failures:
+             failing_range = self.test_failures['failing_range']
+             if start_token >= failing_range['start'] and end_token <= failing_range['end']:
+                 if attempts < failing_range['num_failures']:
+                     return 'SELECT * from bad_table'
+         if 'exit_range' in self.test_failures:
+             exit_range = self.test_failures['exit_range']
+             if start_token >= exit_range['start'] and end_token <= exit_range['end']:
+                 sys.exit(1)
+         return self.prepare_export_query(partition_key, token_range)
+     def prepare_export_query(self, partition_key, token_range):
+         """
+         Return a query where we select all the data for this token range
+         """
+         pk_cols = ", ".join(protect_names( for col in partition_key))
+         columnlist = ', '.join(protect_names(self.columns))
+         start_token, end_token = token_range
+         query = 'SELECT %s FROM %s.%s' % (columnlist, protect_name(self.ks), protect_name(
+         if start_token is not None or end_token is not None:
+             query += ' WHERE'
+         if start_token is not None:
+             query += ' token(%s) > %s' % (pk_cols, start_token)
+         if start_token is not None and end_token is not None:
+             query += ' AND'
+         if end_token is not None:
+             query += ' token(%s) <= %s' % (pk_cols, end_token)
+         return query
+ class RateMeter(object):
+     def __init__(self, log_threshold):
+         self.log_threshold = log_threshold  # number of records after which we log
+         self.last_checkpoint_time = time.time()  # last time we logged
+         self.current_rate = 0.0  # rows per second
+         self.current_record = 0  # number of records since we last logged
+         self.total_records = 0   # total number of records
+     def increment(self, n=1):
+         self.current_record += n
+         if self.current_record >= self.log_threshold:
+             self.update()
+             self.log()
+     def update(self):
+         new_checkpoint_time = time.time()
+         time_difference = new_checkpoint_time - self.last_checkpoint_time
+         if time_difference != 0.0:
+             self.current_rate = self.get_new_rate(self.current_record / time_difference)
+         self.last_checkpoint_time = new_checkpoint_time
+         self.total_records += self.current_record
+         self.current_record = 0
+     def get_new_rate(self, new_rate):
+         """
+          return the previous rate averaged with the new rate to smooth a bit
+         """
+         if self.current_rate == 0.0:
+             return new_rate
+         else:
+             return (self.current_rate + new_rate) / 2.0
+     def log(self):
+         output = 'Processed %d rows; Written: %f rows/s\r' % (self.total_records, self.current_rate,)
+         sys.stdout.write(output)
+         sys.stdout.flush()
+     def get_total_records(self):
+         self.update()
+         self.log()
+         return self.total_records
diff --cc pylib/cqlshlib/
index fe1786a,54dde0f..8b66bce
--- a/pylib/cqlshlib/
+++ b/pylib/cqlshlib/
@@@ -14,16 -14,14 +14,16 @@@
  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  # limitations under the License.
+ import binascii
 -import sys
 -import re
  import calendar
  import math
- import platform
 +import re
 +import sys
 +import platform
  from collections import defaultdict
  from . import wcwidth
- from .displaying import colorme, FormattedValue, DEFAULT_VALUE_COLORS
+ from .displaying import colorme, get_str, FormattedValue, DEFAULT_VALUE_COLORS, NO_COLOR_MAP
  from cassandra.cqltypes import EMPTY
  from cassandra.util import datetime_from_timestamp
  from util import UTC
@@@ -239,12 -216,15 +242,15 @@@ formatter_for('unicode')(format_value_t
  def format_simple_collection(val, lbracket, rbracket, encoding,
 -                             colormap, time_format, float_precision, nullval):
 +                             colormap, date_time_format, float_precision, nullval):
      subs = [format_value(type(sval), sval, encoding=encoding, colormap=colormap,
 -                         time_format=time_format, float_precision=float_precision,
 +                         date_time_format=date_time_format, float_precision=float_precision,
                           nullval=nullval, quote=True)
              for sval in val]
-     bval = lbracket + ', '.join(sval.strval for sval in subs) + rbracket
+     bval = lbracket + ', '.join(get_str(sval) for sval in subs) + rbracket
+     if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP:
+         return bval
      lb, sep, rb = [colormap['collection'] + s + colormap['reset']
                     for s in (lbracket, ', ', rbracket)]
      coloredval = lb + sep.join(sval.coloredval for sval in subs) + rb

[5/5] cassandra git commit: Merge branch 'cassandra-2.2' into cassandra-3.0

Posted by
Merge branch 'cassandra-2.2' into cassandra-3.0


Branch: refs/heads/cassandra-3.0
Commit: 74070ee4aba7d8d735cbe2ce5453801a0563b043
Parents: 12fd5d2 d2f243e
Author: Tyler Hobbs <>
Authored: Wed Nov 18 18:31:31 2015 -0600
Committer: Tyler Hobbs <>
Committed: Wed Nov 18 18:31:31 2015 -0600

 CHANGES.txt                  |   1 +
 bin/                 | 153 +++------
 pylib/cqlshlib/       | 647 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pylib/cqlshlib/ |  10 +
 pylib/cqlshlib/ |  32 +-
 5 files changed, 725 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)
diff --cc CHANGES.txt
index 4510462,4e19b23..2a9fbe7
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@@ -9,8 -3,19 +9,9 @@@ Merged from 2.2
   * Fix SimpleDateType type compatibility (CASSANDRA-10027)
   * (Hadoop) fix splits calculation (CASSANDRA-10640)
   * (Hadoop) ensure that Cluster instances are always closed (CASSANDRA-10058)
 - * (cqlsh) show partial trace if incomplete after max_trace_wait (CASSANDRA-7645)
 - * Use most up-to-date version of schema for system tables (CASSANDRA-10652)
 - * Deprecate memory_allocator in cassandra.yaml (CASSANDRA-10581,10628)
 - * Expose phi values from failure detector via JMX and tweak debug
 -   and trace logging (CASSANDRA-9526)
 - * Fix RangeNamesQueryPager (CASSANDRA-10509)
 - * Deprecate Pig support (CASSANDRA-10542)
 - * Reduce contention getting instances of CompositeType (CASSANDRA-10433)
  Merged from 2.1:
 - * * (cqlsh) Improve COPY TO performance and error handling (CASSANDRA-9304)
 - * Don't remove level info when running upgradesstables (CASSANDRA-10692)
++ * (cqlsh) Improve COPY TO performance and error handling (CASSANDRA-9304)
   * Create compression chunk for sending file only (CASSANDRA-10680)
 - * Make buffered read size configurable (CASSANDRA-10249)
   * Forbid compact clustering column type changes in ALTER TABLE (CASSANDRA-8879)
   * Reject incremental repair with subrange repair (CASSANDRA-10422)
   * Add a nodetool command to refresh size_estimates (CASSANDRA-9579)
diff --cc bin/
index 33533c5,94c7af3..793afe5
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@@ -2394,11 -2259,11 +2328,11 @@@ class ImportProcess(mp.Process)
          table_meta = new_cluster.metadata.keyspaces[self.ks].tables[]
          pk_cols = [ for col in table_meta.primary_key]
 -        cqltypes = [table_meta.columns[name].typestring for name in self.columns]
 +        cqltypes = [table_meta.columns[name].cql_type for name in self.columns]
          pk_indexes = [self.columns.index( for col in table_meta.primary_key]
          query = 'INSERT INTO %s.%s (%s) VALUES (%%s)' % (
-             protect_name(table_meta.keyspace_name),
-             protect_name(,
+             protect_name(self.ks),
+             protect_name(,
              ', '.join(protect_names(self.columns)))
          # we need to handle some types specially

[4/5] cassandra git commit: Merge branch 'cassandra-2.1' into cassandra-2.2

Posted by
Merge branch 'cassandra-2.1' into cassandra-2.2


Branch: refs/heads/cassandra-3.0
Commit: d2f243ee5c656eb51053e553d7371802255dfc54
Parents: d09b6c6 1b629c1
Author: Tyler Hobbs <>
Authored: Wed Nov 18 18:25:18 2015 -0600
Committer: Tyler Hobbs <>
Committed: Wed Nov 18 18:25:18 2015 -0600

 CHANGES.txt                  |   1 +
 bin/                 | 153 +++------
 pylib/cqlshlib/       | 647 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pylib/cqlshlib/ |  10 +
 pylib/cqlshlib/ |  32 +-
 5 files changed, 725 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)
diff --cc CHANGES.txt
index c3dacc2,42dcf3e..4e19b23
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@@ -1,17 -1,5 +1,18 @@@
 - * (cqlsh) Improve COPY TO performance and error handling (CASSANDRA-9304)
 + * Don't do anticompaction after subrange repair (CASSANDRA-10422)
 + * Fix SimpleDateType type compatibility (CASSANDRA-10027)
 + * (Hadoop) fix splits calculation (CASSANDRA-10640)
 + * (Hadoop) ensure that Cluster instances are always closed (CASSANDRA-10058)
 + * (cqlsh) show partial trace if incomplete after max_trace_wait (CASSANDRA-7645)
 + * Use most up-to-date version of schema for system tables (CASSANDRA-10652)
 + * Deprecate memory_allocator in cassandra.yaml (CASSANDRA-10581,10628)
 + * Expose phi values from failure detector via JMX and tweak debug
 +   and trace logging (CASSANDRA-9526)
 + * Fix RangeNamesQueryPager (CASSANDRA-10509)
 + * Deprecate Pig support (CASSANDRA-10542)
 + * Reduce contention getting instances of CompositeType (CASSANDRA-10433)
 +Merged from 2.1:
++ * * (cqlsh) Improve COPY TO performance and error handling (CASSANDRA-9304)
   * Don't remove level info when running upgradesstables (CASSANDRA-10692)
   * Create compression chunk for sending file only (CASSANDRA-10680)
   * Make buffered read size configurable (CASSANDRA-10249)

[3/5] cassandra git commit: Merge branch 'cassandra-2.1' into cassandra-2.2

Posted by
diff --cc bin/
index 64536e1,0000000..94c7af3
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@@ -1,2737 -1,0 +1,2674 @@@
 +# -*- mode: Python -*-
 +# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 +# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 +# distributed with this work for additional information
 +# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 +# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 +# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 +# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 +# limitations under the License.
 +# bash code here; finds a suitable python interpreter and execs this file.
 +# prefer unqualified "python" if suitable:
 +python -c 'import sys; sys.exit(not (0x020500b0 < sys.hexversion < 0x03000000))' 2>/dev/null \
 +    && exec python "$0" "$@"
 +for pyver in 2.6 2.7 2.5; do
 +    which python$pyver > /dev/null 2>&1 && exec python$pyver "$0" "$@"
 +echo "No appropriate python interpreter found." >&2
 +exit 1
 +from __future__ import with_statement
 +import cmd
 +import codecs
 +import ConfigParser
 +import csv
 +import getpass
 +import locale
- import multiprocessing
++import multiprocessing as mp
 +import optparse
 +import os
 +import platform
 +import sys
 +import time
 +import traceback
 +import warnings
 +from contextlib import contextmanager
 +from functools import partial
 +from glob import glob
 +from StringIO import StringIO
 +from uuid import UUID
 +if sys.version_info[0] != 2 or sys.version_info[1] != 7:
 +    sys.exit("\nCQL Shell supports only Python 2.7\n")
 +description = "CQL Shell for Apache Cassandra"
 +version = "5.0.1"
 +readline = None
 +    # check if tty first, cause readline doesn't check, and only cares
 +    # about $TERM. we don't want the funky escape code stuff to be
 +    # output if not a tty.
 +    if sys.stdin.isatty():
 +        import readline
 +except ImportError:
 +    pass
 +CQL_LIB_PREFIX = 'cassandra-driver-internal-only-'
 +CASSANDRA_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..')
 +# use bundled libs for python-cql and thrift, if available. if there
 +# is a ../lib dir, use bundled libs there preferentially.
 +ZIPLIB_DIRS = [os.path.join(CASSANDRA_PATH, 'lib')]
 +myplatform = platform.system()
 +if myplatform == 'Linux':
 +    ZIPLIB_DIRS.append('/usr/share/cassandra/lib')
 +if os.environ.get('CQLSH_NO_BUNDLED', ''):
 +    ZIPLIB_DIRS = ()
 +def find_zip(libprefix):
 +    for ziplibdir in ZIPLIB_DIRS:
 +        zips = glob(os.path.join(ziplibdir, libprefix + '*.zip'))
 +        if zips:
 +            return max(zips)   # probably the highest version, if multiple
 +cql_zip = find_zip(CQL_LIB_PREFIX)
 +if cql_zip:
 +    ver = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cql_zip))[0][len(CQL_LIB_PREFIX):]
 +    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(cql_zip, 'cassandra-driver-' + ver))
 +third_parties = ('futures-', 'six-')
 +for lib in third_parties:
 +    lib_zip = find_zip(lib)
 +    if lib_zip:
 +        sys.path.insert(0, lib_zip)
 +warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r".*blist.*")
 +    import cassandra
 +except ImportError, e:
 +    sys.exit("\nPython Cassandra driver not installed, or not on PYTHONPATH.\n"
 +             'You might try "pip install cassandra-driver".\n\n'
 +             'Python: %s\n'
 +             'Module load path: %r\n\n'
 +             'Error: %s\n' % (sys.executable, sys.path, e))
 +from cassandra.auth import PlainTextAuthProvider
 +from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
 +from cassandra.metadata import (ColumnMetadata, KeyspaceMetadata,
 +                                TableMetadata, protect_name, protect_names,
 +                                protect_value)
 +from cassandra.policies import WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy
 +from cassandra.protocol import QueryMessage, ResultMessage
 +from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement, ordered_dict_factory, TraceUnavailable
 +# cqlsh should run correctly when run out of a Cassandra source tree,
 +# out of an unpacked Cassandra tarball, and after a proper package install.
 +cqlshlibdir = os.path.join(CASSANDRA_PATH, 'pylib')
 +if os.path.isdir(cqlshlibdir):
 +    sys.path.insert(0, cqlshlibdir)
- from cqlshlib import cql3handling, cqlhandling, pylexotron, sslhandling
++from cqlshlib import cql3handling, cqlhandling, pylexotron, sslhandling, copy
 +from cqlshlib.displaying import (ANSI_RESET, BLUE, COLUMN_NAME_COLORS, CYAN,
 +                                 RED, FormattedValue, colorme)
 +from cqlshlib.formatting import (DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, DEFAULT_NANOTIME_FORMAT,
 +                                 DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, DateTimeFormat,
 +                                 format_by_type, format_value_utype,
 +                                 formatter_for)
 +from cqlshlib.tracing import print_trace, print_trace_session
 +from cqlshlib.util import get_file_encoding_bomsize, trim_if_present
 +DEFAULT_CQLVER = '3.3.1'
 +if readline is not None and readline.__doc__ is not None and 'libedit' in readline.__doc__:
 +cqldocs = None
 +cqlruleset = None
 +epilog = """Connects to %(DEFAULT_HOST)s:%(DEFAULT_PORT)d by default. These
 +defaults can be changed by setting $CQLSH_HOST and/or $CQLSH_PORT. When a
 +host (and optional port number) are given on the command line, they take
 +precedence over any defaults.""" % globals()
 +parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, epilog=epilog,
 +                               usage="Usage: %prog [options] [host [port]]",
 +                               version='cqlsh ' + version)
 +parser.add_option("-C", "--color", action='store_true', dest='color',
 +                  help='Always use color output')
 +parser.add_option("--no-color", action='store_false', dest='color',
 +                  help='Never use color output')
 +parser.add_option('--ssl', action='store_true', help='Use SSL', default=False)
 +parser.add_option("-u", "--username", help="Authenticate as user.")
 +parser.add_option("-p", "--password", help="Authenticate using password.")
 +parser.add_option('-k', '--keyspace', help='Authenticate to the given keyspace.')
 +parser.add_option("-f", "--file", help="Execute commands from FILE, then exit")
 +parser.add_option('--debug', action='store_true',
 +                  help='Show additional debugging information')
 +parser.add_option("--encoding", help="Specify a non-default encoding for output.  If you are " +
 +                  "experiencing problems with unicode characters, using utf8 may fix the problem." +
 +                  " (Default from system preferences: %s)" % (locale.getpreferredencoding(),))
 +parser.add_option("--cqlshrc", help="Specify an alternative cqlshrc file location.")
 +parser.add_option('--cqlversion', default=DEFAULT_CQLVER,
 +                  help='Specify a particular CQL version (default: %default).'
 +                       ' Examples: "3.0.3", "3.1.0"')
 +parser.add_option("-e", "--execute", help='Execute the statement and quit.')
 +parser.add_option("--connect-timeout", default=DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, dest='connect_timeout',
 +                  help='Specify the connection timeout in seconds (default: %default seconds).')
 +optvalues = optparse.Values()
 +(options, arguments) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:], values=optvalues)
 +# BEGIN history/config definition
 +HISTORY_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.cassandra'))
 +if hasattr(options, 'cqlshrc'):
 +    CONFIG_FILE = options.cqlshrc
 +    if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE):
 +        print '\nWarning: Specified cqlshrc location `%s` does not exist.  Using `%s` instead.\n' % (CONFIG_FILE, HISTORY_DIR)
 +        CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(HISTORY_DIR, 'cqlshrc')
 +    CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(HISTORY_DIR, 'cqlshrc')
 +HISTORY = os.path.join(HISTORY_DIR, 'cqlsh_history')
 +if not os.path.exists(HISTORY_DIR):
 +    try:
 +        os.mkdir(HISTORY_DIR)
 +    except OSError:
 +        print '\nWarning: Cannot create directory at `%s`. Command history will not be saved.\n' % HISTORY_DIR
 +OLD_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.cqlshrc'))
 +if os.path.exists(OLD_CONFIG_FILE):
 +    if os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE):
 +        print '\nWarning: cqlshrc config files were found at both the old location (%s) and \
 +                the new location (%s), the old config file will not be migrated to the new \
 +                location, and the new location will be used for now.  You should manually \
 +                consolidate the config files at the new location and remove the old file.' \
 +                % (OLD_CONFIG_FILE, CONFIG_FILE)
 +    else:
 +        os.rename(OLD_CONFIG_FILE, CONFIG_FILE)
 +OLD_HISTORY = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.cqlsh_history'))
 +if os.path.exists(OLD_HISTORY):
 +    os.rename(OLD_HISTORY, HISTORY)
 +# END history/config definition
 +    cassandra.AlreadyExists, cassandra.AuthenticationFailed, cassandra.InvalidRequest,
 +    cassandra.Timeout, cassandra.Unauthorized, cassandra.OperationTimedOut,
 +    cassandra.cluster.NoHostAvailable,
 +    cassandra.connection.ConnectionBusy, cassandra.connection.ProtocolError, cassandra.connection.ConnectionException,
 +    cassandra.protocol.ErrorMessage, cassandra.protocol.InternalError, cassandra.query.TraceUnavailable
 +debug_completion = bool(os.environ.get('CQLSH_DEBUG_COMPLETION', '') == 'YES')
 +# we want the cql parser to understand our cqlsh-specific commands too
 +my_commands_ending_with_newline = (
 +    'help',
 +    '?',
 +    'consistency',
 +    'serial',
 +    'describe',
 +    'desc',
 +    'show',
 +    'source',
 +    'capture',
 +    'login',
 +    'debug',
 +    'tracing',
 +    'expand',
 +    'paging',
 +    'exit',
 +    'quit',
 +    'clear',
 +    'cls'
 +cqlsh_syntax_completers = []
 +def cqlsh_syntax_completer(rulename, termname):
 +    def registrator(f):
 +        cqlsh_syntax_completers.append((rulename, termname, f))
 +        return f
 +    return registrator
 +cqlsh_extra_syntax_rules = r'''
 +<cqlshCommand> ::= <CQL_Statement>
 +                 | <specialCommand> ( ";" | "\n" )
 +                 ;
 +<specialCommand> ::= <describeCommand>
 +                   | <consistencyCommand>
 +                   | <serialConsistencyCommand>
 +                   | <showCommand>
 +                   | <sourceCommand>
 +                   | <captureCommand>
 +                   | <copyCommand>
 +                   | <loginCommand>
 +                   | <debugCommand>
 +                   | <helpCommand>
 +                   | <tracingCommand>
 +                   | <expandCommand>
 +                   | <exitCommand>
 +                   | <pagingCommand>
 +                   | <clearCommand>
 +                   ;
 +<describeCommand> ::= ( "DESCRIBE" | "DESC" )
 +                                  ( "FUNCTIONS" ksname=<keyspaceName>?
 +                                  | "FUNCTION" udf=<anyFunctionName>
 +                                  | "AGGREGATES" ksname=<keyspaceName>?
 +                                  | "AGGREGATE" uda=<userAggregateName>
 +                                  | "KEYSPACES"
 +                                  | "KEYSPACE" ksname=<keyspaceName>?
 +                                  | ( "COLUMNFAMILY" | "TABLE" ) cf=<columnFamilyName>
 +                                  | "INDEX" idx=<indexName>
 +                                  | ( "COLUMNFAMILIES" | "TABLES" )
 +                                  | "FULL"? "SCHEMA"
 +                                  | "CLUSTER"
 +                                  | "TYPES"
 +                                  | "TYPE" ut=<userTypeName>
 +                                  | (ksname=<keyspaceName> | cf=<columnFamilyName> | idx=<indexName>))
 +                    ;
 +<consistencyCommand> ::= "CONSISTENCY" ( level=<consistencyLevel> )?
 +                       ;
 +<consistencyLevel> ::= "ANY"
 +                     | "ONE"
 +                     | "TWO"
 +                     | "THREE"
 +                     | "QUORUM"
 +                     | "ALL"
 +                     | "LOCAL_QUORUM"
 +                     | "EACH_QUORUM"
 +                     | "SERIAL"
 +                     | "LOCAL_SERIAL"
 +                     | "LOCAL_ONE"
 +                     ;
 +<serialConsistencyCommand> ::= "SERIAL" "CONSISTENCY" ( level=<serialConsistencyLevel> )?
 +                             ;
 +<serialConsistencyLevel> ::= "SERIAL"
 +                           | "LOCAL_SERIAL"
 +                           ;
 +<showCommand> ::= "SHOW" what=( "VERSION" | "HOST" | "SESSION" sessionid=<uuid> )
 +                ;
 +<sourceCommand> ::= "SOURCE" fname=<stringLiteral>
 +                  ;
 +<captureCommand> ::= "CAPTURE" ( fname=( <stringLiteral> | "OFF" ) )?
 +                   ;
 +<copyCommand> ::= "COPY" cf=<columnFamilyName>
 +                         ( "(" [colnames]=<colname> ( "," [colnames]=<colname> )* ")" )?
 +                         ( dir="FROM" ( fname=<stringLiteral> | "STDIN" )
 +                         | dir="TO"   ( fname=<stringLiteral> | "STDOUT" ) )
 +                         ( "WITH" <copyOption> ( "AND" <copyOption> )* )?
 +                ;
 +<copyOption> ::= [optnames]=(<identifier>|<reserved_identifier>) "=" [optvals]=<copyOptionVal>
 +               ;
 +<copyOptionVal> ::= <identifier>
 +                  | <reserved_identifier>
 +                  | <stringLiteral>
 +                  ;
 +# avoiding just "DEBUG" so that this rule doesn't get treated as a terminal
 +<debugCommand> ::= "DEBUG" "THINGS"?
 +                 ;
 +<helpCommand> ::= ( "HELP" | "?" ) [topic]=( /[a-z_]*/ )*
 +                ;
 +<tracingCommand> ::= "TRACING" ( switch=( "ON" | "OFF" ) )?
 +                   ;
 +<expandCommand> ::= "EXPAND" ( switch=( "ON" | "OFF" ) )?
 +                   ;
 +<pagingCommand> ::= "PAGING" ( switch=( "ON" | "OFF" | /[0-9]+/) )?
 +                  ;
 +<loginCommand> ::= "LOGIN" username=<username> (password=<stringLiteral>)?
 +                 ;
 +<exitCommand> ::= "exit" | "quit"
 +                ;
 +<clearCommand> ::= "CLEAR" | "CLS"
 +                 ;
 +<qmark> ::= "?" ;
 +@cqlsh_syntax_completer('helpCommand', 'topic')
 +def complete_help(ctxt, cqlsh):
 +    return sorted([t.upper() for t in cqldocs.get_help_topics() + cqlsh.get_help_topics()])
 +def complete_source_quoted_filename(ctxt, cqlsh):
 +    partial_path = ctxt.get_binding('partial', '')
 +    head, tail = os.path.split(partial_path)
 +    exhead = os.path.expanduser(head)
 +    try:
 +        contents = os.listdir(exhead or '.')
 +    except OSError:
 +        return ()
 +    matches = filter(lambda f: f.startswith(tail), contents)
 +    annotated = []
 +    for f in matches:
 +        match = os.path.join(head, f)
 +        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(exhead, f)):
 +            match += '/'
 +        annotated.append(match)
 +    return annotated
 +cqlsh_syntax_completer('sourceCommand', 'fname')(complete_source_quoted_filename)
 +cqlsh_syntax_completer('captureCommand', 'fname')(complete_source_quoted_filename)
 +@cqlsh_syntax_completer('copyCommand', 'fname')
 +def copy_fname_completer(ctxt, cqlsh):
 +    lasttype = ctxt.get_binding('*LASTTYPE*')
 +    if lasttype == 'unclosedString':
 +        return complete_source_quoted_filename(ctxt, cqlsh)
 +    partial_path = ctxt.get_binding('partial')
 +    if partial_path == '':
 +        return ["'"]
 +    return ()
 +@cqlsh_syntax_completer('copyCommand', 'colnames')
 +def complete_copy_column_names(ctxt, cqlsh):
 +    existcols = map(cqlsh.cql_unprotect_name, ctxt.get_binding('colnames', ()))
 +    ks = cqlsh.cql_unprotect_name(ctxt.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +    cf = cqlsh.cql_unprotect_name(ctxt.get_binding('cfname'))
 +    colnames = cqlsh.get_column_names(ks, cf)
 +    if len(existcols) == 0:
 +        return [colnames[0]]
 +    return set(colnames[1:]) - set(existcols)
 +@cqlsh_syntax_completer('copyOption', 'optnames')
 +def complete_copy_options(ctxt, cqlsh):
 +    optnames = map(str.upper, ctxt.get_binding('optnames', ()))
 +    direction = ctxt.get_binding('dir').upper()
 +    opts = set(COPY_OPTIONS) - set(optnames)
 +    if direction == 'FROM':
-         opts -= ('ENCODING',)
-         opts -= ('TIMEFORMAT',)
 +    return opts
 +@cqlsh_syntax_completer('copyOption', 'optvals')
 +def complete_copy_opt_values(ctxt, cqlsh):
 +    optnames = ctxt.get_binding('optnames', ())
 +    lastopt = optnames[-1].lower()
 +    if lastopt == 'header':
 +        return ['true', 'false']
 +    return [cqlhandling.Hint('<single_character_string>')]
 +class NoKeyspaceError(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class KeyspaceNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class ColumnFamilyNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class IndexNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class ObjectNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class VersionNotSupported(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class UserTypeNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class FunctionNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class AggregateNotFound(Exception):
 +    pass
 +class DecodeError(Exception):
 +    verb = 'decode'
 +    def __init__(self, thebytes, err, colname=None):
 +        self.thebytes = thebytes
 +        self.err = err
 +        self.colname = colname
 +    def __str__(self):
 +        return str(self.thebytes)
 +    def message(self):
 +        what = 'value %r' % (self.thebytes,)
 +        if self.colname is not None:
 +            what = 'value %r (for column %r)' % (self.thebytes, self.colname)
 +        return 'Failed to %s %s : %s' \
 +               % (self.verb, what, self.err)
 +    def __repr__(self):
 +        return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.message())
 +class FormatError(DecodeError):
 +    verb = 'format'
 +def full_cql_version(ver):
 +    while ver.count('.') < 2:
 +        ver += '.0'
 +    ver_parts = ver.split('-', 1) + ['']
 +    vertuple = tuple(map(int, ver_parts[0].split('.')) + [ver_parts[1]])
 +    return ver, vertuple
 +def format_value(val, output_encoding, addcolor=False, date_time_format=None,
 +                 float_precision=None, colormap=None, nullval=None):
 +    if isinstance(val, DecodeError):
 +        if addcolor:
 +            return colorme(repr(val.thebytes), colormap, 'error')
 +        else:
 +            return FormattedValue(repr(val.thebytes))
 +    return format_by_type(type(val), val, output_encoding, colormap=colormap,
 +                          addcolor=addcolor, nullval=nullval, date_time_format=date_time_format,
 +                          float_precision=float_precision)
 +def show_warning_without_quoting_line(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None):
 +    if file is None:
 +        file = sys.stderr
 +    try:
 +        file.write(warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line=''))
 +    except IOError:
 +        pass
 +warnings.showwarning = show_warning_without_quoting_line
 +warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=cql3handling.UnexpectedTableStructure)
 +def describe_interval(seconds):
 +    desc = []
 +    for length, unit in ((86400, 'day'), (3600, 'hour'), (60, 'minute')):
 +        num = int(seconds) / length
 +        if num > 0:
 +            desc.append('%d %s' % (num, unit))
 +            if num > 1:
 +                desc[-1] += 's'
 +        seconds %= length
 +    words = '%.03f seconds' % seconds
 +    if len(desc) > 1:
 +        words = ', '.join(desc) + ', and ' + words
 +    elif len(desc) == 1:
 +        words = desc[0] + ' and ' + words
 +    return words
++def insert_driver_hooks():
++    extend_cql_deserialization()
++    auto_format_udts()
++def extend_cql_deserialization():
++    """
++    The python driver returns BLOBs as string, but we expect them as bytearrays
++    """
++    cassandra.cqltypes.BytesType.deserialize = staticmethod(lambda byts, protocol_version: bytearray(byts))
++    cassandra.cqltypes.CassandraType.support_empty_values = True
 +def auto_format_udts():
 +    # when we see a new user defined type, set up the shell formatting for it
 +    udt_apply_params = cassandra.cqltypes.UserType.apply_parameters
 +    def new_apply_params(cls, *args, **kwargs):
 +        udt_class = udt_apply_params(*args, **kwargs)
 +        formatter_for(udt_class.typename)(format_value_utype)
 +        return udt_class
 +    cassandra.cqltypes.UserType.udt_apply_parameters = classmethod(new_apply_params)
 +    make_udt_class = cassandra.cqltypes.UserType.make_udt_class
 +    def new_make_udt_class(cls, *args, **kwargs):
 +        udt_class = make_udt_class(*args, **kwargs)
 +        formatter_for(udt_class.tuple_type.__name__)(format_value_utype)
 +        return udt_class
 +    cassandra.cqltypes.UserType.make_udt_class = classmethod(new_make_udt_class)
 +class FrozenType(cassandra.cqltypes._ParameterizedType):
 +    """
 +    Needed until the bundled python driver adds FrozenType.
 +    """
 +    typename = "frozen"
 +    num_subtypes = 1
 +    @classmethod
 +    def deserialize_safe(cls, byts, protocol_version):
 +        subtype, = cls.subtypes
 +        return subtype.from_binary(byts)
 +    @classmethod
 +    def serialize_safe(cls, val, protocol_version):
 +        subtype, = cls.subtypes
 +        return subtype.to_binary(val, protocol_version)
 +class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
 +    custom_prompt = os.getenv('CQLSH_PROMPT', '')
 +    if custom_prompt is not '':
 +        custom_prompt += "\n"
 +    default_prompt = custom_prompt + "cqlsh> "
 +    continue_prompt = "   ... "
 +    keyspace_prompt = custom_prompt + "cqlsh:%s> "
 +    keyspace_continue_prompt = "%s    ... "
 +    show_line_nums = False
 +    debug = False
 +    stop = False
 +    last_hist = None
 +    shunted_query_out = None
 +    use_paging = True
 +    csv_dialect_defaults = dict(delimiter=',', doublequote=False,
 +                                escapechar='\\', quotechar='"')
 +    default_page_size = 100
 +    def __init__(self, hostname, port, color=False,
 +                 username=None, password=None, encoding=None, stdin=None, tty=True,
 +                 completekey=DEFAULT_COMPLETEKEY, use_conn=None,
 +                 cqlver=DEFAULT_CQLVER, keyspace=None,
 +                 tracing_enabled=False, expand_enabled=False,
 +                 display_nanotime_format=DEFAULT_NANOTIME_FORMAT,
 +                 display_timestamp_format=DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT,
 +                 display_date_format=DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT,
 +                 display_float_precision=DEFAULT_FLOAT_PRECISION,
 +                 max_trace_wait=DEFAULT_MAX_TRACE_WAIT,
 +                 ssl=False,
 +                 single_statement=None,
 +                 client_timeout=10,
 +                 protocol_version=DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION,
 +                 connect_timeout=DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS):
 +        cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, completekey=completekey)
 +        self.hostname = hostname
 +        self.port = port
 +        self.auth_provider = None
 +        if username:
 +            if not password:
 +                password = getpass.getpass()
 +            self.auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider(username=username, password=password)
 +        self.username = username
 +        self.keyspace = keyspace
 +        self.ssl = ssl
 +        self.tracing_enabled = tracing_enabled
 +        self.page_size = self.default_page_size
 +        self.expand_enabled = expand_enabled
 +        if use_conn:
 +            self.conn = use_conn
 +        else:
 +            self.conn = Cluster(contact_points=(self.hostname,), port=self.port, cql_version=cqlver,
 +                                protocol_version=protocol_version,
 +                                auth_provider=self.auth_provider,
 +                                ssl_options=sslhandling.ssl_settings(hostname, CONFIG_FILE) if ssl else None,
 +                                load_balancing_policy=WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy([self.hostname]),
 +                                connect_timeout=connect_timeout)
 +        self.owns_connection = not use_conn
 +        self.set_expanded_cql_version(cqlver)
 +        if keyspace:
 +            self.session = self.conn.connect(keyspace)
 +        else:
 +            self.session = self.conn.connect()
 +        self.color = color
 +        self.display_nanotime_format = display_nanotime_format
 +        self.display_timestamp_format = display_timestamp_format
 +        self.display_date_format = display_date_format
 +        self.display_float_precision = display_float_precision
 +        # If there is no schema metadata present (due to a schema mismatch), force schema refresh
 +        if not self.conn.metadata.keyspaces:
 +            self.refresh_schema_metadata_best_effort()
 +        self.session.default_timeout = client_timeout
 +        self.session.row_factory = ordered_dict_factory
 +        self.session.default_consistency_level = cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.ONE
 +        self.get_connection_versions()
 +        self.current_keyspace = keyspace
 +        self.display_timestamp_format = display_timestamp_format
 +        self.display_nanotime_format = display_nanotime_format
 +        self.display_date_format = display_date_format
 +        self.max_trace_wait = max_trace_wait
 +        self.session.max_trace_wait = max_trace_wait
 +        if encoding is None:
 +            encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
 +        self.encoding = encoding
 +        self.output_codec = codecs.lookup(encoding)
 +        self.statement = StringIO()
 +        self.lineno = 1
 +        self.in_comment = False
 +        self.prompt = ''
 +        if stdin is None:
 +            stdin = sys.stdin
 +        self.tty = tty
 +        if tty:
 +            self.reset_prompt()
 +            self.report_connection()
 +            print 'Use HELP for help.'
 +        else:
 +            self.show_line_nums = True
 +        self.stdin = stdin
 +        self.query_out = sys.stdout
 +        self.consistency_level = cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.ONE
 +        self.serial_consistency_level = cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL
-         # the python driver returns BLOBs as string, but we expect them as bytearrays
-         cassandra.cqltypes.BytesType.deserialize = staticmethod(lambda byts, protocol_version: bytearray(byts))
-         cassandra.cqltypes.CassandraType.support_empty_values = True
-         auto_format_udts()
 +        self.empty_lines = 0
 +        self.statement_error = False
 +        self.single_statement = single_statement
 +    def refresh_schema_metadata_best_effort(self):
 +        try:
 +            self.conn.refresh_schema_metadata(5)  # will throw exception if there is a schema mismatch
 +        except Exception:
 +            self.printerr("Warning: schema version mismatch detected, which might be caused by DOWN nodes; if "
 +                          "this is not the case, check the schema versions of your nodes in system.local and "
 +                          "system.peers.")
 +            self.conn.refresh_schema_metadata(0)
 +    def set_expanded_cql_version(self, ver):
 +        ver, vertuple = full_cql_version(ver)
 +        self.cql_version = ver
 +        self.cql_ver_tuple = vertuple
 +    def cqlver_atleast(self, major, minor=0, patch=0):
 +        return self.cql_ver_tuple[:3] >= (major, minor, patch)
 +    def myformat_value(self, val, **kwargs):
 +        if isinstance(val, DecodeError):
 +            self.decoding_errors.append(val)
 +        try:
 +            dtformats = DateTimeFormat(timestamp_format=self.display_timestamp_format,
 +                                       date_format=self.display_date_format, nanotime_format=self.display_nanotime_format)
 +            return format_value(val,,
 +                                addcolor=self.color, date_time_format=dtformats,
 +                                float_precision=self.display_float_precision, **kwargs)
 +        except Exception, e:
 +            err = FormatError(val, e)
 +            self.decoding_errors.append(err)
 +            return format_value(err,, addcolor=self.color)
 +    def myformat_colname(self, name, table_meta=None):
 +        column_colors = COLUMN_NAME_COLORS.copy()
 +        # check column role and color appropriately
 +        if table_meta:
 +            if name in [ for col in table_meta.partition_key]:
 +                column_colors.default_factory = lambda: RED
 +            elif name in [ for col in table_meta.clustering_key]:
 +                column_colors.default_factory = lambda: CYAN
 +        return self.myformat_value(name, colormap=column_colors)
 +    def report_connection(self):
 +        self.show_host()
 +        self.show_version()
 +    def show_host(self):
 +        print "Connected to %s at %s:%d." % \
 +            (self.applycolor(self.get_cluster_name(), BLUE),
 +              self.hostname,
 +              self.port)
 +    def show_version(self):
 +        vers = self.connection_versions.copy()
 +        vers['shver'] = version
 +        # system.Versions['cql'] apparently does not reflect changes with
 +        # set_cql_version.
 +        vers['cql'] = self.cql_version
 +        print "[cqlsh %(shver)s | Cassandra %(build)s | CQL spec %(cql)s | Native protocol v%(protocol)s]" % vers
 +    def show_session(self, sessionid, partial_session=False):
 +        print_trace_session(self, self.session, sessionid, partial_session)
 +    def get_connection_versions(self):
 +        result, = self.session.execute("select * from system.local where key = 'local'")
 +        vers = {
 +            'build': result['release_version'],
 +            'protocol': result['native_protocol_version'],
 +            'cql': result['cql_version'],
 +        }
 +        self.connection_versions = vers
 +    def get_keyspace_names(self):
 +        return map(str, self.conn.metadata.keyspaces.keys())
 +    def get_columnfamily_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return map(str, self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname).tables.keys())
 +    def get_index_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return map(str, self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname).indexes.keys())
 +    def get_column_names(self, ksname, cfname):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        layout = self.get_table_meta(ksname, cfname)
 +        return [str(col) for col in layout.columns]
 +    def get_usertype_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname).user_types.keys()
 +    def get_usertype_layout(self, ksname, typename):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        ks_meta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +        try:
 +            user_type = ks_meta.user_types[typename]
 +        except KeyError:
 +            raise UserTypeNotFound("User type %r not found" % typename)
 +        return [(field_name, field_type.cql_parameterized_type())
 +                for field_name, field_type in zip(user_type.field_names, user_type.field_types)]
 +    def get_userfunction_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return map(lambda f:, self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname).functions.values())
 +    def get_useraggregate_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return map(lambda f:, self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname).aggregates.values())
 +    def get_cluster_name(self):
 +        return self.conn.metadata.cluster_name
 +    def get_partitioner(self):
 +        return self.conn.metadata.partitioner
 +    def get_keyspace_meta(self, ksname):
 +        if ksname not in self.conn.metadata.keyspaces:
 +            raise KeyspaceNotFound('Keyspace %r not found.' % ksname)
 +        return self.conn.metadata.keyspaces[ksname]
 +    def get_keyspaces(self):
 +        return self.conn.metadata.keyspaces.values()
-     def get_ring(self):
-         if self.current_keyspace is None or self.current_keyspace == 'system':
-             raise NoKeyspaceError("Ring view requires a current non-system keyspace")
-         self.conn.metadata.token_map.rebuild_keyspace(self.current_keyspace, build_if_absent=True)
-         return self.conn.metadata.token_map.tokens_to_hosts_by_ks[self.current_keyspace]
++    def get_ring(self, ks):
++        self.conn.metadata.token_map.rebuild_keyspace(ks, build_if_absent=True)
++        return self.conn.metadata.token_map.tokens_to_hosts_by_ks[ks]
 +    def get_table_meta(self, ksname, tablename):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +        if tablename not in ksmeta.tables:
 +            if ksname == 'system_auth' and tablename in ['roles', 'role_permissions']:
 +                self.get_fake_auth_table_meta(ksname, tablename)
 +            else:
 +                raise ColumnFamilyNotFound("Column family %r not found" % tablename)
 +        else:
 +            return ksmeta.tables[tablename]
 +    def get_fake_auth_table_meta(self, ksname, tablename):
 +        # may be using external auth implementation so internal tables
 +        # aren't actually defined in schema. In this case, we'll fake
 +        # them up
 +        if tablename == 'roles':
 +            ks_meta = KeyspaceMetadata(ksname, True, None, None)
 +            table_meta = TableMetadata(ks_meta, 'roles')
 +            table_meta.columns['role'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 'role', cassandra.cqltypes.UTF8Type)
 +            table_meta.columns['is_superuser'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 'is_superuser', cassandra.cqltypes.BooleanType)
 +            table_meta.columns['can_login'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 'can_login', cassandra.cqltypes.BooleanType)
 +        elif tablename == 'role_permissions':
 +            ks_meta = KeyspaceMetadata(ksname, True, None, None)
 +            table_meta = TableMetadata(ks_meta, 'role_permissions')
 +            table_meta.columns['role'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 'role', cassandra.cqltypes.UTF8Type)
 +            table_meta.columns['resource'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 'resource', cassandra.cqltypes.UTF8Type)
 +            table_meta.columns['permission'] = ColumnMetadata(table_meta, 'permission', cassandra.cqltypes.UTF8Type)
 +        else:
 +            raise ColumnFamilyNotFound("Column family %r not found" % tablename)
 +    def get_index_meta(self, ksname, idxname):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +        if idxname not in ksmeta.indexes:
 +            raise IndexNotFound("Index %r not found" % idxname)
 +        return ksmeta.indexes[idxname]
 +    def get_object_meta(self, ks, name):
 +        if name is None:
 +            if ks and ks in self.conn.metadata.keyspaces:
 +                return self.conn.metadata.keyspaces[ks]
 +            elif self.current_keyspace is None:
 +                raise ObjectNotFound("%r not found in keyspaces" % (ks))
 +            else:
 +                name = ks
 +                ks = self.current_keyspace
 +        if ks is None:
 +            ks = self.current_keyspace
 +        ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ks)
 +        if name in ksmeta.tables:
 +            return ksmeta.tables[name]
 +        elif name in ksmeta.indexes:
 +            return ksmeta.indexes[name]
 +        raise ObjectNotFound("%r not found in keyspace %r" % (name, ks))
 +    def get_usertypes_meta(self):
 +        data = self.session.execute("select * from system.schema_usertypes")
 +        if not data:
 +            return cql3handling.UserTypesMeta({})
 +        return cql3handling.UserTypesMeta.from_layout(data)
 +    def get_trigger_names(self, ksname=None):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        return [
 +                for table in self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname).tables.values()
 +                for trigger in table.triggers.values()]
 +    def reset_statement(self):
 +        self.reset_prompt()
 +        self.statement.truncate(0)
 +        self.empty_lines = 0
 +    def reset_prompt(self):
 +        if self.current_keyspace is None:
 +            self.set_prompt(self.default_prompt, True)
 +        else:
 +            self.set_prompt(self.keyspace_prompt % self.current_keyspace, True)
 +    def set_continue_prompt(self):
 +        if self.empty_lines >= 3:
 +            self.set_prompt("Statements are terminated with a ';'.  You can press CTRL-C to cancel an incomplete statement.")
 +            self.empty_lines = 0
 +            return
 +        if self.current_keyspace is None:
 +            self.set_prompt(self.continue_prompt)
 +        else:
 +            spaces = ' ' * len(str(self.current_keyspace))
 +            self.set_prompt(self.keyspace_continue_prompt % spaces)
 +        self.empty_lines = self.empty_lines + 1 if not self.lastcmd else 0
 +    @contextmanager
 +    def prepare_loop(self):
 +        readline = None
 +        if self.tty and self.completekey:
 +            try:
 +                import readline
 +            except ImportError:
 +                if myplatform == 'Windows':
 +                    print "WARNING: pyreadline dependency missing.  Install to enable tab completion."
 +                pass
 +            else:
 +                old_completer = readline.get_completer()
 +                readline.set_completer(self.complete)
 +                if readline.__doc__ is not None and 'libedit' in readline.__doc__:
 +                    readline.parse_and_bind("bind -e")
 +                    readline.parse_and_bind("bind '" + self.completekey + "' rl_complete")
 +                    readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^R em-inc-search-prev")
 +                else:
 +                    readline.parse_and_bind(self.completekey + ": complete")
 +        try:
 +            yield
 +        finally:
 +            if readline is not None:
 +                readline.set_completer(old_completer)
 +    def get_input_line(self, prompt=''):
 +        if self.tty:
 +            self.lastcmd = raw_input(prompt)
 +            line = self.lastcmd + '\n'
 +        else:
 +            self.lastcmd = self.stdin.readline()
 +            line = self.lastcmd
 +            if not len(line):
 +                raise EOFError
 +        self.lineno += 1
 +        return line
 +    def use_stdin_reader(self, until='', prompt=''):
 +        until += '\n'
 +        while True:
 +            try:
 +                newline = self.get_input_line(prompt=prompt)
 +            except EOFError:
 +                return
 +            if newline == until:
 +                return
 +            yield newline
 +    def cmdloop(self):
 +        """
 +        Adapted from cmd.Cmd's version, because there is literally no way with
 +        cmd.Cmd.cmdloop() to tell the difference between "EOF" showing up in
 +        input and an actual EOF.
 +        """
 +        with self.prepare_loop():
 +            while not self.stop:
 +                try:
 +                    if self.single_statement:
 +                        line = self.single_statement
 +                        self.stop = True
 +                    else:
 +                        line = self.get_input_line(self.prompt)
 +                    self.statement.write(line)
 +                    if self.onecmd(self.statement.getvalue()):
 +                        self.reset_statement()
 +                except EOFError:
 +                    self.handle_eof()
 +                except CQL_ERRORS, cqlerr:
 +                    self.printerr(str(cqlerr))
 +                except KeyboardInterrupt:
 +                    self.reset_statement()
 +                    print
 +    def onecmd(self, statementtext):
 +        """
 +        Returns true if the statement is complete and was handled (meaning it
 +        can be reset).
 +        """
 +        try:
 +            statements, in_batch = cqlruleset.cql_split_statements(statementtext)
 +        except pylexotron.LexingError, e:
 +            if self.show_line_nums:
 +                self.printerr('Invalid syntax at char %d' % (e.charnum,))
 +            else:
 +                self.printerr('Invalid syntax at line %d, char %d'
 +                              % (e.linenum, e.charnum))
 +            statementline = statementtext.split('\n')[e.linenum - 1]
 +            self.printerr('  %s' % statementline)
 +            self.printerr(' %s^' % (' ' * e.charnum))
 +            return True
 +        while statements and not statements[-1]:
 +            statements = statements[:-1]
 +        if not statements:
 +            return True
 +        if in_batch or statements[-1][-1][0] != 'endtoken':
 +            self.set_continue_prompt()
 +            return
 +        for st in statements:
 +            try:
 +                self.handle_statement(st, statementtext)
 +            except Exception, e:
 +                if self.debug:
 +                    traceback.print_exc()
 +                else:
 +                    self.printerr(e)
 +        return True
 +    def handle_eof(self):
 +        if self.tty:
 +            print
 +        statement = self.statement.getvalue()
 +        if statement.strip():
 +            if not self.onecmd(statement):
 +                self.printerr('Incomplete statement at end of file')
 +        self.do_exit()
 +    def handle_statement(self, tokens, srcstr):
 +        # Concat multi-line statements and insert into history
 +        if readline is not None:
 +            nl_count = srcstr.count("\n")
 +            new_hist = srcstr.replace("\n", " ").rstrip()
 +            if nl_count > 1 and self.last_hist != new_hist:
 +                readline.add_history(new_hist)
 +            self.last_hist = new_hist
 +        cmdword = tokens[0][1]
 +        if cmdword == '?':
 +            cmdword = 'help'
 +        custom_handler = getattr(self, 'do_' + cmdword.lower(), None)
 +        if custom_handler:
 +            parsed = cqlruleset.cql_whole_parse_tokens(tokens, srcstr=srcstr,
 +                                                       startsymbol='cqlshCommand')
 +            if parsed and not parsed.remainder:
 +                # successful complete parse
 +                return custom_handler(parsed)
 +            else:
 +                return self.handle_parse_error(cmdword, tokens, parsed, srcstr)
 +        return self.perform_statement(cqlruleset.cql_extract_orig(tokens, srcstr))
 +    def handle_parse_error(self, cmdword, tokens, parsed, srcstr):
 +        if cmdword.lower() in ('select', 'insert', 'update', 'delete', 'truncate',
 +                               'create', 'drop', 'alter', 'grant', 'revoke',
 +                               'batch', 'list'):
 +            # hey, maybe they know about some new syntax we don't. type
 +            # assumptions won't work, but maybe the query will.
 +            return self.perform_statement(cqlruleset.cql_extract_orig(tokens, srcstr))
 +        if parsed:
 +            self.printerr('Improper %s command (problem at %r).' % (cmdword, parsed.remainder[0]))
 +        else:
 +            self.printerr('Improper %s command.' % cmdword)
 +    def do_use(self, parsed):
 +        ksname = parsed.get_binding('ksname')
 +        success, _ = self.perform_simple_statement(SimpleStatement(parsed.extract_orig()))
 +        if success:
 +            if ksname[0] == '"' and ksname[-1] == '"':
 +                self.current_keyspace = self.cql_unprotect_name(ksname)
 +            else:
 +                self.current_keyspace = ksname.lower()
 +    def do_select(self, parsed):
 +        tracing_was_enabled = self.tracing_enabled
 +        ksname = parsed.get_binding('ksname')
 +        stop_tracing = ksname == 'system_traces' or (ksname is None and self.current_keyspace == 'system_traces')
 +        self.tracing_enabled = self.tracing_enabled and not stop_tracing
 +        statement = parsed.extract_orig()
 +        self.perform_statement(statement)
 +        self.tracing_enabled = tracing_was_enabled
 +    def perform_statement(self, statement):
 +        stmt = SimpleStatement(statement, consistency_level=self.consistency_level, serial_consistency_level=self.serial_consistency_level, fetch_size=self.page_size if self.use_paging else None)
 +        success, future = self.perform_simple_statement(stmt)
 +        if future:
 +            if future.warnings:
 +                self.print_warnings(future.warnings)
 +            if self.tracing_enabled:
 +                try:
 +                    for trace in future.get_all_query_traces(self.max_trace_wait):
 +                        print_trace(self, trace)
 +                except TraceUnavailable:
 +                    msg = "Statement trace did not complete within %d seconds; trace data may be incomplete." % (self.session.max_trace_wait,)
 +                    self.writeresult(msg, color=RED)
 +                    for trace_id in future.get_query_trace_ids():
 +                        self.show_session(trace_id, partial_session=True)
 +                except Exception, err:
 +                    self.printerr("Unable to fetch query trace: %s" % (str(err),))
 +        return success
 +    def parse_for_table_meta(self, query_string):
 +        try:
 +            parsed = cqlruleset.cql_parse(query_string)[1]
 +        except IndexError:
 +            return None
 +        ks = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +        cf = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('cfname'))
 +        return self.get_table_meta(ks, cf)
 +    def perform_simple_statement(self, statement):
 +        if not statement:
 +            return False, None
 +        rows = None
 +        while True:
 +            try:
 +                future = self.session.execute_async(statement, trace=self.tracing_enabled)
 +                result = future.result()
 +                break
 +            except cassandra.OperationTimedOut, err:
 +                self.refresh_schema_metadata_best_effort()
 +                self.printerr(str(err.__class__.__name__) + ": " + str(err))
 +                return False, None
 +            except CQL_ERRORS, err:
 +                self.printerr(str(err.__class__.__name__) + ": " + str(err))
 +                return False, None
 +            except Exception, err:
 +                import traceback
 +                self.printerr(traceback.format_exc())
 +                return False, None
 +        if statement.query_string[:6].lower() == 'select':
 +            self.print_result(result, self.parse_for_table_meta(statement.query_string))
 +        elif statement.query_string.lower().startswith("list users") or statement.query_string.lower().startswith("list roles"):
 +            self.print_result(result, self.get_table_meta('system_auth', 'roles'))
 +        elif statement.query_string.lower().startswith("list"):
 +            self.print_result(result, self.get_table_meta('system_auth', 'role_permissions'))
 +        elif result:
 +            # CAS INSERT/UPDATE
 +            self.writeresult("")
 +            self.print_static_result(list(result), self.parse_for_table_meta(statement.query_string))
 +        self.flush_output()
 +        return True, future
 +    def print_result(self, result, table_meta):
 +        self.decoding_errors = []
 +        self.writeresult("")
 +        if result.has_more_pages and self.tty:
 +            num_rows = 0
 +            while True:
 +                page = result.current_rows
 +                if page:
 +                    num_rows += len(page)
 +                    self.print_static_result(page, table_meta)
 +                if result.has_more_pages:
 +                    raw_input("---MORE---")
 +                    result.fetch_next_page()
 +                else:
 +                    break
 +        else:
 +            rows = list(result)
 +            num_rows = len(rows)
 +            self.print_static_result(rows, table_meta)
 +        self.writeresult("(%d rows)" % num_rows)
 +        if self.decoding_errors:
 +            for err in self.decoding_errors[:2]:
 +                self.writeresult(err.message(), color=RED)
 +            if len(self.decoding_errors) > 2:
 +                self.writeresult('%d more decoding errors suppressed.'
 +                                 % (len(self.decoding_errors) - 2), color=RED)
 +    def print_static_result(self, rows, table_meta):
 +        if not rows:
 +            if not table_meta:
 +                return
 +            # print header only
 +            colnames = table_meta.columns.keys()  # full header
 +            formatted_names = [self.myformat_colname(name, table_meta) for name in colnames]
 +            self.print_formatted_result(formatted_names, None)
 +            return
 +        colnames = rows[0].keys()
 +        formatted_names = [self.myformat_colname(name, table_meta) for name in colnames]
 +        formatted_values = [map(self.myformat_value, row.values()) for row in rows]
 +        if self.expand_enabled:
 +            self.print_formatted_result_vertically(formatted_names, formatted_values)
 +        else:
 +            self.print_formatted_result(formatted_names, formatted_values)
 +    def print_formatted_result(self, formatted_names, formatted_values):
 +        # determine column widths
 +        widths = [n.displaywidth for n in formatted_names]
 +        if formatted_values is not None:
 +            for fmtrow in formatted_values:
 +                for num, col in enumerate(fmtrow):
 +                    widths[num] = max(widths[num], col.displaywidth)
 +        # print header
 +        header = ' | '.join(hdr.ljust(w, color=self.color) for (hdr, w) in zip(formatted_names, widths))
 +        self.writeresult(' ' + header.rstrip())
 +        self.writeresult('-%s-' % '-+-'.join('-' * w for w in widths))
 +        # stop if there are no rows
 +        if formatted_values is None:
 +            self.writeresult("")
 +            return
 +        # print row data
 +        for row in formatted_values:
 +            line = ' | '.join(col.rjust(w, color=self.color) for (col, w) in zip(row, widths))
 +            self.writeresult(' ' + line)
 +        self.writeresult("")
 +    def print_formatted_result_vertically(self, formatted_names, formatted_values):
 +        max_col_width = max([n.displaywidth for n in formatted_names])
 +        max_val_width = max([n.displaywidth for row in formatted_values for n in row])
 +        # for each row returned, list all the column-value pairs
 +        for row_id, row in enumerate(formatted_values):
 +            self.writeresult("@ Row %d" % (row_id + 1))
 +            self.writeresult('-%s-' % '-+-'.join(['-' * max_col_width, '-' * max_val_width]))
 +            for field_id, field in enumerate(row):
 +                column = formatted_names[field_id].ljust(max_col_width, color=self.color)
 +                value = field.ljust(field.displaywidth, color=self.color)
 +                self.writeresult(' ' + " | ".join([column, value]))
 +            self.writeresult('')
 +    def print_warnings(self, warnings):
 +        if warnings is None or len(warnings) == 0:
 +            return
 +        self.writeresult('')
 +        self.writeresult('Warnings :')
 +        for warning in warnings:
 +            self.writeresult(warning)
 +            self.writeresult('')
 +    def emptyline(self):
 +        pass
 +    def parseline(self, line):
 +        # this shouldn't be needed
 +        raise NotImplementedError
 +    def complete(self, text, state):
 +        if readline is None:
 +            return
 +        if state == 0:
 +            try:
 +                self.completion_matches = self.find_completions(text)
 +            except Exception:
 +                if debug_completion:
 +                    import traceback
 +                    traceback.print_exc()
 +                else:
 +                    raise
 +        try:
 +            return self.completion_matches[state]
 +        except IndexError:
 +            return None
 +    def find_completions(self, text):
 +        curline = readline.get_line_buffer()
 +        prevlines = self.statement.getvalue()
 +        wholestmt = prevlines + curline
 +        begidx = readline.get_begidx() + len(prevlines)
 +        stuff_to_complete = wholestmt[:begidx]
 +        return cqlruleset.cql_complete(stuff_to_complete, text, cassandra_conn=self,
 +                                       debug=debug_completion, startsymbol='cqlshCommand')
 +    def set_prompt(self, prompt, prepend_user=False):
 +        if prepend_user and self.username:
 +            self.prompt = "%s@%s" % (self.username, prompt)
 +            return
 +        self.prompt = prompt
 +    def cql_unprotect_name(self, namestr):
 +        if namestr is None:
 +            return
 +        return cqlruleset.dequote_name(namestr)
 +    def cql_unprotect_value(self, valstr):
 +        if valstr is not None:
 +            return cqlruleset.dequote_value(valstr)
 +    def print_recreate_keyspace(self, ksdef, out):
 +        out.write(ksdef.export_as_string())
 +        out.write("\n")
 +    def print_recreate_columnfamily(self, ksname, cfname, out):
 +        """
 +        Output CQL commands which should be pasteable back into a CQL session
 +        to recreate the given table.
 +        Writes output to the given out stream.
 +        """
 +        out.write(self.get_table_meta(ksname, cfname).export_as_string())
 +        out.write("\n")
 +    def print_recreate_index(self, ksname, idxname, out):
 +        """
 +        Output CQL commands which should be pasteable back into a CQL session
 +        to recreate the given index.
 +        Writes output to the given out stream.
 +        """
 +        out.write(self.get_index_meta(ksname, idxname).export_as_string())
 +        out.write("\n")
 +    def print_recreate_object(self, ks, name, out):
 +        """
 +        Output CQL commands which should be pasteable back into a CQL session
 +        to recreate the given object (ks, table or index).
 +        Writes output to the given out stream.
 +        """
 +        out.write(self.get_object_meta(ks, name).export_as_string())
 +        out.write("\n")
 +    def describe_keyspaces(self):
 +        print
 +        cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, protect_names(self.get_keyspace_names()))
 +        print
 +    def describe_keyspace(self, ksname):
 +        print
 +        self.print_recreate_keyspace(self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname), sys.stdout)
 +        print
 +    def describe_columnfamily(self, ksname, cfname):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            raise NoKeyspaceError("No keyspace specified and no current keyspace")
 +        print
 +        self.print_recreate_columnfamily(ksname, cfname, sys.stdout)
 +        print
 +    def describe_index(self, ksname, idxname):
 +        print
 +        self.print_recreate_index(ksname, idxname, sys.stdout)
 +        print
 +    def describe_object(self, ks, name):
 +        print
 +        self.print_recreate_object(ks, name, sys.stdout)
 +        print
 +    def describe_columnfamilies(self, ksname):
 +        print
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            for k in self.get_keyspaces():
 +                name = protect_name(
 +                print 'Keyspace %s' % (name,)
 +                print '---------%s' % ('-' * len(name))
 +                cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, protect_names(self.get_columnfamily_names(
 +                print
 +        else:
 +            cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, protect_names(self.get_columnfamily_names(ksname)))
 +            print
 +    def describe_functions(self, ksname=None):
 +        print
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            for ksmeta in self.get_keyspaces():
 +                name = protect_name(
 +                print 'Keyspace %s' % (name,)
 +                print '---------%s' % ('-' * len(name))
 +                cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, protect_names(ksmeta.functions.keys()))
 +                print
 +        else:
 +            ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +            cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, protect_names(ksmeta.functions.keys()))
 +            print
 +    def describe_function(self, ksname, functionname):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            raise NoKeyspaceError("No keyspace specified and no current keyspace")
 +        print
 +        ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +        functions = filter(lambda f: == functionname, ksmeta.functions.values())
 +        if len(functions) == 0:
 +            raise FunctionNotFound("User defined function %r not found" % functionname)
 +        print "\n\n".join(func.as_cql_query(formatted=True) for func in functions)
 +        print
 +    def describe_aggregates(self, ksname=None):
 +        print
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            for ksmeta in self.get_keyspaces():
 +                name = protect_name(
 +                print 'Keyspace %s' % (name,)
 +                print '---------%s' % ('-' * len(name))
 +                cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, protect_names(ksmeta.aggregates.keys()))
 +                print
 +        else:
 +            ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +            cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, protect_names(ksmeta.aggregates.keys()))
 +            print
 +    def describe_aggregate(self, ksname, aggregatename):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            raise NoKeyspaceError("No keyspace specified and no current keyspace")
 +        print
 +        ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +        aggregates = filter(lambda f: == aggregatename, ksmeta.aggregates.values())
 +        if len(aggregates) == 0:
 +            raise FunctionNotFound("User defined aggregate %r not found" % aggregatename)
 +        print "\n\n".join(aggr.as_cql_query(formatted=True) for aggr in aggregates)
 +        print
 +    def describe_usertypes(self, ksname):
 +        print
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            for ksmeta in self.get_keyspaces():
 +                name = protect_name(
 +                print 'Keyspace %s' % (name,)
 +                print '---------%s' % ('-' * len(name))
 +                cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, protect_names(ksmeta.user_types.keys()))
 +                print
 +        else:
 +            ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +            cmd.Cmd.columnize(self, protect_names(ksmeta.user_types.keys()))
 +            print
 +    def describe_usertype(self, ksname, typename):
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +        if ksname is None:
 +            raise NoKeyspaceError("No keyspace specified and no current keyspace")
 +        print
 +        ksmeta = self.get_keyspace_meta(ksname)
 +        try:
 +            usertype = ksmeta.user_types[typename]
 +        except KeyError:
 +            raise UserTypeNotFound("User type %r not found" % typename)
 +        print usertype.as_cql_query(formatted=True)
 +        print
 +    def describe_cluster(self):
 +        print '\nCluster: %s' % self.get_cluster_name()
 +        p = trim_if_present(self.get_partitioner(), 'org.apache.cassandra.dht.')
 +        print 'Partitioner: %s\n' % p
 +        # TODO: snitch?
 +        # snitch = trim_if_present(self.get_snitch(), 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.')
 +        # print 'Snitch: %s\n' % snitch
 +        if self.current_keyspace is not None and self.current_keyspace != 'system':
 +            print "Range ownership:"
-             ring = self.get_ring()
++            ring = self.get_ring(self.current_keyspace)
 +            for entry in ring.items():
 +                print ' %39s  [%s]' % (str(entry[0].value), ', '.join([host.address for host in entry[1]]))
 +            print
 +    def describe_schema(self, include_system=False):
 +        print
 +        for k in self.get_keyspaces():
 +            if include_system or not in cql3handling.SYSTEM_KEYSPACES:
 +                self.print_recreate_keyspace(k, sys.stdout)
 +                print
 +    def do_describe(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        DESCRIBE [cqlsh only]
 +        (DESC may be used as a shorthand.)
 +          Outputs information about the connected Cassandra cluster, or about
 +          the data stored on it. Use in one of the following ways:
 +          Output the names of all keyspaces.
 +        DESCRIBE KEYSPACE [<keyspacename>]
 +          Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the given
 +          keyspace, and the tables in it. In some cases, as the CQL interface
 +          matures, there will be some metadata about a keyspace that is not
 +          representable with CQL. That metadata will not be shown.
 +          The '<keyspacename>' argument may be omitted when using a non-system
 +          keyspace; in that case, the current keyspace will be described.
 +          Output the names of all tables in the current keyspace, or in all
 +          keyspaces if there is no current keyspace.
 +        DESCRIBE TABLE <tablename>
 +          Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the given table.
 +          In some cases, as above, there may be table metadata which is not
 +          representable and which will not be shown.
 +        DESCRIBE INDEX <indexname>
 +          Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the given index.
 +          In some cases, there may be index metadata which is not representable
 +          and which will not be shown.
 +          Output information about the connected Cassandra cluster, such as the
 +          cluster name, and the partitioner and snitch in use. When you are
 +          connected to a non-system keyspace, also shows endpoint-range
 +          ownership information for the Cassandra ring.
 +          Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the entire (non-system) schema.
 +          Works as though "DESCRIBE KEYSPACE k" was invoked for each non-system keyspace
 +          k. Use DESCRIBE FULL SCHEMA to include the system keyspaces.
 +        DESCRIBE FUNCTIONS <keyspace>
 +          Output the names of all user defined functions in the given keyspace.
 +        DESCRIBE FUNCTION [<keyspace>.]<function>
 +          Describe the given user defined function.
 +        DESCRIBE AGGREGATES <keyspace>
 +          Output the names of all user defined aggregates in the given keyspace.
 +        DESCRIBE AGGREGATE [<keyspace>.]<aggregate>
 +          Describe the given user defined aggregate.
 +        DESCRIBE <objname>
 +          Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the entire object schema,
 +          where object can be either a keyspace or a table or an index (in this order).
 +  """
 +        what = parsed.matched[1][1].lower()
 +        if what == 'functions':
 +            ksname = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +            self.describe_functions(ksname)
 +        elif what == 'function':
 +            ksname = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +            functionname = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('udfname'))
 +            self.describe_function(ksname, functionname)
 +        elif what == 'aggregates':
 +            ksname = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +            self.describe_aggregates(ksname)
 +        elif what == 'aggregate':
 +            ksname = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +            aggregatename = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('udaname'))
 +            self.describe_aggregate(ksname, aggregatename)
 +        elif what == 'keyspaces':
 +            self.describe_keyspaces()
 +        elif what == 'keyspace':
 +            ksname = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', ''))
 +            if not ksname:
 +                ksname = self.current_keyspace
 +                if ksname is None:
 +                    self.printerr('Not in any keyspace.')
 +                    return
 +            self.describe_keyspace(ksname)
 +        elif what in ('columnfamily', 'table'):
 +            ks = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +            cf = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('cfname'))
 +            self.describe_columnfamily(ks, cf)
 +        elif what == 'index':
 +            ks = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +            idx = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('idxname', None))
 +            self.describe_index(ks, idx)
 +        elif what in ('columnfamilies', 'tables'):
 +            self.describe_columnfamilies(self.current_keyspace)
 +        elif what == 'types':
 +            self.describe_usertypes(self.current_keyspace)
 +        elif what == 'type':
 +            ks = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +            ut = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('utname'))
 +            self.describe_usertype(ks, ut)
 +        elif what == 'cluster':
 +            self.describe_cluster()
 +        elif what == 'schema':
 +            self.describe_schema(False)
 +        elif what == 'full' and parsed.matched[2][1].lower() == 'schema':
 +            self.describe_schema(True)
 +        elif what:
 +            ks = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +            name = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('cfname'))
 +            if not name:
 +                name = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('idxname', None))
 +            self.describe_object(ks, name)
 +    do_desc = do_describe
 +    def do_copy(self, parsed):
 +        r"""
 +        COPY [cqlsh only]
 +          COPY x FROM: Imports CSV data into a Cassandra table
 +          COPY x TO: Exports data from a Cassandra table in CSV format.
 +        COPY <table_name> [ ( column [, ...] ) ]
 +             FROM ( '<filename>' | STDIN )
 +             [ WITH <option>='value' [AND ...] ];
 +        COPY <table_name> [ ( column [, ...] ) ]
 +             TO ( '<filename>' | STDOUT )
 +             [ WITH <option>='value' [AND ...] ];
 +        Available options and defaults:
 +          DELIMITER=','           - character that appears between records
 +          QUOTE='"'               - quoting character to be used to quote fields
 +          ESCAPE='\'              - character to appear before the QUOTE char when quoted
 +          HEADER=false            - whether to ignore the first line
 +          NULL=''                 - string that represents a null value
 +          ENCODING='utf8'         - encoding for CSV output (COPY TO only)
 +          TIMEFORMAT=             - timestamp strftime format (COPY TO only)
 +            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z'   defaults to time_format value in cqlshrc
 +        When entering CSV data on STDIN, you can use the sequence "\."
 +        on a line by itself to end the data input.
 +        """
 +        ks = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('ksname', None))
 +        if ks is None:
 +            ks = self.current_keyspace
 +            if ks is None:
 +                raise NoKeyspaceError("Not in any keyspace.")
 +        cf = self.cql_unprotect_name(parsed.get_binding('cfname'))
 +        columns = parsed.get_binding('colnames', None)
 +        if columns is not None:
 +            columns = map(self.cql_unprotect_name, columns)
 +        else:
 +            # default to all known columns
 +            columns = self.get_column_names(ks, cf)
 +        fname = parsed.get_binding('fname', None)
 +        if fname is not None:
 +            fname = os.path.expanduser(self.cql_unprotect_value(fname))
 +        copyoptnames = map(str.lower, parsed.get_binding('optnames', ()))
 +        copyoptvals = map(self.cql_unprotect_value, parsed.get_binding('optvals', ()))
 +        cleancopyoptvals = [optval.decode('string-escape') for optval in copyoptvals]
 +        opts = dict(zip(copyoptnames, cleancopyoptvals))
 +        timestart = time.time()
 +        direction = parsed.get_binding('dir').upper()
 +        if direction == 'FROM':
 +            rows = self.perform_csv_import(ks, cf, columns, fname, opts)
 +            verb = 'imported'
 +        elif direction == 'TO':
 +            rows = self.perform_csv_export(ks, cf, columns, fname, opts)
 +            verb = 'exported'
 +        else:
 +            raise SyntaxError("Unknown direction %s" % direction)
 +        timeend = time.time()
 +        print "\n%d rows %s in %s." % (rows, verb, describe_interval(timeend - timestart))
 +    def perform_csv_import(self, ks, cf, columns, fname, opts):
-         dialect_options = self.csv_dialect_defaults.copy()
-         if 'quote' in opts:
-             dialect_options['quotechar'] = opts.pop('quote')
-         if 'escape' in opts:
-             dialect_options['escapechar'] = opts.pop('escape')
-         if 'delimiter' in opts:
-             dialect_options['delimiter'] = opts.pop('delimiter')
-         nullval = opts.pop('null', '')
-         header = bool(opts.pop('header', '').lower() == 'true')
-         if dialect_options['quotechar'] == dialect_options['escapechar']:
-             dialect_options['doublequote'] = True
-             del dialect_options['escapechar']
-         if opts:
++        csv_options, dialect_options, unrecognized_options = copy.parse_options(self, opts)
++        if unrecognized_options:
 +            self.printerr('Unrecognized COPY FROM options: %s'
-                           % ', '.join(opts.keys()))
++                          % ', '.join(unrecognized_options.keys()))
 +            return 0
++        nullval, header = csv_options['nullval'], csv_options['header']
 +        if fname is None:
 +            do_close = False
 +            print "[Use \. on a line by itself to end input]"
 +            linesource = self.use_stdin_reader(prompt='[copy] ', until=r'\.')
 +        else:
 +            do_close = True
 +            try:
 +                linesource = open(fname, 'rb')
 +            except IOError, e:
 +                self.printerr("Can't open %r for reading: %s" % (fname, e))
 +                return 0
 +        current_record = None
++        processes, pipes = [], [],
 +        try:
 +            if header:
 +            reader = csv.reader(linesource, **dialect_options)
-             from multiprocessing import Pipe, cpu_count
-             # Pick a resonable number of child processes. We need to leave at
-             # least one core for the parent process.  This doesn't necessarily
-             # need to be capped at 4, but it's currently enough to keep
-             # a single local Cassandra node busy, and I see lower throughput
-             # with more processes.
-             try:
-                 num_processes = max(1, min(4, cpu_count() - 1))
-             except NotImplementedError:
-                 num_processes = 1
++            num_processes = copy.get_num_processes(cap=4)
-             processes, pipes = [], [],
 +            for i in range(num_processes):
-                 parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe()
++                parent_conn, child_conn = mp.Pipe()
 +                pipes.append(parent_conn)
 +                processes.append(ImportProcess(self, child_conn, ks, cf, columns, nullval))
 +            for process in processes:
 +                process.start()
-             meter = RateMeter(10000)
++            meter = copy.RateMeter(10000)
 +            for current_record, row in enumerate(reader, start=1):
 +                # write to the child process
 +                pipes[current_record % num_processes].send((current_record, row))
 +                # update the progress and current rate periodically
 +                meter.increment()
 +                # check for any errors reported by the children
 +                if (current_record % 100) == 0:
-                     if self._check_child_pipes(current_record, pipes):
++                    if self._check_import_processes(current_record, pipes):
 +                        # no errors seen, continue with outer loop
 +                        continue
 +                    else:
 +                        # errors seen, break out of outer loop
 +                        break
 +        except Exception, exc:
 +            if current_record is None:
 +                # we failed before we started
 +                self.printerr("\nError starting import process:\n")
 +                self.printerr(str(exc))
 +                if self.debug:
 +                    traceback.print_exc()
 +            else:
 +                self.printerr("\n" + str(exc))
 +                self.printerr("\nAborting import at record #%d. "
 +                              "Previously inserted records and some records after "
 +                              "this number may be present."
 +                              % (current_record,))
 +                if self.debug:
 +                    traceback.print_exc()
 +        finally:
 +            # send a message that indicates we're done
 +            for pipe in pipes:
 +                pipe.send((None, None))
 +            for process in processes:
 +                process.join()
-             self._check_child_pipes(current_record, pipes)
++            self._check_import_processes(current_record, pipes)
 +            for pipe in pipes:
 +                pipe.close()
 +            if do_close:
 +                linesource.close()
 +            elif self.tty:
 +                print
 +        return current_record
-     def _check_child_pipes(self, current_record, pipes):
-         # check the pipes for errors from child processes
++    def _check_import_processes(self, current_record, pipes):
 +        for pipe in pipes:
 +            if pipe.poll():
 +                try:
 +                    (record_num, error) = pipe.recv()
 +                    self.printerr("\n" + str(error))
 +                    self.printerr(
 +                        "Aborting import at record #%d. "
 +                        "Previously inserted records are still present, "
 +                        "and some records after that may be present as well."
 +                        % (record_num,))
 +                    return False
 +                except EOFError:
 +                    # pipe is closed, nothing to read
 +                    self.printerr("\nChild process died without notification, "
 +                                  "aborting import at record #%d. Previously "
 +                                  "inserted records are probably still present, "
 +                                  "and some records after that may be present "
 +                                  "as well." % (current_record,))
 +                    return False
 +        return True
 +    def perform_csv_export(self, ks, cf, columns, fname, opts):
-         dialect_options = self.csv_dialect_defaults.copy()
-         if 'quote' in opts:
-             dialect_options['quotechar'] = opts.pop('quote')
-         if 'escape' in opts:
-             dialect_options['escapechar'] = opts.pop('escape')
-         if 'delimiter' in opts:
-             dialect_options['delimiter'] = opts.pop('delimiter')
-         encoding = opts.pop('encoding', 'utf8')
-         nullval = opts.pop('null', '')
-         header = bool(opts.pop('header', '').lower() == 'true')
-         timestamp_format = opts.pop('timeformat', self.display_timestamp_format)
-         if dialect_options['quotechar'] == dialect_options['escapechar']:
-             dialect_options['doublequote'] = True
-             del dialect_options['escapechar']
-         if opts:
-             self.printerr('Unrecognized COPY TO options: %s'
-                           % ', '.join(opts.keys()))
++        csv_options, dialect_options, unrecognized_options = copy.parse_options(self, opts)
++        if unrecognized_options:
++            self.printerr('Unrecognized COPY TO options: %s' % ', '.join(unrecognized_options.keys()))
 +            return 0
-         if fname is None:
-             do_close = False
-             csvdest = sys.stdout
-         else:
-             do_close = True
-             try:
-                 csvdest = open(fname, 'wb')
-             except IOError, e:
-                 self.printerr("Can't open %r for writing: %s" % (fname, e))
-                 return 0
-         meter = RateMeter(10000)
-         try:
-             dtformats = DateTimeFormat(timestamp_format, self.display_date_format, self.display_nanotime_format)
-             dump = self.prep_export_dump(ks, cf, columns)
-             writer = csv.writer(csvdest, **dialect_options)
-             if header:
-                 writer.writerow(columns)
-             for row in dump:
-                 fmt = lambda v: \
-                     format_value(v, output_encoding=encoding, nullval=nullval,
-                                  date_time_format=dtformats,
-                                  float_precision=self.display_float_precision).strval
-                 writer.writerow(map(fmt, row.values()))
-                 meter.increment()
-         finally:
-             if do_close:
-                 csvdest.close()
-         return meter.current_record
-     def prep_export_dump(self, ks, cf, columns):
-         if columns is None:
-             columns = self.get_column_names(ks, cf)
-         columnlist = ', '.join(protect_names(columns))
-         query = 'SELECT %s FROM %s.%s' % (columnlist, protect_name(ks), protect_name(cf))
-         return self.session.execute(query)
++        return copy.ExportTask(self, ks, cf, columns, fname, csv_options, dialect_options,
++                               DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, CONFIG_FILE).run()
 +    def do_show(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        SHOW [cqlsh only]
 +          Displays information about the current cqlsh session. Can be called in
 +          the following ways:
 +        SHOW VERSION
 +          Shows the version and build of the connected Cassandra instance, as
 +          well as the versions of the CQL spec and the Thrift protocol that
 +          the connected Cassandra instance understands.
 +        SHOW HOST
 +          Shows where cqlsh is currently connected.
 +        SHOW SESSION <sessionid>
 +          Pretty-prints the requested tracing session.
 +        """
 +        showwhat = parsed.get_binding('what').lower()
 +        if showwhat == 'version':
 +            self.get_connection_versions()
 +            self.show_version()
 +        elif showwhat == 'host':
 +            self.show_host()
 +        elif showwhat.startswith('session'):
 +            session_id = parsed.get_binding('sessionid').lower()
 +            self.show_session(UUID(session_id))
 +        else:
 +            self.printerr('Wait, how do I show %r?' % (showwhat,))
 +    def do_source(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        SOURCE [cqlsh only]
 +        Executes a file containing CQL statements. Gives the output for each
 +        statement in turn, if any, or any errors that occur along the way.
 +        Errors do NOT abort execution of the CQL source file.
 +        Usage:
 +          SOURCE '<file>';
 +        That is, the path to the file to be executed must be given inside a
 +        string literal. The path is interpreted relative to the current working
 +        directory. The tilde shorthand notation ('~/mydir') is supported for
 +        referring to $HOME.
 +        See also the --file option to cqlsh.
 +        """
 +        fname = parsed.get_binding('fname')
 +        fname = os.path.expanduser(self.cql_unprotect_value(fname))
 +        try:
 +            encoding, bom_size = get_file_encoding_bomsize(fname)
 +            f =, 'r', encoding)
 +        except IOError, e:
 +            self.printerr('Could not open %r: %s' % (fname, e))
 +            return
 +        subshell = Shell(self.hostname, self.port,
 +                         color=self.color, encoding=self.encoding, stdin=f,
 +                         tty=False, use_conn=self.conn, cqlver=self.cql_version,
 +                         display_timestamp_format=self.display_timestamp_format,
 +                         display_date_format=self.display_date_format,
 +                         display_nanotime_format=self.display_nanotime_format,
 +                         display_float_precision=self.display_float_precision,
 +                         max_trace_wait=self.max_trace_wait)
 +        subshell.cmdloop()
 +        f.close()
 +    def do_capture(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        CAPTURE [cqlsh only]
 +        Begins capturing command output and appending it to a specified file.
 +        Output will not be shown at the console while it is captured.
 +        Usage:
 +          CAPTURE '<file>';
 +          CAPTURE OFF;
 +          CAPTURE;
 +        That is, the path to the file to be appended to must be given inside a
 +        string literal. The path is interpreted relative to the current working
 +        directory. The tilde shorthand notation ('~/mydir') is supported for
 +        referring to $HOME.
 +        Only query result output is captured. Errors and output from cqlsh-only
 +        commands will still be shown in the cqlsh session.
 +        To stop capturing output and show it in the cqlsh session again, use
 +        CAPTURE OFF.
 +        To inspect the current capture configuration, use CAPTURE with no
 +        arguments.
 +        """
 +        fname = parsed.get_binding('fname')
 +        if fname is None:
 +            if self.shunted_query_out is not None:
 +                print "Currently capturing query output to %r." % (,)
 +            else:
 +                print "Currently not capturing query output."
 +            return
 +        if fname.upper() == 'OFF':
 +            if self.shunted_query_out is None:
 +                self.printerr('Not currently capturing output.')
 +                return
 +            self.query_out.close()
 +            self.query_out = self.shunted_query_out
 +            self.color = self.shunted_color
 +            self.shunted_query_out = None
 +            del self.shunted_color
 +            return
 +        if self.shunted_query_out is not None:
 +            self.printerr('Already capturing output to %s. Use CAPTURE OFF'
 +                          ' to disable.' % (,))
 +            return
 +        fname = os.path.expanduser(self.cql_unprotect_value(fname))
 +        try:
 +            f = open(fname, 'a')
 +        except IOError, e:
 +            self.printerr('Could not open %r for append: %s' % (fname, e))
 +            return
 +        self.shunted_query_out = self.query_out
 +        self.shunted_color = self.color
 +        self.query_out = f
 +        self.color = False
 +        print 'Now capturing query output to %r.' % (fname,)
 +    def do_tracing(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        TRACING [cqlsh]
 +          Enables or disables request tracing.
 +        TRACING ON
 +          Enables tracing for all further requests.
 +        TRACING OFF
 +          Disables tracing.
 +        TRACING
 +          TRACING with no arguments shows the current tracing status.
 +        """
 +        self.tracing_enabled = SwitchCommand("TRACING", "Tracing").execute(self.tracing_enabled, parsed, self.printerr)
 +    def do_expand(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        EXPAND [cqlsh]
 +          Enables or disables expanded (vertical) output.
 +        EXPAND ON
 +          Enables expanded (vertical) output.
 +        EXPAND OFF
 +          Disables expanded (vertical) output.
 +        EXPAND
 +          EXPAND with no arguments shows the current value of expand setting.
 +        """
 +        self.expand_enabled = SwitchCommand("EXPAND", "Expanded output").execute(self.expand_enabled, parsed, self.printerr)
 +    def do_consistency(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        CONSISTENCY [cqlsh only]
 +           Overrides default consistency level (default level is ONE).
 +        CONSISTENCY <level>
 +           Sets consistency level for future requests.
 +           Valid consistency levels:
 +           SERIAL and LOCAL_SERIAL may be used only for SELECTs; will be rejected with updates.
 +           CONSISTENCY with no arguments shows the current consistency level.
 +        """
 +        level = parsed.get_binding('level')
 +        if level is None:
 +            print 'Current consistency level is %s.' % (cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.value_to_name[self.consistency_level])
 +            return
 +        self.consistency_level = cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.name_to_value[level.upper()]
 +        print 'Consistency level set to %s.' % (level.upper(),)
 +    def do_serial(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        SERIAL CONSISTENCY [cqlsh only]
 +           Overrides serial consistency level (default level is SERIAL).
 +        SERIAL CONSISTENCY <level>
 +           Sets consistency level for future conditional updates.
 +           Valid consistency levels:
 +           SERIAL, LOCAL_SERIAL.
 +           SERIAL CONSISTENCY with no arguments shows the current consistency level.
 +        """
 +        level = parsed.get_binding('level')
 +        if level is None:
 +            print 'Current serial consistency level is %s.' % (cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.value_to_name[self.serial_consistency_level])
 +            return
 +        self.serial_consistency_level = cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.name_to_value[level.upper()]
 +        print 'Serial consistency level set to %s.' % (level.upper(),)
 +    def do_login(self, parsed):
 +        """
 +        LOGIN [cqlsh only]
 +           Changes login information without requiring restart.
 +        LOGIN <username> (<password>)
 +           Login using the specified username. If password is specified, it will be used
 +           otherwise, you will be prompted to enter.
 +        """
 +        username = parsed.get_binding('username')
 +        password = parsed.get_binding('password')
 +        if password is None:
 +            password = getpass.getpass()
 +        else:
 +            password = password[1:-1]
 +        auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider(username=username, password=password)
 +        conn = Cluster(contact_points=(self.hostname,), port=self.port, cql_version=self.conn.cql_version,