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Posted to by Danny Antonetti <> on 2012/04/03 03:06:49 UTC

Sqoop merge with Avro problem

I am using the Avro format.

I currently have sqoop setup to do an initial full dump, or an incremental
dump and then a merge from the previous full dump.

But the merge fails with the following error

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Obj avro.schema{""
at java.lang.Long.parseLong(
at java.lang.Long.valueOf(
at com.test.hadoop.sqoop.clients.__loadFromFields(
at com.test.hadoop.sqoop.clients.parse(

FULL import
sqoop import
--class-name "$TABLE"
--columns $COLUMNS
--incremental "append"
--check-column "object_version"
--where "$WHERE"
--connect jdbc:mysql://$SERVER:3306/database
--target-dir $OUTPUTDIR

Incremental import
sqoop import
--class-name "$TABLE"
--columns $COLUMNS
--incremental 'append'
--check-column 'object_version'
--where "$WHERE"
--connect jdbc:mysql://$SERVER:3306/database
--target-dir $OUTPUTDIR
--last-value "$LAST_VALUE"

sqoop merge
--merge-key $MERGE_KEY
--class-name $TABLE