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Posted to by on 2018/01/02 18:28:06 UTC

[11/51] [partial] nifi-minifi-cpp git commit: MINIFICPP-351: Remove Civetweb third party directory
diff --git a/thirdparty/civetweb-1.10/src/third_party/duktape-1.5.2/src-separate/duk_js.h b/thirdparty/civetweb-1.10/src/third_party/duktape-1.5.2/src-separate/duk_js.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fbf82f..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/civetweb-1.10/src/third_party/duktape-1.5.2/src-separate/duk_js.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- *  Ecmascript execution, support primitives.
- */
-/* Flags for call handling. */
-#define DUK_CALL_FLAG_IGNORE_RECLIMIT        (1 << 0)  /* duk_handle_call_xxx: call ignores C recursion limit (for errhandler calls) */
-#define DUK_CALL_FLAG_CONSTRUCTOR_CALL       (1 << 1)  /* duk_handle_call_xxx: constructor call (i.e. called as 'new Foo()') */
-#define DUK_CALL_FLAG_IS_RESUME              (1 << 2)  /* duk_handle_ecma_call_setup: setup for a resume() */
-#define DUK_CALL_FLAG_IS_TAILCALL            (1 << 3)  /* duk_handle_ecma_call_setup: setup for a tail call */
-#define DUK_CALL_FLAG_DIRECT_EVAL            (1 << 4)  /* call is a direct eval call */
-/* Flags for duk_js_equals_helper(). */
-#define DUK_EQUALS_FLAG_SAMEVALUE            (1 << 0)  /* use SameValue instead of non-strict equality */
-#define DUK_EQUALS_FLAG_STRICT               (1 << 1)  /* use strict equality instead of non-strict equality */
-/* Flags for duk_js_compare_helper(). */
-#define DUK_COMPARE_FLAG_EVAL_LEFT_FIRST     (1 << 0)  /* eval left argument first */
-#define DUK_COMPARE_FLAG_NEGATE              (1 << 1)  /* negate result */
-/* conversions, coercions, comparison, etc */
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk_js_toboolean(duk_tval *tv);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_double_t duk_js_tonumber(duk_hthread *thr, duk_tval *tv);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_double_t duk_js_tointeger_number(duk_double_t x);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_double_t duk_js_tointeger(duk_hthread *thr, duk_tval *tv);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_uint32_t duk_js_touint32(duk_hthread *thr, duk_tval *tv);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_int32_t duk_js_toint32(duk_hthread *thr, duk_tval *tv);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_uint16_t duk_js_touint16(duk_hthread *thr, duk_tval *tv);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_small_int_t duk_js_to_arrayindex_raw_string(const duk_uint8_t *str, duk_uint32_t blen, duk_uarridx_t *out_idx);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_uarridx_t duk_js_to_arrayindex_string_helper(duk_hstring *h);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk_js_equals_helper(duk_hthread *thr, duk_tval *tv_x, duk_tval *tv_y, duk_small_int_t flags);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_small_int_t duk_js_data_compare(const duk_uint8_t *buf1, const duk_uint8_t *buf2, duk_size_t len1, duk_size_t len2);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_small_int_t duk_js_string_compare(duk_hstring *h1, duk_hstring *h2);
-#if 0  /* unused */
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_small_int_t duk_js_buffer_compare(duk_heap *heap, duk_hbuffer *h1, duk_hbuffer *h2);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk_js_compare_helper(duk_hthread *thr, duk_tval *tv_x, duk_tval *tv_y, duk_small_int_t flags);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk_js_instanceof(duk_hthread *thr, duk_tval *tv_x, duk_tval *tv_y);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk_js_in(duk_hthread *thr, duk_tval *tv_x, duk_tval *tv_y);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_hstring *duk_js_typeof(duk_hthread *thr, duk_tval *tv_x);
-#define duk_js_equals(thr,tv_x,tv_y) \
-	duk_js_equals_helper((thr), (tv_x), (tv_y), 0)
-#define duk_js_strict_equals(tv_x,tv_y) \
-	duk_js_equals_helper(NULL, (tv_x), (tv_y), DUK_EQUALS_FLAG_STRICT)
-#define duk_js_samevalue(tv_x,tv_y) \
-	duk_js_equals_helper(NULL, (tv_x), (tv_y), DUK_EQUALS_FLAG_SAMEVALUE)
-/* E5 Sections 11.8.1, 11.8.5; x < y */
-#define duk_js_lessthan(thr,tv_x,tv_y) \
-	duk_js_compare_helper((thr), (tv_x), (tv_Y), DUK_COMPARE_FLAG_EVAL_LEFT_FIRST)
-/* E5 Sections 11.8.2, 11.8.5; x > y  -->  y < x */
-#define duk_js_greaterthan(thr,tv_x,tv_y) \
-	duk_js_compare_helper((thr), (tv_y), (tv_x), 0)
-/* E5 Sections 11.8.3, 11.8.5; x <= y  -->  not (x > y)  -->  not (y < x) */
-#define duk_js_lessthanorequal(thr,tv_x,tv_y) \
-	duk_js_compare_helper((thr), (tv_y), (tv_x), DUK_COMPARE_FLAG_NEGATE)
-/* E5 Sections 11.8.4, 11.8.5; x >= y  -->  not (x < y) */
-#define duk_js_greaterthanorequal(thr,tv_x,tv_y) \
-	duk_js_compare_helper((thr), (tv_x), (tv_y), DUK_COMPARE_FLAG_EVAL_LEFT_FIRST | DUK_COMPARE_FLAG_NEGATE)
-/* identifiers and environment handling */
-#if 0  /*unused*/
-DUK_INTERNAL duk_bool_t duk_js_hasvar_envrec(duk_hthread *thr, duk_hobject *env, duk_hstring *name);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk_js_getvar_envrec(duk_hthread *thr, duk_hobject *env, duk_hstring *name, duk_bool_t throw_flag);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk_js_getvar_activation(duk_hthread *thr, duk_activation *act, duk_hstring *name, duk_bool_t throw_flag);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_js_putvar_envrec(duk_hthread *thr, duk_hobject *env, duk_hstring *name, duk_tval *val, duk_bool_t strict);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_js_putvar_activation(duk_hthread *thr, duk_activation *act, duk_hstring *name, duk_tval *val, duk_bool_t strict);
-#if 0  /*unused*/
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk_js_delvar_envrec(duk_hthread *thr, duk_hobject *env, duk_hstring *name);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk_js_delvar_activation(duk_hthread *thr, duk_activation *act, duk_hstring *name);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk_js_declvar_activation(duk_hthread *thr, duk_activation *act, duk_hstring *name, duk_tval *val, duk_small_int_t prop_flags, duk_bool_t is_func_decl);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_js_init_activation_environment_records_delayed(duk_hthread *thr, duk_activation *act);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_js_close_environment_record(duk_hthread *thr, duk_hobject *env, duk_hobject *func, duk_size_t regbase);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_hobject *duk_create_activation_environment_record(duk_hthread *thr, duk_hobject *func, duk_size_t idx_bottom);
-void duk_js_push_closure(duk_hthread *thr,
-                         duk_hcompiledfunction *fun_temp,
-                         duk_hobject *outer_var_env,
-                         duk_hobject *outer_lex_env,
-                         duk_bool_t add_auto_proto);
-/* call handling */
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_int_t duk_handle_call_protected(duk_hthread *thr, duk_idx_t num_stack_args, duk_small_uint_t call_flags);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_handle_call_unprotected(duk_hthread *thr, duk_idx_t num_stack_args, duk_small_uint_t call_flags);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_int_t duk_handle_safe_call(duk_hthread *thr, duk_safe_call_function func, duk_idx_t num_stack_args, duk_idx_t num_stack_res);
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_bool_t duk_handle_ecma_call_setup(duk_hthread *thr, duk_idx_t num_stack_args, duk_small_uint_t call_flags);
-/* bytecode execution */
-DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_js_execute_bytecode(duk_hthread *exec_thr);
-#endif  /* DUK_JS_H_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/thirdparty/civetweb-1.10/src/third_party/duktape-1.5.2/src-separate/duk_js_bytecode.h b/thirdparty/civetweb-1.10/src/third_party/duktape-1.5.2/src-separate/duk_js_bytecode.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c3f8899..0000000
--- a/thirdparty/civetweb-1.10/src/third_party/duktape-1.5.2/src-separate/duk_js_bytecode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
- *  Ecmascript bytecode
- */
- *  Logical instruction layout
- *  ==========================
- *
- *  !3!3!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!2!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
- *  !1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1!0!
- *  +---------------------------------------------------+-----------+
- *  !       C         !       B         !      A        !    OP     !
- *  +---------------------------------------------------+-----------+
- *
- *  OP (6 bits):  opcode (DUK_OP_*), access should be fastest
- *  A (8 bits):   typically a target register number
- *  B (9 bits):   typically first source register/constant number
- *  C (9 bits):   typically second source register/constant number
- *
- *  Some instructions combine BC or ABC together for larger parameter values.
- *  Signed integers (e.g. jump offsets) are encoded as unsigned, with an opcode
- *  specific bias.  B and C may denote a register or a constant, see
- *
- *  Note: macro naming is a bit misleading, e.g. "ABC" in macro name but
- *  the field layout is logically "CBA".
- */
-typedef duk_uint32_t duk_instr_t;
-#define DUK_DEC_OP(x)               ((x) & 0x3fUL)
-#define DUK_DEC_A(x)                (((x) >> 6) & 0xffUL)
-#define DUK_DEC_B(x)                (((x) >> 14) & 0x1ffUL)
-#define DUK_DEC_C(x)                (((x) >> 23) & 0x1ffUL)
-#define DUK_DEC_BC(x)               (((x) >> 14) & 0x3ffffUL)
-#define DUK_DEC_ABC(x)              (((x) >> 6) & 0x3ffffffUL)
-#define DUK_ENC_OP(op)              ((duk_instr_t) (op))
-#define DUK_ENC_OP_ABC(op,abc)      ((duk_instr_t) ( \
-                                        (((duk_instr_t) (abc)) << 6) | \
-                                        ((duk_instr_t) (op)) \
-                                    ))
-#define DUK_ENC_OP_A_BC(op,a,bc)    ((duk_instr_t) ( \
-                                        (((duk_instr_t) (bc)) << 14) | \
-                                        (((duk_instr_t) (a)) << 6) | \
-                                        ((duk_instr_t) (op)) \
-                                    ))
-#define DUK_ENC_OP_A_B_C(op,a,b,c)  ((duk_instr_t) ( \
-                                        (((duk_instr_t) (c)) << 23) | \
-                                        (((duk_instr_t) (b)) << 14) | \
-                                        (((duk_instr_t) (a)) << 6) | \
-                                        ((duk_instr_t) (op)) \
-                                    ))
-#define DUK_ENC_OP_A_B(op,a,b)      DUK_ENC_OP_A_B_C(op,a,b,0)
-#define DUK_ENC_OP_A(op,a)          DUK_ENC_OP_A_B_C(op,a,0,0)
-/* Constants should be signed so that signed arithmetic involving them
- * won't cause values to be coerced accidentally to unsigned.
- */
-#define DUK_BC_OP_MIN               0
-#define DUK_BC_OP_MAX               0x3fL
-#define DUK_BC_A_MIN                0
-#define DUK_BC_A_MAX                0xffL
-#define DUK_BC_B_MIN                0
-#define DUK_BC_B_MAX                0x1ffL
-#define DUK_BC_C_MIN                0
-#define DUK_BC_C_MAX                0x1ffL
-#define DUK_BC_BC_MIN               0
-#define DUK_BC_BC_MAX               0x3ffffL
-#define DUK_BC_ABC_MIN              0
-#define DUK_BC_ABC_MAX              0x3ffffffL
-#define DUK_BC_EXTRAOP_MIN          DUK_BC_A_MIN
-#define DUK_BC_EXTRAOP_MAX          DUK_BC_A_MAX
-#define DUK_OP_LDREG                0
-#define DUK_OP_STREG                1
-#define DUK_OP_LDCONST              2
-#define DUK_OP_LDINT                3
-#define DUK_OP_LDINTX               4
-#define DUK_OP_MPUTOBJ              5
-#define DUK_OP_MPUTOBJI             6
-#define DUK_OP_MPUTARR              7
-#define DUK_OP_MPUTARRI             8
-#define DUK_OP_NEW                  9
-#define DUK_OP_NEWI                 10
-#define DUK_OP_REGEXP               11
-#define DUK_OP_CSREG                12
-#define DUK_OP_CSREGI               13
-#define DUK_OP_GETVAR               14
-#define DUK_OP_PUTVAR               15
-#define DUK_OP_DECLVAR              16
-#define DUK_OP_DELVAR               17
-#define DUK_OP_CSVAR                18
-#define DUK_OP_CSVARI               19
-#define DUK_OP_CLOSURE              20
-#define DUK_OP_GETPROP              21
-#define DUK_OP_PUTPROP              22
-#define DUK_OP_DELPROP              23
-#define DUK_OP_CSPROP               24
-#define DUK_OP_CSPROPI              25
-#define DUK_OP_ADD                  26
-#define DUK_OP_SUB                  27
-#define DUK_OP_MUL                  28
-#define DUK_OP_DIV                  29
-#define DUK_OP_MOD                  30
-#define DUK_OP_BAND                 31
-#define DUK_OP_BOR                  32
-#define DUK_OP_BXOR                 33
-#define DUK_OP_BASL                 34
-#define DUK_OP_BLSR                 35
-#define DUK_OP_BASR                 36
-#define DUK_OP_EQ                   37
-#define DUK_OP_NEQ                  38
-#define DUK_OP_SEQ                  39
-#define DUK_OP_SNEQ                 40
-#define DUK_OP_GT                   41
-#define DUK_OP_GE                   42
-#define DUK_OP_LT                   43
-#define DUK_OP_LE                   44
-#define DUK_OP_IF                   45
-#define DUK_OP_JUMP                 46
-#define DUK_OP_RETURN               47
-#define DUK_OP_CALL                 48
-#define DUK_OP_CALLI                49
-#define DUK_OP_TRYCATCH             50
-#define DUK_OP_EXTRA                51
-#define DUK_OP_PREINCR              52  /* pre/post opcode values have constraints, */
-#define DUK_OP_PREDECR              53  /* see duk_js_executor.c */
-#define DUK_OP_POSTINCR             54
-#define DUK_OP_POSTDECR             55
-#define DUK_OP_PREINCV              56
-#define DUK_OP_PREDECV              57
-#define DUK_OP_POSTINCV             58
-#define DUK_OP_POSTDECV             59
-#define DUK_OP_PREINCP              60
-#define DUK_OP_PREDECP              61
-#define DUK_OP_POSTINCP             62
-#define DUK_OP_POSTDECP             63
-#define DUK_OP_NONE                 64  /* dummy value used as marker */
-/* DUK_OP_EXTRA, sub-operation in A */
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_NOP             0
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_INVALID         1
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_LDTHIS          2
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_LDUNDEF         3
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_LDNULL          4
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_LDTRUE          5
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_LDFALSE         6
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_NEWOBJ          7
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_NEWARR          8
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_SETALEN         9
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_TYPEOF          10
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_TYPEOFID        11
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_INITENUM        12
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_NEXTENUM        13
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_INITSET         14
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_INITSETI        15
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_INITGET         16
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_INITGETI        17
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_ENDTRY          18
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_ENDCATCH        19
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_ENDFIN          20
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_THROW           21
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_INVLHS          22
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_UNM             23
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_UNP             24
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_DEBUGGER        25
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_BREAK           26
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_CONTINUE        27
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_BNOT            28
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_LNOT            29
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_INSTOF          30
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_IN              31
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_LABEL           32
-#define DUK_EXTRAOP_ENDLABEL        33
-/* DUK_OP_CALL flags in A */
-#define DUK_BC_CALL_FLAG_TAILCALL           (1 << 0)
-#define DUK_BC_CALL_FLAG_EVALCALL           (1 << 1)
-/* DUK_OP_TRYCATCH flags in A */
-#define DUK_BC_TRYCATCH_FLAG_HAVE_CATCH     (1 << 0)
-/* DUK_OP_RETURN flags in A */
-#define DUK_BC_RETURN_FLAG_HAVE_RETVAL      (1 << 0)
-/* DUK_OP_DECLVAR flags in A; bottom bits are reserved for propdesc flags (DUK_PROPDESC_FLAG_XXX) */
-#define DUK_BC_DECLVAR_FLAG_UNDEF_VALUE     (1 << 4)  /* use 'undefined' for value automatically */
-#define DUK_BC_DECLVAR_FLAG_FUNC_DECL       (1 << 5)  /* function declaration */
-/* misc constants and helper macros */
-#define DUK_BC_REGLIMIT             256  /* if B/C is >= this value, refers to a const */
-#define DUK_BC_ISREG(x)             ((x) < DUK_BC_REGLIMIT)
-#define DUK_BC_ISCONST(x)           ((x) >= DUK_BC_REGLIMIT)
-#define DUK_BC_LDINT_BIAS           (1L << 17)
-#define DUK_BC_LDINTX_SHIFT         18
-#define DUK_BC_JUMP_BIAS            (1L << 25)