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Posted to by Gianugo Rabellino <> on 2012/06/14 07:08:28 UTC

[REPORT] Apache Attic report - June 2012

Apologies for missing the report for two months in a row. As the late
reports indicate, the Attic is currently operating at a reduced pace and
could really use more people helping out. It's not like there is lots of
work to do, but it seems volunteers are just not there (nor we are seeing
projects heading our way). The latest two Attic additions (XIndice and
Harmony) are still open in Jira, though the bulk of work has been done and
from a public perspective the projects are archived. I hope I will have
some cycles in the upcoming weeks to tidy things up, but the community
issue still stands and we could use some help.

Gianugo Rabellino