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Posted to by Steve via Apache TVM Discuss <> on 2020/10/17 00:11:20 UTC

[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] Erroring in IRModule update function

Hi All,
I am trying to experiment with IRModule update function. 

My goal is to update the IRModule with another relay function as follows, and it is throwing an error.  

Any comments/suggestions?  Thanks in advance. 

def module_update():
    x0 =  relay.var('x0', shape = (5,1))
	y0 =  relay.var('x0', shape = (5,1))
	sub0 =  relay.op.subtract(x0, y0)
	f0 =  relay.Function([], sub0)
	mod =  tvm.IRModule({'func1', f0})
	x1 =  relay.var('x1', shape = (5,1))
	y1 =  relay.var('x1', shape = (5,1))
	add1 =  relay.op.add(x1, y1)
	f1 =  relay.Function([], add1 )
	a ='func2') 
	mod.uodate(a, f1)  # ==> This line gives error.  

Here is the error: 

tvm._ffi.base.TVMError: Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\tvm\src\ir\", line 192

TVMError: Check failed: fv.size() == 0 (2 vs. 0) : There are free variables: [Var(x1, ty=TensorType([5, 1], float32)), Var(y1, ty=TensorType([5, 1], float32))] in function: #[version = "0.0.5"]

fn () {

  free_var %x1: Tensor[(5, 1), float32];

  free_var %y1: Tensor[(5, 1), float32];

  add(%x1, %y1)

tvm._ffi.base.TVMError: Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\tvm\src\ir\", line 192

TVMError: Check failed: fv.size() == 0 (2 vs. 0) : There are free variables: [Var(x1, ty=TensorType([5, 1], float32)), Var(y1, ty=TensorType([5, 1], float32))] in function: #[version = "0.0.5"]

fn () {

  free_var %x1: Tensor[(5, 1), float32];

  free_var %y1: Tensor[(5, 1), float32];

  add(%x1, %y1)



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