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Posted to by on 2009/06/10 21:43:57 UTC

eventHandlers help


I'm having some troubles with the use of eventHandlers, it seems that when  
the client calls my process the
eventHandlers does not how to response to the client. How the eventHandlers  
must be declare? This is how I declared and doesnt work:

1.- In my WSDL I have an operation called "queryPO"
2.- In the BPEL process I put the eventHandlers after the variables and  
compensaiton sets, and before the main sequence of the process.
<bpws:process ...>
<bpws:onEvent operation="queryPO" variable="queryInput"  
partnerLink="POLink" portType="tns:purchaseOrderProcess"  
<bpws:correlation initiate="no" set="PurchaseOrder"/>
<bpws:sequence name="QueryResponseSequence">
<reply ...>
<bpws:sequence name="main">
3.- The problem comes when I call the process, I dont receive any response,  
and if I use <pick> activity instead of eventHandler, then everything works.

Thanks in advance

Thanks in advance